
23 February 2011

The Parasite Society

Parasite: An organism that grows, feeds, and is sheltered on or in a different organism while contributing nothing to the survival of its host; One who habitually takes advantage of the generosity of others without making any useful return.

Bankers parasite off the people.  And people who refuse to earn their own living when they easily could are parasiting off the talents and efforts of others - parasiting off even those who have given their lives to exposing the parasite conspiracy (as I know from personal experience with 'loving' people who know no other lifestyle except being a parasite - see right hand column from 'Tin Soldier' downwards).

Indeed, we live in a parasite society right down to the parasites that feed off the human body.

This is what we can do about it.

A video by Jay4louise

08 February 2011

Israeli Economy For Beginners

'We learn from the press and political analysts that, against all odds and in spite of the global financial turmoil,  Israel’s economy is booming. Some even suggest that Israel is one of  the strongest economies around.

‘How come?’ you may ask; besides maybe avocado, oranges, and some Dead Sea beauty products, none of us has actually ever seen an Israeli product on the shelves. They don’t make cars; nor do they make electric or electronic appliances, and they hardly manufacture any consumer goods. Israel claims to be advanced in high-tech technologies but somehow, the only Israeli advanced software ever to settle within our computers have been their Sabra Trojan Horses.  In the land they grabbed by force from the indigenous Palestinians, they are yet to find any lucrative minerals or oil.

So what is it? How is it that Israel is impervious to the global financial disaster? How can Israel be so rich?'

Africa: Invasion of the Land Grabbers

'The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) estimates more than 75,000 square miles have been acquired by foreign interests in Africa alone. A 2010 field study conducted by FIAN in Ethiopia found that the equivalent of up to 20 percent of the country’s arable land has been bought by or made available to foreign investors.

American companies are among those making land deals in Africa. New York-based Jarch Capital, bought an area the size of Dubai from a warlord in South Sudan last year, and Dominion Farms Ltd., which bought swampland in Kenya in 2003 to turn it into a rice plantation, has reportedly intentionally flooded local farms to force the relocation of farmers.'

Muslim Brotherhood- Illuminati Tools

'The conclusion is inescapable - it is a multi-edged sword for hire and one or more factions are still sometimes useful to a number of western Intelligence agencies as a deniable and lethal weapon - rent-a- mob all the way up to assassins of heads of state . At one time, a faction of the Muslim Brotherhood was Israel's paymaster in Lebanon.

The odds of Egypt getting an impartial non-puppet for their new leader are about 10:1 against.  Once they have a "democracy", any incumbent can be then removed by rent-a-mob and replaced by a more compliant president or prime minister.'

04 February 2011




How the popular uprising against oppression, corruption and poverty is being guided by the Hidden Hand
Hey Egypt – don’t have this man at any price …
... or these guys either.

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

The people of Tunisia and the wider Arab world are sick of corruption, the soaring price of basic foods, unemployment, poverty and oppression. Their rebellion is completely understandable and long overdue. But this is why it is so important to get informed and streetwise about how the world is controlled and manipulated and to what end. Without that people – not least protesting people – are just babes in arms.
Some points to note:
* The Rothschild-Illuminati-Zionist networks have kept these Arab tyrants in power with political, financial and military support decade after decade – not least via their prime vassals, Britain and the United States.
* The same networks are responsible for the global economic crash through their banking cartel that has worsened dramatically the levels of poverty, unemployment and depravation, and they, too, are responsible for the manufactured leaps in the price of food and oil to squeeze the people even more.
* I have long outlined the Rothschild-Illuminati-Zionist plan to create mayhem, chaos and upheaval in the Arab countries of the Middle East to trigger violence and division that would suit the goals of the Rothschild-owned and imposed State of Israel.
Rothschild agent, Mr ‘Evil’ Henry Kissinger, confirmed this agenda this week when he said of what is happening in the Middle East: ‘This is only the first scene of the first act of a drama that is to be played out ...’ 
So it is.
The Muslim world.