
28 July 2012

Gandhi’s Lesson for Today

 Saturday, 01 October 2011 07:43
By Kathy Kelly, Truthout | Op-Ed 

 In a soon-to-be published book entitled Gandhi and the Unspeakable: His Final Experiments with Truth, Jim Douglass contrasts the deadly machinations of Gandhi's probable killers with Gandhi’s own incredible bravery and that of his followers, whose mantra during campaigns for independence expressed their absolute commitment to resist injustice openly, lovingly and fearlessly: with their whole lives. Their mantra was “Do or die.”

    By 1946, the longed-for independence of India had become a reality, but Gandhi was deeply dismayed by the slaughter taking place as Hindus, Muslims and Sikhs massacred each other.  He determined to visit the villages most affected by the violence, beginning in the Noakhali region where the population included 1,800,000 Muslims and 400,000 Hindus.  In this region, “the minority Hindus were landowners and professionals,” Douglass writes. “They had ignored grievances from Muslim workers who, incensed by tales of Hindus killing Muslims elsewhere, carried out vicious attacks.”

    Gandhi and a handful of his friends fanned out, going singly to the Noakhali villages where savage butchery had taken place, and agreed to live alone, in the midst of the violence, and do their best to clean up the debris, rebuild homes and be of general service to the community.

   Douglass focuses on the image of Gandhi walking 116 miles to visit 47 villages, forced to balance as precariously in travel as he had in his politics and his life:  “Walking against a background of sky and vegetation, Gandhi could be seen crossing the shankos of Noakhali, narrow bamboo bridges held high on poles.”  This trip, made at age 77, he undertook many parts of entirely alone: he and his followers were needed in too many places.

   Ordinary people responded positively to the pilgrims who came into their villages. The experiment moved on to Bihar, Calcutta and eventually to New Delhi, attempting to combat the terrorism of both Hindu and Muslim ethnic violence.  Eventually, in Delhi, he undertook a final fast for Hindu-Muslim unity.  “I shall terminate the fast only when peace has returned to Delhi,” said Gandhi. “If peace is restored to Delhi it will have effect not only on the whole of India but also on Pakistan.  When that happens, a Muslim will be able to walk around in the city all by himself.”

   Gandhi’s assassins were plotting violence in secret, both against Gandhi and his vision of Muslim safety in the heart of India, even as Gandhi repeatedly risked all, employing his “truth force,” the astonishing power of truth, of transparency and nonviolence, that had liberated India. What relevance do Gandhi’s tactics of choice have in these times of night raids, drone warfare, and, as the new centerpiece of our foreign policy, a tightening net of abductions and assassinations aiming to cover the globe?

    Gandhi the truth-teller died at the hands of his killers, some of whom, Jim Douglass alleges, walked away scot-free under cover of self-preserving lies. Gandhi’s assassins believed they were working for the betterment of a country which Gandhi had already moved mountains to liberate, uplift, and enrich, and which they proceeded to help destroy.  I think of the United States’ tactic of seemingly universal war, to be waged indefinitely throughout a world, where no Muslim will be able to walk in safety if, according to perpetrators of Islamophobia, our nation is finally to prosper.

   Consider the contrast between Gandhi’s precarious, defenseless efforts to reach his fellow humans, traveling alone and armed only with truth, and, in contrast, weigh U.S.  reliance on a massive arsenal of weapons and armed warriors, costing the world $2 billion dollars per week in lost productivity.

   Aged Gandhi walked alone into a nightmare of fear on those bamboo bridges, and his payment for it was death, but his path was one through sunlight that redeemed his country; while his scheming jingoistic killers devised a doom for India which is still bloodily unfolding.  Many patriots claim to love the U.S.,  but the darkness and the blood will corrupt this love, will make us doom our country: our safety will not survive the determination to find it in arms, in numbers, and in the cover of night.

   Gandhi’s solitary sunlit path, his path against the sky, was by far the less precarious.  As we may learn through occupations of town squares across the U.S., truth, and only truth, can keep the balance.

Depopulation by Food While Making Profit

by Shenali Waduge
June 08, 2012
from AsianTribune Website

Two goals have been set into motion. A group of people feel the only way to bring back balance to the world is if there were fewer people.

Thus, they envisage the need to depopulate the world and conclude that the best way to do that is by poisoning the food we eat while they make profits through the methods being introduced.

Is the world’s population really increasing at the rate that is being given to us?

Is it possible that these numbers are manipulated?

What do people really know about UN’s Codex Alimentarius and how guidelines are laid out to slowly poison the people of the world?

How much do we know about the undetectable or barely detectable medical, nutritional and environmental interventions that are taking place purely to reduce world population?

The world is 7 billion the goal is to reduce that number by 90% into 500million, how a good question but unknown to us that plan is has already been implemented!

We are told the world is now 7 billion. Is this a statistic we can accept? We know that populations are declining in Western nations so much so that it is posing a security threat.

Thus, their anger with immigrants whose births are rising predicting a possible takeover of these nations by immigrants one day. Immigrants are having more babies and immigrant death rates are slower. Yet, look at the abortion statistics the world over and do some calculations to see how far these figures are actually believable.

Is this another manipulation to enforce programs and action plans?

Arable Land/Codex Alimentarius

They say he who controls food - controls the world.

In 1997 Beijing Women's Conference, the head of the UN food program said that Food would be used as a weapon against the people. It is proving to be true. Global Multinational corporations do not want us to know what is inside the food we are eating. Thus, a major drive to enforce GM foods.

Eating GM foods will change one’s DNA, make changes in the biological system etc.

Once the GMO food enters into one’s system people will become a slave to those that own the pesticides that grow GM foods. GMO foods are not labeled because they do not want to reveal what is inside.

There are attempts to refer GMO as Biotechnology foods which people use instead of organic. However, bio is not organic. Countries that try to label GMO foods are politically pressured by US and its allies. This is the real politics taking place.

All in all, GM crops are a failure. They threaten the world's food supply, they are toxic to the environment and to humans and they serve no legitimate purpose in agriculture other than to give complete control of food to a few multinational corporations.

The WHO and the FAO in 1963 created a Trade Commission called Codex Alimentarius at the request of the United Nations. Codex has rules and guidelines for everything we consume except for pharmaceuticals. Please look up

In 1994, Codex declared nutrients to be toxins.

At the Stockholm Convention against Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in 2004, 177 countries agreed to ban 12 pollutants (POPs) 9 of which were pesticides.

These were,

Polychlorinated Biphenyls
Toxophene pesticide

However, the implementation of Codex Alementarius on 31 December 2009 will mean that of the 9 forbidden POPs banned by 177 nations 7 will be brought back to use.

Not many who attend these international conferences care to divulge the truth because they are bribed not to.

Under Codex every animal used as meat/dairy have to be treated with Monsanto’s recombined bovine growth hormone. For dairy this enables production growth by 10-15%. This however, causes cancers of varying kinds. Under codex every animal must be treated with growth hormones. Under codex all food must be irradiated (exposed to radiation).

Under this guideline 3 billion deaths were being calculated starting with 1billion from starvation. The next 2 billion are targeted to die from preventable diseases. This is how the depopulation countdown has started and is currently happening at this very moment.

If there is plenty of arable land why is there any need for genetically modified food?

There are only 4100 million acres (41million or 15 million sq.miles) of arable land. 5% of this land is preserved as parks/wildlife and others leaving 33 million to be used for agriculture of which 16 million is currently being used.

Why is it then that a billion people remain malnourished?

Isn’t the problem in the manner arable land is being used and what food should be grown that is the problem? In the US, 20-40% of agricultural produce is wasted.

This is the same in most western nations.

Global Warming

We are told that chemtrails will solve global warming but in essence what is happening is that there is a build up of toxins in our environment, in our bodies to a point when it makes us sterile or fast-forwards our death.

What is happening is that the sky is being sprayed with aluminum oxide, strontium oxide and barium oxide - these are making us sick, these are destroying natural plant life and the rich soils on earth so that GMO foods can be promoted.

This is geo-engineering disguised as global warming and part of a depopulation plan by Henry Kissinger in 1974 which led to birth control, euthanasia, eugenics, agent orange, “creating” revolutions”, coups, disasters, famines and wars - every time a nation did not comply to the will of those who thought they had the right to rule the world.

Naturally, it was mostly Third World nations that were targeted.


-chemtrailing pilots don’t know what they are actually doing

-supermarkets don’t know that food is irradiated

-farmers don’t know why animals have to be injected by law

-doctors giving vaccines don’t know what’s really inside the vaccines they are injecting to our bodies?

Only a few bother to even search.

Incidentally, none of the medical reps know what they are promoting either. It would be surprising if the politicians cared to find out in greater detail what exactly is going on too?

Often money becomes the component that keeps the truth from becoming public.


The possibility that AIDS virus is a man-made bio-weapon is not ruled out.

The gay experiment started AIDS. In America it erupted after the government-sponsored hepatitis B vaccine experiment using gay men as guinea pigs. The epidemic was created by a retrovirus known by us as HIV and introduced as a new herpes-8 virus.

This caused Kaposi’s sarcoma - gay cancer. We are made to wrongly believe that AIDs is a black man’s disease from Africa but no one cares to answer why AIDs was first discovered in white gays in the US?

HIV via hepatitis B deliberately attempts to liquidate the gay community.

Flu/Virus etc..

Could this new range of flues, virus’s be part of a new bio-weapon?

Doctors certainly don’t know how to diagnose and simply put it down to a virus/flu making the cure far more dangerous than the infection. See the number of “visitors” to hospitals… and who is profiting from providing the “cures” and how “safe” are these “cures”?

There is also evidence to prove that swine pandemic is man-made. Novartis (the world’s largest pharmaceutical company with over $53billion revenue) is said to be guilty of conspiring with US “scientists” at the US Army Institute of Pathology to create a “novel influenze” virus through “reverse engineering” released in 2009 to create an avenue to sell Novartis vaccines.

Create the demand and profit from the supply. The vaccine in reality is meant to create a virulent deadly disease which is all part of a game plan to depopulate the world. Naturally the proprietary flu vaccine is protected by the patent granted under “split influenza vaccine with adjuvants” in 2009.

The “swine-flu” is a recombinant consisting of A-strain bird flu (H5N1), swine flue (H1N1) and human flu (H3N2) - this is the same component that killed millions in 1918. The 2009 swine flu could also be called bird flu because it is H5N1 (bird flu) and H1N1 (pig flu).

WHO has been commissioned to use vaccines that would permanently sterilize people. WHO was accused of involuntarily sterilizing 3m in Philippines.

H1N1 vaccine was designed to create permanent infertility - pregnant women and children were to be given first.

Connections to world bodies makes pharmaceutical companies richer. It is believed that 2/3 of funds to the WHO come from global pharmaceutical companies. Would it then be a surprise why WHO sanctions the production and use of vaccines that are being developed by global pharmaceutical companies?

Look up and see how SV40 virus originating from dead monkeys was used knowingly for various vaccination campaigns with those born between 1941 and 1961 thought to be at risk of being infected with SV40 and will have 300% chances of developing cancer.

It appears Big Pharma has a carte blanche to destroy the people of the world while making massive profits and doling them amongst those that join the treachery!

Some quotes on depopulation

Dr. Eric R. Pianka a scientist in his speech to the Texas Academy of Science in April 2006 advocated the need to exterminate 90% of the population through airborne ebola virus but the speech was ordered to be kept off the record.

"In the event that I am reincarnated, I would like to return as a deadly virus, in order to contribute something to solve overpopulation."

Prince Philip

...told Deutsche Press Agentur in August 1988.

Former US Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, still a leading member of the Bilderberg Group and one of the eminences grise in American politics, who simply said:

“The world population must be reduced by 50 percent.”

Ted Turner explained:

“A total population of 250-300 million people, a 95 percent decline from present levels, would be ideal.”

Bill Gates continues to pour millions of dollars into high-risk geo-engineering projects that purport to offer a solution to global warming yet have been savaged by environmentalists as potentially posing a greater threat than climate change itself.

In 2010, Gates was criticized for ploughing $300,000 dollars into a sea trial of cloud-whitening technology which involved spraying clouds with microscopic particles in an effort to make them reflect more sunlight, an experiment dubbed “dangerous” by environmental campaigners - injecting sulphur into the atmosphere could lead to “acid rain, ozone depletion or weather pattern disruption.”

The only smart way to counter these manipulations is to boycott the products of these companies and in small ways to begin to grow one’s food in one’s own back yard if possible or perhaps in groups and exchange so that we no longer become subject to toxins that are being forcefully fed to us.

Ideally, countries should be looking after their farmers far better than what is happening especially in Third World countries.

Small countries like Sri Lanka are better placed to self-sustain one’s food supply internally without allowing toxins in the form of foods coming from overseas to poison our systems. How far those handling Agriculture are aware or take interest in formulating a national plan is another question.

But, as a nation leaders need to take a pro-active role in ensuring the health of our people comes first.

The Global Food Control
Depopulation of Planet Earth

The Greatest Crimes Against Humanity Are Perpetrated by People Just Doing Their Jobs

By Chris Hedges, Truthdig | Op-Ed

The greatest crimes of human history are made possible by the most colorless human beings. They are the careerists. The bureaucrats. The cynics. They do the little chores that make vast, complicated systems of exploitation and death a reality. They collect and read the personal data gathered on tens of millions of us by the security and surveillance state. They keep the accounts of ExxonMobil, BP and Goldman Sachs. They build or pilot aerial drones. They work in corporate advertising and public relations. They issue the forms. They process the papers. They deny food stamps to some and unemployment benefits or medical coverage to others. They enforce the laws and the regulations. And they do not ask questions.

Good. Evil. These words do not mean anything to them. They are beyond morality. They are there to make corporate systems function. If insurance companies abandon tens of millions of sick to suffer and die, so be it. If banks and sheriff departments toss families out of their homes, so be it. If financial firms rob citizens of their savings, so be it. If the government shuts down schools and libraries, so be it. If the military murders children in Pakistan or Afghanistan, so be it. If commodity speculators drive up the cost of rice and corn and wheat so that they are unaffordable for hundreds of millions of poor across the planet, so be it. If Congress and the courts strip citizens of basic civil liberties, so be it. If the fossil fuel industry turns the earth into a broiler of greenhouse gases that doom us, so be it. They serve the system. The god of profit and exploitation. The most dangerous force in the industrialized world does not come from those who wield radical creeds, whether Islamic radicalism or Christian fundamentalism, but from legions of faceless bureaucrats who claw their way up layered corporate and governmental machines. They serve any system that meets their pathetic quota of needs.

These systems managers believe nothing. They have no loyalty. They are rootless. They do not think beyond their tiny, insignificant roles. They are blind and deaf. They are, at least regarding the great ideas and patterns of human civilization and history, utterly illiterate. And we churn them out of universities. Lawyers. Technocrats. Business majors. Financial managers. IT specialists. Consultants. Petroleum engineers. "Positive psychologists." Communications majors. Cadets. Sales representatives. Computer programmers. Men and women who know no history, know no ideas. They live and think in an intellectual vacuum, a world of stultifying minutia. They are T.S. Eliot's "the hollow men," "the stuffed men." "Shape without form, shade without colour," the poet wrote. "Paralysed force, gesture without motion."

It was the careerists who made possible the genocides, from the extermination of Native Americans to the Turkish slaughter of the Armenians to the Nazi Holocaust to Stalin's liquidations. They were the ones who kept the trains running. They filled out the forms and presided over the property confiscations. They rationed the food while children starved. They manufactured the guns. They ran the prisons. They enforced travel bans, confiscated passports, seized bank accounts and carried out segregation. They enforced the law. They did their jobs.

Political and military careerists, backed by war profiteers, have led us into useless wars, including World War I, Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. And millions followed them. Duty. Honor. Country. Carnivals of death. They sacrifice us all. In the futile battles of Verdun and the Somme in World War I, 1.8 million on both sides were killed, wounded or never found. In July of 1917 British Field Marshal Douglas Haig, despite the seas of dead, doomed even more in the mud of Passchendaele. By November, when it was clear his promised breakthrough at Passchendaele had failed, he jettisoned the initial goal—as we did in Iraq when it turned out there were no weapons of mass destruction and in Afghanistan when al-Qaida left the country—and opted for a simple war of attrition. Haig "won" if more Germans than allied troops died. Death as score card. Passchendaele took 600,000 more lives on both sides of the line before it ended. It is not a new story. Generals are almost always buffoons. Soldiers followed John the Blind, who had lost his eyesight a decade earlier, to resounding defeat at the Battle of Crécy in 1337 during the Hundred Years War. We discover that leaders are mediocrities only when it is too late.

David Lloyd George, who was the British prime minister during the Passchendaele campaign, wrote in his memoirs: "[Before the battle of Passchendaele] the Tanks Corps Staff prepared maps to show how a bombardment which obliterated the drainage would inevitably lead to a series of pools, and they located the exact spots where the waters would gather. The only reply was a peremptory order that they were to 'Send no more of these ridiculous maps.' Maps must conform to plans and not plans to maps. Facts that interfered with plans were impertinencies."

Here you have the explanation of why our ruling elites do nothing about climate change, refuse to respond rationally to economic meltdown and are incapable of coping with the collapse of globalization and empire. These are circumstances that interfere with the very viability and sustainability of the system. And bureaucrats know only how to serve the system. They know only the managerial skills they ingested at West Point or Harvard Business School. They cannot think on their own. They cannot challenge assumptions or structures. They cannot intellectually or emotionally recognize that the system might implode. And so they do what Napoleon warned was the worst mistake a general could make—paint an imaginary picture of a situation and accept it as real. But we blithely ignore reality along with them. The mania for a happy ending blinds us. We do not want to believe what we see. It is too depressing. So we all retreat into collective self-delusion.

In Claude Lanzmann's monumental documentary film "Shoah," on the Holocaust, he interviews Filip Müller, a Czech Jew who survived the liquidations in Auschwitz as a member of the "special detail." Müller relates this story:

"One day in 1943 when I was already in Crematorium 5, a train from Bialystok arrived. A prisoner on the 'special detail' saw a woman in the 'undressing room' who was the wife of a friend of his. He came right out and told her: 'You are going to be exterminated. In three hours you'll be ashes.' The woman believed him because she knew him. She ran all over and warned to the other women. 'We're going to be killed. We're going to be gassed.' Mothers carrying their children on their shoulders didn't want to hear that. They decided the woman was crazy. They chased her away. So she went to the men. To no avail. Not that they didn't believe her. They'd heard rumors in the Bialystok ghetto, or in Grodno, and elsewhere. But who wanted to hear that? When she saw that no one would listen, she scratched her whole face. Out of despair. In shock. And she started to scream."

Blaise Pascal wrote in "Pensées," "We run heedlessly into the abyss after putting something in front of us to stop us from seeing it."

Hannah Arendt, in writing "Eichmann in Jerusalem," noted that Adolf Eichmann was primarily motivated by "an extraordinary diligence in looking out for his personal advancement." He joined the Nazi Party because it was a good career move. "The trouble with Eichmann," she wrote, "was precisely that so many were like him, and that the many were neither perverted nor sadistic, that they were, and still are, terribly and terrifyingly normal."

"The longer one listened to him, the more obvious it became that his inability to speak was closely connected with an inability to think, namely, to think from the standpoint of somebody else," Arendt wrote. "No communication was possible with him, not because he lied but because he was surrounded by the most reliable of all safeguards against words and the presence of others, and hence against reality as such."

Gitta Sereny makes the same point in her book "Into That Darkness," about Franz Stangl, the commandant of Treblinka. The assignment to the SS was a promotion for the Austrian policeman. Stangl was not a sadist. He was soft-spoken and polite. He loved his wife and children very much. Unlike most Nazi camp officers, he did not take Jewish women as concubines. He was efficient and highly organized. He took pride in having received an official commendation as the "best camp commander in Poland." Prisoners were simply objects. Goods. "That was my profession," he said. "I enjoyed it. It fulfilled me. And yes, I was ambitious about that, I won't deny it." When Sereny asked Stangl how as a father he could kill children, he answered that he "rarely saw them as individuals. It was always a huge mass. ... [T]hey were naked, packed together, running, being driven with whips. ..." He later told Sereny that when he read about lemmings it reminded him of Treblinka.

Christopher Browning's collection of essays, "The Path to Genocide," notes that it was the "moderate," "normal" bureaucrats, not the zealots, who made the Holocaust possible. Germaine Tillion pointed out "the tragic easiness [during the Holocaust] with which 'decent' people could become the most callous executioners without seeming to notice what was happening to them." The Russian novelist Vasily Grossman in his book "Forever Flowing" observed that "the new state did not require holy apostles, fanatic, inspired builders, faithful, devout disciples. The new state did not even require servants—just clerks."

"The most nauseating type of S.S. were to me personally the cynics who no longer genuinely believed in their cause, but went on collecting blood guilt for its own sake," wrote Dr. Ella Lingens-Reiner in "Prisoners of Fear," her searing memoir of Auschwitz. "Those cynics were not always brutal to the prisoners, their behavior changed with their mood. They took nothing seriously—neither themselves nor their cause, neither us nor our situation. One of the worst among them was Dr. Mengele, the Camp Doctor I have mentioned before. When a batch of newly arrived Jews was being classified into those fit for work and those fit for death, he would whistle a melody and rhythmically jerk his thumb over his right or his left shoulder—which meant 'gas' or 'work.' He thought conditions in the camp rotten, and even did a few things to improve them, but at the same time he committed murder callously, without any qualms."

These armies of bureaucrats serve a corporate system that will quite literally kill us. They are as cold and disconnected as Mengele. They carry out minute tasks. They are docile. Compliant. They obey. They find their self-worth in the prestige and power of the corporation, in the status of their positions and in their career promotions. They assure themselves of their own goodness through their private acts as husbands, wives, mothers and fathers. They sit on school boards. They go to Rotary. They attend church. It is moral schizophrenia. They erect walls to create an isolated consciousness. They make the lethal goals of ExxonMobil or Goldman Sachs or Raytheon or insurance companies possible. They destroy the ecosystem, the economy and the body politic and turn workingmen and -women into impoverished serfs. They feel nothing. Metaphysical naiveté always ends in murder. It fragments the world. Little acts of kindness and charity mask the monstrous evil they abet. And the system rolls forward. The polar ice caps melt. The droughts rage over cropland. The drones deliver death from the sky. The state moves inexorably forward to place us in chains. The sick die. The poor starve. The prisons fill. And the careerist, plodding forward, does his or her job.

Chris Hedges
Chris Hedges spent nearly two decades as a foreign correspondent in Central America, the Middle East, Africa and the Balkans. He has reported from more than 50 countries and has worked for The Christian Science Monitor, National Public Radio, The Dallas Morning News and The New York Times, for which he was a foreign correspondent for 15 years.

27 July 2012

Dilute the power of the Evil energy

The opening and closing ceremonies of the London Olympics are mass satanic rituals disguised as a celebration of Britain and sport. Their medium is the language of symbolism.

Symbols are electromagnetic information fields that are encoded with information related to what the symbols represent. These symbols can attach to our own electromagnetic fields and psyche when we give them our unknowing attention – energy flows where attention goes.

This week in the build-up to the London Games opening ceremony tonight UK time people have come together around the world to focus upon key symbols to be used in tonight's ceremony (ritual) with their heart energy and dilute the power they will have.

Tonight we are coming together to dilute the power ofn the ritual at 8.10pm UK time before the opening ceremony starts at 9pm.

The Olympic Stadium is strategically placed on the earth-energy grid to tap into the immense London and British power centres and this is why Glastonbury Tor, one of the most significant earth-vortex points in the UK, is a centrepiece of the opening ceremony. The microcosm (the model of Glastonbury Tor in the Olympic stadium) draws in the energy from its macrocosm. It is an expression of the holographic principle of ‘as above, so below’. This is how symbolism works. 
The Global Cabal seeks to harness this energy on its own satanic frequencies or vibrations. The enormous Olympic bell, the biggest harmonically-tuned bell in the world made specially for the opening ceremony, is designed to dictate that frequency right at the start.
If you watch the Olympic opening ceremony ritual on television today please focus heart-energy on the stadium throughout and especially on the bell at the start of the 'show' (ritual), Glastonbury Tor and the lighting of the cauldron. 

We have to dilute the power of this energy.




“Man is a rope stretched between the animal and the Superman--a rope over an abyss.

A dangerous crossing, a dangerous wayfaring, a dangerous looking-back, a dangerous trembling and halting.

What is great in man is that he is a bridge and not a goal: what is lovable in man is that he is an OVER-GOING and a DOWN-GOING.

I love those that know not how to live except as down-goers, for they are the over-goers.

I love the great despisers, because they are the great adorers, and arrows of longing for the other shore.

I love those who do not first seek a reason beyond the stars for going down and being sacrifices, but sacrifice themselves to the earth, that the earth of the Superman may hereafter arrive.

I love him who lives in order to know, and seeks to know in order that the Superman may hereafter live. Thus seeks he his own down-going.

I love him who labors and invents, that he may build the house for the Superman, and prepare for him earth, animal, and plant: for thus seeks he his own down-going.

I love him who loves his virtue: for virtue is the will to down-going, and an arrow of longing.

I love him who reserves no share of spirit for himself, but wants to be wholly the spirit of his virtue: thus walks he as spirit over the bridge.

I love him who makes his virtue his inclination and destiny: thus, for the sake of his virtue, he is willing to live on, or live no more.

I love him who desires not too many virtues. One virtue is more of a virtue than two, because it is more of a knot for one's destiny to cling to.

I love him whose soul is lavish, who wants no thanks and does not give back: for he always bestows, and desires not to keep for himself.

I love him who is ashamed when the dice fall in his favor, and who then asks: "Am I a dishonest player?"--for he is willing to succumb.

I love him who scatters golden words in advance of his deeds, and always does more than he promises: for he seeks his own down-going.

I love him who justifies the future ones, and redeems the past ones: for he is willing to succumb through the present ones.

I love him who chastens his God, because he loves his God: for he must succumb through the wrath of his God.

I love him whose soul is deep even in the wounding, and may succumb through a small matter: thus goes he willingly over the bridge.

I love him whose soul is so overfull that he forgets himself, and all things that are in him: thus all things become his down-going.

I love him who is of a free spirit and a free heart: thus is his head only the bowels of his heart; his heart, however, causes his down-going.

I love all who are like heavy drops falling one by one out of the dark cloud that lowers over man: they herald the coming of the lightning, and succumb as heralds.

Lo, I am a herald of the lightning, and a heavy drop out of the cloud: the lightning, however, is the SUPERMAN.--”

London's Militarized Olympic Games Conjures Up Orwell's '1984'

by Finian Cunningham
July 15, 2012
from GlobalResearch Website

Finian Cunningham is Global Research’s Middle East and East Africa Correspondent

The London Olympics are fast taking on the appearance and tone of a full-scale land, sea and air military operation rather than an international sporting event.

With surface-to-air missiles stationed on top of residential apartment blocks, Royal Navy battleships on alert and Royal Air Force fighter jets and helicopters patrolling the skies over Britain’s capital there is a foreboding sense of a nation at war instead of an occasion of internationalist fraternity that the ancient Games are supposed to embody.

The Games begin in just under two weeks.

The latest development is the announcement by Britain’s Ministry of Defence that 3,500 extra troops are to be deployed to ensure security at the 30 venues hosting sporting events. This is in addition to the 13,500 military personnel already assigned to protect members of the public and sports teams from the risk of terrorist attack.

British General Sir Nick Parker, overseeing the security arrangements, has said that one of the contingencies being planned for is dealing with a “9/11 type event”.

The total troop deployment in and around London represents 7,000 more personnel than is currently on British operations in Afghanistan.

This figure is in addition to the 10,000 extra police officers and a division of 10,000 private security guards. It was the disclosure that G45, the private security firm with the Olympics contract, could not fulfill its manpower requirements to cover the Games that prompted the latest enlisting of additional soldiers.

The militarization of the Olympics was conveyed inadvertently by a spokesman for the Ministry of Defence when he said:

“Many of the people whom the public will meet at the point of entry to any Olympic event will now be a serving member of the armed forces.”

Boris Johnson, the maverick Mayor of London, said in a statement:

“The mayor takes the issue of Olympics security extremely seriously, and having the finest and bravest service men and woman in the world at our disposal during the Games should be a source of great comfort.”

The Royal Navy’s largest battleship, HMS Ocean, will be moored on the Thames at Greenwich, providing a logistical command centre during the event.

It will also provide a base for Lynx helicopters manned with snipers to make round-the-clock sorties over the capital.

HMS Ocean

Royal Marines on patrol boats and inflatable dinghies are also assigned on the iconic river that snakes its way through London’s historic landmarks.

The RAF will also be patrolling the skies over the capital with Puma helicopters and Typhoon fighter jets operating out of RAF Northolt in West London and Ilford in East London.

But the most controversial deployment has been the installation of surface-to-air missile batteries in residential apartment blocks in the impoverished, rundown East End of London.

Residents recently lost a court battle to prevent the Rapier SAM batteries being installed.

Puma Helicopters

Typhoon fighter Jet

Rapier SAM Battery to be installed on residential apartment blocks in London's East End

The mainly working-class local communities objected to the militarization of their neighborhoods. They also questioned the safety for residents in the event of the weapons being used to bring down aircraft suspected of carrying out terror attacks.

One local man said:

“What’s going to happen if our houses get showered with debris?”

The military invasion of poor neighborhoods for the four-week duration of Olympics has served to rankle already ill feeling towards the colossal spectacle.

East London areas such as Tower Hamlets and Waltham Forest lie in the shadow of some of the purpose-built venues. The staging of the Olympics, including the massive security operation, is reckoned to come to a total cost between $20 and $40 billion, much of which will be footed by the taxpayer.

This is at time of swingeing austerity cuts by the British government amounting to a total of $140 billion axed from public spending.

Socially deprived communities in London’s East End have borne the brunt of government cutbacks required to balance Treasury books thrown into disarray from lavishing billions of dollars on bailing out corrupt private banks.

With unemployment and deprivation being felt keenly in areas like London’s East End, not many of the residents there will be able to afford the admission to the Olympics, with tickets fetching as much as $3,000.

Given the juxtaposition of this glitzy event and its garish corporate sponsorship alongside the sprawling grim poverty for many Londoners - amid the backdrop of full-scale military operations and surveillance - there is an eerie sense of George Orwell’s dystopian novel 1984.

Orwell’s classic story of an authoritarian police state was set mainly in London, which had become the capital of Airstrip One, a province of the American super-state, Oceania. The impoverished majority of the populace, the “proles”, had to content themselves with seedy pubs and the faint hope of winning a weekly lottery, while the “inner circle” lorded over the masses.

The proles were kept in their place of servitude by emergency powers and a permanent state of war.

There is also more than a suspicion in Orwell’s 1984 that the supposed state of war and incoming attacks from anonymous enemies were a contrivance by the elite to instill fear in the masses.

The Ministry of Truth rising over the slums of Airstrip One.

With the British government’s lead participation in America’s "global war on terror” (commonly referred to as GWOT) and evidence that British intelligence colluded in the so-called 7/7 London underground terror bombings in 2005, Orwell’s 1984 looks increasingly like life imitating art.

The novel was published in 1949, one year after the last Olympics were staged in London.

Those Games were held in the aftermath of World War II when much of London’s skyline would have still shown the devastation of the German Luftwaffe’s Blitzkrieg.

In 2012, London will also resemble a war zone, owing to the spurious “war on terror” that the British government and its American allies have embarked on in the pursuit of domestic and foreign dominance.

Big Brother Loves You...

The Moon is not what you think it is - and it is not uninhabited

The film that challenges anyone to prove that the Moon is grey. This film proves the Moon is a full color celestial body and that there are incredible structures and towers built by "someone" that has the ability to build a structure ten miles wide and six miles high within an eight month period. The evidence is presented and you will be amazed at what you will see in this film.


An undercover journalist going by the pseudonym 'Lee Hazledean' has blown the whistle on astounding revelations about how he infiltrated the G4S -- the company responsible for security at the London Olympics -- and discovered shocking plans for the evacuation of London, 200,000 'casket linings' being on standby, along with botched security procedures that leave the Games wide open to attack.

Hazledean's interview with Tony Gosling, editor and host of BCFM's Friday Drivetime, has gone viral on the web over the last few days. Hazledean is an undercover journalist for a television program in London and has worked with news agencies on hard-hitting subjects, but when he approached the mainstream media with his bombshell story, they showed no interest.

When Hazledean asked Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent Andy Davies if he would run the story, Davies said he wasn't interested and days later Channel 4 ran a puff piece about G4S which portrayed the organization as competent and trustworthy.

"I sent him an email, I called, he wasn't interested and he said there's a media blackout on this kind of story, that nobody would be interested in running it," said Hazledean.

In the interview, Hazledean divulges how he merely had to fill in an application form to get a job with G4S, the private company providing security for the Olympics, that he underwent no background check whatsoever, and that his personal references were not checked.

Employees are given just two days of training to run airport-style security checkpoints which include body scanners, which Hazledean said "would be turned off completely" at peak times, meaning terrorists could just walk straight into the event with ammunition or explosives and have an excellent chance of remaining undetected.

"In fact, I was asked to be a would-be terrorist on the final training day and I was given a knife, a gun and an IED, and on all three occasions throughout the day I got through the metal detector and I also got through the x-ray machine scanner," said Hazledean, adding that terrorists could quite easily stage a "massacre" given the lax nature of the security.

"They're not training them's quite open to a terrorist attack very easily and I don't say that lightly," said Hazledean, adding that he witnessed G4S members doing drug deals while training classes were taking place, while others were taking surveillance photos on their cellphones of supposedly secure areas. Hazledean said a lot of the security staff were poorly qualified and that many of them could barely speak English.

Hazledean also revealed how the large contingent of soldiers being brought into London for the Olympic Games included "a lot of UN troops being posted in and around London," including American and German troops.

Hazledean's most chilling revelation was how he learned about preparations to evacuate London and how, "The security guards used for the Olympics will be at the forefront of getting the public out of London, noting how G4S spent two hours talking about the evacuation of London in comparison to just half an hour talking about security screening procedures for the Olympics itself.
100,000 plus troops that would be stationed in London during the Olympics would be enough to carry out such a large scale evacuation.

Another chilling facet Hazledean learned was that 200,000 casket linings (temporary coffins) were being shipped in to London that can hold four bodies each.

The whistleblower also revealed how he was told Predator drones would be circling London in readiness for terrorist attacks, and that G4S employees were shown a video of a drone killing a group of people in Afghanistan.

Hazledean noted how G4S leaders saw the public as "the scum of the earth" and also told their employees that the police had no authority over them. He also related how one of the leaders told him that an event after the Olympics would be a "defining moment" for London but when pressed, refused to divulge what she meant.

Asked about a meme circulating the web that conspiracy theories about a false flag attack occurring at the London Olympics are being deliberately allowed to proliferate in order to make 'truthers' look paranoid after nothing happens, Hazledean stressed that merely getting the story out was necessary as it could derail any planned attack.

23 July 2012

Was Mahatma Gandhi A Freemason?

There is a debate going on now in the virtual world whether Mahatma Gandhi was a Freemason.

As a matter of fact, the Grand Lodge of Freemasons in India in their website plainly confirm that Gandhi was not a member of their order.

"Unike Pandit Motilal Nehru and Rajaji, both of whom were Freemasons, Gandhiji was not a member of our Order..."

Freemasons would love to claim any genius as part of their order especially when the one in question is popular, not alive and still powerful. Note that in their article, they own Gandhi's ideals as their own even though Gandhi was never initiated in their secret evil order.

16 July 2012

Signs Point to Olympics False Flag?

Cabalists believe that in order to create the NWO, they must destroy the Old.

"The five main individuals in the crowd are wearing clothes with all the colors of the Olympic rings in them."

The London Olympics open July 27. The Internet is buzzing with speculation that a false flag will be used as a pretext for war.

(Editor's Note: We present this information for discussion purposes only. We do not endorse it or the work of this author in general.)

By: Salman An-Noor Hossain
Part I - Mega Massacre Planned

Friday July the 13th --- I am predicting that there will be a massive event in London during the Olympics.

The Illuminati Mafia, headquartered in the City of London, are planning to murder tens or hundreds of thousands of people, if not millions.

The plans have already been in place. Explosives have most probably been planted already with very little need for modifications. The "Illuminati" card game by Steve Jackson in 1995 reveals a lot of information to us.

In the pack of 330 cards, there is one main one that stands out from the rest. That is the "Combined Disasters" card which shows a lot of smoke with a crowd running.

The five main individuals in the crowd are wearing clothes with all the colors of the Olympic rings in them. Big Ben is shown as being blown up and toppled.

There will be at least two or more sets of combined disasters. They will include acts of staged terrorism, artificially constructed "natural" disasters, and either a possible air raid by a foreign fighter jet (from another Muslim country that needs to be destroyed?!?!) penetrating England's Air Defense and dropping what seems to be an earthquake bomb (T-12) onto the Olympic stadium or any other venues where there will be a massive gathering of spectators.

Straight from the horse's mouth - Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Protocols 9, Point 13, it states the following:

13. You may say that the GOYIM will rise upon us, arms in hand, if they guess what is going on before the time comes; but in the West we have against this a maneuver of such appalling terror that the very stoutest hearts quail - the undergrounds, metropolitans, those subterranean corridors which, before the time comes, will be driven under all the capitals and from whence those capitals will be blown into the air with all their organizations and archives.

The most probable targets are as follows -

• Big Ben (100% likelihood)
• 6 major locations in the London underground subways (100 % likelihood)
• Olympic Stadium - possible air raid and bomb dropped from the sky on crowds(100% likelihood)
• London Bridge and Tunnels underneath the Thames River but made to look like it's natural or due to a faulty and collapsed undersea and subterranean path (95% likelihood.) Perhaps it will be make to look like an earthquake has struck which resulted in the flood by the ejection of the tunnels! Let us not forget that Anubis, the God of Death was paraded on the Thames river on October 3rd 2007, a few months after the "Zion 2012" logo was revealed to the public!

Another manufactured environmental terrorist attack was attempted underneath the Thames river before on July 6th 2007, shortly before the London bombings were executed by Mi-5 and Mossad in a joint operation.

• Trafalgar Square (80% likelihood - British intelligence agent Tom Cain nee David Thomas hinted it out!!!)
• Buses and Bus/Subway Terminals (75% likelihood)
• Bio-chemical agents and/or viruses will be released into public venues thereby spreading artificially created pandemics and epidemics, resulting in mass casualties.
• Various Olympic venues where spectators will gather and any other popular public facilities (60-70% likelihood)
• Random car bombs may go off in public venues (50% likelihood). If you see isolated black/white cars, black/white vans (away from other vehicles) in public locations near crowded areas - then there is a possibility that these are Mossad car bombs.

There are expected to be seven bombs in all. Six regular bombs built with military grade explosives (RDX?!?) and one mega or nuclear bomb. One of the main locations and transportation terminal is Stratford, underneath which a massive bomb has already been placed.

On June 6th (6-6) 2012, the underground in that terminal was closed citing security concerns and exploding pipes as an excuse. Were they rigging the underground with explosives that day?

Israeli agents are providing "security" during the games in conjunction with American, German, and British Special Forces. Up to 25,000 foreign and private mercenaries have been hired to guard the games. They are mostly American or German troops that have been brought in to squash or quell any revolts.

The Illuminati cabal with the help of local and/or foreign Shabbos goyim, are planning on destroying major areas within the city and then begin another reconstruction project in order to build their "New Jerusalem" or "New Zion".

This is similar to what Jewish mobsters from Las Vegas, Nevada did when the Levees were blown up in New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina on September 2005. In this case, they decided to build casinos and business centers which they could run.


A whistle blower by the name Rik Clay who exposed the Zion 2012 Olympics had been murdered in late 2008 after exposing the Olympic site as one which had been designed in the same format as a staging ground for a massive pagan ritual sacrifice.

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad had been denied entry to the United Kingdom in order to show support and solidarity with Iranian athletes who are going to be performing there. Ms. Gillard of Australia has said she will not be showing up. Other important heads of states, especially from Western countries are avoiding the Olympics.

Another whistle blower by the name of Ben Fellows has had threats made to his life after infiltrating, investigating, and exposing the London Olympics for the security failures that they had.

He also mentioned G4S, a foreign company with links to Israeli intelligence, as providing security personnel during the Olympics. 200 thousand linen caskets capable of holding up to a million dead bodies had been brought into London. All metal and explosive detectors had been turned off or were malfunctioning and it would be very easy for spies and terrorists to stage massacres. His emails to authorities were totally downplayed as being of no significant concern - suggesting that important individuals with life-saving decision making capabilities are engaging in purposeful criminal negligence. An example of one such individual is Andy Davies - Channel 4 News Home Affairs Correspondent.

The City of London, which is located on an artificial longitudinal line known as the Greenwich Mean Time, symbolically, also represents the middle of the earth's time zone. Time Zero as it is called. The Greenwich Mean Time divides the earth into the eastern and western hemispheres.

The city of London was once the capital of not only the United Kingdom, but much of the British Empire as well. To understand why the Illuminati would want to destroy London, one can only assume and speculate that it is due to the fact the city has possibly become of no use to them.


Peres will not attend Olympics. Can't observe Sabbath. Since when do satanists observe Sabbath?

Larry Silverstein will not be attending either...

From K:

Here's a few valuable links on this topic.


Video links:



And regarding their past ritual sacrifices, and Olympic ritual celebrations:

Regarding another satanic false flag ritual sacrifice:

Diana's Murder - Occult Meaning

Whatever venues they hit, we need to notice the "security companies", who owns or has insurance policies at said venues, strange sudden short selling activities, etc, Thanks for reporting the odd closing of the tunnels. Very suspicious! Just like the strange activity around 911 in the WTC buildings and how Jeb Bush declared Florida in state of Martial Law four entire days prior to the event. In the UK what organization is like FEMA? Lets never forget how they were in place also on Sept 10th in NYC.
One thing about these satanics is they do not change their M.O. Their arrogance and pathology blinds them to how profoundly they betray themselves.

100,000 to Die at the London Olympics ?

Before 9 / 11 and 7 / 7 there were clues in card games, comics, film and TV programmes, of the events that would later take place.

Similarly, the BBC has broadcasted a series imagining a nuclear explosion at the London Olympics.

The series includes several clues that suggest that the 'Illuminati' are behind the making of the series and that therefore the events that the series imagines, are being planned to take place in the real world.

There are also clues that suggest the 'Illuminati' are plotting an attack on the London Underground.



Are the London Olympics a target for a False-Flag Attack?

By wmw_admin on June 16, 2012

Adrian Salbuchi – World Mathaba June 16, 2012

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

Please find below an article that I consider to be very important.

Surprisingly (?), it was rejected by those who “normally” publish my works…

May I ask you kindly help us to spread this information as far and wide as possible.

Thank you and regards,

Adrian Salbuchi (Buenos Aires, Argentina)

“The two fundamental elements for a successful Strategy are: Secrecy and Surprise!” – Juan Domingo Perón (Argentine President & Statesman)

It might be wise to take a closer look at some unnerving indications that the London Olympics might be the stage for a horrific “False Flag” attack, as part of the Global Power Master’s strategic need to break their present global political and economic deadlock.

“False Flag” attacks happen when a militarily strong Nation stages a controlled and very high profile military or terror attack on its own territory and interests, then immediately blaming it on a target foreign power or entity, using it as an excuse to wage war.

Such events carry their tell-tale signs; their “stigmata” so to speak because, when planned, they must include some sort of “communication or cueing mechanism” so that those in the know can make sure neither they, nor their associates, nor loved ones should happen to be in “the wrong place at the wrong time”.

Is something along these lines on Global Power Master drawing boards for the up-coming London Olympics? The question would surely sound ludicrous, were it not for a May 2010 Report issued by The Rockefeller Foundation (RF) and Global Business Network (GBN) that “predicts” exactly that.

Called “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”, it carries introductions by RF president Judith Rodin and GBN chairman Peter Schwartz, both members of the powerful New York-based Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) think-tank, a key geopolitical planning node of the Global Power structure embedded deep inside the US.

The Report defines its purpose in rather nondescript terms: “The Rockefeller Foundation and GBN began the scenario process by surfacing a host of driving forces that would affect the future of technology and international development. These forces were generated through both secondary research and in-depth interviews with Foundation staff, Foundation grantees, and external experts”.

Then, they go on to define “the matrix of four very different futures” in store for Mankind:

“(1) Lock-Step: a world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback” (you can almost see them watering at the mouth over this one!).

“(2) Clever Together: A world in which highly coordinated and successful strategies emerge for addressing both urgent and entrenched worldwide issues” (definitely no sign whatsoever that today’s power brokers are doing anything even remotely leading to that!)

“(3) Hack Attack: An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge” (more slurpy Power Elite mouth watering with this one!), and,

“(4) Smart Scramble: An economically depressed world in which individuals and communities develop localized, makeshift solutions to a growing set of problems” (and where the powerless suffer and die, whilst the powerful go into high-tech-security ‘business as usual’ mode…)

When detailing Scenario 3 (Hack Attack), we find the following surprising “scenario building” in this Report: “Devastating shocks like September 11, the Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake had certainly primed the world for sudden disasters. But no one was prepared for a world in which large-scale catastrophes would occur with such breathtaking frequency. The years 2010 to 2020 were dubbed the “doom decade” for good reason: the 2012 Olympic bombing which killed 13,000, was followed closely by an earthquake in Indonesia killing 40,000, a tsunami that almost wiped out Nicaragua, and the onset of the West China Famine, caused by a once-in-a-millennium drought linked to climate change.”

“The 2012 Olympic bombing, which killed 13,000”!?!? What a “scenario”!! …followed by three “natural” disasters” that can probably be artificially triggered by covert technologies such as HAARP and others…

Now, God forbid: but were such a scenario to come true as Rockefeller envisions, it will of course be blamed by the Western governments and its obedient media PsyWar on a grand global “conspiracy” spearheaded by Iran, seconded by Syria, Pakistan and North Korea, applauded by Venezuela, Cuba, facilitated by the Occupy Wall Street, Indignado and Assange movements, and abetted by Russia and China.

A conspiracy to end all conspiracies! …and a hell of an excuse to “smoke them all out”, unleashing the Dogs of War barking in the nervous arsenals of the US, UK, EU and Israel, whilst clamping down on protesters everywhere. It would allow launching a revamped “Global War on Terrorism”, Version 4.1.

The Rockefeller Report then adds, “Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put enormous pressure on an already overstressed global economy that had entered the decade still in recession… Most nation-states could no longer afford their locked-in costs, let alone respond to increased citizen demands for more security, more healthcare coverage, more social programs and services, and more infrastructure repair….”

Wow!! Sounds an awful lot like the world the Global Power Masters are already building and imposing on all of us everywhere!

False Flag events require highly complex, covert and labyrinth-like mega-engineering, absolute secrecy and surprise, and solid buffers isolating the on-going government authorities, whose “total innocence” must be fully safeguarded and believable.

Presidents and ministers must be able to go live on radio and TV exclaiming with indignation that their country is a victim of “a day that will live in infamy!”, or maybe stand atop the rubble of collapsed towers and yell, megaphone in hand, “The people that did this will hear from us soon!”.

Yet, make no mistake: those who perpetrate false flags know that – in the long run – the truth comes out. The point here is to make sure that “the long run” is really very, very long. That when global public opinion finally learns the truth, 60, 80, 100 years down the road, the issue is no longer “political”, but rather a mere historical curiosity.

Whether it’s the sinking of the USS Maine in Cuba which served the US to make war on Spain in 1898, or the sinking of the Lusitania in 1915 which dragged the US into World War I, or Pearl Harbor in 1941 which (again!) dragged America into World War II, or the (non-sinking!) of the USS Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin in ’64, or the USS Liberty in ’67… Just make sure the truth comes out generations later when nobody really cares anymore.

Problems however, started piling up on the Global Power Elite when glaring inconsistencies began surfacing over September 11th and July 5th in London, whilst they are still very political events, and definitely not yet “history”.

That’s when lots and lots of political “damage control” has to be brought to bear, with the entailing political cost.

Have the Global Power Masters learned from past mistakes and perfected their military, political and psychological warfare mechanisms?

Are they in such dire straits that they need to pull a really big one like this on the world, as a means of “escaping forwards”?

Let’s hope it won’t be London… But anyway, let’s stay alert…!


Also see:

London 2012 7/7 Olympics Sacrifice Ritual

100,000 to Die at the London Olympics?

Bluebeam Scheduled for 2012 Olympics?

Video: Evidence of false flags planned for 2012?

Ahmadinejad ‘blocked from Olympics’