
27 February 2014

Globalization and Social Destruction: Stealing Wealth and Health in India

Globalisation in India

Today, individualism, inequality and capitalism are increasingly being accepted as ultimate truths and as comprising a reality of how many view the world and evaluate others around them. Social and cultural traditions dating back thousands of years are being uprooted thanks to a redefining of the individual in relation to the collective, how people should live and what they should aspire to be like, ably assisted of course by an all pervasive advertising industry that reaches out even into the small towns and villages these days. Consumerism’s world view is being fed to people and corporate news organisations are following suit with sensationalist, celebrity-related infotainment formats that dovetail with celebrity-endorsed products and commercials as well as high profile events (like the corporate ad fest known as the Indian Premier League). The result is that this world view (and the social relations endorsed by it) is becoming regarded as ‘natural’ and is not viewed for the controlling culture it is: a hegemonic one that binds people to products and ultimately to capitalism and one that is immune to its own falsehoods.

Transnational companies are in effect trying to cast India in consumer capitalism’s own sordid image: a morally, socially and economically bankrupt one at that. Hand in hand with this is an ongoing civil war in the ‘tribal belt’ and other violent conflicts elsewhere in the country. Powerful foreign (and Indian) corporations with the full military backing of the Indian state are attempting to grab lands for various industries, including the resource extraction, nuclear and real estate sectors. It is for good reason that environmentalist Vandana Shiva argues that the plundering of Indian agriculture in order to cast it in the image of one that is beneficial for Western interests is resulting in a forced removal of farmers from the land and the destruction of traditional communities on a scale of which has not been witnessed anywhere before throughout history.

The ratio between the top and bottom ten per cents of wage distribution has doubled since the early 1990s, when India opened up it economy. According to the 2011 Organisation for Cooperation and Economic Development report ‘Divided we stand’, the doubling of income inequality over the last 20 years has madeIndiaone of the worst performers in the category of emerging economies. 42 per cent of 1.2 billion live on less than $1.25 per day, the highest number of poor in the world.

But these are the types of things that happen when US corporations and their stooges in the US government or at the IMF, World Bank, WTO or some other political machinery come beating at a government’s door with promises, bribes, threats or lop-sided deals. If you have read John Perkins’s book ‘Confessions of an economic hitman’, you will immediately get the point here. Moreover, the impulse for Western capitalism to seek out foreign markets has been heightened due the current plight of Western economies.

And don’t forget that it was these same corporate swindlers that helped destroy the post-1945 Keynesian consensus and tip the balance in favour of elite interests in the first place during the early 1970s, which eventually led to the depression of wages and therefore demand and thus economic crisis. The debt-inflated economies that resulted from the 1980s onwards could not be sustained, and places like India now seemingly represent rich pickings for a certain brand of slash and burn capitalism.

The globalisation of food and agriculture in India

The government has already placed part of agriculture in the hands of powerful western agribusiness. You don’t have to look far to read the many reports and research papers to know the effects – biopiracy, patenting and seed monopolies, pesticides and the use of toxins leading to superweeds and superbugs, the destruction of local rural economies, water run offs from depleted soil leading to climate change and severe water resource depletion and contamination.

It is no exaggeration to state that foreign corporations are already shovelling their poison into the mouths of Indians, which are being held open courtesy of the compliant Indian state. ‘Mouths’ and ‘poison’ are being used in a literal sense here. Traditional agricultural practices and, by implication food, is being destroyed by Western agribusiness. People are becoming sick of it. Again, ‘sick’ is being used in a literal sense. From how food is produced, to what ends up on the plate, both food sovereignty and the health of the nation are under threat. Export-oriented policies that are part of the structural adjustment of Indian agriculture have led to a shift in India from the production of food crops to commodities for exports. Food is being increasingly controlled by the likes of Monsanto, Syngenta and their subsidiaries, thanks to the Knowledge Initiative on Agriculture which they had a direct hand in drawing up, and people are becoming ill due to the chemical inputs that are now a defining feature of modern agriculture and food processing.

One of the most revealing pieces about the impact of such chemical-based agriculture appeared in Bangalore’s Deccan Herald newspaper just last week (Transformation of a food bowl into a cancer epicentre). Gautam Dheer writes that the contamination of drinking water by pesticides is a major cause of cancer in India’s Punjabstate. At this point, although various other factors may also be to blame, it is worth noting that cancers are on the rise in many of India’s urban centres. For major organs, India has some of the highest incidence rates in the world. The links between pesticides and cancers and illnesses are well documented in Western countries (for instance, Dr Meryl Hammond, Campaign for Alternatives to Pesticides, told a Canadian parliament committee in 2009 that a raft of studies published in prestigious peer-reviewed journals point to strong associations between chemical pesticides and a vast range of serious life-threatening health consequences. And that’s not even mentioning the impact of hormones or other additives in our food).

India is one of the world’s largest users of pesticides. Ladyfinger, cabbage, tomato and cauliflower in particular may often contain dangerously high levels and fruits and vegetables are sprayed and tampered with to ripen and make them more colourful. Research by the School of Natural Sciences and Engineering at the National Institute of Advanced Studies in Bangalore reported in 2008 that many crops for export had been rejected internationally due to high pesticide residues.

Should we expect the health outcomes in India to be any different as it adopts or has already adopted a system of chemically dependent agriculture and food production? The mainstream media often cites the increasing prevalence of certain diseases as due to people ‘adopting Western lifestyles and habits’. The individualization of health issues (poor lifestyle choices) is a convenient explanation which diverts attention from structural issues, not least how India’s food and agriculture sector is being recast by Western corporations and the possible health impacts thereof.

In his piece, Gautam Dheer argues that Punjab stares at an inevitable crisis. Agriculture has become increasingly unsustainable, and the model practised by desperate debt-ridden farmers has only meant more indiscriminate use of pesticides, something which is now being linked to the alarmingly high incidents of cancer in Punjab. Gautam writes that a study of two districts in Punjab revealed the presence of pesticides such as heptachlor and chloropyrifos and other heavy metals in samples of drinking water and concluded that these had led to a higher incidence of cancer. The Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) in Chandigarh states that the indiscriminate use of pesticides in crop production in Punjab is one of the reasons for high incidents of cancer in Punjab.

Moreover, Punjab’s ground water table has dramatically dipped due to over exploitation by chemical-dependent agriculture, which is by its very nature heavily water-intensive. In several places, the use of ground water has either been completely banned or restricted. Although Punjab pioneered the ‘Green Revolution’ (or perhaps because it did), the average annual growth of the GDP from agriculture and allied sectors in the last seven years for Punjab has remained at a mere 1.76 per cent, against the national average of 3.7 per cent. In fact, it plunged to below onr per cent in last fiscal year.

What’s the answer: more chemical inputs to try to boost yields? More water depletion, increased contamination?Punjab already has 90 cancer patients for every 100,000 of its population: ten times more than the national average. Giant community reverse-osmosis plants have come up in almost all districts of the state to help matters with safe drinking water

In Punjab, groundwater is continuously declining in 85 per cent of areas within the state. Nitrate presence in water has gone up by ten times in the past four decades. Of 138 hydrogeological blocks, over 100 are listed as dark or grey zones due to over-exploitation. Groundwater levels are going down by about 60 cm every year. As per official estimates, nearly 35,000 pumps have been going underground each year over the last four years.

Punjab has to find a quick solution for this form of agriculture that is not only unsustainable, but deathly too. Environmentalist Vandana Shiva argues that this type of intensive chemical-industrial agriculture, with its reliance on vast amounts of fresh water, fertilisers, pesticides and the like and is destroying biodiversity and is unsustainable in the long term. It might have increased production in the relative short term, but it has been at a terrible cost to health and the environment. The situation in Punjab could just be the tip of the iceberg.

For Shiva, the answer is to return to basics by encouraging biodiverse, organic, local crop systems, which she asserts is more than capable of feeding India’s huge population – and, unlike chemical intensive agriculture – feeding it healthily. 

In the meantime, powerful politically-connected and often extremely unscrupulous Big Agra and Big Oil concerns involved in fertiliser, pesticide and seed manufacturing (and let’s not forget the genetically modified sector) have a lot invested in maintaining the current, highly profitable system. After all, the logic of global capitalism is to ensure profits for shareholders and thus grab increasing shares of markets wherever they may be and, as John Perkins notes, by all means necessary. An article in the journal Hortscience in 2009 by Donald R Davis (Declining fruit and vegetable composition: what is the evidence?) indicated falling nutritional values as a result of industrialised agriculture.

Should we be surprised? In a bankrupt system, nutritious, healthy, life-sustaining food or healthy environments are but secondary concerns. 

26 February 2014

Geoengineering And The Collapse Of Earth

by ThinkOutsideTheTV
February 5, 2014
from YouTube Website

 This is one of those videos that is a shock to the system.Hats off to Dane Wigington for the amazing presentation. Dane Wigington presents hard data
which reveals what these catastrophic programs have done to our planet to date and what they will do if they are allowed to continue.
Geoengineering strikes me as a potential weapon of mass destruction, accidental or intentional. The truth is that we know very little about the chaotic forces that shape the Earth’s climate.

Someday in the distant future we may face the need to skillfully use solar geoengineering to manage Earth’s climate, but not now.
There is no looming climate crisis. There is serious scientific question about the significance of the role of 'man-made' CO2 in global warming. This needs to be resolved before we commit to multi-trillion dollar long range policies.

I’m not saying there is no place for research. I’m saying it would be very wise to put this genie back in the bottle…

Over the last weeks, the artificial snow storms have finally raised the attention of the public. As we expected, main stream media has responded to the explosion of public awakening with a steady stream of disinformation.
Even a few, claimed they have debunked the fake snow article, with little to no proof as usual. They attempt to back up the disinformation with "scientists" and "wikipedia" who are all too willing to lie for the empire.
None of the mainstream media stories bother to mention any credible science terms in their "stories".
That could lead people to solid information and that is the last thing the power brokers want.
Main stream media of course fails to mention science terms like,

  • "climate engineering"
  • "geoengineering"
  • "stratospheric aerosol geoengineering" (SAG)
  • "solar radiation management" (SRM)
  • "stratospheric aerosol injection" (SAI),

Our future depends on having a critical mass of the population that is clear on the truth.
A critical mass that is not swayed by the constant stream of lies put out by the so called "experts" who are paid to hide the the truth at any cost.
The power structure can not afford to have the American public wake up and they will do anything they can to keep this from happening. They control the media, they control the message, and they think they control the definition of "truth", but they do not.
If you know you are standing on solid ground you won’t be swayed by illusion and lies.

Related Information

Confiscation of the Grand Masonic Lodge of Central India at Indore

The grand lodge of central India in Indore was unable to save its 100-year-old building from going into the hands of local district administration. The society is associated with devil worship and it’s works mostly shrouded in mystery was recently brought to light from its folds to the centre of all gossips.

What is Masonic community? Who are Freemasons? Not more than 40 people in Indore knew about this community until the district administration found some wired objects from the Lodge for their new City Bus project. Lodge of Central India No 84, was the ancient but beautiful looking bungalow constructed on a land spread in over 1.20 lakh square meters at a prime location of the city. It was exactly like the type of spot the officers of district administration were hunting to start their depot. They had an eye on that land, all what they knew about this place was that it was a Lodge belonging to people of Masonic community. But as others in this city with a population of over 28 lakh, they too had no idea about what the Masonic community is or who the members were and what activities were performed inside the Lodge. While on other hand the market value of the land where this lodge was constructed crosses Rs 50 crores at present and several big wigs of the city including land mafias had an eye on that portion of land. So the district administration was well aware that taking possession of this land and the Lodge could be a major problem and they had to go legally.

Nazul Officer Vivek Shotriya was pressed into the task of finding out entire details of the land, its ownership and collect documentary proofs regarding the entire area. He summoned the secretary of the Lodge to appear with all documents regarding the possession and purchase of said land. Two members of the Lodge Dr R P Shrivastav and Pankaj Gandhi appeared before the officer, respectively, on the behalf of the Masonic community and collected the documents and registered their statements. Shotriya in his final report to the collector cited that the lodge was located on a land notified as Plot No 30 of Residency Area and as per the documents presented by the secretary of the lodge, the Residency Authority on July 18, 1947 had leased 2.56 acre of this land for 10 years for Rs 192 per year to `Worshipful Master and Member of Freemason Lodge Central India No 3647’. Enclosing various laws and regulations and an order of Supreme Court, the Nazul officer in his final report submitted to the collector cited that the office bearers of the Lodge of Central India have unauthorized possession of the land which belongs to State Government and hence it is recommendable to re-acquire possession of that land. And on the basis of this report, the district administration grabbed possession of the land and converted it into the City bus depot.

Lodge officials tried to grab land: Report

NAZUL OFFICER Vivek Shrotriya’s report on land lease breach submitted to Additional Collector K K Khare has charged office-bearers with attempting to grab the government land encompassing Masonic Temple.

“Their (Lodge) denial for possessing 1947 land lease agreement despite constant appeals made to them to produce the original record and their failure to renew the lease and breach its provision indicates malafide intention on their part to grab the government land,” the report remarked.

It added that Lodge Central India No 84 represented by Dr R P Shrivastava and later by Pankaj Gandhi produced a photocopy of a 1913 sale deed, which mentioned that Seth Jajulal Mahajan sold off Bungalow No 3 (survey no 10) to Free Masonic Lodge Central India 3647.

The report reiterates that the Lodge office-bearers denied that they had any lease deed and produced the copy of sale deed when they were repeatedly asked to present the dossiers, which could prove their right to land. Adding that occupation on the land was illegal, Shrotriya in his report recommended regaining its possession.

Elucidating its history, the report says that Residency Area was part of Holkar state, which came in possession of East India Company in 1805 following Mandsaur Treaty. In 1858, British Empire took possession of the area that was governed by Residency Authority. Initially it was under purview of Residency Area Bazaar Act after, which Residency Area Authority Act came into force in 1934.

Residency Authority leased out land for educational, religious, social and commercial use by fixing annual lease rent from time to time. Masonic Lodge was one such beneficiary.

The provisions of Indore Residency Area Act 1934 were applicable to the land Lodge occupied.

Oath of Secrecy

How strong the oath of maintaining secrecy for the members of Masonic community could be understood when no one turned up before the District Administration to claim their belongings inside the Lodge. But they filed a petition with the Indore Bench of High Court accusing the District Administration of doing injustice to them. They produced a heap of documents claiming that the land belong to members of the Masonic community. They claimed that up to 1910 there was no Masonic Lodge in Indore. The members used to go to Lodges in Mhow. In the year 1910 some Freemasons in Indore decided to start a Lodge in Indore for which they approached District Grand Master of Bombay. Their Proposal was accepted and constitutionally approved and a lodge was consecrated at Indore on November 19, 1910, which was named Lodge Central India. The number given was 3467 EC of English Constitution in the register of Grand Lodge of England. The Lodge meetings were held at the Old Daily College building by the permission of Percy Hide; the then principal of the college and also member of this community. Later on the members decided of having own lodge and the put before an estimate of Rs 7000 for purchasing the aforesaid building. Accordingly the building was purchased at a cost of Rs 4,500 with its spacious grounds. Apart from these details the petitioners claimed that they had procured the land from Seth Jajulal Mahajan in the year 1913.

However the matter is now in the court and the district administration as well as the members of the Lodge has filed their claims. The case is on trial. “The land was on lease for 10 years which as per agreement ended in the year 1957. Now the land belongs to government. So what we did was based on documentary evidences” says Vivek Shotriya, the Nazul officer. While Ravindra J Potdar, the secretary of Lodge says “We have submitted necessary documents to the court and we are waiting for the decision”.

Mystic Objects… 

The administrative officers found several mystic objects inside the Lodge; however everything was placed intact inside a large hall (which is the temple of freemasons) in that Lodge. The temple was sealed, while other rooms were allotted to the operators of the city bus. Even the officers were more surprised by the interiors of the temple. More surprised where they about, a portrait of an eye at the centre of the wall and a large chess board made on floor by black/white marbles.

Some documents were also found inside the lodge by which the administrative officials were able to identify the freemasons in Indore. Names, professions, addresses and telephone numbers were all disclosed. Some of the names shocked the administrative officer’s, as the member were renowned businessman and medicos whom they had met several times during the routine works, but had never known as a member of the said community. Like Dr Rajeev Chaudary, noted eye specialist and Dr Lalit Mohan Panth who is known for the largest sterilization operations he performed.

According to a record book of the lodge in Indore, Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar, the ruler of Indore was also a member of Masonic community. Maharaja Yeshwant Rao Holkar was initiated as mason in the year 1920.

Ghost play ?

The Lodge of Central India in Indore was considered as a haunted building by people living around its premises. Many of them claimed of having sighted scary activities and movements inside the lodge in the late hours. Local newspapers reported the scare of residents quoting the lodge as haunted. The news carried quotes from some of them who claimed of having heard wired noises outside the building. People rarely visited that building after dark. Literatures say that this community has been criticized due to its secret rituals and activities. It was alleged that `The masons go to the temples to seek powers from their master – Satan – for the protection of their positions an ill- gotten wealth’. `They have a secret grip of a Master Mason (Masonic Handshake). It’s a regular handshake, except that you press your thumb against the base joints between the index finger and middle finger of the man you are shaking hands with. It looks pretty much like any other handshake; only the men shaking hands can feel the difference. Likely there are several coding that no one else than the freemasons could understand,’ said a professor wishing anonymity. ‘Sworn to secrecy, thousands of Masons roam silently among us, identifying themselves with secret handshakes, signs and code words such as Mahabone or matchpin,’ he added.

“We are not supposed to disclose anything. What I can tell you is that the Masonic experience encourages members to become better men, better husbands, better fathers, and better citizens. The fraternal bonds formed in the Lodge help build lifelong friendships among men with similar goals and values. Beyond its focus on individual development and growth, Masonry is deeply involved in helping people.” says Ravindra J Potdar, the secretary of Lodge of Central India, Indore. We are not supposed to reveal any of our secrets, he added refusing to comment on the secret rituals.

23 February 2014

How Indian Constitution and Democracy were Hijacked

We the People. No. Its We the Politicians

The Constitution of India was introduced on and became operational on 26 January 1950. Did those who framed the Constitution keep one face as members of the Constituent Assembly and apart from the Constituent Assembly, keep another face as members of the Provisional Parliament? This is a question, but it is hard to believe that this happened. But when the events are viewed in sequence then it seems that it certainly did happen. The Constituent Assembly was a chair of justice, sitting on which the members of the Constituent Assembly made a decision in accordance with justice. But such a matter of regret that when those very members began working as Members of the Provisional Parliament it can be said without hesitation that they committed a huge fraud and deception on the country. In fact, these same two faces can be seen between the making of our Constitution by the Constituent Assembly and the working of the Provisional Parliament through the Constituent Assembly.

There was a serious debate on the future of the country in the Constituent Assembly. During the debate, running of the country by a political party was not envisaged anywhere. The Freedom Movement had been victorious and the Independence of India had almost been decided upon. The Constituent Assembly had been formed in 1946, before India’s Independence. The members of the Constituent Assembly framed the Constitution in a just and dignified manner and showed no dereliction in envisioning India as an ideal democratic country. According to the Constitution this country will function with the support of elected representatives of the people. The elected representatives of the people would go to the Lok Sabha and there, going by the majority or a unanimous consensus, they will choose/form a Government and a representative of that Government will become the Prime Minister. Political parties were present in those days, but the words ‘political party’ are not mentioned anywhere in the Constitution because a Republic has been envisaged in the Constitution. The world’s oldest Republic is considered to be the Lichchavi Republic. A study of that Republic shows that in a Republic, in the House that runs the Government there is never one ruling party or an opposition party. All the people sit together and on the basis of merits or demerits they run the State. It was on the basis of this that the framers of the Constitution did not use the words ‘political party’ in the Constitution and the Constituent Assembly did not function on a party basis. It functioned as the Constituent Assembly of an ideal Republic.

Then what happened and how did the words ‘political party’ appear inside Parliament? It happened that when making the Constitution the members of the Constituent Assembly worked like judges and made a Constitution which was actually going to give India a democracy. When the Constitution got made and was passed by the Provisional Parliament in 1950, then the ears of the politicians pricked up and they saw politics and began thinking that they had made a big mistake. If the Constitution had not been passed on 26 January 1950, perhaps its pages would have changed, but the politicians sitting on the chair of justice did indeed behave like judges and never thought about those things which could have been thought about to keep politics in their grasp forever.

The Provisional Parliament accepted the Constitution in 1950, because till 1952 the Constituent Assembly was handling both the responsibilities. First it made the Constitution and then it accepted it and made minor laws. When the Election Commission was made ( the Election Commission was envisaged in the Constitution), then suddenly it struck the politicians that the parties too had to be brought into Parliament. If representatives of the people came to Parliament in accordance with the Constitution, then the existence of parties in the Parliament would end, and so with the support of the Election Commission, they set up the party system against democracy and made it a law. In fact, they believed that only parties could run the country and therefore, they passed the Representation of the People Act in 1951. The Representation of the People Act was also passed by the Provisional Parliament. In fact, it was under this that political parties found a way to participate in the elections and put up their candidates. On the basis of this, the Election Commission conducted the General Elections of 1952, in which the Congress got about 348 seats and the remaining 100 seats were divided amongst other parties big and small.

Now the question arises : whose mind was behind holding the fortunes of India in a closed fist and making democracy captive in the hands of political parties? At that time all the people were present who fought and even endured punishment during the Freedom Movement. Amongst these were some on whom Gandhiji had a lot of trust and faith. All these people were still living when People’s Representation became a law in 1951 — Representation of the People Act 1951. Only one person was not amongst us at that time Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi – the leader of the Independence Movement. Which leader could have got it into his mind to surreptitiously get political parties into the Lok Sabha, Vidhan Sabhas and the politics of India through a back door, a hidden door? It could have been any of the leaders. Rajendra Prasadji was the President; Jawaharlal Nehru was the Prime Minister and Sardar Patel was in his Cabinet. Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, C. Rajagopalachari, Maulana Azad and Govind Ballabh Pant were still alive. All these people sat together and through the Election Commission got the political parties back door or hidden door entry into the Lok Sabha. If an attempt was made, who tried to go against the interests of the people of India and the interests of the Constitution will perhaps remain in the womb of history. Who was responsible for this — one, or all these leaders were responsible?

In fact, the result of this was very dangerous. The time of the first Lok Sabha passed and from the time of the second Lok Sabha the erosion of democracy began to take place. As a result corruption began gradually entering into the country’s politics and for the first time, during the second Lok Sabha, some big scandals came to the forefront. Today, if we search for the origin and roots of corruption, they can be traced to the back door or hidden door entry of the political party system. A point of interest: if any law is not connected with the Constitution, the Supreme Court cancels/rejects it and a voice is raised against it. But against this Act (Public Representative Act 1951), no voice was raised, though it does not match with the spirit of the Constitution on any account. This was so because if the political parties had wanted to enter Parliament, it could have been done by a Constitutional Amendment. But the leaders at that time feared that if they immediately brought in a Constitutional Amendment, the people of the country will doubt their honesty and that is why this matter continued till 1985. For the first time in 1985, the words ‘political party’ were used in a Constitutional Amendment when the Anti Defection Bill came to Parliament. How decisions were to be made in political parties, how someone could be expelled from a Parliamentary party, how he/she will be dismissed, how he/she will lose membership, etc. were linked to the Constitution for the first time in 1985.

Now the question arises: if corruption, price rise and unemployment are rooted in the party system, then should this party system not be reconsidered? The second question : if this party system is against the basic spirit of the basics of the Constitution, should the people of the country not think about it? The third question : should the Supreme Court not ask the Election Commission whether at the time this law was made, it was in accordance with the Constitution at that time, and therefore correct?

We talk of the rule of the Constitution in the country, every person affirms that there is rule of the Constitution and that laws are made according to the Constitution. But the truth is that this law has snatched away from the people the opportunity of participating in a democracy directly. In fact, today, the political parties don’t want to think that the common people can have any part or share in ruling! The second result of this line of thought was that all the democratic or constitutional institutions in the country gradually started to die or come to an end or Governments began trying to get them in the grip of their tentacles. The map of Parliament became one in which political parties began maneuvering it and virtually making it dance according to their interests. The common people began viewing the drama within Parliament with eyes of suspicion because they could not understand what was happening and this situation gradually created inside people a sense of belief or disbelief in democracy.

Questions related to our Constitution began being raised in the country whereas actually questions should have been raised about political parties and the politicians incorrect interpretation of the Constitution. The lives of people began getting more and more difficult with each passing year, corruption began to increase, crime and offences began to increase, unemployment began to increase, and the problems of farmers and labourers also began to increase. The truth is that instead of standing in favour of the poor, the entire economy began to be seen as standing against the poor. And the Government, which had been envisioned as a welfare state, without telling some truths, in a way changed the Constitution itself. The peak of the party system that was ‘enforced’ in 1950 and 1952 became visible in 1991. In 1992, then Prime Minister Narasimha Rao and his Finance Minister Manmohan Singh kept a framework before the country – that they wanted to bring a new stream of prosperity and development in the country and wanted to put an end to the Inspector Raj. In fact, the control of the Government had gradually increased and people had got fed up of the Inspector Raj. In this period, instead of the public welfare state outlined by the Constitution, the then Prime Minister and his Finance Minister envisioned a market based state and from 1992 till today the character of the Government has completely changed.

Nobody questioned how, without taking the people into confidence, and without bring a Constitutional Amendment, Government was changed from a public welfare state Government to a market-based and profit-based Government. In other words, the country’s Constitution had been changed without taking the opinion or views of the people of the country! In such a situation, the book of the Constitution gradually became just an object for gracing book shelves. Whatever had been written in the Constitution began to come to an end one by one and that is why people in the country today do not have much respect for the Constitution. There are forces too in the country, chief among which are the Naxalites, which say that this Constitution stands against the poor. In fact, the Constitution which should have stood only in favour of the poor in the country – after 1992 the people who went to Parliament left no stone unturned to ensure that the Constitution stood against the poor. Now the market based system says that if you want to walk on the road, give toll tax, whereas the Constitution says that the Government should provide basic facilities. The Constitution says that the people have civil rights, fundamental rights, and which work the Government has to do — a clear and specific explanation and interpretation has been given. For a public welfare state, there is a model/ideal description –welfare state — in our Constitution and its interpretation is also given, but Governments have decided that if you want to get treatment, go to expensive hospitals, and if you want to get education, go to expensive schools. The Government has not pushed ahead with matters related to education or with health. Increase in prices have been openly handed over to the markets, the bazaars. Unemployment is rising in leaps and bounds, agro-based industries are closing down, basic cultivation is not being able to recover its cost, farmers trapped in debt are continuously committing suicide. But because the Government has adopted the market-based path, it makes no difference to it now how many people in this country are dying due to malnutrition, how many are dying because of non-availability of treatment, and how many are dying caught in the web of debt. What is really surprising is that the Government is not bothered or concerned at all about why employment is not being created.

As a result, where in 1992 there were 40 districts and in 2004 there were 70 districts affected by Naxalism, today there are 272 District directly impacted by Naxalism. This Government working and walking in unconstitutional ways has brought the country to a pass where people have started to think that the Government pays no heed to peaceful ‘dharnas’, therefore it is useless to hold demonstrations. Yes, the thought of taking violent steps has certainly now rapidly come into people’s minds. In many States, as rail tracks are blocked by the people for 10 days at a stretch, 15 days at a stretch, the Government responds promptly to their demands. If in Orissa, the IAS District Magistrate is kidnapped by Naxalites, their demands are met within 72 hours by the Government. Overall, the result of the mistake made in 1952 has been that the the entire Lok Sabha is seen standing far away from the problems of the people. In fact, such laws are mostly being made which do not remove the problems or suffering of the people, but instead continuously help the ruling class and the corporate class which shakes hands with it. Not a single law is being made that will bring down inflation, that is against corruption and unemployment and can provide some faith to the people.

Now scams and scandals don’t take place in lakhs, not even in crores, because the Bofors scandal, which took away the Government from Rajiv Gandhi’s hands, was of 64 crores, but after that till now, 5000 crores, 10,000 crores, 15,000 crores and 20,000 crores, one lakh crore, one lakh 76,000 crores, and 26 lakh crore scams and scandals have come before us. In all these scandals, without any bias or distinction, people from both the ruling party and the Opposition seem to be involved. Not only this, a scam in MGREGS, a scam in the loan waiver scheme for farmers, a scam in the package sent to Vidarbha for farmers suicides, food and drug scam, in other words everywhere there seems to be a flood of scams.

If there had been representatives of the people in the Lok Sabha in accordance with the Constitution, and representative of the parties had not been there, all the above scams would not have happened. Because, if a person had been involved in a scam, the people from his constituency, his friends, his colleagues in Parliament would have put moral pressure on him and the corruption would have stopped there. But since the parties are now ruling, an MP is saved by saying ‘the High Command has handled this’. Actually, it is also a truth and a fact that the money in such big scams also goes to the top, whether the Government is of this party or of that party. The question is being raised prominently in this country whether people should stand up against the deception or cheating done with the Constitution, or whether the situation should be accepted in its current form? The second question is whether this country’s Supreme Court will take the initiative on such a big question and set up a constitutional bench or not? It seems to me that the Supreme Court will not set up a constitutional bench because the interest of many of the people in the Supreme Court can be seen connected with those of the ruling parties. Perhaps this is why within two days of retiring from the Supreme Court, a judge gets some posting or the other. The people of India place a lot of faith on the Supreme Court, that is why, if this question gets louder and picks up momentum, it should be hoped that the Supreme Court will set up a constitutional bench and will decide too how between 1947 and 1951 such a big game was played with the destiny of the people of the country and with the Constitution of the country? And alongside at the same time it will also decide how right all the things that are going on today are in accordance with the Constitution.

If the word ‘party’ has been added in 1985, were all the things which happened before that incorrect, or is the Constitutional Amendment made in 1985 contrary in a way to the spirit of the Constitution? These questions are as much political as they are legal and constitutional. There are two paths before the people of India. The first : let what is going on be allowed to continue and price rise, corruption and unemployment be allowed to increase the way they are. The second : the people of India stand up against the party system, put up people from their own midst in the elections and vote for them. If the public, instead of voting for parties will vote for candidates from amongst the common people, a different picture will come before the country and that picture will at least be a much better picture than can be seen today because in it, the colours of corruption, price rise and employment will be very dim.

Article by Santosh Bhartiya as published in Chauthi Duniya
Great Game India
The Final Battle is only for the Bravest

20 February 2014

Subramanian Swamy – The Mossad Stooge and The Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and it’s Global Strategic Impact

ShelleyKasli / March 7, 2013
Great Game India

Jain Commission’s Report – The Foreign Hand

The Jain Commission’s final report focuses on a larger international conspiracy, and the CIA-Mossad-LTTE link, in the Rajiv killing 

The final report mentions Amos Radia and Giorce Betchar as agents operating for the Israelis in India.

The report is not without its Indian angle. Startling depositions and intelligence intercepts included in the report indicate that Dr Subramanian Swamy and former Prime Minister Chandra Shekhar, in different ways, may have had prior knowledge of a threat to Rajiv but did not react in a “timely manner”.

At the same time, Jain appears to have pulled his punches in recommending any further probe into the charges against these two politicians.

What emerges finally is a picture of a well-networked international plot and certain key Indians, cast in varying degrees of complicity, who had ‘knowledge’ of the plan.


Justice Jain has devoted separate chapters to three key Indian players who are suspected, one way or the other, to have had prior knowledge of the assassination. Nothing definitive or conclusive here, but Jain has woven in intriguing loops of circumstantial evidence—quoted and contained in the annexures—around godman Chandraswami, Janata Party leader Dr Subramanian Swamy and former PM Chandra Shekhar. The three are bracketed, prima facie, as either having a link with those who allegedly conspired with the assassins or at least having been privy to the fact of a plot.

The link between Chandra Shekhar and Subramanian Swamy has been taken seriously by Jain in the light of Chandra-swami’s deposition: “I know Chandra Shekhar and Subramanian Swamy have been very thick for the last 7-8 years. Dr Swamy told me that I (Chandraswami) may persuade Rajiv Gandhi to make Chandra Shekhar the PM.” Working within this framework, the Commission has read much into the independent testimonies of a host of witnesses—wherever they overlap—and arrived at certain conclusions.

According to Jain, “From the perusal of various statements, it is evident that the relations of Chandraswami did exist, not only with Rao but also with Chandra Shekhar, Subrama-nian Swamy and O.P. Chautala. However, no inference of complicity can be drawn, although the surveillance at 10, Janpath and the statement of Saifullah may give rise to some doubts.”

Many witnesses have attested to the godman’s dubious links with international agencies. Ramesh Dalal, BJP activist, deposed that he knew “Shri Chandraswami has relations with the CIA, Mossad and the LTTE. He took the help of these agencies in assassinating Rajiv Gandhi…. In the core group of Chandraswami, Rajendra Jain, Babloo Srivastava, K.N. Aggarwal, Subramanian Swamy, Chandra Shekhar, O.P. Chautala and Pinaki Misra were there. The people of this core group used to meet Chandraswami in his bedroom. Chandraswami told me he had been financing the LTTE…”

As for Swamy, the Commission interweaves various independent depositions and pieces of evidence to flesh out his links with the god-man and international agencies as well as his role as an intermediary. The report notes that Swamy had made a trip to London in 1995 with Chandraswami—they both stayed at Halkin Hotel and the bill was picked up by the godman.

Going back to the period before the killing, Jain cites the then cabinet secretary Zafar Saifullah’s statement that “there were some intercepts emanating from Israel for information to Chandraswami and Swamy for Jaffna. These intercepts have not come before the Commission. If Saifullah’s statement is correct, then the intercepts would have thrown much more light on the question of complicity.”

THE report adds: “A serious doubt has also been cast by E. Velusami who has filed an affidavit before the Commission…” Velusami, then general secretary of the Janata Party in Tamil Nadu, had deposed that his party president had arrived “in the morning at Madras airport by a flight from Delhi on Sunday, May 19, 1991.” Elections in the state were set for May 26. “Swamy’s whereabouts became unknown on May 21 morning. He subsequently learnt he had spent May 21 morning in a hotel called Trident near the airport and that he had met some persons there….

It is not clear why he made this secret stay in Madras on May 21, 1991, that too, after suddenly cancelling his pre-settled programme of going to Delhi from Madras and without any information to his colleagues…” Swamy’s itinerary was confirmed by the personal secretary to the ex-minister, writes Jain. He gives credence to the testimony of Aziz Haniffa, Washington bureau chief of India Abroad, in which he states that “during an interview with Swamy, the latter claimed it was he who was instrumental in introducing the LTTE to the Israelis, which led to their training by Mossad.”

Similarly, former Rajya Sabha MP Rajani Ranjan Sahu deposed that in 1994 Dr Swamy told him and two others at the Tamil Nadu governor’s house that the LTTE was hired for the job. He claimed Prabhakaran ordered the assassination after entering into a Rs 100-crore deal. He also revealed that “one W. Anderson, first secretary in the American Embassy, was anti-Rajiv” and that intelligence officials had got wind of the plot. Jain, at the same time, seems to suspend judgement on the episode: “From the statements of Sahu, Jitendra Prasada and Rajiv Shukla, it is borne out that they happened to meet Dr Swamy in the drawing room of the Governor’s house and that… Dr Swamy spoke of the possibility of V. Prabhakaran having been financed for the job which might have motivated him for the assassination.

… If that’s what transpired on May 29, 1994, and if it has any bearing while taking conspectus of the view in relation to any conspiracy, this event can be taken into account but if examined independently, nothing would turn on it.”

However, Jain reserves some sharp comments for the Janata Party chief. “Dr Swamy cannot be believed when he changes his versions and when he is indefinite and when he does not support his version by any corroboratory evidence. The divergence in the statements of Chandraswami and Dr Swamy on the purpose of their joint visit to London in 1995 does raise suspicions.”

On the explanation of D.R. Karthikeyan, special director, CBI, regarding the international ramifications, Jain writes that it “does not completely rule out the possibility of involvement beyond the LTTE. If the SIT had investigated Chandraswami, Mahant Sewa Dass and interrogated Chandra Shekhar, Swamy, T.N. Seshan and Narasimha Rao, it would have helped the Commission….”

In the final analysis, Jain has shifted the focus from Indian players. But it remains a fuzzy piece of detective work. His conclusions are tentative, provisional—the report does not contain the last word on the killing, nor any actionable leads for investigating agencies to pick up. What impact will it have, beyond being a source of embarrassment for some individuals? That, like the core question—who ordered the Rajiv killing?—the final report leaves exactly where the interim report left off: an open-ended question.

The Deadly Duo

Crucial evidence linking Chandraswami to the Rajiv case went missing from Rao’s PMO. Outlook investigates.

File containing intercepted messages from foreign intelligence agencies, said to be addressed to Chandraswami and Janata Party president Subramanian Swamy, destroyed by senior officials in the PMO.

The crucial third category, say sources, contained wireless intercepts of messages from foreign intelligence agencies to Chandraswami and Subramanian Swamy. These were passed on by RAW to the Cabinet Secretariat. A RAW official confirmed to the Jain Commission that the transcripts had indeed been passed on by the intelligence agency.

What did some of these missing files have? Intelligence sources say one file contained intercepted messages as well as details of the movements of Subramanian Swamy and Chandraswami on assassination day.

It also contains a crucial intercept from Jaffna to LTTE operatives saying that funds had been provided for carrying out the assassination. It refers to a ‘godman’ having made the payment.

Interestingly, in a statement before the commission, R. Velusami, the then president of the Tamil Nadu unit of the Janata Party, contended that Subramanian Swamy had checked into the Trident Hotel in Madras while Chandraswami was lodged at the Sindoori Hotel owned by Apollo Hospitals on May 21, the day Rajiv was assassinated. Both left for Bangalore by car through Sriperumbudur before reaching Delhi on a special flight.

He told Outlook: “May I also state that Dr Swamy went via Sriperumbudur and stopped at the venue of the meeting, ostensibly to look at the role of Margatham Chandrasekhar—Congress’ candidate in the parliamentary polls, for whom Rajiv went to campaign in Sriperumbudur—in selecting the site. I declare that Swamy told me about the role played by one JP Builders in persuading Margatham Chandrasekhar in selecting the site (for the Rajiv meeting).”

Velusami claims he called Swamy’s residence in Delhi at 10.45 am on May 21 and Swamy’s wife told him that he was indeed in Madras. Recalls Velusami: “My efforts to reach him proved futile. According to senior party colleagues, Dr Swamy had an hour-long meeting with S.C. Chandrahasan, a Sri Lankan Tamil ideologue, at Hotel Trident before he vacated the room and proceeded to meet Chandraswami at Hotel Sindoori, owned by Chandraswami’s disciple Dr Prathap Reddy. While I could confirm that a room was booked for Dr Swamy on May 21 at Trident, I could not get any details about Chandraswami’s stay. Sindoori never maintains any document to show Chandraswami’s visits and he stays there as a personal guest of Prathap Reddy.”

Swamy has been denying that he was in Madras on May 21. But his Tamil Nadu unit chief has given details of his itinerary. Stated Velusami before the Jain Commission: “Dr Swamy admits arriving at Madras on 19.5.91. He admits travelling with me by my car and he admits that we had a halt at Kancheepuram and that I was his translator. He admits that I was with him at Salem at 8.30 pm in the evening on 20.5.91 and that I was his translator in the Salem town meeting. He admits that he was to return to Madras on May 22 and then fly to Madurai via Trichy and that I was to join him at Trichy. He is, however, silent on where he stayed in Madras on the morning of the 21st and how long he stayed there. But in the next paragraph of the affidavit, Swamy does a volte face: ‘On 21. 5.91, I was not in Madras at all or in Bangalore or indeed in south India but I was in Delhi’.”

He continues: “The issue is, while Swamy contends he gave a statement to the Delhi PTI on May 21, he is very vague about his time of arrival at Delhi. The facts are very clear from even the available documents. He was with me well past midnight on the 20th, which is actually the wee hours of the 21st. It takes six hours to reach Madras by road. If he had reached Delhi by any morning flight, there would be any number of records to show the flight and its time of departure. I have already given proof that a room was booked in Dr Swamy’s name at Trident.” It’s significant that there were several attempts to keep the conspiracy angle out of the ambit of a probe into the assassination. When the Chandra Shekhar regime, in which Swamy was law minister, appointed the Verma commission of inquiry, its scope was limited to investigating the security lapses.

The more closely one examines the Rajiv assassination case, the curiouser it becomes. For instance, the most significant evidence with the SIT linking the LTTE to the assassination are photographs clicked by Haribabu, the photographer who also died in the blast. The first pictures released by the SIT to the media showed three women—Kokila, a 15-year-old who wanted to recite a Hindi poem to Rajiv, her mother, and Dhanu, later identified as the human bomb. It was only after the DMK organ,

Murasoli , reproduced the picture with a caption—”where is the missing man”—that the SIT reproduced the full frame. The missing man turned out to be Sivarasan. No explanations were offered as to why the SIT masked part of the frame.

Mossad Missives

Ex-Cabinet secretary Zafar Saifullah told Jain of the Israel link

THE Jain Commission report contains the in-camera deposition of former cabinet secretary, Zafar Saifullah: “The third major source of intelligence is intercepts of messages exchanged between foreign sources. The cabinet secretary rarely receives copies of such messages but in the course of my interaction with some of my senior officers in the RAW, I had known of the existence of such messages. I am talking of Navy messages. One of the purposes of some of these messages was to convey some information to people based in India, for Chandraswami and Dr Subramanian Swamy. The indication was that these messages emanated from Israeli intelligence, i.e., Mossad. I gathered in the course of interaction with senior officers in the Navy and IB that the messages showed that Shri Chandraswami had strong links with foreign intelligence agencies, especially, the CIA and Mossad and Dr Swamy had a strong influence with the CIA…”

Justice Jain says Saifullah’s statement is of “great significance” as “he had deposed on the basis of knowledge gained by him while functioning as a cabinet secretary and while interacting with the authorities in the concerned intelligence agency.” The Jain Commission report says that Saifullah’s deposition establishes the link of Chandra-swami with Mossad and the LTTE.

Mossad in Sri Lanka & The Genesis of LTTE

In Sri Lanka, Mossad trains, arms, and equips both sides — through its Cambodian Zim Shipping empire, and through its holdings in South Africa — and perpetrates false flags whenever there is talk of peace. Mossad’s goal is to maintain the lucrative arms market, plus the local drug trade that helps pay for those arms.

When the Tamils started fighting the Singhalese for independence in 1983, the Singhalese President Junius Jayawardene brought in 50 Mossad officers to train his security forces at a place called Maduru-Oya. This was not secret. It was in all the newspapers.

From that point on, Mossad armed, trained, and equipped both sides. (Since the Tamil forces are smaller than the Sri Lankan army, the zio-media calls the Tamils “terrorists.”)

In 1991 Victor Ostrovsky, author of By Way of Deception, told Indian Abroad news service that Mossad brought many Tamils to Israel for training in 1984 and 1985. “These groups kept coming and going. When I was in Mossad, it was part of our routine job to take them to training camps and make sure they got training worth what they paid for, no more and no less. The Singhalese paid in cash.”

Ostrovsky said the arrangement for training was made by the Mossad liaison in India, who lived there under a British passport.

We know from sources other than Ostrovsky that shortly after the war broke out in Sri Lanka, Mossad approached a group of officers from India’s Research and Analysis Wing (RAW, which is India’s equivalent to the CIA). In July 1984 this inner RAW circle arranged with Mossad to send Tamils to Israel for commando training. Mossad paid the RAW team for this by setting up accounts for them in the BCCI bank. (More about this below.) The Tamil commandoes that went to Israel became known as the TELO. They are separate from the main Tamil rebels, known as the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam).

Meanwhile Mossad simultaneously trained the Tamils’ enemies (the Singhalese) in Israel, but did not tell the main Tamil army, or the main Indian government, or anyone else. In Israel they kept both the groups apart. Their purpose for this, as always, was to fan the war to a fever pitch, and make a fortune as the Goyim kill each other.

Each group had 60 members. Training started with a two-week basic commando course at an Israeli base known as Kfar Sirkin near Tel Aviv. This is a fairly large base, but on one occasion the two groups passed within a few yards of each other while they were out jogging.

After the two-week basic course, the Israelis took the Tamils to Atlit, a top-secret naval commando base at Haifa. Meanwhile Singhalese were brought in for basic training back at the Kfar Sirkin base. After the Tamils completed advanced training in Haifa, they were moved out, and the Singhalese were brought in to learn how to deal with all the techniques the Israelis had just taught the Tamils.

Mossad had to dream up punishments and night training exercises to keep both groups busy, so they wouldn’t run into each other in Israel. Sometimes the situation was hectic, but the Mossad agents were tickled to deceive the Goyim while preparing them to kill each other.

The Jews made a tidy sum training the Singhalese. Ostrovsky writes in his book By Way Of Deception that, “Israel charged each of the 60 Singhalese $300 per day, for a total of $18,000 per day. For a three-month course, Israel charged them $1.6 million. In addition, Israel charged them $5,000 to $6,000 an hour for helicopter rental, with as many as 15 helicopters being used in a typical training exercise. The Israelis also charged for special training ammunition. A bazooka shell, for example, cost about $220 a unit, while heavy mortars were about $1000 each.”

Apparently Mossad did not charge the Tamils, which had little money at that point. Instead, they regarded the Tamil training as an investment toward their goal of getting a major war going in Sri Lanka. Then they could make a financial killing off the physical killing. As noted above, the Tamil commandos formed an elite splinter group known as the TELO, which was separate from the LTTE. The TELO was tied in with the inner circle of India’s RAW (the intelligence agency) — unknown to the overall Indian government.

At one point the Jews worried because 27 Indian commandos also came to Israel for training, and the Jews could not let the Indians see the Tamils or the Singhalese. Therefore the Sayret Matcal took over the training regime for the Tamils and the Singhalese. The Sayret Matcal is a commando-recon group that executed the false-flag raid in Entebbe Uganda (1976).

So the Jews trained Tamils, Singhalese, and Indian commandoes, preparing them all to kill each other.

Meanwhile back in Sri Lanka itself, Mossad did everything possible to escalate the massacres on all sides into a full-scale war.

The Rajiv Gandhi Intervention

In 1985, Rafi Eytan, head of the Israeli intelligence agency LEKEM, was caught running spy Jonathan Pollard against the USA. Afterward, Rafi Eytan was sent to Sri Lanka to take over Mossad operations there. His cover was that he was an employee of Israeli Chemical Industries, which has operations in Sri Lanka. 

By 1987, their criminal activities became so extreme that India’s Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi convinced Sri Lankan President Junius Jayawardene to sign the Indo-Sri Lankan peace accord, which gave autonomy to the Tamil areas in the north and east of the island. An amnesty was declared, and 3,000 Indian troops were sent as peacekeepers.

Then Indian troops started to confiscate Mossad arms. In 1987, the Hindustan Times reported that in the Sri Lankan city of Jaffna, the troops seized large quantities of arms with Israeli markings, meant for the Tamils. 

The Israelis panicked, since peace would put an end to their arms market. The inner circle of the Indian RAW also became worried, since they were on the Mossad payroll. Worse, when Rajiv Gandhi drafted the peace accord, he demanded that all Israelis leave Sri Lanka, since everyone knew that Israelis maintained the violence there.

Therefore the Israelis (and perhaps the inner RAW circle) started plotting to liquidate Rajiv Gandhi. They also increased their arms supply to both the Tamils and their enemies (the Singhalese) against Ghandi’s 3,000 Indian troops.

In 1989 Ranasinghe Premadasa became President of Sri Lanka. Because he was a dictator, a separate resistance movement rose up against him among the Singhalese in the south. This was the JVP (People’s Liberation Front). They were not Tamils; they were Singhalese Buddhists.

Therefore Premadasa allowed Mossad to arm the enemy (the Tamils) in hopes that the Tamils would wipe out the JVP Buddhists, and also cause the Indian troops to leave Sri Lanka. Meanwhile Mossad committed a series of false flag murders, causing all sides to escalate into worse and worse atrocities.

India’s Prime Minister Rajiv Gandi responded by sending 97,000 additional troops.

By the following year (1990) Mossad’s false flags massacres had reduced Sri Lanka to a quagmire for India. Under political pressure at home, Rajiv Gandhi withdrew the army, but used the Indian Navy to completely shut down the Israeli Arms trade in Sri Lanka. In November 1991, the Indian Navy seized an Israeli ship carrying large amounts of arms and ammunition from Singapore to the Tamils.

That was the ‘breaking point’. The Israelis could tolerate no more interference from Gandhi.

For shutting down the Israeli Arms Trade, Gandhi was assassinated on 21 May 1991, along with 15 others in a blast.

Subramanian Swamy was a newspaper columnist on the Israeli payroll. After the assassination, he wrote numerous editorials saying the LTTE did it, which was a deception, since the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam) are the regular Tamil Tigers. The Tamils trained in Israel were part of a splinter group known as the TELO, as noted above. The TELO was connected with the secret inner circle at RAW that was on the Mossad payroll.

There are many allegations that there was no suicide bomber, and that Mossad set off a bomb, or equipped the TELO to set off a bomb for Israel. Certainly Mossad was involved.

And of course the slaughter continued in Sri Lanka, while the Israelis continued to make millions in arms sales.

The Arafat Warnings

PLO leader Yasser Arafat, through his Ambassador in Delhi, Khalid El Sheikh told that LTTE is planning to kill Rajiv Gandhi during his election campaign. Sheikh had met Rajiv on March 13, 1991. A week later he called on the Congress President with a letter from Arafat. And a fortnight before the assassination, he called on Rajiv yet again. Arafat provided details of the conspiracy to Chandrasekar when he attended Rajiv’s funeral. Then Foreign Secretary Muchkund Dubey, was also sent to see Arafat separately. In this June 1991 meeting Arafat confirmed the international conspiracy. William Carry, who headed a US Senate Sub-Committee to probe into the BCCI bank scam, had told that $ 84 million was transferred to the LTTE from their accounts. Carry categorically said that the money was used for the Rajiv Gandhi assassination. Senate investigations also revealed that Mossad, CIA and LTTE had accounts in the BCCI.

Five weeks before Rajiv Gandhi was assassinated, Yasser Arafat in Palestine warned him that a hit was planned. The bomb that killed Rajiv Gandhi was composed of RDX explosives thought to have been manufactured in Israel. The conspirators’ trial was held in total secrecy, and court records have never been released. No one knows what happened to the “suicide bomber,” or who was behind the assassination.

The shocking admission of Trichy Veluchamy & The Two Swamys

For what purpose did you meet Jain Commission?

May 21, 1991 night Rajiv was assassinated. The same day at 10pm, I called Subramanian Swamy, who was in New Delhi. At that time, I was with the Janata Party. It was a peak time for the election campaign, general meeting was to be held in Madurai, and he had to come the next day. Regarding that I called him by 10.25 pm to talk about it. He immediately said, “Are you going to convey that Rajiv has expired? I know that already.”

I could not understand anything. There was no communication facility then. Having confused, I called intelligence officials of Trichy and checked about it. “We don’t know anything like that”, they said. At that time we couldn’t confirm Rajiv Gandhi’s death. Bomb exploded at 10:10 at night… clouds of smoke… screaming… confusion… after sometime Jayanti Natarajantan seen Rajiv’s leg that found apart. She shouted at Moopanar. He came and searched along other bodies. Finally, to confirm all parts of Rajiv’s body, it took more than half an hour; he said that in an interview next day. So, only by 10:40 at least, the assassination was able to confirm.

In that case, how come Subramanium Swamy alone knows that earlier? Who informed him? He only informed the media first time that the assassination was done by LTTE. Investigation itself began next day. Why should he blame all of a sudden on the LTTE? All this made me to suspect. Not only that, after and before the assassination, there are several doubts on Subramanian Swamy’s actions. Mystery… Shock… all these made me go to the Jain Commission.”

How was the interrogation with Subramanian Swamy?

How did you alone know Rajiv’s assassination in advance? How did you tell LTTEs carried out the assassination? On behalf of the LTTE, Kittu gave a report from London that “LTTE is not responsible for the assassination”; in that circumstance, what’s the reason why did you inform the media that LTTE’s the reason? I asked similar questions. Subramanian Swamy said, “I’ve received the information from Sri Lanka”.

“The officers on the scene could not confirm. Tamil Nadu polices have not told with confidence. Central Government did not receive clear information. In that case, if Sri Lanka knows, who’s that person?”, I said him. He rolled his eyes. Similarly, the next day of assassination of Rajiv, May 21st, Swamy had a general meeting in Madurai. It was given great publicity in the newspapers.

“Where is the flight ticket you’re purchased to attend Madurai general meeting?”; on hearing this question, he got sweating. It’s election time. All airline tickets might be booked. He didn’t reserve such flight ticket at all. Reason… he knows the plan of Rajiv’s assassination. Terrible thing’s going to happen. Why to go there, he thought himself.

Not only that. Before May 21st, Swamy was in Tamil Nadu for election campaign. I was his translator. Then, he did not know Tamil. Before the assassination, on 20th, we’re staying in Salem. “We have not received the money for party expenses?”, the executives asked. Swamy told them, “If election happens, we’ll manage. Why hurry?”, he said. No answer from him on that incident when I asked him.

More importantly, on the night by 1′o clock, had a meeting at the Salem-Attur. “For an emergency work to be completed, had to go to New Delhi”, saying that he flown to Chennai. It happened suddenly. When informed that there’s no flight at that time, he said that he’d take care and flown in car. The executives’ car that followed his car met with an accident near Achirapakkam. Former MLA Gurumurthy, Salem District Rathinavel, Kanchipuram Ehamparam were wounded severely. Without minding them, he rushed to Chennai.

I rang to Delhi to enquire about it. If Swamy went there by morning flight, he might have reached home by 9′o clock. Keep in mind, I called. Swamy’s wife knows me well. She treated me as one of his family members. “What Veluchami… He’s there only… Why are you calling here?”, she said. I got confused. Immediately, I called his office. There also received same response. Thought that he might be in Chennai, I called Chennai. I called all friends of Swamy. Everyone said that he’s in Delhi. Swamy was a minister in central then.

Daily ‘movement report file’ is a must for the ministers. When asked about it, he said that it was missed. Reason is that Swamy did not go to Delhi on that day. In a hotel found near a famous hospital in Chennai, Chandraswami was staying secretly without any registration. Swamy was staying with him only. From there, they went to Banalore in car all the way.

One day before the assassination of Rajiv, activities of the two Swamis were mysteries. For all these questions, Subramanian Swamy had no answers. His shirt was wet with sweating. There was such a quiet silence. Justice Jain while looking closely at Swamy, without even disbursing the court, he stood up and left.

CBI Officer Karthikeyan and Ragothaman have said that the assassination was done by LTTE itself?

I object that. Only on the basis of my statements, Jain Commission said, “We have to investigate Chandraswami and Subramanian Swamy. They did not give adequate cooperation”. Accepting that, they created Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Agency. But, that agency hasn’t called Chandraswami and Subramanian Swamy till date over last 20-years.

A girl was always with Subramanian Swamy then. Wherever Swamy goes to public meetings, she used to be there too. She belongs to an anti-LTTE group of Sri Lanka. That girl is missing after the assassination of Rajiv. No one knows where she went. I have given photographic evidence to the Multi-Disciplinary Monitoring Agency.

CBI officer Karthikeyan and CBI hearing officer Ragothaman have written and published a book; it’s all written based on the documents produced by the CBI. They themselves created it.

My confession, my suspicion and all evidences say “LTTE didn’t conduct this assassination”. It’s not that foolish organization. That was done by other militant group. Only that group has foreign conspiracy involved. My opinion is that everything was led by two Swamys!

Translated from ரஜீவ் படுகொலை அதிரும் உண்மைகள், dated 2011-06-21

The Bindi Affair

Trichy Veluchamy (former Janta Party member) raised the question of the dot/bindi on the forehead of Dhanu, reported to have carried the bomb to kill Rajiv, as an important clue. 

In a photograph taken about 15 minutes before the explosion of a bomb, Dhanu with the garland standing near Sivarasan had no dot/bindi in forehead.

The bomb exploded body of Dhanu has a dot/bindi on the forehead. He publicly showed two images. Then he raised an important question.

It would be fair to miss a dot/bindi on a forehead after a bomb blast, if she had one. But if the dot/bindi is coming after the death, how that’s going to be fair?

Was that dot/bindi added to show that the killer is a Tamil woman?

Or, is that scattered woman body not of Dhanu?

Or, did Dhanu add dot/bindi after she’s photographed? If so, from where she got that dot/bindi?

He informed that at that event, a video was taken; it’s not yet handed over for trial by Home Ministry Secretary R.K.Narayanan; this case’s mystery is hidden on that.

Translated from ராஜீவ் காந்தி படுகொலை தனுவின் நெற்றியில் இருந்த பொட்டு மீண்டும் எழும் சந்தேகங்கள், dated 2011-09-03

Detective Desi Holmes

To cover-up his links Subramanian Swamy wrote a book titled The Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: Unanswered Questions and Unasked Queries. If you’re a fictional murder mystery fan I highly recommend it to you.

However there is a brief analysis of the supposed claims of our Desi Holmes by A.S. Panneerselvan (Sleuth Without A Clue) if you did like to have a taste of it before diving into the World of our Desi Detective.

London runs cover for Terror in South India

This article appeared in the October 13, 1995 issue of Executive Intelligence Review.

Within ten days of Gandhi’s death, Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa, who would be assassinated by the LTTE in May 1993, forced the hasty departure from Sri Lanka of British High Commissioner David Gladstone. The charge was that Gladstone, a descendant of the Victorian-age Prime Minister William Gladstone, was interfering in local election politics.

But he had also been criticized earlier for allegedly meeting with known drug traffickers in Sri Lanka. Gladstone, who had previously spent years in the Middle East, was a known British intelligence link to the Israeli intelligence service, the Mossad, which was involved in training both the Sri Lankan Armed Forces and the LTTE.

While evidence has never surfaced publicly implicating Gladstone directly in the murder of Rajiv Gandhi, Gladstone’s prominent profile in Sri Lanka points to the broader reality of London’s terror-capability.

A similar assassination was carried out of Sri Lankan President Ranasinghe Premadasa on May 1, 1993. Since 1984, the LTTE International Secretariat has been located in London. The official spokesman for the Secretariat is Anton Balsingham, an Oxford University graduate and former British Foreign Office employee. The group’s suicide-bomber division, the Black Tigers, which killed Rajiv Gandhi, is run by Pampan Ajith, out of LTTE London headquarters; another elite suicide-bomber cell, the Sky Tigers, which employs light aircraft, is coordinated by Dr. Maheswaran, also based in London.

Most of the marching orders for terrorist operations in the Indian subcontinent are delivered from London, via a string of LTTE publications, including Tamil Nation and Hot Spring, published in London, and Network and Kalathil, published in Surrey. The organization’s chief fundraiser and banker, Lawrence Tilagar, is also based in London.

A Global Strategic Impact

Non-Alignment movement smoothly taken over with assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

The government of India’s present disposition towards NAM does not appear to be too favourably placed. Contrary to the explicit declaration of Nehru in 1947 that “We do not intend to be the play things of others”, there are apparently quite a few at the helm of affairs in India today, who are not averse to India playing second fiddle to the United States. Some groundwork was undertaken for realising Mahatma Gandhi’s vision of a “One World” in the form of the “Action Plan for a Nuclear Weapon Free and Non-violent World”, which prime minister Rajiv Gandhi had placed before the UN General Assembly in 1988. However, after Rajiv Gandhi’s assassination in 1991, the government of India chose to tread in a different direction. 

A country like India, one of the 3 prominent leaders of the Non-Alignment movement was smoothly taken over with the assassination of Indian Congress leaders, Rajiv Gandhi. Tito’s Yugoslavia was disintegrated and dismantled. Sukarno’s Indonesia was smoothly taken over.

As Indian Home Minister S.B. Chavan stated on July 26, 1991: “Rajiv Gandhi could emerge as leader of Third World countries, and the newly independent nations were looking forward to India’s leadership in the world. This was an irritant in the eyes of some countries, and the probe [of his murder] would have to look into this aspect, whether certain forces abroad could accept Mr. Gandhi as the new leader of the Third World or whether they wanted him to be finished. This issue has got to be gone into in depth, to find out who were behind the killing of the former prime minister.” For example, Gandhi had undertaken a series of diplomatic initiatives to avert the full-scale war against Iraq, which Britain’s Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher had led.

Second, the removal of Gandhi turned India’s ruling Congress Party into an increasingly fractured, leaderless group, eroding India’s political institutions and paralyzing India on the international scene.

In this context, Gladstone’s involvement in circles that overlap LTTE orbits—the LTTE’s Mossad trainers and local drug dealers—becomes even more suspect.

Chavan’s advisory was not acted upon, by either the Indian or Sri Lankan governments—even though the British Special Air Services and Israeli Mossad are known to have been involved in training both sides in the Sri Lankan civil war, which has claimed 128,000 lives since 1983.

Report by Shelley Kasli

I was told my article had reached one of the influential news channels in Tamil Nadu and they featured Rajiv Gandhi Assassination based on it. Only problem is it’s in Tamil and there are no subtitles.

In this article we saw how Mossad through it’s dubious activities trained both the Tamilians and Lankans and profited heavily from it’s enormous illegal arms supply to both the sides eventually destablizing the region that not only put the two countries on a collision course but also lead to the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi through it’s Indian stooges.

Another instance is how Mossad through it’s infamous front PR Agency APCO Worldwide has penetrated India through it’s base in Gujarat.

Mechanics of Narendra Modi’s PR agency : APCO Worldwide – Orchestrating our Future

And now an ex-RAW official has filed a case unveiling a riveting story of safe houses for Mossad, fake firms and secret funds, buying shopping complexes and even producing movies.
RAW & Mossad : The Secret Link – Mossad Safe Houses in New Delhi

References :

By Way of Deception: The Making of a Mossad officer

By Way of Deception: The Making of a Mossad officer

Israeli Connection: Surprise And Shame

Translated from ரஜீவ் படுகொலை அதிரும் உண்மைகள், dated 2011-06-21

Translated from ராஜீவ் காந்தி படுகொலை தனுவின் நெற்றியில் இருந்த பொட்டு மீண்டும் எழும் சந்தேகங்கள், dated 2011-09-03

Sleuth Without A Clue

Probe Chandraswami’s role in Rajiv case — Jain report

London runs cover for terror in South India

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Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: Unanswered Questions and Unasked Queries by Subramanian Swamy

Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi: Unanswered Questions and Unasked Queries

Jews And India: Perception And Image
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Southern India, Sri Lanka terrorist groups

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The Kaoboys of RandAW: Down Memory Lane
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The Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi : 1 & 2

25 Years On, IPKF Awaits A Fitting Tribute Back Home

Gandhi stands firm on India’s Non-Alignment,4374898

Non-Alignment movement smoothly taken over with assassination of Rajiv Gandhi

Assassination of Rajiv Gandhi and its aftermath – Essay


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India and the Non-aligned Movement
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A Non-Zionist Jew’s Reply

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