
29 July 2014

Can The Awakening Be Hijacked?

by Zen Gardner
April 13, 2013
from ZenGardner Website

Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly wake up to.

It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever… and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it.

That would seem to be fairly simple, especially once it has happened to you. The fullness of life you expand into, the realization of infinite possibility, is so exhilarating, liberating and profoundly simple that you can’t help but wonder why everyone doesn’t see it.

This is especially so once the grand conspiracy being foisted on humanity comes into crystal clear focus. Things really kick into high gear upon realizing fully what’s going on and why we’re here at this crucial time.

The notion that this wonderful realization should be apparent to all soon fades though, when we remember being in that entranced unconscious state ourselves, and how we thought we understood pretty well what life was all about. Check.

How Did It Happen?

Almost all of us were once encased in something that kept us apart from this simple experiential realization.

That encasement was both natural and engineered. Natural in the sense that we are spirit born into a physical body, so there is a dimensional challenge right there.

The real problems arise with the cultural and societal constructs we are born into. As helpless infants for an extensive period of time after birth, we are at the complete mercy of whomever is caring for us.

Although we are inherently spiritual beings, if this is not corroborated by the spirit and behavior of those around us a type of callous begins to grow to obfuscate that knowledge. Much like waking from a dream and not being able to remember it as a whole different “reality” takes over our senses.

It just happens. If people have dumbed down parents they will most likely be dumbed down as well. At least on the surface.

In later years they perhaps can wake up out of that environment as many of us have done.

The War On Consciousness

Children are very often extremely spiritual, often remembering their previous state in detail. Children are born pure. If this inherent spirituality is encouraged and the reality of our true nature reinforced, this would be a very different world.

However it rarely is...

Those indigenous peoples who were not raised in engineered societies but only within simple cultural guidelines are very spiritual and natural.

There is no “waking up”, they just never went to sleep. This is why these rich, conscious cultures and their shamans have been systematically decimated by the ugly Controllers.

They do not want an awakened populace. Period.

And these spiritually rich, unharnessed indigenous peoples carried this awareness and connectivity that the Controllers so despise.

So in their view the children of the world must be made to conform to a system as limiting and spiritually confining as possible. This will include drugging, mind control, restrictive false education in militaristic institutions, treadmill like jobs, mindless diversions and constant propaganda.

In other words, the imposed world system around us.

If you’re wondering why the global crack down is so fierce and Orwellian and is accelerating at break neck speed, this is why. The awakening is spreading like wildfire. And they know it.

This is why predators like Zbigniew Brzezinski see the awakening as a threat and say things like,

“It is infinitely easier to kill a million people than it is to control them.” (below video)

This is the kind of monster we’re up against.


Original Sin - The Seed of the Matrix

The most clever and effective tools to control mankind are religion and belief systems.

Instead of fully denying our spirituality, they acknowledge it, then channel and control it. Win the masses over by appealing to this innate drive in each of us to realize our spiritual potential and take them to another nicely decorated cell they think is freedom.

They use this tactic a lot. Just look at the infrastructure of the Catholic Church for probably the most blatant and elaborate example. The other religions and denominations aren’t far behind. Anything to “protect” us from reality and personal responsibility.

Original sin is one of the most colossal reversals of truth of all time. That and the fear of death. From start to finish these parasitic overlords lie, steal, destroy, manipulate and kill. They’re never satisfied.

But that’s how they do it, reverse and confuse everything until your true orientation is almost impossible to find. Or so they’d like to think.

That we were born in “sin” and need someone else to pay a fee to get our innocence back couldn’t be more binding, never mind exclusive of everyone who doesn’t see why they have to pay this toll for just arriving here. It’s like having to buy land and water on our own planet. Who the hell thinks they own this place?

In reality we were born pure until they put their filthy matrix trip on us.

Even then they will never conquer our indomitable conscious spirit.

If You Can’t Beat ‘em, Lead ‘em

Who can you trust in this day and age, even with the internet communication and information revolution? It’s obvious the PTBs (Powers To Be) will try to subvert or nullify the Truth movement, or whatever you want to call it.

They must think we’re naive dolts like the asleeple and just awaiting their fascist harvesting combine.

Quite the arrogant disconnect there, when their machinations are so obvious to the rest of us. But that makes sense, when they live in a lower density mind trap and can’t even conceive of our state of consciousness.

Overall there’s a lot to be wary of. And that’s a healthy attitude.

Am I paranoid? Damn straight I am. They are after us. Reminds me of Arthur Conan Doyle’s “The Most Dangerous Game” where the ultimate hunt for the gamesman is a human being.

That’s their mindset...

I Don’t Believe in Believing

When it comes down to it, don’t believe anyone.

Belief is a form of spiritual weakness. Faith or knowledge is a whole different animal, but belief will get you in trouble. Pursue until you are fully convinced. Sometimes it takes some doing, many times you just know something in your heart to be true. That’s not a belief, that’s knowing. That is where we derive our power, our happiness, our effectiveness.

Belief will have you living in vain, vain repetitive prayers or rituals, vain longings for what you desire as you await the graces of some deity; vain hopes for things that could be realized through knowing affirmation. Even the quantum physicists know better. What we intend and focus our attention on becomes manifest.

Our knowing creates our world.

I tell people all the time to not believe me or take my word for it. People need to find out for themselves. That’s what’s wrong with the world today. Everyone just blindly follows the dictates of the matrix. What choices they do make are within a carefully contained compartment, giving the illusion of freedom.

I’m just sharing my take and if it resonates or helps people on their way, great. People need to get their own knowledge and perspective. I just want to help turn over a few stones as I’m learning myself and stir people up a bit and maybe inspire and spur them to action to free themselves and others.

If someone thinks I’m full of crap that’s fine with me. They go their way and I go mine. But let’s at least acknowledge the sanctity of having the freedom to each pursue and learn for ourselves.

I like it when people challenge anything, as long as it’s constructive and in a spirit of wanting to learn and find the truth of the matter. When someone shoves their program too hard or it’s for self justification or aggrandizement watch out. We all get out of it sometimes but when there’s a regular pattern we have a problem.

But even then, take the good stuff and leave the rest.

You’ll usually find yourself looking at other sources naturally and leaving the questionables behind.

Truth Psy-Ops

The Truth community or alternative research community is already infiltrated, you just know it is by simple logic.

The PTB’s motto is to lead the opposition, that’s how to control it.

So you know they are amongst the places we all visit for information trying to mislead and misinform. Some are obvious like the politicized bullshit or obvious religiously oriented propaganda. Some aren’t that easy to spot, much like these new computer viruses that appear and disappear.

With real conscious awareness comes discernment. We need to listen with our ears and minds, but most of all with our hearts.

I can’t say I know for sure who’s who myself but you can usually sniff them out. For example, there are some who’ve captured the so-called “patriots’” attention with mountains of exposes and angry rhetoric and most don’t have a clue where they’re being led and what a diversion it potentially is. Even some of the alternative health sites have some very questionable viewpoints and allegiances.

The information in these compromised outlets is mostly bang on, otherwise it wouldn’t work. But there are usually major gaps missing from the full Truth, or it’s caged in a structured paradigm that by definition is limiting and will only land us in new versions of the same problems.

Eventually, partial or adulterated truth leads nowhere compared to the full truth. Worse yet, disinfo and fear based based information is designed to bring on the much desired engineered slaughter of those who don’t fully wake up.

Maybe it’s all karmic and what has to happen with people getting waylaid by partial truths, I don’t know.

I do know what my path is and it’s not based on a destination or outcome. The path is what I’m doing and living every day, and I’m an extremely grateful and happy person. I did have to go through several major life changes to find the full “Now” way of life, which I feel I’m still just learning about and at childhood stage which I’m very comfortable with.

In fact I feel I know less all the time. The wonderful mystery of it all just gets more fantastic and I’m learning to just let go and enjoy it instead of trying to figure everything out.

Funny thing is, the more you do that the more wonderful things just come at you.

Like many of you reading this, I couldn’t help keeping on until everything became clear. It’s very humbling to wake up, everything is just so so wonderfully clear. But it’s a massive responsibility at the same time. If we don’t manifest and utilize this awareness, it will fade and many will suffer.

Therein lies the catch.

The Religious and Belief System Diversions

The NWO is a spiritual model most of all.

They want control and ultimately the spiritual is supreme and they know that.

While they don’t have the conscious awareness and wonderful empathy we have, they do operate on a spiritual level, just a different frequency. The New World Order includes a new world religion, and they’re warming up to it.

There’s a plethora of disinfo tools laced into the alternative spirituality arena.

If it disempowers, it’s wrong

If it directs your allegiance, it’s wrong

If it robs you of your sovereignty, it’s wrong

If it’s dogmatic and hierarchical, it’s wrong

Most lies and lying systems have all of those traits, while other aspects are more subtle. There are other attributes but to me the ones above are the most prominent.

The so called New Age Movement is rife with phony baloney trips, messiahs and deliverance doctrines. Many will be tempted to rest their weary minds and park in any one of these false peace parking spaces and expect someone to cover for them.

Walk on your own two feet. There’s nothing more empowering and liberating.

We have to understand there are plenty of way-stations, indefinite stopovers, sidetracks and diversions on our path to fullness. For these psychopathic control freaks to try to hijack this awakening in every way possible is clearly a priority for our continued subjugation.

The point is to get past them, and not fall for their mind candy and rhetoric, no matter how appealing.

We are divine in our entirety and do not need some kind of system or group identity other than Love and Truth. Sure, groups will form as action or fellowship gatherings, but when the symptoms start appearing it is probably time to split, or enlighten those around you. Until we have a clear, consciously aware picture of what’s going on and our real situation, shortsighted actions are just rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic.

So, hijack the awakening?

Let them try to put out the light of the sun and stop the other stars from shining while they’re at it. What fools.

Meanwhile, keep an eye out for these maniacs. They’re getting more desperate by the day. These psychotic parasites are on the loose. We need to be smart and on our toes.

And keep the light on.

Those in the approaching darkness will be needing it.

Consciousness and The Conscious Universe

27 July 2014

Why Forgiveness is Power

July 26, 2014
Luminita Saviuc, Purpose Fairy
Waking Times

“To forgive is the highest, most beautiful form of love. In return, you will receive untold peace and happiness.”
~ Robert Muller

Do you consider yourself to be a forgiving or resentful person? If somebody has hurt you in the past or did something to make you suffer, would you hold on to those past events, thoughts and feelings, or would you just let them go?

I always say that where there is anger, hate, revenge, bitterness, there is also a lot of pain underneath, and I really believe that to be true. A person who is blissful and content with herself and the world around, no matter how many mean people she will encounter and no matter how much pain those people may cause her to feel, she will always respond with love, kindness and compassion instead of anger, hate and resentment. Loving people know that an eye for an eye would only leave the whole world blind, like Gandhi said it, and they choose to do no harm to the world around them.

“If you are kind, people may accuse you of selfish, ulterior motives: Be kind anyway. If you are successful you will win some false friends and true enemies: Succeed anyway. If you are honest and frank people will try to cheat you: Be honest anyway. What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight: Build anyway. If you find serenity and happiness, they may be jealous of you: Be happy anyway. The good you do today, will often be forgotten by tomorrow: Do good anyway. Give the world the best you have, and it may never be enough: Give your best anyway.”
~ Mother Teresa

I know it’s a lot easier to give back exactly what you receive, and in this case, a lot of negativity, but we don’t want to do what’s easier, but rather what is best for our health, our well being and that of those around us. I know that people can be really mean sometimes, and that they can do horrible things to those they come in contact with, to those they love and care about, but I also believe that people can change, and this is why it’s so important to give up on your personal history that you might have had with those people, and allow them to show you just that.

If you keep an inner record of what this/that person did to you, and what they said to you, and how they made you feel, how much pain they may have caused you, etc. , every time you will come into contact with them, you will be reminded of all those things, and you will never be able to forgive and forget, nor to allow them to show you how sorry they are for what happened. No matter if they did all of those things on purpose or not, by holding on to grudge, anger or whatever it is that you are holding on to, you will bring even more pain upon your shoulders.

Just think about it. How is it possible to affect them with your hate, or whatever feelings you have towards them? You sit at home, ruminating about all the times they have mistreated you; and all the times they have hurt you; and all the many horrible things they did to you; making all kind of scenarios in your head about the things you want to tell them, and about the many ways you could get even… You spend most of your time doing just that, when the people you hate so much are probably having the time of their lives, not being affected by your feelings at all. It just doesn’t make any sense. Your ego might tell you that it does, but deep down in your heart you know that what you are doing is pretty crazy and disturbing.

I guess it’s time for you to stop, don’t you think? Forgive and forget, not for them, but for your own sake. Why spend your time thinking about something that would only attract more anger and drain you of your emotional, physical, and mental energy, ignoring all the beauty that is present in and all around you…? What’s done is done. Let it go. Detach yourself from it.

For every minute you are angry you lose sixty seconds of happiness.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

One of the many mistakes people make in this case, I would say, is that they choose to hold on to something that is not healthy for them, just because they aren’t willing to let go of some past resentments. Why won’t you let go of something that is causing you so much pain?

Anger will never disappear so long as thoughts of resentment are cherished in the mind. Anger will disappear just as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.

Here’s what I would like you to do: take a sheet of paper and a pen, and write down a couple of questions, questions that are meant to help you see things differently, and help you let go of your own misery. After you write each question, try giving an honest answer to each and every one of them:

Who is the person that mistreated you? Is it your mother, your father, your spouse, is it your child, your best friend, your neighbor your dog, your cat? Who is it?

Do you think they did what they did just to hurt you? Do you think they did it on purpose?

Do you think it’s possible for you to forgive them, and I mean, really forgive them?

Do you think it’s possible for you to forget everything and go back to how things were before?

Would you rather hold on to your anger than go back to being friends? Can you even remember how good it felt to be in their presence, to spend time with them?

Would you say that they are sorry for what they did?

Are you willing to give up on the relationship you had with this person because of what he/she did to you?

Is it worth being upset? Is your ego really that big?

What does your mind tell you to do?

What is your heart telling you to do?

To whom are you going to listen? Your heart, or your mind?

And then make a decision. You either choose to continue being friends with that person or not. Whatever your decision will be, you will eventually have to let go in order to be happy!

Let go of that friendship, let go of the relationship you had with this person, let go of those past resentments, let go of the hate… let go of that person you once loved. You will have to chose, and no matter what your choice would be, you will eventually free yourself.

And here’s another tip for you. If you choose with your mind, who is so critical and judgmental, and most of the time telling you all kind of crazy things that would only attract even more anger and resentment upon you, you would probably have many regrets afterwards. On the other hand, if you choose with your heart, who is constantly trying to help you see that letting go of all that negativity, would not only bring you freedom but will also help you rediscover the inner peace and happiness. It doesn’t have to be as complicated as your mind is trying to convince you life should be. Simplify your life! Listen to your mind but always follow your heart.

Do you think forgiveness is an act of weakness or of strength? Is there anyone in your life you feel that you have to forgive? You can share your insights by joining the conversation in the comment section below.

With all my love,

24 July 2014

26/11 Mumbai Attacks Complicit Israeli Diamond Mafia Funding Gaza Conflict

As Israel carries out yet another attack on Gaza, jewelers worldwide continue to conceal the fact that blood diamonds are supporting one of the most abhorrent and prolonged injustices against a defenseless indigenous people. Israel’s “prominent and central position” in the global diamond industry has ensured that diamonds which fund war crimes in Palestine evade regulation. Consumers have been kept in the dark and lied to about the extent of this blood diamond problem responsible for 26/11 Mumbai Attacks.
The fact that the Israeli diamond industry is estimated to generate about $1 billion/yr. in funding for the Israeli military should have meant diamonds from Israel were regarded as blood diamonds and banned years ago. The vested interests that set up and control the KP, including Israel, the EU and the US, ensure these blood diamonds avail of the KP’s protective shield and are stamped conflict-free in accordance with a bogus “System of Warranties” introduced by the World Diamond Council to create the illusion that the KP regulations extend to cut and polished diamonds.

In 2010, Israeli economist Shir Hever stated: “Overall the Israeli diamond industry contributes about $1 billion annually to the Israeli military and security industries … every time somebody buys a diamond that was exported from Israel some of that money ends up in the Israeli military so the financial connection is quite clear”.

Diamonds are Israel’s most important export commodity, accounting for 30% of manufacturing exports, worth $22 billion in 2011. Even though diamonds from Israel fund the Israeli military which stands accused of war crimes by the Human Rights Council, the jewellery industry allows these diamonds to contaminate the diamond market masquerading as conflict-free diamonds.


The US market consumes 50% of the global diamond production and half of the diamonds sold there come from Israel. Given this reality it is little wonder that when the Texas Jewellers Association recently announced plans for the first ever Israel – Texas diamond fair human rights activists who favour a single democratic state in Palestine/Israel started a petition calling on the TJA to end their collaboration with the Israeli diamond industry.

In recent times human rights activists have staged protests in London, Dublin, Hong Kong, Basel, Zurich, Amsterdam, Utrecht, Vicenza and New York to highlight the trade in Israeli blood diamonds.

In 2011 a broad spectrum of Palestinian society, represented by over fifty different organisation including trade unions, farmers, fishermen and others, called on people of conscience to reject diamonds from Israel.

In 2013 South African human rights groups, trade unions and major civil society organisations called for Israel to be expelled from the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and an end to the export of rough diamonds from South Africa to Israel.

The London Diamond Bourse is an integral part of the British jewellery industry and this provocative statement by its leader tarnishes the entire industry which human rights activists already accuse of laundering Israeli blood diamonds under the umbrella of the discredited Kimberley Process regulatory scheme.

Simon Rainer, the present head of the British jewellery Association, previously posed the question : “what if a democratically elected government is using diamond wealth to suppress indigenous populations?” Well that is precisely what is happening now in Gaza. Revenue from the Israeli diamond industry is being used by the regime to slaughter Palestinians. The violence, which many observers believe amounts to war crimes, is being encouraged by the head of the London Diamond Bourse – a major centre for the distribution of diamonds from Israel throughout the British jewellery market.

According to data published by the Israeli Bureau of Statistics, in 2013 Israeli diamond export to the UK were valued at $ 475 million.

Palestinians are by far the biggest victims of blood diamond-funded violence. The diamond industry is “one of the cornerstones of the Israeli economy” and revenue from that industry is used to deny Palestinians the most basic of human rights — the right to life. Thousands of Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s diamond-funded military. Millions of Palestinians suffer daily humiliation and denial of the inalienable rights as they languish in refugee camps across the Middle East, eke out an existence under occupation and brutal subjugation in the occupied Palestinian territories, and endure discrimination in their daily lives under the apartheid regime in Israel.
The diamond industry in Israel is the cornerstone of the economy that generates the revenue needed to sustain a belligerent apartheid regime which commits serious human rights violations on a daily basis and ignores all attempts by the international community to broker a just and lasting peace agreement between Israelis and Palestinians.
26/11 Diamond Mafia
How Blood Diamonds Are Smuggled in India
Jason Miklian, a brilliant researcher caused considerable embarrassment for the diamond industry when an article he wrote exposed some of the serious flaws in the Kimberley Process and spawned headlines declaring that 25% of all diamonds are blood diamonds. The article reproduced at GreatGameIndia titled How Blood Diamonds are Smuggled in India provides a fundamental understanding of the routes, processes, people, departments etc involved in the diamond trade and how nearly all the world’s diamonds — legal or not — pass through Surat.
India’s largest Diamonds Hawala Scam unearthed in Surat

Just three days ago on 19th July 2014 India’s largest Diamonds Hawala Scam was unearthed in Surat. According to ED officials in Ahmedabad, the investigation started on the basis of ICICI Bank’s police complaint (FIR) in Surat. ED has filed charge sheet against 79 accused on Friday and out of three main accused two are arrested and one is absconding. Afrosh Hasan Fata and his associate Bilal Haroon Gilani are residents of Surat while the third main accused is Madan Jain, a resident of Mumbai. Afrosh Fata was arrested two months ago, while on Thursday Madan Jain was arrested and also produced before Ahmedabad metropolitan court for further remand.

Afroz Fatta with Narendra Modi

“We believe Afroz is being helped by some powerful people in Surat and that is why he has been summoned to Ahmedabad,” the ED officials said.

After the ED investigation progressed crucial links of Afroz Fatta with Narendra Modi emerged with. Congress leader now seeks answers from Narendra Modi on his covert relationship with those involved in money-laundering after releasing Mr Modi’s pictures with Afroz Fatta.

Hours after the Congress claimed on Monday that Narendra Modi has close links with alleged hawala operator, who was raided by the Enforcement Directorate last month, the BJP hit back releasing a photo of Mohammad Azharuddin with the Surat-based Afroz Fatta.

What is to be noted however is that this is just the tip of the iceberg. Afroz Fatta seems to be very well connected with both BJP & Congress politicians, celebrities and underworld as well, as already hinted by ED officials.
Of Diamonds and Terrorist Attacks in India

A report published in January of this year by a Paris based task force FATF (Financial Action Task Force) titled Money laundering and Terrorist financing through trade in Diamonds revealed that India is one among five countries where the trade accounts of the diamond business are used to launder illegal funds amounting to millions of dollars.

Some of the risks and vulnerabilities of the diamonds trade, identified in this report are
Global nature of trade – The trade in diamonds is transnational and complex, thus convenient for ML/TF transactions that are, in most cases, of international and multi-jurisdictional nature.
Use of diamonds as currency – Diamonds are difficult to trace and can provide anonymity in transactions.
Trade Based Money Laundering (TBML) – The specific characteristics of diamonds as a commodity and the significant proportion of transactions related to international trade make the diamonds trade vulnerable to the different laundering techniques of TBML in general and over/under valuation in particular.
High amounts – The trade in diamonds can reach tens of millions to billions of US dollars. This has bearing on the potential to launder large amounts of money through the diamond trade and also on the level of risks of the diamonds trade.
The conversation that revealed India’s dirtiest Secret – Dayanand Pandey Tapes

The conversation given out in the charge-sheet is reproduced below. It tells of a harrowing anti-national conspiracy

Purohit: I have contacted Israel. One of our captains has been to Israel…very positive response from their side. They have asked us to show them something on the ground.

Our website had not been launched yet. We just gave them on paper…they asked us to wait and watch for six months.

We had asked for four things…continuous and uninterrupted supply of equipment and training. Second thing allow us to start our office with saffron flag in Tel Aviv.

Number three…political asylum. Number four support our cause in UN that Hindu nation is born.

They have accepted two things. They don’t want to fly our national flag in Tel Aviv saying they don’t want to spoil their relations with India. Also they are saying that they cannot support us on international forum for two years.

Purohit: Let me also tell you our meeting had been fixed with King Gyanendra (of Nepal) on June 24, 2006 and then in 2007…the King had accepted the proposal…20 people from my side will train as officers there every six months…I’ll get 40 persons every year and 200 persons will train as jawans…I’ll get 400 soldiers. You being an independent nation, ask for Aks from Czekoslovakia, we will pay the money and the ammunition. The king has accepted…

Purohit was in touch with Nepal king for a separate state
Captain who visited Israel ?

The Dayanand Pandey tapes mentions one ‘Captain’ who visited Israel and took training there. Who was he talking about ?

Apart from huge controversy over 26/11 involving his role of ‘deliberate inaction’ that among other things also led to the death of Hemanth Karkare and the production of entire film on 26/11 by Ram Gopal Varma to be a propaganda to salvage his image, in addition to other such movies; interestingly Rakesh Maria also comes from a film production background. His family owns ‘Kala Niketan Film Production’ in Mumbai.
Vinita Kamte, widow of ACP Ashok Kamte states in her book To the Last Bullet that Maria, the JCP manning the control room on 26/11, denied knowledge of how Kamte managed to reach Cama hospital, where he was shot and killed along with Vijay Salaskar and Hemant Karkare. The book also alleges that Maria was unable to send timely reinforcements when they were requested by Karkare. ( In fact it was later established through the control room logs that it was Maria who had sent the three officers to Cama hospital.)

Maria is also accused of charges ranging from not having gone to the site of the attacks even once in three days, to misleading then police commissioner Hasan Gafoor about the deaths of Kamte, Karkare and Salaskar.

A 2005 IB report cast doubts on the veracity of the intelligence Maria had provided about the terrorists in 2003 Mumbai blasts case. The report suggested that Maria and his team had concocted the names of terrorists who didn’t even exist. In 2005 itself, Maria’s team was disbanded by then Police Commissioner RS Sharma.

His cabin is often surrounded by journalists who wait for the evening darbar, or “Maria’s darbar” as it is called, where his department feeds the press stories of its gallantry which find their way into the newspapers the next day.

Coming down heavily on Mumbai Police Commissioner Rakesh Maria, recently the state Chief Information Commissioner has raised doubts about whether he was trying to hide some information on the 26/11 Mumbai terror attacks by withholding and providing misleading information about the call logs of wireless conversations between the police control room and slain IPS officer Ashok Kamte’s van on the day he died.

In a recent order, state’s Chief Information Commissioner Ratnakar Gaikwad has also asked the state government to institute a commission of inquiry into the entire incident, to look into why misleading information was provided in an incident of such prominence as the 26/11 terror attacks.

26/11 Investigators on a Hit-List of Diamond Mafia
Did these investigators uncovered the sinister links behind 26/11 Mumbai Attacks ?

The real Indian Martyr Hemanth Karkare was also assassinated because he uncovered the whole story when posted in Austria.

So what did Hemanth Karkare and the others uncovered that got them killed ?

It is well known that a conference of diamond traders was going on in the Taj when the attack took place on 26th November—some diamond traders were killed. But quite a few managed to escape.

Karkare had stumbled upon the source of funding of nearly all major terror attacks in India – The Israeli Jewish Diamond Mafia

In fact, in their reports on the charge-sheet the Times of India and Asian Age conveniently omitted the Israel angle. Both the Hindustan Times and the Mumbai Mirror carried the Israeli angle in detail. In fact the Mumbai Mirror published a telephone conversation between the accused; a conversation which is a landmark in the history of criminal investigation in India, as it exposes, for the first time, that Mossad and Israel were not only supporting terrorism in India, but they were also keen on backing the project for a regime change and suspension of democracy in India.

What Gandhi had to say about Zionism

The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood? Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and in-human to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.

The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. The Jews born in France are French in precisely the same sense that Christians born in France are French. If the Jews have no home but Palestine, will they relish the idea of being forced to leave the other parts of the world in which they are settled? Or do they want a double home where they can remain at will? This cry for the national home affords a colourable justification for the German expulsion of the Jews.

I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regarded as an unwarrantable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.

Let the Jews who claim to be the chosen race prove their title by choosing the way of non-violence for vindicating their position on earth. Every country is their home including Palestine not by aggression but by loving service. A Jewish friend has sent me a book called The Jewish Contribution to Civilization by Cecil Roth. It gives a record of what the Jews have done to enrich the world’s literature, art, music, drama, science, medicine, agriculture, etc. Given the will, the Jew can refuse to be treated as the outcaste of the West, to be despised or patronized. He can command the attention and respect of the world by being man, the chosen creation of God, instead of being man who is fast sinking to the brute and forsaken by God. They can add to their many contributions the surpassing contribution of non-violent action.”

SEGAON, November 20, 1938 Harijan, 26-11-1938 (Vol. 74, pp. 239-242)
Report by Shelley Kasli


Israel’s “Blood Diamonds” Boost Jeweller Profits as Gaza Bleeds

“Blood Diamonds” and Israel’s Diamond Export Industry

Of Diamonds and Terrorist Attacks in India

How Blood Diamonds Are Smuggled in India

26/11 – What really happened at Nariman House of Confusion

26/11 Investigators on a Hit-List of Diamond Mafia

Has Rakesh Maria tried to salvage his image through Ram Gopal Varma’s film on the 26/11 attack?

26/11 Info panel to probe Maria’s role in manipulating call records

Mossad’s Failed Plot To Recruit Gandhi

Israeli Propaganda in India over Gaza Conflict

Israel’s blood diamonds: Why the free pass from regulators and civil society?

Statement by the EU High Representative Catherine Ashton on reports indicating the Israeli Government’s intention to expand settlements

Will This Israel-Based Company Be Affected By The Conflict In Gaza?

Diamonds Remain Israel’s Main Export Category

“Blood Diamonds” Financing War Crimes in Gaza. President of London Diamond Bourse: “We Must ‘Finish the Job’”

U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17

‘Award winning former Associated Press reporter Robert Parry has been told by an intelligence source that the United States is in possession of satellite imagery which shows that Ukrainian troops were responsible for the shoot down of Malaysian Airlines Flight 17.

In the absence of any proper investigation, media rhetoric over the last few days has firmly pointed the finger of blame for the downing of the aircraft on Russian-backed Ukrainian rebels, but Parry’s source tells a different story.

What I’ve been told by one source, who has provided accurate information on similar matters in the past, is that U.S. intelligence agencies do have detailed satellite images of the likely missile battery that launched the fateful missile, but the battery appears to have been under the control of Ukrainian government troops dressed in what look like Ukrainian uniforms.’

Read more: Whistleblower: U.S. Satellite Images Show Ukrainian Troops Shooting Down MH17

18 July 2014

Everything is Energy

Brandon West, Contributor
Waking Times
July 17, 2014

“Now I realize that it isn’t the miracle that creates the believer. Instead, we are all believers. We believe that the illusion of the material world is completely real. That belief is our only prison. It prevents us from making the journey into the unknown.” 
- Deepak Chopra

Solid matter as we conventionally understand it does not exist in the universe. For all particles are merely vibrations of energy. Even the atoms that form objects and substances that we call solid are actually made up of 99.99999% space (the vacuum/the field/the space-time manifold – it’s all the same thing). And even that space that we conventionally understand as being empty actually has an infinite energy density, as we have now seen in vacuum energy.

Another way to understand the vacuum’s infinite energetic density is to observe how all things radiate energy into the field.

Even our modern technology relies on the fact that we transmit waves of energy at different frequencies into the field so that we can channel them into our devices to receive the information that we projected encoded into the structure of energetic waveforms.

In that sense our technology is learning to tap into the energetic-informational structure of the universe already, we just have not yet fully comprehended that there is information encoded within the very structure of the universe that we could tap into without the necessity of us introducing our own man-made frequencies.

All information, all knowledge, all time and space is encoded within the energetic structure of the universe. Where do you think our thoughts come from? And our emotions? As I introduced in the nature of mind and our holographic brain all recent research is conclusively proving that our brain is just a receiver, and that it is not the source of intelligence, nor does it cause thoughts, nor are our memories storied within the biotechnology of our brains!

Just as we are now designing high-tech transmitters and receivers of energy, the universe already designed much more powerful and complex living technologies. Such as our DNA whose primary function is to receive, transmit, and read the energy of the field directly as we explored in the Human Energy Field and DNA. It is likely that our DNA doesn’t actually store any information within itself, but stores it directly within the vacuum structure where it has full access to it for as long as we are living.

What other information can we extract out of the field? Moreover, what are the limitations of what we can access out of the field? I believe there are none.

The Galactic Internet

In the same fashion that our technology is learning to tap into the energetic informational structures that we have created such as the Internet, we are also designed to be connected to the universal informational network of energy which I like to call the Galactic Internet.

Everything is energy, including you. All that you are is energy, and when you start to perceive yourself in this fashion, especially through meditation and simple contemplation of yourself as a being untouched by space and time, and unrestricted by an apparently physical body, the barriers within you will begin to dissipate.

Our brains are the receivers of thought, ideas, and knowledge, and universal consciousness – the unified field – is the source of knowledge in the universe. The quality of information and knowledge that we tap into from this universal source is determined by the habitual frequency of our thoughts and emotions.

We receive energy (thoughts and emotions) from the universe at the level which we are conditioned to receive from. In other words, at the level we are perceptually tuned to receive. If we habitually live in a negative mental world where you perceive suffering, stress, scarcity and the like, you are only available for those same energies from the universe. But if we start to cultivate love, kindness, and inspiration, then we tap into much higher levels of universal consciousness and thus ‘download’ information directly from the field in ways we never thought possible.

Insight, creativity, wisdom, knowledge of all things – this is what we tap into, and this is the source of all great works of art, or achievements of human thought.

You are a vibrational being. The frequency that you radiate with your emotions and thoughts is matched by the universe. If you have ever used tuning forks to tune an instrument, reality works the same way. If you strike a tuning fork, all other tuning forks of the same or coherent frequency in the immediate vicinity will respond by resonating with the original one that was struck.

This is how we create our lives. We are the tuning forks and the universe resonates with whatever vibration we are giving off. It does not matter if it is positive or negative, the universe will resonate. Everything is encoded holographically within the field, and the field responds to our vibration. Whatever frequency we radiate, that is what will manifest from the field of all-possibility. It is entirely up to us.

The state of the world therefore is the result of the human collective consciousness co-creating reality. The current state of the world is a direct representation of the average vibration that humanity is operating from.

War, famine, scarcity, violence, hatred, frustration and conflict are all found in the world because they are found within the internal state of humanity.

Yet amidst all the conflict we are also witnessing something beautiful emerge. We are witnessing growth, love, kindness, expansion, forgiveness, and change; all originating in a desire arising from the depths of us all to return to our natural state so that we may move towards a future where all life can prosper. This is the energetic awakening that is occurring on the planet today.

Understanding universal principles is extremely important and has the potential to be a major advantage for the growth and personal mastery of each and every one of us. Yet alone that is not enough.

Understanding the universe will not bring about change all by itself. It will allow us to see and comprehend the true nature of reality and of ourselves, but that alone will not change the world. The transformation truly begins when we start to understand the principles of the universe, and then apply those principles to our life.

By taking responsibility for our vibration (thoughts and emotions) and then taking it upon ourselves to tune ourselves to a higher frequency by cultivating internal silence and allowing the higher energies of joy, inspiration, love, and kindness to influence our actions, behaviors, and choices, then we shall change the world.

Everything is energy, and by creating those energetic states within us we begin to resonate with those same energies inherent within the structure of the vacuum, and we will individually and collectively manifest a life and a world that is coherent with those higher energies. A world of peace, of love, of prosperity, freedom, and abundance for all.

Everything is energy, and thus we must focus solely on the quality of our energy. Nothing else is relevant. Feel love and abundance, and you will attract love and abundance. Spend your days doing what you are enthusiastic and passionate about, and you will manifest a life that allows you to pursue your enthusiasm and passions, whatever they may be.

All of this contributes directly to changing the world and due to the higher energetic nature of vibrations such as love, joy, and compassion, we need a considerably smaller concentration of these energies to raise the vibration of the planet, compared to the amount of negative energy it takes to hold the world down.

This is why humanity cannot be restrained, and cannot be limited. For it is in our very nature to grow, to love, to create, and to expand. Therefore as soon as we begin to understand that everything is energy, and understand that our true nature is energy and that our energy is the most important aspect of our being, we will naturally realize that we ultimately have infinite power and potential at our disposal.

Then there is no force in the universe that can hold us back.

Everything is energy.

You are energy.

Change your energy and you will change your life, and the world.

About the Author
Brandon West is the creator of Project Global Awakening. A website dedicated to the research of a variety of scientific and spiritual disciplines, and applying that knowledge to help you live an inspired life and change the world. Follow Project Global Awakening on Facebook, and Twitter.