
26 November 2015


The downing of a Russian airliner, the "heart attack" of the founder of Russia Today in DC, the stunning UFO-like missile test over LA, the Paris shootings and the Turkish attack on a Russian warplane may all be signs that the war for Disclosure is reaching its climax.

At least six different insider sources are telling us the Alliance has reached a huge decision: They have finally agreed to move forward with Disclosure.

Disclosure involves a tremendous release of classified information that will utterly change everything we thought we knew about the world today.

This may include some sort of official announcement, in the not-too-distant future, that non-terrestrial intelligent civilizations are visiting Earth.

A short-term initiative is already being implemented now -- while the longer-term initiatives of how much to tell us, and when, are still being negotiated.

All five of these highly unusual and violent events occurred AFTER the majority of our insiders leaked this new intel to us... independently of each other.


Only the Old World Order "Cabal" group is now opposed to Disclosure. And, as usual, they are using terrorism to try to stop it -- against Russia and France.

These attacks may be intended to bully Alliance countries and create fear, so they will hopefully rethink their decision to release the big secret.

Regardless of the secret and deadly war now being fought, the weeks and months ahead could finally produce some very exciting changes.

So many things are happening all at once that we feel it is important to summarize what we know in one single investigation.


Like everyone else, we were shocked and saddened by the downing of the Russian airliner and the Paris shootings.

And what in the world is Turkey, a US ally, doing shooting down a Russian warplane that is bombing ISIS, everyone's terrorist arch-enemy?

Up until this all started, things had been quiet for a couple months -- in the sense that negative mass incidents were not dominating our collective attention.

We had two more large sections of data ready to go, but held them back once it was clear that the critical time had not yet arrived.

It was also admittedly necessary to take some time out, breathe and rebuild our resolve to continue fighting this battle.

Given what we are now seeing in the news and hearing from insiders, the time of change we were anticipating is happening now.

11/25: Russia Bombards Syrian Rebels Near Downed Russian Jet

The incident was one of the most serious publicly acknowledged clashes for half a century between Russia and a NATO member country.


If you are new to this and find yourself saying "What insiders," or something less polite, our contact with multiple whistleblowers is easily provable -- with video.

I (David) attended the Disclosure Project in 2001, featuring 39 insiders. I appear in the SIRIUS feature film that refers to these proceedings as well.

I worked closely with Project Camelot, a group that has released videos of many whistleblowers, for their first four years -- and met many of their insiders.

You can see me in Part 2 of the Pete Peterson Camelot video. Pete has been a very reliable and trusted source ever since we did this taping six years ago.

I also got called up on stage with NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O' Leary and space program insider Henry Deacon halfway through this video taken in Zurich.

Now there is an entire show on the Gaia network where I am interviewing the space program insider Corey Goode, entitled Cosmic Disclosure.

Cosmic Disclosure has broken all previous viewership records for Gaia (formerly GaiamTV) and now has an audience comparable in size to that of CNN.

We have leaked insider data for many years in David's Blog, creating controversial articles averaging over 100,000 unique views each.

Wherever possible, we have done the hard work of finding provable data to match up with insider testimony, so you don't have to "take our word for it."

Although the progress has been painfully slow, the disclosure war we have been documenting here has become ever-increasingly obvious.

There are countless news stories emerging every week that reveal the secret war that is raging behind the scenes -- on a global level.

The truth truly is stranger and more fascinating than fiction -- and you become part of the solution by learning about it.

This investigation will be a "long read," but it will definitely not be boring. It presents a compelling narrative of data we have never before summarized.

So drop whatever you are doing, strap in and prepare for a wild ride.


November 25, 2015

The Occult Definition of Convict and the Hidden Role of Judges

The word convict is often used in the legal system to identify people who have been found “guilty” of a crime and is serving a sentence in prison. What most people do not know about the word convict is that there is a deeper meaning to this word. Its deeper meaning is used by the Dark Forces and their minions to mock people who were in prison or are serving a sentence in prison. After reading this article, you will know the occult definition of convict and why the legal system likes to use this word to mock convicts.

The overt definition of convict is “a person proved or declared guilty of an offense.” This definition only defines the word convict at the surface level. To find the deeper meaning of the word convict, you need to split the word into two words “con-vict” and switch them around. When you do this, the words become “vict-con”.

The Occult Definition of Convict

The prefix “vict” comes from the Latin root word vict, meaning “conquer.” It is related to the root word vinc. This is where we get the word victim from. The definition of victim is “a person who isdeceived or cheated, as by his or her own emotions or ignorance, by the dishonesty of others, or by some impersonal agency” or “a person or animal sacrificed or regarded as sacrificed”.

To connect the dots, a “con-vict” or “vict-con” is a victim of a con who has been conquered anddeceived due to his or her ignorance. This is the covert or occult definition of convict. So, what is the con? The con is the legal system. Convicts are victims of the con known as the legal system.

The legal system is a fraud because it is based on presumption and is run by a bunch of criminalsthat are using it to con people to pay them money, and therefore it is a con system. Most people who are in prison are in prison because they have been conned by the legal system. The legal system mocks them by calling them convicts. Are you starting to see the big picture here?

The Hidden Role of Judges

Italian Jesuit Priest

Judges are Jesuit priests. Their hidden role is to charge you with something, so that you can be used as a battery to charge the corporations (corpses or dead entities) of the Dark Forces (groups of demons) and their New World Order. For strong evidence of this, read my empowering article titledThe Esoteric Definition of Battery.

Did you know the word corporation (corp-o-ration) has the wordcorpse in it, and therefore its hidden definition is “a dead body“. The word corporation can also be written as corp. Phonetically, the root word corp sounds similar to the word corpse, which is defined as “a dead body, usually of a human being.” Do you still need more evidence? According to Black’s Law Dictionary 6th Edition, a corporation is “an artificial person or legal entity created by or under the authority of the laws of a state.” Anartificial person is considered a dead entity, because it does not exist in the real world.

Have you ever wondered why judges wear black robes? The black robe uniform is the symbol representing a Jesuit priest that worships the god Saturn. During the ancient times, Saturn was associated with the god of law and justice. Today, many secret societies still worship Saturn as the god of law and justice.

According to Jordan Maxwell, the symbol that was used in the religious context for Saturn was the square and its symbolic color was black. This is why judges wear a black robe. It is their way of showing respect to Saturn, the god of law and justice. Whether judges realize it or not, they are religious priests who have been brainwashed by the Dark Forces to cast dark magic spells on people when they are in court.

The legal system is saturated with dark magic. This is why the letter that the court used to notify you to appear in court is called a summons letter. What do witches do when they need to call spirits to appear in front of them? They summon them! They did not call it a summons letter by accident. A lot of court documents also have seals on them. These seals are sigils that are used for real magic rituals. Be aware that magic can be used for good or evil purposes.

Did You Know Bar Attorneys are Templar Agents?

As for attorneys, especially Bar attorneys, they are Templar agents. These agents are committing crimes in the USA, Canada, Australia, and other certain countries under the guise and color of law. Bar attorneys work for the same secret organizations (the Crown of England and the Crown Temple) that tried to enslave the American people in the 1700s.

These two secret organizations were heavily involved in the killing of Americans during the American War of Independence. Today, the Crown of England and the Crown Temple still have the same dark agendas. Unfortunately, they have already taken over the court and political system of the USA over 100 years ago. These two secret organizations are controlled by the Vatican, which is the religious center for the Dark Forces.

People who work for the legal system are unknowingly or knowingly abetting FRAUD. This system is run by a bunch of CRIMINALS working for the CROWN OF ENGLAND, the CROWN TEMPLE, and the VATICAN. Because of this, nearly all judges and Bar attorneys are traitors to the human race. However, there are some judges and attorneys who are working for the legal system, because they want to learn how it really works, so that they can expose the corruption in the legal system and teach others how to prevent it from enslaving the human race. To find good solutions to a problem, you need to be aware of it and know how it works.

About the Author

Pao L. Chang is the author and founder of and His main goal is to empower you with knowledge that is beyond the conventional paradigm to help free your mind and increase your spiritual well-being to a whole new level.

~~ Help Waking Times to raise the vibration by sharing this article with friends and family…

24 November 2015


The effects of the Paris atrocities felt throughout the world, and no greater than with the relatives and friends of the murdered people, serve as a warning to the intent of world psychopaths. I totally accept that those that committed the atrocities had a religious/fundamental agenda but who was in their minds? Who was manipulating them? I do not for one moment believe that they were aware of the important planetary alignment at the very moment they started the terrible crimes. The situation in Paris was one big sacrifice designed to release traumatic energy which combined with the hadron collider at full power might well have removed humanity from its connection to source. I know when I have said this previously some have laughed saying that no force can break our connection to the creator. But do we really want to put that to the test? 

No sacrifice is a good thing, the sacrifice in Paris from a magical perspective was tainted with evil intent. The crime was so great that source itself entered the hadron collider and a ‘pushing contest’ ensued with unbelievable amounts of energy being expended. Source manifested itself within the colliding tubes of the device, the operators of the device ramped up the power in an effort to expel what they perceive to be a foreign body. Source matched this energy output until finally extensive damage was caused to the whole installation. American security services who are not part of the Cabal estimate that it will take 10 years to repair the collider, my own information is it’s more like 5 years. The Cabal can either pretend that nothing has occurred or that they will mothball the device because in their words it has achieved what they set out to achieve. We know these will be lies for why else would the Chinese have just announced that they themselves will build a collider larger than Cern. 

When Connecting Consciousness undertook the Global meditation we demonstrated our connection to love and proved that humanity can triumph over evil and I personally believe that this allowed Source to play a more active roll in what is now a war - a war for the salvation of humanity.

My thoughts and the thoughts of all the team at Connecting Consciousness go out to all people who have suffered at the hands of a criminal psychotic group of murderers, it is for all good people to ensure that such people never gain control of the human race. 

Much hope, more strength, much love!



Major explosion at CERN (Hadron Collider)


Sgt Daniel Brad MacBolen (Bases edit)

In Part 1-3, the Hadron Collider at CERN, and its ‘synchronised’ junior devices across the planet were discussed. The basic narrative being that this massive device was being used for nefarious purposes to open a worm hole allowing ‘Draco’ ETs, who have been on earth for thousands of years (Aka Demons) to have massive reinforcements, in a great space war above our heads.

Thus the term Draco. The issue here being that the Draco should not have space flight/or ‘gate technology’ or even be here. They are not the bad guys here. They are manipulated by an “A-I” Articfical intelliegence, found in the sentient fluid from another location or source in the universe. Found in crude oil, (Falklands War), it is extremnely dangerous substance that pulls down higher conscious beings and makes them into homicidal killers (Nazi Germany).

In this Tek Chat, Patty Brassard gives a basic run down of the temporary shut down of the Collider, and the detailed images obtained to show the beams go off focus, and the damage starts. Preceded by a brief chat with Karen MacDonald, who introduced us to Sgt Daniel for the first time. A major whistle blower with an long list of agencies to his name. 

(USAF number and data is on file) 

As with Bases we listen to what people have to say, and then draw conclusions as best we can. A further 2nd interview with Sgt Daniel is planned. 

Basically no public word has emerged from CERN, as to what has been reported in these interviews. 


23 November 2015

The Privatization of Nuclear War

With tensions growing in Europe, Asia and the Middle East, a new generation of nuclear weapons technology is making nuclear warfare a very real prospect. And with very little fanfare, the US is embarking on the privatization of nuclear war under a first-strike doctrine. This is the GRTV Backgrounder with our guest, Professor Michel Chossudovsky.

The Psychopathy of Greed

I always find it interesting that people blame corporate greed for our overall condition. Sure it's a major factor at one level, but it's just an obvious outcropping of something much, much deeper.

Sadly not that many are willing to go there...

That the entire world system is built on a capitalist system in one form or another is mind boggling. Defying our innate conscious awareness to the contrary, the signal has been given and repeatedly endorsed as well as crassly promoted that we need to gain off of each other, in each and every transaction, every exchange, in a no holds barred, dog eat dog environment.

One look at the marketing world and you get the picture. And the supposed "fittest" come out on top.

This is how and why the populace acquiesces to domination by the few.

"They're just good at what they do. They're smarter and more motivated than the rest of us so surely they deserve to be winners in the game."

Humanity's being told how the game works and that this is your only option.

"It's just the way it is, so get to work and earn your salary, then invest in the game and try to get ahead and make a name and lots of money for yourself."

At which point the sharks devour the unsuspecting guppy.

Group absolved endemic greed doesn't make it right, however justified, by any stretch of the imagination.

The Corporate "Growth" Model

It's fully accepted that corporations need to grow.

For their good, for our good, or so we're told. It's a fear based econo-survivalist psychological scam. Who says they need to constantly make more, for their investors' interests or otherwise?

Yet this is considered healthy in a capitalistic system, under the guise of increased jobs and benefits and a prosperous economy.

Do the employees really benefit?

Do the consumers who go increasingly into debt trying to catch the materialist carrot benefit?

Who really benefits?

Yet this model is accepted carte blanche as a driving force for a 'healthy economy.'

If you stand back to think about it outside of all this financial gibberish it's completely destructive, enslaving insanity for the good of the few. And yet this model is mimicked as if it's the paradigm of truth through every level of Pavlovian entrained economic and interpersonal commerce engagement.

Getting to the Root of the Problem

The entire system is built on a background of assumed scarcity, that there's not enough to go around so unless you push and shove your way into a place where you "earn" your keep and beat those around you you'll be hung out to dry.

Clever bastards. All while they sit at the top of the food chain devouring their prey.

What's even more surreal is how those who "succeed" in making a lot of money are then considered authorities on any and every subject.

Just look the Rockefeller family, one such cluster-fuck among many, screwing their way up the capitalist ladder who then set up think tanks, foundations and whatnot to influence the course of humanity according to their whims.

What or who made them the "wise ones" to rule over us? Guess what: Endorsed greed, abject avarice and the resultant intoxicating money and power in the hands of a few.

Look at creeps like George Soros or Bill Gates and a plethora of other unelected plutocrats, inserted intellectuals and accepted moral and geopolitical authorities like the Pope, lap dog Kissinger or voice petBrzezinski and the panorama of puppet heads of state.

It's insane...

Never mind the,



the so-called royal families of Europe such as the Windsors and House of Orange-Nassau of the Netherlands

...or whomever is hoarding the really big bucks.

The message is the same:

in their minds we and our world are owned.

And they aren't sharing nothing with the rest of us.

Why? Apparently we don't deserve it.

Do you like that fate and outcome? "Everyone else is accepting it, so it must be OK"… reasons the stilted servant.

Greed - A Name You Can Trust

You've all heard the outlandish statistics about how few have so much in this world.

Yet it is by and large accepted by quiet submission, incredible as that may seem. The problem is humanity's acquiescence to a rigged system.

While the wealth of some of these bloodline families, banking moguls and mega rich corporate thugs could feed the poor of the earth many times over, they sit on their booty and only get more oppressive.

This brings us to the psychopathy of greed, amongst many other issues.

Greed is insatiable. It is a vampiristic dynamic. It only sucks and is never satisfied. Wealth soon takes a back seat to power and control, their ultimate aphrodisiac. This is what it all leads to.

And this reptilian, archontic urge is never satisfied, it always wants more. At any cost to the hosts of these parasites.

The issue is that psychopathy, especially in positions of power, is not just rampant but so readily accepted. That's where the problem exponentially compounds.

This is the heartbreaking aspect to all of this, how humanity has bought into their program and replicates these unnatural urges at every level of society, which of course their system is designed to do.

And while the masses abuse each other in this same lower vibrational parasitic frequency, no one is conscious enough to realize their oppressive trendsetters are feeding off of all of humanity by the very meme they've put into place.

If people woke up to that one fact we'd have an overnight revolution of disengagement causing a massive resetting of how society should and could cooperate.

Conclusion - The 5 Step Program

Parasitic forces build parasitic institutions, and encourage the same in others while maintaining their dominance.

Be it corporatism, capitalism, communism and socialism, fractional banking or base line competition for resources and day to day needs, this system is rigged to the core.

Agreeing to help foment this dog eat dog mentality under the guise of survival or "rightful competition" only perpetrates the problem.

To become free and help build the better world we know exists requires conscious disconnection with this systemic disease. It begins in both small and big steps.

But the underlying propellant towards change is identifying the problem for what it is.

A parasitic disease, promulgated by those who stand to gain, and realizing their mindset is a pathological, direly destructive one that seeks to exert its twisted idea of oligarchical as well as personal control at any expense.

Step Up

First, do your part. Realize what is transpiring before your eyes, no matter how horrid it may first appear.

Second, disengage. In any and every way possible. Just take steps in that direction and the mounting freedom it engenders will empower you to take the next step.

Third, tell others - like a house afire. Use wisdom but never hold back. The hour is late as they are entering their last phases of implementable programs and are getting desperate to throttle humanity's awakening.

Fourth - stand strong in your convictions. Feed those convictions, strengthen them, and encourage the same in others, as the mainstream of society is a nasty polluted river we must avoid, resist, oppose and most of all penetrate and reverse with everything in us.

Fifth - Stand fast in your convictions. Live a life committed to your newfound awakened understanding… fearlessly. This presence of awakened individuals does more than we'll ever know.

See greed for what it is, but most of all don't comply with their fabricated hierarchical world of abuse.

It's fraudulent, manipulative, destructive and a de facto form of voluntary enslavement. See the world for what it has become. But more importantly, see the world as it should be and operate within that paradigm.

Their fabricated world of lies will then crumble at our feet...

by Zen Gardner 
November 12, 2015
from ZenGardner Website

The Ultimate Distraction

“There is nothing worse for the lying soul than the mirror of reality.” Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: reflections on life and the Human Experience

Encyclopedia Britannica defines distraction as: something that makes it difficult to think or pay attention.

Something that amuses or entertains you so that you do not think about problems, work, etc.

A state in which you are very annoyed or upset.

Distraction…it’s everywhere in our materialistic culture. It shouts at us through our friends and relatives, cell phones, the TV, our computers, facebook, twitter, comment sections, politics, fake news and the entertainment or distraction industry. We live in fear of a dozen kinds of holocausts; climate change, solar shot, methane, pole shift, ice age, pollution, nuclear war, terrorism, disease, poverty, poisonous food and water. The list of nebulous terrors waiting to engulf us is endless and many spend their lives distracting themselves to cover up there fear and apprehension of what might lie ahead.

There is so much information, disinformation and distraction in the media and our every day lives, it's enough to make our heads spin...and spin they do. It's no wonder we live in a state of confusion/distraction and information overload.

The busy mind

The mind of Impostor Consciousness[see my article] cannot be quiet and has to be constantly distracted. It has no inner being, cannot observe itself, and can only live through our emotions: our loves, intrigues and entanglements, our disappointments, fear and woes. It is a shell of desire, and when not tempered with spiritual understanding creates conflict within and without, for physical reality is nothing more than a mirror of human thinking.

Many people are busy prisoners of their beliefs, and often try to force their dogma on others. They are blinkered and blinded by the narrow spectrum of awareness about what is true or false, and many question nothing, they just accept what is dictated to them by their peers and absorb the lies as if they were the truth. The idea that we have been hoodwinked by deceptive information and blatant lies from 'those in charge' is often met with dismay and denial by our frail ego's. Many of us can't accept the challenge of information contrary to our programming and are quick to jump on the bandwagon of scorn and ridicule. In our self conceit, we can't be bothered to be our own investigators, find out for ourselves whether the dogma we carry is true or even belongs to us! We allow our minds to be invaded and distracted with other people's theories and conjecture, and if we can make it fit our beliefs we tend to look no further. We don't realise that our minds no longer belong to us, and that from the cradle to the grave, we are sleeping slaves of a matrix of control.

The distraction of intellectual bullshit

Intellectual bullshit is a billion dollar industry; a self important salve for the busy mind that cannot face itself. Billions of dollars are wasted in re-hashing outdated paradigms and tweaking the results to keep the boat of bull shit steady, and when the truth is presented, it's immediately dismissed by the experts because they all want to stay at number one in their respective fields. One example of this intellectual blindness is genetic modification.

The distraction of playing god

The materialistic mind of Impostor Consciousness believes in a mechanical reality where everything can be reduced to numbers and equations, but lacks the intuitive capabilities and spiritual understanding exemplified by Pythagoras and Plato. Most 'accepted' scientists and experts are blind to the fact that there is an underlying energetic connection between every organism on the planet.They do not realise that any interference with the 'original blueprint' of a animal or plant will cause stress and energetic discord within the vibratory pattern of the whole.

Genetic modification

Human kind has not woven the web of life. We are but one thread in it. Whatever we do to the web, we do to ourselves. All things are bound together. All things connect. Chief Seattle.

Our reality is dual and the Law of Nature is predator and prey, and just as lions pick off the sick and weak, so do the bugs. A sick plant like a sick person attracts the undertaker. Any organism giving off a negative field will attract a predator to destroy it.

Nature's undertakers

Genetically modified crops give off bad vibes, and the reason they are failing worldwide is because they no longer resonate in harmony with the natural world, the resonant web of life...and how does nature deal with them...she destroys them. It doesn't matter how much poison is sprayed to control pests whether they be insect or viral, they dance to a different drummer. In line with the matrix programme and the Cosmic Law of Balance, it is frequency that calls the tune.

So called pests are nature's undertakers and they have a job to do. If crops give off a sick energetic field they will be called upon by the matrix to destroy them no matter what we do. Poisoned insects transmit information about the toxins to their eggs and the next wave is immune, we call them super pests. And so it goes on: the pesticides become stronger and the super pests mutate into super super pests.

The upshot is that the intellectual bullshit of so called experts will lead to mass starvation.

The ultimate distraction

Impostor Consciousness and its reality is the ultimate distraction. It is the love affair with the ego self that wants to be king or queen of whatever jungle; to be a winner, to be on top in the world of glamour, sensation and self gratification. And, the third dimension is its geometric fractal backdrop for self congratulatory consciousness and the sensory driven game of ‘us and them.’

Mindset of the game

This materialistic mindset of' me versus you' and 'us versus them' has soaked every inch of grass on this planet in the blood of mankind. Age after age its the same bloody story of conquest and greed, and the harvesting of human emotion takes place on every level of our being. It's called the Loosh Rote.[see my article Meet the Firm]

For more information on the sacrificial nature of our reality
Holographic Disclosure 10 The Sacrificial energy.

The who dunnit distraction

There are all kinds of theories[and they are just that] about what has created the sacrificial dual world of which we are part; we want to know who the villain is, the creator of the human farm, and there are many faerie tales to fill in all the details, and vast amounts of money made printing bullshit to further distract our minds. Does it matter who built the fractal geometric matrix? Does does it matter who or what enslaved mankind and chained us in a narrow band of frequency, a prison for the mind? Whether it be an archon; a reptilian frequency pattern; a parasite that changes our reality to fit its needs; it really doesn't matter.

A being of frequency

What does matter is the fact that the architect of the matrix, the bane of mankind and all living things is a being of frequency, it has an energetic signature...the signature of the matrix. And, as long as we resonate within the parameters of its energy we are caught like flies in a spiders web where every negative thought and deed is calculated in the balance sheet of karma and drags us back life after life into the matrix reality of predator and prey.

Who needs prison bars when we exist in a self determined electronic prison!

The other side of the coin and the quiet mind

'My young men shall never work. Men who work cannot dream, and wisdom comes in dreams. Smohalla.

Holographic reality

Quantum physics has proven that energetic fields create our 'solid world' and suggests that we live inside a computor simulated virtual reality, a synthetic world of fractal geometry, that because of our body sensors and mental conditioning, we think is real...solid matter, and for the intent and purpose of the game of 'us and them', it is. We are a physical being in a physical world and many of us are so absorbed in the 'real life' we have no idea about our secret energetic reality. We are so busy with the fast game of life, totally involved with the material world of work, family, the matrix game of opposites, and the drama of existence that engulfs us everyday, that for many, spiritual reality does not exist. We have lost contact with our inner being and have no time for the quiet mind, no space to hear the small voice of our souls.

The tool kit

Ascending the vibration of this violent and contradictory world is about frequency...not ego; getting for self; or holding onto the anchor weight of dogma and one's self importance. It is about liberation of the mind; shaking free from the Impostor Consciousness of materialism and exploitation, and re-connecting to the planet and its creatures.

For those who are interested in speeding up the vibratory rate of their consciousness there are several tools that help.

Flesh free and let live

Vegetarianism versus carnivorism is another playing field for the battle of 'me versus you' and many 'spiritual' people will defend their right to eat the dead flesh of animals and think they are still spiritual.[now there's a distraction for you] What they don't realise is that the flesh of murdered animals contain fear fields, a slow and poisonous vibration that is an anchor weight and death knell for ascending consciousness. There can be no ascension into higher moving fields of energy for a ghoul.

Sonic re-patterning

Birth into this reality is in itself a trauma and the attack on our divine nature never stops until the 'box beckons'. Is it possible to re-pattern the trauma of the past, neutralise the energy of our pain? The answer is yes. Sonic re-patterning of the chakra fields using Pythagorean intervals is a great tool to lighten our energetic load, clear our minds of fear and the noise of distraction. See my article Symphony of Self.

Profiling of the Atlas bone

The atlas is the first cervical vertebra, and is named after the mythological giant who carries the world on his shoulders. Many people have the atlas bone in a position of malrotation with a tilt to the left.
This can be rectified by the profiling of the atlas bone.

This picture shows a misaligned Atlas to the left side. The rotation causes a reduction in the diameter of the aperture at the base of the skull and vertebral canal. This disrupts the normal flow of information between the brain and body through the vertebral and carotid arteries, and the lymphatic system, the cerebrospinal fluid, the meningeal system and the spinal cord.

Tai Chi, meditation,yoga and martial arts

Yoga and martial arts help tone our bodies and discipline our minds.

Sun gazing

Entrainment by the sun allows us to shut off the internal chatter of our ego and experience the quiet mind. See my article The Occult Sun.

These tools help to give greater clarity to our thinking, speed up our rate of vibration and bring us into harmony with all life on the planet.

The choice is ours....

Self Distraction by Saqib Hussain

Distractions are so many
And when they seem to decrease
We constantly search for more
As if trying to shut out
That persistent guiding voice
Sounding from our truest core
And to describe this further
Please think of the following
Useful metaphor:The sound of raindrops on your window –
The brief, intermittent, short pauses between them
Are the brief pauses of thought you sometimes have
Of your deepening loss and struggling way
Before you so quickly flood your mind with other thoughts
And keep busy with other, less important
(What is more important than saving the soul?) Thoughts and actions.
Constant self-distraction
Is constant self-delusion
And constant self-harm.

Taken from the book "Contemplate" available for free download from the following link.


21 November 2015

NSA admits to ET contact

National Security Agency (NSA) documents finally become relevant and meaningful in 2011, NSA admits to ET contact and provides some UFO disclosure but reluctantly.

This is truly blockbuster information. No one from the government has stepped in front of the cameras and come clean about ET reality as yet. But, here we have the most secret intelligence organization in the U.S.A. , the National Security Agency, disclosing openly that there has been contact with intelligent extraterrestrials. Not only that, they have decoded their messages

On October 21, 2004, the NSA approved for release to the public a portion of their NSA Journal Vol. XIV No. 1. So why would this report be relevant or meaningful in April 2011. Because the NSA did not release it into public information until April 21, 2011. Though cleared for release, the NSA had been stonewalling it along with hundreds of other NSA documents about contact with UFOs and extraterrestrials until they lost the lawsuit brought by Peter Gersten, a lawyer from Arizona. When they well and truly lost, the judge’s order had to be carried out, and the documents had to be released.

This is a report of a presentation given to the NSA by Dr. Howard Campaigne regarding the decoding of extraterrestrial messages that had been received “form outer space”. Apparently, these messages had actually been received via the Sputnik Satellite, but no one had any idea how to decode them at the time.

At some time, unspecified in the document, Dr. Howard Campaigne and some other NSA super mathematicians in the crypto department had been given the task of decoding the messages. There were a total of 29 messages to be decoded—quite an undertaking.

The document, is Dr. Campaigne’s presentation to the NSA on the decoding of those messages. It was actually published by the NSA in their own internal NSA Journal. Yet, they were also forced to publish a list of search terms from Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for which they had found no NSA documents. In that list is “Extraterrestrial Signals”. The title of this document, which they published themselves is “Key To Extraterrestrial Messages”. 

Quite obviously, they conveniently split hairs here in reporting they had no information about“Extraterrestrial Signals”. They knew for sure they had this document, and that it was about what was being requested in the FOIA request. They knew it, flaunted the technicality of wording, and continued to stonewall.

Who is Dr. Howard Campaigne?

Dr. Campaigne is one of the top cryptologists on the planet with years and years of service to Naval Security Group, Army Security Agency, National Security Agency, and a couple of other such organizations. 

Howard H. Campaigne started his crypto career for the government during World War II and has been a key and integral part of our U.S. security and intelligence ever since. In other words, he is part of a very small, very select group who are considered the cream of the crop in Cryptology.

Dr. Campaigne’s presentation to the NSA on decoding the extraterrestrial messages was not a hypothetical excerise. A former NSA employee was asked to review the documents, this person still has top secret clearance, and asked him to view the document, his take was, there was no question about its authenticity since it was published in the NSA Journal, and was released by the NSA on their web site. Does this document have any particular impact or importance (other than its startling revelations) for someone familiar with the inner workings of the NSA. It most certainly does.

The former NSA official was blown away by the wording of the document. He said that NSA communications are filled with words like “possibly” , “allegedly”, and “thought to be”. 

He said, “This document has none of the normal NSA disclaimer words in it. They just come out and said ‘we received messages from outer space’ and this is the way to decode those messages.”

The question was posed “What does that mean to you?”

His reply was instant.

“Disclosure, pure and simple. They aren’t making any fanfare about it, but there it is. They have just made open disclosure.”

But what do the messages say?

Dr. Campaigne focused on a set of information in a couple of the messages that turn out to be some mathematical equations. They also contain the listing of all the elements in our Periodic Table. Those equations may make some sense to a physicist or engineer, but do not mean anything to most of us. One can clearly understand how Dr. Campaigne came to the translation since he explains it very well. But, as to what the meaning of the equations are, one could not venture a guess.

It is curious, though, that during his presentation Dr. Campaigne mentions there are “words” that they have translated, and some “words” they have not yet begun to understand. He gives an example of a connective word that he knows is connective (joining two or more statements) but does not yet understand the translation of that word.

Debunkers are scared as hell of the release of this information as it proves beyond any doubt that they are, and always have been, dead wrong. Their careers as debunkers are finished in light of the revelation of this material. They are already using the only possible “tool” left to them by saying, 
“That’s old information. It’s been out there for years.”

As usual, they are either just uninformed, or outright lying. It is true the document was cleared for release on October 21, 2004. It is true that date is from “years”. But it is also true that it WAS NOT released until April 21, 2011.

"This information has not been available for years."

Many people have found that this information and a great deal of other information constitutes what most people would call open or full disclosure.

Open Disclosure and even ET contact seems to becoming the norm with the government as more and more information is put forward faster then ever before! Can you imagine, we have had alien contact, we have decoded the message!!!

Want to read the document for yourself? Here it is.

You will see that it is the official NSA.GOV website.


20 November 2015

ISIS The Start of World War III?

Published on Jun 26, 2014

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to David Icke about his predictions with ISIS and the possible start of WWIII. David breaks down many esoteric historical writings and the current political situation that can lead to bringing in other countries to war.

Paris Terrorist Attacks: RT Interview Just Destroyed the CIA and Fake U.S. News in 10 Minutes

You’ll see more truth in this 10 minute news interview from Russia Today (RT) than in 10 years of watching the liberal Propaganda media machines in the USA! RT just made the U.S. Media look like the disgusting lying pigs that they really are when they aired author Gearóid O'Colmáin in Paris. 

You’ve got to watch this interview and share it because you will never see somebody destroy the lies from the United States in just 10 minutes. This honest man brought out the truth that ISIS is a creation of the U.S. and was funded, armed and trained by the U.S... Moreover... France is knee deep in Syria because they're following the U.S. and NATO as well as funding other terrorists in Africa and the Middle East. 

Watch this RT interview with O'Colmáin and notice the difference between RT and Obama's lying scumbag media in the U.S. such as FOXNews who constantly interrupt their guests when they shy away from their talking points and U.S. propaganda. In this RT interview you get to hear O'Colmáin talk for 10 solid minutes with only a few questions from the host. 

American Born Republic brings to you the stories that the U.S. Media diluted, filtered or just plain refused to report. Try a LIKE to ABR at...

The Post-Capitalist Society is Already Emerging in Denmark


Similar to the end of feudalism hundreds of years ago, is capitalism to be replaced by a new type of social infrastructure and an emergence of a new kind of human being? Many believe that the much-needed shift has already started, as the message that capitalism is not working becomes louder and clearer. The system of monopolies, industrial giants, banks and governments has been so focused on privatization and commercialism that it has resulted in scarcity and inequality, lacking the vision of true freedom and abundance for all.

As the era of capitalism forges on, people are starting to realize the extent of its failures. Capitalism has been deficient in ensuring that basic human necessities are available to all, and has driven many people and even nations into financial ruin, enslaved by their jobs or by their creditors.

Feudalism was an economic system structured by customs and laws about “obligation”. Capitalism was structured by something purely economic: the market. We can predict, from this, that postcapitalism – whose precondition is abundance – will not simply be a modified form of a complex market society. But we can only begin to grasp at a positive vision of what it will be like. ~ Paul Mason, The Guardian

The shift into a new post-capitalism era is not likely to happen on a mass scale, but in a modular manner as different people, in different places, and at different speeds transform society, as in the example of Open Source Ecology, an organization that is helping to usher in a new type of collaborative global ‘maker’ culture.

Some would argue that the pre-era of post-capitalistic society already exists in some places, that it is already sculpting what will come next, while also diminishing the struggles of the “have-nots” and the artifice of the “haves”. Take Denmark for example. It is rated as one of the top 3 happiest countries in the world. When one starts to compare it to other countries, it appears that maybe they actually have society figured out. Here are some quick comparisons of Denmark to the United States (the US) and other countries in the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), as compiled by We Are Anonymous:

1) Denmark’s per capita income is $6000 higher than in the US.

2) Denmark has the second lowest poverty rate out of the 34 countries in the OECD.

3)Denmark ranks seventh among OECD countries in terms of employment rate. And their unemployment benefits are admirable: if you’ve worked at least 52 weeks over a three-year period, you are entitled to 90% pay of your original salary for up to two years.

4)The work force enjoys an average work week of 33 hours per week and five weeks of paid vacation each year. To put things in perspective, the US average is 47 hours per week and you’d be lucky if you had more than 16 paid vacation days/holidays.

5) Healthcare spending is around $4400 per capita, above the OECD average of $3300, but dwarfed by the excessive $10000 per person in the US.

6) Tuition costs don’t exist! College is free and students are given a $900 per month stipend if they live on their own. Tuition costs from in-state public to private college in the US range from $9000 to $31000 per year.

7) Denmark was ranked by Forbes as the best country for business in 2014, and was ranked #3 by the World Bank for ease of doing business.

8) Parental leave after a birth of a child is an average of 52 weeks paid time off. In the US, an employer is required to give you no paid time off.

9) Although taxes are high in Denmark, Danes are still able to save. Total gross national saving is estimated at 24.1% of GDP in 2013 (in the US, it’s about 13%). This may have something to do with lower household consumption, which averages at 49% of GDP versus 69% in the US.

10) Denmark uses taxes and social spending aggressively to narrow the income gap between the rich and the rest.

“I know that some people in the US associate the Nordic model with some sort of socialism, therefore I would like to make one thing clear. Denmark is far from a socialist planned economy. Denmark is a market economy… The Nordic model is an expanded welfare state which provides a high level of security to its citizens, but it is also a successful market economy with much freedom to pursue your dreams and live your life as you wish.” ~ Danish Prime Minister Lars Lokke Rasmussen

Are you pursing your dreams and living your life as you wish? Could capitalism still get all of us there? Or is a new societal infrastructure imminent, just waiting for enough of us to wake up?

About the Author

Alex Pietrowski is an artist and writer concerned with preserving good health and the basic freedom to enjoy a healthy lifestyle. He is a staff writer for and Offgrid Outpost, a provider of storable food and emergency kits. Alex is an avid student of Yoga and life.


Alex Pietrowski, Contributor

19 November 2015

Paris Attacks: The Bigger Picture

We now know that the Paris Attacks false flag is nothing different to WTC 911, i.e. suppression of privacy, restriction of movement, martial law on the interim, and perpetual war on the long term. But just like WTC 911 it has a darker set of agenda.

Already, Western governments are asking for more authoritarian powers.

The Paris Attacks have distracted everyone from the Paris Climate Change Summit. In fact, the boots on the ground will suppress any protest marches from those organizations that consider the cloaked anti-carbon rhetoric as actually aimed at reducing global food production to control the population by controlling carbon emissions that is vital to growing plants.

While it is true that carbon emissions can give urban dwellers respiratory illnesses, it is also true that too much of oxygen can suffocate the lungs. Too much of everything is indeed toxic.

The solution is not zero carbon emission, but to strike a balance between carbon emitters [industrial plants, car population] and carbon absorbers [vegetation].

The problem is that they lumped all industrial firms and commercial establishments together into one location. Companies are also motivated to locate their production in urban centers to save on transportation cost.

They are forcing the migration of people into cities instead of distributing these manufacturing plants and commercial establishments in other areas. They are calling this urbanization as economic progress. We call them virtual prison cells.

The policy makers have created an imbalanced system to create a pretext for anti-carbon rhetoric to justify production reduction and promote the notion of overpopulation when it is only the cities that are overpopulated.

The same idiotic mindsets creating the problem are about to haggle together in a summit to agree on a solution that just eliminate the effects but not the actual root cause of the problem.

They want to alter the natural symbiosis between plants and animals so they could sell chemical solutions like artificial fertilizers and pesticides which ran counter to their own advertised mantra of caring for the environment, not to mention the ill effects on people’s health. This is madness sustaining itself.

But then again, whoever said they care for the environment, much less the people?

The bottom line is simple: If they can control the sources of food, water and all other resources, they can control the people. This is their only option once the fiat financial system is finally brought down.

The forces of evil are indeed hard at work. There’s no time for complacency.

The article below explores the problem of carbon emissions when alternative free energy technology is removed from the whole equation and the real intent of the UN-NWO sanctioned groups that are using the “climate change” hoax to advance a sinister agenda …

The Irrational War On Carbon: Toward The 2015 Climate Change Summit in Paris Technocracy News

Written By: Patrick Wood

The core stakeholders who will orchestrate the Paris 2015 Climate Change Summit are out in full force to froth the brew of anti-carbon rhetoric.

There is no better example of what will be said than what has already been said by the Carbon Tracker Initiative based in London. First, they call for a “carbon bubble deflation” where the excessive production of fossil fuel carbon will be methodically reduced to zero thanks to financial pressure and asset realignment. Comparing carbon to a financial bubble serves to create an urgent avoidance, but the analogy is deeply flawed.

According to this approach, “smart” utilities and other fossil fuel users are told that they should divest themselves of assets related to coal, oil and their derivatives. Carbon Tracker then reminds the company that if management winds up with “abandoned assets” in their portfolio, they will have failed their shareholders.

Christiana Figueres, the United Nations’ climate head, loves this approach and is backing it 100 percent. She stated in May 2014,

“Governments have agreed to limit global temperature rise to less than 2 degrees Celsius. Governments have also agreed to put in place the pathways to deliver this with a new and universal agreement in Paris towards the end of 2015. In order to reach this goal, large amounts of coal and oil will have to stay in the ground, unburnt. Carbon Tracker’s new [oil and coal cost] ‘Curves’ report indicates where in respect to the oil industry some of those stranded assets and some of those red lines will lie.”

Will The Carbon Tracker Initiative have an impact at the Paris 2015 Climate Change Summit? They believe they will:

“We have the technical knowledge, connections and reach to get inside the mind-set of the global financial community and effect change on a global scale. We are a non-profit, independent organisation, free from the commercial constraints of mainstream analysts and able to set our own research agenda.”

Secondly, they have the full support of the United Nations.

The ultimate goal (by 2030) is nothing less than to completely stop all production of coal and oil.

Let’s analyze this a bit. When Carbon Tracker Initiative calls for “carbon deflation”, any rational economist would perceive that this will also cause economic deflation as well. Why? Because energy is required for all economic activity and currently carbon provides the bulk of that energy. Secondly, there are no substitutes offered to make up the difference in those deflated resources.

Will wind and solar power be sufficient to completely replace the loss of coal and oil? Hardly. According to the U.S. Energy Information Administration, 67 percent of America’s electricity is currently derived from these resources. If you add in nuclear and hydropower, the total rises to 92 percent. By comparison, all sources of renewables combined (wind, solar, biomass, geothermal) only produce 7 percent.

There is no concrete plan on the table anywhere that could begin to replace the missing energy if coal and oil are summarily eliminated. The lack of solutions is underscored by Bill Gates’ recent plea for a huge increase in research funds to explore new technologies. In the end, Gates says he is hoping for a miracle.

The bottom line is that the United Nations and Carbon Tracker Initiative want to kill the only major source of energy today, while hoping against hope that some unforeseen miracle will bail them out later.

It doesn’t take a PhD to realize that this is a formula for economic disaster.

The long term solution to all forms of pollution and environmental destruction cannot be implemented without the powers that be shedding out their power to control the people. The release of free energy technology is not only economically liberating but spiritually.

Free energy knowledge, i.e. its full understanding, will alter and affect the prevailing belief systems of the world, another mechanism for crowd control. Once you understand free energy, you understand it all.

Free energy will set free everyone’s mind. This is the primordial reason why in every mainstream talk about “climate change” they can only go as far as solar, wind and ocean renewable power systems, as the only viable alternative.

Nothing could be farther from the Truth.

Even those who shy away from free energy should know that all existing nuclear plants can be retrofitted with a system that reverses radioactivity just as it is produced and generate electric power in the process.

What this means is that all economies of the world can move on to full nuclear energy production without risking radioactive nuclear fallout.

You can download Paul M. Brown’s patent non-radioactive nuclear technology from here. Brown died in a “car crash”.

You won’t hear activism enterprises like GreenPeace talking about Paul M Brown’s non-radioactive nuclear energy technology as much as you won’t hear Alex Jones talk about the Jesuits or the Zionist Israel.

In the same vein, we can’t expect the COP21 or the Paris Climate Change Summit 2015 to talk about real solutions.

But the false flag operations will continue to make us believe all the lies associated with it.