
21 February 2017

Moon among more than 100 planets set to be added to solar system

The moon could now be considered a planet Getty

New suggested definition no longer requires orbiting the sun

The Earth’s moon could be among more than 100 planets added to the solar system, according to leading scientists at Nasa

Along with Titan and Enceladus, which orbit Saturn and Europa, and Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter, the moon has all the features of a planet.

Alan Stern, principle investigator of Nasa’s New Horizons mission to Pluto, along with five colleagues, has written a manifesto rewriting the definition of what constitutes being a planet.

One of the key changes is that worlds no longer need to be orbiting the sun to be considered planets, according to The Times. 

If the proposals are accepted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the current eight-planet solar system could see more than 100 added to it. 

“In the mind of the public, the word ‘planet’ carries a significance lacking in other words used to describe planetary bodies… many members of the public assume that alleged ‘non-planets’ cease to be interesting enough to warrant scientific exploration,” the team wrote in their manifesto. 

Science news in pictures

The news comes as astronomers have discovered more than 100 new planets including one which is thought to be a “super-earth” - a planet able to support life.

A total of 114 new planets have been found, more than half of which are situated in our immediate solar neighbourhood. 

The so-called “super-earth” is in the fourth-closest star system to our sun and has been named Gilese 411b.


19 February 2017


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on February 26th to create a portal through which we will enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex. That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo. This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence. Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area. This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people there are possessed by Reptilian entities:

Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996. Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

Our meditation will begin to heal this energy vortex and seal the rift in planetary energy field that was created in Congo in 1996 (the image posted here is symbolic):

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide and will actually reverse the negative effects of the 1996 invasion.

Path of totality of our Solar eclipse actually touches Congo:

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a cardinal grand square of Mars/Uranus, Vesta, Jupiter and Pluto, which signifies planetary tension that we have been feeling since the beginning of the year and will only be completely resolved in mid-April. The Sun-Moon conjunction of the eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces serves as a huge focal lens for energy that will begin to resolve this planetary tension. Grand trine of Juno, Ceres and Lunar Node is like a huge arrow that points to the position right across the zodiac opposite of the eclipse, at 8 degrees Virgo. That is the position of Thuban, the home star of the positive Dragon families. They will play one of the pivotal roles in our meditation. 

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26th at 3:55 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 4:55 pm EET in Cairo, 4:55 pm CAT in Bukavu in Congo, 2:55 pm GMT in London, 9:55 am EST in New York, 8:55 am CST in Chicago, 7:55 am MST in Denver, 6:55 am PST in Los Angeles, and 10:55 pm CST in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process healing for planet Earth and its inhabitants.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Congo vortex and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Africa and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.

5. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all raped women in Congo, healing all Congolese people and bringing peace to the country. Visualize this divine feminine energy sealing the rift in the planetary aura in Congo. Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Africa and healing all people there Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet. 

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Updates about the Etheric Liberation meditation: 

Posted by Cobra

15 February 2017

Riding The Ninth Wave Into Universal Consciousness

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. – Hopi Elder, Oraibi, Arizona

Artist: Cameron Gray

March 9th, 2011 was the dawn of the ninth wave of unity consciousness, a cycle of vibration as prophesized by the ancient Mayans. With the activation of the ninth wave of unity consciousness only five years behind us, we are still in the birthing stage of this new dawning. The energetic shift that occurred has been subtle. Most people had hoped for a cataclysmic event to mark the new era and when that didn’t occur they went on with the daily grind, seemingly to have forgotten all about it. But the process of transformation is in progress and it is up to us to ensure that we ride the wave into our unified evolution.

In spite of the non-productive and destructive forces that are at the forefront of everyone’s mind at this time, the energy of the planet is escalating. This positive vibration is increasing steadily, and has brought us to a new frequency that is now beginning to affect some people with explosive force. This force is causing more and more people enter into states of heightened states of awareness; for some it means being in service to the higher good, for others it means being in service to humanity. The bottom line is that we are aligning with higher consciousness, coming together to evolve into unity consciousness with the cognition that we are all one upon our beautiful source, the Earth.

In America, the current President is holding up a mirror that is reflecting, with accuracy, a grotesque and outlandish image of what our society is becoming. Most people, throughout the entire world, do not like the image that they see in that mirror. As a result, we are acknowledging that the frightening and barbaric image that is being reflected to us must be shattered. As self-centered perspectives fall away, we consciously work together to deactivate the negative patterns that have been accruing power for so long; our intention of co-creation with each other magnifies the frequency of our expansion into universal consciousness. We are creating the tipping point that is necessary for a complete and successful paradigm shift!

The Hopi Elder said, All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. That can mean many things to many people but the point is that all is done with respect for the Earth, for each other, and for the highest good. As many of you know, I celebrate and enter into sacred space by going into the sweat lodge. It is within this empty space, or womb of creation, that I become completely empty in order to align with the energetic frequencies of universal consciousness (intent). Within this space I feel as though I become a conduit as I open myself up to the energies of the unknown. For some, aligning with silent knowledge is possible through the practice of meditation, yoga, trance dancing, fire ceremony, attending church, floating in the sea, sitting in nature, chanting, drumming, gazing at the stars, and so on.

The dark forces in the world exist because of one thing. Selfishness and the need to consume as a portrayal of power. That selfishness is the root of all suffering, evil, and destruction of the Earth. We cannot conquer selfishness, the only thing that we are able to do is remove ourselves from it by living in states of selfless love, compassion, freedom, and the ability to see through the illusions of separation. And as we do, we are able to become the example of what it means to live our lives from the purity of Spirit. This empowers others to witness our incredible states of well-being, wholeness, and the beautiful energetic frequency that vibrates from our very soul.

The extreme levels of selfishness in others may begin to lust after our state of well-being, and on a subconscious/unconscious level, they will attempt to consume our energy so they could live within the same state of well-being that we exude. Remember, they are selfish and they want it! With detachment, knowing that we have access to the infinite energy of the universe, we set our personal boundaries to prevent ourselves from becoming depleted or otherwise harmed physically or energetically. We provide to them the selfless love, compassion, dignity, and freedom, that they are literally dying for. In so doing, their own selfish level of consciousness will begin to evolve into a higher level of awareness and, over time, will lead them out of the states of fear, consumption, and separation that they are firmly anchored in. This will be a slow process but it is, after all, evolution.
Artist: Meg Benedicte

I can’t describe to you what it means to experience universal mind consciousness because within it, no thoughts or words exist. It is not something that you have to take classes for in order to align with it. It is right here in the center of consciousness within us, within everyone, and it is simultaneously everywhere in its boundlessness. All I know is that as individual consciousness expands into universal mind consciousness, people will come to know from the center of their selfless being, that they are not separate from anyone or anything in this beautiful and creative web of life.

As we each expand into the purity of universal consciousness, we realize that there is nothing to do except to acknowledge our unity with universal mind. Universal mind is a powerful and creative force. It is all knowing and pure presence. When we merge with universal consciousness, we become an extension of universal mind. Sitting in this pure state, we become creativity that knows no bounds. We recognize that we are all connected; we are at one with the nature of everything as it exists as an extension of pure life force energy.

Keep dancing!

The Rise and weakness of the Order of Malta

The Sovereign Military Order of Malta (Order of Malta) took control of the power and wealth of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon from within the Roman system. Pope Clement V’s suppression of the Knights Templars in 1312 using the powerful Papal Bull called Ad Providam made sure of this. The SMOM now controlled the show as the bankers and military power for the Vatican. This power continued into the 18th Century but one event against the Jesuit Order would eventually be the weakening of the SMOM. Today the Order of Malta take over from the Swiss Guard if any threats to the Pope exist.

This big event was in 1768 when SMOM Grandmaster Manuel Pinto da Fonseca removed the Jesuits from the lands of Malta. This Grandmaster was a close friend of one of the true founders of the Order of the Bavarian Illuminati, an occultist by the name of Giuseppe Balsamo who was also a member of the SMOM and a Secretary to the powerful Cardinal Alessandro Orsini. The same Cardinal who was close with Mutio Vitelleschi, S.J. the black pope of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits had tried numerous times to get a foot hold in Malta. Pope Clement VIII finally put the wheels in motion to put the Jesuits in Malta and this eventually occurred early on in 1593.

The Jesuits subordinated the SMOM in 1798 aided by the Temporal coadjutor, Napoleon Bonaparte. This would eventually lead to the Jesuits installing British control over Malta and the coming Jesuit College created and manned by British Jesuits. Some may find this strange how the Jesuits would aid Britain but you have to understand the suppression of the Jesuit Order. The Jesuits became somewhat crippled by this in Catholic controlled Europe so in order for the Jesuits to secure the South American reductions wealth they used Protestant banking houses and formed an alliance with the Venetian influences over Britain like the Pallavicini family who control the Monarchy and Rothschild. The Jesuits in 1840 put the Haus Sachsen-Coburg und Gotha bloodline into the position of Monarchy of Great Britain. This house is known today as the Windsor’s which still rules the region. Another family to watch is the Nattino family who own the Bank Finnat which is located close to the Chiesa del Gesù of the Jesuits in an area called Piazza del Gesu created by the Farnese family. Giampietro Nattino is the former-head of the Bank Finnat. You may might find Giampietro’s connection to the London Stock Exchange interesting.

The same fate would eventually happen to the Vatican itself after suppressing the Jesuits in 1773! The Jesuit Order had taken control of the Papacy by 1814 and had enacted revenge once again. This power became even more visible when the First Vatican Council created the Doctrine of Infallibility in 1869.

If you want to understand the importance about the Jesuits taking power away from the Knights of Malta and the Vatican, this goes back to the original suppression of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. The Jesuits had gained revenge on the SMOM and Vatican not just for a couple of events, it was in fact for three events. The Jesuits are the true modern day continuum of the Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon. A small select few of these Templars was allowed by Pope Clement V to go to the Kingdom of Aragon and they would become known as the Order of the Calatrava. The Jesuits used the Vatican in order to take it over from within to get revenge for past Templar brothers. Over time these Knights eventually became the Jesuit Order founded by the powerful Borja family of Aragon in 1541.

Ignatius Loyola was a front for the order whilst the Borja family pulled the strings over the Jesuits in league with the Farnese family who commissioned the Jesuits. The same Borja family that created the Borgo around the Vatican. This is why Spain is so crucial and powerful. The Spanish Inquisition headquarters in Rome was within Borgo Pio. The Jesuit headquarters known as the Curia Generalizia is located within Borgo Santo Spirito. This small sovereign street has protection by the Spanish Centro Nacional de Inteligencia run by General Roldan on behalf of Jesuit-trained King Juan Carlos who’s blood has a connection to the Farnese family. Symbolically the lady in red is connected with Spain. Now look at the Book of Revelation and how it mentions the woman in scarlet riding the Beast. This book is of course simply the plan for the destruction of Christianity ready for the Aquarius age. The book has nothing to do with the end of mankind or the world as so many have previously claimed.

The Grandmaster of the SMOM became a Cardinal of the Vatican. A Grandmaster of the SMOM is equal to a Cardinal only in name not in true power. A Grandmaster of the SMOM cannot come close to the all important Cardinal Deacon position within the Vatican. In the Vatican power structure the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem ranks above the Order of Malta. The Cardinal membership of the Sepulchre shows how truly powerful this order is. The Grandmaster of the Sepulchre is a Cardinal by the name of Edwin Frederick O’Brien. Only The Sacred Military Constantinian Order of St George comes close in Cardinal membership. King Juan Carlos of Spain controls the Constantinian Order.

The Jesuits like you to believe they fought against illuminism but nothing could be further from the truth. You only have to study a Jesuit soldier named Athanasius Kircher S.J and you will notice the influence of the dark arts. The Jesuit Order teaches this ancient mystery religion knowledge to those seen worthy of being initiates. The Order of Malta and the recognised protestant divisions all play a role in the Illuminati commanded by the Jesuit Order. This includes The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem controlled by Queen Elizabeth II. If you look at the last couple of Grandmasters of the Order of Malta you will notice they came from Britain. Former-Grandmaster Andrew Willougby Ninian Bertie was a cousin to Queen Elizabeth II. These Grandmasters all originate within the Grand Priory of England currently controlled by Grand Prior Ian Scott. The British arm of the Order of Malta controlling St John’s Wood is known as the Grand Priory of England. This location was once also a Knights Templar HQ in Britain. The Order of Malta even owned Londinium (The City of London). The City of London was let by the Order of Malta for I believe ten pounds a month or week at one point. The Jesuits took over Londinium in 1825 aided by the loyal hofjuden Rothschild family.

All the true Knight of Malta divided orders of power came together in 1961-63 with The Alliance of the Orders of St John of Jerusalem. I believe the Prelate of The Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem has a grey Templar position as the go between Orders. This kind of position would be important in the unification and workings of the Illuminati. The Order of Malta has three headquarters in Rome. The first SMOM HQ is the Palazzo dell’Ordine di Malta which is the so-called main headquarters, this is the base of the Grandmaster. Another SMOM HQ is the Villa del Priorato di Malta which was the Knight Templar HQ of that region and represents a vessel on the high seas as do the Cathedrals of Europe. Finally a secret SMOM headquarters exists which has no fixed location as it changes regularly.

Take a look at many of the influential positions of power today wether it is in banking, military, pharmaceutical or intelligence and you will always find Knights of Malta. I and others have given numerous examples of the influence and control by the Knights over many organizations including the Central Intelligence Agency, Nazi SS etc. Jose Barroso the head of the Marxist European Union he is a honorary Knight of Malta. Cable News Network fronted by Ted Turner who is a Knight of Malta. The New York City has a Mayor called Michael Bloomberg and he also is a Knight of Malta who also runs the Bloomberg financial news. Fox News is run by Rupert Murdoch and he is a Knight of Malta. The paedophile-fixer Jimmy Savile was also a Knight of Malta. The founder of the vicious mercenary force Blackwater is Erik Prince and he is a Knight of Malta. Erik Prince recently hid himself in Dubai? Dubai will eventually become the financial capital of the World once all is moved from West to East. Just look at who controls the financial world and it is the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, Order of Malta and Opus Dei through the City of London Corporation and The Worshipful Company of Mercers and the more recent The Worshipful Company of International Bankers.

King Juan Carlos has controlled the Temple Bar since the Jesuits re-installed his ancient bloodline as the Monarchy of Spain in 1975! King Juan Carlos has the title of the King of Jerusalem an ancient Templar title granting him extreme power over Jerusalem, Middle East and North Africa. King Juan Carlos is also a high-level power within the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem. King Juan Carlos is the Grandmaster of the Order of the Calatrava and the Order of the Montessa the origins of the Jesuit Order and continuum of the Knights Templar of Aragon.

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09 February 2017

To the people of Europe who still believe in freedom

You can say all you want to about the history of Europe, but you also have to say that Europe was the cradle of liberty for the whole world.

The main struggle was held there. And finally, the clear idea of individual freedom emerged.

Then, gradually, in the wake of two World Wars, a new theme took hold. You could call it comfort, or security, peace for all, share and care, the good life.

Under a dominating tax rate, citizens had “services” provided by their governments. Many pleasant services.

Why not? All was well.

Even when these governments were placed under the umbrella of the European Union, most citizens of member countries perceived no real problems—as long as the services continued to flow.

But there was an addendum to the basic contract. The national governments, and their superiors at the EU…they were the Providers, and they could, at their whim, turn the screw and apply new oppressive rules to the citizenry. And they could, if resistance appeared, drop their pose of benevolence and take on the role of Enforcer.

And if they did, where would liberty and individual freedom go?

It would go away.

Escalating floods of migrants entered Europe. This was a turning of the screw. Brought about by “upper management” of the Providers. The crimes and disruptions of these migrants have been well documented in independent media. The people of Europe had no say about the invasion. In fact, it soon became a prosecutable offense to write about it or speak about it in a public forum.

The lords of government would brook no opposition.

The basic liberty—speaking freely—was on the line and under the boot heel.

In fact, for years, a campaign of political correctness in speech had been waged all over Europe. It covered many areas. The EU had been aiding and abetting it.

The “good life” was cracking at the seams. It wasn’t all good anymore.

The Provider was becoming the Enforcer.

Looking back on the change, it was always obvious that it was waiting in the wings. The Providers weren’t messiahs of a socialist utopia. That pretense was merely an intermediate phase in a much larger operation.

Mollify the citizenry for a time, “give them services,” and then when they were lulled into complacency, when they felt safe and secure, when they’d traded liberty for something that looks like liberty, start the chaos.

And clamp down. Assert overt control.

The EU structure was never extreme enough for the overlords. After all, it was a confederation of separate nations. The covert operation was One Nation of Europe, drained of separate traditions, with all former, distinguishing, national characteristics removed. The goal was one continental entity, seeded with enough migrants to eliminate visible differences, and roiled in conflicts.

To make a stew, heat and stir.

Eventually, eliminate the memory that, at one time, individual freedom was birthed in those countries. And one step further: eliminate the knowledge of what individual freedom is.

Bring in immigrants from cultures where authentic freedom, with its attendant responsibilities, means nothing.

The operation is well underway.

The lords of government never wanted utopia. They wanted, and want, submission. They achieved the soft version. Now they’re aiming for the hard.

This is modern European history not taught in schools. Schools would ban even a hint of it.

So the struggle begins again.

It has many faces—some of them ideological, which is to say, embedded in groups for whom national and ethnic identity is the foremost concern.

How long will it take before The Individual, defined by HIS OWN choice and vision, APART FROM SUCH IDENTITY, reemerges?

That was the original battle of the ages: the liberation of each individual.

It wasn’t easy then, and it won’t be easy now.

But it begins in the mind.

And not the group mind.

Not in any group.

In 1859, John Stuart Mill wrote:

“If it were felt that the free development of individuality is one of the leading essentials of well-being…there would be no danger that liberty should be undervalued.”

Escaping from, and dissolving the trap that is now Europe may be the work of cooperating groups; but the reason for the escape will ultimately come back to the individual, his power, and his independent self-chosen destiny.

He carries the torch.

Though it may not seem so, his flame vaporizes collectivism.

It was always so, and it is now.

Europe’s great thinkers and writers were the very people who made this clear: freedom exists and it pertains to the individual, not the group, not some shadowy entity, not a collective; freedom is not simply a word or a floating ideal waving its banner in the air; it is the soul’s platform, from which all good things become possible; it is the starting point of a life; it is the blood that runs through a dream of a created future, a better future; it is the brother of the individual’s accountability for his own actions.

Throw a blanket over freedom, and no one is accountable.

This is why so many people now deny freedom. They want to remain unaccountable.

They want everything for nothing, and they want the right to spend that everything, or burn it, tear it up, destroy it. And then ask for more.

For them, the countries of Europe are just places. Easy places to exploit.

But no matter the circumstances, the inner core of the struggle is the same: the liberation of the individual from all the forlorn hopes that lead him back to searching for the utopia he once believed was coming.

That painted illusion is going away.

The individual, falling back on his own resources, will need to relearn half-forgotten lessons. He will have to ignite his own energy.

The challenge can be bracing, and much more. It can awaken sleeping corridors of the spirit, where he once walked in power.

And can walk again.

Profound dissatisfaction and resistance can breed joy.

Once upon a time, he knew that, and then he abandoned the knowledge for a syrupy potion of a New Age; now the bottle is dry.

Now, he is the creator of his own enterprises; his own destiny.

I say Europe will live again.

By Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at or OutsideTheRealityMachine.