
29 December 2017

Sacred Agency

“Transcendence is the only real alternative to extinction.” ~Václav Havel, Independence Hall, Philadelphia, July 4, 1994

“We are cosmologizing the human.” ~Henryk Skolimowski, The Participatory Mind

Human consciousness has been on a long journey. Our awareness has shifted from the earlier archaic, animistic mode; to the religious and scientific; and then later to an industrial, mechanistic consciousness. Our ancestors did not live in the same world as we live in now, nor would they have exhibited the same kind of consciousness as we currently do. Consciousness is not a fixed phenomenon or static expression—it changes alongside the flows and fluxes of history, time, and environment.

An integral mode of consciousness began to emerge after the successive industrial revolutions that adapted a “machine style” perspective of control, power, and efficiency; and which eventually propelled global society toward excessive consumption and accelerated growth. This integral consciousness emerged parallel to a new era of technological innovation. That is, a consciousness that reflects dynamics of connection and communication across condensed time and space.

It can be said that we have gone from worshipping faith, then objective knowledge, to finally arriving at an understanding that everything depends upon the subjective self. Throughout this whole journey, like the hero that traverses through the underworld, we have ventured far in search of a mode of being – a state of consciousness and awareness – that can benefit us. A place of conscious self-awareness, which may be termed as sacred, has been present within humanity from the very beginning. It never went away – only we went away. This situation is similar to the behavior of individuals as observed by psychologist Abraham Maslow. Maslow noted how people step back from doing something important, believing others will do it instead. Somewhere along the way we made an internal agreement to stay back and not to overestimate our abilities. It appears that too many of us for too long have avoided being ‘fully human’ and content to remain as ‘only human.’

Regardless of how we may articulate it, the sacred presence within humanity cannot be denied as it is an expression of the evolutionary impulse. As such, it does not stop at transitional stages but is compelled to push toward ever higher states and degrees of consciousness. We are in the hands of a force that we can barely recognize. Throughout the long journey of our development human beings have been deeply involved in this sacred unfolding (for want of a better expression). What this means is that the transcendental yearning to go beyond one’s present state persists in each of us. All of this, our very humanism, should be an inherent part of our cultural mythology. Or at least should influence how we understand and perceive our reality.

Our experience of reality is never pure, but always mediated through consciousness in its various states of reception. The myths we hold as an individual, a culture, and as a collective species reflects our own state of mind. Unfortunately, humanity has for far too long considered itself separate from the cosmos. We feel as if exiled upon a dead planet somewhere upon the fringes of our galaxy. If we do not fully know ourselves it may be because our cultural myths (our narratives) place us within a cosmically isolated reality. To be truly integrated we must recognize that we participate not only upon the planet but also within a grander mythology. In other words, we should accept our responsibility as having sacred agency. After all, the history of human civilization is the history of ourselves as change agents.

Sacred Agency

The philosopher Karl Jaspers referred to the period from 800–200 BCE as the Axial Age. It was a time that, according to Jaspers, similar expressions of new thinking appeared in Persia, India, China, and the Western world. He indicated also that the Axial Age represented an in-between period, where old certainties had lost their validity and new ones were yet to emerge. The new religions that arose in this time—Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, and monotheism—influenced new thinking in terms of individuality, identity, and the human condition. These new emerging religions helped to catalyze new forms of thinking and expressions of human consciousness. And yet, over time, we have seen how they were not wholly successful in establishing permanent developmental change.

Social thinker Duane Elgin has referred to our present time as the Second Axial Age in that religions of separation are being replaced by a new spirit of communion. Elgin says that the world is moving into a spiritual communion and empathic connection with a living cosmos. Maybe we are in need of being reminded that there is nowhere else to go when the cosmos already exists within us. This empathic consciousness that Elgin speaks of can be related to the emerging integral consciousness that reflects our increased interconnectivity through our global networks. This connects with our innate, fundamental drive to seek out communion and coherence. A mode of human consciousness that seeks coherence is itself a reflection of a universal natural order. In other words, it is a self-referencing feedback loop. And so now allow me to speculate.

My suggestion is that a purpose for sentient human life upon this planet is as a driver toward establishing a coherent planetary consciousness. In other words, to act as a channel to ‘bring in’ – i.e., receive consciousness – from the consciousness field and to manifest it specifically (that is, to project it) within our earthly reality. There is a correlation here with Aurobindo’s concept of the Supermind/Overmind, in that a form of higher consciousness can be made immanent upon the material plane. Aurobindo referred to this as human evolution moving towards a suprarational or spiritual age that exhibits an intuitive or Gnostic mode of consciousness.

The finer channeling of the consciousness field would require the adequate preparation of human receptivity. That is, our minds and even perhaps our nervous system would need to be sufficiently prepared in order to successfully actualize this potential. By raising localized aspects of human consciousness through individual perceptions and awareness we may better increase the coherence of consciousness amongst the whole—a form of collective transcendence through species consciousness. And this can be made tangible by local agents – i.e., each one of us – becoming aware and conscious in everyday acts of right thinking, right behavior, and right being. It is a mode of sensitive and balanced consciousness that comes only with considerable effort and discipline. This discipline forms part of the developmental awakening within each individual, and which then influences our perceptions and life experiences.

As such, we can come to recognize that we are no longer either isolated individuals or an inarticulate mass. We are localized consciousness acting through aware individuals who consciously seek to connect, collaborate, and care about the future. Each one of us, as localized consciousness, is a reflection of the grander nonlocal consciousness. And in this way each one of us is also a reflection of the other. No individual lives within a shell separated from everybody else, but each is connected to all through our conscious humanity.

What we are seeing emerge across the world is the early stirrings of a planetary civilization; one that is driving toward diversity and coherence. And as we connect and share our thoughts, ideas, and visions we will be helping to strengthen the signal or reception of consciousness and thus the bringing in of the grander cosmic consciousness. A planetary consciousness spread across the Earth may not only be a real possibility, it may very well be a fundamental cosmic purpose.

Human Purpose in the Sacred Order

Recent scientific discoveries indicate that our reality is coded from beyond cosmic space-time; and as such our reality behaves in a way consistent with what we know as a holographic projection. That is, the totality of our reality is in-formed from a deep consciousness beyond it. The known cosmos thus acts as a nonlocal consciousness field, of which sentient life forms as localized manifestations. It has been inferred through various religious and sacred texts, and various wisdom traditions, that the universe (material reality) came into being as a way for its source to ‘know itself.’ This is reminiscent of ‘know thyself,’ the famous maxim from the Oracle of Delphi. Or, in modern language, we can say that we are the eyes through which the cosmos contemplates itself.

Self-consciousness is generally attributed to those sentient organisms at a high peak of mental development. Self-reflection is one of the prized attributes of self-consciousness. Furthermore, self-realization is something we credit to each attained individual consciousness. A realization of the self is part of the path of human actualization. It is a path in which purpose and meaning are core drivers and potentials. Human beings – or we could say human becomings – are naturally driven by a longing, a purpose, and this signifies a connection with a sacred impulse. In our times human civilization has shifted into an unprecedented era of self-actualization. The psychologist Abraham Maslow, who originated a scale of self-actualization, recognized that one of the characteristics of self-actualizers is that they have far less doubt about what is right and wrong than normal people do, and they act upon this inner knowing.

As we further speculate, what would self-realization upon a greater scale be like? That is, self-realization as a planetary consciousness? Or as a galactic consciousness? What would a fully realized and self-conscious cosmic consciousness operating through all of its localized manifestations be like? This would constitute a state of coherent self-aware consciousness beyond our imagination. We can only speculate, or internally gaze upon the possibility.

As a recap then, human consciousness is a localized expression of the greater nonlocal consciousness field. As sentient beings we receive aspects of this consciousness that pervades our space-time. We are animated by it, and we then manifest this through our own minds and human cultures. Our individual expressions of consciousness also reflect back into the greater nonlocal consciousness field. The greater our individual perceptions and conscious realization, the greater the total realization of the entire holographic field consciousness (as if in a feedback loop). To put it another way, cosmic consciousness is ‘in-formed’ through the emerging awareness of each of its conscious subparts, or components. The art of the sacred then is that we each have a role in bringing the unfinished world into existence through conscious participation.

As each one of us wakes up (to use a common metaphor) the cosmic net shines that little bit brighter. If enough individual consciousnesses awake upon this planet we may catalyze a localized planetary field into collective conscious awareness. In this case, we are each a conscious agent of cosmic realization and immanence. We each have an obligation in our existence on this planet to raise our individual, localized expressions of consciousness. In doing so, we both infect and inspire others in our lives to raise theirs, as well as reflecting back our conscious contribution into the cosmic consciousness. In this way, we can act as both citizens of the cosmos as well as caretakers for the sacred order.

We have now arrived at a place where we can recognize and accept that our reality is not a static affair but an active, fluid realm that makes demands upon us. And in knowing this we are compelled to embrace the obligations and responsibilities that come with this role. We are on a path of completion – of conscious completion and communion – which is the eternal path of the sacred. Through this sacred journey of completion we connect and commune with everything else in our reality, and beyond. As human beings we have been tasked with this sacred endeavor. We can become aware of our creative contribution to reality and this can give us meaning and purpose. Perhaps this will finally provide us with our place in the cosmos. And how can we walk this path?

We can take this journey through our small acts of conscious awareness – our thoughts, attitudes, behavior, and our everyday actions. Upon the next level, our social changes and emerging technologies may form part of this process, establishing an extended mind and empathic embrace across the face of the earth. Magic is alive; magic never died. Everything is ultimately a technology of the soul; and all magic, all science, and all human expression is a part of this soulful technology. And with each step forward we move closer to soulful communion with a grand conscious and sacred order.

The sacred impulse animates the expression of consciousness at the individual, collective, and planetary level. And one day we may witness a grand awakening, unprecedented upon this planet, and this may very well be the purpose for sentient life, as conscious agents of the sacred order. This is likely to be more reality than fantasy. The hidden treasure that is at the very core of our existence wishes to be known – for us to know ourselves – by our individual journeys of self-realization. We are not alone. A great planetary future awaits us, as a great treasure that wishes for communion. Welcome to the new story.

“Truth has to appear only once, in a single mind, for it to be impossible for anything ever to prevent it from spreading universally and setting everything ablaze.” ~Teilhard de Chardin, The Heart of Matter

20 December 2017
Kingsley L. Dennis, Guest
Waking Times

About the Author

Kingsley L. Dennis is the author of The Phoenix Generation: A New Era of Connection, Compassion, and Consciousness, and The Sacred Revival: Magic, Mind & Meaning in a Technological Age, available at Amazon. Visit him on the web at

26 December 2017

Depopulation Secrets - International System to Commit Genocide


By Kevin Galalae


To convince the world that the international system commits genocide within nations to prevent nuclear war between nations seems an impossible task; even more so that the original justification for genocide was and continues to be the pursuit of prosperity.

First, you have to get past the sentinels to this secret, the 193 UN Member States, whose intelligence services will come at you from every direction to stop you from telling the world that every national leader is an unwilling participant in a global program of population control based on mass murder. You will be imprisoned, discredited, derided, bankrupted, and emotionally undermined until you lose your mind, commit suicide or starve to death out on the street. If by some miracle you survive the assaults you then have to put together the world’s most complex puzzle from indirect and circumstantial evidence to explain why, how and when this system came to be and who it serves and you have to do this under the most difficult circumstances, under constant threat of death and imprisonment and in the knowledge that no one will dare publish your work. You will never see your wife and children again, your property will be taken away from you, no one will employ you and you will never again sleep in your own bed or know any creature comforts let alone security. You are now at war with every government on earth and you must come to terms with the idea that your life may come to an abrupt and brutal end at any time. The only thing you can rely on is your inner strength. Reason will get you through. You must become a self-contained island and never doubt the importance of your task or your ultimate success regardless how hopeless the situation looks.

If by some miracle you succeed in painting a convincing picture, and manage to stay alive, you then have to provide scientific proof that elected governments the world over, the UN system, the military-industrial complex, and religious authorities are cooperating in genocide to pre-empt greater disasters and imperceptibly commit genocide by adulterating the basic elements of life and misusing medicine and public health to subvert fertility and promote morbidity so as to control life from both ends, births and deaths. And you must scream this from the rooftops. You are now at war with the world’s ignorance, incredulity, inertia, apathy and ingrained beliefs and you must come to terms with the animosity that you will encounter at every turn. The only one you can rely on is yourself. Faith will get you through. You must never lose faith in yourself or in your fellow man and must never despair or become bitter irrespective of the resistance and criticism you will encounter every step of the way.

If by some miracle you make yourself heard and establish your credibility over every government, organization and institution and shatter prejudice and bigotry, envy and hate, it will have taken years and it will still be a generation before you will be thanked, if at all. Throughout this time you have to stay alive and labor without regard to yourself and without knowing if you will ever see your children again.You are now at war with vested interests and you must come to terms with your universal unpopularity and with abject poverty because no one will want you to succeed if their own interests are at stake and the culture of death on which the current system is built is the foundation of all interests. The only way you can prevail is by staying true to what is true. Truth will get you through. You must become truth’s sanctuary and torchbearer and must learn how to discern falsehoods sold as truths and truths condemned as falsehoods.

And if by the end of this mighty and relentless struggle you are still standing and you can still smile and you can still love then it is hope and love that got you through.

Behind every word, between every line and within every thought in this book reside the reason, faith, truth, hope and love that got me through and that will also get you through to the other side, beyond the illusion and behind the lies...into the light and into the future.


24 October 2017

What you need to know about the GREAT DECEPTION of MANKIND

There is a great deception taking place here on Earth. Are we the victims of this or are we the creators. What is to come for mankind?

09 October 2017

False flag in Vegas shooting?

False flags always target the psychological state of mind of the public. Mind control is the goal.

To boil it down, a false flag is an operation staged to blame someone for a crime, someone who didn’t commit the crime.

Why? Because by blaming that person or group, and by convincing many others to blame that person or group, you achieve an important objective.

Simplistic over-exaggerated version: “Last night, a homeless man was found shot dead in an alley. The gun was found next to his body. The Mayor’s fingerprints were on the [planted] gun. The Mayor was arrested at his office. The election nears. The Mayor’s opponent now appears to have a clear path to victory…”

Less simplistic version: “…the worst mass shooting in US history. Stephen Paddock, 64, has been named as the Las Vegas shooter. He is dead. He killed 58 people at a concert and wounded 515 others. In the Congress, calls are rising for new gun control laws…”

But, as it turns out, the evidence suggests there were multiple shooters in the Mandalay Hotel. Paddock may or may not have been one of them. The overall operation was designed to invoke widespread horror and fear, and usher in new restrictions on gun ownership…

The other possible shooters in the hotel would have been professionals, tasked with killing as many people as possible at the country music concert.

Gun control would not be the only agenda in this false flag.

Heavily militarized police all over this country would be another agenda.

Putting a significant dent in the economy would be another—if attendance at public events and in crowded public places diminishes.

Such a reduction in attendance could even affect political forums and other gatherings where free speech and the right to assemble are vital. (We’ve already seen significant disruptions of these events.)

Invoking fear and passivity in the population is another basic agenda. This leads to the attitude: “Let the authorities handle everything.”

We could see new, more outrageous violations of Constitutional search and seizure principles, all in the name of “the need for security.”

As in the aftermath of Sandy Hook (archive here), there may be new calls for psychiatric screening of the population, including young children, in order to “spot criminals before they commit crimes.” This is sheer madness, because no so-called mental disorder is based on any defining lab test, and many of the prescribed drugs (SSRI antidepressants) push people over the edge into committing violence. —More violence, more calls for psychiatric screening, more drugs, more violence: an escalating scenario and repeating cycle, leading to tighter Control from above.

When was the last time you saw a major false flag exposed by the mainstream press, and then admitted to by the actual perpetrators, who then explained their true objectives?


False flags are, over the long term, essential to maintaining and expanding the status quo: power is collected and increased at the top, and then exerted downward.

Note: All prior analyses I’ve made about the duration of the shooting, and numbers of people killed and injured, are subject to change. Why? Because as yet, we have no accurate reports on how many of the 515 people injured were actually shot versus trampled or hurt in some other fashion. Also, police reports that are emerging differ on the duration of the shooting. The NY Times is talking about roughly 7 minutes. Newsweek suggests the duration is longer.

Nevertheless, the background of the purported shooter, Stephen Paddock, gives no indication of any competence with auto weapons, gives no indication he could have dealt with the problems and challenges of using such a weapon—and on top of that, his state of mind at the time, as an non-professional, would have been unstable, to say the least.

Any reasonable law-enforcement group investigating this mass shooting would certainly keep its options open, regarding other perpetrators. But that is not what is happening here. The books are closed on this case. There is no going back.

The desired result has been achieved. One shooter, mass killings. End of story. Objective achieved.

That rush to judgment and “closure” is also a prime feature of the false flag. It has to be.

by Jon Rappoport on October 3, 2017


Vegas shooter brought more than ten suitcases into the hotel
Vegas shooter brought more than ten suitcases into the hotel No problem by Jon Rappoport October 9, 2017 Even the Washington Post (10/2) expresses puzzlement: “Among the questions they [investigators] have: “…how he [Stephen Paddock] was able to b...

Creative exercises for mind expansion—Jon’s video
by Jon Rappoport October 8, 2017 New video. Watch me briefly discuss my Imagination exercises . My mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix , contains over 50 Imagination exercises designed to expand that power of the individual. YOUR CREATIVE POWER....

New—watch Jon talk about his Logic Course
by Jon Rappoport October 7, 2017 New video. Watch me briefly discuss my Logic & Analysis course. My Logic & Analysis course comes bundled in my first Matrix collection — The Matrix Revealed . (To watch me briefly discuss The Matrix Revealed collec...

Vegas shooting: real vs. fake
Vegas shooting: real vs. fake by Jon Rappoport October 6, 2017 These are a few observations leading to a hypothesis. First, there is a video , taken at ground level, of a man going from victim to victim lying on the ground at the concert. He is ch...

Was the Vegas shooter a patsy?
Was the Vegas shooter a patsy? How did he get all those weapons into his hotel suite? by Jon Rappoport October 5, 2017 Daily Mail: “…Jill Sneider of the ATF said that no less than 12 of the rifles found in the room had bump-stock modifications.” “...

Shots fired at the Vegas Bellagio the same night as the concert att...
Shots fired at Vegas Bellagio same night as concert attack? YouTube took down the video. by Jon Rappoport October 5, 2017 Yesterday , I posted a video reporting shots fired through the front door of the Vegas Bellagio Hotel on the night of the con...

Multiple shooters: not the first time
Multiple shooters: not the first time by Jon Rappoport October 4, 2017 Update: I have three separate reports that shots were fired through the front door of the Vegas Bellagio Hotel at roughly the same time as the concert shooting, late Sunday. Fo...

Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression in staged attacks
Multiple shooters in Vegas: the standard progression of events in a staged attack by Jon Rappoport October 4, 2017 —In case anyone doesn’t get the point, multiple shooters in Las Vegas would imply much planning and coordination for a given politic...

More than one Vegas shooter, the evidence builds
More than one Vegas shooter; evidence builds by Jon Rappoport October 3, 2017 Lone shooter? Really? And this is supposed to be more than a convenient fantasy? Yesterday , I did a brief analysis of the number of people killed and wounded at the Veg...

Las Vegas mass shooting: more than one shooter?
Las Vegas mass shooting: more than one shooter? by Jon Rappoport October 2, 2017 This is my second report on the tragic mass murder in Las Vegas on Sunday night (first report here ). I’m looking at a Getty image of two broken windows claimed to be...

Questions swirl in the Las Vegas mass shooting
Questions swirl in the Las Vegas mass shooting by Jon Rappoport October 2, 2017 Sunday night Las Vegas shooting at country music concert. Shooter in a high room at the Mandalay Bay Resort Hotel, a long distance away. Deadliest mass shooting in US ...

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

26 September 2017

Personal and Global Attacks Become Lethal: Is the Disclosure War Reaching a Climax?

by David Wilcock on September 23, 2017

Unprecedented solar emissions. Huge wildfires smoking out the US. Massive earthquakes. Three different monster hurricanes that steered perfectly into Houston, Florida and Puerto Rico.

Damages to the already fragile US economy could easily exceed 1 trillion dollars -- at a time when there is nothing left to restore it with.

Within the UFO / Seeking Truth community, we saw the tragic deaths of Jim Marrs and William Tompkins -- as well as the possible attempted murders of Graham Hancock and David Wilcock, as we will discuss in Part Two.

David's insider 'Paul' had everything he owned stolen from him, as well as serious death threats. Pete Peterson's house has now been emptied to the bare walls and his trailers, packed with priceless classified items, are under imminent threat.

A massive, coordinated online attack against Corey Goode, including the destruction of his business and the expected loss of his children, was intended to lead to a fake, staged 'suicide', made believable by his overall anticipated collapse.

This all occurred shortly after Ancient Aliens, a top History Channel show, featured Corey Goode and William Tompkins' Secret Space Program testimony in an episode entitled "The Majestic Twelve", which aired on July 7, 2017.

So much has happened since our last update a month ago that it is difficult to summarize everything. Are these events interconnected? The answer definitely appears to be yes.

Since I am still on vacation, we will break this up into two different parts in order to not create any further delays. We will start by "following the money."



Let's begin our investigation with a mental exercise.

Even if you have trouble with the idea of a Secret Space Program, or SSP, being real, let's just imagine for a minute that it actually is true.

What would happen to our society if we were given absolute proof that the testimonies of the late William Tompkins and others such as Corey Goode, as presented in the "Majestic Twelve" episode of Ancient Aliens, were completely authentic?

The [MJ-12] episode also covers Project Horizon and other secret space bases, structures on Mars dubbed "ancient builder race" by astronauts, NASA hacks that say the MJ-12 and the space programs they helped start existed, Roswell and other UFO cases.

What if we discovered that countless trillions of dollars of our money, since as early as the 1950s, have been spent on developing vastly superior technology to anything we see today?

What if the scope, depth and sophistication of this build-out is vastly bigger than most of us could even imagine -- and indeed extends throughout our solar system?


Let's just say that the insiders are right... and these convenient, quick-sounding labels of words like "billion" and "trillion" have been used to obscure how much stuff could really be manufactured with this much money.

What if this money financed antigravity craft, massive bases on Mars, the Moon and other satellites in our solar system and beyond -- some of which comfortably house hundreds of thousands of employees?

What if the full release of this technology would instantly propel us into a world of everyday space travel and interaction with countless different races of humanlike ETs?

What if the Cabal that planned and financed all of this was still clinging to power on earth, but was now threatened with complete exposure to the public?

And... what if an Alliance within the military, intelligence and governments themselves is threatening this Cabal with complete exposure if they do not surrender -- and agree to tell us the truth?

That's the world that some of us are living in -- right on the front lines. This "shadow World War III" may very well be reaching a stunning conclusion in the near future.


The SSP narrative is so far removed from conventional reality that it seems almost impossible to imagine something like this ever becoming common, public knowledge.

However, anyone who has studied UFO lore has heard that the US government acquired craft with interstellar travel capabilities ever since the Roswell Crash of 1947.

Furthermore, it is considered common knowledge that these craft were "reverse engineered," leading to working models being built out of them with our own technology.

It is commonly accepted by most open-minded investigators that such exotic aircraft have been tested in bases such as 'Area 51,' and are occasionally seen in our skies.

If we could cruise around our solar system within a few years after Roswell, that means our military-industrial complex has had nearly 70 years to establish manned bases out there.

The amount of money that has gone missing is vastly, vastly greater than what it would cost to build a fleet of reverse-engineered, advanced spacecraft.

Personal and Global Attacks Become Lethal: Is the Disclosure War Reaching a Climax? [Part I]

09 September 2017

In Search of the Bankers' Brain

The disastrous impact of the 2008 financial crisis still lingers today.

What lessons have been learned and which steps are being taken to prevent future economic catastrophe?

The informative new documentary In Search of the Bankers' Brain investigates the continuing effect of the crisis on London's economy, and profiles the mysterious bankers who have yet to rectify their corruptive ways.

The content of the film stems from the work of Joris Luyendijk, a journalist for The Guardian whose far-reaching blog focuses on matters related to finance and banking.

"We know more about ancient Egypt than about the people who currently shape our lives," he observes.

Luyendijk's efforts seek to unmask the,

-key bankers

-investment managers

-risk management personnel


-hedge fund high rollers,

...who can make or break a nation's economy.

The film also features interviews with former players of the financial game who have now embraced their status as industry whistleblowers.

They all testify to a system that's sick with unregulated greed and rewards the truly ruthless with unimaginable wealth. We learn how they manage to operate in relative anonymity, and the tricks and triggers they employ to excel in their line of work.

The film's central thesis, however, regards the chemistry of greed.

A psychologist chimes in to share insights on the effects of greed on the brain, and explains the cerebral characteristics that define many of the most successful masters of banking and investments.

It's not a flattering portrayal; in fact, the film pulls no punches by labeling these subjects as psychopaths.


They possess a level of deviance and superficiality that makes them ideally suited for victory in today's excessive and permissive financial climate.

If they should incur defeat, many will resort to suicide...

Many documentaries have tackled the subject of the financial crisis over the years. In Search of the Bankers' Brain is a work of distinction because it approaches the topic from an entirely unique perspective.

By exploring the neurological components of those who rise to the top of the financial sector through questionable practices, we can better understand the corrosive culture that empowers them every step along the way. Source

by vpro documentary
August 20, 2017


07 September 2017

Radiation genocide expose

VANCOUVER, BC – In this revealing live expose using real-time online apps, Karen Ann MacDonald & Pattie Brassard demonstrate an ongoing radiation-based genocide of human population through multiple modalities, including intentional continent-scale false flag chemical accelerant-based forest-fires in British Columbia, as wellas nightly release of approximately 214 toxic radioactive elements from nuclear power plants in selected nations ranging from Fukushima Japan to France, based on planetary wind factors.

Radiation Decontamination Centers

Pattie Brassard & Karen Ann MacDonald also demonstrate the design of radiation decontamination centers for the survival and thrival of civilian populations under constant attack by radiation, chemtrails, GMO, morgellons, and other depopulation agents of a predatory, pathogenic AI Artificial Intelligence-entrained Matrix.


Radiation Graphic Room

Karen A MacDonald

Pattie L. Brassard

September 6, 2017

Alfred Lambremont Webre Contact/News:

21 August 2017


We are about to witness an extremely unusual convergence of events that many believe could represent a major turning point for our nation. By now you have probably heard that on August 21st a total solar eclipse will move across the entire continental United States for the first time in decades. In fact, we have not seen a total solar eclipse cross from the west coast to the east coast in 99 years. And it will be the very first total solar eclipse that is only visible in this country since the United States first became a nation. Starting with that event, there is going to be a whole lot going on until we reach the end of September. The following are 12 critical events that are going to happen over a 40 day period from August 21st to September 30th…

August 21 – The “Great American Eclipse” will sweep across portions of Oregon, Idaho, Wyoming, Montana, Nebraska, Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, North Carolina and South Carolina. Seven years later, another very unusual total solar eclipse will move across our nation, and when you plot the paths of both eclipses on a map, they form a giant “X” right over the center of the United States.

August 23 – A FEMA exercise known as “EarthEX2017” will simulate “catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks”

An exercise sponsored by FEMA and the U.S. Department of Energy set to take place on August 23 called EarthEX2017 will wargame responses to catastrophes such as mega earthquakes, cyber terrorism or high altitude electromagnetic pulse attacks.

The exercise will simulate a “subcontinent-scale, long duration power outage, with cascading failures of all other infrastructures,” according to the official Earth Ex website.

“Black sky events” are defined as, “Catastrophic occurrences caused by man or nature that bring society to its knees.”

September 1 – This marks the start of FEMA’s annual “National Preparedness Month“.

September 1 – The U.S. State Department’s ban on U.S. citizens traveling into North Korea goes into effect. Many are concerned that this is yet another sign that we are moving toward war with North Korea.

September 11 – This will be the 16th anniversary of 9/11.

September 20 – Rosh Hashanah begins at sunset.

September 21 – The UN International Day Of Peace

September 23 – This is the date of what has become known as “the Revelation 12 sign”. If you are not familiar with this alignment yet, the following is a very brief summary

On September 23rd a unique astronomical alignment of the Sun, Moon, constellation Virgo, constellation Leo, and planets Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, and Venus is going to fulfill this passage from the book of Revelation:

And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth.

September 24 – Very important national elections will be held in Germany.

September 29 – Yom Kippur begins at sunset, and it concludes on September 30th. Of course September 30th will be the end of a 40 day period that began back on the day of the Great American Eclipse on August 21st.

September 29 – U.S. Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin says that the debt ceiling will be breached on this day if Congress does not raise it by then.

September 30 – If Congress does not pass a budget by the end of this day, there will be a government shutdown just like we witnessed in 2013.

On top of everything else, the month of September is when the Federal Reserve is scheduled to begin unwinding their 4.5 trillion dollar balance sheet

The other big market force that could ruffle markets is clearly the Fed, which is expected to begin the untested task of unwinding its $4.5 trillion balance sheet in September.

In addition, it is very interesting to note that a large asteroid will come within 4,200 miles of our planet on October 12th…

The asteroid has not been seen since its 2012 discovery, when it sped past Earth at about one-fourth the distance from Earth to the moon. It’s been too distant and too faint to be detected over the last five years. As it starts to approach Earth this summer, large telescopes will be used to detect it and re-establish the asteroid’s precise trajectory.

The asteroid, known as 2012 TC4, could come as close as 4,200 miles to Earth, NASA said. That’s actually fairly close, when you consider that the moon is about 239,000 miles away.

So what does all of this mean?

I don’t know, but I am sure that I will receive even more criticism for putting this list together. Those of us that monitor global events and warn about where things are headed are often highly criticized. But in this day and age, we desperately need independent thinkers that are willing to challenge the system. Way too often people just go with the herd and will believe whatever the mainstream media tells them to think.

Never let someone else do your thinking for you. Investigate things for yourself and come to your own conclusions. Learning to think critically is one of the most important skills that you can have, and you will find that it is one of the most common traits among those that are truly “awake” to what is going on in the world.

The truth is out there, and if you diligently seek it you will eventually find it.

Michael Snyder is a Republican candidate for Congress in Idaho’s First Congressional District, and you can learn how you can get involved in the campaign on his official website. His new book entitled “Living A Life That Really Matters” is available in paperback and for the Kindle on

Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

12 July 2017

The Holocaust Hoax is the Indispensable Centerpiece for the Khazarian Mafia

The Khazarian Mafia and their puppets have the ability to operate from behind the scenes (of the governments, of corporations, of foundations, etc.) and not be exposed in their secretive, destructive, criminal schemes, because, if anyone exposes them, they wail, “You are anti-Semitic."

Lorraine Day graduated from the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine in 1969 and became an associate professor and vice chairman of the Department of Orthopedics at the University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine and Chief of Orthopedic Surgery at San Francisco General Hospital. She is the author of AIDS: What the Government Isn’t Telling You, Getting Started on Getting Well, etc. She can be reached at 800-574-2437. Her website is

J.E.A.: You write that the “Holocaust” is a categorical lie. Can we talk about that?

L.D.: Well, the idea that the concentration camps were for the express purpose of killing Jews and/or other inmates is certainly a categorical lie. I don’t deny that there were millions of Jews imprisoned in these camps. But they were imprisoned because international Jewry had instructed all the Jews in Germany, that if Germany went to war with England, that every Jew in Germany would sabotage the war effort. That made them Traitors to their nation and that’s why they were put in camps.

There were NO gas chambers in any concentration camp run by the Germans during World War II, not even in Auschwitz. The evidence is overwhelming. But the Jewish-owned media has learned that if you tell a lie big enough, and often enough, the people eventually will believe it. And if anyone has the audacity to really investigate the matter, looking for the truth, they are called “anti-Semitic.”

J.E.A.: You said that “the ‘Holocaust’ – since it cannot be questioned – obtains the status of an undeclared Religion for the whole world. It must be accepted by faith! No questioning is allowed.”

Many rabbis would agree with you on this point. For example, Avi Weiss declared in the Washington Post in 2015 that “Auschwitz is a sacred place of Jewish memory. It’s no place for a Catholic church.”[1] The New York Times said something similar back in 1993.[2] Neocon hawk Charles Krauthammer writes in the Washington Post that “has become increasingly common for American Jews to locate their identity in the Holocaust.”[3]

Can you tell us why these people don’t want to examine the events of Nazi Germany in light of Stalin’s great famine? Why do they idolize the “Holocaust” at the expensive of any other suffering in the history of humanity? Why do they keep referring to the “Holocaust” as “unique”?

L.D.: Almost no one understands that the Holocaust Hoax is the indispensable Centerpiece of the New World Order. Without this lie, the Khazarian Mafia would have a very difficult time enslaving the population of the world through the coming One World Government. And here is why: 

1) The Khazarian Mafia and their puppets have the ability to operate from behind the scenes (of the governments, of corporations, of foundations, etc.) and not be exposed in their secretive, destructive, criminal schemes, because, if anyone exposes them, they wail, “You are ANTI-SEMITIC!” And the exposer is branded for life! You are not allowed to expose any illegal or immoral schemes of the Khazarian Mafia because “they have already suffered so much”!

2) By playing the victim (of the “Holocaust”) and collecting billions in reparations from Germany, and billions in foreign aid from the U.S., they have been able to steal Palestine and slaughter the Palestinians, to build the Israeli state, from which they plan to take over the entire Middle East, and then the whole world.

And they also have one of the largest nuclear arsenals in the world, 

3) by infiltrating all the churches and reminding the Christians of “how much the Jews have suffered, particularly during the Holocaust,” they are now viewed as God’s “chosen people” and should never be criticized for ANYTHING, even if their actions are immoral and illegal, 4) and because of the suffering of the Jews during the “Holocaust” they are setting themselves up to replace Jesus Christ and HIS sufferings on the cross to save the world from sin.

The “Holocaust” will become the new religion, with ‘churches’ (Holocaust museums) eventually built in every city, which the people approach with quietness, reverence and respect (far more than is found in any of today’s churches). The Jews have already stated that they will become their own Messiah.

This will bring about not only the One World Government for enslavement of the world’s population by the Khazarian Mafia, but it will become the basis for the coming One World Religion. Laws will be passed in every country, similar to the laws now on the books in Germany, Canada, Austria, Australia and several other countries, making it illegal to doubt the Jewish version of the “Holocaust.”

This crime will be punishable by a massive fine, and/or many years in prison. Eventually, the same penalties will be imposed for any type of “anti-Semitism” – the definition of which will be in the hands of the Khazarian Mafia. The only way the “suffering of the Jews during the Holocaust” can be described as “unique” is that–it didn’t happen! It’s all a LIE!

Over 25 years ago, the Khazarian Mafia and their marionettes were successful in getting a law passed making it LEGAL for the U.S. government to KILL Christians! My husband, a former long-term U.S. Congressman, documented this:

A number of Jewish authors have remarked that the Khazarian Mafia are parasites. They don’t develop a culture of their own, or inventions of their own, instead they are parasites on other “host” cultures. They take over huge businesses built by Gentiles and wonderful inventions created by Gentiles, rather than developing cultures of their own, or creating their own phenomenal inventions. But they seem to forget that as they continue to parasitize the host, eventually they will kill the host–and then the parasite also will die.

[1] Avi Weiss, “Auschwitz is a sacred place of Jewish memory. It’s no place for a Catholic church,” Washington Post,” January 28, 2015.

[2] Diana Jean Schemo, “Holocaust Museum Hailed as Sacred Debt to Dead,” NY Times, April 23, 1993.

[3] Charles Krauthammer, “The Holocaust and Jewish identity,” Washington Post, March 10, 2016.

By Jonas E. Alexis and Lorraine Day

Related Posts:

Deborah Lipstadt: Holocaust “deniers” are “conspiracy theorists”

Just a matter of (quasi) Semitic semantics, after all?

What the Holocaust establishment will never say about Anne Frank

Thinking about the “Holocaust” is a crime—interview with Alfred Schaefer

Challenging the Holocaust Narrative in the Netherlands Is Legal

11 July 2017

Suppose you're an errant knight on your mission

"The cosmos is a forgery of the individual." (Visions of the Empire, Jon Rappoport)

If, late at night, or upon rising in the morning, a person can think of nothing that differentiates him from "the way the world thinks," if he can imagine nothing that distinguishes him from "the culture," then what does he have?

Well, he has passivity. He can be a spectator. He can be audience.

Or suppose he has a "vision" for his future that comes from somewhere else? It isn't his. He imported it like a rug or a car or a block of cheese.

A personal vision implies action.

It doesn't depend on a group.

A personal vision isn't disconnected from self. It comes from self. It's dreaming inside deep desire.

A personal vision is a person's conscious entrance point into the world. It spells out a person's difference from what "the world is proposing."

Or...coming at this from a somewhat different angle:

"There are some people who hear the word CREATE and wake up, as if a new flashing music has begun. This lone word makes them see something majestic and untamed and astonishing. They feel the sound of a Niagara approaching. CREATE is a word that should be oceanic. It should shake and blow apart the pillars of the smug boredom of the soul. CREATE is about what the individual does when he is on fire and doesn't care about concealing it. It's about what the individual invents when he has thrown off the false front that is slowly strangling him. CREATE is about the end of mindless postponement. It's about what happens when you burn up the pretty and petty little obsessions. It's about emerging from the empty suit and empty machine of society that goes around and around and sucks away the vital bloodstream."

Yes, that's a little better.

Could you handle living as Gulliver in a land of Lilliputians?

Suppose you already are?

Suppose the Lilliputians are Gullivers who have misplaced that core fact?

Suppose the world is a giant repetitive game of tic-tac-toe, and you find yourself looking in from the outside, and you perceive your job is alerting the hypnotized players?

Suppose in the fog of your subconscious, there is a vision and a dream moving toward the surface, at which point, if you choose to pay attention, nothing will ever be the same?

Suppose you're an errant knight on his mission, and you're approaching, in a forest, a secret threshold, beyond which you'll immediately apply all your years of training and discipline, to a series of mysteries also requiring you to respond with an undetermined number of absolutely spontaneous inventions, the potential for which has been waiting in silence inside you for centuries?

Suppose what has been commonly been called reality has been waiting for you to revolutionize it down to its core?

Suppose THESE questions are the actual substance of an education which is about to begin, and is solely in your hands?

Might that exceed a wide-screen movie at the multiplex and a slice of pizza?

By Jon Rappoport on July 11, 2017

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world.

07 July 2017

UFOs and Nukes - The Secret Link Revealed 


The reality of UFO incursions at American nuclear weapons facilities has been convincingly established. Hundreds of U.S. military veterans now openly discuss these ominous incidents and thousands of declassified government documents affirm their assertions.

Over the past four decades, noted researcher Robert Hastings has interviewed more than 150 of those veterans regarding their involvement in one case or another. On September 27, 2010, CNN live-streamed his UFOs and Nukes press conference in Washington D.C. during which former U.S. Air Force missileers described occasions when several ICBMs mysteriously malfunctioned moments after a disc-shaped craft was observed hovering near their underground launch silos.


The definitive documentary on UFO activity at nuclear weapons sites, produced by renowned researcher Robert Hastings. Interviews with former U.S. Air Force nuclear missile launch officers who unequivocally state that UFOs have long monitored and even tampered with American ICBMs. Their dramatic testimony is reinforced by revealing declassified documents which convincingly confirm this situation as real and ongoing, extending from the 1940s to the present day. Sometimes fact is indeed stranger than fiction.


Video by: Robert Hastings (YT-channel).

Robert L. Hastings was born May 6, 1950, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, at Sandia Base, where atomic weapons were engineered. His father, Robert E. Hastings, was career U.S. Air Force, retiring in 1967 with the rank of Senior Master Sergeant. In 1966–67, the Hastings family was stationed at Malmstrom AFB, Montana, during one peak period of UFO activity at nearby Minuteman nuclear missile sites.

In March 1967, Hastings witnessed five UFOs being tracked on radar at the base air traffic control tower. He later learned that these "unknown targets" had been maneuvering near ICBM sites located southeast of the base. This experience ultimately led to his decades-long research into the UFO-nukes connection.


➨ UFOs and Nukes:

➨ Full Documentary (Vimeo):

➨ Robert Hastings:



➨ Subscribe To The Second Channel:

06 July 2017

Is the Vatican working with US Military Intelligence for Extraterrestrial Disclosure?

The role of the Vatican in official disclosure of the existence of extraterrestrial life has recently come into renewed focus with two related developments on June 14. The first is an interfaith initiative by multiple world religious leaders, including Pope Francis, to promote friendship and unity across diverse faith communities through a joint statement.

According secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, Pope Francis and other world leaders have been contacted by a group of four human-looking extraterrestrial civilizations that are encouraging them to unify as a prelude to the establishment of a new global religion.

The second development was the synchronistic June 14 release of an alleged Majestic-12 Document describing four groups of extraterrestrials known to the military intelligence community, including one that is human-looking and friendly. It states that formal diplomatic relations began with the human-looking group during the Eisenhower administration, and secretly continues to the present day.

When it comes to the role of the Vatican and extraterrestrial life, it is important to point out that the Catholic Church has long played a leading role in secret diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials, dating back at least from the post-World War II era. This has involved high-level cooperation with the U.S. military intelligence community.

In February 1954, Cardinal Francis MacIntyre represented the Catholic Church at the first official meeting with human-looking extraterrestrials [called “Etherians” at the time] that occurred at Edwards Air Force Base. The meeting was described at length by a leading metaphysical teacher at the time, Mead Layne, and is worth repeating in full:

My dear friends: I have just returned from Muroc [Edwards Air Force Base]. The report is true — devastatingly true! I made the journey in company with Franklin Allen of the Hearst papers and Edwin Nourse of Brookings Institute (Truman’s erstwhile financial advisor) and Bishop MacIntyre of L.A. (confidential names for the present, please). When we were allowed to enter the restricted section (after about six hours in which we were checked on every possible item, event, incident and aspect of our personal and public lives), I had the distinct feeling that the world had come to an end with fantastic realism. For I have never seen so many human beings in a state of complete collapse and confusion, as they realized that their own world had indeed ended with such finality as to beggar description. The reality of the ‘other plane’ aeroforms is now and forever removed from the realms of speculation and made a rather painful part of the consciousness of every responsible scientific and political group. During my two days’ visit I saw five separate and distinct types of aircraft being studied and handled by our Air Force officials — with the assistance and permission of the Etherians! I have no words to express my reactions. It has finally happened. It is now a matter of history. President Eisenhower, as you may already know, was spirited over to Muroc one night during his visit to Palm Springs recently. And it is my conviction that he will ignore the terrific conflict between the various ‘authorities’ and go directly to the people via radio and television — if the impasse continues much longer. From what I could gather, an official statement to the country is being prepared for delivery about the middle of May.

Unfortunately, the planned May 1954 disclosure never happened. It would become one of many possible extraterrestrial disclosure announcements that would come and go over the next decades, some of which involved the Vatican in a prominent role, as we will see.

1982 British tabloid story on Eisenhower ET Meeting

In the United States, disclosure was firmly under the control of the national security establishment who did not view it as helpful to the national interest, which was viewed through the myopic lens of building bigger and more destructive weapons arsenals with the aid of major U.S. military contractors. It is highly doubtful that the Vatican shared these “hard power” goals, given its traditional focus on “soft power” in terms of associating the church with progressive ideas such as social justice, eradicating global poverty, religious tolerance, etc.

Secret diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials continued, according to the recently leaked Majestic 12 Assessment document. A follow-up meeting was held in July 1954, five months after the groundbreaking Edwards AFB meeting. It was here that Eisenhower allegedly established full diplomatic relations with the human-looking extraterrestrial visitors. The MJ-12 document states:

“In so far as no threat, either implied nor expressed and either of a military, civil or societal nature has been forwarded by the visitation of the association of visiting extraterrestrials against the governments and the peoples of these United States of America; and in so far as great and many cultural and technical advances have been derived by such exchange, we hereby grant full, complete diplomatic status and recognition to these individuals from beyond our world. Furthermore, let it be known that we seek to provide shelter, comfort and aid in all their peaceful endeavors so far as these are respective of the laws of our land and the right to self-determination and free will expressed in our national constitution. And until such time as the objectives or methods of either parties in this agreement shall deem otherwise, this bond between our peoples shall remain in effect.” [p. E-5-of-6]

The preceding diplomatic treaty was drafted by the directorate of the MAJESTIC-12 operation and a joint committee of extra-terrestrial visitors and representatives of the U.S. Diplomatic Corps, as a statement of intent. It was ratified and signed at Kirtland Air Force Base, Texas on July the eighteenth, 1954 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower and an individual on the behalf of the EBE’s. [p. E-6-of-6]

The Majestic document has multiple anomalies, security markings, spelling errors, etc., that has led many UFO researchers to dismiss it as a hoax. Nevertheless, the document has much in it that appears accurate from a historical perspective. This suggests that the document was intended to achieve a specific purpose by releasing factually accurate information together with anomalies that could lead to it being easily dismissed through plausible deniability.

As to what this purpose of the Majestic document is, we need to consider the portion that reviews four types of extraterrestrial life known to the Defense Intelligence Agency in 1989, when the briefing document was allegedly prepared:

There are four basic types of EBEs so-far confirmed. And they are listed here in descending order of their influences on our planet.

A. Earth-like humanoids. There are several variations more-or-less like ourselves. The majority of these are friendly and are the bulk of our EBE contacts. Most have a high degree of psychic ability and all use science and engineering of an advanced nature.

B. Small humanoids or “Grays”. The Grays, so–called for the hue of their skin possessed by most of this type, are a sort of drone…. They are mostly under the psychic control of the Earth-like humanoids who raise them like pets (or a kind of slave). Assuming the Greys are under benign control, they are harmless.

C. Non-humaoid EBEs. …. Many of these are dangerous not for organized hostile intentions, but because such creatures do not hold human life as sacred…. Thus far, contact has been minimal with only a handful of unfortunate encounters.

D. Transmorphic Entities. …. In essence these entities are composed of pure mind energies. … They are said (by other EBEs) to be capable of taking on any physical form that they “channel” their energy … as matter.

What is highly significant is that the document suggests that human-looking extraterrestrials are the most-friendly of the four extraterrestrial groups identified, and are therefore more reliable partners for diplomatic relations and long-term agreements.

The Vatican’s history of diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials, conducted secretly while coordinating with the US military, also involved non-official channels. One of these included the famous contactee, George Adamski.

Adamski claims to have been a contactee with a “Nordic” human-looking extraterrestrial group. He regularly briefed Pentagon officials about his contacts that began in 1952. In addition, Adamski says he secretly met with Pope John XXIII in 1963. UFO Researchers such as Desmond Leslie have reviewed Adamski’s claims in this regard, and found them to be factually correct.

In 1952, George Adamski claims that he met with an extraterrestrial who emerged from a landed flying saucer. Six witnesses signed affidavits about Adamski’s encounter.

Apparently, Adamski passed on messages and coordinated one or more secret meetings between Pope John XXIII and the Nordics who wished the Pope to promote a more tolerant and inclusive Catholic religion. This occurred simultaneously with the Pope convening the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965), which is widely acknowledged for modernizing the practice of Catholicism and bringing it into the 20th century.

It is important to keep in mind the significance of this scenario in terms of a reformist Pope being willing to fundamentally alter Catholic practices and theology, as a result of secret diplomatic relations with extraterrestrials.

Decades later, in February 2008, the Catholic Church allegedly played a prominent role in secret United Nations discussions about disclosing the reality of extraterrestrial life. It was claimed that as a result of these discussions, the Catholic Church would lead the way in promoting more openness on the issue of UFOs and extraterrestrial life.

This alleged development at the United Nations coincided with the head of the Vatican Astronomical Observatory, Father Gabriel Funes, giving an interview which was titled, “The Alien is my Brother”, which was published by the Vatican’s daily newspaper, L’Osservatore Romano on May 13, 2008.

While the existence of the secret UN discussions in 2008 continues to be hotly debated, the timing of the Funes’ interview does make it plausible that these events did occur as independent whistleblowers claimed. What boosts the credibility of these whistleblower claims is Goode’s recent comments that he was told by his sources that a disclosure initiative did indeed take place in 2008, and the Vatican was a key player.

There have been many subsequent developments since 2008 where the Vatican has sponsored Astrobiology conferences, starting from 2009, on the scientific and social implications of extraterrestrial life. Vatican astronomers have also been very active in publicly exploring issues such as “can extraterrestrials be baptized” as exemplified in a 2014 book by Brother Guy Consolmagno titled, Would You Baptize an Extraterrestrial?

All these developments clearly point to the conclusion that prominent officials in the Vatican hierarchy have been laying the foundation for preparing Catholics around the world for startling revelations about extraterrestrial life, and major church reforms that will emerge as a result.

The unprecedented retirement of a sitting Pontiff, Pope Benedict XVI, who was part of a more hardline conservative Catholic Church faction, and his replacement on February 28, 2013 by the more liberal progressive Pope Francis I appears to be part of this covert preparation process.

On October 27, 2014, Pope Francis issued a statement where he referred to extraterrestrials, using the euphemism “beings of the universe”, as playing a key role in God’s evolutionary plan:

When we read in Genesis the account of creation, we risk imagining God as a magician, with a wand able to make everything. But it is not so…. He created beings and allowed them to develop according to the internal laws that he gave to each one, so that they were able to develop and to arrive at their fullness of being. He gave autonomy to the beings of the universe at the same time at which he assured them of his continuous presence, giving being to every reality. And so creation continued for centuries and centuries, millennia and millennia, until it became which we know today, precisely because God is not a demiurge or a magician, but the creator who gives being to all things. [emphasis added]

Here Pope Francis has laid the foundation for something previously unthinkable to occur in Catholic Church theology. Extraterrestrials may have acted as an intermediary in the evolution of humanity and therefore in the establishment of Christianity and other religious traditions.

This meant that ancient astronaut claims that extraterrestrial visitors had bio-engineered and/or helped human civilizations evolve since ancient times, were views that are now perfectly compatible with Catholic Church theology according to Pope Francis’ statement on evolution.

Consequently, it is very feasible that the Vatican is secretly working behind the scenes with one or more extraterrestrial races in laying the groundwork for future disclosures that will facilitate the establishment of a global religion. This will introduce a cosmic perspective based on new information provided by the friendly human-looking extraterrestrials.

The Friendship and Unity statement may therefore be a very tangible prelude to a new global faith emerging in the near future. The almost simultaneous release of the alleged Majestic-12 document on June 14 is very significant in light of its clear endorsement of human-looking extraterrestrials as friends and diplomatic partners.

Pope Francis and world religious leaders that signed Friendship and Unity Statement

The timing of the release of the Majestic-12 document suggests a significant degree of “behind the scenes” cooperation between the U.S. military intelligence community and the Vatican in laying the foundation for disclosure and subsequent diplomatic relations with human looking extraterrestrials.

The prospect that Pope Francis and other religious leaders may be collaborating with extraterrestrial visitors to promote a new global religion has predictably led to much concern. Is this something to be welcomed or opposed? Are the extraterrestrials working behind the scenes with religious leaders to be trusted or not? Is this effort to establish a new global religion part of an officially sanctioned effort by the U.S. military intelligence community to disclose some, but not all, information about extraterrestrial life and secret space programs? All these questions are worth serious consideration.

To be continued.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. on June 30, 2017

Further Reading

World Religions Unite as Prelude to Extraterrestrial Disclosure

Corey Goode on Nordic Extraterrestrials working with Religious Leaders for Disclosure

Pope endorses evolution of alien life & UFO activity as part of God’s plan

New Majestic Document Reveals US Diplomatic Relations with Extraterrestrials

New Majestic Document Corroborates Historic UFO Best Seller

Will Vatican declaration of an alien savior spark a religious war?