
27 May 2023

Going It Alone

May 26, 2023

Jason Powers

It is almost a daily wish that one could abandon “civilization” for a remote island or locality with enough food available (fish, fresh water, edible roots and plants) to survive. I know I am not alone in that thinking.

I wouldn’t need a big place to live – if it were like a 12’ by 20’; or if I was able to have a reasonable recess that didn’t have weather issues. (Obviously, if the climate was not hospitable for part of the year, building a shelter becomes the next challenge.)

All this of course would be done solo with no pesky neighbors or factions or cultures to critique my existence. One dreams there, especially given that: no matter how one attempts to divorce themselves from the larger herd that is Humanity, one can rest assured, that will not be tolerated.

That is the very reason one wants to be alone. The factions – particularly the collectivists, pseudo intellectuals, the hyper-woke and warmongers are all at odds with the most reasonable beings who just want peace and prosperity and their own ideas left be.

The collectivists feel one’s decoupling reflects a brain error in not wanting their sense of Utopia, that of: people all in a tight control grid with themselves (as the technocrats in charge) running the show in doling out favors to those most compliant to the newest fad or edict they have recently dreamt up to harass the non-collectivist.

The pseudo intellectuals will psychoanalyze the loner as a “wolf” that preys on others when off by themselves. That their psychological abandonment issues must be addressed (preferably at costly rate to the wolf, either in money, or in their time) to reintegrate these wolves back into the greater milieu, again, towards the collectivist herd.

The “woke” beings are the most scatter brained. They need people to like them. They want acceptance from people that don’t even know what they are about. But they also need your energy. They feed off weakening one’s boundaries, usually by the woke’s sexual advances, or overtly friendly pushes into them. If one rejects them, you become “the bad person.”

The warmongers are just as bad as the rest of them. They enjoy the idea of creative destruction, emphasis on the destruction part. They reimagine the world, of course after garnering profit from selling both sides on the idea of war. And one must pick a side – or else – you aren’t a patriot to their cause. Refusal to play their game is akin to treason.

[Note: Fighting is not the issue here. I am plenty ready for that event. Well, as ready as one ever is. But these war profiteers just need people to throw through the meat grinder of their particular choice.]

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The meatgrinder of life is putting up with all these forces or factions. Sure, there are good factions – the startling discovery that others are just as contemptuous of the powerful (and power games) others routinely play for their profit and control.

These vigorous and vibrant people can be (and are) good, even have ideas that work towards a unified goal and creating abundance in one’s existence and towards the unified parties best outcome. A problem though: at some point either you disagree over some dogma; or whomever wants to assert dominance amongst these factions. So the perpetual work – is to keep a balance of both the usefulness of a loose collaboration, and yet the liberty to do as one chooses.

This was the United States. It was not perfect. It never proclaim to be that. “In order to form a more perfect Union,” did not mean it would result in perfection. Rather, it was a loose union and collaboration based on an agreed set of principles, amendable slowly, and with great deliberation.

Yes, it had the same flaws that all Mankind has endured to correct.

But of course, when those other factions lie, cheat, coerce, war, and traffic human flesh [currently at the US-Mexico border], as all those things occur and are rewarded handsomely to this present day, one can critique the current United States rather easily. A country without a moral compass, led by the corrupt, and the moneyed, towards a terrible destruction of its tested principles. That forgoes real justice to pander to collectivists, pseudo-intellectuals, the woke and the warmongers.


Yes, going it alone is one’s personal answer.


In the course of life, one faces the reality of time. One has only so much, and no more. The urge is to fill it well with knowledge and action towards the betterment of society.

Not that the latter is always available to us directly but for small ways and touches. One’s legacy comes from knowing how to utilize time as a finely developed tool and make use of it well in as many scenarios afforded to one in a life. Slowing down the use of it – and the risks in it – is a game we all play, whether we know it or not.

The following is just a way to note how much usable time remains – assuming sleeping and other affairs might be restricting per day (though one could argue multitasking could be done.)

And of course, when you think of Time: enter the Floyd! Too bad these guys are still fighting (Gilmour, Waters).