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03 July 2009

Homosexuality - Crime, Sin, Mental Illness, Inborn Abnormality or Alternative Lifestyle?

The natural human reproductive process consists of a human male injecting seminal fluid discharged from his penis into the vagina of a human female. This leads to fertilization of the eggs within the womb of the female and eventual birth of a human child. This natural reproductive process of the human species determines the physiological and psychological characteristics of men and women, which are different and reflect their roles in this natural reproductive process. Similar differences between sexes exist in other animal species.

One of the characteristics of this reproductive process is that from time to time men and women feel a strong desire to perform this mutual act of reproduction. This is accompanied by strong emotions of attraction to the opposite sex, love, desire to possess or to belong, envy, jealousy, protectiveness. Often people find it difficult to resist or control these desires and emotions. Similar strong emotions are exhibited in relations of parents to their children. Similar emotion or instinct based reproductive process prevails among other animal species.

But, in addition to emotions and instincts, the human species is endowed with reason and will, which allows it to control emotions and instincts. Human behaviour is a complex interaction between instincts, emotions, reason and will. And the human reproductive process is also affected by this complex interaction.

This complex behaviour within each human individual is also affected by the fact that humans live in social groups. And behaviour of the individuals need to be adapted to life within the group. Thus, in all groups there emerges a moral code (formal or informal) which approves of some forms of behaviour and disapproves of other forms. This also applies to the reproductive process. In most human societies from the early times and up to the second half of the 20th century, all forms of sex related behaviour outside of the framework of heterosexual family were strongly disapproved of, and some forms of sex behaviour, and in particular homosexuality even criminalized. Often this was based on religious teachings, which provided the basis of social morality. Thus, in addition to instincts, emotions, reason and will another factor affects human behaviour - morality.

In the 20th century religion-based morality began to be questioned, and the idea was advanced that homosexuality is not a sin or a crime for which a person is responsible and should be punished, but a "mental illness or personality disorder", for which a person is not responsible, and from which he should be cured.

And towards the end of the 20th century the idea was promoted that homosexuality is not a "mental illness or personality disorder", but a normal form of human behaviour - or "alternative life style".

So what is homosexuality?

It is a behaviour in the course of which a person satisfies his sexual instincts and emotions by interacting with another person of the same sex. Among men this is done by one man using another man's anal passage, mouth, or hand, as if it were a woman's vagina. Homosexual women use their tongues, fingers, or similar objects as a substitute for a male penis. These activities produce sensations and emotions similar to those, experienced during the normal reproductive process. But normal reproductive process it is not. The anal passage is meant for discharge of the products of human digestion, and the mouth for intake of food, not for childbirth, and a finger or tongue cannot make a woman pregnant. This is clearly self-deception and behaviour contrary to that intended by Nature or its Creator.

So why do people engage in such unnatural behaviour? Are people born that way, or do they choose this form of behaviour consciously and voluntarily?

Although it is normal for people to be born with clearly distinct sexual characteristics, it is possible for people to be born with abnormal sexual characteristics. This is similar to people with other congenital abnormalities, like absent, deformed or additional limbs, Siamese twins, etc. Some people are born with underdeveloped, malformed or missing sexual organs. Sometimes the sexual organs of a child are such that it is not clear whether it is a boy or a girl. Some people have inborn behavioral abnormalities. In some cases these abnormalities can be harmless both to the person and others, like a person with six fingers. Sometimes these abnormalities can present a serious handicap to the person, but not to others, like missing limbs. And sometimes a person with congenital abnormalities can be dangerous to others, like a person with violent uncontrollable behaviour.

Yes, people can be born abnormal, but they are not born homosexual. It is meaningless to call a homosexual a person who by virtue of his birth is neither a man, nor a woman - in fact, such people are called hermaphrodites.

Homosexuality is a behaviour, not a physiological characteristic. It is an abnormal behaviour of normal people. It is a result of lack of correct education, and often of corruption by others.

Unlike animals, Man cannot rely exclusively on his instincts and emotions, his instincts and emotions must be controlled by his reason. This control by reason is not inborn, but develops through a prolonged learning process. Usually this happens in a social setting and starts within the family. Even simple instinctive acts like urination are subject to a lengthy learning process. Unlike animals, people do not urinate wherever they feel the urge, they do it in special places. The same applies to the procreational process (sex).

A human person needs to learn to play correctly his role in the procreational process from early childhood. If by the time a person reaches sexual maturity, he has failed to learn his correct role in the procreational process, he can become a victim of his sexual drives which he will misuse, and this can adversely affect the course of his life and can cause harm to others. Rape, marital problems, child molesting, extramarital sex and homosexuality are results of such failure.

In Europe and the Americas, where the social morality in the past was based on the Christian religion, the sex role training was performed by treating sex as a forbidden subject, but girls were expected to follow in the footsteps of their mothers, while boys of their fathers. Sex began at marriage. Sex outside of marriage was condemned, and homosexuality was a crime. Because sex was a taboo, and people were ignorant of anything relating to sex until they were married, young people who developed early or stayed unmarried for a long time were vulnerable to sexual misbehaviour, and could get involved in extramarital sex, or homosexual practices. This lead to some social scandals.

With the religious morality in Europe and the Americas being abandoned in the 20th century, which lead to spread of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, sex education was introduced in European and American schools. This, however, was conducted by people, who having liberated themselves from the restrictions of the morality of the past, have failed to develop an understanding of the role of the reproductive process in human life. The sex lessons were mostly concerned with prevention of unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases, and ignored the psychological, emotional and social aspects of sex. The approach was "safe sex" - "enjoy yourself, but use a condom or a pill". Homosexuality was safe from the point of view of unwanted pregnancies and children were encouraged to "discover their sexual orientation" experimentally. The issue of "safe sex" did not arise in respect of homosexuals until the epidemic of AIDS broke out. Again the answer was "play safe - use a condom".

One of the characteristics of sex is, that having tried it once, people want more - it becomes addictive. People also develop emotional dependence on their partners. It is not unknown for professional prostitutes to use this feature of sex to lead their "clients" to financial destitution. This is also true of "gay" sex. Once a male is subjected to anal sex, he often develops a behavioral dependency. In the past, when homosexuality was criminalized, this was often used to blackmail people in public life and for recruitment of spies during the Cold War.

Sex related activities are not restricted to sexual cravings and sensations in the course of the reproductive act, they have a continuous effect on general behaviour and life of the person. It affects thinking, dreams, attitude to life, manners, view of oneself. A man can start dreaming of being a woman, or imagining himself as one. People can develop cravings to inflict pain on their sexual partners, or to suffer pain being inflicted by their partners on themselves. Some people develop desire to drink other people's urine, or to be urinated or defecated upon. Failure to control sexual urges can lead to mental disorders, drug addiction, and alcoholism. Thus failure to control ones' sexual life, and to correctly fulfill one's role in the reproductive process can be seen as a disease of the soul.

People who fail to control their sex behaviour usually seek to satisfy their unnatural cravings by involving other people. Often their victims are children, or vulnerable young people. It is common for people having control of young people to corrupt them by sodomization. There were many cases of such practices in Britain and the US - in boarding schools, orphanages, and penal institutions. The present scandals involving Catholic priests in the US and Britain are examples of this.

As the number of homosexuals in Europe and America grew, politicians saw them as a new "constituency" - this became known as "chasing the gay vote". Some politicians themselves are "gay". Homosexuality became a kind of "political" movement. There even is a "gay culture", "gay press", etc. Thus, homosexuality came to be seen as an alternative, fashionable, and often preferred lifestyle.

This is clearly not a "mental illness or personality disorder" as it was thought of in the earlier part of the 20th century. Homosexuality is a form of social behaviour, which is caused by failure of governments to educate the people on the correct use of their reproductive process.

Leaving aside the issue of AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, homosexuality corrupts human nature. Like drug addicts, smokers, and alcoholics, homosexuals think that they are enjoying themselves. And, like drug addicts, smokers, and alcoholics, homosexuals pay for this enjoyment by corrupting their body and soul. The life style of some pop stars dominated by homosexuality, drugs and alcohol is an example of this phenomenon. But the Social Establishment presents such pop stars as role models for young people. A man who has been sodomized will have difficulties in living a normal married life, will become dependent on male "partners", and will waste his life in his unnatural pursuits. This unnatural life style will deprive him from normal psychological development and will prevent him from the enjoyment of normal life.

This is why homosexuality was condemned as sin by Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. The prophets understood the need to educate the people in the correct use of the gift of human reproduction. The Qur'an contains many passages explaining the human reproductive process.

By failing to educate the people about the correct use of sex, personal hygiene and family building, governments fail in their duty before the people. This leads to moral decay of the society.

The passages of the Qur'an on the correct use of sex, personal hygiene and family building can provide today's parents and educators with guidance on the correct upbringing of the future generations.

But what about the present day homosexuals? Can they find their way to normal life?

Their position is similar to that of people suffering from other forms of addictive behaviour: drugs, alcohol and tobacco. A person suffering from addictive behaviour needs to perform the following steps:

  1. To understand that his behaviour is bad. While most addicts know at the back of their minds that their behaviour is not good, they find ways of excusing or glamorizing their behaviour. The Qur'an describes this phenomenon by a vivid phrase: "The Devil has made their actions seem beautiful to them".
  2. In case of the addictive behaviour involving association with other addicts, break out of this association, or from its influence. Victims of addictions often seek company of people with similar addictions. Addicts also seek to seduce others to their addiction or to encourage them to continue being its victim. One needs to learn to say "No" to such people and to avoid their company.
  3. To learn to overcome the urge. Whenever one feels the urge to smoke, drink, take drugs, or a sexual urge outside of the framework of heterosexual marriage, one needs to think of the harmfulness of that urge and of the harmful consequences that yielding to it would produce. Having convinced oneself of the harmfulness of yielding to the urge, one should turn to some useful and healthy activity. Life is a precious gift. One should not waste it on polluting one's lungs with nicotine, debilitating one's mind with drugs or alcohol, or abusing one's reproductive process by perverse unnatural practices.
Such struggle against harmful urges (the jihad of the soul) can be difficult and can continue throughout one's life. But winning this struggle brings great rewards - a healthy, satisfying and productive life.

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It's OK to Say, "That's So Gay"

"We must now face the harsh truth that the objectives of communism are being steadily advanced because many of us do not recognize the means used to advance them. ... The individual is handicapped by coming face to face with a Conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst." J. Edgar Hoover (Elks Magazine, August 1956.)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Millions of young people say, "That's so gay" to denote alien, different or unhealthy.

To me, this is a hopeful sign that civilization may yet survive.

For Rockefeller-Rothschild social engineers, however, it's a nightmare.

These youths did not imbibe the propaganda that gay and straight are the same, i.e. "lifestyle preferences" like cable or satellite.

So these Cabalist bankers have launched an expensive "public service" TV campaign to teach kids that obeying their healthy instincts is "homophobic."

They've got celebrities like lesbian comedian Wanda Sykes and Hillary Duff overhearing teenagers, interrupting and chewing them out. "How would you like it if your identity was used to mean dumb or stupid?"


Every first-year anthropology student learns that group cohesion is maintained by defining in-group and out-group behavior. If a group cannot define itself in these terms, it disappears. (For example, homosexuals use the derogatory term "breeders" to refer to us.)

You're not homophobic. This campaign is a rearguard action in a war on your sexual identity. Gay Pride apparently is OK but heterosexuals cannot uphold their identity. I'm here to tell you, "Bend over no more."

Until 1975, homosexuality was considered a developmental disorder. Therapists thought it a major neurosis, a sexual perversion and even a physical illness. Then the Rockefellers yanked the American Psychological Association's chain and magically, overnight, what for centuries had been abnormal, suddenly was normal.

This is part of a larger attack on gender and marriage designed to decrease population and undermine the family. In the bankers' New World Order, children are born to single mothers or in laboratories and raised by the state to serve the bankers.

Do you really think the Rockefellers, who financed Eugenics for a century, including Mengele's heinous experiments in Auschwitz, care about homosexuals' feelings? No, they are trying to turn you into homosexuals. They want you to suffer from this disorder. That's why you are learning in school that homosexuality is normal .That's why they use psychological war (guilt) to level your heterosexual defenses.

This isn't about equality and human rights. It's about social engineering and mind control. It's about depopulation and dictatorship.


In 2002, a Mormon girl was ribbed by her new classmates. "Do you have ten moms?" To which she replied, "That's so gay."

Those three words landed her in big trouble. So how selective is this? A Christian's feelings can be hurt, but not a gay person's? Why is that?

They are not promoting tolerance. They are not promoting Christianity. They are promoting homosexuality.

The organization behind the ads, GLSEN, the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network, has 40 full-time employees! They sponsor pro- gay propaganda in thousands of schools under the pretense that gay youths are being persecuted. The Rockefeller Foundation is paying. They organize Communist-style propaganda events like the annual "Day of Silence" when their supporters protest the fact they are being silenced!!

Wake up heterosexuals! Wars of aggression always use a phony pretext of defending someone from attack.

In reality, heterosexuality is under attack. You are being persecuted. You are coerced to adopt unhealthy behavior which will prevent you from marrying and procreating.

For course, gay youths should be treated with kindness and consideration. It's not their fault they are gay. They're not aware of how homosexuality is being used. But let's draw a line. They're not the same as we are and we have a right to say so. We mate for life for the purpose of procreation.


Our society has been subverted by Cabalist bankers, including many homosexuals, who have stolen the government's credit card. Now they have to create a dictatorship to protect their prize.

They are behind all wars, depression, 9-11 and the credit crunch. These are ways to degrade and demoralize humanity so we will accept their tyranny.

Instead of thinking of homosexuality as same-sex attraction, think of it as gender role confusion resulting in "failure to permanently bond with (i.e. marry) a member of the opposite sex." This failure results in arrested development. Homosexuals generally compensate by having promiscuous sex.

Can you see how, in these terms, heterosexuals have become like homosexuals? Courtship is almost dead. Anonymous sex ("hooking up") is in. The marriage and birth rates are down 33% to 50% from 50 years ago. Forty per cent of children are born out of wedlock.

Heterosexuality is not a "lifestyle preference." Heterosexuality is being part of the natural life cycle essential to personal development, happiness and the survival of the species. A country that cared about its survival would foster courtship, marriage and family. Children need the security, love and example of heterosexual parents in a strong marriage.

A country that has been subverted by an alien occult financial power perverts its young men and women. Our politicians, media and educators serve this alien financial power.

Here is what a nurse says about perversions and diseases linked to the "gay lifestyle."

The bankers foster the illusion that gays are just like us, interested in marriage. They aren't. In Holland and Sweden where gays are allowed to have civil unions, less than 3% do. The same is true of Canada. The bankers want you to behave like most gays. They want you to have sex but not marriage and family. They own the world and see you as cattle or "useless eaters."


So on Father's Day, let's celebrate heterosexuality. Let's celebrate marriage and children.
Let's celebrate men who support and lead their families, and women who sacrifice for husband and children.

As for the Rockefellers' commercials, let's say, "That's so gay!"

If you agree, forward to a teenager.

Related-- Judith Reisman, 'GLSEN and Hitler Youth'

Look at the Rockefeller Planned Parenthood website--promoting homosexuality

More on this subject in my book, "Cruel Hoax: Feminism and the New World Order"

Relationship is the most difficult thing in life

It needs great intelligence for a man and woman to be forgotten, to live together, not surrender to each other or be dominated by one or the other. Relationship is the most difficult thing in life.

(Letters to a Young Friend - 14)

We're all Anti-Semites Now

By Henry Makow Ph.D.

Anti-Semitism used to refer to a racial prejudice against Jews. Now "hate" is a codeword for something else: Opposition to Zionism, a political program that many Jews find repugnant.

By equating "hate" with opposition to Zionism, organized Jewry has given everyone permission to be an anti-Semite.

In Soviet Russia, anti-Semitism was considered "counter revolutionary" and severely punished. Similarly, anti-Semitism is now a political crime in the West because it runs counter to the New World Order.

For example, a Winnipeg journalist, Leslie Hughes, was dropped as a Liberal candidate in the 2008 election for remarking on Israeli foreknowledge of the 9-11 attack in an 2003 article. She taught courses on tolerance and had no feelings of hostility against Jews whatsoever. Her crime was political. (She is suing the Jewish groups.)

My writing warns Jews they have been used to advance the central banker's plan for world government dictatorship. I emphasize that every significant nation, religion and organization is being used in the same way. Nonetheless, the Canadian Jewish Congress accuses me of "hatred against Jews" and wants to suppress my writing on this subject. The absurdity of accusing the son of holocaust survivors of anti-Semitism only underlines the true political nature of my crime.


Rev. Ted Pike extrapolates from the 2004 US "Global Anti-Semitism Review Act" to define the kind of political activity that is being criminalized. ("The Real Motive Behind
'Dept Of Global Anti-Semitism'")

1. Any assertion "that the Jewish community controls government, the media, international business and the financial world" is anti-Semitic.

2. "Strong anti-Israel sentiment" is anti-Semitic.

3. "Virulent criticism" of Israel's leaders, past or present, is anti-Semitic.

4. Criticism of the Jewish religion or its religious leaders or literature (especially the Talmud and Kabbalah) is anti-Semitic.

5. Criticism of the U.S. government and Congress for being under undue influence by the Jewish-Zionist community (including AIPAC) is anti-Semitic.

6. Criticism of the Jewish-Zionist community for promoting globalism (the "New World Order") is anti-Semitic.

7. Blaming Jewish leaders and their followers for inciting the Roman crucifixion of Christ is anti-Semitic.

8. Diminishing the "six million" figure of holocaust victims is anti-Semitic.

9. Calling Israel a "racist" state is anti-Semitic.

10. Asserting that a "Zionist Conspiracy" exists is anti-Semitic.

11. Claiming that Jews and their leaders created the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia is anti-Semitic.

12. Making "derogatory statements about Jewish persons" is anti-Semitic.

13. Denying the right of mostly atheist Jews to re-occupy Palestine is anti-Semitic.

14. Alleging that Mossad was behind the 9/11 attack is anti-Semitic.

Essentially if you believe in truth and justice, you're an anti-Semite. If you believe in free speech, free inquiry and the democratic process, you're an anti-Semite. If you oppose tyranny, corruption and murder, you're an anti-Semite.

If you're not an anti-Semite, you're uninformed at best, and a sell-out ("vendu") at worst.

Ultimately, the New World Order will turn 90% of the world's population and at least 50% of Jews into anti-Semites. Is this the real agenda? To divert blame away from the central banksters and their non-Jewish Masonic minions?


Andrew Hitchcock's "The Synagogue of Satan" is a compelling chronology of the Jewish role in the central banker's Satanic conspiracy a.k.a The New World Order. Together with my Illuminati, it provides as an excellent introduction to the subject.

The only knock is that Hitchcock does not provide references. For example, he lifts the above list from the Internet without giving credit to Rev. Pike. Nevertheless Hitchcock's sources can be verified online.

I was impressed by the amount of new information and insight I found. Hitchcock explains how the "nationalization" of the Bank of England in 1946 was a sleight-of-hand. He provides new information on the art of money creation. He lucidly explains the significance of the Noahide Laws.

You read this book with growing fury at the scale of ruthlessness, criminality and chutzpah of certain Jews. These Jews are not God's Chosen people, but Satan's, a matter that should be of concern to the others who are guilty mostly of naivety, complacency, conformity, cowardice, opportunism and even some complicity. (The same can be said of Americans who support US war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan with their tax dollars. Neither can hold their head up.)

Hitchcock quotes Werner Sombart who says that from 1820 onward, there was "only one power in Europe, and that is Rothschild." He says modern capitalism and Americanism are nothing else but "the Jewish spirit distilled." Certainly we must analyze the positive and negative aspects of this spirit, weighing material prosperity against spiritual, cultural and political bankruptcy. We must realize that modern Western civilization is essentially Cabalist (Masonic) and Jewish, and increasingly so.


Does the New World Order represent the central banker's need to consolidate power? Is this culmination of a Jewish agenda, or a more general satanic agenda? I suggest that these three agendas are complementary and overlapping.

Our world is the product of a long-term Satanic conspiracy to overthrow Christian civilization and institute a veiled dictatorship using the mass media, education and sophisticated technology. All the scoundrels selling their fellow Americans down the river are put there by the central banking cartel, re. David Rockefeller, US franchisee.

In 1984 George Orwell predicted that reality would be turned upside down. Black would become white according to Big Brother diktat. Now that free speech is a political crime, Orwell's prophecy has come true.

We must resist the globalists with all our power. A people too stupid or weak to demand their freedom don't deserve to be free.

They bribe us with our own money now but eventually the bankers will demand payment in blood.


Naomi Klein Calls for Boycott of Israel

Sanford & Sons -- Service is a Higher Form of Love

Where Have the Grown-Ups Gone?

by Henry Makow Ph.D

Why can't we find a grown man who will put responsibility to country, wife and family above the allure of sex?

Arrested development is widespread. It is caused by a secular religion which takes sex and romance to be real love and spiritual fulfillment.

Gov. Mark Sanford, 49, a Christian Conservative, didn't spend Father's Day with his four sons. He flew off to Buenos Aires to be with his mistress Maria, 43, starting a two-week trial separation from his wife of 20 years, Jenny, 47.

By "listening to his heart" Sanford betrayed both his family and his nation. Like Eliot Spitzer, he was considered a front-runner for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2012. Like Spitzer, Mark Sanford has damaged his career at a time when America is sorely in need of honest, competent leadership.

Sanford's personal emails to Maria from July 2008 were hacked by another of her suitors. They reveal that even at the pinnacle of his career, Sanford was seeking spiritual fulfillment in romance instead of service.

He complains that he has been dominated by his head for too long. "You have my heart," he says. Love "has become a real need of mine. You have a particular grace and calm that I adore. You have a level of sophistication that is so fitting with your beauty...Above all else I love that inner beauty about you."

Sanford is idealizing this woman, easy to do when you have limited contact.(She is a divorcee who recommends Alan Greenspan's last book, and is looking for a therapist.) By loving her, Sanford thinks he can possess her spiritual qualities and sophistication. He can't. He must cultivate these qualities in himself.

He seems to miss his mother's love: "She had the ultimate of all gifts -- and that was the ability to love unconditionally. The rarest of all commodities in this world is love. It is that thing that we all yearn for at some level -- to be simply loved unconditionally for nothing more than who we are -- not what we can get, give or become."

Love isn't a Freebie. It has to be earned. We're not babies any more. The only time we have a "soul mate" is when the woman self effaces completely. I'd never want to chain anyone to me. God is our soul mate.

He talks about operating an earth excavator on his farm at sunrise:

"There is something wonderful about listening to country music playing in the cab, air conditioner running, the hum of a huge diesel engine in the background, the tranquility that comes with being in a virtual wilderness of trees and marsh, the day breaking and vibrant pink coming alive in the morning clouds -- and getting to build something with each scoop of dirt. It is admittedly weird but one of my more favorite ways of escaping the norms, constant phone calls and formalities that go with the office -- and it probably fits with my weakness in doing rather than being."

"Being rather than doing." Rather than pursue a chimera in Argentina, Sanford needs to read Eckhart Tolle and meditate. We all try to suck our happiness from the world like vampires when we only need to give our souls some nourishment and room to breathe.

Sex and romance belong to the courtship and procreation stage.

Once we have a reasonably successful marriage and family, commitment is more important. From commitment comes trust and from trust comes love. If we can't commit, we should end the marriage before straying.

Sanford's wife Jenny is an attractive, educated woman who served as his campaign manager. She is the mother of his four sons. The novelty goes out of any relationship. It is replaced by devotion to the people who love you, to your progeny (your organic growth) and to making a better world for them to inhabit.

When we enter into relationships, we have responsibilities: to our wives, children, voters etc. We can't blow them off for someone else's "inner beauty."

Sanford and Spitzer are not Illuminati. This may be why they have suffered these blows.
But they showed a lack of maturity by making themselves so vulnerable.

God's Will won't be done on earth unless men and women do it. The world is in the grip of a Satanic cult, the Illuminati. They are creating a world police state. We desperately need leaders who are willing to sacrifice themselves to God, and put their family and country first. In service, they will find a higher and more fulfilling love.

Related- Eliot Spitzer , A Lesson for All Men

Sanford - The Luv Guv

02 July 2009

Martin Bormann was Rothschild Agent -- Damning Evidence

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The second most powerful man in Nazi Germany, Martin Bormann, was a "Soviet" (i.e. Illuminati British) agent who ensured the destruction of both Germany and European Jewry.

Thus, he advanced two of the Illuminati's main goals: integrate Germany into a world government by annihilating its national, cultural and racial pretensions, and establish Israel as the Masonic bankers' world capital by threatening European Jews with extinction.

When I first made this case in June 2007, a reader suggested I read the book "OPJB,"(1996) Lieut Commander John Ainsworth-Davis' account of how he and Ian Fleming led a 150-man team that rescued Martin Bormann from war-torn Berlin on May 1, 1945 using river kayaks. According to this book, Bormann lived under an assumed identity in England until 1956 before dying in Paraguay in 1959.

The title of the book stands for "Operation James Bond." Ian Fleming took the name of the author of "A Field Guide to the Birds of the West Indies" for the Bormann rescue and later gave it to the hero of his spy series who was modeled on Ainsworth-Davis, who now uses the name, Christopher Creighton.

Talk about the hiding in plain sight! The evidence that the man most responsible for the holocaust was a British agent has been on bookshelves since 1996. The book includes a 1963 letter from Ian Fleming confirming that he and Creighton led the Bormann rescue. It also includes a photograph of a 1954 letter from Winston Churchill giving Creighton permission to tell this story after Churchill's death, "omitting of course those matters which you know can never be revealed."

According to Creighton, Martin Bormann was actually sitting in a private visitor's gallery at the Nuremburg Trial when he was condemned to death in absentia! (p.243)

The fig leaf covering this affair was that Bormann would help the Allies retrieve Nazi wartime plunder and return it to its rightful owners. If you believe that, I have some swampland in Florida... Bormann had been an Illuminati British agent all along and was largely responsible for the Nazi defeat. In fact, World War Two was a monstrous Rothschild fraud on Germans, Jews and the human race. The plunder ended up in Illuminati hands.


The real James Bond helped kill thousands of people, mostly British allies. He was haunted by the ghosts of "perfectly loyal and innocent people who had been caught up in our operations..." (79)

He was just "following orders" which made no sense from a patriotic p.o.v. "We were not acting from patriotism or high moral principles. We were not doing this for England or Uncle Sam. As usual, we were doing what we had been told to do: we were carrying out our orders." (170)

For example, Creighton tipped the Nazis off to the exact time and location of the 1942 Dieppe raid which cost 3000 Canadians their lives. He was told that the British wanted to test Nazi defenses. The real reasons: convince Stalin it was too early for a second front, and build up Creighton's credibility when it came time for the Normandy Invasion.

At that time, he told the Germans the invasion was coming in Normandy. This time the betrayer was betrayed. The Nazis were informed Creighton was a British agent so naturally they assumed this information was wrong.

Creighton also talks about "Operation Tiger" in April 1944, a training exercise at Slapton Sands, Dorset that was rudely interrupted by eight German torpedo boats. The toll: over 800 US drowned. (Gestapo Chief Heinrich Muller wrote that the Nazis were tipped off by a German spy.) The fiasco was kept secret to protect D-Day morale. Creighton says survivors were interned or killed by a sea mine in order to keep the secret. (p.25) In spite of the fact that the Dorset shoreline resembled Normandy, the Nazis failed to draw the logical conclusion.

Agents who stumbled on the "true secrets of World War Two" (i.e. the fact that the Nazis were infiltrated and run by the "English") were often betrayed and met death in action. This happened to Creighton's girlfriend, Patricia Falkiner. Morton confessed that Falkiner was his ward: "He had done his utmost to keep Patricia out of operations...only when she had stumbled on the most vital secrets at Bletchley that he had been forced to deploy her..." (p.85)

Creighton also made sure Pearl Harbor, another example of Illuminati chicanery, was kept secret. On Nov. 28, 1941, a Dutch submarine, the K-XVII intercepted the Japanese Fleet en route to Pearl Harbor and alerted British naval HQ. In order to maintain the illusion that Pearl Harbor was a surprise, the submarine and its crew were destroyed. Creighton "wiped out the entire ship's company with two tiny cylinders of cyanide inserted into their oxygen supply, and a box of high explosives disguised as whiskey...the war had turned me into a fiend and mass murderer..." (p.81)


Officially Desmond Morton was Winston Churchill's "adviser." In fact, he was in charge of a top secret Illuminati organization dedicated to advancing world government dictatorship through skullduggery. It was funded by the "Crown" i.e. the Rothschild's Bank of England. It answered only to Churchill who, of course, answered only to Victor Rothschild. The Director of the Bank of England, Montagu Norman, recommended Ian Fleming to Naval Intelligence. (Fleming was 15 years older than Creighton.)

"M SECTION" had the resources of the Royal Navy and Marines at its disposal and was responsible for rescuing Martin Bormann, and possibly Hitler as well (see below.)

Morton never married and there are rumors he and Churchill had an homosexual attachment. He accused Churchill of having homosexual feelings for FDR. (Winston Churchill, by Chris Wrigley, p. 268)

Top agents and commandos like Creighton were chosen from men and women in their late teens who were personally known to the Illuminati. Creighton was only 21 years old in 1945. Often the youths were orphans or separated from their parents. For example, Creighton's parents were divorced but Louis Mountbatten and Desmond Morton were family friends. Morton took Creighton under his wing and became his "uncle." In a moment of crisis, "I hugged him as I had hugged him so often in the past." (85)

Creighton speaks of his service in Section M in sinister terms: "ghastly years of betrayal and horror into which I had been forced." (78) He speaks of the "Svengali-like influence and control that Morton had exercised over me since my early childhood."

At age 15, Creighton had an apparition of a "Black Angel" who possessed him as an "Angel of Death."

"I awoke in the middle of the night, soaked in sweat and there he was, standing at the foot of my bed. ...I could not move. With a feeling of utter degradation and terror I realized I was powerless to stop him possessing me -- as he would often do in the weeks, months and years that followed." Sound like Creighton was the victim of a pedophile?

That Black Angel was probably Morton. Creighton directly continues: "Looking back I can see how completely I was in Morton's grip throughout most of the war. From 1940-1945 I was his puppet, manipulated by him and executing his orders." (18)

The final endurance test for "both boys and girls was 12 strokes of the cane administered by a Marine Commando Sargent across their bare buttocks in front of their class." (69)

It's possible that like some MI-5 and MI-6 agents today, some Section M agents may have been mind controlled sex slaves.


Morton's MO was "deception and double-dealing," says Creighton. It is amazing he's alive to tell the story. Perhaps it 's because he accepted the spin that Bormann was saved in order to restore Nazi plunder to its rightful owners.

Like Creighton, we are all pawns in their game. For example, Otto Gunther, Bormann's double, was a POW found in Canada. Bormann's records were altered to fit Gunther so when his dead body was found, people believed he was Hitler's Deputy.

The commandos accompanying Bormann on his escape had no idea of his identity. Many were Jewish "freedom fighters." What an irony!

Great nations, England, the United States, Germany, France are all Illuminati pawns. What good is democracy when the Illuminati Order owns the politicians and controls information?

Think of the millions who died in World War Two, all to destroy and degrade mankind so the Illuminati inbreeds can own and control everyone. They are still busy dividing us against one another, so we will never unite against them.


Correspondent Greg Hallett describes how Hitler was also saved.

Article linked within, my "Bormann Ran Hitler for the Illuminati" Must-read in this connection.

The “Spirit of Humanity

By Paul Craig Roberts

July 01, 2009 "Information Clearing House" --- On June 30, the government of Israel committed an act of piracy when the Israeli Navy in international waters illegally boarded the “Spirit of Humanity,” kidnapped its 21-person crew from 11 countries, including former US Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Laureate Mairead MaGuire, and confiscated the cargo of medical supplies, olive trees, reconstruction materials, and children’s toys that were on the way to the Mediterranean coast of Gaza. The “Spirit of Humanity,” along with the kidnapped 21 persons, is being towed to Israel as I write.

Gaza has been described as the “world’s largest concentration camp.” It is home to 1.5 million Palestinians who were driven by force of American-supplied Israeli arms out of their homes, off their farms, and out of their villages so that Israel could steal their land and make the Palestinian land available to Israeli settlers.

What we have been witnessing for 60 years is a replay in modern times, despite the United Nations and laws strictly preventing Israel’s theft of Palestine, of the 17th, 18th, and 19th century theft of American Indian lands by US settlers. An Israeli government spokesman recently rebuked the President of the United States, a country, the Israeli said, who stole all of its land from Indians, for complaining about Israel’s theft of Palestine.

I knew the “Spirit of Humanity” would fall to Israeli piracy the minute I received on June 25 from an official of an Israeli peace organization a “public advisory” that the government of Cyprus had withheld permission for the “Spirit of Humanity” to leave for Gaza. The US State Department had advised that “The Israeli Foreign Ministry informed U.S. officials at the American Embassy in Tel Aviv that Israel still considers Gaza an area of conflict and that any boats attempting to sail to Gaza will not be permitted to reach its destination.” The “Spirit of Humanity” obtained permission to leave Cyprus when all aboard signed a waiver absolving Cyprus of all responsibility for the crew’s safety at the hands of the Israelis.

As President Obama has called for humanitarian aid to be sent to Gaza, and as the International Red Cross has damned the inhumanity of Israel’s blockade of Gaza, the question that immediately comes to mind is why did not the United States send sufficient US Navy escort to see the “Spirit of Humanity” safely through international waters to Gaza? We send ships against Somalian pirates, why not against Israeli ones?

We all know the answer. The US talks a good “human rights” game, but never delivers--especially if the human rights abuser is Israel. After all, Israel owns the US Congress and President Obama. Israel even has an Israeli citizen and former member of the Israeli Defense Forces as the Chief-of-Staff in Obama’s White House. Israel owns millions of American “Christian Zionists” and “rapture evangelicans.” When it comes to Israel, the American government is a puppet state. It does what it is told.

Macho Americans might stand tall, but not when Israel snaps its fingers.

Israel, of course, will get away with a mere act of piracy. After all, Israel has been getting away with its war crimes and violations of international law for 60 years. If the UN tries to do anything, the US will veto it, as the US has done for decades.

What will happen to the kidnapped foreign nationals? Most likely they will be released and sent back to their respective countries. Israel, of course, will keep the stolen “Spirit of Humanity” to foreclose any further attempts by human rights activists to run Israel’s inhumane blockade of Gaza.

On the other hand, Israel might declare its captives to be terrorists on the ground that the Gazans elected in a free election Hamas as their government. Hamas, unlike Israel, is declared to be a terrorist organization by the puppet American State Department in Washington. Thus the human rights activists onboard the “Spirit of Humanity” are aiding and abetting terrorists by delivering goods to them. The US Department of Justice (sic) prosecutes American citizens and charities for sending aid to Palestinians on the grounds that Palestinians, if not everyone a terrorist, are governed by terrorists.

I wouldn’t be surprised if a Nobel Laureate and a former member of the US House of Representatives, along with the rest of the crew, are handed over to the Americans for indefinite detention and for torturing and waterboarding in the American torture facility at Bagram. I am certain that “Homeland Security” and the US Government are desperate to be rid of all of critics, and knocking off a Nobel Laureate and a member of the House sets a precedent for getting rid of the rest of us.

Meanwhile, California, which has become a failed state, has been denied bailout money from Washington. Israel, which has been a failed state for 60 years, can, unlike the American state of California, always count of Washington to deliver the money and the weapons to keep Israel going.

The same week that “our” government in Washington told the Governor of California “not one red cent,” President Barak Obama handed over $2.775 billion to Israel.

Online Journal (June 29) reported that the handover to Israel of the unemployed Americans’ tax dollars took place in a “tiny Capitol room” to which members of the press were denied access. I mean, really, who wants the media writing about US taxpayer dollars for Israel’s nuclear weapons while Americans are being kicked out of their homes. Not that, of course, the “Christian” supporters of Israel would mind.

Unlike every other recipient of US military largesse, Israel is permitted to bypass the Pentagon and to deal directly with US suppliers. Consequently, the Israel Lobby’s influence multiplies, because military suppliers fight for Israel in congressional committees in order to get Israel’s business. This lets Israel turn the screws on Iran. According to Grant F. Smith writing in Online Journal, Republican US Representative Mark Steven from Illinois has received $221,000 in campaign contributions from Israel political action committees (PACs). Therefore, it was a sure thing that he would introduce legislation preventing the Import-Export bank from providing loan guarantees to countries doing business with Iran.

Americans think that they are a superpower, but in fact they are a stupor-power. A puppet state if truth be known.

There is a great deal of evidence, even in Time magazine that Israel is a child abuser. “God’s Chosen People” routinely abuses captured Palestinian children. The Israelis also abuse Palestinian children by shooting them down in the streets.

Don’t take my word for it. The Geneva-based Defense for Children International says, according to Time Magazine, that “the ill-treatment and torture of Palestinian child prisoners appears to be widespread, systematic and institutionalized, suggesting complicity at all levels of the political and military chain of command.”

According to Time Magazine, “Often, children suffer lasting traumas from jail. Says Saleh Nazzal from the Palestinian Ministry of Prisoner Affairs, ‘When soldiers burst into a house and drag away a child, he loses his feeling of being protected by his family. He comes back from prison alienated from his family, his friends. They don’t like going back to school or even leaving the house. They start wetting their beds.’ Says Mona Zaghrout, a YMCA counselor who helps kids returning from prison: ‘They come out of prison thinking and acting like they are men. Their childhood is gone.’ And they often turn to another father figure--the armed militant groups fighting the Israeli occupation.’”

And so it goes. There’s no money for California, or for Americans’ health care, or for the several million Americans who have lost their homes and are homeless, because Israel needs it. Israel needs the American taxpayers’ money to that it can create even more enemies, and, therefore, need more American money to spend with the American armament industries to oppress more Palestinians and to make more enemies, requiring more American money to protect Israel from its folly and its evil.

And the brainwashed American public goes along year after year.

01 July 2009

The Caduceus Decoded: Secret Symbols Reveal Dark Agenda of Western Medicine

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Everywhere in western medicine you find the Caduceus symbol: It's the staff entwined with two serpents, with wings at the top. You'll find it emblazoned on medical texts, medical school certificates, medical websites and even in hospitals and medical buildings.

But what does the symbol mean, exactly? I decided to conduct a bit of research to find out some possibilities.

The Caduceus, it turns out, was a staff carried by the Greek god Hermes. Hermes is best known as the messenger of the gods, but he is also well known as the protector of liars, gamblers and thieves. He's also prominently known as the guide of the dead.

According to Wikipedia, the name of the staff, Caduceus, is adapted from the Greek word kerukeion, which means "herald's wand" -- the staff of the public messenger. It's related to the words kerux and kerusso, which pertain to someone who announces information to the public.

From a Biblical point of view, the two serpents on the staff are, of course, symbols of evil and deception. There is a Greek myth about the two serpents on the staff which states that Tiresias found two snakes copulating and he beat to death the female snake with his staff.

So far, then, we have a staff carried by the Greek god Hermes, a protector of liars and thieves (who is also the guide of the dead), named as a staff or wand related to announcing information to the public, encircled by two serpents representing evil, and tied to yet another Greek myth about the female being beat to death.

This is the symbol of modern-day western medicine.

The evil of western medicine revealed

The part about the female being beaten to death is especially relevant, given how our male-dominated western medical system considers virtually all female physiology to be disease (pregnancy, menstruation, etc.). Women are treated like animals in many ways, through endless breast cancer screening and mandatory HPV vaccines. Female organs are considered useless or disease-ridden, such as when hysterectomies are performed to remove women's "hysteria" (madness). That's where the name "hysterectomy" actually comes from, of course.

That the two snakes representing evil would encircle the staff of public announcement could be an indication that the purpose of the staff is to announce evil (the propaganda of western medicine). At the same time, the mythological carrier of the staff is the protector of liars and thieves (the drug promoters and drug companies).

Once you understand the symbology, it becomes quite evident that this prominent symbol of western medicine was not chosen by chance: It sends a powerful subconscious message, much like the symbols of secret societies used on dollar bills, for example (the all-seeing eye floating above the pyramid on the back of the dollar bill). It might even be said that, through the repetition of this symbol which adorns the most important documents and texts used in the medical schools, doctors are, in a very true sense, being continuously indoctrinated with the powerful symbols of evil and death.

Once these impressionable young doctors graduate from their medical schools, they are given the tools of death to "treat" patients: Chemotherapy poisons, toxic pharmaceuticals, scalpels and radiation machines. They slice off women's breasts and call it "cancer prevention." They poison children's brains with chemicals and call it "medicine." They damage and destroy key organs like the heart, liver, kidneys and brain through the forced application of toxic chemotherapy agents, sometimes at gunpoint (as with the case of Daniel Hauser).

And all the while, they sit in their offices, with a dozen diplomas on the walls, many containing the Cauceus symbol that is effectively broadcasting a message into the office space of that doctor, further imprinting his mind with the death agenda of modern medicine.

Do symbols really have power?

If all this sounds a bit odd to you, it might be worth asking yourself this question: Why are all the institutions of power in modern society obsessed with the secret use of such symbols? The entire layout of Washington D.C., for example, is based on Satanic and Masonic symbology:

Why are such symbols printed on our currency? A floating all-seeing eye above a pyramid... Isn't that a little spooky? But check your own dollars right now: It's there, keeping an eye on YOU. (It looks similar to the Eye of Sauron from the Lord of the Rings...) Why is the Pentagon, the building occupied by creators of war and death, shaped like a pentagon? The five-sided geometric structure is, of course, closely related to Satanism. If you really want to explore deep down the rabbit hole of bizarre Satanic symbols in the U.S. military, read this report:

By the way, I don't claim to agree with everything I'm listing here. These are just links for further exploration for those who are interested... some of it gets quite bizarre.

If you really want to delve into the bizarre world of symbols and secret societies, read books by David Icke ( Or check out this book on by Jim Marrs, Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History That Connects the Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons, and the Great Pyramids.

Of course, you can also find a fair bit of this material on with Alex Jones, or on with Jeff Rense.

Some people even say that our national leaders frequently flash Illuminati hand signals openly, in public. Here's a YouTube video that shows several interesting examples:

A true symbol of health and healing

I don't profess to be any kind of expert in secret societies or hidden symbols, nor do I believe every single thing I read about the topic, but there's no question whatsoever that symbols dominate the power institutions of our world. The choice of those symbols says a lot about the secret agendas behind such institutions. And the institution of western medicine is symbolized by the Caduceus, a staff entwined with serpents, held by a protector of liars and thieves, to be used for announcing information to the public while beating to death the female of the species.

Don't you find that more than a bit curious?

If I were creating a symbol of health, it would be a simple choice: The radiant sun and a collection of plant leaves. Mother Nature. A river, a stream, a mountain. Something along those lines. It would definitely be based on the sun.

Modern medicine, however, has chosen different symbols to represent its true agenda.

Forget about the TV ads, the press releases and the disinformation spewing forth from Big Pharma and conventional doctors. The true agenda of modern medicine is clearly encoded in its primary symbol: DEATH.

Modern medicine is, as Dr. Gabriel Cousens says, "a culture of death." And he's right: The whole system ultimately delivers death, not health. Its tools are poisons, its goals are to eliminate knowledge of natural remedies, and its primary symbol is based on broadcasting evil while protecting liars.

What could possibly be more fitting for the failed institution of modern medicine?

To be alone is essential

To be alone is essential for man to be uninfluenced, for something uncontaminated to take place. For this aloneness there seems to be no time, there are too many things to do, too many responsibilities and so on. To learn to be quiet, shutting oneself in one's room, to give the mind a rest, becomes a necessity. Love is part of this aloneness. To be simple, clear, and inwardly quiet, is to have that flame.
(Letters to a Young Friend - 20)