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17 July 2009

Is the US the Next Mexico?

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

(Originally posted Dec. 4, 2004. Updated July 16, 2009)

As I learn about the elite conspiracy ("New World Order") I am feeling like a turkey who is finding out about Thanksgiving.

Mankind is indeed in the malignant grip of a satanic cult that subtly controls media, government education and business. Afflicted by this debilitating spiritual cancer, mankind is too deformed to diagnose its ailment.

In "Puzzling Neighbors: A Historical Guide to Understand Modern Mexico" (1987) Salvador Borrego describes Mexico's turbulent, blood soaked history and poverty in terms of a conflict with agents of an "alien" force.

"During more than 160 years, Mexicans have been hounded by influences which are foreign to their essence, by a phantom, an X factor which not all have identified..."

The "alien" force is London-based international finance and its corporate tentacles using Freemasonry and the United States as its hand puppets.

According to Borrego, this force replaced disobedient Presidents like De la Huerta, Madero and Carranza by fomenting coups or revolutions and then withholding credit and weapons. If this didn't work, it resorted to assassinations or "gunboat diplomacy" such as in Iraq today.

Masonic finance promoted pawns like Calles, Portes Gill, Obregon and Cardenas (Presidents from 1924-1940) who implemented alien and economically devastating Communist policies.

With the blessing of FDR, a fellow Mason, Lazaro Cardenas confiscated Church property and forbade government and military from attending Mass. Men in military uniform were forbidden from entering brothels or churches, as if they were equally degrading.

School children were required to sing the Communist hymn "The International." Farms were collectivized and food had to be imported. Banks, mineral resources and private enterprise were "nationalized" at the expense of living standards. Arms and ammunition were sent to aid the Communists in the Spanish Civil War. Despite typical Masonic talk about "free speech," a government monopoly over newsprint continues to this day.

The Saturday Evening Post (April 9, 1927) expressed surprise at the Marxist inroads in Mexico: "The Zionist Club, which has nothing to do with the Judeo-Palestinian organization by the same name, is the place where the professional agitators, both Mexican and foreigners,celebrate their reunions."

Borrego's account makes clear that Communism is a creation of the British Masonic Jewish financial cartel and is the model for the New World Order. For an armed revolt to receive the status of "revolution," it must serve the interests of "world revolution" i.e. the concentration of wealth and power in their hands.

Do not feel bad about yourselves, Borrego tells now-cynical Mexicans. Mexico has "a long heritage of hopes and disillusions, of struggles and defeats, of humiliations and false victories."

Increasingly this message applies to us all. "The foreign policy of the United States has been a monopoly of a group alien to the American people since Woodrow Wilson," Borrego writes. (89)

America is "also a nation partly occupied by its enemies..." Its security and standard of living are also "being corroded and damaged by a "Factor X", the same invisible factor that has damaged so many other nations." (117)


Essentially the New World Order represents the overturn ("revolution") of Christian civilization and universal standards of truth, justice and love. They are replaced by disciples of Lucifer, bankers' agents posing as Christians, humanists, socialists or revolutionaries. They define truth to serve the banker purpose and call it "progress." Christ was crucified for the New World Order.

Mexican President and Freemason Emilio Portes Gil said as much in 1929:

"The struggle is not just beginning, the struggle is eternal: the struggle began 20 centuries ago [with the Crucifixion]. In Mexico the State and Freemasonry have been one and the same thing in recent years, two entitles that marched side-by-side because the men who have been in power adhere always to the revolutionary principles of Freemasonry." (92)

The same is true of the United States. In the last century, Presidents Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson, FDR, Truman, Eisenhower, Carter, Bush Sr. and Jr. Clinton and Obama all have been Masons.

Helen Peters provides exceptional insight into Freemasonry as an instrument of British Imperialism in her essay "Masonry and British Israelism."

She writes: "Masonry is spiritual and political Communism dedicated to British-Jew domination of the world and is enacting the scheme of British Israel [the creation of a kingdom of God on earth] to deceive and lure the people to believe that the New Age Kingdom World Government is a plan of God."

To understand "British Jew domination of the world" read my
"The Jewish Conspiracy is British Imperialism." Jewish Finance and British Aristocracy have intermarried. According to Burke's Peerage, they are now indistinguishable.

Peters says the US government is run by Masonry in the interests of the British Empire.

American masons pledge allegiance to the Grand Lodge of England located in London.

"How many masons are aware that behind the face of philanthropy Masonry is the instrument of power and subversion of the British Empire?" she asks.

She cites Albert Pike's Morals and Dogmas, which say the lower degrees are "intentionally mislead by false interpretations." (p.819)

'The Masonic spirit (deification of man in an earthly bliss) has permeated the churches...and imprisoned their members with the aura of counterfeit humanitarianism," she writes. "The spiritual deception of the New Age Millennium is the veil that covers the political spiritual unification of the world under the British Empire."

When "a nation becomes insinuated with a spiritual force dedicated to a world state...national sovereignty becomes a farce...." If we "cannot escape the treason of World Brotherhood, we are indeed aliens in our own land in pursuit of destruction...."

"Diabolicism has never had a more dedicated ally than the American people whom it has made world citizens via its propaganda of a coming World Kingdom of God Masonic paradise. We cannot save America if our allegiance transcends the Constitution."

Finally she says, "Absolute tyranny must be erected upon mind control.... Man can become enslaved and betrayed with his own thoughts. He has indeed become a mental robot, completely unaware that he is such, and absolutely oblivious to the invisible power that controls him."

"So then, as a man thinks to do "good" he does evil; as he proclaims Christ, he denies Him; as he seeks truth, he tramples it; as he strives for political freedom, he engages in sedition. In all these things he has the image of respectability and believes in his heart he does right."

See also Helen Peters, The Union Jack: Masonry and British Israelism


The lives (and deaths) of many millions in war are based on a hoax of one kind or another. Our political and cultural leaders are chosen and overpaid for perpetuating these lies. World Trade Center Seven was demolished on Sept. 11 by its owner and no mainstream media investigates why. History professors, journalists, novelists, politicians, law enforcement all take part in the pathetic charade called the West. Their inflated salaries are really pay-offs. We are indeed in the grip of an "alien" force.

Since the so-called "Enlightenment" Western civilization has lost its moorings. It has exchanged dedication to spiritual and moral absolutes for Judeo Masonic solipsism and deception. (See my "How University Betrays Students") We have traded allegiance to our Creator's design for the worship of Mammon.

While the masses feed on spiritual junk food, wealthy Satanists secretly plot mankind's future. Wars ensure that enemies of World Government destroy each other. In Iraq, US national power is exhausted and discredited and while religious people are annihilated. Money is made.

Fellow Turkeys. Welcome to the New World Order. It isn't new at all.

See also my "Rothschild Conducts Red Symphony"

An academic essay on Freemasonry in Mexico

Israeli Navy in Suez Canal Prepares for Potential Attack on Iran

By Sheera Frenkel in Jerusalem

July 16, 2009 "The Times" -- Two Israeli missile class warships have sailed through the Suez Canal ten days after a submarine capable of launching a nuclear missile strike, in preparation for a possible attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

The deployment into the Red Sea, confirmed by Israeli officials, was a clear signal that Israel was able to put its strike force within range of Iran at short notice. It came before long-range exercises by the Israeli air force in America later this month and the test of a missile defence shield at a US missile range in the Pacific Ocean.

Israel has strengthened ties with Arab nations who also fear a nuclear-armed Iran. In particular, relations with Egypt have grown increasingly strong this year over the “shared mutual distrust of Iran”, according to one Israeli diplomat. Israeli naval vessels would likely pass through the Suez Canal for an Iranian strike.

“This is preparation that should be taken seriously. Israel is investing time in preparing itself for the complexity of an attack on Iran. These manoeuvres are a message to Iran that Israel will follow up on its threats,” an Israeli defence official said.

It is believed that Israel’s missile-equipped submarines, and its fleet of advanced aircraft, could be used to strike at in excess of a dozen nuclear-related targets more than 800 miles from Israel.

Ahmed Aboul Gheit, the Egyptian Foreign Minister, said that his Government explicitly allowed passage of Israeli vessels, and an Israeli admiral said that the drills were “run regularly with the full co-operation of the Egyptians.”

Two Israeli Saar class missile boats and a Dolphin class submarine have passed through Suez. Israel has six Dolphin-class submarines, three of which are widely believed to carry nuclear missiles.

Israel will also soon test an Arrow interceptor missile on a US missile range in the Pacific Ocean. The system is designed to defend Israel from ballistic missile attacks by Iran and Syria. Lieutenant-General Patrick O’Reilly, the director of the Pentagon’s Missile Defence Agency, said that Israel would test against a target with a range of more than 630 miles (1,000km) — too long for previous Arrow test sites in the eastern Mediterranean.

The Israeli air force, meanwhile, will send F16C fighter jets to participate in exercises at Nellis Air Force base in Nevada this month. Israeli C130 Hercules transport aircraft will also compete in the Rodeo 2009 competition at McChord Air Force base in Washington.

“It is not by chance that Israel is drilling long-range manoeuvres in a public way. This is not a secret operation. This is something that has been published and which will showcase Israel’s abilities,” said an Israeli defence official.

He added that in the past, Israel had run a number of covert long-range drills. A year ago, Israeli jets flew over Greece in one such drill, while in May, reports surfaced that Israeli air force aircraft were staging exercises over Gibraltar. An Israeli attack on a weapons convoy in Sudan bound for militants in the Gaza Strip earlier this year was also seen as a rehearsal for hitting moving convoys.

The exercises come at a time when Western diplomats are offering support for an Israeli strike on Iran in return for Israeli concessions on the formation of a Palestinian state.

If agreed it would make an Israeli strike on Iran realistic “within the year” said one British official.

Diplomats said that Israel had offered concessions on settlement policy, Palestinian land claims and issues with neighboring Arab states, to facilitate a possible strike on Iran.

“Israel has chosen to place the Iranian threat over its settlements,” said a senior European diplomat.

Sex & Romance: Detours on the Road of Life

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

As I approach my 60th birthday (in November), my biggest regret in life is the time and energy I wasted in the pursuit of the fair sex.

If I am any indication, nature hard wires males to have sexual intercourse for the purpose of propagation. Mercifully, nature has released me from its powerful programming. But when I was younger, I surrounded the fertile female with an angelic aura and considered her sexual fulfillment a peak experience. Little did I suspect that I was embarked on a major detour.

Nature's programming is augmented by society's. In Illuminati controlled movies and education, sex is cast as life's ultimate experience and a prerequisite for spiritual and mental health. School children in the UK are now learning that an an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away! The Illuminati control us through porn, promiscuity and sex addiction. They want us to have sex but not families, so they don't encourage monogamy. We will no longer get our identity and meaning from our family roles (husband, wife, sister, brother, mother, father.)

Sex is also used to distract us from the fact that we are being colonized by the Illuminati in a world government.

Isn't it suspicious that pharmaceutical corporations would pass up the lucrative opportunity to market a safe drug that suppresses the sex drive?

Drugs like Viagra help people copulate into old age, but there are none for people who wish to keep their sanity and perspective by dulling their hormones' effect. There is also a huge demand for such a drug from loving couples with mismatched sex drives.


From the vantage point of experience, I would tell my 25-year-old self: Don't be such a sap. Stop being a victim of nature's programming and society's brainwashing. Reprogram yourself. You don't need sex. You don't need "love." It's all in the mind. People seek what they are taught to seek, are drawn to what they are told is attractive. Take charge of your life. Make those decisions yourself.

Don't look for a woman to nurture and encourage you. The emptiness you feel is due to your lack of vocation. Seek self confidence and recognition from your work, not from a "relationship." Use your God-given talents to do what you were born to do. Make that your first priority.

Look for a helpmate, not a soul mate, someone who is compatible yet different, and learn to value the difference. Don't look for someone who "understands" you. Don't look for yourself. Look for someone with whom you can live without friction, comfortably and creatively.

The fact that most men choose on the basis of sex appeal means there are many women with personality and talent available. Marry one of these, someone whose character and skill-set complements your own. Sex appeal is not a good basis for marriage. There is no correlation between physical beauty and character.

Don't expect perfection. You're not perfect either. Enjoy the good and accept the bad. Don't have unrealistic expectations. Marriage is a loving, living and working arrangement, not a heavenly state.

Wait to have children until you are established in terms of career and maturity. Don't have children by accident. Have them as a conscious act of love. They are your organic growth, an extension of yourself. They represent an ongoing act of love and demonstrate faith in God, life and the future.


If I had to do it over again, I'd try to take charge of my life rather than dumbly respond to natural and social programming. I'd focus on varied goals and not look to "love" for happiness. I'm grateful that despite all my mistakes, I was finally able to find a degree of happiness and stability in marriage.


Related: Obama Science Czar Advocates War on Traditional Family

my "Overrated: Young Women, Sex, Romance & Lobster"

and "Men Who Get Women"

14 July 2009

Myth America

It’s time to break the sick relationship that we have with the Robber Class and do something about it! They can only rob us, if we allow them to.

# Myth One: America: Greatest Nation in the Universe!
# Myth Two: Elections Matter
# Myth Three: There’s a huge Difference Between Dems and Repubs
# Myth Four: It is Noble to Die in Robber Class Wars
# Myth Five: The Federal Reserve Cares About You
# Myth Six: It’s a Privilege to pay Income Taxes to the Robber Class
# Myth Seven: Housing, Health Care and Education are Privileges, too
# Myth Eight: America has a Free Press
# Myth Nine: The Environment, Who Needs it?
# Myth Ten: 19 Muslims with box cutters were responsible for 9/11

Cindy Sheehan takes on the Robber Class

By Bob Fitrakis

July 11, 2009 "The Free Press " -- The United States has produced several mythic historical figures – Paul Bunyan, John Henry and the like – but our actual prophetic peace activists are actually far more interesting. People like Eugene Victor Debs, Emma Goldman, and in our present day, Cindy Sheehan.

Myth America: 10 Greatest Myths of the Robber Class and the Case for Revolution places Sheehan firmly in the pantheon of progressive heroes. Myth America is an online book by Sheehan geared towards destroying the military industrial and security industrial complex that killed her son Casey in the corrupt war in Iraq.

Sheehan is calling for re-localization and the uncoupling of the “robbed class” from the war profiteers and new high-tech robber barons that are flourishing under globalization. The beauty of Sheehan’s work, directly echoing the speeches and writings of Debs, is its sheer bluntness.

I interviewed her for, and she began by pointing out that “the last month or so in Iraq does not show that the war is winding down, and that part of Obama’s plan to withdraw from the cities in Iraq simply involved redefining the border of the city.” She termed the so-called withdrawal “painfully slow.”

“The peace movement has been co-opted by the Democratic Party,” Sheehan said, while on her way to a national gathering of peace activists in Pittsburgh on July 10. She ran a Congressional campaign in the Democratic primary last year against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and raised the issue of Pelosi being aware of the practices of torture and waterboarding.

Sheehan favors the appointment of an independent special prosecutor to look into the issues of torture and war crimes in Iraq. She is well aware that if you begin digging up facts concerning the practices of the Bush administration following 911, you’re going to “pull up some Democratic skeletons as well.”

Sheehan argues that it’s necessary to dig up all the bodies and bones or there’ll be “no healing.”

In one sense, Sheehan is both old-fashioned and cutting edge – she uses the appropriate term in discussing U.S. foreign policy – “imperial.” When asked she believes current U.S. policy is imperialist, she replied “Of course.”

But her focus is more on re-invigorating the peace movement at the local level, which she says is doing a “bad job” under the Obama administration. Make no mistake, Sheehan sees the current imperial policy of the U.S. reflected in a domestic “class war” as well. The book poses a key question: “What can the vast majority of Americans do as the “robbed class?” She recently wrote: “The so-called Ship of State that ‘turns slowly’ cannot turn at all if the rudder keeps pointing in the direction of economic piracy for the Robbers and economic pillage for We the Robbed.” This populism from below sentiment has usually been a harbinger for large-scale social economic movements, from the original Populists to the Socialists, Wobblies, progressives and New Leftists.

Her new book analyzes the relationship between the U.S. government and the six or so transnational media corporations that control 80% of the world’s for-profit content. Sheehan’s strategy is to avoid the Robber Class corporations as much as possible, whether its through publishing e-books and articles on the internet, or re-allocating one’s capital in a different direction.

Sheehan’s pitch is to free ourselves from our co-dependency with the Robber Class. “…Only buy used, only use cash or bank debit cards, or only buy from local merchants,” she recently wrote. They can only steal from us if we enable them.” And when the Robber Class steals from us they generally get away with it. Sheehan argues that Bernie Madoff was punished so severely because he stole from the rich.

Sheehan’s book is a plea for the robbed class to take back their independence and the wealth that they produce, not only for their own good, but for the good of all the people on the planet.

Bob Fitrakis is the Editor of and the author of The Idea of Democratic Socialism in America and the Decline of the Socialist Party.

12 July 2009

Cheney Is Linked to Concealment of C.I.A. Project

Published: July 11, 2009

The Central Intelligence Agency withheld information about a secret counterterrorism program from Congress for eight years on direct orders from former Vice President Dick Cheney, the agency’s director, Leon E. Panetta, has told the Senate and House intelligence committees, two people with direct knowledge of the matter said Saturday.

The report that Mr. Cheney was behind the decision to conceal the still-unidentified program from Congress deepened the mystery surrounding it, suggesting that the Bush administration had put a high priority on the program and its secrecy.

Mr. Panetta, who ended the program when he first learned of its existence from subordinates on June 23, briefed the two intelligence committees about it in separate closed sessions the next day.

Efforts to reach Mr. Cheney through relatives and associates were unsuccessful.

The question of how completely the C.I.A. informed Congress about sensitive programs has been hotly disputed by Democrats and Republicans since May, when Speaker Nancy Pelosi accused the agency of failing to reveal in 2002 that it was waterboarding a terrorism suspect, a claim Mr. Panetta rejected.

The law requires the president to make sure the intelligence committees “are kept fully and currently informed of the intelligence activities of the United States, including any significant anticipated intelligence activity.” But the language of the statute, the amended National Security Act of 1947, leaves some leeway for judgment, saying such briefings should be done “to the extent consistent with due regard for the protection from unauthorized disclosure of classified information relating to sensitive intelligence sources and methods or other exceptionally sensitive matters.”

In addition, for covert action programs, a particularly secret category in which the role of the United States is hidden, the law says that briefings can be limited to the so-called Gang of Eight, consisting of the Republican and Democratic leaders of both houses of Congress and of their intelligence committees.

The disclosure about Mr. Cheney’s role in the unidentified C.I.A. program comes a day after an inspector general’s report underscored the central role of the former vice president’s office in restricting to a small circle of officials knowledge of the National Security Agency’s program of eavesdropping without warrants, a degree of secrecy that the report concluded had hurt the effectiveness of the counterterrorism surveillance effort.

An intelligence agency spokesman, Paul Gimigliano, declined on Saturday to comment on the report of Mr. Cheney’s role.

“It’s not agency practice to discuss what may or may not have been said in a classified briefing,” Mr. Gimigliano said. “When a C.I.A. unit brought this matter to Director Panetta’s attention, it was with the recommendation that it be shared appropriately with Congress. That was also his view, and he took swift, decisive action to put it into effect.”

Members of Congress have differed on the significance of the program, whose details remained secret and which even some Democrats have said was properly classified. Most of those interviewed, however, have said that it was an important activity that should have been disclosed to the intelligence committees.

Intelligence and Congressional officials have said the unidentified program did not involve the C.I.A. interrogation program and did not involve domestic intelligence activities. They have said the program was started by the counterterrorism center at the C.I.A. shortly after the attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, but never became fully operational, involving planning and some training that took place off and on from 2001 until this year.

In the tense months after 9/11, when Bush administration officials believed new Qaeda attacks could occur at any moment, intelligence officials brainstormed about radical countermeasures. It was in that atmosphere that the unidentified program was devised and deliberately concealed from Congress, officials said.

Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan, the top Republican on the House intelligence committee, said last week that he believed Congress would have approved of the program only in the angry and panicky days after 9/11, on 9/12, he said, but not later, after fears and tempers had begun to cool.

One intelligence official, who would speak about the classified program only on condition of anonymity, said there was no resistance inside the C.I.A. to Mr. Panetta’s decision to end the program last month.

“Because this program never went fully operational and hadn’t been briefed as Panetta thought it should have been, his decision to kill it was neither difficult nor controversial,” the official said. “That’s worth remembering amid all the drama.”

Bill Harlow, a spokesman for George J. Tenet, who was the C.I.A. director when the unidentified program began, declined to comment on Saturday, noting that the program remained classified.

In the eight years of his vice presidency, Mr. Cheney was the Bush administration’s most vehement defender of the secrecy of government activities, particularly in the intelligence arena. He went to the Supreme Court to keep secret the advisers to his task force on energy, and won.

A report released on Friday by the inspectors general of five agencies about the National Security Agency’s domestic surveillance program makes clear that Mr. Cheney’s legal adviser, David S. Addington, had to approve personally every government official who was told about the program. The report said “the exceptionally compartmented nature of the program” frustrated F.B.I. agents who were assigned to follow up on tips it had turned up.

High-level N.S.A. officials who were responsible for ensuring that the surveillance program was legal, including the agency’s inspector general and general counsel, were not permitted by Mr. Cheney’s office to read the Justice Department opinion that found the eavesdropping legal, several officials said.

Mr. Addington could not be reached for comment on Saturday.

Questions over the adequacy and the truthfulness of the C.I.A.’s briefings for Congress date to the creation of the intelligence oversight committees in the 1970s after disclosures of agency assassination and mind-control programs and other abuses. But complaints increased in the Bush years, when the C.I.A. and other intelligence agencies took the major role in pursuing Al Qaeda.

The use of harsh interrogation methods, including waterboarding, for instance, was first described to a handful of lawmakers for the first time in September 2002. Ms. Pelosi and the C.I.A. have disagreed about what she was told, but in any case, the briefing occurred only after a terrorism suspect, Abu Zubaydah, had been waterboarded 83 times.

Democrats in Congress, who contend that the Bush administration improperly limited Congressional briefings on intelligence, are seeking to change the National Security Act to permit the full intelligence committees to be briefed on more matters. President Obama, however, has threatened to veto the intelligence authorization bill if the changes go too far, and the proposal is now being negotiated by the White House and the intelligence committees.

Representative Jan Schakowsky, a Democrat of Illinois on the House committee, wrote on Friday to the chairman, Representative Silvestre Reyes, a Democrat of Texas, to demand an investigation of the unidentified program and why Congress was not told of it. Aides said Mr. Reyes was reviewing the matter.

“There’s been a history of difficulty in getting the C.I.A. to tell us what they should,” said Representative Adam Smith, a Democrat of Washington. “We will absolutely be held accountable for anything the agency does.”

Mr. Hoekstra, the intelligence committee’s ranking Republican, said he would not judge the agency harshly in the case of the unidentified program, because it was not fully operational. But he said that in general, the agency had not been as forthcoming as the law required.

“We have to pull the information out of them to get what we need,” Mr. Hoekstra said.