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16 May 2010


The zero point module, or ZPM, is an Ancient crystal power source that draws its energy from subspace. The device was first discovered on Praclarush Taonas and brought back to Earth. At the Ancient outpost in Antarctica, SG-1 discovered a second ZPM which had long since become inert. By replacing the dead ZPM with the one retrieved from Praclarush Taonas, O'Neill was able to activate the Ancient defense weapon which annihilated Anubis and saved Earth.

The zero point module is the only thing known to be powerful enough to activate the Ancient defense weapon, however, following the battle with Anubis, its power was severely depleted, leaving Earth unable to use the weapon a second time. The device retained enough energy to activate the stargate and maintain a single connection to Atlantis in the Pegasus Galaxy, however after the Atlantis expedition departed, contact could not be reestablished. The SGC thought they had found a replacement for the burned out device when Camulus made the gesture of offering a ZPM in return for his freedom. However, gamma radiation caused the ZPM to glow, revealing an illuminated substance foreign to what is known to be the normal molecular composition of a ZPM. Camulus had deliberately tampered with the device, and the introduction of a constant electric charge would have caused an explosion capable of destroying not only the planet, but the entire solar system. O'Neill sent Earth's dead ZPM through the stargate with Camulus and retained the tainted device to prevent its use as a weapon against Earth, and the SGC continued to seek an active ZPM that could provide the necessary power to defend Earth and reach Atlantis.

When Catherine Langford died, she bequeathed her research to Daniel, and among her effects was an original 1889 edition of "The Eye of the Sun." The rare book contained a reproduction of a wall painting discovered by German archaeologists in 1885 which showed a figure holding what appeared to be a zero point module, a religious icon referred to by worshippers as "The Heart of Light." The painting suggested that during Ra's reign on Earth, he had possessed a ZPM without knowing its value as a power source, but extensive satellite sweeps of the Giza Plateau for the ZPM's characteristic energy signature indicated that the device was no longer on Earth. SG-1 made the decision to use the Ancient time travel device to journey back to ancient Egypt in the year 3000 BC to retrieve the ZPM, however they became trapped in the past and were unable to return. To ensure that the device would remain on Earth for future generations, SG-1 buried the ZPM in a tomb of the first dynasty near Giza which they knew would be uncovered shortly before their journey through time had begun. There the device remained for 5000 years until it was discovered by a team of archaeologists from the University of Chicago and returned to the SGC for study.

With history set right, the SGC now had a fully functional zero point module which could be used to power Earth's defenses or to open a wormhole to the Pegasus Galaxy. The device was used by Atlantis to maintain the city's cloak and to make it possible to open a wormhole back to Earth, but through contact with Atlantis, the SGC has had access to additional ZPMs. The Odyssey uses a ZPM power source which has not only given it intergalactic capabilities, but has also made cloaking technology possible.

Episode Reference: Lost City, Zero Hour, Moebius

The mental stealth communication happens between the projected life in the physical universe and the other projections in the parallel universes

Scientists now are finding that the stealth continuous communication through gravity waves between living beings and the higher dimensions are facts.

Every Zero Point Energy Module (ZPEM) communicate with the central command and control of all creation. Every Zero Point Energy Module is told what to do every moment. We call it natural instinct of living beings. When a wild animal gives birth, it knows what to do. The new born also knows what to do and where to do.

The ZPEMs have the capabilities to communicate without letting conscious living beings know anything about that communication. Some contemporary physicists believe that the communication happens between the real existence of the ZPEM in the Hyperspace and the physical projection of the ZPEM in the physical universe of ours. That means all of us actually are living in the Hyperspace and our body and physical existence in the physical universe are temporary projections. The projections eventually disappear when the living beings die but the ZPEMs continue in the Hyperspace as well as in other parallel universes through other projections. 
India Daily Technology Team

14 May 2010

Atlantis Uncovered (Discovery Channel)

Former Legislator Makes Statement on Un-Released Eisenhower Brief on Extraterrestrials

A New Earthquake Hits Haiti -- Monsanto's Deadly Gift of 475 Tonnes of Genetically-Modified Seeds to Haitian Farmers

'Haiti's earthquake on 12 January this year has been a lucky business break for some. The transnational firm Monsanto is offering the country's farmers a deadly gift of 475 tonnes of genetically-modified (GM) seeds, along with associated fertiliser and pesticides, which will be handed out free by the WINNER project, with the backing of the US embassy in Haiti. Do Haitians know Monsanto made the "Agent Orange" defoliant sprayed over Vietnam by US planes during the war there, poisoning both US soldiers and Vietnamese civilians?

Do Haitians know that these GM seeds have been declared dangerous by many countries? They often come in kits along with a Monsanto herbicide called "Roundup," which contains glyphosate. In my native Brittany, it has already polluted the water table. But Monsanto insists its product is biodegradable. It is being sued for this by anti-frauid officials in Lyon.'

Modern science, ancient wisdom now merging

By Steve Hammons

Some of today’s scientists are theorizing that the universe and our everyday reality may not be quite what we think.

These scientists join the ranks of philosophers, theologians and people around the world who have thought about views on heaven and the afterlife, angels, reincarnation and other metaphysical concepts.

The theory that our universe might actually be a “multiverse” seems to be gaining support.

According to these ideas, there may be several or many intersecting dimensions. Our everyday world is one part of this multiverse, according to these perspectives.

Other dimensions may be unseen and difficult for us to perceive, some of the theories claim. At the same time, there may be circumstances when we might become aware of these other environments and influences.

Like gravity, magnetic energy, invisible parts of the light spectrum and other known natural forces, there may also be similar natural dimensions that we cannot always perceive, according to some views.

Do these concepts help us explain things like near-death experiences (NDEs), extrasensory perception (ESP), unidentified flying objects (UFOs) and other unusual phenomena?


Interestingly, these modern scientific perspectives are consistent with many traditional views and beliefs in cultures around the world.

For example, Native American Indians have traditionally valued the unseen in nature as an important aspect of reality and life.

According to the Oklahoma Historical Society’s Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture, for the diverse Indian traditions of the people of Oklahoma, “Native logic is guided by the knowledge that the metaphysical and physical forces both operate in life.” And, “physical and metaphysical dimensions work in tandem.”

This view is consistent with many other philosophies around the world. The unseen or spiritual and our everyday reality go hand in hand.

Our ancestors and loved ones may have passed on to one of these other dimensions. And, it is not clear what the connections or pathways are between our world and the theorized afterlife dimension.

How these possible unseen aspects of the universe or multiverse might actually work is currently being explored by physicists, mathematicians and other scholars.

An actual afterlife dimension may not be so far away. It may be closer than we think. Our ancestors and loved ones might be just around the corner or on the other side of some metaphysical door.

Of course, all of us living today will one day learn more about it when we, too, pass on.

Or, perhaps one day there will be greater integration of our world and the possible dimension in which our ancestors and loved ones may now live.


As we think about these kinds of ideas, the area of human psychology, consciousness and awareness comes into play. How do we, or can we, perceive or understand more about other dimensions, if they exist?

Intellectual logic can probably take us only so far. Then we might have to move to other kinds of perception such as our deeper mind, our unconscious, our intuition, our dreams and visions, and what is sometimes called “anomalous cognition,” which includes a kind of unconventional awareness or understanding.

This is also probably a nonlinear kind of consciousness. In other words, life and reality as well as our deeper mind may not always move in a line from point A to point B to point C. There are also cyclical and circular features as well as more constant forces.

The Oklahoma Historical Society’s Encyclopedia of Oklahoma History & Culture does a pretty good job of describing this kind of perception: “As nonlinear people, Indians are cyclical by nature. Day changing into night is a cycle, the full moon's monthly repetition is another cycle, and the seasons rotate as well.”

“Life itself, then, is a rotation of circles. Indian peoples' concept of time is that their stories, transmitted through the oral tradition, enliven the past, and that prophecies bring the future back to the present in a time continuum. This is Indian reality; this is the thought pattern of Oklahoma traditional Indians. Nonlinear reality is a powerful theme in the Oklahoma Indian experience.”

One of these cycles might include today’s modern scientists who are rediscovering connections between discoveries in physics and the ancient views of traditional peoples.

Maybe this circle or hoop is now being completed. Maybe today’s physicists searching for a primary force such as “zero point energy” will discover what the Great Spirit has created and the first Americans understood.

Maybe this is the path to other dimensions, including the place from where angels, ancestors and loved ones watch over us and protect us.

A violet can never become a rose

Example is said to be better than precept. Cannot the value of personal example to another be considerable, like your own? 

Krishnamurti: What is the motive that lies behind this question? Is it not that the questioner desires to follow an example, thinking that it may lead him to fulfilment? The following of another never leads to fulfilment. A violet can never become a rose, but the violet in itself can be a perfect flower. Being uncertain, one seeks certainty in the imitation of another. This produces fear, from which arise the delusion of shelter and comfort in another, and the many false ideas of discipline, meditation and the subjugation of oneself to an ideal. All this merely indicates the lack of comprehension of oneself, the perpetuating of ignorance. It is the root of sorrow, and instead of discerning the cause, you think that you can comprehend yourself through another. This looking to the example of another only leads to illusion and suffering. 
(Collected Works, Volume III. New York City 2nd Public Talk 4th June, 1936)

12 May 2010

CIA Officer Explains New World Order's Demise

Psychotropic Space Weapons

Member of the Russian Federation of Space Exploration Scientific and Technical Council, Anatoliy Ptushenko describes spaced-based energy systems ...that are "capable of driving millions of people crazy".

The first articles an in-depth account written by a member of the Russian Federation of Space Exploration Scientific and Technical Council, Anatoliy Ptushenko. He discussed "for the first time in our press in Rabochaya Tribuna ...about psychotropic weapons...spaced-based energy systems ...that are "capable of driving millions of people crazy.... which started to be developed in the sixties--" The article continues with a discussion of space-based energy systems and the need for the world community to establish an apriori permanent, preventive monitoring of the development and deployment of space-based energy systems. He then described the demonstrators on the streets of Moscow "with banners saying "stop developing psychotronic weapons."

Moscow Rabochaya Truibuna 11-26-94. "But people at the time were most interested in microwave systems. ...However, the most important thing was deemed to be the psychotropic effect created by these systems under certain conditions. That was why they were officially called psychotropic rather than psychotronic weapons. It turned out that it was all a matter of frequency... Generally speaking, most readers are probably familiar with superhigh frequency radiation: Few people with a head cold or a sprain have not sat in a clinic
between the two black plates of a "UHF generator." There are frequencies that are beneficial to people. But naturally there are also those which are hazardous. At certain frequencies (I think that only professionals are interested in knowing precisely which ones) microwave radiation creates that very same psychotropic effect. That is, it has a direct physical effect on the human brain."

"So a microwave system can easily be tuned into a psychotropic weapon--formidable in that it has a direct effect on the human brain...just by retuning the generator." Ptushenko stated, "The terrible danger of psychotropic weapons is the possibility of their simultaneously and unequivocally affecting large masses of people over huge areas." He writes "Moskovskiye Novosti, the Komsomolka, Golos, Moskovskiy,
Komsomolets, and many other papers have been frantic to tell us all about "psychotronic" weapons (as if they had conspired!). " ...they are talking about something completely different: about hypnosis, "verbal zombification," the effect of ultrasound signals on the human subconscious (on the lines of Ilona Davydova). The subject of the articles is always associated with an acoustic address system. Involving suggestions, for instance i.e. verbal (oral) pressure on a person--albeit using inaudible ultrasonic frequencies."

Ptushenko then mentions Dr. Smirnov, the Russian psychiatrist who is famous for his mind control equipment, see 20+ section. "Smirnov has it that 'psychotronics" are easily blocked-...But these childish tricks will not work with psychotropic weapons. It resembles the effect of a psychotropic drug, which is why the weapons were called psychotropic: An imbalance occurs, a fundamental change in a person's psyche, he loses self-control and becomes easily led, and his mind moves from the real world to a world of hallucination."

Ptushenko then distinguishes psychotropic drugs from psychotropic weapons.

"But there are fundamental differences between them. All pharmaceutical psychotropics are temporary-acting. While microwave radiation is variable: It can affect a person (or an Army) temporarily or possibly forever. It is all determined by the mix of frequency and the power of the radiation. These systems were called "psychotropic weapons" in official secret documents 30 years ago. It was these systems that we began to appreciate in the sixties."

Ptusenko ends the article with a warning.

"They may quite well have actually been tested. It was not for nothing that at that time some graduates of the Moscow State University Biology Faculty were sent to Ministry of Radioeelctronics Research Institutes... So let us leave the notorious science of psychotronics to the conscience of psychiatrists, psychics, and hypnotists. Nevertheless, faced with such a terrible danger as psychotropic weapons (and other kinds of space-based weapons), it is our duty to ensure that the development and operation of space based solar energy system receive popular and above all mass media scrutiny."

The above article describes the tremendous amount of information on psychotronics in Russian newspapers and agrees with the concerns of Lopatin and Tsygankov and the need to control these weapons. Ptushenko questions the psychotronic weapons school of thought and whether hypnosis will work on unwilling subjects. Hypnosis does work on unwilling subjects, see Dr. Scheflin's book "Mind Manipulators", 1978 and Dr. Colin Ross, "Bluebird", 2000. Both books document government involvement in hypnosis research and disinformation surrounding this issue. Ptushenko too questions the information available on psychotropic weapons claims concerning "hypnosis, 'verbal zombification', the effect of ultrasound signals on the human subconscious..." Ptushenko states emphatically that psychotropic weapons,

"do not enable the individual human mind to be controlled in a precise and purposeful way. They simply "jam" any internal connections responsible for a person's self-control, and he becomes easily controllable "according to mob law" in line with commands form a space-based station. He can be controlled either from earth or from a command center lost in space."

These are considerable statements coming from a prominent space expert. Ptushenko has obviously given the matter serious consideration and believes that there are terrible dangers from psychotropic weapons and public debate is necessary. Further research is needed.

The following article written by Russian military experts discuss information warfare Lopatin extensively discussed the threat of information warfare in his book. In the U.S., the Learning Channel TV program "War 2020"" produced by Beyond Productions in 1998 is a good representation of information warfare. The program included Dr. Persinger of Canada's Laurentian University and his discussion on magnetic signals and how signals could be beamed from television, microwave and telephone towers and systems to targeted populations for
mind control purposes. The program narrator stated, "The ultimate weapon in the info war would be the human brain. ...Mind control will be the ultimate nonlethal weapon ." Mind control weapons are categorized as information and nonlethal weapons, according to these sources.

This article describes space weapons, including targeting of populations anywhere in the world with behavior control.

The article supplies details to prove that behavior control weapons are feasible, that the U.S. is concentrating research in this area and warns about possible American information and space warfare.

From: Moscow Armeyskiy Sbornik in Russian, Oct 96 No 10, pp 88-90, Article by Major General Valeriy Menshikov, doctor of technical sciences, and Colonel Boris Rodionov, "Along with ordinary wars, states have waged "information wars" since time immemorial, and are doing so now. But while previously they were given only an auxiliary role, lately their significance has grown immeasurably, and new technologies are "guilty" of this. Armeyskiy Sbornik regularly publishes articles on this topic. Today leading specialists of the RF Armed
Forces tell about achievements in this area."

"The Teledesic Advanced low-altitude global satellite communications system is of special interest. It will have 15 times more satellites than Iridium--840. With other conditions being equal, the low orbit of small, lightweight craft (no more than 700 km) permits increasing the power of their radio emission on the Earth's surface 2,500 times or more and performing a wide range of military missions. It is unprecedented: the
numerical size of the Iridium orbital grouping enables as a minimum simultaneously irradiating any point on Earth from two spacecraft. This provides double redundancy and increased reliability of communications, as for military systems. The band of radio-frequency emissions (20-30 GHz) also has not been used previously in commercial communications."

"An analysis of the enumerated features indicates that the Teledesic system can be used for irradiating ground, sea and airborne facilities with high-power modulated emissions, which in various automated control systems permits initiating computer viruses such as "sleepers," triggered by a special signal. This can become a real threat to security for countries whose command and control systems are oriented on foreign equipment."

"A psychophysical effect on people also is possible for the purpose of altering their behavior and even controlling the social aims of regional or even global societies. Fantasy? But the fact is that today the United States is spending as much money on developing psychophysical weapons as on the most complex space programs, and such a correlation cannot be accidental. The Americans began such research back
in the prewar period and continued it after the war within the scope of programs known as MC-Ultra mind control, MC-Delta--remote alteration of human behavior, and also Bluebeard and Artichoke. Such an effect also is possible via the mass media by creating special audio signals in music hits, key video images in television programs and so on. The Teledesic space system also can be used for this same purpose. Suffice it to recall numerous statements to courts by U.S. citizens that cellular communications is the cause of various ailments, including brain cancer. U.S. scientists from the National Cancer Institute and the Food and Drug Administration recommended limiting use of such communications systems. Similar effects also are possible from the new systems. True, for this the output of its satellites has to be increased a thousand times more that what was announced, but technically it is fully feasible."

"Thus, the new space systems are potentially dangerous from the aspect of unfolding a wide-scale "information war" and even creating a global systems for controlling people's behavior in any region, city or locality, including one's own. A country possessing them will gain an enormous advantage."