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24 June 2011

Top 10 Most Sinister PSYOPS Mission Patches

'Mission patches are used by military and space organizations to identify, symbolize and describe a mission’s objectives and its crew. This tradition is also observed in the shady world of PSYOPS where each secret mission of the Pentagon gets its patch. These patches offer a rare glimpse into the Pentagon’s secret operations and the symbolism on them is rather striking: ominous and cryptic phrases, dark occult symbolism, references to secret societies, and sometimes even a rather dark sense of humor. Here’s the top 10 most sinister PSYOPS patches.'

UK False Flag Forecast Summer 2011

WEDNESDAY, 6/22/11 — The often unspoken and officially unspeakable fear overhanging Europe this summer is that Israel will carry out a new 9/11 attack against it. The announcement last month that Interpol had created a nuclear terror unit inspired more fear than faith.

London intelligence insiders, speaking on condition of anonymity, inform us that Mossad is planning a false flag operation against the city’s new Olympic stadium for mid-August. August 12 is a day to mark, they say, since it will be one year before the 8/12/2012 opening of the London Summer Olympics. They add that young Pakistanis living in the poorest parts of London will be blamed, and that Scotland Yard has already prepared a long list of suitable suspects.
Like all good false flag plans, this one offers prizes to perpetrators, bounties to betrayers and fodder to fascists — all necessary to keep the cabal in cahoots. The Israeli Interlopers are already in Britain’s backyard, posing as guard dogs, while authorities pretend to be deaf dumb and blind about it all. It’s strikingly similar to 7/7 and 9/11: 
London is Israel’s laboratory for 2012 summer Olympics
The current issue of Private Eye reports that Heathrow Airport will have shiny new equipment for screening passengers installed with the help of several Israeli firms as part of preparations for next year’s Olympic Games. The sporting event affords an opportunity to run a “live test” on the Total Airport Security System (TASS).

The Israeli false flag plan may include both the UK and the US simultaneously. The American government faces financial default in mid-August, and would welcome a major distraction. It may even be that a London false flag attack is part of a late-summer world war plan — the last two world wars began in late summer, after all. Multinational, multifaceted and multipurpose false flag operations aren’t rare, and have occurred in recent memory:
7/11/06: Half a day after the Mumbai train bombings, there was a train bombing scare in Chicago. A thousand terrified commuters thought that they were under attack, and more than a hundred were sent to area hospitals. On the same day the Bush Family and its retainers were assembling in Houston, ostensibly for Ken Lay’s funeral, The next day, while they praised and buried their crooked crony, Israel invaded Lebanon. The plot could have come right out of The Godfather.
10/18/07 started with a false flag alert to the Houston area petrochemical industry, followed four hours later by a nearby Dow Chemical explosion. Portland’s KBOO radio confirmed the news. They were interested because it was their last day in the ominous TOPOFF-4 radioactive bomb exercise, in which their city was ground zero. The first assassination attempt against Benazir Bhutto happened between the Dow Chemical explosion and the KBOO news broadcast. That afternoon Houston’s petrochemical area was closed off for four hours because of a radioactive accident. At the same time Homeland Security Director Michael Chertoff appeared in Portland to command the dirty bomb drill. It soon began to go live when a bomb alert from Chertoff’s entourage forced a downtown evacuation. In the middle of it all came a stark warning from Capitol Hill: 
United States Democratic Congressman Slams Bush 
“The truth is, Bush just likes to blow things up in Iraq, in the United States and in Congress!” — Representative Pete Stark, 10/18/07
Global military operations were certainly in action on both days. They included options for false flag attacks against Chicago, Houston and Portland as provocations for pulling the U.S. deeper into the quicksand war in the Middle East, probably beginning with an attack against Iran.
United Kingdom Secondary Targets
(London Is the Primary)

The Dover-Calais Passage: ICTS is the Israeli security company involved in both 9/11 and 7/7. French president Nicolas Sarkozy, identified as a Mossad Jewish sayan (helper) by the major French newspaper Le Figero, last year awarded ICTS the security contract for the Port of Calais in the North of France. This means that the English Channel cities of Calais and Dover are likely factors in any Israeli false flag plans against Northwest Europe.
Southampton has one of the biggest ports in Northern Europe for shipments to and from the United States. This makes it an ideal place to smuggle, store and finally ship nukes or dirty bombs to U.S. East Coast cities. Or to look at it the other way around, Southampton is a natural target for a U.S. East Coast false flag operation (cleared by the British government, of course) to engage an expendable UK city.
United Kingdom Muslims are a target, too. The outcome of Queen Elizabeth’s May visit to Northern Ireland has been a renewal of troublesome times in the Emerald Island, and a general rise in Irish/English tensions. Under ever-expanding “national security” and “anti-terror” powers, ethnic conflict is a fine trigger for domestic despotism. Did the queen’s Irish campaign aim to provoke the troubles of late spring in order to train forces for something more dire in late summer?

21 June 2011

Israeli Court Sentences Dog to Death by Stoning

'A Jerusalem rabbinical court has condemned to death by stoning a dog it suspects is the reincarnation of a secular lawyer who insulted the court's judges 20 years ago.

According to Ynet website, the large dog made its way into the Monetary Affairs Court in the ultra-Orthodox Jewish neighbourhood of Mea Shearim in Jerusalem, frightening judges and plaintiffs.

Despite attempts to drive the dog out of the court, the hound refused to leave the premises.'

Scientists Successfully Implant Chip That Controls The Brain, Allowing Memory To Be Uploaded, Downloaded And Shared Among Hosts

'Scientists working at the University of Southern California, home of the Department of Homeland Security’s National Center for Risk and Economic Analysis of Terrorism Events, have created an artificial memory system that allows thoughts, memories and learned behavior to be transferred from one brain to another.
In a scene right out of a George Orwell novel, a team of scientists working in the fields of “neural engineering” and “Biomimetic MicroElectronic Systems” have successfully created a chip that controls the brain and can be used as a storage device for long-term memories. In studies the scientists have been able to record, download and transfer memories into other hosts with the same chip implanted. The advancement in technology brings the world one step closer to a global police state and the reality of absolute mind control.'

Nineteen Eighty-Four 

Prediction of The Arab Awakening ( in 2003 ) and the Role of Aljazeera and Israel

Video Exposing Google Chief Schmidt Censored by You Tube

'Google-owned You Tube has sensationally censored a video clip showing Eric Schmidt at the 2011 Bilderberg Group conference, by removing the “honors” associated with the Alex Jones Channel and preventing the clip from going viral, while You Tube has also threatened to terminate the account altogether after baseless accusations of racism were made against an Obama Joker video for the second time.

Google chief Eric Schmidt betrayed his notorious disregard for online privacy in 2009 when he told CNBC, “If you have something that you don’t want anyone to know, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place.”'

Should a Father be His Son's Friend?

Is a father's job to be his son's friend or to keep him on the straight and narrow?     

by Henry Makow Ph.D.  

I am not the greatest father and I don't expect my father to be great either.

He overcame many more obstacles than I ever did. His parents were murdered by the Nazis when he was 19. He faced a monumental challenge to survive the war and build a new life in a new country. He married and had a family before he was ready. Nevertheless, through his intelligence, courage, and hard work, he not only survived but prospered. He is 87 now. I am 61. I salute him on Father's Day.

My problem is that he was always a father, never a friend. I know the orthodox view is that fathers should not be friends. "It is the job of parents to see that the [societal] barriers hold," W. Cleon Skousen writes in "So You Want to Raise a Boy?" (1958, p.232)

My father saw his role as keeping me "on track."  Since his success was based on a higher education, keeping me "on track" meant keeping me in school.

I was not allowed to get off the treadmill. Despite the fact I was a bright kid, and had written a syndicated newspaper column at age 11, he never believed in me, my talent, and especially my good intentions. He always treated me like a loose cannon that required mooring.

After I graduated from high school, I wanted to take a semester and work in a mine. Then, I planned to go to an out-of-town university known for its radical leftist professors. (I was a Lefty back then.)

I'll never know how this would have turned out. My father exerted great pressure, including the inducement of a car, to make me enroll at once at the local university.  I succumbed and fell into a depression. I only completed three of five courses with poor marks that first year.

My spirit broken, I ended up staying at university as a kind of hospice from a world I didn't understand. I ended up getting a Ph.D. that I have barely used.

On another occasion, I wanted to use the family cottage as a spiritual retreat, a kind of Thoreau's Walden. Again, no deal. Get your thesis done.  


I complain he was not my "friend" yet once he did act like one and made a mistake.

This was much earlier when I was ten or eleven-years-old. My friends and I were going through puberty. We were swiping copies of PLAYBOY magazine from newsstands.

I summoned my courage and asked my father for a subscription. He agreed. I papered the insides of my bedroom closet doors with Playmates-of-the-Month. In retrospect, this distorted my perception of women and  undermined my future relationships. I fell for the "Playboy Philosophy" that a woman's sex appeal and appearance were the Holy Grail.

Nevertheless my father's response created a major bond for me. I really dug him for it. I wish now he had known better and taught me that I was making a mistake that would mess up my life.

So here I am wishing he were a better friend, and sometimes wishing he had been a better father. But I don't blame him. We all have many limitations. He gave me a lot. I wasn't an easy child - always resisting his "discipline."

Now that he is old, his good nature is on display. Many old men are crotchety but my dad has never been kinder and sweeter.   


I have tried to be a friend to my only son, who is now 24-years-old. I really didn't have a choice for two reasons. Because of my immaturity, due partly to my dysfunctional relation to women, I did not have a positive model to present. Secondly, his mother, my ex-wife, had physical custody. I only saw him a few times a week.

Someone said men don't want to have children because they are not finished being children themselves. That's now more true than ever. We have been re-engineered to be perpetual adolescents.

I tried to influence my son to become a historian because true history has been suppressed. He took a few history courses, was bored and became a lawyer instead. He is happy with his decision, and so am I.

The baseball player Harmon Killebrew tells this story: "My father used to play with my brother and me in the yard.  Mother would come out and say, "You're tearing up the grass." 

"We're not raising grass," Dad would reply.  "We're raising boys."

Looking back, I wish I had also believed in raising children.
I wish my father had believed in me. Faith - we underestimate its power.

Instead of looking for the "meaning" of life, I wish I had realized that life has inherent meaning if we follow its innate design.
Related: Why are Dads Afraid to Say No to their Kids?

19 June 2011


Be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it! How often have we heard this saying? The farmers of Alberta may well be having second thoughts after putting out how desperately they needed moisture just before the devastating floods that we were hit with because of record rainfalls. No doubt each of us has our own example of how this sentiment has manifested inappropriately in our lives. But what is this phrase really showing us? It is showing us that somehow we hold a societal belief that we have a link, on some deep level, with a Force that lies beyond us. That this force is somehow capable of hooking into our thoughts and our beliefs and manifesting them beyond our wildest dreams or expectations. The suggestion on a more personal level also implies that our lives can be affected by our thoughts and beliefs. Can this be so? Can the thoughts and beliefs that we put out be returned to us a thousand-fold as another common belief holds? Could it be possible that there are other levels of reality that intersect with ours and that interact with them, all through the thoughts and beliefs that we hold?

If this is so, then it is of utmost important to understand how we create the reality of our physical circumstances through what we believe and what we think. Equally it would be imperative to understand how we link into a greater Force of Being that interacts with us on the personal as well as the collective levels of existence. While being part of a Greater Whole that interacts with us on personal and collective levels may be a mystery to us now, it was not always so. In fact, the Hermetic saying, "As above, so below," reflected the understanding of this commonly held truth. Indeed it was the Mystery Schools of Ancient times that taught of the interconnection with those levels of existence that lay beyond our physical, third dimensional reality.

To the Ancients, those levels of existence were very real and very accessible to us in our physical, third dimensional reality. But only initiates were taught these Truths and it was not commonly shared with the uninitiated masses. But with time, these Mystery Schools died out and with them the Truths that they taught. But were these Universal Truths lost to us with the disappearance of the Mystery Schools?

They were not. Indeed they were held and passed down in the Mystery Teachings of other Cultures. They were held by the Mayans and passed on to the Shamans of Mayan culture known as the Zero Chiefs. They were held by the Hawaiian Kahunas who practiced the ancient practice of Huna. The inner teachings of Buddhism have long held the Truth of our Greater connection and our Greater Being. And the Truth was also held by the Indigenous people the World over who are once again sharing their ancient wisdom with Seekers who are open to discovering the Truth once again.

Besides learning through the Teachings of those who have held the Truth at this deep level for so long, it also appears that Mankind is starting to open up to the direct Teaching of those very Forces that we have always been part of. The incidence of Channelling those Higher Forces as well as interactive experiences with them is on the rise. This is important because of the need to learn how we create our personal reality through our personal beliefs and thoughts. By understanding this, we can start to change our lives and our world. We could create a world where the children are safe and Blessed, where there is balance and cooperation between all living things and where we live in harmony with Mother Earth herself. And if we are really wise, we might actually treat earnestly the axiom, 'be careful about what you wish for, you might just get it.
Will Berlinghof

Agenda 21 is not about sustainable development; it is about sustainable control – and mass depopulation



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

That diabolical duo, Father George Bush and Bill Clinton, supported Agenda 21 during their presidencies and so it must be about death, destruction and control by that definition alone. Clinton established The President's Counsel for 'Sustainable Development' by Executive Order with no political or public debate. The term ‘sustainable development’ is classic Orwellian language in that it appears to stand for one thing, but means something very different.

I am all for doing things in ways that are sustainable in the sense that they can go on indefinitely as opposed to slash and burn and other such environmental destruction. But (a) the people behind this are devastating the planet with their activities and (b) Agenda 21 is not about sustainable development; it is about sustainable control – and mass depopulation. The internationally-binding Biodiversity Treaty was launched at the UN Earth Summit in 1992 headed by Rothschild-Rockefeller front-man, Maurice Strong, and the 'environment conspiracy' has come a whole long way since then.

The aim is mass depopulation and extreme levels of control for those that are left. A United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment Report called for an 85 per cent reduction in human numbers. Heck, you only have to look at that map of the planned 'sustainable' United States to realise the scale of population reduction that would be necessary to implement it. The late Aaron Russo, the award-winning film producer who produced Trading Places with Eddie Murphy, began to alert people to the conspiracy in the years before he died. He said publicly in 2007 that a member of the Rockefeller family, Nick Rockefeller, had told him that the population was going to be reduced by at least half.

John P Holdren, the ‘science czar’ appointed to the Obama administration, is another of these ‘cullers’. He says the optimum human population is one billion and he co-wrote the 1977 book, Ecoscience, which proposed mass-sterilisation by medicating food and the water supply and imposing a regime of forced abortion, government seizure of children born out of wedlock and mandatory bodily implants to stop pregnancy.
These people are completely bonkers, but very dangerous because of that.