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05 October 2011

Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel

It all becomes very clear. These families have been milking us for centuries. We are quite literally their "cattle" i.e. goyim.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"Bank Crisis Set to Trigger New Credit Crunch" says the latest newspaper headline.

Belgium author Pascal Roussel, 45, is well placed to explain the financial turmoil convulsing the world. By day, he works in the Financial Risk Dept. of the European Investment Bank in Luxemburg.

No, he is not an Illuminati banker but a mere functionary. But he does not take his position lightly. For the last ten years, he has been studying the Illuminati conspiracy and has made contact with insiders. The result is a novel, "Divina Insidia - The Divine Trap," which explains the Illuminati conspiracy to the incredulous, and contains new insights and nuggets of information for old hands.

Most important, Roussel presents the conspiracy in a simple and plausible way, throwing our collective predicament into frightening relief.


According to Roussel, twelve "oligarchic families" have grown indescribably wealthy by lending "money" to governments at interest. These are the central bankers. Most but not all are Illuminati Jews. Their wealth is in the trillions. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are paupers in comparison.

It all becomes very clear. These families have been milking us for centuries. We are quite literally their "cattle" i.e. goyim.

The whole of modern history can be explained by their farm management practices. Wars are started to increase the debt and cull the herd. The goal is to cull the herd to 500 million and chip the remnant. These families and their henchmen own 80% of the world's wealth and do nothing useful yet believe the impoverished majority are parasites.

Roussel, (left,) explains how compound interest resulted in astronomical exponential gains year-after-year. All religions have banned lending at interest to prevent what actually has occurred: this immense wealth and power has fallen into the hands of Satanists.

The world's major banks are mere proxies for these twelve families who create the money out of nothing. (The banks get their "money" from them.) Greece is the target now but eventually the whole world will be squeezed like an lemon to get this "money" back. ("We will absorb all the wealth of the world," is how Cecil Rhodes described it to his patron Nathan Rothschild.)

They threaten depositors will lose their savings if banks fail. But, it is really these twelve families of generational Satanists who want their pound of flesh.

If our governments weren't run by their lackeys, they would protect the deposits and let the "oligarchic families" twist in the wind. Roussel doesn't name the families but obviously one is the Rothschilds.

Roussel explains that fractional reserve banking is a ponzi scheme. They lend $90 for every $100 on deposit. Those $90 are deposited somewhere else and $81 more dollars are lent. So it continues ad infinitum.

Obviously, the way to fight this beast is to withdraw your cash from the bank.


Roussel's narrative revolves around a Rothschild who has a spiritual revelation and wants to issue a warning. He selects an attractive young Swiss journalist, Ann Standford, to write a book and deposits a fortune into her bank account.

He then takes her on a Cook's Tour of Illuminati landmarks -- the Georgia Guidestones, a Bilderberg meeting, Bohemian Grove etc. -- explaining some aspect of the conspiracy in each place.

He describes its origins in paganism and the Kabbalah, which led to the Illuminist philosophy. But ultimately, it boils down to debt and interest.

"You want to defeat us?" Roussel's Rothschild says."Abolish loans with interest and don't create any more money. Economic cycles will disappear. Wealth will no longer be concentrated in the hands of a few "mega creditors" like me and money will gain value in time. What you bequeath to your children will have more value than when you first got it."

Meanwhile another Illuminati "superior" has put assassins on their trail. Roussel's storytelling is workman-like and his wholesome European Christian sensibility is uplifting.

The ending is quite unexpected and inspired. The book is worth reading for it alone. Roussel leaves us with a credible vision of defiance and hope. All we need do is affirm the Truth and resist evil. The whole rotten structure will collapse.
Related - A Video Interview with Pascal Rousse

04 October 2011

Leuren Moret: US Space shuttle covert mission was chemtrails in space for HAARP

By Alfred Lambremont Webre, JD, Med

In an exclusive Oct. 2, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret, MA, PhD (ABT) has stated that the covert mission of the U.S. Space shuttle (1981 – 2011) was to distribute chemtrails in space as part of the HAARP weapons system. Ms. Moret based her findings on U.S. Navy and other documents reproduced in the article below.

Chemtrails in space & HAARP weapons system

According to Ms. Moret, Chemtrails in space are used as a weapons-system component of the HAARP weapon of mass destruction weapons system that is for weather warfare, tectonic warfare, directed energy warfare, and mass mind control.

The environmental warfare events created by the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system includes at least, by the evidence the following: 9/11 (the molecular dissociation and collapse of the World Center twin towers); the Katrina Hurricane of 2005; the 2008 Myanmar cyclone (150,000) dead); the 2008 China earthquake (80,000 dead); the 2010 Haiti earthquake (200, 000 dead); and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima false flag tectonic and global radiation attack. The results of the Fukushima event, triggered by the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system includes a projected 100,000 deaths in USA and Canada by the end of 2011, the radiation contamination of Japan, USA and Canada, and long-term radiation depopulation of the human race.

For forensic evidence of the chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system-HAARP triggering of the above and more environmental war events, please consult the multiple articles and interviews at the following URL:

Watch ExopoliticsTV interview with Leuren Moret on covert mission of U.S. space shuttle – chemtrails in space

Ms. Moret’s chain of evidence is set out in the Oct. 2, 2011 ExopoliticsTV interview, which can be viewed at the URL below or embedded in the article above.


10th anniversary of HR2977 banning chemtrails in space

Ms. Moret’s interview comes on Oct. 2, 2011, the 10th anniversary of the introduction of HR 2977, the Space Preservation Act, in the U.S. House of Representatives by Rep. Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio).

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret notes that HR 2977 banned the spraying of chemtrails in space, and the tandem use of HAARP, of which chemtrails are a weapons-system component, in space.

Ms. Moret notes that HR 2977 was drafted by this reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre and submitted to Rep. Dennis Kucinich for introduction as a bill into the U.S. Congress in the summer of 2001, well before the HAARP chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) false flag attack on the World Trade Center towers of September 11, 2011).

In the HR2977 bill of October 2, 2001, the U.S. Congress banned the following space-based weapons:

“Exotic weapons systems such as--

“(i) electronic, psychotronic, or information weapons;

“(ii) chemtrails;

“(iii) high altitude ultra low frequency weapons systems;

“(iv) plasma, electromagnetic, sonic, or ultrasonic weapons;

“(v) laser weapons systems;

“(vi) strategic, theater, tactical, or extraterrestrial weapons; and

“(vii) chemical, biological, environmental, climate, or tectonic weapons.”

In her Exopolitics TV interview, Ms. Moret notes that the Oct. 2, 2001 HR2977 bill was the first bill in the U.S. Congress to ban the use of space-based chemtrails as a component of space-based weapons system and was widely praised when first introduced.

In her interview, Ms. Moret also states that, as an Environmental Commissioner of Berkeley, CA, Rep. Dennis Kucinich spoke with her in private conversations in Berkeley, CA about his key U.S. House of Representatives committee positions in the U.S. Congress overseeing space and aeronautical issues that included congressional oversight over chemtrails in space. 

Kucinich deletes ban on chemtrails in space

In her interview, Ms. Moret notes that, rather than supporting the ban on chemtrails in space as his committee position required, Rep. Kucinich mysteriously pulled the Oct. 2, 2001 HR2977 bill as an active bill, and gutted the bill so that it did not mention or ban chemtrails in space and in place of HR 2977, on January 23, 2001, Kucinich introduced HR3616 a bill that not mention or ban chemtrails in space and eliminated any mention of the actual space-based weapons that HR2977 contained.

At the time, one supporter of HR2977 stated, “Re-writing bills is a common enough practice as a bill goes through the legislative process. However, the differences between HR 2977 and HR 3616 are more than just a few tweaks here or there.

“By its conspicuous appearance in 2977, the term 'chemtrails' received a form of credibility within the official government process never seen before...producing the hope that one courageous Representative had finally had the fortitude to take the issue of chemtrails to a level of Congressional scrutiny long overdue.

“In Rep. Kucinich's revised new (some would say 'emasculated') Bill, HR 3616, there is no longer any mention whatever of:

* chemtrails,
* particle beams
* electromagnetic radiation
* plasmas
* extremely low frequency (ELF) or ultra low frequency (ULF) energy radiation
* or mind-control technologies
“as weapons systems covered in the measure.” 

Impact of Kucinich’s mysterious withdrawal of HR 2977 banning chemtrails in space

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret details the impacts that Rep. Kucinich’s mysterious 2001 withdrawal of the HR 2977 ban on space-based chemtrails, and on space-based (satellite-based) particle beam weapons, electromagnetic radiation weapons, plasma weapons, ELF and ULF mind control weapons, and directed-energy frequency weapons such as HAARP. HAARP is defined as a space-based weapon of mass destruction as two of its key components are in space – space-based chemtrails and the heated ionospheric weapons system component.

HR2977 was introduced on October 2, 2001 just after the false flag operation of 9/11 to growing public support. At the time of its introduction by Rep. Kucinich over 280 peace-oriented NGOs supported HR2977 and were lobbying for its passage.

The false flag operation of September 11, 2011 had just occurred, and the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system were key to the 9/11 molecular dissociation of the World Trade Center towers. With proper leadership, HR2977 could have been used as a tool to prosecute the 9/11 perpetrators, operators of the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system.

Moreover, the passage of HR2977 or even the publicity concerning its banning of space-based weapons systems such as HAARP and space-based chemtrails could have legitimized the opposition to the catastrophic environmental warfare events following 9/11.

The carnage and damage of the Katrina Hurricane of 2005; the 2008 Myanmar cyclone (150,000) dead); the 2008 China earthquake (80,000 dead); the 2010 Haiti earthquake (200, 000 dead); and the March 11, 2011 Fukushima false flag tectonic and global radiation attack could have been avoided.

As noted, the results of the Fukushima event, triggered by the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system includes a projected 100,000 deaths in USA and Canada by the end of 2011, the radiation contamination of Japan, USA and Canada, and long-term radiation depopulation of the human race. 

Rep. Kucinich decimates HR2977: Cui bono?
In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret notes that Rep. Kucinich was fully aware of the effects of chemtrails and HAARP, as he was a ranking U.S. Representative on U.S. congressional committees regulating space-based weapons such as HAARP and space-based chemtrails.

Ms. Moret notes that Congressman Kucinich mysteriously withdrew the HR2977 ban on space-based chemtrails right after the 9/11 event, where space-based weapons such as HAARP and space-based chemtrails played a key role in the false flag operation.

Ms. Moret also notes that, with the withdrawal of HR2977 (despite growing support) controllers of the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system were given carte blanche to carry out the environmental war attacks ranging from 2005 Hurricane Katrina to the 2011Fukushima false flag tectonic and radiation event, whose casualties so far have probably exceeded 500,000 dead worldwide and climbing.

"For whose benefit," Ms. Moret asks, "did Rep Kucinich withdraw HR2977 and with what consequences?"

U.S. space shuttle & space-based chemtrails

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret reveals U.S. Navy documents showing that HAARP and space-based chemtrails experiments were utilized on the U.S. space shuttle starting in 1985. The U.S. space shuttle’s hidden agenda, she concludes, was chemtrails in space.

Ms. Moret states, “U.S. Navy documents reveal the following, ‘Dr. Bernhardt has conducted over eight experiments from 1985 to the present, using the Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines, to modify the ionosphere with high-speed exhaust injections into the upper atmosphere. The results of these dedicated engine burns have been recorded using the VHF and UHF radars at Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Kwajalein, Marshall Islands; Millstone Hill, Massachusetts; and Jicamarca, Peru.’

Ms. Moret continues, “The U.S. Navy documents continue, ‘Dr. Bernhardt has pioneered the use of chemical releases to study the ionosphere. His ionospheric modification experiments have been monitored with Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) systems around the world and with in situ plasma probes provided by NRL's Plasma Physics Division. The 1992 NRL Ionospheric Focused Heating (IFH) experiment, combined chemical release and high-power radio wave technology to produce the highest level of plasma turbulence ever measured with the Arecibo ISR.’ 

Dr. Paul A Bernhard, HAARP, chemtrails and the U.S. space shuttle

Ms. Moret states, “The real purpose of the space shuttle has never really been apparent… until now. Even more puzzling is the recent abrupt shutdown of that very expensive program. But in reports like the US Navy documents about Dr. Paul A. Bernhard (above)... connections between the space shuttle and a global network of HAARP facilities are exposed.

Ms. Moret continues, “Dr. Paul A. Bernhard has been affiliated with the Univ. of California and Stanford Univ. for higher education, IEEE, AGU, and worked for the US Navy and Los Alamos nuclear weapons lab, and the HAARP facility at Gakona, Alaska – all intimately involved in co-development of HAARP secretly with the Soviet Union and post-Soviet Russia.”

Ms. Moret states, “Dr. Bernhardt used the high-power HF facility near Arecibo, Puerto Rico, and Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, from 1985 to 1999 to observe mid-latitude artificial plasmas that illuminated natural irregularities in the ionosphere.”

In her ExopoliticsTV interview Ms. Moret notes that, “Dr. Bernhardt has conducted over eight experiments from 1985 to the present, using the Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines, to modify the ionosphere with high-speed exhaust injections into the upper atmosphere. The results of these dedicated engine burns have been recorded using the VHF and UHF radars at Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Kwajalein, Marshall Islands; Millstone Hill, Massachusetts; and Jicamarca, Peru. Currently, Dr. Bernhardt is the principal investigator for the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) program, designed to study the scattering of radar from electrons in the vicinity of charged particulates that form artificial "dusty plasmas."

She also notes that “Dr. Bernhardt has pioneered the use of chemical releases to study the ionosphere. His ionospheric modification experiments have been monitored with Incoherent Scatter Radar (ISR) systems around the world and with in situ plasma probes provided by NRL's Plasma Physics Division. The 1992 NRL Ionospheric Focused Heating (IFH) experiment, combined chemical release and high-power radio wave technology to produce the highest level of plasma turbulence ever measured with the Arecibo ISR. Dr. Bernhardt has conducted over eight experiments from 1985 to the present, using the Space Shuttle Orbital Maneuver Subsystem (OMS) engines, to modify the ionosphere with high-speed exhaust injections into the upper atmosphere. The results of these dedicated engine burns have been recorded using the VHF and UHF radars at Arecibo, Puerto Rico; Kwajalein, Marshall Islands; Millstone Hill, Massachusetts; and Jicamarca, Peru. Currently, Dr. Bernhardt is the principal investigator for the Charged Aerosol Release Experiment (CARE) program, designed to study the scattering of radar from electrons in the vicinity of charged particulates that form artificial "dusty plasmas."”

Japan: Major Player in Global HAARP Program

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret reveals the covert and major role that Japan has had in the global HAARP program, which now has more than 17 HAARP sites worldwide to use space-based and atmosphere-based chemtrails for environmental tectonic and weather warfare.

Ms. Moret states, “Seismologist and geologist Shimamura Hideki (former Director of the National Institute of Polar Research) is one of the leading directors of HAARP development by Japan. We call him ‘Daddy HAARP’.

Ms. Moret continues, “To show the impact of environmental warfare by tectonic attack, it is useful to note that in the space-based chemtrails and HAARP period (between 1995-2011, earthquakes increased by 1070% in Japan. This was due to space-based chemtrails and HAARP

Ms. Moret notes, “Japan had 14 large magnitude (6.0 and greater) between 1891 and 1968 (77 years). Between 1995-2011, there were 32 quakes (16 years and 32 quakes) a 1070% increase in seismicity. Indonesia has a similar large increase in quakes. Indonesia was targeted for HAARP mining projects by London financiers to sell minerals/metals to China on the rise.”

Ms. Moret states, “Early pioneers before 1900, such as Tesla, described HAARP applications today such as ‘molecular dissociation by using energetic waves’ for creating vortexes for weather modification, causing earthquakes using scalar waveforms, and many other basic discoveries that are only being developed now, in particular as HAARP applications.” 

HAARP seismic warfare coverup

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret discusses “Current status of seismo-magnetics for short-term earthquake prediction” by M. Hayakawa, and Y. Hobara (June 23, 2010) Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk.

She states, “This scientific paper describes “modern earthquakes” with a transmitted ULF frequency detected up to 12 days before the quakes, a quiet period about three days before the quake when the 2.5 Hz frequency is transmitted from a HAARP magnetometer, and the after-period with aftershocks. This new field has emerged in seismology that coincides with the exponential escalation of large magnitude earthquakes globally since about 1965. In fact the International Geophysical Year, which began in the 1950’s, was the signal for new research in geoscience that became the basic research necessary for HAARP applications. The American Geophysical Union was revamped and well funded in the early 50’s as well to provide the science forum for development of HAARP under the cover of ‘research’.”

Demeter satellite – 2004 launch

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret reveals the significance and function of the 2004 Demeter satellite by France as a component of HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system. She states, “Seismo-electromagnetics” (lithosphere-atmosphere-ionosphere coupling) is not only a new well-funded field, but France launched their own satellite in 2004, “Demeter”, dedicated to monitoring ULF signature earthquakes. She states, “Demeter is the Greek goddess of the harvest, grains, fertility of the earth, and the seasons, and is also the Goddess of poppies, with an Afghan=heroin=Dope, Inc. connection.

Ms. Moret states, “The paper by M. Hayakawa, and Y. Hobara gives an inventory of “modern” earthquakes (post 1965) with the ULF anomaly (Earthquakes in Kobe, Spitak Armenia, Loma Prieta, CA (USA), and Izu/Kagoshima/Iwate, Japan) and other contemporaneous earthquakes without the ULF anomaly (Earthquakes in Northridge, CA (USA), and Okushiri and Erimo, Japan).”

Ms. Moret concludes, “One can only conclude from data presented in this paper that countries are triggering HAARP earthquakes causing enormous environmental disasters used against their own citizens.” 

“Daddy HAARP”

In her ExopoliticsTV interview Ms. Moret states, “Nearly all polar research since the 1930’s by the Soviets, has been necessary to develop the HAARP program, and the Tesla and earlier discoveries of waveforms with many applications, but always the most important for the bankers, is science for WMDs. By searching Dr. Hideki’s – ‘Daddy HAARP’s’ - name, a cornucopia of new evidence on HAARP development came from programs for global conferences, HAARP site newsletters, and lists of scientists and their papers, funding sources, joint cooperation by the international community, and even ties to academia and corporations emerged to produce a 4 dimensional rich body of evidence as to who, what, how, why, and where on HAARP."

Nikon corporation (Japan) and the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret discusses an article from the NIKON Website: “Development of Observation Technology: Reading the winds from the Antarctic, The Story of Light and People”

Ms. Moret states, “Always research science in Nature should be carefully examined when large sums of funding are pumped for decades into global science projects such as HAARP, and knowing that the international financiers fund and control the direction of “large science” to benefit themselves. Research science is always used as an innocent blanket of wonder (auroras, gravity waves, noctilucent clouds, Antarctic winds) to cover the sinister applications and agendas that emerge later.”

Ms. Moret continues, “Like the HAARP satellite 'Demeter', the wondrous new Japanese HAARP research station in the Antarctic named “Pansy” for a lovely flower, reveals the real agenda in the name. Pansy is from the French word “penser” which means “to think, or thought”. But with Kyoto Univ. and Tokyo Univ. and their connections to globalist City of London bloodline networks being the main players in developmental plans, Pansy went operational just last May 2011, the hidden HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) agenda will soon emerge. Pansy is one of three Antarctic HAARP antenna arrays exactly 1000 miles apart and arranged in a triangle that could function as a global mind control program”

Integrated system: bankers, corporations, and science

Nikon corporate website – “Pansy” Antarctic HAARP

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, Ms. Moret deconstructs an article on the NIKON Website: “Development of Observation Technology: Reading the winds from the Antarctic, The Story of Light and People”

Ms. Moret notes the use of scientific propaganda to cover the true role of the HAARP and chemtrails (space-based and atmosphere-based) weapons system in creating the very Earthquakes it deplores. She notes the article states, “The pansy—a member of the violet family—was bred in Scandinavia in the 1800s through cross-fertilization between several species of violet with a view to creating large, vividly colored flowers… The name ‘pansy’ is said to be derived from the French word ‘pensée,’ which means 'thought'."

She states the article continues, “In the pursuit of science, man has long contemplated various phenomena. The Tohoku Earthquake of March 2011 appears to have significantly undermined confidence in some branches of science. The reality is, however, that Japan continues to lead the world in terms of scientific and technological capability.

“The PANSY project (Program of the Antarctic Syowa MST/IS Radar—hereafter "PANSY") has now commenced. This is a large-scale scientific project led by Japan to observe the Antarctic winds. Human beings will continue to contemplate and comprehend a new reality. Japan will continue to tread this path.” 

More science fraud to protect Tepco (Fukushima)

In her ExopoliticsTV interview, independent scientist Leuren Moret exposes the issue of science fraud on the service of corporations like Tepco that participated as a co-conspirator in the March 11, 2011 false flag tectonic nuclear radiation attack. Ms. Moret discusses the analysis in “Why Did They Fake the “9.0”?: What TEPCO and the Media are Hiding” By Takashi Hirose, September 21, 2011, COUNTERPUNCH

Ms. Moret notes the article states, “The seismologist and geologist Shimamura Hideki (former Director of the National Institute of Polar Research) said, ‘This never-before-heard-of figure of magnitude 9 is was produced by JMA’s arbitrary altering of the magnitude scale.’”

Ms. Moret continues, “In fact a number of different scales have been used to calculate magnitude. In Japan in the past the “JMA magnitude (Mj)”scale has been used. If we enter data of the Great Tohoku Earthquake into the Mj formula (omitted here as it is complicated), its magnitude would be 8.3 or 8.4 at most according to Shimamura. He continues, ‘It is because JMA recalculated the data using the ‘moment magnitude (Mw)’ scale, which has been used only by scientists, that the magnitude could be raised to 9.0.’”

She states, “The true magnitude of the 8.3 or 8.4 March 11, 2011 Fukushima earthquake was deceptively raised to 9.0 so that TEPCO, the Japanese nuclear power company, could state that it was a 9.0 once in a 1000 years earthquake and thus escape liability for not having ‘predicted’ the earthquake that this criminal network had actually created.”

Ms. Moret concludes, “It is quite incredible to realize that the powers behind TEPCO to protect assets and profits, are able to coopt the entire seismological community globally into this deception that the Tohoku earthquake was a M 9.0 and not a M 8.4 as originally reported by US news sources. But Western science, and now we know Japanese as well, is willing to commit science fraud to protect corporations.”

Read more information

Death blow to GMOs? California ballot initiative calls for mandatory labeling of all genetically engineered foods

Monday, October 03, 2011
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of (See all articles...)

(NaturalNews) In what is perhaps the most significant breaking news we've heard on the GMO front in a long time, an effort has just been announced in California that seeks to gather enough signatures to put an historical initiative on the ballot which would require the labeling of GMOs in foods.

I interviewed Ronnie Cummins from the Organic Consumers Association (, who is a key leader in advocating mandatory GMO labeling. His organization is playing a significant role in helping to get this initiative on the ballot in California.

This is the pathway to victory against GMOs! With this initiative on the ballot, we have a very achievable strategy to deal a death blow to GMOs and restore sanity and integrity to our seeds and food crops.

Listen to the full interview with Ronnie Cummins on SoundCloud:

Highlights from the announcement for mandatory GMO labeling

• This labeling initiative is effectively a "ban" on GMOs, because most consumers simply won't buy genetically engineered ingredients once they know they are present in conventional foods.

• GMOs are only continuing to be grown and sold today because consumers have been prevented from knowing about the GMO ingredients in their foods.

• 75% of all non-organic processed foods in grocery stores today contain genetically engineered ingredients.

• 90% - 95% of Americans want to know which foods contain GMOs.

• The GMO industry is already gearing up to fight this ballot initiative and plans to spread lies about GMOs such as "GMOs are necessary to feed the world" or "genetically engineered crops are perfectly safe!" (The quack scientists who push GMOs are no doubt gearing up to spread their lies and disinformation as part of the effort to confuse consumers and thereby protect their GMO profits.)

• This initiative, if approved, would force health food retailers like Whole Foods and Trader Joe's to reformulate their own products and inventory to remove GMOs. "There's gonna be panic in the boardrooms of Whole Foods and Trader Joe's," says Cummins.

• 700,000 signatures are needed in California to put this initiative on the ballot. This will require an army of volunteers with clipboards to gather the signatures. See below for how you can contribute to this effort.

• Go to and click on the "Millions Against Monsanto" campaign page to see where you can sign up to be a volunteer.

• Significant funding providers for this campaign include: Dr. Bronner's - $1 million, Nature's Path - $500k, - $500k, Organic Consumers Association - $250k and others.

02 October 2011

Mahatma Gandhi Rejected Zionism

by Professor A. K. Ramakrishnan

Gandhi's major statement on the Palestine and the Jewish question came forth in his widely circulated editorial in the Harijan of 11 November 1938, a time when intense struggle between the Palestinian Arabs and the immigrant Jews had been on the anvil in Palestine. His views came in the context of severe pressure on him, especially from the Zionist quarters, to issue a statement on the problem. Therefore, he started his piece by saying that his sympathies are all with the Jews, who as a people were subjected to inhuman treatment and persecution for a long time.

"But", Gandhi asserted, "My sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice. The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and in the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after their return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood?"

He thus questioned the very foundational logic of political Zionism. Gandhi rejected the idea of a Jewish State in the Promised Land by pointing out that the "Palestine of the Biblical conception is not a geographical tract." The Zionists, after embarking upon a policy of colonization of Palestine and after getting British recognition through the Balfour Declaration of 1917 for "the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jews," tried to elicit maximum international support. The Jewish leaders were keen to get an approval for Zionism from Gandhi as his international fame as the leader of a non-violent national struggle against imperialism would provide great impetus for the Jewish cause. But his position was one of total disapproval of the Zionist project both for political and religious reasons. He was against the attempts of the British mandatory Government in Palestine toeing the Zionist line of imposing itself on the Palestinians in the name of establishing a Jewish national home. 

Gandhi's Harijan editorial is an emphatic assertion of the rights of the Arabs in Palestine. The following oft-quoted lines exemplify his position: "Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs... Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home."

Gandhi's response to Zionism and the Palestine question contains different layers of meaning, ranging from an ethical position to political realism. What is interesting is that Gandhi, who firmly believed in the inseparability of religion and politics, had been consistently and vehemently rejecting the cultural and religious nationalism of the Zionists.

What follows then is that he was not for religion functioning as a political ideology; rather, he wanted religion to provide an ethical dimension to nation-State politics. Such a difference was vital as far as Gandhi was concerned. A uni-religious justification for claiming a nation-State, as in the case of Zionism, did not appeal to him in any substantial sense.

The history of Palestine in the first half of this century has been characterized by the contention between two kinds of nationalism: Zionism and Palestinian Arab nationalism-the former striving for creating a Jewish nation in Palestine by colonizing its land through massive Jewish immigration and the latter struggling for freedom of the inhabitants of the land of Palestine from colonial and imperialist control.

Gandhi, in his role as leader of the national struggle and the Indian National Congress (the organization embodying that struggle), had been actively engaged during the 1930s and 1940s in moulding the perception of the people of India to the nationalist and anti-imperialist struggles in the Arab world. The 1937 Calcutta meeting of the All India Congress Committee (AICC) "emphatically protested against the reign of terror as well as the partition proposals relating to Palestine" and expressed the solidarity of the Indian people with the Arab peoples' struggle for national freedom. The Delhi AICC of September 1938 said in its resolution that Britain should leave the Jews and the Arabs to amicably settle the issues between the two parties, and it urged the Jews "not to take shelter behind British Imperialism." Gandhi wanted the Jews in Palestine to seek the goodwill of the Arabs by discarding "the help of the British bayonet."

Gandhi and the Congress thus openly supported Palestinian Arab nationalism, and Gandhi was more emphatic in the rejection of Zionist nationalism. The major political driving force in such a position was the common legacy of anti-imperialist struggle of the Indians and the Palestinians. Gandhi's views on the Zionist doctrine and his firm commitment to the Palestinian cause starting from the 1930s obviously influenced the design of independent India's position on the Palestine issue.

Gandhi's prescription for the Jews in Germany and the Arabs in Palestine was non-violent resistance. With regard to the Jewish problem in Germany, Gandhi noted, "I am convinced that if someone with courage and vision can arise among them to lead them in non-violent action, the winter of their despair can, in the twinkling of an eye, be turned into the summer of hope." 

His views on Zionism and his prescription of non-violent action and self-sacrifice to the Jews in Germany generated reactions ranging from anger to despair. Famous Jewish pacifists, Martin Buber, Judah Magnes and Hayim Greenberg, who otherwise admired Gandhi, felt "highly offended by Gandhi's anti-Zionism" and criticized him for his lack of understanding of the spirit of Zionism. Martin Buber, in a long reply to Gandhi's Harijan editorial, remarked, "You are only concerned, Mahatma, with the "right of possession" on the one side; you do not consider the right to a piece of free land on the other side - for those who are hungering for it."

As mentioned earlier, Gandhi refused to view the Zionist "hunger" for land in Palestine as a right. Gandhi wrote on 7 January 1939 the following in response to an editorial in the Statesman, "I hold that non-violence is not merely a personal virtue. It is also a social virtue to be cultivated like the other virtues. Surely society is largely regulated by the expression of non-violence in its mutual dealing. What I ask for is an extension of it on a larger, national and international scale."

Also, it is significant to note that, as far as Gandhi was concerned, non-violent action was not pacifism or a defensive activity but a way of waging war. This war without violence also requires discipline, training and the assessment of the strength and weakness of the enemy.

According to Paul Power, four factors influenced Gandhi's position on Zionism:
"First, he was sensitive about the ideas of Muslim Indians who were anti-Zionists because of their sympathy for Middle Eastern Arabs opposed to the Jewish National Home; second, he objected to any Zionist methods inconsistent with his way of non-violence; third, he found Zionism contrary to his pluralistic nationalism, which excludes the establishment of any State based solely or mainly on one religion; and fourth, he apparently believed it imprudent to complicate his relations with the British, who held the mandate in Palestine."

Gandhi withstood almost all Zionist attempts at extracting a pro-Zionist stance from him. G.H. Jansen wrote about the failure of Zionist lobbying with Gandhi:
"His opposition [to Zionism] remained consistent over a period of nearly 20 years and remained firm despite skilful and varied applications to him of that combination of pressure and persuasion known as lobbying, of which the Zionists are past masters."

Apart from responses to Gandhi's anti-Zionism from Jewish pacifists such as Buber, Magnes and Greenberg, Jansen points out at least four separate instances of Zionist attempts to get a favourable statement from Gandhi. At first, Hermann Kallenbach, Gandhi's Jewish friend in South Africa, came to India in 1937 and stayed for weeks with Gandhi trying to convince him of the merits of the Zionist cause. Then, in the 1930s, as requested by Rabbi Stephen Wise, the American pacifist John Haynes Holmes, tried "to obtain from Gandhi a declaration favourable to Zionism". In March 1946, a British MP from the Labour Party, Sydney Silverman, an advocate of Indian independence in Britain, attempted to change Gandhi's mind. At the end of their heated conversation, Gandhi stated that "after all our talk, I am unable to revise the opinion I gave you in the beginning." The fourth Zionist attempt to change Gandhi's mind was by Louis Fischer, Gandhi's famous biographer, to whom Gandhi reported to have said that "the Jews have a good case."

Later, Gandhi clarified in one of his final pieces on Zionism and the Palestine question on 14 July 1946 that "I did say some such thing in the course of a conversation with Mr. Louis Fischer on the subject." He added, "I do believe that the Jews have been cruelly wronged by the world."

Gandhi went back to his initial position by categorically stating that "But in my opinion, they [the Jews] have erred grievously in seeking to impose themselves on Palestine with the aid of America and Britain and now with the aid of naked terrorism... Why should they depend on American money or British arms for forcing themselves on an unwelcome land? Why should they resort to terrorism to make good their forcible landing in Palestine?" 

There were an influential number of Jews who thought that force, only force, could ensure the establishment of a Jewish national home in Palestine. They adopted terrorism as the method to achieve their national goal. This policy of subjugation of the Palestinians by Zionist terror was totally rejected by Gandhi in no uncertain terms.

A few months before his assassination, Gandhi answered the question "What is the solution to the Palestine problem?" raised by Doon Campbell of Reuters:
"It has become a problem which seems almost insoluble. If I were a Jew, I would tell them: 'Do not be so silly as to resort to terrorism...' The Jews should meet the Arabs, make friends with them and not depend on British aid or American aid, save what descends from Jehovah."

01 October 2011

Human souls common to extraterrestrials and earthlings, researcher says

Seattle Exopolitics Examiner 
November 13, 2009

Exopolitics researcher Alfred Lambremont Webre will present an original hypothesis that integrates extraterrestrials and the human soul and is based on empirical data at the Science & Spirit conference in Barcelona, Spain. The Barcelona presentation will be in Spanish, and is entitled” “Extraterrestrials and the Soul”.

Based on extensive research findings in exopolitics, parapsychology, reincarnation studies, and hypnotic regression, Webre will postulate that an ecology of spiritual dimensions mirrors the parallel dimensions which science is now researching, and which include our known physical universe. A community of intelligent, evolving souls is apparently created in the spiritual dimensions. These souls in turn evolve and incarnate into various human or other forms on diverse planets in the known physical universe and other planets, for purposes of gaining moral lessons. This hypothesis is supported by replicated data from hypnotic regression of multiple subjects’ inter-life memories.

The typology of extraterrestrial civilizations

Webre’s presentation includes a new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations. In his presentation, Webre includes empirical evidence confirming the existence of the following typologies of extraterrestrial civilizations and extraterrestrial governance bodies:

A. Solar system civilizations: Planetary civilizations in our own solar system, such as the intelligent human civilization living under the surface of Mars that reportedly enjoys a strategic relationship with the United States government.

B. Deep space civilizations: Intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that are based on a planet, solar system, or space station in our galaxy or in some other location in this known physical universe. An example includes the 10 – 100 intelligent extraterrestrial civilizations that, according to a NATO report, have been visiting Earth for many centuries.

C. Hyper-dimensional civilizations: Intelligent civilizations that are based in dimensions or universes parallel to our own and that may use technologically advanced physical form and/or transport when entering our known universe.

D. Extraterrestrial governance authorities: Legally constituted extraterrestrial governance authorities with jurisdiction over a defined territory, such as the Milky Way Galactic Federation, which has been empirically located in replicable research.

Webre is author of EXOPOLITICS: POLITICS, GOVERNMENT AND LAW IN THE UNIVERSE, a book that helped launch the field of exopolitics, the science of relations between intelligent civilizations in the universe.

Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe

A dimensional ecology

Webre developed his hypothesis that we exist in a dimensional ecology that consists of an exopolitics dimension and a spiritual dimension after extensive review of research in extraterrestrial studies, afterlife studies, reincarnation studies, and the results of hypnotic regression to recover inter-life memories. The scientific data support the existence of an “exopolitics dimension,” which has been traditionally been called “the physical universe”, and which consists of parallel universes and dimensions including our own known universe.

This dimension is called the “exopolitics dimension” because souls from the spiritual dimension incarnate into the exopolitics dimension for experiences as physical beings on diverse planets, hence as diverse “extraterrestrials”.

In analyzing data from a large number of cases regarding hypnotic regression from inter-life memories, Webre extended the hypothesis that a community of human souls is developed in the spiritual domain to show that the community of human souls is reincarnating in complex patterns as extraterrestrials and earthlings. Hence human souls are common to extraterrestrials and earthlings.

What are the implications?

Webre shows that humanity is being misinformed about the reality of its soul, of life after death, and the mechanisms of reincarnation.

Religions are a great source of scientifically erroneous information about the afterlife, based on texts which are apocryphal, and are yet are held sacred and a matter of faith.

Academic science prohibits the teaching of the reality of life after death, even though it is supported by empirical evidence. The scientific establishment thus perpetuates an erroneous view of human reality.

Religious wars (such as Christianity vs. Islam) are a result of this imposed ignorance. Science can demonstrate the true nature of the soul and its life both in the spiritual and exopolitical dimensions.

Webre foresees a campaign to return science to the study and understanding of the soul, and to the supremacy of understanding over ignorance, where the sciences can demonstrate the true nature of the soul and its life in the spiritual and exopolitical dimensions.

“Extraterrestrials and the Soul” presentation available in English

The lecture presentation of “Extraterrestrials and the Soul” is also available in English for North America and other regions. Please contact or 1-604-733-8134 to bring this presentation to your area.

For more info:

Web Bot: Andrew Basiago is predicted “planetary level” whistleblower for Mars life and time travel

Two whistleblowers independently report teleporting to Mars and meeting Martian extraterrestrials

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The Universe - Edge of Space

Pine Gap, one of the most significant underground facilities on the planet



The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday

‘Mind the gap’ is a phrase delivered loudly and with a strange slow and deliberate delivery at many London underground stations, as in ‘mind the gap between the platform and the train, please’. But this week I have been close to another ‘gap’ that is rather more sinister. I mean sinister, as in global importance sinister. We should ‘mind’ this ‘gap’ even more.
I spent a night in Alice Springs in Australia's Northern Territories and a short drive from there is Pine Gap, one of the most significant underground facilities on the planet. It is located some twelve miles from the very centre of Australia and began operations in 1966. I was driven out to the base to get a ‘feel’ for the place. That is all you can really do, because you are told to turn back before you even see the entrance to the base. We drove on past the turn-back sign until we could see the main gate, but even that is well forward of the facility itself.
I say facility – there is very little on the surface. I had a great view from my aircraft when I flew back to Alice Springs and all you can see are a series of ‘domes’ or ‘balls’ known as ‘radomes’, and a few buildings here and there. Everything else is underground and this ‘everything else’ is massive. It is reckoned to go down at least 12 levels with long tunnels going out in all directions to who knows where. Work is obviously ongoing, too. A resident told me that enormous amounts of concrete are being delivered to the base at this time.
All of us in the car that got close enough to see the entrance had the same feeling of being drained of energy and experiencing headaches and I am sure we were either hit by some electromagnetic device or simply that an electromagnetic field is being beamed from the base into the near vicinity. Certainly for all of us to feel the same confirmed that one or the other is true.

Tired Of Being Raped By The Rothschilds Yet?

'Rothschild is a conspiracy against 6 billion people on this planet. The dynasty and allied merchant banking families cause endless misery in every nation around the world. They create evil because they always and only profit from evil. They fashioned the system whereby all of our money for buying and hiring and paying debt is bank loans in which Rothschild collects the interest on money it costs him nothing to supply. Therefore Rothschild has ended up owning the nation and all of us still deep in debt with no chance of climbing out by the current financial system rules.'

The FBI Again Thwarts its Own Terror Plot

'The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade -- much of it valid -- but nobody can deny its record of excellence in thwarting its own Terrorist plots. Time and again, the FBI concocts a Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out -- only to heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot manufactured by the FBI.'