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07 February 2012

Satanist Insider: Iran Attack "First Half of March"

"Iranian missiles can hit Israel and American bases in Saudi Arabia. Try to imagine the costs of oil, the global explosion of prices and the nuclear waste. This has been planned for about nine years now with NATO. This year the American dollar dies. America will take a little longer."

[Disclaimer: While we do cannot confirm this information or endorse this point of view, we present it for your evaluation. AJF gave the world this important revelation. As he says, Satanists "feed on fear" so perhaps he is just stoking the fires.]

by Aloysius J. Fozdyke

Blood consecrates. Massive bloodshed releases high-grade energies.

So does fear, but on a less intense level. We harness these energies. We create paradigms. We feed the Spirits and They get stronger. We are calling in The Usher of Desecration to make the way for Vindex.

This is the oldest battle - a spiritual battle for freedom and of honour, loyalty and revenge. 'We believe in Lucifer, the everlasting Light-bringer...And in the Self...which shares His potential [and] the supreme sanctity of the Will...We look forward to His reign and the pleasures which are to come!'

We work like history. We have a public and a private face. We give the masses what they want, to the degree they can tolerate.

Theirs is a simple herd mentality built upon conformity and debasement.

For them, limitation is security. We were forced to be shepherds. They demand what we provide, for we offer explanations and hold out hope. A perfect symbiosis. The more abuse and misuse the more familiar and therefore unaware sheeple grow to it. They are expendable extras: hardwired to suffer - but without awareness. Keep them diverted from their reality, help them find answers which suit Our agenda and they are tame.

Our initiates exist for themselves and the glory of Our Hidden God. Others are simply allies, obstacles or tools.

Very quickly they will know (if not understand) where they are in the food chain. The death cries of trash have been and will remain sacrifices to bring the strength, authority, order and joy that Our Father has promised through The Usher. Now is His time, and Ours.

As Europe, Britain, America, China and the world fall apart; as the resources rich Middle East and Africa are shattered, Europe looses it fuel and the international, cleansing apocalypse begins: We are ready and well pleased.

Iranian missiles can hit Israel and American bases in Saudi Arabia. Try to imagine the costs of oil, the global explosion of prices and the nuclear waste. This has been planned for about nine years now with NATO. This year the American dollar dies. America will take a little longer.

Truth be told, without the unfailing help of the sheeple, their pens and their slaughterhouses could not have been built. Your democracies are a sick joke.

Without your taxes, your Freemasons, your kiddies joining the police and military, evangelical churches, the flags and parades, media; whilst not forgetting C.I. Scofield - none of what is about to happen could have happened.

By sticking to the accepted plot ad absurdum we're convince the followers of Yeshua to support us. For them, the worse it gets the better it is. You guys and gals are going to be happy!

The word I have is the first half of March, but these things are obviously somewhat tentative and dependent on circumstances. Nonetheless, that's the time frame; give or take. Have no fear!

And I was never trying to convince anyone. I was just telling you.

TSA Help Wanted - hilarious satire animation about TSA perverts and the Bill of Rights

The latest activism video from Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, hilariously depicts "TSA perverts" watching naked body scanner porn, stealing expensive electronics from the luggage of air travelers, digging for crotch gold during "enhanced pat downs" and turning into total psychopathic criminals. See more activism videos by Mike Adams at:

04 February 2012

Pope Said Freemasonry is Satanism

Until Freemasons took over the Papacy,
many Catholic popes condemned the cult as a mortal threat.

In 1902, Leo XIII said the aim of Freemasonry is "to exercise an occult 
overlordship upon society; [its] sole raison d'etre
is to wage war against God and His church."
Modern history and the New World Order are the product of
Masonic propaganda and subterfuge. Obama. the Bushes, Clinton -- all Freemasons. Communism, Zionism - branches of Freemasonry.

Abridged from a traditional Catholic website
unambiguously called "Destroy Freemasonry"

Addressing the Church April 20, 1884, Pope Leo XIII published his magnificent Encyclical "Humanum Genus."

Taking up Saint Augustine's analogy of the two cities which, on earth, constitute the Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan, the Pontiff reviews the progress of Freemasonry and writes:

"It is now [public knowledge] that [Freemasons] undertake to ruin the Holy Church, so as to succeed, if it is possible, in the complete dispossession of Christian nations of all the gifts they owe to Our Savior Jesus Christ.

"As a result, in the space of a century and a half, the sect of the Freemasons has made incredible progress. Making use ... of audacity and cunning, Masonry has invaded all the ranks of social hierarchy, and in the modern States it has begun to seize a power which is almost equivalent to Sovereignty.

Leo XIII refers frequently to the hypocrisy which is the basis of "White Freemasonry" and mentions its revolutionary aims which turns it into "Red Masonry."

This Encyclical most strikingly reveals the triple Masonic character, namely:


1. Counter Morality

"It aims at the complete destruction of the foundations of justice and honesty. In this way Freemasons make themselves the auxiliaries of those who wish that, like an animal, man had no other rule of conduct than his own desires -- Such a scheme can only dishonor human kind and ignominiously cast him into perdition."

" Laying this down, they care little for duties to God, or pervert them by erroneous and vague opinions. For they deny that anything has been taught by God; they allow no dogma of religion or truth which cannot be understood by the human intelligence, nor any teacher who ought to be believed by reason of his authority."

2. Counter State

Pope Leo XIII foresaw that Freemasonry would soon form the Super State. [Whence] there was issued the Masonic dogma of separation of Church and State; thence, issued also the anti-religious laws which Brother Bethmont, [a Freemason explained as follows:]

"Violence against the Church leads nowhere, we shall use other means. We shall organize a persecution which shall be both clever and legal; we shall surround the Church with a network of laws, decrees and ordinances which will stifle it without shedding one drop of blood."

Who, may I ask, is making those closely woven nets of laws, decrees and ordinances? The State, of course, but it is a Masonic State, an irreligious State under the power of a Super State which at the present moment is the Ruler of the World.

It is with a feeling of fear that one brings to mind the death sentence pronounced against humanity in the "Protocols of the Elders of Zion."

"When we introduced into the State organism the poison of Liberalism its whole political complexion underwent a change. States have been seized with a mortal illness -- blood poisoning. All that remains is to await the end of their death agony."

That Super State is called Judeo-Masonry.

3. Counter Church

Lastly, Leo XIII concludes by unmasking the Satanism of Judeo-Masonry:

"The facts which we have reviewed throw sufficient light upon inner constitution of Freemasons and show clearly the road they are following in order to reach their goal. Their chief dogmas are so completely and manifestly opposed to sane reason that it is difficult to imagine deeper perversion. In reality is it not the peak of madness and of the most audacious impiety to be so presumptuous as to want to destroy the religion and the Church created by God Himself: and assured of His perpetual protection; and after 18 centuries to want to replace it with the customs and institutions of pagans?"

"Still no less horrible nor easy to bear to witness the repudiation of those gifts which, in His mercy, Jesus Christ bestowed first on individuals, then to human beings grouped both in families and in nations. Even the enemies of Christianity acknowledge the supreme value of those gifts.

"There is no denying that in this foolish and criminal plan it is easy to understand the implacable hatred and passion for revenge which animate Satan toward Jesus Christ. We refuse to follow the dictates of such iniquitous masters that bear the names of Satan and of all evil passions."
Complete Text of Genus Humanum

Other Popes and Masons on Freemasonry

Correction: victory against GMOs and Monsanto not achieved in UK

by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

(NaturalNews) Editor's note: We regret to inform our readers that this story is based on a Daily Mail article that we have now been informed is from 2003, not 2012. In their own search engine, Daily Mail mistakenly listed their own story as being published on February 3, 2012. We have a screen capture of this search to prove this, taken from the Daily Mail's website search engine:

A second source,, had also reported Monsanto's withdrawal from the UK. In a story dated February 3, 2012 that was sourced from UPI (United Press International), reported: (

Monsanto Co. said it's leaving Britain due to opposition to genetically modified foods. Officials at Monsanto -- a multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation and leading producer of genetically engineered seed -- said the company is closing its wheat growing operation, based in Cambridge, which employed 125 people, and selling off crop-breeding centers in France, Germany and the Czech Republic, the Daily Mail reported. may have updated their story, so here's a screen capture of their original report, as proof that this was there:

For our own story, we had relied on the Daily Mail's posted date on the story, which turns out to be incorrect. Daily Mail has since corrected this publish date, so it now shows the year 2003. This, in turn, has caused us to publish this correction. We regret the confusion. Even more, we regret that the good news we originally reported turns out to be old news rather than today's good news. At times like this, we all need some good news, but it seems our optimism in this case was misplaced...

Monsanto even went to the trouble to contact us and inform us that they have not retreated from the UK at all, and in fact, their business across Europe is surging. Sadly, Monsanto has not been defeated in the UK as we had hoped, and the threat of Monsanto's presence in Europe remains ever present. They are quite proud of it, in fact. In a phone call with NaturalNews, they went into great detail about all their "success" across Europe, describing all the GMO fields they have planted in numerous countries there.

More than ever, it is now crucial to join in the grassroots resistance against Monsanto and its seed domination agenda, across Europe, North America, India and everywhere around the world.

Here's the news that happened in 2003:

A massive victory against Monsanto and genetically engineered seeds has been achieved in the United Kingdom today. Monsanto has announced a total withdrawal from the UK, shuttering its Cambridge-based wheat production operation. UK newspaper Daily Mail was instrumental in promoting opposition against Monsanto through its "Frankenstein Foods" educational campaign (

And now, here's what we must do in 2012 to stop Monsanto:

We must stop Monsanto here in the USA!
We know that GMOs are death for agriculture, death for bird populations, death for honey bee pollinators, and death for the soils. We know that Monsanto is the most evil corporation on the planet (, willing to destroy the future of life on our planet in exchange for a quarterly profit.

We also know that the public is joining the fight against GMOs. A massive effort is already underway to mandate the labeling of GMOs on foods sold in California ( A similar effort has begun in Washington state. Many other states are considering similar legislation.

The FDA and USDA, meanwhile, have proven they are total sellouts, corrupted by powerful corporations, worshipping the technology of death, and serving as outright betrayers of the American people. Death merchants like Bill Gates -- the depopulation agenda pusher -- continue to try to pimp GMOs by calling them "high-tech agriculture." They buy media influence with their billions of dollars (, and they corrupt members of Congress with campaign money. They are literally trying to destroy modern agriculture in North America as a way to control every seed, every patent, and every grain of food that appears on a dinner plate in America... it is an agenda of total domination.

And yet... we can stop them. We the People have the power to end agricultural imperialism in North America and around the world. We have an opportunity to stop the death merchants, expose the deceptions, mandate honest labeling of our foods and send Monsanto, DuPont and other GMO companies packing.

What's required to accomplish this? Keep reading, where we wage a 24/7 battle against the chemical poisoners and death merchants of our world -- those who push vaccines, chemotherapy, GMOs, food additives, pesticides and psychiatric drugs. We fight to protect life and protect the future of life on our planet by exposing the poisoners and demanding justice for the People.

Real justice means not having our food poisoned. Not having our crop fields invaded by foreign DNA engineered by Monsanto. Not being forced to inject our children with dangerous vaccines. Not having our raw milk stolen and destroyed by FDA agents. Not having our bodies contaminated with mercury, aluminum and cancer-causing chemicals.

We fight for the restoration of food freedom, medical freedom, health freedom and economic freedom. We seek to protect the rights, freedoms and powers of the individual, and we stand firm against the tyranny of bad government and corrupt corporations. The future belongs to We the People -- but only if we have the courage to grasp it and tear it away from the clutches of the evil, twisted corporations who are desperately trying to dominate our world and control everything they can.

Join the fight to outlaw GMOs in North America!
Action items:

• Read and share our stories, link to our website, tweet our breaking news.

• Support

• Read

• Check out

• Sign the petition at

• Search for "GMOs" among the 10,000+ videos at www.NaturalNews.TV

• Share the "Just Say NO to GMOs" song by the Health Ranger:

• Avoid buying non-organic corn, soy, canola and cotton products, as they are almost universally contaminated with GMOs.

• Join the upcoming massive GMO protest in Hawaii!

• Vote with your dollars by purchasing food items that are verified as containing no GMOs!

03 February 2012

Message from Matthew February 1, 2012…”Balance is a prerequisite for evolving into higher densities”

 "Illuminati control of military factions that could cause serious harm to you and landing crews has not yet been completely subdued. And, the majority of your civilization still is not ready to handle dramatic changes in fell swoops any more easily than they could eagerly greet a mass of extraterrestrials who suddenly appeared around the world. Yet time is running short, so highly evolved souls in the universe are working in conjunction with your enlightened leaders to systematically reduce resistance areas and monitor the collective psyche so that changes can be safely initiated with minimal shock to those who have no idea that your world is being transformed with the aid of many other civilizations."
Effects of negative thoughts; dispelling fear; evidence of light's progress; reasons for delay in initiating major reforms; cause of global "hum"; chakras; new monetary system; science vs universal reality; sex in fifth density; gods and goddesses

1. With loving greetings from all souls at this station, this is Matthew. While many lightworkers are confidently awaiting the transitional steps toward Earth’s Golden Age to reach fruition, others are marking time, so to say, until irrefutable evidence justifies full trust in light beings’ reports. And because the vast majority of your populace has no idea whatsoever that this year will end at the doorstep of a glorious new era of peace, cooperation and life in harmony with Nature, there is apprehension anew with every instance of saber rattling, austere economic analysis, new law or policy that erodes freedoms.

2. At the beginning of Earth’s ascension 70-some years ago, negativity was rampant in the collective consciousness. As individuals started responding to the light beamed to the planet from powerful far distant civilizations, the collective consciousness started swerving into positivity, and over a decade past in your timing, the light reached the sustained amount that assured the planet’s course toward fourth density without deviation or delay. Since then the light intensity has continued increasing as more and more individuals opened their hearts and minds and correspondingly raised the collective consciousness. Negativity lost its foothold and positivity became overwhelmingly dominant.

3. Even so, there is no automatic immunity to negative thinking—and fear is the basis of it all!—and when those thoughts are the focus of one’s energy, they are as potent as ever in manifesting adverse personal situations. A reader who wrote that fear cannot be consciously controlled made the comparison, “It is like saying don’t let your blood flow.” We say, let us turn that into, “Let positive thoughts flow as naturally as your blood.”

4. Thoughts precede emotions, an infinitesimal lapse that isn’t recognized because the thought about a situation and the reaction to it seem to be simultaneous. When you perceive a situation as fearful, instantly that thought provokes the natural reaction—fearful feelings. As the thought veers into preoccupation with the situation’s possible developments, the fear feelings that follow gather force.

5. The universal law of attraction, which cannot differentiate what you want—something of positive nature—from what you don’t want—a negative something—is in perpetual operation to provide whatever you focus your energy on. When that focus is on the fearful aspect of a situation—say lack of money, which is the focus of many—the universe can only provide situations to continue that lack because it has no reasoning ability to understand that what you want is enough money, not lack of it. You have the power to change your thoughts! Thinking I have money for everything I need and feeling grateful will start the universal flow that will provide it.

6. Fear also arises about situations you don’t have any control over, such as the long-term effects on bodies of nuclear radiation, chemtrails, vaccines and depleted uranium. That is why we have stated in previous messages that concerns about those are unnecessary because their harmful effects, which exist only at low vibratory levels, will be eradicated along with everything else of low vibrations that cannot co-exist with fourth density’s high vibrations. All persons who accompany Earth into fourth density will be healed of the effects of those toxins and whatever other diseases and infirmities they may have.

7. Also we have addressed situations or conditions as diverse as seeds that produce only one crop, pollution of all kinds, genetically altered foods, destructive technology, freedom-restricting regulations, corporate corruption, detention camps and other things based in dark intent—none of those will be a part of life in fourth density. Nothing derived from darkness can exist in that density’s high vibrations!

8. Further efforts to dispel fear include our many assurances that there will be no nuclear war, no terrorism like 9/11, no pandemics, no celestial bodies colliding with Earth or any other dire predictions such as cataclysmic changes in lands and seas that will make the planet uninhabitable.

9. And most important, we have stated repeatedly that balance is a prerequisite for evolving into higher densities and fear is a serious deterrent to achieving balance.

10. In our love for all souls on Earth—and for Gaia herself, the soul that took on that planetary body and loves all her residents—we are permitted to offer encouraging information and guidance, but interfering in any way with individuals’ free will to think and feel whatever they choose, we cannot—nor would we want to. We can, however, urge everyone not to go into fear about any situation at hand or forecast. Not only does fear have the power to delay soul evolvement and create adverse personal circumstances, it is a painful feeling. How much more valuable, sensible and joyful it is to live fearlessly!

11. We wish that relating all of that were superfluous because no one will be touched by fear about the multitude of revelations forthcoming. That would be idealistic, not realistic. Even lightworkers who are anticipating the advent of the Golden Age occasionally lapse into fear about this or that; the large contingent of fence straddlers are prone to fearful thoughts as well as skepticism; and fear is the most likely reaction—from our vantage point, it appears the certain reaction in many cases—of the great numbers of people who are stuck in third density thinking.

12. Simply by staying steadfast in the light, you keep fear at bay and by so doing, you radiate confidence, excitement and trust to all around you. Your energy alone can calm others’ anxieties about what is transpiring and where it is leading, and to the extent individuals are receptive, offer your knowledge about the fast-approaching world of peace, love and unity of spirit.

13. This is good place to reply to How can we know if we’re moving forward with Earth? You know intuitively. However, if self-doubt is precluding that innate knowledge from reaching consciousness, do an honest self-assessment. Attitudes and behavior such as jealousy, greed, dishonesty, arrogance, resentment, bitterness, anger, apathy and selfishness emit the low vibrations that keep one rooted in third density. If you recognize a tendency toward any of those in yourselves, turn your feelings and actions into the high vibrations of generosity, helpfulness, forgiveness, humility, truth, sincerity, patience, compassion and gratitude. That may sound more complex than it really is, so we shall tell you that when the question about moving forward with Earth was asked of God, He replied, “It is as simple as BE KIND.”

14. Going within for answers and heeding them—following your intuition—is advancement in soul evolvement, and so is separating the wheat from the chaff in your priorities. Ascension preparation includes divesting yourselves of third density’s pettiness, trivial interests and superficialities and adhering to the spiritual values in keeping with life in fourth density.

15. There is another aspect to moving forward with Earth—not all souls chose to do this physically. Many who complete third density experiencing want to leave the planet prior to its entry into the Golden Age so they can observe this momentous happening from Nirvana’s “full screen,” you could say.

16. To return to “irrefutable evidence” of the light’s progress, it is all around you but may not be recognized as such because it is perceived as darkness holding its ground. For instance, the continuation of fighting in Syria and other countries is the ever-increasing light in the citizens that overcame former fear of opposing their oppressive leaders. Vitriolic conflicts within governments is the growing numbers of light-receptive members who want to serve the citizenry’s interests and the self-serving members who are in the pockets of wealthy special interest groups. Economic stability has not been achieved because the old corrupt systems are being dismantled in their entirety so new systems based in integrity and fairness for all can be implemented with minimum disruption. Troop withdrawals are not a weakening of countries’ defenses, thereby inviting invasion by other armed nations; these are steps forward in changing the international mentality from war to peace. Although Earth will be releasing remaining pockets of negativity through earthquakes, eruptions and storms, those events will be lessening in severity, frequency and destructiveness because the Illuminati’s technological capability to generate them has been reduced by approximately half.

17. Those positive perspectives of world affairs are obscured by the highly publicized bombastic activities on political and economic stages around your world as third density’s duality plays itself out. And negativity does still burn strongly in some individuals. Those who are motivated by financial and territorial profits want to provoke a war; but far from any successful new conquests, fighting will be winding down in one place after another. The grossly lopsided “have” and “have not” economy prevailing in much of your world also will be changing incrementally, and you will be seeing the tyrannical rulers, unjust justice systems and unfair taxation coming to an end.

18. We understand that you would like to know exactly when you will see specific accomplishments: When the world will be free of oppression and violence. When the global economy will be stabilized and the Federal Reserve and other thievery of global proportions eliminated. When the truth about 9/11 will come out. When food, housing, healthcare and education are available to all. And perhaps especially, when our universal family will come.

19. Beloved souls, if those answers were known, it would be our great joy to tell you. What we can tell you is, everyone’s safety is the paramount consideration of ongoing discussions about the most propitious timing and most effective ways to introduce profound truths and monumental reforms. Due to the Illuminati’s tenacity in battling the light forces, during the past several years numerous adjustments in the master plan have been made in keeping with the objectives to eliminate armed resistance and prepare the populace psychically to the greatest extent possible.

20. Illuminati control of military factions that could cause serious harm to you and landing crews has not yet been completely subdued. And, the majority of your civilization still is not ready to handle dramatic changes in fell swoops any more easily than they could eagerly greet a mass of extraterrestrials who suddenly appeared around the world. Yet time is running short, so highly evolved souls in the universe are working in conjunction with your enlightened leaders to systematically reduce resistance areas and monitor the collective psyche so that changes can be safely initiated with minimal shock to those who have no idea that your world is being transformed with the aid of many other civilizations.

21. The clash between increasingly high vibrations along Earth’s ascension route and the low vibrations emitted by the Illuminati’s misuse of technology is causing similar upheaval in bodies’ electrical systems. Even as the bodies of all who are light receptive are being upgraded at cellular level, many are experiencing episodes of fatigue, physical discomfort, and varying degrees of downheartedness and short-term memory loss. These effects are temporary and can be alleviated somewhat by sufficient sleep, drinking a great deal of pure water, eating less and choosing lighter foods, and mild exercise.

22. That interaction of low and high vibrations also is contributing to what many are experiencing as a “hum.” Of your five primary senses, hearing is the most often and most seriously assaulted. Frequent exposure to noise from sources such as machinery, combat, construction, detonations, mining, roaring crowds, and raucous music damages the delicate mechanisms for hearing and identifying sounds. Although “ringing in the ears” that some individuals experience very likely is the malady tinnitus, the hum is global in scope and will disappear as bodies’ cellular makeup becomes more crystalline and the emission of low vibrations decreases.

23. Another of your questions is pertinent here: When cells change from carbon to crystal, will that change chakras? Oh, indeed! When DNA was altered in antiquity, chakras took a beating and their restoration is part of the cellular changes. While you may think of mind, bones, organs and so forth as separate because of their different functions, every single cell constantly is interacting with all other cells, and a change in any one, whether beneficial or deleterious, affects the entire system. Thus, as cells are changing from carbon to crystal in light-receptive individuals, the chakras are being upgraded in sensitivity and quantity.

24. Usually those who recognize the existence of chakras think of them as seven in number. Other areas will open as spiritual evolvement continues, and the bodies of highly evolved souls are like light magnets, they have so many points of entry. By contrast, chakras in individuals long inclined toward dark ways may close entirely as the conscience atrophies from lack of use.

25. A frequently questioned topic can be summed up as one reader wrote: “What will happen to my money under a new system?” Honestly earned income in bank accounts and various investments will not be adversely affected when the global monetary system based on precious metals is implemented. However, even with widely publicized explanations preceding the changeover, probably a brief period of confusion will ensue until all commercial activity is operating smoothly within the new system.

26. The only people who will be affected severely are those in the top ranks of the Illuminati, who have amassed unimaginably vast fortunes by illegal, immoral or tyrannical means. Their holdings—dollar amounts in your “multi-quadrillions”—include banks and other lending institutions; caches of gold, silver, platinum and gems; multinational corporations; land and natural resources; their industry of “illegal” drugs; and art treasures, primarily in the bowels of the Vatican. It is funds from those profit-generating holdings and the gold they have garnered and hoarded that will be brought back into circulation and distributed to eliminate impoverishment worldwide. The drugs will be destroyed and the trove of art treasures, which has been stolen or otherwise unethically accumulated, will be put into national museums and galleries.

27. Now we move on to questions that are not looming large in the collective consciousness, but our responses may spark your interest.

28. Your scientists can’t accurately account for the shifting of Earth’s axis because they don’t know it is a natural result of her orbiting pattern that has been strengthened during the past seven decades or so by massive infusion of light from distant sources. Because they don’t know that the planet is on an ascension course, they are puzzled by what they are observing—natural occurrences they think are anomalous and “new” astral bodies appearing within or beyond your solar system. They don’t know that their calculations in light years are useless because what they consider “distance” actually is varying planes of energy. With such great differences between their knowledge and the universal reality, many within your scientific community will find it very challenging to accept the truths that will be revealed.

29. Yes, using a gun or other type of weapon as a lifesaving measure for self or another “is acceptable.” Wounding or killing in such situations may be a provision of the soul contracts that completes third density experiencing and achieves balancing for all involved.

30. What is sex like in 5th density? The answer depends on whether the lifetime is in a physical civilization or a spiritual realm, and even when those two residences are further defined, there is no uniform description. Some physical civilizations have advanced to fifth density intellectually but they haven’t a shred of spirituality, and their sexual practices are as brutal as the peoples’ nature. Some civilizations that are spiritually advanced to fifth density or beyond choose bodies of lower density mass so they can experience the closeness of sexual relations and birth instead of employing other means of reproduction such as cloning or intently focused thought. Residents of all spirit realms regardless of density have no reproductive organs, so sex as you know it doesn’t exist. What you can anticipate when Earth reaches her destination in fifth density is, all sexual unions will be blissful with mutually sublime sensations for the partners. But we are happy to assure you, the joy of lovemaking in fourth density is not to be sneezed at!

31. If astrologers’ expertise is combined with visionary and spiritual clarity, they can prepare charts with accuracy based on Earth’s changing positions along her ascension course.

32. In our knowing of God, we can tell you it is fine with Him to be called God/Goddess or He/She—or any other name used in spiritual or religious reference. However, ascribing both god and goddess selves to the ruler of this universe isn’t accurate because He is a god, not a goddess. All of the gods and goddesses Creator selected to reign over their respective universes are at the zenith of balanced masculine and feminine energies—androgyny—so their essence encompasses both god and goddess attributes.

33. As a part of God, by whatever name you call the supreme being of this universe, each of you is a god or goddess according to the gender you chose for this lifetime. More important by far than your physical form is the makeup of your soul, which is light, the same energy as love, and the most powerful force in the cosmos. Knowing this lets you understand the truth of what we often have told you: You are powerful beings with unlimited potential!

34. With the unconditional love of light beings throughout this universe, who are cheering you on as you near the “goal line,” we bid you farewell for this moment.


Suzanne Ward

Obama: Not Cool, Just Cold-Blooded

“When the U.S. president arrogates to himself the right to bomb and kill at will, he makes himself an outlaw.”

By Glen Ford

February 02, 2012 "BAR" - - President Obama thinks killing people around the globe with drones is as cool as singing Al Green at the Apollo. In a live Web interview, Obama assured his audience that the U.S. unmanned drone force – now thought to number in the thousands and ranging from deadly Predators and Reapers to aircraft the size of small birds – was “kept on a very tight leash.” So, here we have a secret weapons program that violates other countries’ airspace and kills their citizens at will – and even kills American citizens without charge or trial – and Obama thinks that all he is obligated to do is give assurances that the weapons are on a “tight leash.”

The issue is not whether the American commander-in-chief has made sure that the drones are under his control, but that the United States is waging a terroristic war against at least four nations – Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen and Somalia, and possibly more – with not the slightest justification under international law.

The people of Iraq, who know a great deal about the effects of drones, are trying to figure out what their sovereignty and independence actually means when the U.S. State Department can fly drones above their cities as a safeguard to U.S. diplomatic installations. The question raised by Iraqis is not, Does Obama have those drones under tight controls, but Why is a foreign power, whose military was supposed to have left Iraq, flying aircraft in their skies? A New York Times article on Monday reported that the Iraqis’ were angry. But Obama dismissed their complaints as much ado about nothing; the article, he said was “a little bit overwritten.” I suppose Obama thinks he’s being cool, like breaking briefly into song at a Harlem fundraiser. But there is nothing cool about violating the territorial integrity of other countries – including nations like Iraq that Obama constantly describes as a U.S. ally.

“Obama apparently thought it was cool to stick a knife up Col. Gaddafi’s butt.”

Obama was too cool to let the U.S. Congress sweat him over the six-month aerial war waged by the United States and its NATO allies against the sovereign nation of Libya, at the conclusion of which Libya’s leader was murdered by U.S.-supported thugs. Obama apparently thought it was cool to stick a knife up Col. Gaddafi’s butt. The First Black President’s drones are busy over Somalia, whose government the U.S. and its African puppet allies overthrew in 2006, precipitating a humanitarian catastrophe that has only worsened as the U.S. war continues. All of Yemen is a killing zone for U.S. drones.

When the U.S. president arrogates to himself the right to bomb and kill at will, with no respect for national boundaries and sovereign rights, he makes himself an outlaw. So, I guess Obama is cool like Jesse James.

With his huge expansion of the drone terror wars and passage of preventive detention, Barack Obama has surpassed George Bush in lawlessness. But most Americans, especially African Americans, cannot imagine that Obama represents a danger to them. If George Bush had had thousands of drones that could fly up the hallway of an apartment building, ring the bell and assassinate whoever answered the door, Black folks would have been terrified. But, they're not scared of Obama, because oh so cool.

For Black Agenda Radio, I’m Glen Ford. On the web, go to

02 February 2012

Fukushima - What Really Happened

by James Farganne

Recently, I posted a short overview of Jim Stone's Fukushima report, which concluded that the 9.0-magnitude quake was a lie concocted to conceal the real cause of the tsunami: a seabed nuke.

Stone's report proves definitively that the official story of 3/11, like that of 9/11, is a poorly woven fabric of lies and inconsistencies.

Drone photos show that the containment walls of Reactors 1, 3, and 4 were obliterated. Concrete walls 4 - 8 feet thick were blown to dust, leaving only skeletal rebar. Hydrogen, at such low pressure, could never have wrought such massive destruction. It would defy laws of physics, as well as historical precedent.

The destruction of Reactor 4's containment walls was a clear case of sabotage. It had no fuel in it, so it was not operating. Yet it blew sky high. Reactor 3 vanished completely, core and all, after exploding into a mushroom cloud.

Claims by Arnie Gundersen that the explosions resulted from "prompt criticality" don't wash. Reactor core meltdowns do not produce mushroom clouds. Nuclear weapons do that. Moreover, Gundersen, "expert" mouthpiece for the MSM and alternative media outlets, has been outed by real professionals in his field as a fraud.

The foregoing facts are clear enough to the untrained eye. More subtle are signs of sabotage within the power plants' control systems. Seeing these takes more brainpower. You need to visualize the unfamiliar. You have to find out what switch gear is. There's a dry official report to hump through, diagrams at which to squint. You have to scroll toward the bottom of Stone's report for this section. It has no proper title. Just keep your eyes peeled for the first sentence:

"Fukushima was impossible."

This section was the kernel of Stone's investigation. It is a crystalline lattice of logic and evidence that obliterates the official story of the reactors' destruction as completely as the reactors were themselves destroyed.


According to officialdom, the reactors exploded because the cores overheated. The emergency cooling systems failed because the backup generators were flooded by the tsunami.

All of this is bogus. First, a careful reading of an official report from the World Nuclear Association reveals that the tsunami did not flood the generators. There was another cause for their malfunction.

Second, three of the nine cooling systems needed no electricity. They used steam power from the reactor cores. They were the real emergency systems. Swamped generators would therefore have been irrelevant.

Third, these three passive systems kicked in at Reactors 1 and 3. Then the valves that fed them steam were shut. This required a command. It was a deliberate act.

Who, or what, shut those valves?

The most likely answer points to Dimona, Israel's "nuclear research" center.


Israeli security firm Magna BSP landed a security contract at Fukushima Daiichi shortly after Japan offered to enrich uranium for Iran. Soon after Magna BSP arrived, cybersecurity giant Symantec reported that the Stuxnet virus had infiltrated thousands of computers in Japan.

This is significant because Stuxnet is an Israeli invention. Magna BSP, an Israeli firm, had no previous history outside of contracts with Dimona, where the Stuxnet virus was born.

Stuxnet works by disrupting industrial hydraulics, the pipes and valves that drove Fukushima's cooling systems. Stuxnet runs amok while sending normal readings to the engineers at their control stations. Israel is documented to have used this virus to damage centrifuges at a nuclear facility in Iran.

The cooling systems at Fukushima were controlled by Siemens software, which the Stuxnet virus was designed specifically to attack.

Stuxnet can be administrated via the kind of data link that Magna BSP installed before scramming back to Israel just prior to the disaster.

As a hypothesis, Stuxnet explains why the generators failed. It explains how the valves in the passive cooling systems got shut. It explains why engineers are still getting containment pressure readings from Reactor 3, even though the containment is no longer there, and it explains a lot of other things as well.

If you want to debunk the Stuxnet hypothesis, you're going to have your work cut out for you. If Stuxnet was a duck, then everything about what happened at Fukushima would be quacking like one.


On 3/11/11, Reactors 1, 2, 3, and 4 were utterly destroyed, with 1, 3, and 4 suspiciously exploding.

Though Stone only got direct evidence of a nuke planted at Reactor 3, which produced the mushroom cloud, it is rational to believe Reactors 1 and 4 also had them, with 4 exploding even though it had no fuel core installed at the time.

The lesser magnitude of the explosions at Reactors 1 and 4 can be attributed to the fact that gun-type nukes are not consistent in their yield. Reactor 3's detonation might also have gotten a boost from the pressure released in a reactor pressure vessel breach -- a sensible conclusion in that the reactor is completely gone. Stuxnet appears to have affected all of the reactors' control systems, crippling generators and shutting valves. Problems at Reactor 2 appear to be Stuxnet-related only. All four were fatalities.

But of course, don't take my word for it. Go and study the report for yourself.
Our First Article on Stone's Report prompted this Hit Piece in the MSM,

01 February 2012

World War One - Holocaust of "Heroes"

In the perspective of history, anyone who takes seriously his country's call to war is a dupe. The enemy is within.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Like millions of others, my wife and I have been enjoying the PBS Masterpiece series, "Downton Abbey."

Set in an English Manor House during World War One, the costume drama depicts the prevalent attitude to the war: that a man's virility and honor are measured by his willingness to sacrifice his life for his country.

There is no questioning the necessity of this war, or any suspicion that it is a sinister ruse.

In fact, the only character who is cynical about the war is the villain, Thomas, who engineers a minor injury to escape service.

We see the young heir to the Estate, Matthew Crawley paralyzed from the waist down. This is what happens when you run into a hail of machine gun fire and mortar shells. He seems surprised by the consequences of his "heroism." He will never be able to walk, or to procreate.

This is what the Illuminati (Masonic) bankers wanted, to destroy Europe's best.

The Masonic bankers were only a few hundred, and many were getting old. They were better at making deals, having gay sex and performing child sacrifices. They were not capable, all by themselves, of slaughtering millions of strong, young men.

So they patiently concocted a world war. This had the advantage of being highly profitable. They owned the companies that made the machine guns and munitions that maimed and killed the young men.

Their overall goal was to bring down Christian civilization. The German, Austrian and Russian monarchies were all destroyed.

Out with the old order would emerge the (satanic) New World Order! ( This is the real meaning of "revolution" and "progressive.")

"The lamps are going out all over Europe, we shall not see them lit again in our lifetime," said the British Foreign Secretary Edward Grey, a Freemason who played a major role in engineering this catastrophe.

He got the leaders of France and Russia to sign a secret treaty that stated that if Germany or Austria-Hungary attacked, they would join England to defeat them. Sir Edward concealed the existence of the treaty, and lied to Parliament when asked about it.

But another goal was to kill the cream of the new generation of white Christian males. They succeeded in this: 10 million men were killed and 21 million maimed on both sides.

Sixty thousand Allies died in one day at the Battle of the Somme in 1916. The Commander of the British Army was the Freemason Douglas Haig. The Commander of the US Expeditionary Force in 1917 was the Freemason John Perishing. Old satanists sent young men to die.

This needless war was concocted by Illuminati (Cabalist) Jewish bankers and Freemasons.

On the British side were Lord Robert Cecil, a wealthy banker; Lord Herbert H. Asquith, British Prime Minister from 1908-1916; Viscount Haldane, Secretary of State for War; Lord Nathan Rothschild; and Lord Alfred Milner, the second most powerful man in the British government after 1916.

A French observer wrote, "for some time a group of financiers whose families for the most part are of German Jewish origin...exerts a dominant influence over [Prime Minister] Lloyd George. The Monds, the Sassoons, Rufus Isaacs, representatives of the International Banking interests, dominate England, own its newspapers and control its election."

Conditions in England were similar. "...since the beginning of Kaiser Wilhem II's reign, the Illuminati Jews had been the real rulers of the German empire. For the last fifteen years, those in i9mmediate personal contact with the Kaiser were the Hebrew financiers., Hebrew manufacturers and Hebrew merchants such as Emile and Walter Rathenau, Ballin, Schwabach, James Simon, Friedlander-Fuld, Goldberger etc. (The Red Thread, p.153)

All that remained was to light the fuse. The First World War began August 14, 1914, after the assassination of the Austrian heir Archduke Franz Ferdinand on June 28 by the Jewish Mason Gavrilo Princep.

Kaiser Wilhelm believed the Masons were responsible for the Great War. He wrote:

"I have been informed that an important role was played in the preparation of the World War directed against the monarchical Central Powers by the policy of the international 'Great Orient Lodge'; a policy extending over many years and always envisaging the goal at which it aimed..."

"In 1917 an inter- national meeting of the lodges of the 'Great Orient' was held, after which there was a subsequent conference in Switzerland; at this the following program was adopted: Dismemberment of Austria-Hungary, democratization of Germany, elimination of the House of Hapsburg, abdication of the German Emperor, ... elimination of the Pope and the Catholic Church, elimination of every state Church in Europe."

Thus Max Nordau, co-founder of the World Zionist (i.e. Masonic) Organization was able to predict WWI in 1903: "Let me tell you the following words as if I were showing you the rungs of a ladder leading upward and upward: Herzl, the Zionist Congress, the English Uganda proposition, the future world war, the peace conference - where with the help of England a free and Jewish Palestine will be created."

Thus with Freemasons controlling both sides, it was easy to manipulate the Kaiser into attacking Belgium. The "mediator" was Albert Bellin, a prominent Illuminati Jewish businessman and friend of the Kaiser. Together with the English, he managed to mislead the Kaiser as to England's intentions.

To quote Andrei Krylienko (The Red Thread): "An ambiguous statement by the British on the side of France and Russia, could still, as the French ambassador to Germany reported, have led Germany to decide against aggression...In short, war was not decided upon by Wilhelm II...but by the occult whose intrigues [it] was made to seem ineluctable." (155)

Wilhelm quickly recognized that he had fallen into a carefully laid trap.

In A Child of the Century, Ben Hecht wrote, "the Twentieth Century was cut off at its knees by World War One."

The same can be said of mankind which has a cancer, Cabalism, gnawing at its vitals. We are at the mercy of a multi-generational satanic conspiracy which is nearing consummation.

Related - Bankers Extended WWI by Three Years

"Treason! Illuminati Betrayed British Agents in WW2"

Note- World War One Casualties by Country

About 100,000 Jews Served in German Armed Forces, 10,000 Died
(Jewish Pop of Germany 550,00; Pop of Germany in 1914, 68 million, 2 million died.)
 About 10-20,000 Jews Served in British Forces? There were 500,000
Jews in pop of 46 million

During the course of World War One, eleven percent (11%) of France's entire population were killed or wounded! Eight percent (8%) of Great Britain's population (46 million) were killed or wounded, and nine percent (9%) of Germany's pre-war population (68 million) were killed or wounded!

Jews in US Military

US was Target of Libyan-Style "Revolution"

The difference between the US Civil War and the Libyan "revolution"
is that Russia came to America's rescue in 1863 but did not intervene on Libya's behalf in 2011.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

The US Civil War took place for reasons similar to the "Arab Spring" revolution that overthrew Muammar Gaddafi.

Yes folks, Gadhafi may have been the Abraham Lincoln of our day.

In 1832, President Andrew Jackson ended the Charter of the Rothschild-controlled Bank of the United States. This Central Bank had given the Rothschilds exclusive right to create money and control of the US economy.

The bankers decided that the US had to be weakened by civil strife and brought to heel. It was intended that the northern states should become a British colony again, and the southern states should be dependent on France.

According to Gertrude Coogan, "the American Civil War was planned in London in 1857." (The Money Creators, p. 179.)

A group of French bankers supported the South and a British group supported the North. Napoleon III was loaned 200 million francs to invade Mexico in 1861. His troops came from the NATO of the day, Austria, Belgium, England France and Spain. In 1863, Napoleon III offered to subjugate the North in exchange for Texas and Louisiana.

The bankers' plan would have succeeded but for the intervention of Tsar Alexander II. He warned the "Allies" that an attack on the North would be considered an attack on Russia. He sent his Atlantic and Pacific fleets to New York and San Francisco to make the point. The bankers' backed down but made a mental note: Remove the Tsar.

The difference between the US in 1863 and Libya in 2011 is that Russia did not come to Libya's aid.

Like Andrew Jackson and Abraham Lincoln, Muammar Ghadafi was resisting Rothschild world hegemony. An article in The New American, explains how Gadhafi became an outcast after being a "trusted ally" for so long:

According to more than a few observers, Gadhafi's plan to quit selling Libyan oil in U.S. dollars -- demanding payment instead in gold-backed "dinars" (a single African currency made from gold) -- was the real cause. The regime, sitting on massive amounts of gold, estimated at close to 150 tons, was also pushing other African and Middle Eastern governments to follow suit.

And it literally had the potential to bring down the dollar and the world monetary system by extension, according to analysts. French President Nicolas Sarkozy reportedly went so far as to call Libya a "threat" to the financial security of the world. The "Insiders" were apparently panicking over Gadhafi's plan.

When Abraham Lincoln eschewed the bankers' exorbitant rates and financed the war by creating "greenbacks," the bankers panicked.

Their house organ The London Times, feared that, "if the US furnished its own money without cost, it would be without debt and would have all the money necessary to carry on commerce. It would become prosperous beyond precedent...[It] must be destroyed."

Gadhafi was shot down in the dessert like a dog; Abe Lincoln was murdered at Ford theater.

Both the US Civil War and the Libyan revolution were instigated by the bankers to undercut opposition to their satanic world government agenda.

The final irony is that now, the US is the Rothschild's chosen goon menacing Iran, the last hold-out.

"Our watchword is force and make-believe," say the Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

We are in bondage to Illuminati bankers who have used their credit monopoly to take over our government and society.

But the greater bondage is a mental and spiritual one: "Make-believe."

Our true condition is hidden from us by the mass media which diverts us with sex, lies and trivia.