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25 March 2012

Earth-sized space-ships crash into Sun

[2011 ©]
by John Kettler
March 11, 2012
from JohnKettler Website

ETs/EDs (extraterrestrials/extradimensionals) are heartened by the work of Nassim Haramein, who has documented the, theoretical to most, stargate in action.

According to the ETs/EDS, every star is a stargate and provides both a way in and out of a given star system. Capacity is unlimited, which should give military planners pause.

Moreover, a stargate is also a timegate, allowing travel to any place and any time. The easiest way to think of a stargate is as a connector in a toy set which has an infinite number of attachment points.

Per the ETs/EDs, a stargate differs greatly from a portal, which is on a planet and allows travel only from one specific place to another.

Similarly, the ETs/EDs say, the portal’s space equivalent is a wormhole, and it works the same way.

ET/EDs & Securing Our Stargate

Since no military force likes being attacked from the rear, the Liberation Forces have security measures in place to prevent such actions from hostile intruders.

The ETs/EDs aim to intercept and destroy arriving intruders by a defined point and kill those fleeing Earth as soon as they emerge from the atmosphere. Freeing the planet, in the view of the ETs/EDs, is hard enough dealing with both the higher dimensional threats and the well entrenched Dark Forces here on Earth, without having to worry about a massive, unexpected attack.

The ETs/EDs are no fools, and have deployed accordingly.

ETs/EDs Tell Of Earth’s Stargates

The ETs/EDs have kindly provided a partial list of terrestrial stargates.

These include,

the Bermuda Triangle

the Dragon’s Triangle

the Gulf of Aden

King Aramu Muru’s stargate near Peru’s Lake Titicaca

the Mayan ruins in Mexico’s Palenque

two in Egypt (Abu Ghurab and beneath the Giza Plateau)

Uluru and Serpentine National Park in Australia

Mt. Kailash in Tibet

Macchu Picchu in Peru

Sedona in Arizona

Stonehenge in England

The ETs/EDs say there are several in the Middle East. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge has one, as does MU, ~ 300 miles east of Maui, Hawaii.

Yes, the ETs/EDs say MU’s no myth, and neither is Atlantis.


False Flag Terror - The Puppeteers

Was it really an umbrella name for hundreds of false flag bombings carried out by western intelligence agencies and NATO between 1943 and 1983 in Italy, Western Europe, the Middle East, Latin America and Asia?

Did some Italian presidents go public stating that, between 1947 and 1981, Operation Gladio targetted innocent civilians with terror, such acts to be blamed on leftists and communists?

Did such agencies, through Operation Gladio, target trains, buses, schools, even school buses, for terror attacks in order to create the maximum amount of public fear?

On November 22, 1990, did the European Parliament entertain a resolution condemning the activities of Operation Gladio?

Was the Bologna Train Station Bombing, which took place on August 2, 1980, in which 85 people were killed and over 200 wounded, a Gladio operation, and as such, provoked some Italian officials to speak out about matters?

24 March 2012

The Lion Wakes - Global Consciousness

by Jim Euclid
15 March 2012
from Regolish Website

The world will be watching the 2012 Olympics in London. It is, in all likelihood, the coming of age for humanity in a global consciousness.

The artist, Rik Clay, committed suicide under suspicious circumstances in 2008 just weeks after releasing credible information on a possible false flag operation during the 2012 Olympics.

He predicted that Project Bluebeam will be used to initiate the New World Order's final program to enact world dominion over earth's people.

Hidden in plain sight was the Zion symbol encrypted in the dubious Olympic branding seen below:

Werner von Braun predicted this scenario half a century ago, when he first remarked that there would be a cold war between the USA and Russia, followed by a war on terrorism, concluding with a war against malevolent aliens.

In all likelihood, this final chapter of his prediction is difficult to instigate, knowing the large numbers of people aware of the possible contingency, plus the conclusion that it would reveal the New World Order's obvious flagrant presence.

Could the general populace be duped to another 9/11 scenario? It seems unlikely given the social fatigue associated with the constant negativity evident in mainstream social media.

Project Bluebeam is based on four directives:

Conditioning the populous to fear through use of man-made disasters, e.g. East Asian and Japanese tsunamis, contagion, HAARP-induced hurricanes

The use of holographic projections of god-like images projected from satellites, speaking about the second coming.

Use of mind-control ELF, VLF and LF electronic waves to induce a trance-like telepathy, in order to induce people to believe in a supernatural force behind the holograms

Use of alien ships (actually black-budget anti-gravity craft) to emulate flying saucer invasions

Once these four steps are completed, the global acquisition of worldwide media and internet will relinquish all conscious control over to the Illuminati; legislation, banking, security.

In fear of an apparent interstellar invasion, the general population would then submit to the solutions offered by the Illuminati, who would take the necessary steps to bring 'security' to a world apparently under threat by alien ETs.

Thus, we would have relinquished global control to a external force, thus enacting a new global control of humanity.

Such a cycle of ultimate suppression can no longer be effected, thanks mainly to that unstoppable force, human liberty. Forget about sheep, this force is like a sleeping lion, that once awoken, is relentless.

Resistance to the shift into ascension is futile. People have experienced too much pain to live another year or century in such fear.

The FEMA camps may eventually be filled, but not by the common man but the 1% who attempt to enslave us through their ignorance of arrogance.

Consciousness And The Conscious Universe

First Contact - The Truth has been Coming (Disclosure 2012)

23 March 2012

Were Illuminati Jews Responsible for Holocaust?

The satanic plague devouring humanity originated with the Sabbatean-Frankist cult, a Satanic Jewish heresy based on the Cabala that absorbed half the Jews in Europe in the 17th/18th Century, including the Rothschilds. By pretending to convert, many Satanists infiltrated and subverted all important religions, organizations and governments. They are the progenitors of the Illuminati, of Zionism, Communism, Fascism and they control Freemasonry. The NWO is their goal. In 1981 Rabbi Gunther Plaut described Illuminati founder Jacob Frank in a novel, and implied that the Nazis were Sabbateans. 

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(updated from Sept. 2009)

In 1988, Gunther Plaut, a prominent Canadian Rabbi who died last month at age 99, published a book implying Frankist Jews were responsible for the holocaust. The idea was endorsed by no less an authority than Elie Wiesel.

"The Man Who Would be Messiah" is a novelized biography of Jacob Frank (1726-1791) who led a Satanic heresy against orthodox Judaism. Frank claimed to be the Messiah and reincarnation of another Satanic impostor, Shabbetai Zvi (1626-1676). Their aim was to destroy the social order (nation, family, race, religion, property) and turn Torah morality on its head.

What had been prohibited would be allowed: adultery, incest, pedophilia. (This is the occult origin of our "sexual liberation.") Inspired by the Cabala, they practiced "holiness through sin." Good would come through the annihilation of Western civilization and the triumph of Evil.

The Rothschilds were Sabbatean-Frankists. This Satanic movement gave birth to the Illuminati, Communism and the NWO.

It controls the world today. But ironically, while many Illuminati pretend to be Jews, they actually wish to destroy Jews who earlier had excommunicated and vilified them. 

(left. author Gunther Plaut, 1912-2012)

Thus, there is an unrecognized schism in the Jewish people, where heretics have exterminated the mainstream and taken control of the remnant through Zionism. Yet, due to the anti-Semitism organized by the Illuminati Jews, Jews mistakenly cling to their leadership.

The Nazi hierarchy was probably of Frankist origin. We'll look at this evidence later. But first we'll examine what Rabbi Plaut, who was President of the Canadian Jewish Congress, said about their holocaust plan.


The Frankists cover their tracks. Biographies of Jacob Frank are out of print and very expensive ($300). Nevertheless Gunther Plaut researched Frank thoroughly and presented a perceptive and complex portrait of Frank as a conscious con-artist who sought power for its own sake.

According to Plaut, Frank regarded Jews as a barrier to the "new order." He puts these words in Frank's mouth:

"Yes, the Jews. Someone will come and discover that he can't upset the old values without destroying the people who really believe in them and, what's worse, practice them. And when he's convinced that the Jews stand in his way, he'll find ways to kill them all. Destroy them, exterminate them like vermin." (141)

In his Foreword, Elie Wiesel says Plaut "offers an interpretation of another personage [i.e. Hitler] who on a different level allied himself with the Evil one to destroy our people." (13)

Plaut has Frank say, "the Jews should be killed because they believe in traditional morality and thereby perpetuate the status quo in the world." (151)

But Frank's Satanic hatred of God naturally extended to all religions:

"I have come to bring revolution into the world. Muslims, Catholics, Russian or Greek Orthodox, Jews -- I've come to liberate people from their enslavement to law, and I start with religion. Deceiving their priests and acolytes is a benefit to mankind, you understand." (151)


Frankists achieved power by pretending to subscribe to every religion and ideology, and by intermarriage with generational Satanists. Behind the scenes, they advanced their kinsmen and manipulated events. Thus, they gained covert control of government and economy.

They are recognized by the fact that they pretend to be Christians or Jews or Muslims etc. A typical example is John Kerry who pretended he was an Irish Catholic, when in fact his father was a Frankist Jew (who worked for the CIA) and his mother a Forbes. Barack Obama's mother may have been a Frankist/Illuminati Jewess. Another example is the English Rothschilds who marry non-Jews yet pretend to be Jews. They are all Illuminati Satanists.

The Frankists waged war against Jews by denouncing the Talmud and accusing Orthodox Jews of ritually sacrificing Christian children. Frankists were responsible for numerous pogroms. Is it possible that Hitler's psychotic hatred against Jews was due to his Frankist background? His grandfather is believed to be Jewish. (A Jew, Frankenberger, paid child support.) 

(Left-Meyer Lansky? No. Josef Goebbels)

In the book "Adolf Hitler: Founder of Israel" (1974) author Heineke Kardel quotes German Jew Dietrich Bronder:

"Of Jewish descent, or being related to Jewish families were: the Leader and Reichschancelor Adolf Hitler; his representatives the Reichsminister Rudolf Hess; the Reichsmarshall Hermann Goering; the Reichsleader of the NSDAP Gregor Strasser, Dr. Josef Goebbels, Alfred Rosenberg, Hans Frank, Heinrich Himmler; the Reichsminister von Ribbentrop (who pledged close friendship with the famous Zionist Chaim Weizmann, the first head of the State of Israel who died in 1952); von Keudell; field commanders Globocnik (the Jewish destructor); Jordan and Wilhelm Hube; the great SS-Leaders Reinhard Heydrich, Erich von dem Bach-Zelewski and von Keudell II, who also were active in the destruction of Jews. (All of them were members of the secret Thule Order/ Society) " (Bronder, Before Hitler Came, 1964)

Moreover, Churchill, FDR and Stalin were also Illuminati or Frankist Jews. So you can see how the Second World War could have been contrived partly to fulfill Frank's goal of exterminating the Jewish people.

Frankists may explain the presence of 150,000 part-Jewish soldiers in the German army.


By blaming "the Jews" for the NWO, patriots are falling into an Illuminati trap. Patriot and Jews alike need a new paradigm. The Jewish people, and indeed all religions and nations, are led by Frankist (Illuminati) Satanists, their lackeys and dupes.

Whatever we think of European Jewry, like Germans, Poles and Russians, they had a highly developed civilization. The goal of both revolution and war is to destroy Western civilization. Thus the Frankists (Illuminati) took charge of both sides and incited war for its own sake. In the process, they exterminated civilized Jews who had traditionally opposed them.

We remain in denial until we recognize that culture and politics are controlled by Satanists bent on destroying Western civilization. We can't see it because we "see through the spectacles they set astride our nose."
Related: Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

Jews' "Worst Enemy" Now Ours

Gershon Scholem- Background on Sabbatean Frankists

The Satanic Roots of Rock

22 March 2012

Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine

A Wonderful New Global Culture is Taking Shape !
The first Global Citizen: I am not an Athenian, or a Greek, but a citizen of the world
~ Socrates.

A new culture that transcends national boundaries, traditional political affiliations, religious beliefs, nationalism, and ethnicity is beginning to make its presence felt around the world. Amidst the ongoing decay of the Current World System a new found vision is coming to light.

People from all walks of life are beginning to recognize that we do indeed have the power to transform the world. We are witnessing the emergence of a Planetary Culture. A Planetary Culture is made up of global citizens in the same way that a regional culture is made up of citizens who identify with the local group and setting.

A global citizen identifies not with a country, nation, tribe or region of the earth, but with the entire earth. Holistically speaking a global citizen identifies not with any ethnic group, religion or political party, but with humanity. A global citizen recognizes the value of cooperation over competition. A global citizen lives in the moment, but factors for the long term consequences of his or her actions upon others and the natural world.

A global citizen asks what is good for me and the planet as whole, while the regional citizen asks what is good for me and my country. Don’t get me wrong what I am saying is simply a broader definition of “act locally think globally”. A near complete list of what characterizes a Planetary Culture is found at bottom of this page.

We have arrived at the moment in history where regionalism and factionalism are giving way to visions of mass collaborative effort. The increasing absurdity of U.S. political rhetoric is a sure sign of the Establishment’s desperation as they begin to sense the accelerating erosion of their political power base. They will have to yank our chains harder and harder to get the same response, but to little avail as we have caught on to their game. But let’s not delude ourselves as the majority are still under their spell, and so we must continue to reach out to the unwary.

We must not be afraid to share the controversial. But we must do it in such a way as to not alienate them. As the deluded hear similar accounts from various sides they will have no choice, but to begin to question their assumptions. We are engaged in a transitional process of indeterminate length, and it is up to the wary to alert the unwary as to what is going on in the world.

The world is my country, all mankind my brethren, and to do good is my religion.
Thomas Paine US patriot & political philosopher (1737 – 1809)

Is it not the responsibility of those who recognize the emergent process to also nurture it? I mean if you’re aware of the planet’s precarious position how can you not be motivated to get involved at whatever level you can? It’s not enough to do it in your “spare time”. Evolving human culture, socio-ecological healing, and minimization of human induced catastrophes is now the daily duty of all able bodied people.

I ask why would you want to prolong and tolerate warfare? Is it because your family and friends are not the ones being slaughtered nor is it your neighborhood that is being raped, pillaged and blown to pieces? I ask why would you continue to tolerate needless human suffering and exploitation at home and aboard at the hands of your government? I ask why would you continue to tolerate the poisoning of your body-mind, the soil, air, water and our food?

What’s your excuse for helping maintain the status quo via your silence and complacency? Are you content with your contribution to the evolution of society and environmental conservation because you “love nature”, buy organic food, shop at the farmers market, and/or drive a hybrid. Well that’s a start, but if you really “love nature” and understand what that phrase truly means and then you will do more than be a more mindful consumer and take walks along the lake. The emerging planetary culture needs more and more of your participation and the Current World System needs dismantling and transformation.

The old culture of might makes right, secrecy, deception, ecological indifference, ruthless competition and profit at all costs is crumbling and a new world culture based on non-violence, transparency, ecological sensitivity, cooperation and egalitarian ideals is emerging. But the foregoing is happening only because others before us did their part to bring us to where we are now. We need more torch bearers to continue lighting the way for others and to do the work that is required right now, not tomorrow when you supposedly “have more time”.

“Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine“

“If the injustice is part of the necessary friction of the machine of government, let it go, let it go; perchance it will wear smooth — certainly the machine will wear out. If the injustice has a spring, or a pulley, or a rope, or a crank, exclusively for itself, then perhaps you may consider whether the remedy will not be worse than the evil; but if it is of such a nature that it requires you to be the agent of injustice to another, then, I say, break the law. Let your life be a counter friction to stop the machine. What I have to do is to see, at any rate, that I do not lend myself to the wrong which I condemn.”
~Henry David Thoreau, Civil Disobedience

The remainder of this article highlights what I think are some of the most signifying stories of the emerging planetary culture, it’s achievements, its challenges, and its developing agenda.

21 March 2012


After reading many people doubting that earthquakes can be manmade, I decided to publish this.

Proxy war

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A proxy war or proxy warfare is a war that results when opposing powers use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other directly. While powers have sometimes used governments as
proxies, violent non-state actors, mercenaries, or other third parties are more often employed. It is hoped that these groups can strike an opponent without leading to full-scale war.

Proxy wars have also been fought alongside full-scale conflicts. It is almost impossible to have a pure proxy war, as the groups fighting for a certain nation usually have their own interests, which can diverge from those of their patron.

Typically proxy wars function best during cold wars, as they become a necessity in conducting armed conflict between at least two belligerents while continuing cold warfare.

Main article:
List of proxy wars

Spanish Civil War

A famous conflict which exhibits patterns of a proxy war was the Spanish Civil War. The conflict that started between the Second Spanish Republic and Francisco Franco's National Sindicalists soon involved Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy on the Spanish Nationalist side and the Soviet Union help on the Spanish Republic's side. This war served as a useful proving ground for both the Axis and the Soviets to test equipment and tactics that would later be employed in the Second World War.
Cold War

Proxy wars were common in the Cold War, because the two nuclear-armed superpowers (the Soviet Union and the United States) did not wish to fight each other directly, since that would have run the risk of escalation to a nuclear war (see mutual assured destruction). Proxies were used in conflicts such as Afghanistan, Angola, Korea, Vietnam, the Middle East, and Latin America.

The first proxy war in the Cold War was the Greek Civil War, which started almost as soon as World War II ended. The Western-allied Greek government was nearly overthrown by Communist rebels with limited direct aid from Soviet ally or client states in Yugoslavia, Albania, and Bulgaria. The Greek Communists managed to seize most of Greece, but a strong government counterattack forced them back. The Western Allies eventually won, due largely to an ideological split between Joseph Stalin and Josip Broz Tito. Though previously allied to the rebels, Tito closed Yugoslavia's borders to ELAS partisans when Greek Communists sided with Stalin, despite the lack of direct material support from the USSR. Albania followed Tito's lead shortly thereafter. With no way to receive aid, the rebellion collapsed.

In the Korean War, the Soviet Union and the People's Republic of China aided the Communists in North Korea against the US-led United Nations forces. The Soviet Union did not enter the war directly, though it was alleged that the Soviets had sent pilots to fly MiG-15s for the Communists. China, however, did enter the war directly and sent thousands of 'volunteers' in 1950 preventing the U.N. coalition from defeating the Communist government of the north.

In the Vietnam War the Soviet Union and People's Republic of China supplied North Vietnam and the Vietcong with training, logistics and materiel but unlike the United States Armed Forces they fought the war through their proxies and, except for sending military consultants and some air force personnels, did not enter the conflict directly.

In the war between the Mujahadeen and the Soviet Army during the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, the aid given by the U.S. to the Mujahadeen during the war included weapons, supplies and training.

In the Lebanese Civil War, Syria supported the Maronite Christian dominated Lebanese Front with arms and troops, while interestingly enough Syria's enemy Israel also supported the Lebanese Front by providing them with arms, tanks and money. While the Soviets tended to support Syria, Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) and the leftist Lebanese National Movement (NLM).

Following the Carnation Revolution (leftist military coup) in 1974 against the dictatorship in Portugal, the last remaining colonies on the African continent, Angola and Mozambique were to be set free. Until then, Portugal had been fighting three major liberation movements in Angola (FNLA, MPLA, UNITA) and one in Mozambique (FRELIMO) (see: Portuguese Colonial War). While transition of power in Mozambique was a rather simple affair, the three movements in Angola had been rivals for years during the Angolan War of Independence, each receiving low-key support from a motley assembly of countries, making a transition very difficult. The MPLA and initially UNITA, an offspring of the FNLA, were more or less left leaning and mainly supported by socialist countries; the FNLA, at that point by far the strongest of the three, was mainly supported by Zaire. After the Alvor Agreement in early 1976, according to which the three movements set up a joint interim government with Portugal and independence was to be granted in November, the US decided to support the FNLA, fighting between the three movements resumed and the agreement fell apart.

Zaire and apartheid South Africa, each for its own reasons but with US support, joined the fight on the side of FNLA and UNITA to wrestle Luanda out of the hands of the MPLA before independence day. It was only with the help of Cuban forces (see: Cuba in Angola) and Soviet support pouring in on the last days, that the MPLA held the capital and proclaimed independence. With Cuban help the Angolan Army (FAPLA) almost annihilated the FNLA and Zairians and drove UNITA, after the South Africans retreated, to remote southeastern pockets of the country. UNITA continued to receive aid from the US and South Africa repeatedly invaded Southern Angola either in pursuit of SWAPO or to support UNITA which, in time, managed to reconquer large areas in the south. After a major clash in southeastern Angola in 1988 involving FAPLA, Cuban, SWAPO, UNITA and South African forces, South Africa agreed to retreat from Angola and Southwest Africa and grant independence to Namibia and Cuba agreed to move its forces out of Angola. In spite of supervised elections in 1992, in which the MPLA won, the Angolan Civil War only ended in 2002. The US recognised the Angolan government only in 1993.

In Mozambique power was handed to the one liberation movement, FRELIMO. The new leftist Mozambique government supported liberation movements against the white minority led governments of Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) and apartheid South Africa. The Rhodesian government organized and funded an anti-communist rebel group called Mozambique National Resistance, later RENAMO beginning the Mozambican Civil War. After Rhodesia collapsed and became Zimbabwe in 1980, South Africa took over supporting RENAMO until the decline of the apartheid regime. In 1992 RENAMO and the government of Mozambique signed a peace accord.

The conflict between Israel and the Arab countries has been described as a proxy war, with Israel acting as a proxy for the United States and the Soviet Union's proxies being Egypt, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon.,[1][2] According to Pennsylvania State University Professor of Political Science Stephen J. Cimbala, this theater was the site of the greatest Cold War setback to America when, under the influence of anti-Israeli attitudes after the Yom Kippur War in 1973, American allies Saudi Arabia and Iran (under the shah) drifted from the American sphere of influence, leading to the 1973 oil crisis as well as the eventual Iranian Revolution in 1979.[3]

An example from Latin America is the long-time struggle between the United States and the communist government of Cuba during and after the Cuban Revolution. Many attempts have been made by the United States to overthrow Cuba's government, often by using Cuban exiles as proxies. One of the most notorious is the failure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of 1961.
Second Congo War

Since the end of the Cold War the largest war by proxy has been the Second Congo War in which the governments of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Uganda and Rwanda all used third party armed irregular groups.
Kargil War
See also: Pakistan and state terrorism

The Kargil conflict was an armed conflict between India and Pakistan that took place between May and July 1999 in along the Line of Control (LOC) in Kargil, Kashmir and elsewhere. The cause of the war was the infiltration of Pakistani soldiers and Kashmiri militants into positions on the Indian side of the LOC during winter after India and Pakistan demilitarized the border. During the initial stages of the war, Pakistan blamed the fighting entirely on independent Kashmiri insurgents.

"Will new ‘Cold War’ play out in Middle East?", Leslie Susser,, The Jewish Journal, August 27, 2008
^ "Peace Process: American Diplomacy and the Arab-Israeli Conflict since 1967 (review)", Thomas A. Dine, Journal of Cold War Studies Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 2004
^ Politics of Warfare, Stephen J. Cimbala, Penn State Press, 2004, ISBN 0-271-02592-1, 9780271025926


Bernd Greiner / Christian Müller / Dierk Walter (Ed.): Heiße Kriege im Kalten Krieg. Hamburg 2006, ISBN 3-936096-61-9 (Review by H. Hoff, Review by I. Küpeli)
Scott L. Bills: The world deployed : US and Soviet military intervention and proxy wars in the Third World since 1945. From: Robert W. Clawson (Ed.): East West rivalry in the Third World. Wilmington 1986, p. 77-101.
Chris Loveman: Assessing the Phenomeon of Proxy Intervention. From Journal of Conflict, Security and Development, edition 2.3, Routledge 2002, pp 30–48.

Hitler's First Murder

Hitler murdered his 24-year-old niece as result
of a bisexual love triangle involving the Nazi leader
and his Jewish chauffeur-bodyguard, Emil Maurice

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

To say Adolf Hitler was a psychopath and killer might seem redundant, but few know that he murdered his first victim with his own hands. It was swept under the carpet and has yet to see the light of day. Western historians are as determined as Nazis to protect the Fuhrer's reputation.

On Sept 18, 1931, he shot his beloved niece Geli Raubal, 24. The murder was ruled a suicide by the Bavarian Minister of Justice, a political ally.

However, Raubal's body was badly bruised and her nose was broken. An unfinished letter indicated she was leaving her uncle's apartment to go to Vienna. She was buried in a Catholic cemetery that would bar suicides.
(The Münchener Post, 20th September 1931)

The bisexual love triangle that led to Raubal's murder reveals the true perverted character of a man that many "patriots" still worship.

Although a homosexual, Hitler still enjoyed the company of buxom young blonds and brunettes that fit the Nazi mold. Raubal was the daughter of Hitler's half-sister and cook. Nineteen years his junior, she was an unselfconscious extrovert who brightened every room she entered. Hitler seemed to relax when she was around.

"I love Geli and could marry her," Hitler told his friend Heinrich Hoffman. [But] "I want to remain single. So I retain the right to exert an influence on her circle of friends until such a time as she finds the right man." (Hoffman, Hitler Was My Friend, 1955.)

Hitler's rival was his own bisexual, Jewish chauffeur and bodyguard, Emil Maurice. In December 1927, Hitler prevented his niece from marrying Maurice and fired him. The following year, Raubal wrote to Maurice:

"Uncle Adolf is insisting that we should wait two years. Think of it, Emil, two whole years of only being able to kiss each other now and then and always having Uncle Adolf in charge. I can only give you my love and be unconditionally faithful to you. I love you so infinitely much. Uncle Adolf insists that I should go on with my studies." (Dec. 24,1928)

EMIL MAURICE (1897-1972)

In Mein Kampf , Hitler describes a fracas at a beer hall when Communists tried to break up an event. He marveled at how his "storm troopers," although bloodied, "swept the enemy literally out of the their head, my splendid Maurice."

Maurice was a pioneer member of the SA and later the SS. He and Hess took Hitler's dictation of Mein Kampf; and like Hess, Maurice was one of Hitler's lovers. After their release from prison, Maurice became Hitler's personal bodyguard and chauffeur. He accompanied Hitler during the 1934 Purge and personally dispatched people who had become liabilities.

"It is absolutely inconceivable that Maurice was not known as Jewish," Dr. Judith Reisman writes. [Considering] "his appearance, his family, and the very high probability of his circumcision...homosexual lust easily overpowered anti Semitic hate."

When it later emerged that Maurice had a Jewish great grandfather, Hitler made an exemption for him and his family. Since one-sixteenth Jews were already exempt from the Nuremberg Laws, Maurice, who became an SS general, was probably more Jewish than that. Nazi race laws were a matter of expediency, mostly designed to persecute non-Zionist Jews and justify the formation of the Jewish State.

Despite his prowess as a bouncer, Maurice, a watchmaker by training, had an artistic temperament, and played the guitar at Nazi gatherings. Raubal, also a musician, took a fancy to him during her visits to Landsberg Prison in 1924, at age 16. Thus began a passionate romance that blossomed over the years.


For his book, Hitler and Eva (1974) Glen Infield interviewed Wilhelm Stocker, a SS Guard at Hitler's apartment. Stocker said that when her Uncle Adolf was away, Geli had many suitors.

Because he kept her secrets, Geli told him "that at times Hitler made her do things in the privacy of her room that sickened her but when I asked her why she didn't refuse to do them, she just shrugged and said that she didn't want to lose him to some woman that would do what he wanted."

Gregor Strasser, a Nazi leader who had a fling with Geli said she told him the Nazi dictator forced her to urinate and defecate on him. Strasser was one of the Nazi leaders who met in Hitler's apartment after the murder to decide on a story. Hitler wanted it called an "accident." But the word had already gone out that Raubel had committed suicide using Hitler's gun.

Strasser was murdered in the 1934 Purge.


Michael Dean reports that after leaving Hitler's service, Maurice sued the Nazi Party for unlawful dismissal and won a tidy sum. He opened a watchmaker shop a few blocks from Hitler's apartment and resumed his affair with Raubal.

Apparently she became pregnant and wanted to go to Vienna to have the baby. Hitler was furious at this betrayal and refused permission. When she defied him, he killed her.

It is not clear which betrayal was greater to Hitler since he had feelings for both Raubal and Maurice.

In any case, Hitler's relationship with Maurice proved resilient. Maurice became a senior SS official and Hitler protected him against rivals resentful accepting orders from a Jew.

The take-away is that before Hitler indirectly killed millions of people, Jews and non-Jews alike, he first bloodied his hands on the young niece he supposedly loved. Millions of people chose to follow a murderer and psychopath. Nothing has changed.
Related - Jacob Hitler

The Hidden Hitler