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07 May 2012

Human race being terminated by "scientific suicide" - here are the ten most dangerous experiments

NaturalNews Insider Alert ( )

As the impending Fukushima disaster frighteningly illustrates, the human race is on the verge of being decimated by what I call "scientific suicide."

In the name of "science," our world is being destroyed... and the fate of the human race is gravely threatened.

In what I'm calling the most important warning I've ever published, today I'm calling for a return to the Precautionary Principle and a halt to all nuclear power, GMOs, nanotechnology and other high-risk technologies until we can determine their long-term risk to the very survival of the human race.

Read this at:

Speaking of dangerous science, a "bombshell" vaccine study has revealed what we knew all along: When monkeys are given the same vaccines that human babies are routinely given, they develop symptoms of autism!

Want to help stop bad science from destroying our world? Help drop the moneybomb on Monsanto and contribute to our global victory against GMO madness:

Learn about the great measles lie and how the media pushes vaccines using total deception:

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Human race being terminated by 'scientific suicide'
(NaturalNews) This is, without question, the most important article I've ever penned, because it discusses the idea that the human race is being destroyed in the name of science. Stopping these "scientists" from destroying our world and our...

Fukushima reactor No. 4 vulnerable to catastrophic collapse; could unleash 85 times Cesium-137 radiation of Chernobyl; human civilization on the brink
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Fukushima reactor 4 requires urgent intervention; coalition calls for emergency UN action to halt catastrophic release of radiation
(NaturalNews) Kyoto, Japan -- On 30 April, seventy-two Japanese NGO organizations lead by Shut Tomari and Green Action send an urgent request to the UN and Japanese government urging immediate action to stabilize the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant...

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The Measles Lie, and the ongoing ad campaign disguised as news
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Nelson Mandela: When is Terrorism Not Terrorism?

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Terrorism is not terrorism when the Illuminati Jewish banking cartel is behind it.

From 1961-1990, the Illuminati-sponsored African National Congress waged a terrorist war against the Apartheid government of South Africa. It was characterized as a "peoples' struggle" in the Zionist-controlled mass media. 

However, when the Palestinians employ terror against the Apartheid regime of Israel, they are "terrorists."  Never mind that Israel was built on Zionist terror against the British. When the Illuminati bankers or their shills use it, terror is freedom fighting. (Syria today is another example.) 

In South Africa during the 1960's and 70's, barely a week went by without terrorism -- dynamite at a fuel depot, a car bomb outside Air Force headquarters in in a city center. The ANC's guerrilla force -- known simply as MK, or more formally as Umkhonto we Sizwe  translated "Spear of the Nation" was founded in 1961 by Nelson Mandela and his handler, the Communist Jew Joe Slovo. 

At first, the targets were infrastructure but two decades later MK was killing civilians without compunction -- grenades would be bowled into a hamburger joint, or trip wired limper mine planted in an arcade -- and Mandela did not object.

"Notable among these attacks were the January, 8 1982 attack on the Koeberg nuclear power plant near Cape Town, the Church Street bombing on May, 20 1983, killing 19, and the June 14 1986 car-bombing of Magoo's Bar in Durban, in which 3 people were killed and 73 injured." (Wikipedia)

Of course, Mandela had been in jail since 1963 when MK headquarters at a farm outside Johannesburg was raided. The ANC was funded and run by Communist Jews who in turn were shills for the Illuminati bankers. Mandela posed as a farmhand. 

The farm was purchased and run by Jewish Communist Arthur Goldreich.

In 1985, when the government offered to release Mandela if he would repudiate terrorism, he refused. In 1990, he was let out anyway and vowed the MK would continue to wreak havoc. It was not necessary. 

The government was ready to negotiate a handover of power. In 1994, Mandela and F.W. de Klerk shared a Nobel Peace Prize.
Queen Elizabeth II in her 1996 Christmas message hailed Mandela as a great statesman. (The account of MK terror above is indebted to Philip Gourevitch's review of the novel "Absolution" in The New Yorker, April 30, 2012, p.70)


Thanks to Michael Hoffman II, we know:  

"The African National Congress (ANC) in South Africa was guided by two Communist Jews, Albie Sachs, "one of its foremost intellectuals"( London Sunday Times, August 29, 1993) and Yossel Mashel Slovo (Joe Slovo, 1926-1995).

Slovo was born in a shtetl in Lithuania and grew up speaking Yiddish and studying the Talmud. He joined the ANC's terrorist wing, the Umkhonto we Sizwe, in 1961 and eventually became its commander. He was named Secretary General of the South African Communist Party in 1986. ("Joe Slovo," Jewish Chronicle, January 13, 1995).

Slovo had been the "planner of many of the ANC terrorist attacks, including the 1983 car bomb that killed 19 people and injured many others... Slovo, who had traveled to the Soviet Union many times, was awarded a Soviet medal on his 60th birthday...Slovo is a dedicated Communist, a Marxist Leninist without morality of any kind, for whom only victory counts, whatever the human cost, whatever the bloodshed...Slovo disputes little of his image as 'the Communist mastermind' behind the ANC's armed struggle. 

'Revolutionary violence has created the inspirational impact that we had intended, and it has won for the ANC its leading position,' Slovo said." ("Rebel Strategist Seeks to End Apartheid," L.A. Times, Aug. 16, 1987, p. 14). When Nelson Mandela's ANC took over South Africa, Slovo was named Minister of Housing."

Keep reading for South African housing conditions.


Wrapped in bogus idealism, Jewish social & political activism serves the Illuminati's secret satanic agenda. Jewish activists are dupes or opportunists. The ANC, like Communism in general, deceived the masses into overthrowing the government and installing Illuminati frontmen like Nelson Mandela.

The plight of Blacks in South Africa is much worse under the "peoples' government." The number of people living on $1 a day doubled from two to four million. The unemployment rate doubled to 48% from 1991-2002. (It is 24% today.)

In 2006, only 5,000 of the more than 35 million black South Africans earned more than $60,000. A quarter of the entire population lived in shacks without running water or electricity. A quarter have no access to clean water. 40% have no telephone.

The HIV/AIDS/TB infection rate is 20%. Life expectancy dropped by 13 years.  40% of schools have no electricity.

Where is the ANC'S concern for the people? Obviously it was a ruse that enabled the bankers to gain control over South Africa's resources, just as they took Russia's 70 years before . Source


Terrorism is an instrument of the Illuminati Jewish central banking cartel based in London.

Ninety five percent of the world's terror, including 9-11, can be traced to this source via the world's intelligence services, especially the CIA, Mossad and MI-6. They are funding the Taliban so Americans can waste their energy in endless war.

We live in a society that is breathtaking in its hypocrisy. But that is the strategy, to pretend to be one thing while becoming its opposite.
Note: Ron alerted me to this:

SUNDAY HERALD, UK: Nelson Mandela is ... named as an MI6 agent who... allowed UK spying operations to be based in South Africa. Allegations of Mandela's recruitment by the British intelligence service ... revealed in a controversial new book, 'MI6: Fifty Years of Special Operations,' by the acclaimed intelligence expert Stephen Dorril.

03 May 2012

Sombart - Why America is "Steeped in Jewishness"

In his book "The Jews & Modern Capitalism," (1911) German sociologist Werner Sombart credits Jews for the rise of capitalism as the most dynamic force in the modern world.

In the excerpt below, he says Jews built the USA to become the epitome of capitalism: "Americanism is the Jewish spirit distilled."

What do you think he means, and do you agree? (

"Nineteen [families] were equipped with plough and scythe, ready to clear the forests and till the soil in order to earn their livelihood as husbandmen...The twentieth family opened a store."

By Werner Sombart
(from The Jews & Modern Capitalism, 1911, pp.35-39)

For what we call Americanism is nothing else, if we may say so, than the Jewish spirit distilled. But how comes it that American culture is so steeped in Jewishness?

The answer is simple -- through the early and universal admixture of Jewish elements among the first settlers.

We may picture the process of colonizing somewhat after this fashion. A band of determined men and women -- let us say twenty families -- went forth into the wilds to begin their life anew. Nineteen were equipped with plough and scythe, ready to clear the forests and till the soil in order to earn their livelihood as husbandmen.

The twentieth family opened a store to provide their companions with such necessaries of life as could not be obtained from the soil, often no doubt hawking them at the very doors.

Soon this twentieth family made it its business to arrange for the distribution of the products which the other nineteen won from the soil. It was they, too, who were most likely in possession of ready cash, and in case of need could therefore be useful to the others by lending them money.

Very often the store had a kind of agricultural loan-bank as its adjunct, perhaps also an office for the buying and selling of land. So through the activity of the twentieth family, the farmer in North America was from the first kept in touch with the money and credit system of the Old World.

Hence the whole process of production and exchange was from its inception along modern lines. Town methods made their way at once into even the most distant villages.

Accordingly, it may be said that American economic life was from its very start impregnated with capitalism. And who was responsible for this? The twentieth family in each village. Need we add that this twentieth family was always a Jewish one, which joined a party of settlers or soon sought them out in their homesteads?


Such in outline is the mental picture I have conceived of the economic development of the United States. Subsequent writers dealing with this subject will be able to fill in more ample details; I myself have only come across a few. But these are so similar in character that they can hardly be taken as isolated instances. The conclusion is forced upon us that they are typical.

Nor do I alone hold this view. Governor Pardel of California, for example, remarked in 1905: "He (the Jew) has been the leading financier of thousands of prosperous communities. He has been enterprising and aggressive."

Let me quote some of the illustrations I have met with. In 1785 Abraham Mordecai settled in Alabama. "He established a trading-post two miles west of Line Creek, carrying on an extensive trade with the Indians, and exchanging his goods for pink-root, hickory, nut oil and peltries of all kinds."

Similarly in Albany: "As early as 1661, when Albany was but a small trading post, a Jewish trader named Asser Levi (or Leevi) became the owner of real estate there."

Chicago has the same story. The first brick house was built by a Jew, Benedict Schubert, who became the first merchant tailor in Chicago, while another Jew, Philip Newburg, was the first to introduce the tobacco business.

In Kentucky, we hear of a Jewish settler as early as 1816. When in that year the Bank of the United States opened a branch in Lexington, a Mr. Solomon, who had arrived in 1808, was made cashier. In Maryland, Michigan, Ohio and Pennsylvania it is on record that Jewish traders were among the earliest settlers, though nothing is known of their activity.

On the other hand, a great deal is known of Jews in Texas, where
they were among the pioneers of capitalism. Thus, for example, Jacob
de Cordova "was by far the most extensive land locator in the State
until 1856."

The Cordova's Land Agency soon became famous not only in Texas but in New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore, where the owners of large tracts of Texas land resided. Again, Morris Koppore in 1863 became President of the National Bank of Texas.

Henry Castro was an immigration agent; "between the years 1843-6 Castro introduced into Texas over 5000 immigrants . . . transporting them in 27 ships, chiefly from the Rhenish provinces. . . . He fed his colonists for a year, furnished them with cows, farming implements, seeds, medicine,and in short with everything they needed."

Sometimes branches of one and the same family distributed themselves in different States, and were thereby enabled to carry on business most successfully. Perhaps the best instance is the history of the Seligman family. There were eight brothers (the sons of David Seligman, of Bayersdorf, in Bavaria) who started a concern which now has branches in all the most important centers in the States.

Their story began with the arrival in America in the year 1837 of Joseph Seligman. Two other brothers followed in 1839; a third came two years later. The four began business as clothiers in Lancaster, moving shortly after to Selma, Ala.

From here they opened three branches in three other towns. By 1848
two more brothers had arrived from Germany and the six moved North.

In 1850, Jesse Seligman opened a shop in San Francisco -- in the first brick house in that city.

Seven years later a banking business was added to the clothing shop, and in 1862 the house of Seligman Brothers was established in New York, San Francisco, London, Paris and Frankfort.

In the Southern States likewise the Jew played the part of the trader in the midst of agricultural settlers.

Here also (as in Southern and Central America) we find him quite early as the owner of vast plantations. In South Carolina indeed, "Jew's Land" is synonymous with "Large Plantations."

It was in the South that Moses Lindo became famous as one of the first undertakers in the production of indigo.

These examples must suffice. We believe they tend to illustrate our
general statement, which is supported also by the fact that there was a
constant stream of Jewish emigration to the United States from their
earliest foundation. It is true that there are no actual figures to show the
proportion of the Jewish population to the total body of settlers. But the
numerous indications of a general nature that we do find make it pretty
certain that there must always have been a large number of Jews in

It must not be forgotten that in the earliest years the population was thinly scattered and very sparse. New Amsterdam had less than 1000 inhabitants.

That being so, a shipfull of Jews who came from Brazil to settle there made a great difference, and in assessing Jewish influence on the whole district we shall have to rate it highly.

Or take another instance. When the first settlement in Georgia was established, forty Jews were among the settlers. The number may seem insignificant, but when we consider the meagre population of the colony, Jewish influence must be accounted strong. So, too, in Savannah, where in 1733 there were already twelve Jewish families in what was then a tiny commercial centre.

That America early became the goal of German and Polish Jewish
emigrants is well known. Thus we are told: "Among the poorer Jewish
families of Posen there was seldom one which in the second quarter of
the 19th century did not have at least one son (and in most cases the
ablest and not least enterprising) who sailed away across the ocean to
flee from the narrowness and the oppression of his native land."

We are not surprised, therefore, at the comparatively large number of Jew-
ish soldiers (7243 ) who took part in the Civil War, and we should be
inclined to say that the estimate which puts the Jewish population of the
United States about the middle of the 19th century at 300,000 (of whom
30,000 lived in New York) was if anything too moderate.
Related - Early American Jews (Includes Solomon Bush)


On 9 April 2012, we learn that India is becoming more friendly with both China and Pakistan.

India's leader Manmohan Singh has been meeting Pakistan's leader Asif Ali Zardari, in Delhi.

Both Zardari and Singh point out that economic ties between China and India have been increasing, in spite of border disputes.

They intend economic ties between Pakistan and India to increase, in spite of border disputes (Kashmir).

Pakistan finds Sino-India trade template attractive

Pakistan has now granted India the Most Favoured Nation status.

India-China trade ties are already worth over $70 billion.

Many believe that the 2008 attacks in Mumbai, organised by 'CIA agent' David Headley, were designed to get India into a war with Pakistan.

Fortunately the 'CIA' plot failed to achieve that end.

Mumbai, the Hoax Phone Call, La Belle Disco

26 April 2012

Reuniting the Spiritual and the Practical Through Activism

Julian Rose
Activist Post

One of the most significant hurdles to our development as 'whole' human beings is our attachment to the false separation made between what is considered 'practical' and what is considered 'spiritual'.

It is a dichotomy whose origins can be traced back to the invention of Religion: as a man-made vessel in which to encapsulate the spirit, and as a formal statement of belief in one faith or another faith; one temple or another temple; one god or another god. In other words, to that point in history when our nature and spirit led celebrations of the miracle of life were superseded by the intellectualisation and compartmentalisation of such experiences under the specific control of an authoritative body: i.e. a priesthood attached to a church.

Tragically, this false compartmentalisation of the spiritual has played a key role in keeping mankind locked away from the universality of spirit which is our birthright and true potential. So much so that it has been possible to foment crusading wars in the name of all-powerful sectarian gods and the blind faith which devotees hold in them. Millions have been, and continue to be, murdered in the name of the leading religions of our era, stretching back for centuries. For those who see themselves as free from 'religious' persuasions, money and power provide the latest totem of worship, but in truth this totem is followed with all the same blind belief as that to be found in religious cults.

When we are mere babies, those of us who were born into the Christian faith are initiated into the protective institutional arms of the church by the ritual known as 'baptism'. Here, the mark of the cross is symbolically drawn on our innocent foreheads by the priest whose finger is first dipped in sacred water deemed to form a direct link to John the Baptist's initiation of Jesus Christ in the waters of the river Jordan some 2,000 years ago. In the eyes of the church – we are then one of its children. A condition which can later be endorsed by participation in the Christian confirmation ceremony of our early teens.

All this, of course, is supposed to provide a kind of insurance policy against falling prey to the forces of evil. Against the powers of darkness enslaving our souls to the doctrine of the devil.

However, the net effect of taking out this insurance policy (by our parents initially) is to be signed up to a definition of life which gives little room for free thinking or exploration of what 'the spirit' really is or what it has in mind for us. Religion and the church having already defined the scope of our spirit for us, so that all we are supposed to do is dutifully follow the script.

Millions do take this road through life, as can be witnessed in the 'bible belt' area of the US and amongst devout individuals and communities throughout the world. So strong are the allegiances formed around 'religious beliefs' that when any two or more clash the inevitable result is conflict which all too soon leads to out and out war. Just witness the current vilification of Islam (and by extension Iran) by the Judeo-Christian warmongers of Washington who use such vilification to incite hatred which in turn provides a useful alibi for establishing acts of military aggression.

So, as a precursor to further examination, it is very important to recognise how religion and spirituality are often confused with one another. While there can certainly be cross-over between the religious and the spiritual, the reality is that one is a dogma and the other a universal force which can be tapped by all of humanity and which is free of dogma.

The big question is: how to refocus human attention on the true manifestation of the great spiritual force which has the power to transform our daily lives and to counteract the forces of oppression that keep a great part of the community of man in a state of somnolent slavery?

Many adherents of the various 'spiritual paths' on offer in to-days world, seem to feel that it is not their place to get involved in taking direct action on behalf of this Great Spirit. In fact, they misguidedly see activism as contradictory to maintenance of the spiritual path. Many appear to feel exempted from having to take action to ameliorate the wrongs perpetrated upon our physical, mental and political World. This is a great error of judgement in my view. While personal spiritual pursuit may cause a bright light to shine in one's own world, it nearly always fails to turn that light onto our oppressors in the physical world. It is due to this failure that our oppressors have largely got away with carrying on unimpeded in their progressive enslavement of mankind and the destruction of the environment which supports all life on earth.

A theory held by many spiritual aspirants is that 'confrontation' produces a negative vibration which detracts from spiritual development and only adds to the negative karma already present in society. However, to actively campaign for political, ecological or material change for the better requires that we confront the reality face to face, in order to know exactly what it is we are up against. Holding a fear that taking such a position might become an impediment to maintaining the peaceful vibratory levels achievable for example, in deep meditation, provides a false assessment of the truth.

In such cases, 'Peace' is wrongly defined as an essentially passive state largely free of any kind of friction. Spirituality thus takes on the appearance of a cosseted precious gem stone or delicate flower, the outward expression of a protective inner world which shuns contact with that which appears to be at odds with its supposed state of inner purity.

Adopting as a life philosophy such an inward 'frictionless' approach, has the net effect of leaving an open door to those who have no hesitation in exploiting the vacuum thus created. Free rein is given for negative forces to do their worst. At the extreme end these take the form of fascistic, totalitarian oligarchies that hold an almost total dominion in banking, big business, food and farming, health and education, politics, the media, the military and even the church. While such cartels are busy wielding their destructive powers upon our planet and upon our daily lives, those on the supposed path of 'higher awareness' all too often do nothing to apprehend the imposition of such a regime. Wittingly or unwittingly, they remain complicit in supporting the status quo: a way of life based on aggressive competition, consumerist indoctrination and violence.*

This is an innately hypocritical position: to preach peace and yet support violence – the violence that lies at the heart of our psychotic, capitalistic, consumption obsessed, Western societies. Leaving the forces of corruption unchallenged is simply not possible if one is truly following the spiritual path. On the contrary, the entre onto the spiritual path is achieved through committing to do one's utmost to free our planet from bondage and to protect that which is our Creator's work in all ways possible to us. If this means unmasking and exposing that which is blatantly dishonest, then this is what must be done.

It is my contention that by engaging in the direct defence of our basic freedoms and becoming active in the prevention of our collective enslavement, we discover the true means by which our largely dormant spiritual strength is most fully awakened. This way we become emissaries of a universal higher consciousness and are repaid a thousand times over for our efforts. Only when the inner work of spiritual practice is coupled to the outer work of activist involvement can we find the balance which once again unites the spiritual and the practical and makes us whole. Both must be entered into fully, for in reality they are two parts of one whole; just as an inhalation of breath is not separate from its exhalation. Why do we need to divide? That is the route of our oppressors.

Inner strength leads to outer action. Outer action leads in turn to more inner strength.. and so on ad infinitum. The resolution to the false state of separation made between these two states is ours for the making. The longer it remains sublimated within one or other of what we call 'spiritual' or what we call 'practical' there will be no respite for our divided world and no resolution to the sickness that holds back planetary rejuvenation.

What we call spiritual is actually the vibrant life force present in all matter, in all life. It is the composite energy expressed by the billions of swirling atoms that comprise all material and non material objects at all times. At the quantum point of engagement every cell in our body is now recognised as an intelligent being in its own right. A being having all the same intelligent faculties as the individual human being, but in microscopic form. The spirit courses through these cells in a manner indiscernible and inseparable from their cellular atomic structure. Everything that exists is at once spirit and material in simultaneity. The material is simply a third density expression of spirit.

Whereas spirit is simply the fourth, fifth and sixth density expression of the material.

When we humans fully 'come alive' it is said that we can also become invisible. The vibratory rate of our physical body merges with the vibratory rate of universal energy and at that point we are one and indistinct from the cosmic energy from which we once materialised.

So, in essence, spirit and material are one and the same. It is only because we have not yet catalysed the true potentiality inherent in us that we fail to recognise the oneness of energy/matter matter/energy and therefore the oneness of spiritual/material material/spiritual.

Once fired up to to take the sort of actions necessary to bring radical change into the unharmonious and downright destructive mechanisms of our ailing society, our cellular tissues literally tremble with rising energy.

The passion to breathe new life into that which has been callously rendered lifeless raises the spirit (in us) from a largely dormant state to a vibrantly active state. The word 'activist' expresses this condition.

The sense of rightful indignation that burns in us when we are witness to, or the object of, a blatant act of cruelty, deceit or callous indifference, is the spirit rising up (in us) in spontaneous defence of that which is wronged or humiliated. Rightful indignation is a powerful tool in activism. The will to 'right a wrong' is one of the main catalysts to taking action, and it is, I would argue, the natural response for sentient humans. I am not describing the 'vengeance' sought in the case of “an eye for an eye a tooth for a tooth” but the burning pain one feels out of empathy and compassion for a sentient life force which is being subjected to unreasonable exploitation.

This pain is the response of the universal spirit which vibrates through all of us and which grows in strength the more we follow its call. Thus, those who see great wrongs being committed on this planet and respond by taking action to defend and ameliorate that which suffers and thereby to bring the true spirit back to life, are truly following the spiritual road to consciousness, awareness and enlightenment. Their actions are the spontaneous expression of all that is Godly in us. To ignore, suppress or subvert such a response is to deny the free expression of this higher calling.

It's more than time for everyone to become an activist.

Julian is a British pioneer organic farmer, writer and activist. He is currently president of the 'International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside' which is leading the fight against GMO in Poland. He is author of "Changing Course for Life - Local Solutions to Global Problems"

Read other articles by Julian Rose here.

Cosmic Detox and the Crumbling Matrix

'Having any weird experiences lately? Good and bad? It appears these vibrational changes and the accompanying wake up are having some freaky consequences. Is the matrix breaking up and releasing its captive energies?

It’s nothing to fear.

Strange things are going to abound as we move into this next phase. Don’t be alarmed, but as the matrix starts to crack it will yield up caged energies of all types, again good and bad. It really is nothing to worry about but if you’re prone to fear it would be helpful to be near stronger people and/or spend extra time reading and watching uplifting information.

And stay informed. It will explain a lot.'

Read more: Cosmic Detox and the Crumbling Matrix

18 April 2012

The Myth of India's Independence

The first Indian Prime Minister Pandit Nehru (1889-1964) was a Freemason and Illuminati shill. He was in bed, in more ways than one, with Lord Mountbatten and his wife Edwina.  

by "H"
(, reprised from 2004)

As we know, the biggest Illuminati project of the 20th century was Communism. The Illuminati fostered the growth of the Indian National Congress through its operatives, A.O Hume and William Wederburn. The idea was to create an independent India which would be a proxy for the Soviets.

For this purpose, Indian Freemasonry worked overtime to groom local Indian Mason operatives.

According to this official Masonic website, "Swami Vivekananda (initiated in 1884 under the name of Bro. Narendra Nath Dutt in Lodge Anchor & Hope, Calcutta). Motilal Nehru - Lodge Harmony, Kanpur (Father of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and grand father of Indhira Gandhi), C. Rajagopalachary (Governor General of India), Sir C P Ramaswamy Iyer (Divan of Travancore), Dr. P V Cheriy (Governor of Maharashtra), and Fakruddin Ali Ahmed (President of India)."

Since this Illuminati project of delivering an "independent India" to the Soviet sphere of influence required top priority, Illuminati operative Helena Blavatsky founded The Theosophical Society in India. The purpose was two-fold. First, Blavatsky would dig up the swastika and Aryan theory for the Nazis who were created to attack Russia, which would result in the entire Eastern Europe and Germany being transferred to Communists.

Secondly, The Theosophical Society would coordinate the Indian Independence movement through the Indian National Congress. Even back then, rumors began circulating about Blavatsky and the "Russians".

A key theosophist activist was Mrs. Annie Besant who despite acting against the British, managed to mysteriously escape being punished by them. If one analyzes the Indian independence movement, we notice the British building a crescendo of antagonizing the Indian National Congress and then caving in to their demands....whereas transfer of power to the INC was predetermined.

Realizing that Indian National Congress leaders were phoney in every respect, Mohammed Ali Jinnah, a British educated lawyer managed to get a mandate for an all Muslim Pakistan without shedding a drop of blood or going to jail.

The last Governor General of India, Lord Mountbatten was associated with the Rothschilds. He realized the threat Pakistan would pose to Soviet-proxy India. He assured that independent India got more than its share of landmass, including islands in the Indian Ocean, many border districts initially marked for Pakistan (which resulted in the Muslims being massacred), and 95% Muslim Kashmir which should have gone to Pakistan.

The moment India was liberated coincides with a little known private ceremony known as "Hour of the British Empire" which is held in London.

Further, the Rothschild-owned British Petroleum was granted unlimited rights to all offshore Indian oil, which is valid to this day. There is reason to believe that the internationalists were behind the death/disappearance of Indian freedom fighter Subhash Chandra Bose who had become a popular rival to Theosophist groomed Nehru after independence.

Unlike Nehru, Bose was on the front lines using Indian POW's captured by the Japanese to fight back against the British. His death remains a mystery and it was conducted by the illuminati to ensure Nehru had control over all India.

The Congress party consisted of numerous Freemasons and Theosophists who ensured that India with its strategic landmass was always a total ally of the Soviet Union.

Later, many Communist countries including India became part of the "non aligned movement" which enabled them to remain allied to the Soviet Union and yet receive major aid from internationalists and their tax free foundations in America, including components for atomic weapons. Even Canadian Deuterium made its way into Soviet proxy India. All of Indian military hardware consisted of Russian technology and despite the cold war, the Illuminati was very reluctant to back Pakistan in any way.

Limited amounts of American small arms made it to Afghanistan through Pakistan but it is important to note that the American ambassador supervising it and the Pakistani President, General Zia were killed in the same plane crash!

India had major stakes in the Soviet Union, including a possible obliteration of Pakistan if the Soviets made it across Afghanistan. It is interesting to note that the UN turned a blind eye to the illegal Indian invasion and annexation of Goa. This proves that the UN was created to foster Illuminati plans.

Of course, the farce of Indian independence will never be known to the casual observer, who is subjected to whitewash such as the BBC movie, "Gandhi" and Larry Collin's (Of Illuminati Collins bloodline) "Freedom at Midnight". As for Indians, despite their population of around 1 billion, they seem to be too hungry, hate obsessed and materialistic to ever figure it out. And again, greeting the powerful of the world with folded hands is never looked down upon in India. Rather, it represents a 1000 year old tradition.

It is interesting to note that the Indian government crushed the real peasant classes who became genuine Communists without the Communist International batting an eye; and Soviet aid to India was never paused.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the Illuminati switched horses; abandoning the Congress party for the Hindu fascist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP).

Though never in control of this party, this was the closest the Illuminati could get to exercising influence. The UN and world media would turn a blind eye to the burning alive of 5000+ Muslim civilians by Hindu hoodlums.

Israel would become intimately involved with India, to the extent of Israeli fighter planes being detected in the process of launching preemptive strikes on Pakistani nuclear reactors after India conducted its recent nuclear tests.

The coming to light of this event enraged the Chinese allies of Pakistan to such an extent that they gifted Pakistan a complete fleet of fighter planes.

The recent resurgence of the Congress has upset Illuminati plans. The creation of a one world government under the Illuminati UN will require not just horrendous wars in the Middle East but the rest of the world as well.

In Asia, we may see a war with Pakistan, North Korea and China against India, Taiwan and South Korea. If it happens to be a nuclear war, the carnage will help pave way for a UN one-world government. For that purpose, the Illuminati is working to get the recently dethroned Hindu fascist BJP party back on its feet.

16 April 2012

The AIDS Hoax

Prof. Peter Duesberg, left, says AIDS is really a cancer caused by a recreational drug used 
by gays, and is exacerbated by the popular AZT treatment.

There are a lot of conspiracy theories floating around about AIDS. The notion that AIDS is a money-making hoax is rarely discussed.

by David Douthit

This is the story of Peter Duesberg. Duesberg is a professor of molecular and cell biology at the University of California, Berkley. He is a cancer researcher who has formulated a theory that HIV does not cause AIDS.

According to Duesberg what is known as AIDS was originally caused by the use of Alkyl Nitrate in the homosexual communities. Alkyl Nitrate is a recreational drug that creates some euphoria, and also loosens the anal spincter making anal sex easier.

Hence its use by homosexuals. Alkyl Nitrate, like some other nitrates, causes Karposi Sarcoma, a virulent cancer. When homosexuals in the late 70's and early 80's started surfacing with Karposi Sarcoma the possibility of a new epidemic disease was proposed.

Causes for the new disease were explored. HIV, a retrovirus present in many of the homosexual community that had Karposi Sarcoma was identified and labeled the possible cause of AIDS.

The extremely toxic cancer drug AZT was resurrected from oblivion, because it had been banned for chemotherapy cancer use.

AZT was approved for treatment of HIV infection. AZT itself causes many disease conditions commonly associated with AIDS. Merely detecting HIV infection was cause for "treatment" with AZT.

Once AZT treatment was initiated a whole myriad of AIDS symptoms surfaced, not just Karposi Sarcoma. Lots of money was made from causing more disease conditions, which of course had to be treated with other expensive drugs as well.


Africa has suffered from many tropical diseases like malaria, and malnutrition because of wars, revolutions, and famine. These conditions were labeled as AIDS, even though HIV positive test results were not obtained in most cases.

The AIDS figures were always greatly inflated by this sleight of hand. This resulted in huge amounts of money allotted for AIDS research. Many "researchers" and pharmaceutical companies profited greatly.

Duesberg contends that HIV is a harmless retrovirus. That is why a person may be infected with HIV for years and never experience any symptoms associated with AIDS, until of course treatment with AZT is initiated.

Doctors will then say, "good thing we started treatment just in time as symptoms started to surface."

Huge sums were made from the AIDS hoax. It could never be "cured", just treated indefinitely at a high cost, and AZT caused many more disease conditions.

Duesberg's theory was totally ostracized by the scientific community, and personal attacks were made. It was the classic kill-the-messenger approach. Duesberg wrote a book "Inventing the AIDS Virus" that details his theory.

Duesberg's theory has never received much press even in conspiracy circles. I believe that is because it is probably the closest to the truth.

I wrote this article for anyone infected with HIV, which could be almost anyone homosexual or heterosexual, so that they could have necessary information before starting any AZT regime for "treatment".

I am not a homosexual, but I certainly do not wish any harm to come to anyone. Promoting the theory that AIDS is really an epidemic disease is the exact MO of the "Powers That Be" to keep the population in a perpetual fear state.

I know for a fact that drugs used to treat "Autism" actually cause many of the symptoms labeled "Autism". I have witnessed it with my own two eyes. That is going to be the topic of one of my subsequent articles.


First response from BG:

Re: 4/12/12: "The AIDS Hoax":

The comment by "R" 4/12/12 re what his wife learned 30 years ago from the gay activists THEMSELVES is a jewel of a truth worth shouting from the rooftops. He also mentioned:

"...making the general public feel guilty and "DOUBLE-MINDED" (the mental state of all who come to consciously accept that which they instinctively hate)." (caps added)

I remember well the progression from single-mindedness to the double-mind in the AIDS Scam:

1. First, the general opinion was basically that, "If you live a life of debauchery, you will reap what you sow." (Gal. 6:7) [1]

2. Then the fear propaganda re AIDS/HIV was poured on thick & we began hearing of care agencies, schools, businesses, whatever, refusing to allow HIV &/or AIDS people in their midst.

3. Step 2 was necessary so they could then turn the tide & begin "shaming" everyone with such (purposely manufactured) "fears" & calling them cruel, heartless, haters, etc.

4. Then they threw in a few celebrity case stories to seal the sentiment that "Not everybody is bad who gets AIDS" (Rock Hudson, that famous basketball guy, etc.)

5. Then, Politically Correct Public Acceptance (consensus) is reached... the "Six Step Attitudinal Change Plan" was complete.[2]

04 April 2012

The Jewish Conspiracy - Last Moment of Lucidity

We can't even acknowledge our calamity without being "politically incorrect." It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment 90 years ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

After the Bolshevik Revolution, Christian nations briefly stirred in their sleep and recognized that the "Jewish Conspiracy" was not the figment of a bigot's imagination but rather the key to understanding the human condition.

History is the product of a long-term occult plan by Cabalist (satanist) bankers to subjugate the human race using war (genocide), revolution and financial collapse as their main instruments.

In 1920, no less a figure than Winston Churchill felt emboldened to write:

"From the days of Spartacus-Weishaupt to those of Karl Marx, and down to Trotsky (Russia), Bela Kun (Hungary), Rosa Luxemburg (Germany), and Emma Goldman (United States), this world-wide revolutionary conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested development, of envious malevolence, and impossible equality, has been steadily growing."

Churchill apparently didn't know that both Zionism and Communism were tentacles of the same Luciferian conspiracy, one he later came to serve.

In his book "The Decline of the West" (1918) Oswald Spengler noted that almost an entire generation of the ruling classes of Germany and England had perished in WWI.

"Thus the Anglo Saxon race had entered a period of irreversible decline in which it would inevitable give way to another more vigorous race, probably from the east."

In the rise of Communism and the mass migration of Jews to the United States, many identified this conquest with the Jews.

In July 1920, the staid Tory newspaper, The Morning Post published a series of 18 articles saying there has long existed, "like a canker at the heart of our civilization, a secret revolutionary sect, mainly of Judaic origin, bent on the destruction of all Christian empires, altars, and thrones."

In the first article, an expert on the occult, Copin Albancelli, stated that "the occult power which works behind Revolutionary Freemasonry is the secret government of the Jewish nation."

The article quoted a |Jewish convert to Christianity, Abbe Joseph Lehman, as saying that "Hebraic antagonism to Christianity had led the Jews to utilize secret societies." From the time of Moses,a secret cabal was the custodian of the "most sublime truths of the Hebraic religion" and, unlike the average Jew, was hellbent on world domination.

The Morning Post then affirmed that the Protocols of the Elders of Zion is not a hoax. Its goal was to establish "government of the world by a king of the blood of David."

The Protocols linked Jews with Freemasonry. There was " an inner or Jewish Masonry, the true governing power, and an outer or Gentile Masonry which blindly follows [the direction of the former.]

According to the Post, the Protocols took credit for the French Revolution: "On the ruins of the natural aristocracy of the goyim, we have set up the aristocracy of our educated classes, headed by the aristocracy of money."

The Morning Post tied the Protocols to the Russian Revolution. It acknowledged cabalist Jewish backing of socialists, communists and anarchists under the ruse of the bankers' "alleged ardent desire to serve the working classes."

After an engineered financial crash, the goyim "will be compelled to offer us international power that will enable us to gradually absorb all the the great forces of the world and to form a super-government."

Sound like the NWO? The Gentile cattle will work for their Cabalist Jewish masters. A system of education will erase "any recollection of their former state" from the minds of the goyim, and "establish the Jewish religion as the universal faith."

The alarm sounded by The |Morning Post echoed one by the Times of London. In May 1920, Lord Northcliffe, a part-owner of The Times, printed an article about the Protocols of Zion entitled "The Jewish Peril, A Disturbing Pamphlet, A Call for an Enquiry. " It concluded:

"An impartial investigation of these would-be documents and their history is most desirable...are we to dismiss the whole matter without inquiry and to let the influence of such a book as this work unchecked?"

But the alarm largely fell on deaf ears. As Hillaire Belloc explained in The Jews (1922) , the British Empire was largely the product of an alliance between Jewish Finance and the British aristocracy under the rubric of Cabalism i.e. Freemasory. The Cabalist "Jew" World Order is nothing but an extension of this.

As Douglas Reed described in A Controversy of Zion, Lord Northcliffe was declared insane and poisoned in1922. Howell Gywnne, the editor of the Morning Post survived until 1937 when the paper was bought by Rothschild allies and merged into The Telegraph. With the upcoming ruse called World War Two, the Rothschilds were taking no chances.


At present, the world represents the near-consummation of plans laid centuries ago and voiced in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.

Democracy is a charade. We are controlled by a satanic cult. The Cabalist bankers own the politicians left and right. Education dumbs us down. The mass media deceives, divides and corrupts. The most popular movie shows children killing each other for the entertainment of the elite.

We are taught to embrace homosexuality. Cattle need to be neutered and domesticated.

We can't even acknowledge our calamity without being "politically incorrect." It makes us nostalgic for that brief shining moment 90 years ago when the mainstream media could still mention the most pressing issue of all time.


Note- This article is indebted to the book, "On a Field of Red- The Communist International & the Coming of WWII" 1981. by Anthony Cave Brown & Charles MacDonald. pp. 202-204

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