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09 June 2012

10 Reasons For Hope and Optimism Or Why We're Not All Screwed

Dear friends,

What wild, crazy, and exciting times we live in! If you watch the news or read the newspaper, it may seem that everything is falling apart, the world is filled with war, fear, greed, and hate, and we're all screwed. These are real challenges we are facing, yet there are also many amazing developments that the media is hardly reporting. The old media truism is that fear-mongering and sensationalism sell. But what if we make it more fun and even profitable to spread love, joy, and inspiration in life?

Below is a list of 10 most inspiring trends showing that we are not screwed, that despite the challenges, there are many great reasons for hope and optimism. These inspiring trends suggest that we are in the midst of a huge shift that could very well lead to a much more rich and enjoyable world for all. For each reason listed below, several links are given to verify the inspiring material presented and to dive deeper into it. Behold, 10 reasons to become hope-mongerers!

Reason #1 : Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off

Reason #2 : Solar Power Soon Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, and Oil

Reason #3 : The Internet Miracle – Unprecedented Networking, Information Access

Reason #4 : Children More Loved, Supported Than Past Generations

Reason #5 : Violent Crime Dropping Dramatically, Wars Much Less Vicious

Reason #6 : Focus Shifting from Left vs. Right to 99% vs. 1% to the Human Family

Reason #7 : Man Behind the Curtain Exposed – The Global Power Elite

Reason #8 : Interest in Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion on the Rise

Reason #9 : Love and Cooperation Are Rockin' Our World!

Reason #10 : You Can Be Master of Your Own Life Now!!!

Reason #1: Humans Are Not Lemmings! Global Population Leveling Off

The world recently witnessed the birth of the seven billionth human on our planet. That's a lot of people! But did you know that the pessimistic predictions of a few decades ago that a lemming-like population bomb would drive humanity over the cliff of self-extinction are turning out not to be true? As the whole world gets wealthier and more secure, the desire for having many kids is dropping.

The average number of children per woman has been declining rapidly for decades. According to official UN data, the average number of children per woman worldwide for the period 1965 to 1970 was 4.85. Yet 40 years later, for the period of 2005 to 2010, that number dropped nearly 50% to 2.52! And the numbers continue to decline. Most experts predict that global population will level out by about 2100 at around 10 billion and may even decrease after that. And if we use our resources wisely, we can easily support that number of people. Yea!!!

For a fun 13-minute video of Dr. Hans Rosling graphically showing these trends, click here.

Read a Discovery News article titled "Population to Bulge, But Will Hit Ceiling" at this link.

Check out an article in the respected journal Nature on population projections available here.

For a New York Times article titled "Dire Poverty Falls Despite Global Slump," click here.

Additional great news is that statistics show global life expectancy has increased from only 30 years in the early 1800s to 50 years in 1955, and on up to 68 years in 2010. And even though the top 1% of the population has taken most of the profits in recent years, average global income has risen dramatically in the last 200 years. For a fun and powerfully inspiring five-minute video presentation by statistics guru Hans Rosling beautifully showing these exciting trends, click here. Rosling debunks many other pessimistic global statistics on his excellent website at this link.

Don't ignore the bad stuff, but make a point of celebrating the beautiful stuff with all the exuberant devotion you can muster. ~~ Rob Brezsny in his fun book Pronoia is the Antidote for Paranoia

Reason #2: Solar Power Soon Cheaper Than Coal, Gas, and Oil

The major media sadly have given very little attention to the exciting fact that we are already very close to solar energy becoming less expensive for energy generation than gas, coal, and oil. This is a huge game changer! If we no longer depend on big oil for our energy needs, we naturally gain an unprecedented level of energy independence that strengthens us as individuals and weakens the strangling grip of the greedy energy megacorporations.

If you explore major media websites, you'll find unbelievably little coverage of the amazing hope and promise of energy independence related to solar energy. Nor will you see much about other incredible new energy sources which have the potential to make energy virtually free for all people on our planet. Think about the implications of that! Thankfully, a few little-publicized media articles by mainstream sources have reported on some of these highly promising new energy technologies. Explore the links below for more exciting information on all of this.
Read an inspiring Businessweek article at this link showing that solar power is projected to become less expensive than coal for energy generation within just a few years.

Click here for concise summaries of key major media articles revealing exciting new energy sources, many of which tap into the boundless field of zero-point energy.

An excellent two-page summary available here shows that little-known new energy sources would almost certainly be cheaper than gas and oil now were it not for four key forces.

For an inspiring online lesson exploring deep into powerful new energy sources, any one of which would likely revolutionize our way of life and give access to infinite energy in the not too distant future, click here.

After we have mastered the wind, the waves, the tides, and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love. Then, for the second time, man will have discovered fire. ~~ Teilhard de Chardin

Reason #3: The Internet Miracle – Unprecedented Networking, Information Access

Thanks to the amazing miracle of the Internet, humanity is interconnected around the world like never before. Facebook, twitter,, and thousands of other social networking websites allow us to develop and maintain relationships with hundreds of people around the world, and to quickly and effectively spread the word far and wide on great causes. Caring and concerned groups like and many others can now pool legitimate electronic signatures of hundreds of thousands of people for political and social petitions sometimes in a matter of days.

Where in the past the major media and those in power often set or at least limited the terms of debate in our world, the Internet now allows any idea whose time has come to spread like wildfire without any censorship from above. Pirate radio stations continually harassed by the powers that be are a thing of the past, as anyone can now set up a podcast or a blog and reach not just a local, but a worldwide audience. And you can set up your own website to promote any interest which matches your passion. It's incredibly easy and free these days.
Start your own petition online and reach thousands of readers by going to the webpage on which teaches you how at this link.

Learn how to make a free, professional-looking website at or

Join over 10 million members worldwide in taking action to build a better world at

Those who know how to check and verify information using reliable sources can now quickly and easily carry out legitimate research to expose greed and corruption. This has forced unwanted transparency onto politicians and government in a way that empowers us all. Even intelligence agents around the world are realizing how they have been manipulated by the powers that be, and many are now secretly working to expose all the craziness. I've had several contact me personally. And have you noticed that almost every significant bill to limit Internet freedom has failed? Yea!!!

For great examples of how the Internet is a game changer, explore the case of former FBI translator and whistleblower Sibel Edmonds. It's remarkable not only that she's not in jail, but that she's breaking her gag order by self-publishing her tell-all book Classified Woman. The fact that I have never been bothered for my whistleblowing as a White House interpreter and for my muckraking on is another inspiring example. For more great information you could not have accessed before, check out Project Censored, David Wilcock, and the Transformation Team.

Whatever you can do, or dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now. ~~ Goethe

Reason #4: Children More Loved, Supported Than Past Generations

100 years ago, if parents wanted professional advice on how best to raise their children, the only sources they could turn to might be Sigmond Freud or their family doctor. Now a plethora of great resources is available in books, websites, and health clinics around the world. Back then, corporal punishment was considered the norm and no one dared talk about physical or sexual abuse. Nowadays, child abuse can quickly be reported and stopped, and parents around the world are finding many ways to be more loving and supportive of their kids than even a generation ago.

Partially as a result of these changes, the generation of children growing up now is more tolerant and accepting of widely differing lifestyles and a broad diversity of people and cultures than ever before. In this modern culture where everyone is increasingly interconnected, we're likely in for some big and wonderful changes as the harsh old guard retires and successive generations of increasingly caring individuals move into positions of influence in our world.
Watch a heart-warming, five-minute video beautifully showing the kind of love some newborns are receiving today, here in the form of a baby's first bath at this link.

For a great article showing how drastically child rearing practices have changed and improved over the centuries, from common infanticide to what is called the "helping mode," click here.

Time magazine's best-selling cover story "Are You Mom Enough?" shows the extremes to which some parents will go now to make sure their kids feel loved and supported. The article describes practices that would have been considered crazy just a couple generations ago. See the provocative cover photo and read the full story at this link and this one.

Read an inspiring New York Times article about a new breed of children being referred to as the Indigo children at this link. The title of the article is "Are They Here to Save the world?"

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye. ~~ Antione de Saint Exupéry in The Little Prince

Reason #5: Violent Crime Dropping Dramatically, Wars Much Less Vicious

Violent crime rates have been dropping dramatically for 20 years. Official U.S. Department of Justice statistics show that violent crime rates of 2010 were 1/3 the rates of 1994! Other countries are experiencing a similar decline. And deaths of law enforcement officers are at their lowest in 50 years according to this Boston Globe article, while according to official FBI statistics, rape rates have dropped to one-sixth of what they were 20 years ago! How awesome is that!!! Yet if you just watch the sensationalized news on TV, you might never know about these inspiring trends.

Consider also that 1,000 years ago, rape and pillaging were felt to be the natural spoils of war. The severed heads of enemies hung above the gates on the city wall greeted those who entered there. War atrocities were once the norm, where today they are prosecuted in international courts.

And the number of war deaths has dropped significantly since the over 15 million killed in WWI and roughly 60 million killed in WWII. Roughly three million were killed in both the Korean and Vietnam Wars. Since then, only two wars in Africa and the Soviet war against Afghanistan have had more than a million casualties. We still have a long way to go, but at least wars are now significantly less vicious, and we've managed not to destroy ourselves in a nuclear holocaust.
To see the charts of each type of crime, both violent and non-violent, on U.S. Department of Justice websites showing almost all categories at historic lows, click here and here.

Read an MSNBC/Associated Press article showing a 70% decline in crime rates at this link.

Check out a great article with lots of links to reliable sources showing how the media has downplayed the inspiring news of the major drop in crime rates at this link.

For a list of major wars and manmade disasters which caused the most deaths, click here.

Explore an excellent online lesson on key, little-known causes behind war and the hidden agendas of the military/industrial complex available here.

Naturally the common people don't want war. It is the leaders of the country who determine policy, and it is always a simple matter to drag the people [into war], whether it is a democracy, or a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. The people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is to tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same in any country. ~~ Nazi leader Hermann Goering at the Nuremberg trials.

Reason #6: Focus Shifting from Left vs. Right to 99% vs. 1% to the Human Family

The terms of political debate have rapidly shifted in the last few years. As recently as 2007, the public was sharply divided into liberal versus conservative camps with people fighting over issues which exacerbated the left/right divide. For thousands of years, the global elite have used the "divide and conquer" strategy to keep the public fighting against each other, while they reaped the spoils of the conflict they incited. Keeping people in conflict and at war with each other is highly profitable for those who sell weapons and fear.

The global financial crisis of 2008, however, has changed all that. Now you find conservative Tea Party groups working together with liberal new-age groups in the Occupy movement to stop the incessant flow of wealth from the 99% to the wealthiest 1%. And it's only a matter of time before people really get it that we're all one human family doing our best to survive and thrive on this beautiful planet we call home. Maybe it's time for all of us to occupy our hearts. 99% + 1% = 100%.
See the website of Occupy Wall Street at this link. For lots more on the movement, click here.

Read summaries of key major media articles exposing the manipulations of the banksters and huge financial institutions at this link.

Explore a profound and inspiring online essay titled "Beyond Duality" available here.

For a website showing how deeply interconnected we all are and exercises to open more to the heart connection we all share, click here.

The line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart? ~~ Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

Reason #7: Man Behind the Curtain Exposed – The Global Power Elite

As the public became aware of the massive greed and market manipulations of the banking elite during the financial crisis, an increasing amount of attention was focused on the global power elite. Where in the past people who talked about the immense power of secretive organizations like the Bilderberg Group and Skull and Bones were considered crazy "conspiracy theorists," now many caring citizens are exploring what these and other very real secret groups of the power elite of our world are doing. Even the once-reluctant media is now helping to expose these secrets.
Read revealing summaries of major media articles exposing power elite gatherings like the Bilderberg Group, Skull and Bones, Davos, the Bohemian Grove, and more at this link.

For a concise, excellent summary describing methods used by the power elite to control the public, and how that is now changing thanks to people like you and me, click here.

Explore a well researched online lesson exposing the role of the power elite in fomenting wars, polarizing the public, and what we can do about it at this link.

Once very effective in keeping their secret meetings off the public radar screen, the global power elite now realize that the jig is up. Their manipulations are being closely scrutinized, forcing them to act more responsibly. Entrenched factions of this elite are still struggling desperately to hold on to the vast amount of control they once exercised through using sophisticated technologies like HAARP, non-lethal weapons, and more. Yet these factions now find themselves in the minority, as even many members of the power elite say it's all gone too far.

Due to these internal pressures, the global power elite has become increasingly fractured, with many factions battling for differing agendas like never before. Even the most power-hungry factions are overwhelmed now with fighting to put out the fires caused by whistleblowers and newly emerging movements around the world. Little-known groups of intelligence agents like "The Library" are working behind the scenes to undermine global manipulations and support positive change for all in our world. The old "need to know" culture of secrecy is inexorably giving way to rapid information sharing which serves all of us in building a better world. What exciting times we live in!

In societies with strong power elites, the powerholders' power is dependent on the co-operation, acquiescence, and tacit support of the great majority of common citizens. ~~ Bill Moyer

Reason #8: Interest in Personal Growth, Consciousness Expansion on the Rise

As people around the world awaken to the previously hidden shadow side of our world, they are also opening more to new ways of looking at life and the inspiring light side of our world. Ever increasing numbers are seeing that life is not all about sex, money, and consumerism, and that we can find more joy and satisfaction through exploring deeper into personal growth and into the role of consciousness in our lives and in human development.

Mainstream scientists are now studying various aspects of consciousness and finding that we have much more creative power in our lives than was once believed. Dr. Bruce Lipton's pioneering cell biology research suggests that, contrary to popular belief, genes are not the primary regulators of life. Rather the way we perceive our life and world may be a key factor in determining gene activity. And experts in the field of quantum physics are confirming that for deeper understanding of our world, it may be impossible to separate the physical world from the consciousness that perceives it.

Innovative communication and conflict resolution techniques like nonviolent communication are helping us to to move through challenges with each other with more love and compassion. Interest in transformative near-death experiences, the healing properties of psychoactive substances, young children with detailed memories of past lives, the so-called "indigo children," the holographic model of the universe, and much more are on the rise. These and more are inspiring us to reconsider just what reality is and how our consciousness plays a role in shaping the reality in which we live.

People all over are stretching beyond their old belief systems and opening to the possibility that we are all much more connected than we once thought. Many are increasingly developing and refining their life purpose and intentions so that they can move with greater focus and clarity as they consciously create the life and world they envision. We are living ever more fully Mahatma Gandhi's inspiring words, "Be the change you want to see."
For a concise guide with simple, yet practical suggestions designed to help you develop, refine, and more fully live your life purpose and intentions, click here.

For lots of highly inspiring material on profound near-death experiences and how even just reading about them can transform your life, click here and here.

For an excellent, thought-provoking essay on fluid intelligence and how flexibility in thinking is literally changing the paradigm in which we live, click here.

There is a vitality, a life force, an energy that is translated through you into action. There is only one you in all time. This expression is unique. If you block your unique expression, it will never exist through any other medium. It is not your business to determine how good it is. It is your business to keep it yours clearly and directly, to keep the channel open. ~~ Martha Graham

Reason #9: Love and Cooperation Are Rockin' Our World!

Ever more people around the world are embracing the interconnectedness of each of us and of all humanity and all beings in the world and universe around us. It's exciting to see growing numbers of people opening to love and cooperation and finding a rich variety of powerful ways to build a richer life and world for all of us. We are increasingly recognizing that every one of us can make a difference. Even simple acts such as a smile or a warm greeting can turn around a person's day and make the whole world a little brighter for us all.

There are an incredible number of people, websites, and organizations beautifully spreading love and cooperation in our world today! So many shining examples like Nipun Mehta, who has spread love and inspiration far and wide with his DailyGood and weekly KarmaTube email lists. Websites like Moment of Love and The Love Foundation are inviting people to realize that every person in the world has heart, and everyone has a place in their heart that just wants to love and be loved. Great organizations like Challenge Day,, and the HeartMath Institute are helping break down the barriers between us and bring us together with ever more love and joy.
To invite more love, inspiration, and cooperation into your life, explore some of the great links provided in the paragraph above.

For an amazingly inspiring, six-minute video titled "Blessed Unrest" showing how millions around the planet are coming together in unprecedented ways to transform our world through love and cooperation, click here. We are making a big difference!

Explore the Web of Love website showing how deeply interconnected we all are and offering great exercises to open more to the heart connection we share with all beings, click here.

A wave of profound spirituality based in love and interconnectedness is sweeping the globe and changing the collective consciousness of all humanity. And while healthy competition has its place, people all around the world are cooperating in a variety of meaningful ways to focus more on what matters most in life and create a brighter future for all. Talk about exciting!!! Now is the time to step more fully into your power through love!

When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ~~ Jimi Hendrix

Reason #10: You Can Be Master of Your Own Life Now!!!

You are more powerful than you may even know. In the old paradigm, the global power elite wanted you to live in fear and scarcity and to believe that you were powerless, so that they could keep the power and abundance for themselves. In the new paradigm, ever more people are coming to realize that we all have unlimited power and potential within us. Every one of us can play a decisive role in changing our lives and our world for the better!

What's stopping you? Where do you feel weak and powerless in your life? How can you transform that? Recognize the things that you can't change, and choose to focus on changing the things that you can. If each of us does our part to reach out and mend the part of the world within our reach, life can't help but get richer for all of us. The ideas and resources below can help you to step more fully into your power and become a master of your own life.
Open to your own inner or higher guidance asking for what is right and best for you right now to step more fully into your power and become a master of your own life. Then pay attention to what life presents and do what it takes to make it happen.

For an empowering essay with practical ideas for transforming yourself from a reactive victim into a purposeful creator in your life, click here.

For an awesome online course which has gotten rave reviews for helping individuals around the world to step more fully into their power and become masters of their own lives, see the Insight Course at this link. If you don't have time for the full course, see the best single lesson from this course in helping you to take responsibility and transform your life at this link.

Recognize when you are feeling doom and gloom about the world. If you are ready to transform that feeling, consider opening to gratitude for all you have in your life. Remember that there are many millions around the globe who join you in wanting to be the change.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. ~~ Jalaluddin Rumi

Rock On!!!

There are many more reasons for hope and optimism, including holistic healing models being increasingly embraced by mainstream medicine, a new paradigm in prisons which truly rehabilitates, and the incredibly empowering microcredit movement whose pioneers won the Nobel Peace Prize for helping many millions worldwide to escape poverty. And learn about the 100-year-old man who recently completed a 26-mile marathon, or the 86-year old gymnast who brought a standing ovation from the audience. There is so much inspiration out there if we choose to look!

This is not at all to suggest that we ignore the shadow sides of our world. It is by shining light into the darkness and working together to integrate the shadow and the light that we powerfully transform our lives and world. Fear and major challenges in our life and in our world can actually teach us and help us to grow. Every act can be seen as either an act of love or a call for love. When we live from a place of love and integration, our lives can't help but be filled with more love and joy.

Together, we are making a big difference. And by using the amazing power of the Internet, we can make even more of a difference by spreading this underreported, inspiring news around our planet. Share this message with your friends and help us all to move into inspired action as we join together in transforming our lives and world. We are the ones we've been waiting for. And while you're at it, have a fun, rich and meaningful day, week, and life ahead!

With abundant love, hope, and excitement,
Fred Burks for PEERS and

Peaceful surrender of the Cabal is our best option - Negotiations Update, June 7, 2012


I have contacted my sources and they confirmed intel from Drake’s last interview.

Top people inside Positive Military group started having doubts and reservations about the execution of the Mass Arrests scenario in early May as there was an unknown element disturbing their plans. This unknown element turned out to be the Archons, physical and non-physical ones. The original Plan for the Mass Arrests designed by the Positive Military did not include Archons in consideration as their presence was not known to the Positive Military group until recently.

The physical Archons consist of a powerful group inside the Jesuit faction. This group had direct access to nuclear weapons which they were threatening to use if Mass Arrests would commence. As this group was effectively cut away from such access this Tuesday, the Cabal went into panic mode as they had no more leverage to delay their downfall. Therefore they are begging for mercy. They are cornered and they have nothing more to lose. If their only future would be mass arrests and possible execution, the only option they have is to fight an all-out war until their last man falls. If we give them a chance for a peaceful surrender in exchange for a milder treatment after they surrender, they have a motivation to cooperate. I have been present at many negotiations with members of the Cabal and they all follow the same pattern: as long as the bad guys have some power, they will use deceit to your disadvantage as much as they can and as long as they can. When they are finally cornered, most of them become very cooperative and some even genuinely cross over to the Light.

The non-physical Archons could become a real problem in the Mass Arrests scenario. Please understand that Mass Arrests could not happen without the complete reset of the financial system to cut off the Cabal from their remaining financial resources. At the reset, the non-physical Archons would influence people to spread panic, violence, riots, provoke civilians against the military…Things could really get ugly and spin out of control.

So peaceful surrender of the Cabal is our best option. If the Cabal tries to manipulate the negotiation process, we can still execute the Mass Arrests scenario anytime we want. In case that things then get ugly and escalate into a war, the Resistance has promised to back up the Positive Military and protect the People with their resources and can also send their troops from their deep underground bases to assist the Positive Military as the last resort.

Non-negotiable terms of surrender as suggested by the Resistance:

1. The leading members of the Cabal that are public figures must publicly announce surrender of the Cabal over the mass media until a certain deadline. The latest date suggested by the Resistance is June 21st (summer solstice). If the Cabal does not do this, the Mass Arrests scenario continues.

2. Immediately after that, in the next 24 hours, they must permanently step down from all positions of power. They must give in all their property and resources. They are allowed to keep basic food, clothes and shelter for survival. This will free us to create the future we want, with NESARA, free energy technologies, transparent financial system, non-censored media….

3. They must publicly confess their wrongdoings. Amnesty can then be granted in most cases, with some arrests still taking place.

The reason for polls on this and other websites is for the Positive forces to understand the opinion of the general public so they can perform their negotiations with greater confidence. Therefore it would be great if someone could get those polls to a mainstream website so that opinions of the mainstream population and their reactions to this would be better understood. Human masses have been programmed immensely and they effectively became parts of the Matrix and no one knows how they will react.

Even if all physical Cabal surrenders, you need to understand that by this act alone the non-physical Archons will not be removed. That is a separate issue and it will be dealt with in a different way.

07 June 2012

Free Energy - The Race To Zero Point

We live in a vast sea of energy. Everything, every atom, every subatomic particle is in constant motion, spinning eternally. Even in the cold, dark absolute vacuum of empty space, there exists what new physics is calling the quantum vacuum flux; it is the ether of the ancients, the life force energy of metaphysics; are the random fluctuations of this vast field of potential in which space and time are embedded. Now theoretically and mathematically proven, the question no longer is: "does this zero point energy exist?" but rather, can we tap this inexhaustible resource of free and unlimited energy and manifest new technologies which are both inexpensive and environmentally safe.
One thing is certain, if we continue on the course of rapidly burning fossil fuels and relying on nuclear fission, the future of our civilization is in grave jeopardy. We're at a critical juncture where the ravages of industrial pollution and radioactive waste have exceeded the carrying capacity of mother earth. Our finite reserves of oil and gas will be completely exhausted by the year 2025 at the present rate of consumption. Large corporate and governmental self interests ignore this pending crisis and resist change to the status quo. The question must be asked: "Is this the kind of world we want to pass down to future generations?

Illuminati mass rituals designed to vampire the peoples' energy

Thank goodness for Wembley

The David Icke Newsletter Goes Out On Sunday with a major background article about the London rituals this summer and how the pieces fit

'Oh to be in England, now that April's here', wrote the poet Robert Browning, but in these ritual-soaked months of 2012 it would be more appropriate to say 'Oh not to be in London now that June is here' … and July, and August. It is a summer of mass rituals orchestrated by the bloodline families of the global Control System to fundamentally manipulate the energy field of London and, by its knock-on effect, the rest of Britain and the wider world ...

... I have been emphasising for a long time, as I did two weeks ago in the newsletter about the Olympic flame, that what we focus on - give our attention to - we energetically connect with. Once that happens, if we are dealing with a manipulative force, our energy can be vampired through that connection. Information or energetic perception programs can also come the other way and infiltrate the psyche. I suggest that both are happening in London this summer as one of the key locations on the Earth energy (information) grid is being subjected to two enormous mass rituals ...

... How outrageous it all is for this focus and finance to be showered on one woman and one family. Members of Parliament, judges, the military, Intelligence personnel, police officers and even Christian clergy all swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen when they take office - not to the people of the country. It's her parliament, her military, her MI5 and MI6, her police, her Church.


The Queen stands on the blood red carpet to address her parliament, her clergy and her judges surrounded by her military and her silly men in silly clothes of red, black and gold. We don't even have a national anthem in Britain - we have an anthem to the Queen. The Monarch is purely symbolic? Oh please. She is the symbol of state power and she has literal power behind the scenes. Woe betide anyone who crosses her. Are you expected to bow or curtsy to a member of the official government? No, but they are to her. So where does the real power lie? ...

... I do everything by intuition and my intuition at the end of last year said hire the Wembley Arena in north London for October 2012 and so we did so despite the financial risks. It is becoming ever clearer why that was done, coming as it does after the summer that is literally ablaze with mass rituals designed to vampire the peoples' energy, draw power to the Illuminati global centre in London and encode the energy grid with their Satanic vibration (information).

I hope that as many people as possible will gather at Wembley all day on October 27th and add their heart and energy to the Great Gathering of Consciousness that will dismantle this energetic web that is being constructed before our eyes. We will definitely have 5,500 seats, but if the interest is there before the end of July it could be 7,500 or even 11,000. It all depends on ticket sales before the end of July when we have to make those decisions.

The Illuminati families think they have the power, but their power is only our power that they steal from us. The truth is that we have the power to end this nonsense - and we need to use it very soon.

The Queen's Diamond Jubilee 'beacon' (prime Illuminati symbol) near Buckingham Palace. It was lit by the Queen using a crystal diamond to activate the mechanism and it completed the ritual sequence of more than 4,000 beacons that were illuminated across Britain and the world.

Illuminati Mind Control

Alex talks with Fritz Springmeier concerning his 8 years in prison and the illuminati who have fully brought society under it's mind control grasp.

05 June 2012

Henry Blodget : "Why do People Hate Jews?"

June 3, 2012

The reason they want to sever our connection to God is they intend to take His place.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

Last week, the editor of Business, Henry Blodget stimulated discussion by asking the question, "Why do people hate Jews?"

He noticed that Goldman Sachs' activity had created anti-Semitism; Blodget wanted to give the subject an airing.

But the largely negative reaction made Blodget amend the question to "some" people and then to "What are the sources of anti-Semitism?"

Finally he issued a retraction:
"Some people I like and respect told me they felt insulted by and uncomfortable with the post...I am very sorry to anyone I offended. I sincerely apologize."

In an article, "Does Henry Blodget Hate Jews?" Jewish writer Foster Kamer commented:

"The only possible motivation for writing a headline like that is to attract attention, and page views, and it ... will only inflame parties on all sides (be they Jews, Jew Haters, Self-Loathing Jews, and so on). You can rest assured that whatever genuine intellectual curiosity Blodget has about this issue--and compassion towards marginalized and/or persecuted peoples, ...was made a moot point by that headline. And as a Jew, I can tell Blodget, this does not necessarily help our cause."

Stereotypically, Kamer thinks this discussion is about "helping the Jewish cause." His reply reflects the Jewish delusion that they are "marginalized and/or persecuted" rather than dominant and exclusive. He thinks any Jew who is self-critical must be "self loathing" - an attitude indicative of a closed, authoritarian society.


The reason for anti-Semitism is that Illuminati Jews and their Masonic minions usurp control of society. They tend to monopolize business, politics, media and culture. (For example, are there any significant anti-Zionist politicians or media? Why are 4 of nine US Supreme Court judges Illuminati Jews? Why do Illuminati Jews run the IMF and US Treasury? )

They deliberately subvert European Christian nations by promoting pornography, promiscuity, immigration, multiculturalism, feminism and homosexuality under the rubric of Communism, liberalism and socialism. (See also "Liberal Jews Carry Luciferian Banner")

The harsh truth is that Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion and most Jews are dupes.

Members of a satanic cult are never told the real agenda; they are manipulated instead. Now, by extension, most of humanity is in this position. i.e. unwitting inductees in a satanic cult.

Judaism has two sets of books.

Ordinary Jews and the general public see the Old Testament. (Even there the depiction of God is not credible because it is tribal and not universal.)

Only the initiates see the real agenda: the Talmud & the Cabala. The Cabalists (i.e. Illuminati) are dedicated to creating a "New World Order" through the destruction of everything that is decent and good. The Talmud envisages Jews as a master race and preaches hate against non-Jews.

In contrast, true religion is dedicated to revealing the inherent design of Creation and following it. This is called, obeying God.

A satanic cult denies the inherent Design (God); it turns Reality on its head. Evil is good. Lies are truth. Through their control of government credit, the Illuminati cult controls pretty much everything. Mankind is satanically possessed by them and their minions.

God is Ultimate Reality. Reality consists of moral absolutes: truth, goodness, love, peace, beauty, justice.

The Illuminati replace this with a solipsism, i.e. whatever they say is true or good. This is why always their first priority is securing a monopoly of the mass media and education.

Modern culture is a solipsism. It denies the soul and spiritual ideals. It denies God, ( i.e. perfection) the principle of our development. The reason they want to sever our connection to God is they want to take His place.

Modern culture eschews what is universal and true. Instead, it purveys what is personal, subjective and often sick. It makes a god of man, and defines him in terms of self-interest and bodily appetites.


The 1998 movie "Pleasantville" illustrates that secular humanism is occultism. Writer and director Gary Ross illustrates the harm Jewish liberal crusaders do while imagining they are our benefactors. His father, the screenwriter Arthur Ross, was a Communist blacklisted during the 1940s and 1950s.

Gary Ross recently co-wrote and directed the Illuminati film, "The Hunger Games." (Communism is an Illuminati creation.)

Pleasantville is Luciferian propaganda in the form of science fiction. David and his sister Jennifer are transplanted from 1998 into an 1950's American idyll like "Father's Knows Best" or "Ozzie and Harriet."

The tagline of the movie is "Nothing is as Simple as Black and White." In other words, there are no moral absolutes. This is Satanism (secular humanism.)

The two streetwise teenagers introduce promiscuous sex, modern art, jazz and literature to the sheltered robotic denizens of Pleasantville, who resemble Christian Conservatives.

As these innocent White robots are exposed to the wonders of modern CULT - ure, they change from black and white into color. This is especially true when they partake in sex.

David's "mom" changes into color after she is taught to masturbate BY HER CHILDREN. We see mom masturbating in the bathtub; it is portrayed like the Second Coming. This film was rated "Parental Guidance."

Remember when "as American as mom's apple pie" denoted goodness and innocence?

Mom immediately rejects her role as housewife and enters into an illicit relationship with the soda fountain owner who takes up impressionist art.
Needless to say all these black and white people are now seen in living color.

Meanwhile dad is like the Exercizer bunny in black and white repeating "Where's my dinner?"

There is a conservative "authoritarian" reaction but David soon quells it with breathless talk of "kids making out in the streets" and "women working and men staying home to cook."

Can you see how these Illuminati Jews are Luciferians, and reverse good and evil? Metaphysical misfits, they wage relentless war on what is innocent, natural and healthy. Can you see how they preach rebellion? How they spread their dysfunction? (See also, "Hollywood Hypes Lesbian Jewish Parable" )

The irony is Gary Ross yearned for a "normal life" like the ones he witnessed on TV.

"My '50s were different than other people's '50s," Ross says. "The myth didn't permeate our world, 'Donna Reed' and all that. I longed for that, I wanted to be like other normal families on TV."

Yet the first thing he does is destroy that vision.


Mankind is the target of an ongoing satanic multi-generational attack designed to enslave it.

Jews are "hated" because for centuries Illuminati (Masonic) Jewry has served as agents of this central banker agenda. They and their Freemason proxies have been at the forefront of this war against Christian nations. But like all Luciferians, they are adept at making darkness appear to be light, attacker appear as victim, hater appeared to be wrongly hated.

If the world descends into chaos, I expect Illuminati Jews will shift the blame onto Jews in general. They have fomented anti Semitism throughout history and are largely responsible for instigating the holocaust to justify Israel.

Ordinary Jews are as duped and manipulated as ordinary Americans whose taxes fund Illuminati wars. Both are controlled by the Illuminati bankers and their Masonic minions.

Ordinary Jews can do two things.

1) Recognize that Anti-Semitism is not "irrational hate." It is largely justified by the role Illuminati (Cabalist) and Pharisee Jews have played throughout history. Organized Jewry is not on the side of the angels.

2. Jews must stop serving as a Trojan Horse for Illuminati Jews and taking the blame for them. Illuminati Jews aren't even real Jews. They intermarry with other generational Satanists (Freemasons) who reach into every organization.

Instead of human shields, Jews should join with their non-Jewish neighbors in opposing this diabolical conspiracy that has engulfed mankind.


Adorno's Bastards and the Frankfurt School by Kevin Beary

Related by Makow -

Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity?

Our Illuminati Reality Bubble

Jewish Conspiracy - Last Moment of Lucidity

The Riddle of Anti-Semitism

Film Exposes Anti-Semitism Racket

Zionism's Historic Partnership with Anti-Semites

Nazis Funded Nacent Israeli Army

04 June 2012

Do Jews Suffer from a False Identity?

May 30, 2012

Many Jews are profoundly out of touch with their own truth.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(revised from April 2003)

The Jewish people have been deceived (or have deceived themselves) on two counts:

1. Most do not descend from the Biblical Jews. They are Khazars, from southwest Asia.

2. Judaism is not a religion. At best, it is a racial credo, designed to maintain racial cohesion, in this case the Khazar bloodlines.

In the absence of a more satisfying religion, many Jews sublimated their religious idealism into Communist and left-liberal causes designed to undermine host societies. They have been duped and manipulated by Masonic Jewish financiers ("organized Jewry," Zionism) into advancing a totalitarian "New World Order" aka "Globalism" "world government."

Many Jews are witting and unwitting pawns, profoundly out of touch with their own truth. They are foot soldiers and cannon fodder in a diabolical multi-generational plot to destroy Christian Civilization.


As is widely known, East European or Ashkanazi Jews (90% of the total) were descendents of Khazars, a Turkic people who converted to Judaism in the 8th Century.

The empire of Khazaria sat astride the Black and Caspian seas extending from the Urals to Romania. "That the Khazars are the lineal ancestors of Eastern European Jewry is a historical fact," Jewish historian Alfred M. Lilienthal writes in an essay, "Judaism : Religion or Race".

"Many Christians may have much more Hebrew-'Israelite' blood in their veins than most of their Jewish neighbors," he says.

Jews might visit Kiev instead of Jerusalem. They might learn more about their roots by studying a web site like than the Old Testament. The Torah (the first five books of OT) has helped Jews maintain their identity for millennia. Unfortunately it may have been camouflage for Cabalists and Talmudists who nurture a demented megalomaniac dream.


In "Separation and Its Discontents: Toward an Evolutionary Theory of Anti Semitism" (1998) Kevin MacDonald suggests that Jews also use religion as camouflage for race.

He says Judaism becomes viewed as a benign highly permeable non-ethnic group whose differences with other groups are merely ones of personal belief rather than ethnicity. Conflicts of interest between the Jewish community as a strategizing ethnic group and other groups are minimized. (74)

In "The Future of American Jewry," Irving Kristol wrote: "Jews in America may belong to Jewish institutions, send their children to Sunday schools for religious instruction, proudly identify themselves as Jews, but their religion, for the most part, is only Jewish in its externals. At the core it is secular humanist."

Secular humanism is a guise for Satanism. It denies the existence of God and makes man God, i.e. "the man" - Rothschild.

A 1970's survey of American Jews found that less than 50% felt it was necessary to believe in God to be a "good Jew." On the other hand, over 95% agreed that "it is important that there always be a Jewish people" and "every Jew is responsible in some measure for the well being of every other Jew."

Only 33% agreed to the proposition:" The primary loyalty of American Jews must be to the US and their fellow Americans." (MacDonald, p.277)

Orthodox Jews oppose intermarriage and conversion. In 1997, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis declared that Reform and Conservative Judaism (the vast majority of "observant" American Jews) are not Jewish.

In 1996 Rabbi Harold Schulweis told the Los Angeles Times, that conversion to Judaism "is upsetting to some Jews because they feel Judaism is less an ideology than a biology, a matter of chromosomes not choice." (MacDonald 267)

I am not observant but I still consider myself Jewish because my parents and ancestors were Jewish. I don't think race is a bad thing if each race is considered part of the human family with none better than another. I admire other races and like to see them flourish. I am not opposed to intermarriage but I believe it is preferable to maintain racial identity if possible.


In a previous column, I suggest that Judaism is a "flawed religion." I cannot subscribe to the view that Jews are "above all other people that are on the face of the earth" (Deuteronomy 7:6).

Nor do I subscribe to a God who is a merciless judge meting out reward and punishment.

True religion teaches us to become more God-like. "Be ye therefore perfect even as thy Father which is in heaven is perfect," said Christ. (Mathew 5:48)

In an email, Rabbi Marvin Antelman referred me to Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik.

"According to him there is no such thing as Judaism. The concept is post Biblical and post Talmudic; and he challenged his disciples (he ordained over 2000 rabbis) to find the term (in Hebrew the words is Yahadut) in the Hebrew Bible, the Talmud or Jewish codices."

Antelman, author of "To Eliminate the Opiate" (2002), urged me to find Jewish meaning in the Torah, God and the land.

"The Torah and the land of Israel are Divine gifts of God to the Israelite nation. Any so called Jew who thinks otherwise is not a Jew..."

Since God and Israel are based on the Torah, he is really saying, read the Torah. I did and must agree with Arthur Koestler, a Jewish writer who characterized it as a racial credo "which turns out to be illusory."

"The Old Testament is first and foremost the narrative of a nation's history; it gave monotheism to the world, yet its credo is tribal rather than universal. Every prayer and ritual observance proclaims membership of an ancient race...The Jewish faith, as shown by 2000 years of tragic history, is nationally and socially self-segregating. ...It transformed the Jews of the Diaspora into a pseudo-nation . . . held together loosely by a system of traditional beliefs based on racial and historical premises which turn out to be illusory." (The Thirteenth Tribe, 1976, p.224)

In his Gospel of Love Christ attempted to transform Judaism from a racial credo into a genuine religion. He proclaimed universal brotherhood and a God of Love. But the Pharisees wanted Jews to be "a nation unto itself," an instrument to rule the world.

Down through the centuries, the Jews have remained prisoners and pawns of their Pharisees who answer to the financiers.


In "Esau's Tears: Modern Anti Semitism and the Rise of the Jews" (1997) Albert Lindemann writes: "Jews have been as capable as any other group of provoking hostility." (xvii) They "actually do not want to understand their past, or at least those aspects of their past that have to do with the hatred directed at them, since understanding may threaten other aspects of their complex and often contradictory identities." (535)

Jews imagine they are descendents of the Israelites, irrationally persecuted for the crucifixion, morally superior people and a beacon for humanity. In fact, I suspect they are dangerously out of touch with their own reality.

Since Judaism is mainly a racial credo, Jews are attracted to other religions. One local rabbi tells people he is a Buddhist. Many Jews have made their religion the creation of a secular Golden Age. Unfortunately this humanist utopia is a hoax, sponsored by the Satan-loving financial elites who wish to establish a thinly disguised totalitarian world government.

Why else would Jewish Marxist feminists be permitted to alienate young women from men, motherhood and family? To learn that "the patriarchy" is to blame for everything? To reject and rewrite western culture from the point of view of women?

Throughout history some Jews have aroused enmity by serving as pawns and middlemen for the elites. Unwittingly, many Jews have assumed this role again. They form a core group in the movies, news media, TV, think tanks, universities and government that legitimize the elite and preach contempt for healthy Christian ideals. They are reminiscent of the Jewish core group that engineered the Bolshevik revolution and Communism.

But Jews are individuals and other Jews like myself are opposed to the New World Order. I am inspired by others like Norman Finklestein, Gilad Atzmon and Israel Shamir. I admire Dr. Judith Reisman who blew the whistle on the Rockefeller's campaign to promote homosexuality. and Alan Kors and Harvey Silverglade who fight for academic freedom.

I believe many Jews have a profound sense of justice and truth. We want to know who we really are. I think we are Khazars. "Next year in Kiev!"
Related -- Jews defined by Occult Ideology - Not Nation/ Race

Gilad Atzmon on David Miliband (Labor Leader) Jewish identity

Makow - Is the New World Order Jewish?

02 June 2012

Andromeda Council Biospheres

May 31, 2012

A detailed review of all twelve (12) Andromeda Council biospheres:
the six (6) multipurpose biospheres, including the primary command Andromeda Council biosphere where the Council, sub-committee & advisory board meetings are held four times per 'work week'; two (2) are Jupiter size 'transport' biospheres [Nemanstae & Pleiadra]. The other three (3) are: Centoria (defense), Sarsta (engineering), Viera (Milky Way galaxy wide communications). And;

The six (6) Andromeda Council hospital biospheres/'ships' include: Pontae, Testsol, Mantrael, Mika, Andora and Wandeki.

Tolec reviews the features of each standard biosphere, with nuances. Specifications
include - purpose, functionality, Earth like environments with many parks, hills, trees, boulders, ponds, rock walls, streams... lighting, council meeting chambers & rooms, living quarters, food, recreation, etc.

Obama secretly ordered cyber attacks on Iran's nuclear program

According to New York Times report, Stuxnet worm was part of joint U.S.-Israel effort to sabotage computers that control Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities.

By Haaretz

June 01, 2012 "Haaretz." -- -- Shortly after taking office in 2009, U.S. President Barack Obama secretly ordered sophisticated attacks on the computer systems that control Iran's nuclear enrichment facilities, the New York Times reported.

According to the report, Obama decided to expand attacks that had begun during the George W. Bush administration.

The report said that the Stuxnet worm, the existence of which became public in 2010, was developed by the United States and Israel as part of a joint effort to sabotage the Iranian nuclear program.

Obama reportedly decided that cyber attacks should continue, even after Stuxnet was publicized.

According to the report, internal Obama administration estimates show that the sabotage effort set the Iranian nuclear program back 18 months to two years, but many experts, both in and out of government, are skeptical of this assessment.

The report comes almost a week after the internet security company Kaspersky Lab announced that it had uncovered a 'cyber-espionage worm' designed to collect and delete sensitive information, primarily in Middle Eastern countries.

Kaspersky called the malware, named "Flame," the "most sophisticated cyber-weapon yet unleashed." It said the bug had infected computers in Iran, the West Bank, Sudan, Syria, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

The company also said that Flame contained a specific element that was used in the Stuxnet worm and which had not been seen in any other malware since.

On its blog, Kaspersky called Flame a "sophisticated attack toolkit," adding that it was much more complex than Duqu, the vehicle used to deliver Stuxnet.
