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20 June 2012

Marijuana Heals Cancer

BBC special on Cannabinoid Receptors... A new study published in Nature Reviews-Cancer provides an historic and detailed explanation about how THC and natural cannabinoids counteract cancer, but preserve normal cells. It is hard to believe that the knowledge that cannabis can be used to fight cancer has been suppressed for almost thirty years, yet it seems likely that it will continue to be suppressed. Why? According to Cowan, the answer is because it is a threat to cannabis prohibition. Millions of people have died horrible deaths and in many cases, families exhausted their savings on dangerous, toxic and expensive drugs. Now we are just beginning to realize that while marijuana has never killed anyone, marijuana prohibition has killed millions.

19 June 2012

Insider Exposes Hollywood's Satanic Underside

Cautioning us to never idolize any "Star", our insider says all successful actors, stars, celebs and so on, have been heavily compromised in order to achieve their "dream".

No depravity is too great for Hollywood Illuminati Elite

"Go; behold, I am sending you as sheep among the wolves" Luke 10: 3

by Sasha Spencer

We all know that Hollywood is perverse but an insider has posted new information that is beyond the pale. It confirms everything I encountered when I flitted along the margins of show business in the 1980's and much more, including human cloning and child sacrifice.

Film sets are sexually highly charged. My own encounters with show-biz strangeness ran the usual gamut of offers to sleep and play with producers and other power players, group sex and so on.

Or, upon being cast as the lead in a play, in a fairly large city (which could have really helped me along), I realized that I needed to "live with" and "sleep with" the octogenarian director for the duration of the theater run.

I declined the part.

Or, finding out a cast member's girlfriend is really a she-male, or a famous Country-Western singer likes to be used as a human toilet.

Or, going back stage to meet Danny Thomas, the star of "Make Room for Daddy" after a performance. He grabbed me and rammed his tongue down my throat.

What price to make it in show biz? There are two realities to the industry. First, there are the insider blood line types who get out of film school, a call is made and the career is launched. Shirley MacLaine and Warren Beatty might be an an example. Many of these people come from multi-generational abuse families. It also helps if you are Jewish. I am not.

Then there are the nobody's who eventually come across the pay to play scenario. Basically prostitution, sleeping with producers, directors and so on, and being on call as an escort. If you say no, your career goes nowhere.

[Darwin Porter says many stars, like James Dean, Rock Hudson, Marilyn Monroe and Lucille Ball, started their careers as prostitutes. Hoover & Tolson: Sexual Secrets of America's Most Famous Men and Women.]

That is why you have never heard of me! The author of the expose and I both shared the moniker of right brain, creative types who were idealistic and naive about the world. It's what saved us both in the long run.


In order to reach the higher echelons of entertainment with no family or Tribe connections, you must work yourself up through the drug use/sexual permissiveness/prostitution/escort stages to things like mind control, handlers, and into darker levels of spiritual possession or soul-loss at a profound level.

This sets the stage for the performer to become part of a very dark world. Artists who resist are a huge threat.

So the Controllers compromise you in some way with evidence of your perversions, or they threaten you, or they finally kill you.

And especially if you are a big money-maker, you are often replaced, and I don't mean by another actor. This way, "you" or the 2.0 version of you, can keep on making money for the dark side!

We are talking about losing one's Soul people!

And... it's real!


Cloning has been around for many decades. We just are kept in the dark about it.

Our former entertainer has many stories to relay of how famous celebrities changed in character and looks. Her suspicion is that they had been replaced. She names such stars as, Michael Jackson, Ann Margaret, Joan Baez, Jane Fonda and Jennifer Connolly.

She had friends in the industry who knew these entertainers personals and believed they had indeed been replaced.

She also mentions Bob Dylan. Recently, I saw an interview with Dylan who was on 60 Minutes, and he admitted on camera that he had indeed made a deal with the devil long ago!

Bob didn't look happy.

Replacement can be confusing to detect because many stars have plastic surgery with horrific results. Basic mutilation. Think Mickey Rourke or Priscilla Presley.

In their cases, extreme surgeries could be used as a form of torture to "fall in line" or the actor /performer is replaced. The surgery takes place after the cloning to improve the original.

Clones never live up to the originals. They deteriorate rapidly. There are many subtle differences. However, many actors will do anything to their bodies and minds to work in Hollywood. Most are damaged people.

Cautioning us to never idolize any "Star", our insider says all successful actors, stars, celebs and so on, have been heavily compromised in order to achieve their "dream".

I mean, after all, show business is just a distraction. In ancient Rome, the poet Juvenal describing the political power scene of the day said, "Panem et Circenses", Bread and Circuses". Meaning, if you keep the masses fed and entertained, they are less likely to kill or even notice their invisible handlers.

So it all boils down to the elite and the demonic force that is behind them.

She spoke of the Madonnas who groom the younger women to eventually take their place with the sexual/psychic rituals. She said that all these women are mind controlled and abused.

Our insider states, many celeb charity boards are fronts for prostitution, sex trafficking and drugs. Many celebs are set up with boyfriends and marriages that are arranged. The actresses agree to do porn in exchange for all the perks of being with a rich man but knowing they will lose it all if they break up with the guy.


Snuff films are just human sacrifices. These films are done when a sex slave/prostitute/call boy, has gotten slightly haggard and past their "sell by" date or has pissed off the wrong people.

There is a huge market for these satanic sacrifice films among the exclusive, connected and wealthy circles i.e. the demonic Illuminati.

She also touches on the pregnant actresses who are suddenly not pregnant. Their babies are used for human sacrifice. She claims Bristol Palin has been pregnant four times and three of the babies disappeared. She was suddenly not pregnant. You can read more about this here.

Our actress believes there is a long list of famous people who have sacrificed a child, including many political figures.

Many mysterious accidents have happened to big name people and thereafter, magically, their career takes off.

Now I know where the saying comes from, whereby in signing a contract, people joke about giving up their first born child! For example, George Bush Sr., had two little girls that died. Ever heard of them?

Remember Barbara Bush keeping a fetus in a jar?

I can attest to this phenomenon and, I am very suspicious. Shortly after my beautiful young mother was killed in a horrific "accident", weeks after the death, I was invited to Washington D.C. by a U.S. Senator.

My father was his financial campaign manager. I went to the home of George Bush, Sr. for a party. Holding Poppy's hand and chatting with Barbara, I remember being in total and complete shock and profoundly disassociated from my body at the time and for years afterward.

Soon after this Presidential visit, my father's career took off like gangbusters and we soon had oodles of money and a family jet. And who was flying in that jet? Henry Kissinger among many other elites. Pretty suspicious if you ask me.

A Sacrifice?

I don't know. But, it makes me want to go hmm...


Our informant ran into the Dark Arts very early on. These dark arts are ruled by the Illuminati/reptilian/negative ET's, negative humans/military industrial complex.

The negative gatekeepers need a certain number of true artists, light worker types as camouflage. Sometimes these light types are targeted to move to a higher level on the playing field.

At the same time they are surrounded by relatively nice "handlers" who don't corrupt them. But, the conclusion is that at some point everyone in the industry has to make the decision to yield to the corruption or get out.

That is, if it's not too late. We are human batteries to them. They pilfer our higher energy.

Drugs, alcohol and spiritual possession make it a much easier choice for the actor/performer to compromise, I'll do anything to get a job.

That is when the evil really steps in. Many of these people keep drugging and drinking to make their harrowing dark choice "OK".

But, many cannot keep up the illusion and want out at some point.

If they protest or tell the truth of what is really going on...they are often replaced. They become surrounded by dark people, dark organizations and dark non-humans (ET's or hybrids). Once this happens they barely have control over what happens next.

Many victims of this satanic industry are those who have no family ties to speak of. Their lives are easier to erase and dispose of. All planned, all by design.


We, The people, especially in the West, have allowed Hollywood hype to distort our sense of reality. None of this is by accident. All has been carefully planned.

Our world is held hostage by an illusion run by a Satanic cult.

The classic Faustian Deal with the Devil is real. See this: This contract made by many in the entertainment industry, allows something horrible to possess the individual spiritually, physically, emotionally and sexually. One's entire being is consumed by dark energy and personal free will is extinguished. Many artists take the deal. I don't think it ever works out well for any of them; as there is no honor among thieves.

See this:

Our insider-actress says, she was saved by her light. She intrinsically knew who to stay away from. I positively know that my own light and inner knowing kept me safe.

All of us, citizens of this 3D, earthly plane, those who are rightfully meant to be here, we all need to stop being complicit in our own destruction!. We can do that by continuing to wake up.

We need to grasp the fundamentals of this reality! Just Say No to the false Illusion.

We are being Preyed Upon by a preternatural force that deals in the grandest of illusions and pushes forth, the Great Work of the Ages. Look it up.

Our only hope to escape this evil/dark reality is to shed the Reptilian scales from our eyes, disengage from the lie and stop feeding the beast.
Speaking of Possessed people...check out this: I'd say Sarah Jessica is looking a bit Reptilian don't you think? And she is endorsing someone from the "down-low club", and the secret society, Le Boule.

18 June 2012

Everlasting Existence

Alien Earths

Join leading astronomers on a visual journey beyond our solar system in search of planets like Earth. Using CGI animation, we'll explore bizarre worlds that stretch our imagination: planets with iron rain and hot ice, with diamonds everywhere, and endless oceans of gas. Planets with abnormal orbital patterns and planets with no pattern at all that drift alone in the Milky Way. Planets so strange we never could have predicted them before. Could life exist there?

Drake disclosed and confirmed that aliens are among us

Sunday June 17, 2012

By LadyDragon
MONTREAL--( on his radio today talked about removing Eric Holder from office, his letter to the military and most important disclose that ET's Aliens are among us.

In his 3 hours show today, Drake disclosed that ET's Aliens are among us and are helping now.

Drake is calling for the removal of the unconstitutional and repressive US government.

Drake sent an Open Letter to the Military yesterday and said the US Military better move and take positive action in removing the Dark Cabal or else they will become irrelevant.


Plus he went in details about the existence of good and bad aliens that are among us.

LadyDragon also spoke and confirmed that Pleiadians are here to help us now according to Cobra

InLight Radio Stephen Cook interview with Cobra

Drake talks also about retail and communication tracking therefore we havre no privacy.

Click here to listen the entire show.

About Drake

For those who are not familiar with Drake, Drake is a military gentleman that was chosen by the good people of the Pentagon to represent them to explain to the world what they are presently doing.

The world as we know now is run by criminals that will be remove very soon with a process that is called THE EVENT..

Drake's mission is to inform all of us as news can be released.

His new website is very welcome since he will be able to give updates directly to his subscribers on his site American National Militia

About LadyDragon

Internationally known over 175 countries as the woman expert of the industry because of LadyDragon in depth knowledge on all the facets of the industry which include the PC, the Video and the Wireless. Now with the new Xbox 360 that just came out and the PlayStation 3 coming to the market to choose from plus with the PC upgrading all the time and adding more hardware and accessories to play with not counting that everything is moving to become wireless people all over the world relies on her expertise in order to get the true facts and information that they need for their purchases or their knowledge.

Since now everything or anyone that is successful will become or be in a game sooner or later LadyDragon brings you powerful interviews like the one with Dalene Kurtis and Craig Lieberman from the Fast and Furious movie and the 2 exclusives with Joanie Laurer formerly know as Chyna from the WWF ( World Wrestling Federation).

Plus special report like being at the Playboy Mansion when Playboy unveiled their new video game
LadyDragon takes great pride in discovering new products, companies and people that are unknown and giving them a chance to be heard like the company Strategy First then was not known but now Strategy First is known as one of the best company in the world who develops strategy games.

Click here to listen to LadyDragon's radio appearance where she was talking about video games.

May 28 ---> Introduction to LadyDragon

May 30 ---> LadyDragon talking with Drake

May 23 ---> LadyDragon talking with Drake

LadyDragon has a new website called Free Canada Movement 2012

Bilderberg Group Mystery - International Banking and Other Worldly Interests

by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
June 2, 2012
from Exopolitics Website

The Bilderberg Group is concluding its annual meeting this weekend in Chantilly, Virginia (a suburb in the Washington DC metro area) to discuss a range of hot button international issues.

The meeting (May 31 to June 3) has attracted protestors many of whom believe that the Bilderberg annual meeting serves to expand the interests and influence of international banking cartels. Protestors and critics believe the Bilderberg meeting is a forum where world policies are secretly decided, and implemented. High among these policies is the creation of a one world government and central bank.

In contrast, the Bilderberg Group website claims that its meetings are merely,

“a small, flexible, informal and off-the-record international forum in which different viewpoints can be expressed and mutual understanding enhanced.”

The Bilderberg website further points out,

“no resolutions are proposed, no votes taken, and no policy statements issued.”

So what is the real agenda behind the Bilderberg group? Is it to promote the interests of international banking cartels and a one world government?

Alternatively, is Bilderberg simply an annual forum for leading industrialists, bankers, hi-tech gurus, and up-and-coming politicians to meet, learn about each other, and better understand international events?

The ultimate answer may be truly out of this world.

According to Bilderberg Group critics such as Alex Jones, currently leading an Occupy Bilderberg protest, the annual meeting serves the interests of an international banking cartel intent on creating a one world government and a global Central Bank.

To achieve these long term goals, the Bilderberg Group meets annually to implement international policies where they secretly manipulate national politics, economics, and global events.

The ultimate goals are all very worldly:

a One World Government controlled by a World Central Bank.

The international banking families would provide much of the capital for setting up the World Central Bank thereby creating virtually unlimited wealth for future generations of international bankers.

This wealth would be more than sufficient to satisfy the greed, ambitions, and political needs of international banking interests in controlling humanity.

The Bilderberg Group has already become, according to Daniel Estulin, a shadow world government:

…they have gathered yearly in a luxurious hotel somewhere in the world to try to decide the future of humanity… the Bilderberg Group has grown beyond its idealistic beginnings to become a shadow world government, which decides in total secrecy at annual meetings how their plans are to be carried out. They threaten to take away our right to direct our own destinies.

So are Jones, Estulin and other critics correct? Is the annual Bilderberg meeting merely a front for international banking interests that form the backbone of a shadow world government?

The following story was told to me by a former hotel employee that had worked at a venue where the Bilderberg group was meeting one year.

This was a year where Bill Clinton was attending according to this employee. I have met this former hotel employee and will simply refer to this person as Mr B. I found Mr B to very credible, and he had no reason to fabricate what follows.

While at work during the Bilderberg annual meeting, Mr B was instructed to deliver an important message to a specific person attending a meeting in one of the smaller meeting rooms being used by the Bilderbergers.

As is now well known, it is the tradition of the Bilderbergers to hire an entire hotel for its exclusive use during an annual meeting. All hotel staff are basically there to serve the needs of Bilderberg participants during the meeting. So it was not unusual for Mr B to be given such a task which he was now responsible to complete.

Initially, Mr B was refused entry and was asked to hand the message over to someone else. Mr B insisted that he was under strict orders to deliver the message personally. After some heated discussion, Mr B was given permission to enter the meeting room. That’s when things became very bizarre.

Mr B claimed upon entering he saw around 24 people seated around a large rectangular table. They were speaking in a cacophony of sounds, none of which was intelligible. It didn’t sound like any language Mr B had ever heard before. Mr B couldn’t see any faces among those seated around the table. He could see their physical bodies in suits, etc., but the faces were hazy due to some kind of mist or fog.

Mr B reported that there was an intense energy field pervading the room - it was definitely very unusual and felt otherworldly. Mr B felt resentment being projected towards him over his unwelcome presence.

He was directed towards the person to whom he had to deliver the message. Mr B delivered the message and promptly left the room. He was unaware of the message’s contents.

Soon after leaving the room, Mr B experienced a massive headache, which lasted several days and he had to take time off.

Mr B’s experience suggests that an element within the Bilderberg group does have an otherworldly composition and agenda. It’s very likely that Mr B had viewed the Bilderberg’s mysterious Executive Committee in session, and that the people running Bilderberg may be in touch with and/or controlled by an outside otherworldly force.

What is this otherworldly force? None of the major Bilderberg Group researchers elaborate on such an element. So at this point, I will outline what exopolitics researchs have revealed about this otherworldly element in Bilderberg Group meetings.

The first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 had multiple reasons to convene.

The public justification was that it was held to promote political and economic cooperation between Europe and North America as the best defense to what was now perceived as the long term threat of communism. To that end, prominent business and political leaders have been regularly invited to Bilderberg Group on an annual basis to discuss ways of coordinating national policies and anticipating global trends.

Among the many notable individuals involved with Bilderberg Group meetings over the decades since its formation, Daniel Estulin gives special mention to the role of Henry Kissinger who was a protégé of the Rockefeller brothers who were instrumental in the Group’s creation.

While Estulin identifies some of the Bilderberg Group’s key players, he does not discuss Bilderberg's otherworldly origins and goals.

Key personnel and agencies involved in the formation of the Bilderberg Group reveal that its hidden purpose was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to Bilderberg’s creators:

the Central Intelligence Agency

the Rockefeller brothers

Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands


This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany’s advanced technology programs.

Events which Nelson Rockefeller, Kissinger, and the CIA & its OSS predecessor, became deeply intimate with during and immediately after the War - Nazi attempts to reverse engineer extraterrestrial technologies for the war effort.

The main task of the Bilderberg Group was to coordinate the nations of the world so that any information gained by any nation pertaining to extraterrestrial life and technology was to be sent to the right place for research and development. A highly secretive second Manhattan project that had begun in the United States under President Truman to deal with the alien life and technologies was expanded to include other nations in a globally coordinated effort.

Eisenhower’s election in November 1952, offered his chief supporters, the Rockefeller Family, the opportunity to have greater corporate involvement in the now ‘global’ Manhattan Project.

The Rockefeller brothers (Nelson and David) along with Henry Kissinger, were instrumental in shaping the Eisenhower government’s response to extraterrestrial technologies using Cold War covert operations as a cover, and helping set up the Bilderberg Group for that purpose.

The Bilderberg Group would meet to coordinate national policies so that humanity would have the best chance of surviving the challenges posed by visitation of different extraterrestrial factions with unknown agendas.

A vital part of the Bilderberg Group agenda was to ensure that the global media and national legislatures would not learn about an extraterrestrial presence, or of the coordinated national contributions to a globally coordinated Manhattan Project. Funding a global Manhattan Project, let alone the U.S. element that was at its core would be a monumental task.

The global Manhattan Project would cost hundreds of billions in the 1950s, and eventually grow to trillions to fund each year. It would have to be funded in a way that the mass media and national legislatures would not discover what was happening.

This funding came from diverse sources such as,

CIA front companies
insider trading
black gold
international drug trade, etc.

This was a key reason why international bankers were prominent in Bilderberg Group meetings.

International banking offered the means for transferring enormous sums of illicitly generated money to this unacknowledged Global Manhattan Project.

If knowledge of extraterrestrial life and technology was the real reason behind the formation of the Bilderberg group, then exactly how does this otherwordly element relate to those running Bilderberg, and international banking families?

Answers emerge from a mysterious individual called “Hidden Hand” that participated in a public dialogue in the popular internet forum, Above Top Secret in Octoberr 2008.

According to the Hidden Hand, secret elite groups control our planet and have been doing so for millennia.

The basic idea is that a select group of families with distinct bloodlines have accumulated power and pass this on from one generation to another. The Hidden Hand reveals the number of core bloodlines making up "The Family" is thirteen.

Of the thirteen base bloodlines, the Hidden Hand says that only three are indigenous to Earth. The rest have off-world origins, the so called Fallen Angels or Nephilim as described in the Book of Enoch.

S/he clearly identifies where the most power is found among the thirteen bloodlines:

"I want to be clear on this Bloodline issue. The ones you know, they are of earthly lineage. Yes, they have their place in the Family, but the Real Power lines, do not originate from this planet."

Did Mr B witness a meeting where members of these ruling bloodline families were speaking in their native non-human language at a Bilderberg Group event?

There are many significant global events and processes that are being discussed at the 2012 Chantilly meeting of the Bilderberg Group. For a majority of the participants, the Bilderberg Group discussions are merely a means of promoting international cooperation in the leading political, financial and technological issues of the day.

Those protesting the Bilderberg meeting see it as a tool for achieving the goals of international banking interests and can rightly point to key individuals such as David Rockefeller in Bilderberg Group meetings.

After all, Rockefeller claimed in his Memoirs (2003):

Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as 'internationalists' and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure - one world, if you will. If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.

In probing deeper into the Bilderberg mystery and key people involved with it, one ultimately encounters an otherworldly factor in its genesis and confidential discussions.

Mr B’s experience casts light on this otherworldly or extraterrestrial element.

The prominent individuals and agencies involved in originally creating the Bilderberg group in 1954 did so with the intent of promoting international coordination in responding to an unannounced extraterrestrial presence that threatened elite global interests.

Indeed, these elite global interests may themselves have an otherworldly origin, and see extraterrestrial visitors as competitors for the control of Earth and humanity. It’s worth emphasizing that these elite global interests intimately involved in the Bilderberg Group have very different goals to the global interests of humanity.

Casting light on Bilderberg Group meetings is a step in the right direction of learning about humanity’s hidden past, possible future, and the otherworldly present.

The Divine and Manipulative Extraterrestrials

The Bilderberg Group

Michael Salla

12 June 2012

How To Buy A Politician

How do politicians (both Republicans and Democrats) cash in after they leave office? How does this legalized bribery corrupt the American government? The Young Turks host Cenk Uygur breaks down examples showing of the influence of money on our political system.

11 June 2012

The Ron & Rand Paul Betrayal

June 10, 2012

Libertarianism is controlled opposition, part of the phony Illuminati dialectic.
Readers of this website are not surprised by the news the Pauls are endorsing Mitt Romney.

Not since Stalin made a pact with Hitler have idealists felt so betrayed.

by Anthony Migchels

Rand Paul endorses Mitt Romney last Friday, just days after Romney was anointed at the Bilderberg Conference, elitists who started financing Ron Paul with millions a few months ago.

The backlash among the libertarian community is intense.

Libertarian leaders all over the place are denouncing him. Adam Kokesh is clearly hurting badly here. On Prison Planet, arguably the most influential pro Paul outlet, the headlines are all about Rand Paul's betrayal. Mike Adams still cannot believe it and wonders if Paul Jr. is getting in to demolish the system from the inside. This YouTube video asks its viewers to vote to show how they feel and 90% dislike the news. Rand Paul's Facebook page is being inundated with messages of thousands of disgruntled supporters.

It's so bad one wonders whether the Pauls have miscalculated. And let there be no doubt, they have been calculating. Even to an outsider like myself, who never cared for either one, it looks like the most cynical, blatant and utterly ruthless sell out ever.

Consider this.

In March Time Magazine quoted a Ron Paul adviser as saying, 'If you're talking about putting Rand on the ticket, of course that would be worth delivering our people to Romney'. (go to 3:40 for the quote).

Lew Rockwell has declared that the whole Paul campaign was never about winning. I wonder what millions of his followers (and donors) think about that?

According to Rockwell, it was all about educating people on the wonders of Austrian Economics, not about winning elections. This probably explains why Paul Sr. never ran as an independent, but preferred losing primaries.

After working for years on Paul's campaign, Rockwell is now saying one shouldn't vote and shouldn't be involved in partisan politics. Now, how disingenuous is that?


And of course this is just days after Romney was at Bilderberg, upping his credentials as a real threat to Obama big time.

So what does it all mean?

Well it's obvious. Ron Paul exists to lead the opposition into a blind alley. He doesn't run as an independent, which he would, were he for real. To him it's more important that a GOP candidate wins and he's undoubtedly worried he would split the vote of the right.

According to his buddy Rockwell, Paul's role is to educate the masses, not to change politics. He 'touched the hearts of billions of people' with his love of gold and Austrian Economics.

In the typical Hegelian way, his 'antithesis' of a 'free currency market' dominated by gold vs the 'thesis' of government/central bank controlled currency will lead to the classic gold standard the Money Power wanted always.

The Daily Bell's Anthony Wile seems to think so, anyway. Romney is not on board yet, but on the right the momentum for a gold standard is clearly gaining traction and the next crisis, expected anytime, will not be let go to waste.

The GOP will be happy. Ron Paul will probably retire now and is out of the way. Like the Tea Party, Rand Paul has been completely incorporated in the GOP establishment. He's got the charisma of a dead fish and the war mongering program of the traitorous sell-out that he is. Cut loose from his father's support he will quickly disappear as a real force.


I think it's fair to say everything has gone more or less as expected. The Money Power has co-opted the opposition in classical fashion. The millions gasping for genuine change are left holding the bag.

After this election a new change agent will be quickly conjured up out of nowhere, perhaps to establish a Hamiltonian banking system, which, to me, seems to be the next frontier for controlled opposition.

What I find interesting is that both Rand Paul and Lew Rockwell look rather depressed in the linked videos. At least we can see that evil is not a pleasant place.

Anthony Migchels is a Dutch monetary reformer . Please visit his blog and support his courageous and selfless work.

Libertarians -- Another "Jews Against Communism"
March 10, 2012 3:50 PM
(left, Bernard Baruch, 1870-1965)Ninety per cent of the funding for "American Jewish League Against Communism" came from Rothschild front-man Bernard Baruch. The Rothschilds, who controlled the "socialist" Roosevelt administration and backed the Bolshevik Revolution, were also, via Baruch and Kohlberg, behind the "right-wing" John Birch Society and the Libertarian movement...It

How the Illuminati $pawn Libertarians
March 3, 2012 8:30 AM
"It was not just the money, but also their strategy: the spawning of myriad 'independent' Libertarian organizations. This is exactly the same strategy employed by their dialectical evil twin, Communism." left. William S. Volker (1859-1947) was a wealthy Cabalist (illuminati) Jewish businessman. "They are buying Libertarian adherents just like

Libertarian Role in Christian Subversion
February 27, 2012 11:25 AM
(Gary North, left) Libertarianism and related movements are trying to make Christians compromise their principlesA Response To Gary North North's Christian Dominionism idea is eerily similar to the Novus Ordo Seclorum movement, except of course it puts an overtly theocratic spin on it. It is no surprise then that Mr.

The Satanic Core of Libertarianism
February 26, 2012 4:12 PM
(left, Bernard de Mandeville, the Satanist who inspired Libertarianism and Austrian economics)Satanism defines man by carnal rather than spiritual desires, "liberating" the former and crushing the latter. De Mandeville's Fable of the Bees demonstrates that Libertarianism is rooted in Satanist dogma. Libertarianism is part of the Illuminati Dialectic with Communism:

The "Catholic" Wing of Libertarianism
February 21, 2012 10:46 AM
(left, Ignatius Loyala, the Marrano Jew who founded the Jesuit Order.) The Jesuits were never true Catholics. Jesuits are part of a long-term Illuminati Jewish plot to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism from within, even though most Jesuits are probably not aware of it. Indeed, Lew Rockwell is right: the Salamancan

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