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30 August 2012

Scientist Says Immortality Only 20 Years Away

by Alyson Shontell
July 16, 2012
from SFGate Website

Ray Kurzweil, a world-renowned scientist and author of The Singularity is Near, thinks the world as we know it will be unrecognizable in 20 years.

One of the changes he thinks are possible: Scientists may finally crack immortality.

"I and many other scientists now believe that in around 20 years we will have the means to reprogram our bodies' stone-age software so we can halt, then reverse, aging," he writes in The Sun.

"Then nanotechnology will let us live for ever. Ultimately, nanobots will replace blood cells and do their work thousands of times more effectively."

Kurzweil, whose fans include Bill Gates and Bill Clinton, makes a number of other substantial claims, such as humans being able to replace all failing organs with artificial ones.

He says we'll be able to scuba dive for hours without oxygen, and write entire books within minutes thanks to advanced nanotechnology.

Oh..., virtual sex will also be commonplace in the not-so-distant future.

Kurzweil's absurd-sounding proclamations stem from the fact that technological progress is growing at an exponential rate.

"Computer technology and our understanding of genes - our body’s software programs - are accelerating at an incredible rate," he writes.

His theory of the Law of Accelerating Returns, suggests there will be another "billion-fold" increase in technology over the next quarter century.

"In reality, the time needed for technology to double is constantly decreasing," Inc's Kevin Bailey explains.

"The next thing to realize with an exponential curve, is that at a certain point progress relative to time skyrockets up. The increase in technology that once took 20 years now takes 10, and then 5, and then 2.5, and then 1.25, and then .75 years, and then on and on. Kurzweil claims that we are right at the beginning of the sharp upturn that's characteristic of exponential curves."

Kurzweil thinks we're just beginning to tap into the possibilities artificial intelligence can bring, and the advancements will only get more wild.

We're already using it in small ways to help us land airplanes and conduct searches on Google.

"These technologies should not seem at all fanciful," says Kurzweil.

"Our phones now perform tasks we wouldn’t have dreamed possible 20 years ago. When I was a student in 1965, my university’s only computer cost £7million and was huge."

Kurzweil concludes,
"We can look forward to a world where humans become cyborgs, with artificial limbs and organs."


25 August 2012

Why in the World are They Spraying?

People around the world are noticing that our planet's weather is dramatically changing. They are also beginning to notice the long lingering trails left behind airplanes that have lead millions to accept the reality of chemtrail/geoengineering programs. Could there be a connection between the trails and our severe weather? While there are many agendas associated with these damaging programs, evidence is now abundant which proves that geoengineering can be used to control weather. 

In this documentary you will learn how the aerosols being sprayed into our sky are used in conjunction with other technologies to control our weather. While geoengineers maintain that their models are only for the mitigation of global warming, it is now clear that they can be used as a way to consolidate an enormous amount of both monetary and political power into the hands of a few by the leverage that weather control gives certain corporations over the Earth's natural systems. This of course, is being done at the expense of every living thing on the planet. 

Directed/Produced by Michael J. Murphy and Produced/Edited by Barry Kolsky.. Written by Michael J. Murphy and Barry Kolsky. 

20 August 2012

The Empowering Truths of Mahatma Gandhi

by Zen Gardner
from ZernGardner Website

“The day the power of love overrules the love of power,
the world will know peace.”

Many have been asking,
"What can I do? How do we respond to this onslaught against humanity we're witnessing?"

Here are some examples of one man's response, and his profound effect will be forever felt. The love, the challenge, the embrace.
Let them stir your heart and change your life.

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.”

“An eye for an eye will only make the whole world blind.”

“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.”

“First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, and then you win.”

“When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they can seem invincible, but in the end, they always fall. Think of it - always.”

“Where there is love there is life.”

“Seven Deadly Sins:
Wealth without work
Pleasure without conscience
Science without humanity
Knowledge without character
Politics without principle
Commerce without morality
Worship without sacrifice.”

“The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong.”

“Freedom is not worth having if it does not include the freedom to make mistakes.”

“God has no religion.”

“I will not let anyone walk through my mind with their dirty feet.”

“Hate the sin, love the sinner.”

“Nobody can hurt me without my permission.”

“Prayer is not asking. It is a longing of the soul. It is daily admission of one’s weakness. It is better in prayer to have a heart without words than words without a heart.”

“A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes.”

“To give pleasure to a single heart by a single act is better than a thousand heads bowing in prayer.”

“The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.”

“Your beliefs become your thoughts,
Your thoughts become your words,
Your words become your actions,
Your actions become your habits,
Your habits become your values,
Your values become your destiny.”

“The future depends on what you do today.”

“Man often becomes what he believes himself to be. If I keep on saying to myself that I cannot do a certain thing, it is possible that I may end by really becoming incapable of doing it. On the contrary, if I have the belief that I can do it, I shall surely acquire the capacity to do it even if I may not have it at the beginning.”

“You must not lose faith in humanity. Humanity is like an ocean; if a few drops of the ocean are dirty, the ocean does not become dirty.”

“Let the first act of every morning be to make the following resolve for the day:
- I shall not fear anyone on Earth.
- I shall not bear ill will toward anyone.
- I shall not submit to injustice from anyone.
- I shall conquer untruth by truth.
- And in resisting untruth, I shall put up with all suffering.”

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

“Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.”

“Whatever you do will be insignificant, but it is very important that you do it.”

“What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or in the holy name of liberty or democracy?”

“To believe in something, and not to live it, is dishonest.”

“Truth never damages a cause that is just.”

“There are people in the world so hungry, that God cannot appear to them except in the form of bread.”

“Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s needs, but not every man’s greed.”

“It is easy enough to be friendly to one’s friends. But to befriend the one who regards himself as your enemy is the quintessence of true religion. The other is mere business.”

“It is unwise to be too sure of one’s own wisdom. It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and the wisest might err.”

“Whenever you are confronted with an opponent. Conquer him with love.”

“Keep your thoughts positive because your thoughts become your words.
Keep your words positive because your words become your behavior.
Keep your behavior positive because your behavior becomes your habits.
Keep your habits positive because your habits become your values.
Keep your values positive because your values become your destiny.”

“I object to violence because when it appears to do good, the good is only temporary; the evil it does is permanent.”

“You can chain me, you can torture me, you can even destroy this body, but you will never imprison my mind.”

“You may never know what results come of your actions, but if you do nothing, there will be no results.”

“Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will. (Young India, Volume 1, Issue 52; 1919)”

“Love is the strongest force the world possesses and yet it is the humblest imaginable.”

“Action expresses priorities.”

“There is more to life than simply increasing its speed.”

“My Life is My Message”

“There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever. ”

“I offer you peace.
I offer you love.
I offer you friendship.
I see your beauty.
I hear your need.
I feel your feelings.”

“What we are doing to the forests of the world is but a mirror reflection of what we are doing to ourselves and to one another.”

“It’s the action, not the fruit of the action, that’s important. You have to do the right thing. It may not be in your power, may not be in your time, that there’ll be any fruit. But that doesn’t mean you stop doing the right thing. You may never know what results come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no result.”

“Truth is one, paths are many.”

Consciousness And The Conscious Universe

Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Religion

Weaver Santaniello 
Review of 
Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Religion
(By Julian Young, Cambridge University Press, 2006; 242 pp.)
Ars Disputandi 7 (2007),

[1] In Nietzsche’s Philosophy of Religion, Julian Young offers a detailed, book by book interpretation of Nietzsche’s reflections on religion and religious communitarianism. In his first book, The Birth of Tragedy, Nietzsche views Greek tragedy as a mechanism that gathers people collectively in view of their gods, and argues that modern-day nihilism can only be saved by reviving such an ancient festival. Although some readers believe that Nietzsche abandons these views after his Wagnerian influence, Young argues the opposite through a careful analysis of The Birth of Tragedy in relation to Nietzsche’s later publications. And while many simply regard Nietzsche as an atheist, Young does not view Nietzsche as a non-believer, radical individualist, or immoralist, but as a nineteenth-century religious reformer belonging to a German Volkish tradition of conservative communitarianism.

[2] Concerning religion, Young’s fundamental argument is that although Nietzsche rejects the Christian God, he is not ‘anti-religious.’ Rather, Nietzsche is a religious thinker precisely because he adopts Schopenhauer’s analysis of religion as an intellectual construction that addresses the existential problems of pain and death, and gives authority to community-creating ethos. Nietzsche views Dionysian pantheism as a solution to the problems of pain and death, and argues for the flourishing of a new ‘festival,’ based on a humanity-affirming religion modeled on that of the ancient Greeks.

[3] Young’s insights are well-argued and presented. The most fascinating aspect of his book is the manner in which he connects Nietzsche’s religious and political views, which are indeed intertwined. Disenchanted with scholarly interpretations, such as Walter Kaufmann’s, that promote Nietzsche as an ‘apolitical’ thinker – far apart from the modern world – Young attempts to place Nietzsche’s ideas in the heart of (positive) Volkish tradition, without turning him into the godfather of Nazism (202). Young acknowledges that Kaufmann’s heart was in the right place, more than fifty years ago, when attempting to portray Nietzsche as apolitical in order to seve any possible ties of Nietzsche to Nazism. However, according to Young, a sanitized Nietzsche, compatible with a liberal humanist outlook, is also a misinterpretation of the nineteenth-century philosopher.

[4] Politically, Young situates Nietzsche in the romantic-Volkish tradition because Nietzsche views modernity as a sick culture, and wants to return to the Golden Age of Greece; he rejects democracy; he deplores stateism; and detests the private pursuit of goods that have come to replace the primary commitment to fostering community. Further, like many Volkists, Nietzsche is concerned with small ‘spiritual’ things in relation to bodily hygiene (such as diet, dress, and dance); he is a pantheist similar to Volkish thinkers such as Hцlderlin and Schelling; and he also rejects democracy and yearns for a hierarchical society ruled by a wise and strong leader. But as Young stresses throughout his book, the heart of Nietzsche’s Volkish thinking lies in the return of communal religion; a reintegration of the Volk through the establishment of one communal faith (210).

[5] Young strongly insists that Nietzsche does not share the wicked aspects of some Volkish thinkers. Unlike Nazis’ such as his sister Elisabeth, Alfred Bдumler, and Ernst Bertram, Nietzsche was anti-antisemitic, anti-militaristic, and anti-nationalistic, rejecting German nationalism in favor of European cosmopolitanism. Thus, regarding Nietzsche as a proto-Nazi or Nazi would be erroneous.

[6] Most all of Young’s primary observations concerning Nietzsche’s religious and political views seem accurate, including his notion that Nietzsche respects the cosmopolitanism of the medieval Church, wanting to replace the Christian God with Greek ones. But less convincing is Young’s radical view that ‘Nietzsche values social stability and cohesion at least as much as he values individual creativity,’ and that he wants to resolve the tension between the ‘free spirit’ and the ‘herd type’ through the creation of communal religion (88–89). Writing against philosophers such as John Rawls and Philippa Foot, who regard Nietzsche as an ‘immoral elitist’ because he cares little about anything other than ‘exceptional types,’ Young argues that Nietzsche values the exceptional type only as a means to flourishing a total social organism (135). Young correctly states that Nietzsche regards himself as an ‘immoralist’ in the sense that he rejects Christian morality, and that he is paternal and patriarchal, not immoral. For instance, Young shows that Nietzsche indeed places women in subordinate roles, not because he is ‘immoral,’ but because he believes that most people best flourish in subordinate positions, and that this positively contributes to a healthy society. Even if Young is correct in this observation – and I think he is – it does not logically follow that Nietzsche values the ‘free spirit’ (which women can be) and the herd animal equally, nor does it follow that Nietzsche is neutral concerning any preference toward his infamous distinction of master (noble) and slave (Christian) morality (135). Young indeed acknowledges that as individuals, Nietzsche views free spirits as having greater value (because they are few and far between), but also claims that as a type the exceptional individual is of no greater value than the herd type because both are necessary to the communities’ survival as a whole (97–98). Perhaps Young is correct. But perhaps it might be more accurate to state that Nietzsche indeed values ‘a people;’ he wants the production of more free-spirits to join and rule the herd that will always exist. Put that way, Nietzsche does not ‘value’ both equally; the free-spirit is the desirable exception that creates new values, the mob will always be in abundance. Nietzsche truly ‘values’ the former, and ‘accepts’ the latter.

[7] Parenthetically, two minor comments: the first is that Young’s book and bibliography could have referenced more contemporary book-length entries on Nietzsche and Religion and Nietzsche and Politics, especially National Socialism. The second is that the title of the book does not do the work justice. It should have alluded, in some way, to the political threads woven throughout, which significantly contribute to the book’s originality and strength.

[8] Overall, Young’s book challenges readers to examine and rethink many common assumptions concerning Nietzsche’s views. He writes well and with conviction—supporting his arguments with Nietzsche’s texts, and he makes a valuable attempt to shatter casual observations about a thinker who always wanted to be ‘read well.’ Young reads Nietzsche well, and his book is valuable to Nietzsche scholarship, and to a wide range of readers in German history and philosophy. Young plants Nietzsche firmly in the heart of German intellectual history, where he belongs.

19 August 2012

How Satanism Works

August 18, 2012

Is Society Devoted to Satan?

"A sacrifice of billions of humans would be most pleasing to Satan.
This will be the objective of the Antichrist and his followers."

by Alan Gardner

For some, the portal to the service of Satan is through the college fraternity or the lodge.

A young man is approached to join a fraternity. His character is evaluated to see what are his moral limits. If his ambition exceeds his patriotism, belief in goodness or allegiance to his loved ones, he is a candidate for Satanism.
It is similar in the lodge. A man is invited to join the 'blue lodge' and monitored to see how ambitious he is.

Is he content to become a Master or third degree Mason or is he someone who can be groomed to go further?

Those who are seeking power and influence rise up through the degrees taking increasingly bloodthirsty oaths and promises.

There are many obsessive-compulsions that make one vulnerable to Satan's power.

The most obvious obsessive behaviors are related to food, alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Equally potent, are violent and pornographic video games and movies.


Many of the most powerfully obsessive compulsive behaviors lead to the physical and/or sexual abuse of innocent victims, often children.

Organizations give the greatest rewards to those who make the greatest commitment to their objectives. Satanism is no different. The greatest power goes to those who commit violence against the innocent. The ultimate expression of satanic power is the power over life and death.

Many satanic leaders are recruited at an early age. It is a custom among some members of the upper class to send their sons away to boarding schools where they are exploited by the older class men. This satanic indoctrination through sexual abuse anticipates that the abused child will in turn become an abuser. Fathers often send their sons to these boarding schools knowing from their own experience what the risk is.

Men, who have been sexually abused as children by males often grow up to be bisexual. They marry and have children with women who may or may not know what is in store for their male children.

Why would a father subject his children to such abuse? Fathers assent to such abuse against their sons in their quest for power. Satan gives the greatest power to those who will violate the innocent in his name; the greater the violation, the greater the power.

Satan rewards those who will spill blood in his honor. At the lowest levels of power seeking, the blood might be that of an animal. At the higher levels, the blood is human. The shedding of innocent human blood is highly rewarded by Satan.


His goal is the exact opposite of God's, who wishes that all be saved.
Satan wants every human to die hating God or being indifferent to His existence.

There are more than seven billion humans alive today. Satan's goal is to persuade a few of his most ardent followers to kill the remainder.

A sacrifice of billions of humans would be most pleasing to Satan.
This will be the objective of the Antichrist and his followers.

Satanists support the decriminalization of abortion, where deceived mothers willingly participate in the killing of their own children, usually in a very painful way.

Such mothers receive no reward from Satan for their participation in homicide. In fact, the shame that Satan directs at those who have killed their children, often results in them killing themselves, directly or indirectly.

War is Satan's most prolific method of using humans to kill on his behalf.
There are no "just" wars. Revisionist history shows there was as much evil on the part of the British and the Americans as the Germans and the Japanese during WWII.

One of Satan's great deceits is to disguise his followers behind movements such as, Fascism, Communism, Capitalism, Anarchism, Atheism, Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism and Islam.

Who doubts that billionaires like Bill and Melinda Gates, Warren Buffett and Ted Turner are not loyal servants of their master [Satan], when you examine how they use their money?

Men such as Darwin, Marx and Kinsey were great haters of God.
They continue to deceive many, even beyond the grave.

Most of the levers of power are controlled by men who hate or are indifferent to God. Most have embraced Satanism in their quest for power. These men have not been elected to political office.

They belong to what is sometimes described as the 'shadow government'.
They are the makers of kings. They are working hard to bring about the reign of the Antichrist.

Only Satan knows who they are. Nothing is published about these men!

All three of the institutional religions of the Book, Christianity, Islam and Judaism have been corrupted at the highest levels by men who are working to bring about the reign of Satan.

Evil is personified in a name, Lucifer, the Light-Bearer. He has authored an incredible illusion.

Few people believe in him, as a person, anymore; the 'Illuminated Ones' excepted. How 'enlightened' humanity is becoming!
Makow Comment: I am optimistic that the Illuminati do not have a mass culling in mind. They would have not invested so much energy in degrading and transforming society to fit their purposes if they intended to destroy it. You don't train an animal you're planning to cull. The world is a debt farm. We are their cattle. They "milk" us for interest on the "debt" they create out of thin air.

Oregon - Pedophile Priest Chased Prey Down the Street

10 August 2012

Zionist Monstrosity – frankenfood poisoning and future famine

In the year 1943, There was a great famine caused in Bengal which was a planned action of the Zionist German Jew Rothschild who owned the British East India company.

Churchill's SECRET WAR - Deception is deeper than you think

In response to an urgent request by the Secretary of State for India, Leo Amery, and Viceroy of India, Wavell, to release food stocks for India, Churchill responded with a telegram to Wavell asking, if food was so scarce, “why Gandhi hadn’t died yet.“

Food deliveries from other parts of the country to Bengal were refused by the government [aka Churchill] in order to make food artificially scarce. This was an especially cruel policy introduced in 1942 under the title “Rice Denial Scheme.”

If You just look at his face, you can easily tell his true nature which would be clear to any man. His face reflects the darkness that lies within him, and history is proof of the dark actions committed by this monster who was part of the dark clan of the Zionist.

Churchill’s mother the attractive Jennie Jerome was a Rothschild.

He was a henchman of the the German Ashkennazi Jew Rothschild who was the owner of the British east India company. This was the man who was also involved in engineering the two world war’s which helped the Zionist make a lot of money from war.

Churchill and jews lifelong friendship by martin gilbert

They are the SAME drug runners who cultivated Opium in India and made the Chinese addicted to drugs. They made a lot of money off the deaths that was caused by famine caused by the Opium production in India. ( Opium makes the land barren and nothing can be grown on the lands after this crop is produced.)

Zionist Poison corrupts the world

Its more than clear that in the year 1943, India was still under the direct control of the monsters of the British East India company. Hence any excuse that the Indian Government did not do any thing to protect its public is absolute bullshit propaganda to hide the real intentions of the monsters who deprived many people of their lives.

No one is Safe from Zionist monsters 

The Zionist have manipulated the history, facts and the atrocities they have committed all over the world and specially in India which many people of this country have never bothered to double check.

Zionist Stooge Amartya Sen married to Emma Georgina Rothschild 

How many of us Indians are aware of this man’s existence, let alone understand why this man even won a Nobel prize?

His second wife was Jewish Italian Eva Colorni who had died in 1985, and he had got his Nobel prize 2.5 years before he met Emma Georgina Rothschild.

He is nothing more than a Zionist Stooge who they wanted to use to warp and manipulate the economics and the mind sets of people of India. The third wife of Amritya Sen – Emma Georgina Rothschild is the direct decendent of the Amschel Mayor James Rothschild on her fathers side.

Bengal Famine of 1943:

Amartya Sen (1976) revived the claim that there was no shortage of food in Bengal and that the famine was caused by inflation, with those benefiting from inflation eating more and leaving less for the rest of the population, a claim which had been widely used at the time as a justification for not sending food to Bengal. Sen claimed that there was in fact a greater supply in 1943 than in 1941, when there was no famine. He rejected, without reasons, the calculations of The Famine Inquiry Commission, Afzal Husain.

Amartya Sen re-writing Indian History for Rothschilds 

Amartya Sen was used to whitewash all the atrocities committed by the Rothschild family in India by writing the his bullshit books. This is the reason he got the “Nobel Prize” which is just a propaganda machine for the Pseudo Global elites who intend to manipulate the flow of information in the world to control it at a global level. “Nobel Peace Prize” has also been set up by these Global elites to magnify Gentiles who follow the instructions of the Zionist to the dot.

Fame, fortune and Nobel Peace Prize for being a nice Goyim puppet!

Such people have no honor and do not stand for justice!

Zionist poison spreads to destroy the world 

After all this information, you must be thinking why is it related to “Green Revolution”?

This was a very long term attack done towards the people of the world which even includes the people of India.

After the great famine, the British East India company made sure that food did not reach Bengal which was well connected by roads and Sea. Which aided them in the propaganda, in destroying the native farming industry which is the source of life for any enemy. This was a war tactic played by the Zionist to slowly kill off their enemies by giving them mass produced lower quality food grains which most of the Indians eat today.

Green Revolution fraud

Listen to the Audio Link Below:
Rockefeller Conspiracy to destroy Punjab and India

Since that time, India had to import food from America which was of the most inferior quality of food grains in the world. The quality of food grains was so bad that “Americans” did not even feed their cattle. This food supply continued to be imported to India till the 1960′s which gave them ample of time to create bio-engineered frankenfood which was created by another “Zionist” Norman Borlaug.

From – -

Those, that is, like Dr. Borlaug’s fellow scientist Paul Ehrlich, whose 1968 book “The Population Bomb” predicted worldwide famine within twenty years as a result of rising birth rates and limited resources. Hundreds of thousands of people, Dr. Ehrlich soberly prophesied, would starve to death by 1988. He compared the “population explosion” –he coined the phrase – to the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells in a body, and advocated the “radical surgery” of compulsory birth control, in the form of spiking the world water supply with sterilizing chemicals.

Jews the world over have now begun the yearly cycle of synagogue Torah-reading anew. In the first portion of Genesis, the world is created, the first man formed, and the former is entrusted by G-d to the latter. To be sure, Adam, and we, his descendants, are forbidden to wantonly destroy nature. But we are also mandated, as per G-d’s command to the first man and woman, to “subjugate… all the land,” to press the earth’s natural resources into the service of the human race.

You can clearly see the deception and the information provided in this video, and you can see that you have been used as the first Guinea pigs who have been fed the same genetically engineered food since 1960′s by the Zionist who give themselves the “Nobel Peace Prize” for the disasters they caused in the first place!

Green revolution fraud of Global Ruling Cheats

We are going to be hit by the next wave of Bio- Engineered Food which is filled with Animal DNA which is fed to you every single day of of your life since 1960′s. Hopelessly entangled in the dark-web created by the Zionist who have planned the destruction of the world for over 2500 years so their “Race” can stay ahead of all humanity.

Green Revolution caused by the dark spawn of Kali the demon 

This high yield Genetically engineered Food grains use a system which uses more amount of water and the use of Fertilizers instead of Cow dung as manure. Hence, more amount of water is used to produce these high yield grains which are made from completely unnatural methods.

Green Revolution – Ground water contamination

So what is the problem if we are able to make a lot more food?

Do you even understand if you push nature to go out of its flow and go beyond its laws then your whole society will eventually break.

The Vedic Civilization was built on respecting the laws of nature and living within the means provided by nature itself. However, the system established by these Global elites have completely corrupted the natural laws that made our lives healthy, wealthy and wise.

Now with this poisonous food that we eat today, will cut down our lives every single day and our coming generations will have shorter life span compared to what we have today. This is a slow poison which was made to slowly kill you off by the Pseudo Global elites who want to have the best for themselves and make the rest of the world burn in hell.

Corrupted food from Green Revolution lead to population explosion 

You can clearly see the trend that has followed by the introduction of the corrupted system which was aimed to cultivate the population of India as cattle. India used to be more of a Agricultural based economy before the advent of the foreign powers that completely destroyed our original way of life to fill their empty lives, pockets and heart with gold.

Today, we have shifted from self owned farming business to become a Service based economy which means we are only working for other people and not creating any thing. This is a whole new level of slavery cultivated by the people who had taken over India and stolen every thing from it.

Green Revolution – the web of deceit

Bio – engineered food is not the only problem that comes along with this system as you can clearly see in the above picture. Our Environment is completely polluted by the system that has come along with the industrialization of India, which i have personally despised since the beginning.

Green revolution frankenfood – containing animal DNA to produce more than normal amount of food. 

Its time, that you as Indians start asking the same questions that the Average “American Man” has started asking his government about the food that is being cultivated and fed to them every single day. They are going through the same problems and more due to the processed food that is fed to them by the ruling elites of the world.

Green Revolution – Franken Foods

You have been lead into the same trap by the Global elites who consider your lives nothing more than Cattle. Yes, you are nothing more than cattle to them, and they will not hesitate when it comes down to taking your lives if you stand up against them.

Is that going to stop you from rising up? or are you going to remain in the state of Denial and non-resistance which will only give these monsters power over you like they have had for many centuries?

Green Revolution – frankenfood – From your friendly neighborhood Zionist Frauds 

Try to find out about every thing around you, which even includes the food that your are being fed today. Is your food pure as you think or is it the contaminated poison that is meant to destroy your life?

I prefer to face the harsh reality that this world throws at me, and its time that you do the same to find greater strength within your self against the impending threat that lies ahead in your future as well as your Family.

Green Revolution Manipulation by Zionist monsters

Many farmers have committed suicide because they cannot keep up with the changes that has been brought due to the high yield corps, pesticides and chemical fertilizers that corrupts every thing from the soil to the food you eat. The poison not only seeps into the soil but also in the water irrigation system which had mutated other animal life that was dependent on water.

The complete system is corrupted which has lead to many deaths and many farmers have given up farming and their lands have been converted for real estate. You can check last 30 years of the changes that you see in the real estate projects, many of them have been developed over agricultural lands which come at a very low price.

If you build many cities but not farmlands to support the coming population, then inevitability of future starvation is inevitable. All these builders think about their own profit and the luxuries they can attain from the projects they build. But their luxuries will not last for future generations to come because they will be the ones suffering the inevitability of their greed.

And to feed the ever expanding population of the world, such genetically engineered food will grow in popularity and the poison will spread into the systems of your future generations, if the Zionists don’t carpet bomb your homes before that.

Related Articles To read:

1 ) India’s Farming ‘Revolution’ Heading For Collapse

2 ) From Green Revolution to Suicidal Farmers

3 ) Impacts of Green Revolution in India

4 ) Unsustainable High yield farming


6 ) Why Green Revolution ?


8 ) Winston Churchill, a henchman or Hero?



11) How Amartya Sen’s Theory Causes Famines

04 August 2012

The Collapsing US Economy and the end of the world

Institute for Political Economy

July 8, 2012 | Categories: Articles & Columns | Tags: graphs on economy from 2000 to 2012 in usa,

In a recent column, “Can The World Survive Washington’s Hubris,” I promised to examine whether the US economy will collapse before Washington in its pursuit of world hegemony brings us into military confrontation with Russia and China. This is likely to be an ongoing subject on this site, so this column will not be the final word.

Washington has been at war since October, 2001, when President George W. Bush concocted an excuse to order the US invasion of Afghanistan. This war took a back seat when Bush concocted another excuse to order the invasion of Iraq in 2003, a war that went on without significant success for 8 years and has left Iraq in chaos with dozens more killed and wounded every day, a new strong man in place of the illegally executed former strongman, and the likelihood of the ongoing violence becoming civil war.

Upon his election, President Obama foolishly sent more troops to Afghanistan and renewed the intensity of that war, now in its eleventh year, to no successful effect.

These two wars have been expensive. According to estimates by Joseph Stiglitz and Linda Bilmes, when all costs are counted the Iraq invasion cost US taxpayers $3 trillion dollars. Ditto for the Afghan war. In other words, the two gratuitous wars doubled the US public debt. This is the reason there is no money for Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps, the environment, and the social safety net.

Americans got nothing out of the wars, but as the war debt will never be paid off, US citizens and their descendants will have to pay interest on $6,000 billion of war debt in perpetuity.

Not content with these wars, the Bush/Obama regime is conducting military operations in violation of international law in Pakistan, Yemen, and Africa, organized the overthrow by armed conflict of the government in Libya, is currently working to overthrow the Syrian government, and continues to marshall military forces against Iran.

Finding the Muslim adversaries Washington created insufficient for its energies and budget, Washington has encircled Russia with military bases and has begun the encirclement of China. Washington has announced that the bulk of its naval forces will be shifted to the Pacific over the next few years, and Washington is working to re-establish its naval base in the Philippines, construct a new one on a South Korean island, acquire a naval base in Viet Nam, and air and troop bases elsewhere in Asia.

In Thailand Washington is attempting to purchase with the usual bribes an air base used in the Vietnam war. There is opposition as the country does not wish to be drawn into Washington’s orchestrated conflict with China. Downplaying the real reason for the airbase, Washington, according to Thai newspapers, told the Thai government that the base was needed for “humanitarian missions.” This didn’t fly, so Washington had NASA ask for the air base in order to conduct “weather experiments.” Whether this ruse is sufficient cover remains to be seen.

US Marines have been sent to Australia and elsewhere in Asia.

To corral China and Russia (and Iran) is a massive undertaking for a country that is financially busted. With wars and bankster bailouts, Bush and Obama have doubled the US national debt while failing to address the disintegration of the US economy and rising hardships of US citizens.

The charts below are courtesy of

The annual US budget deficit is adding to the accumulated debt at about $1.5 trillion per
year with no prospect of declining. The financial system is broken and requires ongoing bailouts. The economy is busted and has been unable to create high-paying jobs, indeed any jobs. Despite years of population growth, payroll employment as of mid-2012 is the same as in 2005 and substantially below 2008. Yet, the government and financial presstitute media tell us that we have a recovery.

According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment in 2011 was only 1 million more than in 2002. As it takes about 150,000 new jobs each month to stay even with population growth, that leaves a decade long job deficit of 15 million jobs.

The US unemployment and inflation rates are far higher than reported. In previous columns I have explained, based on statistician John Williams’ work (, the reasons that the government’s headline numbers are serious understatements. The headline (U3) unemployment rate of 8.2% counts no discouraged workers who have given up on finding a job. The government has a second unemployment rate (U6), seldom reported, which includes short-term discouraged workers. That rate is 15%. When the long-term discouraged workers are added in, the current US unemployment rate is 22%, a number closer to the unemployment rate of the Great Depression than to the unemployment rates of postwar recessions.

Changes in the way inflation is measured have destroyed the Consumer Price Index (CPI) as a measure of the cost of living. The new methodology is substitution based. If the price of an item in the index rises, a lower priced alternative takes its place. In addition, some price rises are labeled quality improvements whether they are or not and thus do not show up in the CPI. People still have to pay the higher price, but it is not counted as inflation.

Currently, the substitution-based rate of inflation is about 2%. However, when inflation is measured as the actual cost of living, the rate of inflation is 5%.

The Misery Index is the sum of the inflation and unemployment rates. The level of the current Misery Index depends on whether the new rigged measures are used, which understate the misery, or the former methodology that accurately measures it.

Prior to the November 1980 election, the Misery Index hit 22%, which was one reason for Reagan’s victory over President Carter. Today if we use previous methodology, the Misery Index stands at 27%. But if we use the new rigged methodology, the Misery Index is 10%.

The understatement of inflation serves to boost Gross Domestic Product (GDP). GDP is calculated in current dollars. To be able to determine whether GDP rose because of price rises or because of increases in real output, GDP is deflated by the CPI. The higher the inflation rate, the less the growth in real output and vice versa. When the substitution based methodology is used to measure inflation, the US economy experienced real growth in the 21st century except for the sharp dip during 2008-2010. However, if the cost-of-living based methodology is used, except for a short period during 2004, the US economy has experienced no real growth since 2000.

In the chart above,the lower measure (blue) of real GDP is deflated with the inflation methodology that measured cost-of-living. The higher GDP measure (red) deflates GDP with the new substitution based methodology.

The lack of employment and real GDP growth go together with the decline in real household median income. The growth in consumer debt substituted for the lack of

income growth and kept the economy going until consumers exhausted their ability to take on more debt. With the consumer dead in the water, the outlook for economic recovery is poor.

Politicians and the Federal Reserve are making the outlook even worse. At a time of high unemployment and debt-stressed households, politicians at local, state, and federal levels are cutting back on government provision of health care, pensions, food stamps, housing subsidies and every other element of the social safety net. These cutbacks, of course, further reduce aggregate demand and the ability of income-stressed Americans to survive.

The Federal Reserve has interest rates so low that retirees and others living on their savings can earn nothing on their money. The interest rates paid on bank CDs and government and corporate bonds are lower than the rate of inflation. To live on interest income, a person has to purchase Greek, Spanish, or Italian bonds and run the risk of capital loss. The Federal Reserve’s policy of negative interest rates forces retirees to spend down their capital in order to live. In other words, the Fed’s policy is destroying personal savings as people are forced to spend their capital in order to cover living expenses.

In June the Federal Reserve announced that it was going to continue its policy of driving nominal interest rates even lower, this time focusing on long-term Treasury bonds. The Fed said it would be purchasing $400 billion of the Treasury’s 30-year bonds.

Driving interest rates down means driving bond prices up. With 5-year Treasury bonds paying only seven-tenths of one percent and 10-year Treasuries paying only 1.6%, below even the official rate of inflation, Americans desperate for yield move into 30-year bonds currently paying 2.7%. However, the the high bond prices mean that the risk of capital loss is very high.

The Fed’s debt monetization, or a drop in the exchange value of the dollar as other countries move away from its use to settle their balance of payments, could set off inflation that would take interest rates out of the Fed’s control. As interest rates rise, bond prices fall.

In other words, bonds are now the bubble that real estate, stocks, and derivatives were. When this bubble pops, Americans will take another big hit to their remaining wealth.

It makes no sense to invest in long-term bonds at negative interest rates when the federal government is piling up debt that the Federal Reserve is monetizing and when other countries are moving away from the flood of dollars. The potential for a rising rate of inflation is high from debt monetization and from a drop in the dollar’s exchange value. Yet, bond fund portfolio managers have to follow the herd into longer term maturities or see their performance relative to their peers drop to the bottom of the rankings.

Some individual investors and foreign central banks, anticipating the dollar’s loss of value, are accumulating gold and silver bullion. Realizing the danger to the dollar and its policy from the rapid rise in the price of bullion during 2011, the Federal Reserve has arranged offsetting action. When the demand for physical bullion drives up the price, short sales of bullion in the paper market are used to drive the price back down.

Similarly, when investors begin to flee Treasuries, thus causing interest rates to rise, J.P. Morgan and other dependencies of the Federal Reserve sell interest-rate swaps, thus offsetting the effect on interest rates of the bond sales. (Keep in mind that interest rates rise when bond prices fall and vice versa.)

The point of all this information is to establish that except for the 1 percent, the incomes and wealth of Americans are being cut back across the board. From 2002 through 2011 the economy lost 3.5 million manufacturing jobs. These jobs were replaced with lower-paying waitress and bartender jobs (1,189,000), ambulatory health care service jobs (1,512,000) and social assistance jobs (578,000).

These replacement jobs in domestic services mean that on a net basis US consumer income was moved out of the country. Potential aggregate demand in the US dropped by the differences in pay in the job categories. Clearly and unambiguously, jobs offshoring lowered US disposable income and US GDP and, thereby, employment.

Despite the lack of an economic base, Washington’s hegemonic aspirations continue unabated. Other countries are amused at Washington’s unawareness. Russia, China, India, Brazil, and South Africa are forming an agreement to abandon the US dollar as the currency for international settlement between themselves.

On July 4 the China Daily reported: “Japanese politicians and prominent academics from China and Japan urged Tokyo on Tuesday to abandon its outdated foreign policy of leaning on the West and accept China as a key partner as important as the United States. The Tokyo Consensus, a joint statement issued at the end of the Beijing-Tokyo Forum, also called on both countries to expand trade and promote a free-trade agreement for China, Japan and South Korea.”

This means that Japan is in play.

The Chinese government, more intelligent than Washington, is responding to Washington’s military threats by enticing away Washington’s two key Asian allies. As the Chinese economy is now as large as the US and on far firmer footing, and as Japan now has more trade with China than with the US, the enticement is appealing. Moreover, China is next door, and Washington is distant and drowning in its hubris.

Washington, which flicked its middle finger to international law and to its own law and Constitution with its arrogance and gratuitous and illegal wars and with its assertion of the right to murder its own citizens and those of its allies, such as Pakistan, has made the United States a pariah state.

Washington still controls its bought-and-paid-for NATO puppets, but these puppet states are overwhelmed with derivative debt problems brought to them by Wall Street and by sovereign debt problems, some of which were covered up by Wall Street’s Goldman Sachs.

Europe is on the ropes and has no money with which to subsidize Washington’s wars of hegemony.

Washington is becoming an isolated and despised element of the world community. Washington has purchased Europe, Canada, Australia, the former Soviet state of Georgia (and almost Ukraine), and Colombia, and continues its effort to purchase the entire world, but sentiment is turning against the rising Gestapo state that has shown itself to be lawless, ruthless, and indifferent, even hostile, to human life and human rights.

A government, whose military was unable with the help of the UK to occupy Iraq after eight years and was forced to end the conflict by putting the “insurgents” on the US military payroll and to pay them to stop killing American troops, and a government whose military has been unable to subdue a few thousand lightly armed Taliban after 11 years, is over the top when it organizes war against Iran, Russia, and China.

The only prospect Washington has of prevailing in such an undertaking is first use of nuclear weapons, of catching its demonized opponents off guard by nuking them out of the blue. In other words, by the elimination of life on earth.

Is this Washington’s program revealed by the neoconservative warmonger, Bill Kristol, who had no shame to ask publicly: “What’s the good of nuclear weapons if you can’t use them?”