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21 November 2012

I must love the very thing I am studying

The what is is what you are, not what you would like to be; it is not the ideal because the ideal is fictitious, but it is actually what you are doing, thinking, and feeling from moment to moment. What is is the actual, and to understand the actual requires awareness, a very alert, swift mind. But if we begin to condemn what is, if we begin to blame or resist it, then we shall not understand its movement. If I want to understand somebody, I cannot condemn him, I must observe, study him. I must love the very thing I am studying. 

If you want to understand a child, you must love and not condemn him. You must play with him, watch his movements, his idiosyncrasies, his ways of behaviour; but if you merely condemn, resist, or blame him, there is no comprehension of the child. Similarly, to understand what is, one must observe what one thinks, feels, and does from moment to moment. That is the actual. Any other action, any ideal or ideological action is not the actual-it is merely a wish, a fictitious desire to be something other than what is. So to understand what is requires a state of mind in which there is no identification or condemnation, which means a mind that is alert and yet passive. 
(JKrishnamurti, The Collected Works, Vol. V,50, Choiceless Awareness)

18 November 2012

From Stalingrad to Gaza with Love

By Gilad Atzmon

Benjamin Netanyahu, is made of different material than Barak. Unlike Barak, who is obsessed with the banal implementation of military power, Netanyahu is concerned with the power of deterrence and he is also intelligent enough to realise that the consequences of a ground invasion of the Gaza Strip may mean the total eradication of such a power. A large scale deployment of infantry is a complicated thing.

It would lead to violent clashing with hostile civilians in a heavily populated urban territory, endless cases of inevitable war crimes and crimes against humanity, international condemnation, unavoidable conflict with Israeli allies and so on. Also, such an escalation will prove, once again how resilient the Palestinian society is, as opposed to the vulnerable Israeli people. Let me tell you, this is not what Netanyahu had in mind two weeks ago when he decided to slaughter just a few Palestinians in order to win the next Israeli election.

Netanyahu prefers to kill Palestinians from afar, to missile them from Israeli Navy battle ships, drones and F16s. Israel had initially a limited operative plan ahead of Operation Pillar of Cloud. But, it didn’t take more than a few hours for Israeli generals to realise that they were ambushed by the Hamas. Like Lebanon 2006, Israel was far from being ready for this conflict. It failed to realised that the Hamas has been preparing itself for this battle. Earlier on today, I saw on BBC News, a Palestinian flag waving on top of a wreckage of house in Gaza that was flattened by Israel during the night. The message was clear: Hamas is ready to make Gaza into Stalingrad. The Israeli generals realise it, some of them are clever enough to grasp the fate of their soldiers if they decide to move in. They are not prepared to be Netanyahu’s ‘6th Army’

The Hamas clearly won this round of violence, it has managed to push Israel to the corner. The Israelis are now expecting Netanyahu and Barak to dissolve the ‘immanent’ ballistic threat. Yet, the IDF doesn’t have a magical military solution except offering full land invasion.

But can the Jewish State redeem itself, can Israel actually win this hopeless situation? Of course it can. All it would take from Israelis is to learn to love their neighbours, to accept the Palestinian cause, to grasp that the rockets are actually a love letter to stolen land, cities, villages, fields and orchards. But can the Jewish State look in the mirror and grasp it all? Can the Jewish State understand its original sin, it own reality as a plundering oppressive entity? Yes, of course it can, only if it stops being a Jewish State.

To read more:
The Wandering Who? A Study Of Jewish Identity Politics, Jewish political interest and Israeli Barbarism within Biblical context… or

Breaking Free from Ego

by Chautauqua
October 29, 2012
from Augureye Website

As we navigate our way through the shift of the ages, and this great awakening blooming like plankton across the planet, it just seems there are so very many things and issues one has to be aware of and contend with if we are to avoid running aground on the rocks & shoals of a rapidly changing reality paradigm.

It seems almost a daily occurrence that the populace of the planet is betrayed and deceived by those who have managed to slime their way into positions of leadership.
Every day we are shown newer and more disgusting examples of this betrayal, feeling powerless perhaps to change it much less fight against it.
There is a nebulous sense that something really big is about to happen; you can’t quite put your finger on it, but you feel it just the same. You can feel the tension of all this when you observe the people you encounter and work with every day.

Everyone is now feeling the effects of both the shift, and the mass awakening underway. For those who are awake, aware and on a spiritual path these energies are perhaps easier to deal with, because we are aware of and acknowledge them.
It’s a different story with the sleeping dreamers trying to make sense of what is unfolding around us all as a 3D reality steadily shifts to a higher frequency vibration. Both share a common enemy.

Either way, awake or asleep, there is a built in aspect of self within each of us which if allowed to, can take over your life and make a shambles of it in extreme cases, and that is the ego; or to be more precise, our negative ego. When we incarnate into the physical form, the focus of consciousness is shifted from the higher conscious mind, thru the unconscious and subconscious mind… to the conscious mind.
Once incarnated the whole self is divided up into several “aspects of self” such as the inner child, nurturing parent & disapproving parent, masculine and feminine and the ego; which as stated has both a positive and negative expression.
I like to imagine this collective might be structured perhaps something like a large corporation, with the self, (being us) as the CEO or president, and the various aspects of self each performing their functions as specialized departments within the “corporate structure of self.”

It is important to understand that the ego does not exist in the higher conscious mind, where there is no need of it; rather it is an aspect of self existing only in the embodied state, created to assist the self on the material plane of existence. The incarnated soul nearly always finds itself overwhelmed in this earthly environment, and the ego emerged to assist the self with survival, how to find value, meaning and how to belong.
The ego is designed and programmed to serve as the eye through which we view and understand the world around us, its sole function being to deliver to us information from the outside world.
The trouble is that the new ego is as overwhelmed as we are by the physical world, and has no better idea of how to succeed at the business of living than does the newly incarnated self. The two must find a way to work together. Now in this corporate structure of self, the egos job is much the same as the mail room delivery boy in a real corporation. (Think Tim Robbins in “The Hudsucker Proxy”)
On a regular daily basis the ego delivers to the CEO (us) not just random information from the physical world, but also information & communications from those around us.
Our job is to place this information in proper context, then to give it form, or if you like, to decide what the content means, and what to do about it. Then we give it back to the ego, to create that form in the physical world.
The ego self then puts that form into action, (the male energy of doing) and being (the feminine energy of being.) That’s the ego’s job.

Many have discovered that this efficient and well designed system doesn’t always work as planned, it breaks down over time. How does this happen? One might say it happens due to free will. All too often we as the CEO of our corporate self, are not in our office taking care of business when the ego arrives with fresh dispatches for us to deal with; we are off doing something more fun, leaving things to run on “auto pilot” in our absence.
Now this is all well and good providing it does not become the norm.
If the boss is out of the office more than in when the ego delivers the daily dispatches, things begin to happen. It begins harmless enough at first. Finding itself alone in the boss’s office yet again, the ego lingers, looks around a bit, and maybe even sits in the bosses chair with its feet up on the desk, perhaps fantasizing. In time this becomes a little unofficial break in the work day, a time when the ego is in the big chair.

One day the ego self notices there’s a lot of work piled up that the boss hasn’t processed, and people demanding answers to their questions etc. So, the ego decides to help out by doing the bosses job.
The problem is that the ego is not designed or qualified to create context from content, or to properly respond by giving it form. The problem becomes serious when the CEO finally realizes what is going on, but chooses to do nothing for the moment.
Being that the ego is keyed to survival, sooner or later the negative side emerges if permitted to remain in control.
The ego doesn’t necessarily know it’s not qualified to do the boss’s job, so it opens the mail, answers the phone and agrees to things it doesn’t understand. The ego invariably makes mistakes and screws up because it makes up meanings it can understand; it responds improperly and gets into trouble, getting us into trouble.
Thinking its doing right, the ego defends its position if attacked, having heard that offense is the best defense, the negative ego is born and it begins covering for itself regardless of what that may do to us and our lives.
When the CEO (us) finally decides to re-take the seat of authority, the ego panics, and fights back, and remember, it knows everything about you. Suddenly everything becomes about the ego protecting itself rather than doing the job the right way. Before long we become the enemy and the negative ego comes to despise us, for various reasons.
The more we fight it for control, the more we are seen as a threat, because at the heart of things the ego is all about survival. This battle with the negative ego can begin in adolescence and rage on for years; perhaps accounting for the self destructive tendencies exhibited in so many.

Indeed it may be this very fundamental conflict within self that has led so many to seek life on a spiritual path… as a way to finally end this conflict. As stated previously the ego is not a function of our spiritual nature, it does not arrive with us, nor will it leave with us when we die.
The physical world is the whole universe to the negative ego, and since it cannot accompany us on our return to source, it fears that as it does death itself; and will resist any and all spiritual progress, until it is unseated from power and re-programmed.

The negative ego is secretive, untrustworthy and deceptive in the extreme and soon becomes adept at telling us what we want to hear.
It is critical to remember here that although the negative ego knows everything about us, all we know of it, is what it allows us to see. It is at this point when some are tempted to try something they read in a book or saw in a seminar… they become convinced they must kill the ego to be free of it. The moment we decide to try to kill the ego, oh boy, the war is on, big time; and the negative ego now has its worst fears confirmed, we are the enemy and must be destroyed.
Depending on various factors the negative ego will either commit to an all out war with the self, or it may ‘retreat’ out of sight to wage a long drawn out guerrilla war on the self; sabotaging it at every opportunity, but it never relinquishes power for that is seen as defeat & death.

So, now there is an unqualified power hungry aspect of self in control that is determined to survive even if it means destroying the ‘host.’ If left unchecked it threatens to bring chaos to our life and relationships, one disaster at a time.
Anyone who challenges the negative ego becomes the enemy and must be marginalized.
The negative ego becomes something of a chameleon in its mastery of deceit. It hides in the forest of emotions, learning how to mimic each one. It will tell you you’re wrong when you’re right, tells you you’ve done badly when the reverse is true, and in time it even gets good enough to convince you that you long ago defeated your negative ego.

How then do we deal with an out of control negative ego?
The obvious answer is with honesty and love; never intimidation or force, which by the way almost never works. Neither will traditional forms of psychotherapy be very helpful, that’s a game the ego likes, and excels at by the time you realize you need help.
I have heard that some have had good results using such modalities as Primal Scream Therapy, or Reality Therapy, to confront and manage the negative ego aspect.
The problem is that you’re trying to fix something within by going outside, to the illusion of physical reality, which is at best a temporary band-aid for a permanent internal issue.

One of the reasons the negative ego becomes hostile is because it really isn’t happy having to do all this… it isn’t what the ego wanted, and to break free of its control the first step is understanding that. The next step is of course to determine what it is the ego does want; what it was seeking all along, and of course that is esteem.
It wants to be important because of the desire nature within all of us, it’s hardwired for that you could say.
The third step in breaking free of ego is remembering that getting your way with the ego is not at all dissimilar to dealing with a very small child; it really helps to remember this. Next comes the hard part, for you must go within and confront the negative ego on its own home ground.
Go within and call the ego forth with love & harmony as your intent. It may not respond the first or second time, or even the third time you beckon it; but if you are persistent, the ego will sit with you, and listen if your heart shows love and forgiveness.

You can forget about the damage already done up to this point. Chances are you will just have to find a way to deal with what may be impossible to repair. This meeting is about ending the conflict and getting on with life with a harmonious corporate self, so forgiveness should be first.
Next you take responsibility for your part in everything, after all if you had been on the ball in the first place none of this would probably have happened, right?
By now you have the ego’s full attention.

Time to offer it a truce, and a promotion. By this point you will not have to prove to the ego that it isn’t qualified for your job, it’s painfully aware. What you do have to prove is your recognition of its ability, plain and simple.

Working with the negative ego is very challenging, and time consuming and at first nothing will come easy. In life it often takes great effort to rebuild trust where it has been broken, but that, as they say, is the name of the tune. As you slowly gain that trust remind the ego that you both began life together, and need to work together for either to be happy and fulfilled. You establish a mutual peace agreement.
Finally, to reclaim your power and responsibilities from the ego, to reclaim the CEO office you must promote the ego from mail room delivery boy to Director of Communications, and reprogram it to maximize the potential it was designed for.
As an example, the egos prime directive is to collect data from the physical world and deliver that to you.
Tell it that as Director of Communications its new job is to now scan for all the data picked up from all of our senses… everything, and deliver same to CEO without acting on any of it.
Soon the ego will be delivering torrents of raw data to the CEO’s office for processing and response, just the way it’s supposed to be.
This can be overwhelming at first, like a mild case of sensory overload which quickly enough becomes the new norm, as you find your awareness expanding across the board, and perhaps even across the universe.

I find it interesting that the out of control negative ego so closely mimics the tactics and behavior of our so called political parties in this country. In both cases power is wrongly seized by unqualified entities that make a holy mess of everything and have no regard whatsoever for the host. Sound familiar?
If indeed America’s negative ego has been wrecking things for fun and profit, I wonder how much more we can take, before we seek a way to stop it once and for all and restore the balance.
Just as we each must confront our negative ego (each in their own way) to restore balance to our lives; we must also confront the ego’s real life counterparts currently destroying this country.
If we do not confront them soon, it will be too late.

GMO - Global Alert

The Truth Has Been Revealed
September 19, 2012

As you will see in the video below, the results collected during a study that focused on determining the potential harm done to animals and humans from consuming GMO corn NK603 are worthy of the outrage and concern we are finally witnessing on a mass scale.

The most telling discovery is that rats fed GMO had a 600% increase in death over the control group.

Experts across the spectrum have weighed in to discuss these shocking findings. Equally disturbing are the findings surrounding the world's leading herbicide, Roundup. It is a combination that now can be conclusively called pure poison.

The campaign for labeling of GMO is now gaining steam in California, and France has launched a major investigation, but until we have at a minimum universal proper labeling of what we are ingesting, we face a future of incredibly compromised health at the hands of giant chemical corporations like Monsanto and DuPont who already have provably poisoned people and the environment with creations like DDT, Agent Orange and now, apparently, modern-day genetic modification and herbicides and pesticides like Roundup.

The images and video below are disturbing, but must be shared.

Now is the time to spread this information and exert maximum pressure with wide-scale boycotts of these destructive companies.

French researchers from CRIIGEN secretly studied, for two years, 200 rats fed with transgenic maize. Tumors, serious disorders... full-fledged slaughter. And a bomb for the GMO industry.

More information at

17 November 2012

We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth

We notice a great upturn in the amount of Light upon the Earth, and that is to your credit and dedication to have brought so much to it. To some the energies are proving to be too powerful and disorientating. However, as they learn what is actually taking place, they may be able to flow with the energies and experience a higher degree of consciousness. They may otherwise experience feelings of impending change, without being able to determine what is happening. Whatever happens to them be assured that like everyone else, they will take something positive away with them. As we have often stated, every experience is of value to you where your evolution is concerned.

Memories of unpleasant experiences will eventually fade completely into the background of your consciousness, and in time be forgotten. Often the only thing that keeps them in your minds, is the pain and distress experienced but once in the higher vibrations you will cease to bring them back. The energies of Love are the most powerful in existence, and as you will find can create "miracles" particularly in healing which many of you have a great interest in. After Ascension your abilities to create and heal will be enhanced, and at the same time you will be assisted by the hardening out of the City of Light, Sedona. It will become a Mecca where thousands come for healing of the mind, spirit and soul. In reality there are millions of people that need some form of healing and help in other ways, and it is why the other 12 Cities of Light will soon follow on. Do not worry that your needs will be overlooked, as we know all of you quite well and no one will miss out.

We monitor the rising levels of consciousness and they are absolutely speeding up at an incredible rate. That is what we like to see, as it is opening more hearts and minds as to what is going on, after all you may be individual souls but you are also part of a group consciousness. We do not see you reaching critical mass yet, but know it is an indication of how near you are to it. We talk not about the numbers of souls involved, but the quality and level of the energies of those who are near to ascending. If they are ready there is nothing to stop individual souls ascending before the 21st, December. The vast majority of you are in readiness to ascend with Mother Earth, and what an experience that will prove to be. Many souls wished to experience it that way, so Dear Ones consider yourselves privileged to have been amongst those chosen to take part in it.

Some of you are feeling as though you are in a dream state, and that your feet are not firmly on the ground. That feeling will pass as you get used to experiencing the higher vibrations. As a result you are becoming more powerful Light Beings and you are helping other souls rise up. It is beautiful to see such a lot of interchange of energies, and we encourage a free giving of them to whoever you meet or pass by. A smile or warm greeting is sufficient to open another souls heart, and a handshake or hug a powerful exchange of energies. It is time to recognize the Light in everyone, and see beyond the outer covering. Some ask what can I do to spread the Light, so we have given  some simple everyday things that you can.

Another useful exercise that will also spread the Light is being open about your beliefs, without being overpowering as otherwise people will switch off. Plant the seeds that will lead to a growth in their consciousness, because as the changes place they will have many unanswered questions in their minds. Between now and Ascension we will endeavor to open up new channels of information for you, as we wish to avoid misinformation being spread as the truth. You still need to be discerning because of it, but anyone with a reasonable degree of progress should be sufficiently intuitive now to know what to accept. You make many decisions based on intuition, and that is the best way to move forward at such an important time.

We wish you to start focusing more on the future and what it holds for you, rather than the turmoil resulting from the 3D changes. Naturally for many it is becoming an uncomfortable time, and more so for those who do not yet understand why it is happening. Whatever way you look at it there is so little time left that nothing unpleasant will have to be withstood for very long. So offset it by giving it as little of your attention as possible. Think New Age and all of the benefits that it will give you, and your release from the trials and tribulations of duality. Remind yourself that you are serving out your last life in the 3rd. dimension, and in future will have no death to anticipate or experience. It is you who will decide when you want to move on, and simply lay down your body and pass on to your next life, and that will be your choice.

You will find that you eventually live a life where all is in abundance, and that everything is freely available so that no money changes hands. Because of your experience in your present dimension, one thing that will be difficult to comprehend is that virtually all of your time will be your own. However do not worry that you will not find enough to do, as there are far more opportunities in the higher dimensions than on Earth. In the back of your mind may also be a strong thought that you would like to serve others, and many groups and organizations exist for that purpose. The Universe is vast with millions of galaxies that include civilizations similar to your own, needing help to evolve.
Nearer home, within your own galaxy many like yours are also present.

I am sure you are intrigued by our skin tight space outfits, that we "dress" ourselves in through the power of thought. If they get soiled or damaged the fabric as you may call it, can put it right through its own level of consciousness. Much is designed that way so it needs no attention from us. Indeed, our organic computers are so programmed that they are completely self functioning, and have greater levels of consciousness than we do. This is where you get to after 1000's years living in the higher dimensions. So believe us when we say that we can handle anything connected with your Ascension. All will proceed as planned, and continue well after Ascension as you benefit from the new energies. We have the priorities sorted out and will have them attended to in no time at all.

I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and leave you with love beaming out to you all.

Thank you SaLuSa.

Neither The Moral Nor The Immoral Know Love

The process of thought ever denies love. It is thought that has emotional complications, not love. Thought is the greatest hindrance to love. Thought creates a division between what is and what should be, and on this division morality is based; but neither the moral nor the immoral know love. This moral structure, created by the mind to hold social relationships together, is not love, but a hardening process like that of cement. Thought does not lead to love, thought does not cultivate love, for love cannot be cultivated as a plant in the garden. The very desire to cultivate love is the action of thought.
(Commentaries on Living, Series I",16,Choiceless Awareness)

Heavenly Human Love

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine

Love is the heavenly force that binds all as one, two as one, three as one and so on. Human loves are absolutely necessary as steps toward the divine. Love is the power that closes the circuit between beings. There is nothing more beautiful than true love,nothing more needed, nothing more hoped for.

Love is what life is all about. It is not always love that leads to the creation of more life but love is what holds us together and gives us strength to face life’s challenges. I write about medicine because I love to and because it is my mission and purpose to communicate with others about what is important in life.

The healthy human heart needs warmth, is warmth and can give warmth to others. The deeper we dive into the heart and open to its super intelligent ways, the more balanced, coherent,and healthy our bodies, minds, and emotions become.

Whatever our heart loves it has the will for. This connection between heart and will offers us a clue to the “secret” forces at work in our ability to resist disease or recover from illness quickly. The heart is at the center of more than we can dream of, yet it is a factor that is not at all understood or even recognized by contemporary psychiatric or medical theory. It is the abandonment of the seat of feelings, the repression and denial of the heart that is at the center of much illness and disease.

The heart center is where we experience our being. The distance we travel away from our own heart and true being is the same distance we travel away from the happiness of our health.

It might take time for modern science, medicine, and psychology to understand and believe it, but the heart is at the center of much of the mysteries that have confounded rational thinkers for millenniums. When we say that the heart is the vulnerability of being we are making a direct connection between what we are calling the heart and our pure being.

Grace is the flow of pure heart energy. It heals, enlightens and warms us. It touches us where we need to be touched.

There is a quality of heart and pure being that can be called grace. The grace of the heart offers us a quality of being that is healing, animating, invigorating, supporting, nurturing, and comforting. The grace of the heart offers an inner tranquility and peace that the mind by itself rarely possesses. The essence of the heart is love, light and health. It represents our being nature and that nature is given to us by the cosmic intelligence with these highly positive qualities. Yet it does seem that some people’s hearts are so small that they seem not to exist at all. Somehow man through his society, religion, laws and politics has found a way to almost completely squash the universe of heart, love, being and soul.
Love & Listening

I have defined love as communication and listening so I love to do both. I love my wife more than the moon, sun and stars put together and I love that my kids are strong and healthy. Most people I meet seem to have given up on the full tides of love that I wrote so much about 18 years ago in “The Marriage of Souls.”

Listening is the ecology of being; it opens the doorway to the heart.Listening creates trust between beings; listening creates love.

Nothing shows off the quality of our love better than our listening skills and in essence listening is what keeps people together. People who listen to each other end up wanting to be and stay together, for nothing connects us better than our listening to each other’s world of feelings and experience. Listening is love and love is listening; they are qualities of being that reflect each other perfectly. Love does not exist in human relationships without deep listening and yet we delude ourselves all the time about this, for profound listening is something with which few people have either experience or training.

Wherever you find a poverty of communication you will find a poverty of love, and wherever you find a poverty of love you will find a poverty of deep listening.

I think we are confused about love, measuring it too much by the Romeo and Juliet type of stories we see all the time on television and in the movies. There are some essential things to love and life that modern people tend to skip over and that has mostly to do with our unwillingness to be vulnerable. There is a lot of scar tissue surrounding the deepest issues of one’s vulnerability and a lot of that begins but does not end with sexual issues.

One healthcare practitioner put it this way. “When I finally had the courage to speak my truth in my own clinic, I found that many of my female patients had been sexually abused during their childhood and teenage years, some of them into their 20s. Those who had not addressed their violent past found themselves having insecure and unequal relationships with men. This realization gave me clarification as to why I felt so passionate about becoming a healer for my profession.”

Intimacy, love, touch, and sexuality are all issues that have great bearing on the heart nature of our being self. There is much more truth to the fact that we are beings rather than simple mechanical machines.

It would be helpful if people were taught basic listening and communication skills in school but governments do not favor too much open honest communication, so that is not modeled in schools. In fact governments are not in favor of too much love; instead they are hell bent on stealing and lying and doing other evil because they simply cannot help themselves. That is why the model of big government will never work for human beings unless it’s an evil system that enforces itself on the masses.
Love of Freedom

One thing that love loves is freedom and that is, in the end, not what government is about. Certainly a government does now want its citizens to be free from itself so hopefully you can see how deep this rabbit hole goes. Recently there has been a tidal wave of petitions to the federal government for freedom in this regard, petitions of secessions flooding the White House. All governments are like cancer, they start out from regular cells (people) who start governments but they grow and expand until they first enslave and then kill the host (themselves and the society they are supposed to serve.)

The freest people have to free themselves even from the herd aspect of society because so much of mainstream thought is erroneous, untrue and has been heavily injected into the mass consciousness by selfish interests.

I love life and the afterlife does not threaten me, but I am attached to sticking around for as long as possible because of my love for my wife and children.

To listen is to suffer because we do not want to listen to anything that might require a change. To listen is to change. We cannot change without listening. Listening implies a change. We need to change just to listen.- HeartHealth

Love answers love, likes attract. Few know though that the crucial key to finding pure love is found in our willingness and ability to be vulnerable. To treasure vulnerable love is the first law of a pure heart.

It is love that will keep us while governments try to control us. Love is always there ready to be nourished by us but the needed watering requires a commitment. I am not talking about casual love or romantic love; I am talking about a divine romance with love itself. No matter how dark the clouds become, we can identify with love itself, with our souls and spirits, but this in no way means we can cop out of our responsibilities as a human being in a social sense.

In “The Marriage of Souls,” oneness and individuality find themselves under the same roof, in the same house, inside the nuclear furnace that burns deep in the center of all our hearts and souls. The essence of this entire deep love is found in the spirit of togetherness and in discovering how humans separate from each other and healing this split. Beings who have lived beyond the walls of separation know of this union and deep pure love that binds souls together as one. Eventually we need to see how our ideas and concepts and notions of holiness and spirituality separate being from being and cause pain, suffering and conflict even in our close relationships with others. Through this kind of work and effort we will find a heaven that can be shared. Instead of concentrating so obsessively with our individual minds and selfish selves, we work to enter heaven together.

Bliss is for those who love each other, flowing into each other, feeding each other, ever part of one life. This interconnection in perfect union strengthens our tendency to be unselfish. The Marriage of Souls is about creating heaven on earth together.

The only place I published my early writings on love and “The Marriage of Souls” was in my Survival Medicine compendium. I love to publish about love and I will start to publish a lot about sex once I can begin the process of finishing my book on breast and prostate cancer.

The marriage vows of The Marriage of Souls:
To love for now and forever the essence of your true being. To always be open to communicate and receive each other vulnerably, to not control or possess, but to grow and to change, to hold and let go. To always encourage the creation of more love even if it is between others and those we already love.

15 November 2012

Gandhi, The Jews And Palestine

Several letters have been received by me asking me to declare my views about the Arab-Jew question in Palestine and the persecution of the Jews in Germany. It is not without hesitation that I venture to offer my views on this very difficult question.

My sympathies are all with the Jews. I have known them intimately in South Africa. Some of them became life-long companions. Through these friends I came to learn much of their age-long persecution. They have been the untouchables of Christianity. The parallel between their treatment by Christians and the treatment of untouchables by Hindus is very close. Religious sanction has been invoked in both cases for the justification of the inhuman treatment meted out to them. Apart from the friendships, therefore, there is the more common universal reason for my sympathy for the Jews.

But my sympathy does not blind me to the requirements of justice. The cry for the national home for the Jews does not make much appeal to me. The sanction for it is sought in the Bible and the tenacity with which the Jews have hankered after return to Palestine. Why should they not, like other peoples of the earth, make that country their home where they are born and where they earn their livelihood?

Palestine belongs to the Arabs in the same sense that England belongs to the English or France to the French. It is wrong and inhuman to impose the Jews on the Arabs. What is going on in Palestine today cannot be justified by any moral code of conduct. The mandates have no sanction but that of the last war. Surely it would be a crime against humanity to reduce the proud Arabs so that Palestine can be restored to the Jews partly or wholly as their national home.

The nobler course would be to insist on a just treatment of the Jews wherever they are born and bred. The Jews born in France are French. If the Jews have no home but Palestine, will they relish the idea of being forced to leave the other parts of the world in which they are settled? Or do they want a double home where they can remain at will? This cry for the national home affords a colourable justification for the German expulsion of the Jews.

But the German persecution of the Jews seems to have no parallel in history. The tyrants of old never went so mad as Hitler seems to have gone. And he is doing it with religious zeal. For he is propounding a new religion of exclusive and militant nationalism in the name of which any inhumanity becomes an act of humanity to be rewarded here and hereafter. The crime of an obviously mad but intrepid youth is being visited upon his whole race with unbelievable ferocity. If there ever could be a justifiable war in the name of and for humanity, a war against Germany, to prevent the wanton persecution of a whole race, would be completely justified. But I do not believe in any war. A discussion of the pros and cons of such a war is therefore outside my horizon or province.

But if there can be no war against Germany, even for such a crime as is being committed against the Jews, surely there can be no alliance with Germany. How can there be alliance between a nation which claims to stand for justice and democracy and one which is the declared enemy of both? Or is England drifting towards armed dictatorship and all it means?

Germany is showing to the world how efficiently violence can be worked when it is not hampered by any hypocrisy or weakness masquerading as humanitarianism. It is also showing how hideous, terrible and terrifying it looks in its nakedness.

Can the Jews resist this organised and shameless persecution? Is there a way to preserve their self-respect, and not to feel helpless, neglected and forlorn? I submit there is. No person who has faith in a living God need feel helpless or forlorn. Jehovah of the Jews is a God more personal than the God of the Christians, the Mussalmans or the Hindus, though as a matter of fact in essence, He is common to all and one without a second and beyond description. But as the Jews attribute personality to God and believe that He rules every action of theirs, they ought not to feel helpless. If I were a Jew and were born in Germany and earned my livelihood there, I would claim Germany as my home even as the tallest gentile German may, and challenge him to shoot me or cast me in the dungeon; I would refuse to be expelled or to submit to discriminating treatment. And for doing this, I should not wait for the fellow Jews to join me in civil resistance but would have confidence that in the end the rest are bound to follow my example. If one Jew or all the Jews were to accept the prescription here offered, he or they cannot be worse off than now. And suffering voluntarily undergone will bring them an inner strength and joy which no number of resolutions of sympathy passed in the world outside Germany can. Indeed, even if Britain, France and America were to declare hostilities against Germany, they can bring no inner joy, no inner strength. The calculated violence of Hitler may even result in a general massacre of the Jews by way of his first answer to the declaration of such hostilities. But if the Jewish mind could be prepared for voluntary suffering, even the massacre I have imagined could be turned into a day of thanksgiving and joy that Jehovah had wrought deliverance of the race even at the hands of the tyrant. For to the godfearing, death has no terror. It is a joyful sleep to be followed by a waking that would be all the more refreshing for the long sleep.

It is hardly necessary for me to point out that it is easier for the Jews than for the Czechs to follow my prescription. And they have in the Indian satyagraha campaign in South Africa an exact parallel. There the Indians occupied precisely the same place that the Jews occupy in Germany. The persecution had also a religious tinge. President Kruger used to say that the white Christians were the chosen of God and Indians were inferior beings created to serve the whites. A fundamental clause in the Transvaal constitution was that there should be no equality between the whites and coloured races including Asiatics. There too the Indians were consigned to ghettos described as locations. The other disabilities were almost of the same type as those of the Jews in Germany. The Indians, a mere handful, resorted to satyagraha without any backing from the world outside or the Indian Government. Indeed the British officials tried to dissuade the satyagrahis is from their contemplated step. World opinion and the Indian Government came to their aid after eight years of fighting. And that too was by way of diplomatic pressure not of a threat of war.

But the Jews of Germany can offer satyagraha under infinitely better auspices than the Indians of South Africa. The Jews are a compact, homogeneous community in Germany. They are far more gifted than the Indians of South Africa. And they have organised world opinion behind them. I am convinced that if someone with courage and vision can arise among them to lead them in non-violent action, the winter of their despair can in the twinkling of an eye be turned into the summer of hope. And what has today become a degrading man-hunt can be turned into a calm and determined stand offered by unarmed men and women possessing the strength of suffering given to them by Jehovah. It will be then a truly religious resistance offered against the godless fury of dehumanised man. The German Jews will score a lasting victory over the German gentiles in the sense that they will have converted the latter to an appreciation of human dignity. They will have rendered service to fellow-Germans and proved their title to be the real Germans as against those who are today dragging, however unknowingly, the German name into the mire.

And now a word to the Jews in Palestine. I have no doubt that they are going about it in the wrong way. The Palestine of the Biblical conception is not a geographical tract. It is in their hearts. But if they must look to the Palestine of geography as their national home, it is wrong to enter it under the shadow of the British gun. A religious act cannot be performed with the aid of the bayonet or the bomb. They can settle in Palestine only by the goodwill of the Arabs. They should seek to convert the Arab heart. The same God rules the Arab heart who rules the Jewish heart. They can offer satyagraha in front of the Arabs and offer themselves to be shot or thrown into the Dead Sea without raising a little finger against them. They will find the world opinion in their favour in their religious aspiration. There are hundreds of ways of reasoning with the Arabs, if they will only discard the help of the British bayonet. As it is, they are co-shares with the British in despoiling a people who have done no wrong to them.

I am not defending the Arab excesses. I wish they had chosen the way of non-violence in resisting what they rightly regarded as an unwarrantable encroachment upon their country. But according to the accepted canons of right and wrong, nothing can be said against the Arab resistance in the face of overwhelming odds.

Let the Jews who claim to be the chosen race prove their title by choosing the way of non-violence for vindicating their position on earth. Every country is their home including Palestine not by aggression but by loving service. A Jewish friend has sent me a book called The Jewish Contribution to Civilisation by Cecil Roth. It gives a record of what the Jews have done to enrich the world`s literature, art, music, drama, science, medicine, agriculture, etc. Given the will, the Jew can refuse to be treated as the outcaste of the West, to be despised or patronised. He can command the attention and respect of the world by being man, the chosen creation of God, instead of being man who is fast sinking to the brute and forsaken by God. They can add to their many contributions the surpassing contribution of non-violent action.
(Segaon, November 20, 1938)


Take the question of the Jews on which I have written. No Jew need feel helpless if he takes the non-violent way. A friend has written me a letter objecting that in that article I have assumed that the Jews have been violent. It is true that the Jews have not been actively violent in their own persons. But they called down upon the Germans the curses of mankind, and they wanted America and England to fight Germany on their behalf. If I hit my adversary, that is of course violence, but to be truly non-violent, I must love him and pray for him even when he hits me. The Jews have not been actively non-violent or, in spite of the misdeeds of the dictators, they would say, "We shall suffer at their hands; they knew no better. But we shall suffer not in the manner in which they want us to suffer." If even one Jew acted thus, he would salve his self-respect and leave an example which, if it became infectious, would save the whole of Jewry and leave a rich heritage to mankind besides.  


I was not unprepared for the exhibition of wrath from Germany over my article about the German treatment of the Jews. I have myself admitted my ignorance of European politics. But in order to commend my prescription to the Jews for the removal of their many ills, I did not need to have an accurate knowledge of European politics. The main facts about the atrocities are beyond dispute. When the anger over my writing has subsided and comparative calmness has returned, the most wrathful German will find that underlying my writing there was friendliness towards Germany, never any ill will.

Have I not repeatedly said that active non-violence is unadulterated love - fellow-feeling? And if the Jews, instead of being helplessly and of necessity non-violent, adopt active non-violence, i.e., fellow-feeling for the gentile Germans deliberately, they cannot do any harm to the Germans and I am as certain as I am dictating these lines that the stoniest German heart will melt. Great as have been the Jewish contributions to the world`s progress, this supreme act of theirs will be their greatest contribution and war will be a thing of the past.

It passes comprehension why any German should be angry over my utterly innocuous writing. Of course, German critics, as others, might have ridiculed it by saying that it was a visionary`s effort doomed to fail. I therefore welcome this wrath, though wholly unmerited, against my writing. Has my writing gone home? Has the writer felt that my remedy was after all not so ludicrous as it may appear, but that it was eminently practical if only the beauty of suffering without retaliation was realised?

To say that my writing has rendered neither myself, my movement, nor German-Indian relations any service, is surely irrelevant, if not also unworthy, implying as it does a threat; and I should rank myself a coward if, for fear of my country or myself or Indo-German relations being harmed, I hesitated to give what I felt in the innermost recesses of my heart to be cent per cent sound advice.

The Berlin writer has surely enunciated a novel doctrine that people outside Germany may not criticise German action even from friendliest motives. For my part I would certainly welcome the interesting things that Germans or other outsiders may unearth about Indians. I do not need to speak for the British. But if I know the British people at all, they, too, welcome outside criticism, when it is well-formed and free from malice. In this age, when distances have been obliterated, no nation can afford to imitate the fabled frog in the well. Sometimes it is refreshing to see ourselves as others see us. If, therefore, the German critics happen to see this reply, I hope that they will not only revise their opinion about my writing but will also realise the value of outside criticism.
(Segaon, December 8, 1938)


Friends have sent me two newspaper cuttings criticising my appeal to the Jews. The two critics suggest that in presenting non-violence to the Jews as a remedy against the wrong done to them I have suggested nothing new, and that they have been practising non-violence for the past two thousand years. Obviously, so far as these critics are concerned, I did not make my meaning clear. The Jews, so far as I know, have never practised non-violence as an article of faith or even as a deliberate policy. Indeed, it is a stigma against them that their ancestors crucified Jesus. Are they not supposed to believe in eye for an eye and tooth for a tooth? Have they no violence in their hearts for their oppressors? Do they not want the so-called democratic powers to punish Germany for her persecution and to deliver them from oppression? If they do, there is no non-violence in their hearts. Their non-violence, if it may be so called, is of the helpless and the weak.

What I have pleaded for is renunciation of violence of the heart and consequent active exercise of the force generated by the great renunciation. One of the critics says that favourable public opinion is necessary for the working of non-violence. The writer is evidently thinking of passive resistance conceived as a weapon of the weak. I have drawn a distinction between passive resistance of the weak and active non-violent resistance of the strong. The latter can and does work in the teeth of the fiercest opposition. But it ends in evoking the widest public sympathy. Sufferings of the non-violent have been known to melt the stoniest hearts. I make bold to say that if the Jews can summon to their aid the soul power that comes only from non-violence, Herr Hitler will bow before the courage which he has never yet experienced in any large measure in his dealings with men, and which, when it is exhibited, he will own is infinitely superior to that shown by his best storm troopers. The exhibition of such courage is only possible for those who have a living faith in the God of Truth and Non-violence, i.e., Love.

Of course, the critics can reasonably argue that the non-violence pictured by me is not possible for masses of mankind, it is possible only for the very few highly developed persons. I have combated that view and suggested that, given proper training and proper generalship, non-violence can be practised by masses of mankind.

I see, however, that my remarks are being misunderstood to mean that because I advise non-violent resistance by the persecuted Jews, by inference I expect or would advise non-interference by the democratic Powers on behalf of the Jews. I hardly need to answer this fear. Surely there is no danger of the great Powers refraining from action because of anything I have said. They will, they are bound to, do all they can to free the Jews from the inhuman persecution. My appeal has force in the face of the fact that the great Powers feel unable to help the Jews in an effective manner. Therefore it is that I have offered the prescription which I know to be infallible when taken in the right manner.

The most relevant criticism, however, which I have received is this: How do I expect the Jews to accept my prescription when I know that India, where I am myself working, where I call myself the self-appointed general, has not accepted it in toto. My answer is: "Blessed are they that expect nothing." I belong to the category of the blessed, in this case at least. Having got the prescription and being sure of its efficacy, I felt that I would be wrong if I did not draw attention to it when I saw cases where it could be effectively applied.

Hitherto I have refused to deal with European politics. My general position still remains the same. I presented my remedy almost in suppressed tones in the case of Abyssinia. The cases of the Czechs and the Jews became more vivid to me than the case of the Abyssinians. And I could not restrain myself from writing. Perhaps Dr. Mott was right when he said to me the other day that I must write more and more articles like those on the Czechs and the Jews, if only because they must aid me in the Indian struggle. He said that the West was never more prepared than now to listen to the message of non-violence.
(Segaon, December 9, 1938)


In dealing with my answer to the criticism that the Jews had been non-violent for 2,000 years, The Statesman says in the course of an editorial:

"The whole world has heard of Pastor Niemoeller and the sufferings of the Lutheran Church; here many Pastors and individual Christians bore themselves bravely before People`s Courts, violence and threats; without retaliation they bore noble witness to the truth. And what change of heart is there in Germany? Buried in prisons and concentration camps are today, and have been for five years, members of the Bible Searchers` Leagues who rejected Nazi militarism as conflicting with Christ`s Gospel of peace. And how many Germans know of them or, if they know, do anything about it?

"Non-violence, whether of the weak or of the strong, seems, except in very special conditions, rather a personal than a social gospel. A man`s salvation may be left to himself; politicians are concerned with causes, creeds and minorities. It is suggested by Mr. Gandhi that Herr Hitler would bow before a courage 'infinitely superior to that shown by his own Storm Troopers`. If that were so, one would have supposed that he would have paid tribute to such men as Herr von Ossietzky.

"Courage to a Nazi, however, seems a virtue only when displayed by his own supporters: elsewhere it becomes the impudent provocation of Jewish-Marxist canaille. Mr. Gandhi has produced his prescription in view of the inability of the great Powers effectively to move in the matter, an inability we all deplore and would see remedied. His sympathy may do much for the comfort of the Jews, but seems likely to do less for their enlargement. Christ is the supreme example of non-violence and the indignities heaped upon Him at His tortured death proved once and for all that in a worldly and temporal sense it can fail hopelessly."

I do not think that the sufferings of Pastor Niemoeller and others have been in vain. They have preserved their self-respect intact. They have proved that their faith was equal to any suffering. That they have not proved sufficient for melting Herr Hitler`s heart merely shows that it is made of a harder material than stone. But the hardest metal yields to sufficient heat. Even so must the hardest heart melt before sufficiency of the heat of non-violence. And there is no limit to the capacity of non-violence to generate heat.

Every action is a resultant of a multitude of forces even of a contrary nature. There is no waste of energy. So we learn in the books on mechanics. This is equally true of human actions. The difference is that in the one case we generally know the forces at work, and when we do, we can mathematically foretell the resultant. In the case of human actions, they result from a concurrence of forces of most of which we have no knowledge. But our ignorance must not be made to serve the cause of disbelief in the power of these forces. Rather is our ignorance a cause for greater faith. And non-violence being the mightiest force in the world and also the most elusive in its working, it demands the greatest exercise of faith. Even as we believe in God in faith, so have we to believe in non-violence in faith.

Herr Hitler is but one man enjoying no more than the average span of life. He would be a spent force if he had not the backing of his people. I do not despair of his responding to human suffering even though caused by him. But I must refuse to believe that the Germans as a nation have no heart or markedly less than the other nations of the earth. They will some day or other rebel against their own adored hero, if he does not wake up betimes. And when he or they do, we shall find that the sufferings of the Pastor and his fellow-workers had not a little to do with the awakening.

An armed conflict may bring disaster to German arms; it cannot change the German heart even as the last defeat did not. It produced a Hitler vowed to wreak vengeance on the victors. And what a vengeance it is! My answer, therefore, must be the answer that Stephenson gave to his fellow-workers who had despaired of ever filling the deep pit that made the first railway possible. He asked his co-workers of little faith to have more faith and go on filling the pit. It was not bottomless, it must be filled. Even so I do not despair because Herr Hitler`s or the German heart has not yet melted. On the contrary I plead for more suffering and still more till the melting has become visible to the naked eye. And even as the Pastor has covered himself with glory, a single Jew bravely standing up and refusing to bow to Hitler`s decrees will cover himself with glory and lead the way to the deliverance of the fellow Jews.
I hold that non-violence is not merely a personal virtue. It is also a social virtue to be cultivated like the other virtues. Surely society is largely regulated by the expression of non-violence in its mutual dealings. What I ask for is an extension of it on a larger, national and international scale.

I was unprepared to find the view expressed by The Statesman writer that the example of Christ proved once and for all that in a worldly and temporal sense it can fail hopelessly!! Though I cannot claim to be Christian in the sectarian sense, the example of Jesus` suffering is a factor in the composition of my undying faith in non-violence which rules all my actions, worldly and temporal. And I know that there are hundreds of Christians who believe likewise. Jesus lived and died in vain if he did not teach us to regulate the whole of life by the eternal Law of Love.
(On the train to Bardoli, January 2, 1939)

Obama: “The best is yet to come.” Really?

Today there is a third reason for cautious optimism. It was summed up in a Ha-aretz headline over an article by Akiva Eldar on 12 November — American Jews are giving up on Israel.

By Alan Hart

When President Obama tried to get a real Middle East peace process going by calling on Israel to halt its illegal settlement activity and his “Yes, we can” became “No, we can’t”, I dared to invest some hope in the idea that in a second term he would use the leverage all presidents have to oblige Israel to end its defiance of international law and be serious about peace on terms the Palestinians could accept. And that investment was not the consequence of mere wishful thinking on my part.

There were two main reasons for my cautious optimism.

The first was (and is today even more so) in the fact that behind closed doors in Washington D.C. top military and security people are completely aware that it’s no longer in America’s own best interests to go on supporting the Zionist (not Jewish) state right or wrong.

The second was my knowledge from sources I trust that Obama has always understood that without an acceptable measure of justice for the Palestinians there could be no end to the conflict, only catastrophe for all. When he was preparing for his first run for the White House, he told a close American-Palestinian friend not to expect too much from him in his first term but to be optimistic about what he could and would do in a second term. (I took that to mean that Obama was fully aware of a fundamental truth expressed to me by former President Carter. As I have stated in previous articles, he said that any American president has only two windows of opportunity to take on the Zionist lobby, the second window being the last year of his second term – i.e. after the mid-term elections of the second term).

Today there is a third reason for cautious optimism. It was summed up in a Ha-aretz headline over an article by Akiva Eldar on 12 November – American Jews are giving up on Israel.

His opening two paragraphs were the following:

The most worrying news that came out of the U.S. presidential elections was that American Jews seem to have lost interest in Israel. Just 10 percent of American-Jewish voters said Israel was their highest priority when they went to the polls, according to a recent exit poll conducted by the pro-peace Israel lobby J Street. Nine out of 10 said domestic issues like job rates and health care were their top concerns. This is despite the fact that the Republicans and Jewish activists, many of whom are supporters of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, told countless horror stories about what they described as Barack Obama’s plot to throw Israel to the Iranian wolves.

These statistics support the analysis of political commentator Peter Beinart, an associate professor at the City University of New York’s Graduate School of Journalism, who argues that the ongoing occupation and the revelations of Israeli racism have distanced American Jews from Israel and from the Zionist idea.

And then there’s this. For a recent study two researchers from the California State University and the Hebrew Union College asked young American Jews whether they would regard Israel’s destruction as a personal tragedy. Fifty percent said they would not.

In a commentary on this finding for the Connecticut edition of the Jewish Ledger, Eric Mandel (a supporter of Israel right or wrong) asked why young American Jews do not feel connected to Israel. His answer included this:

“One explanation is that many young American Jews feel that Zionism conflicts with their liberal values. Raised on the ideal of universalism and exposed to post-nationalist ideology on campus, they cannot grasp how a nation state of and for a particular people is not racist by definition.

“More importantly, many young Jews are compelled by the Palestinian narrative of victimhood. They have internalized the belief that the underdog is always an innocent victim and holds the moral high ground, and they cannot give their allegiance to the ‘oppressor.’ The anti-Israel bias at many schools, particularly in Middle East studies departments, reinforces these negative views, as does the propaganda of anti-Israel campus movements like BDS. There is cause for concern that the American Diaspora’s support for Israel will not be inevitable.”

What all this suggests to me is that a growing number of American Jews are beginning to understand that it’s only by distancing themselves from the Zionist monster that they can best protect their own interests. As I have previously argued (it bears repeating), what we are witnessing in the world today is a rising global tide of anti-Israelism, which is NOT anti-Semitism. The danger is that it could be transformed into classical anti-Semitism if American and European Jews do not distance themselves from the Zionist state and its crimes.

It has never been a secret that the Zionist lobby in all of its manifestations does not speak for most American Jews. In recent years, for example, polls taken by various Jewish institutions and organizations have indicated that AIPAC, the dictator of American policy on all matters to do with the Israel-Palestine conflict, represents the views and wishes of not more than 25 per cent of American Jews.

If the process of American Jews distancing themselves from an arrogant, aggressive, oppressive, racist and unbelievably self-righteous Israel really is underway, a second-term President Obama will be more free than any of his predecessors (though perhaps not until his last year in office) to take on, isolate and see off the Zionist lobby.

As Gideon Levy noted in one of his most recent articles, even Israel itself “needs a furious and determined American president”. Why? Because such a president would be Israel’s “last chance to save itself from the curse of the occupation.” Levy also expressed cautious optimism on the grounds that “the second Obama is expected to have greater self-confidence and be less concerned with considerations of survival than the first Obama.”

Another indication that events in America may be moving in a direction that would enable a second-term President Obama to put America’s own interests first and use the leverage he has to require Israel to be serious about peace was touched upon by Thomas Friedman in a recent article for the New York Times. His main point was that his president would be so busy with pressing domestic issues that he won’t have time to address Israeli matters. But he, Friedman, had a message for Israelis. It was that they had to understand “that we’re not your grandfather’s America anymore.” His explanation of why included this:

“To begin with, the rising political force in America is not the one with which Bibi has aligned Israel. As the Israeli columnist Ari Shavit noted in the newspaper Ha’aretz last week. ‘In the past, both the Zionist movement and the Jewish state were careful to be identified with the progressive forces in the world. … But in recent decades more and more Israelis took to leaning on the reactionary forces in American society. It was convenient to lean on them. The evangelists didn’t ask difficult questions about the settlements, the Tea Party people didn’t say a word about excluding women and minorities or about Jewish settlers’ attacks and acts of vandalism against Palestinians and peace activists. The Republican Party’s white, religious, conservative wing was not agitated when the Israeli Supreme Court was attacked and the rule of law in Israel was trampled.’ Israel, Shavit added, assumed that ‘under the patronage of a radical, rightist America we can conduct a radical, rightist policy without paying the price.’ No more.” (The last two words were Friedman’s own).

One implication is that it’s not only a growing number of American Jews who now regard Israel as a liability. Though still a minority, a growing number of all Americans are beginning to see the same light.

And that’s why I am not abandoning hope that at a point, most likely in the last year of his second term, President Obama will feel himself free enough to do what I truly believe he really wants to do – confront the Zionist monster, beginning with its lobby in America.


It may also be that events in Greater Israel will assist Obama to abandon the policy of support for it right or wrong. I will explain why in my next post — Israel heading further down the road to fascism?