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13 January 2013

Extraterrestrials Among Us According to MIB Documentary - Russian Prime Minister Not Joking

Prime Minister Medvedev  reveals extraterrestrials secrets in Russian MIB documentary

by Michael Salla
January 2, 2013
from Examiner Website

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev’s off-air comments that Russian Presidents are given a secret file about extraterrestrials living among us created much media interest. Most news reports claimed that Medvedev was simply joking.

His apparent reference to the Men In Black movie as a source of information on a super secret agency that monitors extraterrestrials on Earth was commonly cited as key evidence that he was in fact joking. The reasoning is that no political leader would refer reporters to a comedy to clarify national policy.

It has now emerged that Medvedev was not referring to the Men in Black comedy after all, but to a recent Russian television documentary titled “Men in Black” that reveals many details about an extensive cover up of extraterrestrial life visiting Earth.

After completing an on-air interview with five television reporters on December 7, 2012, Prime Minister Medvedev continued to respond to reporters and made some off-air comments without realizing that the microphone was still on.

He was then asked by one reporter,
“if the president is handed secret files on aliens when he receives the briefcase needed to activate Russia's nuclear arsenal,”
...Medvedev responded:
Along with the briefcase with nuclear codes, the president of the country is given a special ‘top secret’ folder.

This folder in its entirety contains information about aliens who visited our planet… Along with this, you are given a report of the absolutely secret special service that exercises control over aliens on the territory of our country… More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called Men In Black…

I will not tell you how many of them are among us because it may cause panic.

After giving his detailed comments to the reporter on extraterrestrials, Medvedev was translated as follows in a Reuter’s report:

“More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black’”.

The Reuters translation was used by a number of media sources in concluding that Medvedev was joking, and his comments needed to be taken with a grain of salt.

For example, one reporter said:
…before Russian alien conspiracy theorists can say “told you so,” the Russian PM quickly indicated that his comment was a joke. “More detailed information on this topic you can get from a well-known movie called ‘Men In Black,’” he said.

Another reporter subtitled his article: “Russian Prime Minister Dmitri Medvedev makes a crack about aliens, and conspiracists promptly lose their minds.”

However, a more accurate translation (below video) of what Medvedev actually said about the Men in Black phenomenon was:
“You can receive more detailed information having watched the documentary film of the same name.”

So Medvedev was referring to a Russian “documentary film” titled Men in Black (far below video), not the Hollywood blockbuster by the same name.

Since the Russian documentary was recent and not well known outside of Russia, most Western media accepted the Reuter’s translation. The documentary was translated into English and released on YouTube on December 18, 2012: It’s true that while Medvedev was giving his detailed response to a female reporter’s question on extraterrestrial life, the reporter was broadly smiling, and other reporters could be heard laughing in the background.

Yet Medvedev appeared very serious throughout his elaborate response, and did not appear to be joking.

Was Medvedev referring to the Men in Black Hollywood comedy to, at best, reveal valid information to the reporter using dry humor?

Or was Medvedev instead giving a candid admission about Russian Presidents being given a secret briefing paper on a secret agency created to monitor extraterrestrials living among us, and referring to a recent Russian documentary for the reporter to follow up?

In the Russian Men In Black (MIB) documentary (below video), a number of prominent UFO cases in Russia and the USA are discussed.

The Roswell UFO crash is covered, along with a number of extraterrestrial abduction cases, and UFOs disabling nuclear weapons facilities. The documentary examines testimony that extraterrestrial bases have been established on Earth, and that some are in restricted US military areas with the full knowledge of the Pentagon.

The documentary even goes on to seriously discuss President Eisenhower’s alleged meeting with extraterrestrials, where agreements were reached with some of the visitors giving them permission to take some of the Earth’s resources in exchange for advanced technology.

If Medvedev wanted the female Russian reporter to explore some of the information he was revealing, then it makes sense that he was in fact referring to the Russian MIB documentary.

Full Russian Documentary With English Subtitle

This leads to an incredible conclusion.

If Medvedev was in fact referring to the Russian MIB documentary, then he was implicitly endorsing information that extraterrestrials have established bases on remote US military facilities with Pentagon approval.

Even more startling is that Medvedev was endorsing the claim that President Eisenhower had in fact met with extraterrestrials, and reached agreements for advanced technologies to be traded for planetary resources.

Initial media reports of Prime Minister Medvedev’s off-air comments were simply unaware of a Russian documentary titled Men In Black, and wrongly concluded that he was referring to the MIB comedy.

As the translated text of his comments now makes clear, Medvedev was referring to a Russian documentary exposing the Men in Black phenomenon, and was candidly advising the Russian reporter to investigate some of the claims found in it to learn about a worldwide cover up of extraterrestrials among us.

Aliens Among Us

Michael Salla

11 January 2013

Death of the Occult

by Stuart Wilde
January 9, 2013

Metaphysics deals with the perception of subtle energies. It starts with ESP, and then one sees the etheric field around people and trees (aura), and eventually one sees visions that teach one about the inner world dimensions, which are usually seen in trance, but later one sees them with ‘eyes open’ in the waking day. 

Aleister Crowley--Occult Nerd (1875-1947)

Students of the occult, like those that follow the work of black magician Aleister Crowley, seek to use perception to evoke dark energies with incantations, and blood ceremonies, which they use to conjure up evil spirits that might grant them power over others. Black magic is linked to specialness, what I call the Cult of the Chosen One. A person who is so delusional, he or she tells themself they are superior, beyond the destiny of mankind.

We are gripped today in an occult takeover of the world.

It brings war, torture, and disinformation. A feature of occult evil is supremacy, and it is racist by its very nature, so it’s the religion on the Nazis. My friend Trevor Ravenscoft, who wrote of the occult practices of the Nazis in his book, The Spear of Destiny, talked to me for many hours about Hitler and the Thule group, an occult society at the top of the Nazi military machine.

Trevor Ravenscroft said they would hold séances where a medium would eject ectoplasm from her vagina, and it would form into an amorphous human head hovering in the room that would speak to the sitters.

The central tenant of the occult, is a feigned elitism and the desire to legislate over others or control them. It’s a violence, sometimes it’s vengeance, when the world won’t acknowledge the occultist as special. Occultists cast spells and make incantations. They cast a form of demonic possession, a psychic imprisonment, over others, using fear and the manipulative power of the inner world ghouls to force humans into slavery, usually sex slavery. Or, it’s the power to order people to go to war and die in support of the ego-flimsy ideals of the elite.

Occult means secret and of course an occultist doesn’t want people knowing she or he evokes the Devil, kills babies and drinks their blood. But the occult’s deepest secrecy comes from their ghoul-world allies, evil beings in a parallel dimension that don’t want the world to know or believe that they exist.

They rule the rulers, men and women that have the same sentiments as the ghouls, humans who are Devil worshipers, in the sense they are enamored in their obsession with self. ‘The narcissism of the demented’, I call it. The ghouls drip feed evil thoughts, instruction and subtle feelings into our leaders and drive them ever more to mayhem.

After the year 2000, myself and others started to be able to see the devil worlds in trance, and then tens of thousands of people saw them, and bit-by-bit the occult wasn’t as hidden as before. We started to fight, firing a purple dot from our fingers that destroyed the ghouls at a distance.

What we learned from that, was the occult domination of the world and the corrupt politicians and the black magic practioners will all be destroyed. First, they will fight each other for ultimate control, then their money will be taken from them, and finally they lose mobility (no oil ) and they become sitting ducks.

I’ve spent 4500 hours in the hell worlds fighting, I know it well. The first thing that happens to a human spirit when they arrive in the hell worlds, is that they lose their arms and legs. They become just an upper body with a head. Their mobility goes, they can move their upper body by the force of will, but it can’t travel far and it moves very slowly. The only armament they have, is that they can spit a pulse at you, but it is quite slow and you soon become expert at sidestepping it.

The ghoul’s lack of agility or speed was why we could kill them in their millions. But there are semi-human beings in the hells worlds that can move like the flying reptiles that are in the Vatican, see the P.S. at the end.

Anyway, after 3 1/2 years of fighting six hours a day, I was ordered to stop. My hands needed to be clean for my next task, the hands-on healings.

The occultists are dying because their ghoul protection is being stripped from them, there are vast celestial armies moving against the hell world beings, once the protection of the occultists goes, they fall to their own emotional violence and slime coming back to them. It’s like the twang of a rubber band hitting your fingers. The fascist White House that looks so scary and dangerous is nothing more that a flimsy occult empire, there is woodworm eating the flag pole from inside. Sadly, the occult edifices of the world will have to go to war and rub each other out, that has been pre-planned in the sense that one arrogance and narcissism with fight with another. That came as a surprise to me when I was shown it in visions.

And Gaia kills some of them through earth changes etc, so those that are left standing after their ego-wars and the citizens revolts that are coming, fall in the end. And the Light Beings come in and alter their digital fractal signal, so the demonic humans start to die and as they die the ghouls die, because the ghouls rely on the heat of the people they possess.

A hell-world being (a ghoul) cannot live outside the human body for long, it either has to make it back to the hell worlds, or it evaporates (dies). In the end they all freeze to death, or it is more accurate to say they become inert like microbes in a frozen Petri dish.

Politicians cast spells that hurt people and frighten them and restrict them, milking them of energy (money), in some way, the spells are called “laws”. There is never much need for any of them, they are not real, they are conjured up by wizards and witches. There are millions of them in every country on earth. Legislation is a form of black magic. The citizens are the victims.

Kabala, a system of magical words and incantations and spells, is very popular in Hollywood, where there are vast numbers of black magic practitioners. There is a Kabala spell that dates back to Prague in the 1500s that conjures up Gollums, they are linked to driving people to suicide; firing Gollums at people to kill them off is definitely black magic.

I’ve had a few fights with the Colombian black magicians, if you try to punch one in the chest say, in the Aluna Mirror World you wouldn’t get far, as their bombast pumps them up so they have extruding chests. So what you do, is grab them at the bottom of the spine at the coccyx, then pull sharply down and they fall backwards. Their intrinsic weakness is their bombast and arrogance, as it is all show, it’s not real, intrinsically they are cowards that prey on weak people.

They do come back a second or even third time, but they always come back weaker than before. After a few months, the ones that were troubling me faded away, I never saw them again, that was about five years ago. So the fight between light and dark continues, in the end all the fascists/supremacists get rubbed out, because they can’t see the celestial force that has come against their cruelty and violence against children and innocent civilians.

The occult must die or we’ll never have peace. To that end there are special codes we can fire from a distance, that we have been taught, but I can’t duke it out with the black magicians as it is forbidden because of my hands. But there are others I can send who are very capable. I’m waiting for one well known person to fall, then it’s “chocks off” ready for take off.

So there you have it, all the slime has to come for us to observe it, then the world will get wiped clean and decency is restored.

P.S. There are semi-human ghouls that can move like the Orcs, the Greys, the Gollums and flying entities that have claws, imagine a flying reptile. Many like the Greys are manufactured drones, they have no mind of their own, in there are mechanical cities in the hell worlds where these beings are manufactured. There are over 900 levels to the hell dimensions, the reptiles are at the bottom. 

10 January 2013

America is headed into civil war

Wednesday, January 09, 2013
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
Editor of

(NaturalNews) It's official. President Obama is going to march America down the dark halls of history by following in the footsteps of Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and all the other gun-grabbing madmen who have exploited fear to achieve the total concentration of power in the hands of dictatorial government.

America is headed into civil war.

Vice President Joe Biden said today that disarming the American people and setting them up for government genocide is "acting responsibly."

As published today in the Weekly Standard:

"The president is going to act," said Biden, giving some comments to the press before a meeting with victims of gun violence. "There are executives orders, there's executive action that can be taken. We haven't decided what that is yet. But we're compiling it all with the help of the attorney general and the rest of the cabinet members as well as legislative action that we believe is required." Biden said that this is a moral issue and that "it's critically important that we act."

Biden talked also about taking responsible action. "As the president said, if you're actions result in only saving one life, they're worth taking. But I'm convinced we can affect the well-being of millions of Americans and take thousands of people out of harm's way if we act responsibly."

Biden is the guy who once promised, "Obama's not getting my Beretta [shotgun]." Obama also made a campaign promise that he would never come after your guns. Now they're both charging forward with a plot to completely disarm all the legal gun owners across America.

This is the moment when America either falls to tyrants or rises to resist it.

Matt Drudge sees what's coming. posted this headline earlier this morning, complete with pictures of Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin.

Gun grabbers actually want your guns so they can murder you with themThe real agenda of gun grabbers has now become crystal clear: They want to kill gun owners and anyone who doesn't bow down to the Hitlerian madness of the Obama administration.

Last night on the Piers Morgan show on CNN, guests openly threatened Alex Jones' children with being killed, and then one guest openly suggested that Piers Morgan shoot Alex Jones with an AR-15 -- followed by laughter from the other guests on the show. It is a felony crime to threaten to murder a person, yet none of these guests who appeared on Piers Morgan have been arrested.

That astonishing video is available here:

This is nothing short of a death threat aired on national television. This is what the gun grabbers really want: to TAKE your guns so they can SHOOT you with them.

It's all coming out. This is their true agenda: mass murder and / or genocide. Those who support gun disarmament of the American people are supporting mass murder: Michael Moore, Piers Morgan, Biden, Obama, Cuomo... they are all proponents of mass murder. They are the very same kind of people who once supported Hitler and Stalin, and now they're creating a new Hitler in Barack Obama, the would-be dictator who is thrusting America straight into a new civil war.

Read history: Gun confiscation leads to mass murder by government ("democide")As firearms instructor Paul Howe wrote recently, history teaches us harsh lessons about government disarmament of citizens:

In 1929, the Soviet Union established gun control. From 1929 to 1953, about 20 million dissidents, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

In 1911, Turkey established gun control. From 1915 to 1917, 1.5 million Armenians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Germany established gun control in 1938 and from 1939 to 1945, a total of 13 million Jews and others who were unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated.

China established gun control in 1935. From 1948 to 1952, 20 million political dissidents, unable to defend themselves were rounded up and exterminated

Guatemala established gun control in 1964. From 1964 to 1981, 100,000 Mayan Indians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Uganda established gun control in 1970. From 1971 to 1979, 300,000 Christians, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Cambodia established gun control in 1956. From 1975 to 1977, one million educated people, unable to defend themselves, were rounded up and exterminated.

Defenseless people rounded up and exterminated in the 20th Century because of gun control: 56 million.

Those are 56 million deaths that fall onto the hands of people like Obama, Biden, Morgan, Bloomberg, Cuomo and anyone who calls for gun confiscation. YOU are the mass murderers who make the Sandy Hook shooting look like nothing in comparison.

It now appears Obama is going to go down in history as the U.S. President who brought us to a second civil war, where the goal of the radical left is to exterminate anyone who believes in liberty.

American are arming for warLock and load, friends. The darkest chapter in American history is fast approaching. Meanwhile, Americans are arming up like never before. As the Washington Free Beacon is reporting today, "Folks are grabbing just about any gun they can get their hands on..."

Keep in mind the simple fact that Americans are NOT buying guns just so they can turn them in. Record gun sales everywhere across the country are a sign that Americans are arming for WAR against the radical left.

Over ten million firearms were purchased in December alone, and today there's hardly a gun left on any store shelf anywhere in the country. Ammo inventories have also been wiped out nearly everywhere. Same story with rifle magazines. Bottom line? Over the last 30 days, the American people purchased and took home nearly every handgun, rifle, shotgun, magazine and bullet that was for sale across the entire country.

To repeat: These items were NOT purchased just to turn them in to the government. They were purchased to defend the Republic against anti-American traitors and tyrants. We cannot help but conclude America is headed into civil war if the criminals in Washington actually try to ban guns.

America is the biggest terrorist state of the world

By Asif Haroon Raja

America’s past and present testifies the fact that there is no country in the world matching its destructive oriented policies. The US is the sole country which annihilated millions of inhabitants of Nagasaki and Hiroshima by using hydrogen bombs.

Even today no living being in the two affected cities are safe from the thermonuclear aftereffects. Large number of countries had to go through rigors of civil war on account of US intrigues. In its bid to bring down populist elected governments of targeted countries, CIA and FBI secretly provided arms and funds to rebel groups and converted democracy into dictatorship.

After making full use of the selected dictator, when he outlived his utility and became a liability, he was branded a traitor and popular movement organized against him. After creating political and economic instability, spreading lawlessness and inducing a civil war like situation, the US forces were pushed in under the pretext of saving the people from the cruel clutches of dictator.

Tunes of freedom and democracy were played up full blast. Afghanistan, Iraq and now Libya are cases in point where the people have been deprived of peace and independence.

In order to break-up USSR, CIA first fomented protests against Moscow in Eastern Europe in 1970s by overplaying prosperity and openness of Western Europe and then turned Afghanistan into a battleground. Osama bin Laden (OBL) and thousands of Muslim Jihadis were enticed from all over the Muslim world to promote culture of Jihad against godless communist super power.

After accomplishing its objectives, the US abandoned the region in haste and got involved in renovation of Eastern Europe and expanding NATO towards the east.

Afghan Mujahideen who had paid the heaviest price in pushing out Soviet troops and Pakistan that had led the proxy war had to go through a long period of trial and tribulation. Left at their own, both Afghanistan and Pakistan were unable to repair the badly bruised socio-economic fabric.

After 9/11, the blue-eyed boy OBL and his holy warriors who were profusely acclaimed by USA and entire western world were declared as most dangerous terrorists. After declaring OBL responsible for attacks on WTC in New York without furnishing any proof, the US destroyed Afghanistan in October-November 2001.

Ever since, Afghanistan remains an occupied country and trigger-happy occupation forces have killed tens of thousands of Afghans. Vices that had been purged from the society by the Taliban during their 5-year rule (1996-2001) have resurfaced in a big way.

Iraq under Saddam Hussein was supplied with dangerous chemical weapons by USA for use against Iran in Iran-Iraq war (1980-88). Tens of thousands of Iraqis and Iranians perished in the war which ended without any side emerging as a victor.

Later on, Saddam who was given full support for a decade was labeled as a ruthless dictator and falsely charged with storing weapons of mass destruction (WMDs) and having links with al-Qaeda. Under the pretext of locating WMDs, every nook and corner of Iraq was combed by UN inspectors for well over two years. Even though the inspectors gave clear report, Iraq was invaded and destroyed without obtaining UN approval and disregarding world protests.

A massive hunt was launched to locate fugitives Saddam and his sons. His two sons were brutally murdered and their photos splashed on internet. Saddam was eventually traced and after interrogating him and carrying out DNA, denture and medical tests to confirm he was the right person, he was put on trial in a kangaroo court and hanged to death on charges of using excessive force against the Kurds and Shias. Movie of his hanging was also shown on u-tube. 1.6 million Iraqis have died since March 2003 and bloodletting is still continuing.

After 9/11, Pakistan was coerced to become a coalition partner and to combat global terrorism. Pak Army was made to fight own tribesmen in FATA supposedly sheltering al-Qaeda operatives.

The flames of war lit in Afghanistan were diverted towards Pakistan. USA pampered and encouraged India to indulge in covert war to destabilize Pakistan which on papers was US close ally and a frontline state. Tehrik-e-Taliban-Pakistan was CIA’s creation which is funded, equipped and guided by several foreign agencies.

Likewise, Baloch separatists are also supported by the same gang. Over 30000 Pakistani civilians and 5000 security personnel have died as a result of foreign sponsored terrorism. Pakistan has suffered an economic loss of $68 billion and its industrial and agriculture sectors and stock exchange have suffered grievously, while foreign investments have ceased. All this has resulted in high inflation, price spiral, and electricity, gas and food items shortages. Barbarity of America didn’t end here. Unending spate of drone strikes in tribal areas has added to the woes of Pakistanis.

CIA as a master planner and coordinator has been supervising the gory game from Kabul in concert with RAW, Mossad, MI-6 and RAAM and making Pakistan blood soaked. Bloody game has kept CIA’s drug business and defence industry of US war merchants running. India is now indulging in water terrorism to dry up Pakistan but US media and officials are mum over this flagrant violation of 1961 Indus Basin Treaty since it is part of the game to make Pakistan helpless. India mobilized its forces against Pakistan in 2002 and in 2009 with tacit blessing of USA.

The US has kept silent over unspeakable atrocities against hapless Kashmiris in occupied Kashmir since end 1988 killing over 100,000 in fake encounters, extra judicial killings, raids and indiscriminate firings on peaceful demonstrators. Gang rapes and molestation of women at the hands of security forces who have been give license to kill under draconian laws are routine. Ironically, the freedom fighters seeking a plebiscite as envisaged in UN resolutions have been branded as terrorists by USA at the behest of India. India has never been questioned over its defiance of UN resolutions.

The US which promptly labels Muslims as terrorists simply because they are anti-US, has for several decades been keeping its ears and eyes shut and lips sealed over barbarism of Israelis against Palestinians. Israel had attacked Lebanon in 2006 after getting a nod from Washington. It didn’t object to inhuman economic blockade of Gaza by Israel and didn’t condemn brutal invasion of Gaza in December 2008. Likewise, when the US remained tight lipped over cowardly attack of Israeli forces on Peace Flotilla carrying relief goods for stranded Gazans, it proved beyond doubt that Israel had full backing of USA.

Thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and al-Qaeda detainees were put in horrific Gitmo, Abu Gharib, Baghram jails as suspects involved in terrorism where they were subjected to most gruesome torture for years without trials and without anyone hearing their cries. Among several torture techniques, water boarding is the most dreadful. After years of detention and torture most were found innocent and released but they got mentally incapacitated for life.

The US desires security for Israel in Middle East and for India in South Asia. The US has succeeded in making Israel the unchallenged power in Middle East where all Muslim states are ruled by pro-American puppet-like regimes. Militarily strong Egypt is still tied to peace treaty with Israel, while defiant Iraq has been tamed.

Libya is under attack to get rid of rebellious Qaddafi. Soon, another regime change will take place in Syria and possibly in Iran. It will then become easier to deal with Hamas and Hizbollah to remove all security fears of Israel. The US has yet to accomplish its mission in South Asia since it has been unable to extract nuclear teeth of Pakistan and reduce its warrior spirit. Concerted efforts are underway to steal or destroy nukes and delivery means which are under tight control of Strategic Force.

Going through the track record and conduct of USA, there is no doubt left in anyone’s mind that American foreign policy revolves around intrigues, lies, deceit, conspiracies, terrorism, false flag operations and use of force. Americans consider them to be most open minded and liberal in the world. The reality is quite opposite to their self-claimed belief. Blacks and whites communal riots are a routine affair in USA as in the case of Hindu-Muslim riots in India. There is no dearth of extremist Americans who remain on lookout how to injure the religious beliefs of others particularly Muslims, exactly the same way as in India.

We do not have to dig too deep in the past. The US court sentenced Dr Afia Siddiqui to 86 years jail term on account of uncommitted offences merely because of deep seated prejudice against Muslims. The extremist mindset of the US Pastor Terry Jones is also a glaring example of religious intolerance and bigotry prevalent in USA. He first announced his intentions to burn Holy Quran and then declared his intention to file a petition in court against use of Quran in USA. Later on he fulfilled his satanic plan by burning copies of Quran and got away with it.

Prejudice, fanaticism, extremism, intolerance and cruelty are some of the characteristics deeply ingrained into the minds of US officials and elites. With such hideous traits and black track record, on what basis the US is voicing its concerns about terrorism when it is the biggest terrorist state of the world? The huge network of CIA operatives secretly deployed in Pakistan is stoking flames of terrorism to create anarchic conditions. Pakistan has no moral justification to become an ally of biggest terrorist state and fight its war when it has been confirmed that it is fuelling rather than curbing terrorism to harm Pakistan.

- Asian Tribune -

08 January 2013

Illuminati Jewry: A Biologist's View

January 5, 2013

"The aim of their leaders is absolute control over the rest of humanity, and eventually the annihilation of a large part of humanity, with the exception of a number of slaves educated and mind controlled to service the parasite entity."

This is the reason for the attack on Sandy Hook School, to disarm Americans

[Editor's Note: The author has a graduate degree in biochemistry and is well versed in the Judeo Masonic Conspiracy. His view is extreme but I present it for discussion. Can the parasite destroy the host without destroying itself? Would it? ]

[Editor's Note2: "Parasitism" - Taking ownership of the "medium of exchange," i.e. money supply; turning an abstraction into a private debt requiring billions in interest annually. Buying everything and everyone to ensure the perpetuation of this fraud. Using this power to degrade the masses according to a satanic agenda. Why we don't have culture; we have agitprop. Illuminati (elite) Jews jeopardize the security of the majority of Jews l know, including myself, who are hardworking people who pay their way.]

by Cassibon

Jews are a gathering of several ethnic groups united through a particular "cultural platform" that allows them to distinguish themselves from the rest of humanity.

They are told from childhood that God chose them as His people, and the rest of us were created to be their slaves. Thus, they can freely use, abuse, and if they please, even kill us without this being seen by God as a sin and by their lawmakers as a crime.

Their social structure is based on the unconditional control of their religious leaders who dictate to the Jewish community a tribal vision, inherited from ancient times when most of humanity had a very similar vision.

The Jewish priesthood built a straitjacket for the Jewish community which gave them absolute power; even their kings were afraid of the priest caste.

While this tribal vision allowed them to preserve their identity; inevitably it contains the seeds of antagonism and conflict with any society they interact with. This explains the pogroms and the banishment of the Jews.


Nevertheless, the astute among their leaders conceived ways of taking control of non-Jewish human societies using the old "Trojan horse" technique. This takeover of humanity is not to be seen as a symbiosis, but as a form of parasitism.

In symbiosis, both parties contribute to the common well-being, while in parasitism, one party hoards the resources exclusively for itself to the detriment of the host. While the parasite thrives, the host declines or even dies.

To allude the self-defence of the host, such as the structures that insure immunity, the parasite produces poisons that annihilate the vital defensive mechanisms.

In the same way, our societies today are poisoned with spiritual and intellectual tools or concepts.

These tools include rejection of the divine, rejection of personal responsibility, annihilation of the social tissue through such tools as atheism, humanism, socialism, communism, zionism, feminism, debauchery and perversion, the destruction of the family, and the patriotic vision.

The cultivation of distractions. For example digital gaming, where instead of apprenticeship in sciences, history, geography, etc., youth waste their time and energy with toxic games that not only destroy their professional future, but distort mind and behavior.

Adults are addicted to television programs and entertainment instead of insuring personal enhancement and social betterment, etc.

The aim of their leaders is the absolute control over the rest of humanity, and eventually the annihilation of a large part of humanity, with the exception of a number of slaves educated and mind controlled to service the parasite entity.

To attain this goal, they not only use cultural platforms for brainwashing, but also poisoning of food, water, air, including poisons they call medicine, vaccines, abortions (planned parenthood), corrupt and tyrannical governmental and wars.

I suspect that in their plan, even the slaves will be discarded once robots are evolved robots with similar capabilities. This is suggested by the huge effort they devote to what they call "synthetic artificial intelligence".

Thus, they gradually built a "cultural platform" for the rest of humanity with detrimental attitudes and behavior, conducive to our destruction and to their absolute control on us.


Our only hope reside in the awakening of the people that became accomplices to their own destruction and enslavement of their children.

Also, not all Jews accept this plot against the non-Jews. Those that are the culprits are the Talmudist/Cabbalist Jews, Zionists and their Masonic accomplices and perverts and Christian Zionist zealot idiots.

What can you do to stop this madness? First, become spiritual and reject perversion, and the cultural poison that they instil in us through such concepts as "politically correct" PC.

Search the help and guidance of God and get back to the traditions that insured our social health. Find ways to increase your independence from the "matrix" they built for our self-destruction. Do not use electronic money, and take your money out of their banks, and invest it in something useful, not speculation.

Rebuild our independence in food, clothing, energy, etc. Contribute to the awakening of others and spread the word.

Do this in a spirit that God would approve, avoid cruelty and injustice. Be spiritual, be strong, and be wise.
Related - US Army Poisoning Americans Bro Nathaniel - What Really Happened at Sandy Hook? US Government complicit in shooting up American elementary school.

Makow comments: 1. Curiously the only other time we have seen this master race vision in the 20th century has been the Nazis. 2. Hardly encouraging but I wonder if the Illuminati would invest so much energy in indoctrinating and degrading humanity if the plan was to exterminate most. My feeling is that we are "human resource" to them, the basis of their wealth which is dependent on supply & demand, and debt-interest payment.

06 January 2013

The mind can find out what is true only when it is free from all conditioning

Now, what is a man to do who sees exactly what is taking place in the world, and who really wants to find out if God, truth, is an actuality or merely a clever invention of the priest? After all, you and I are the result of the collective, are we not? And there must be individual human beings who have completely broken away from the collective, from society, who are free from conditioning, not in layers or in spots, but totally, for it is only such individuals who can find out what truth or God is -not the man of tradition, not the man who does japa, rings the bell, quotes the Gita, and goes to the temple every day. It is the irreligious people who do that. But the man who really wants to find out what this extraordinary movement of living is must not only understand the process of his own conditioning, but be able to go beyond it. Because, the mind can find out what is true only when it is free from all conditioning, not when it merely repeats certain words or quotes the sacred books. Such a mind is not free. 
(Collected Works, Vol. X",164,Individual and Society)

Alien Power Plants

With the discovery of ancient batteries in Mesopotamia and Egyptian hieroglyphs depicting light bulbs in tombs and secret chambers, the ancient alien theorists speculate that extraterrestrials taught early civilizations about electric technology.

The Metaphysics of A Paradigm Shift in Consciousness

Here's another fascinating take
on the shift we're experiencing. 
by Stuart Wilde
December 29, 2012
from ZenGardner Website

When people talk about a paradigm shift, they mean a shift in the recognized pattern of things, which we can say is the ‘standard model’ that forms the basis of people’s comprehension and understanding.

We are in the process of mankind’s biggest consciousness shift in history. The reason being, as I wrote fifteen years ago, is that there are two parabolas of energy.

The world has split into two different evolutionary directions.

One parabola is curving downwards and inwards, it is becoming more regressive and more unaware (blind), while the other is opening outwards and upwards towards a greater perception and awareness, a higher spirituality.

There are two distinct evolutions of humanity here on earth now, not all humans are the same.

The people on the downward parabola, which is traveling towards the demonic dimensions, feel the loss of vitality and through that perceived threat they become the paranoiac fascists, the Police State is born from the sentiments of the regressive parabola, people whose evolution is ending/dying, albeit it might take decades for them all to perish.

On the open parabola people can perceive like never before. Their curve goes towards love, acceptance and the celestial heavens.

The most perceptive and sensitive humans that have ever lived, are alive on earth today.

This is because of two things:

Firstly, once the two parabolas left each other and separated in the 1960s, with Flower Power and the music of that era, there was then less and less impediment from the regressive curve to hold the progressive people back.

They left the system and went their own way; in my books I call them “The Fringe Dwellers”.

And secondly, because the people on the open, progressive parabola sought transcendence, they found it.

It was granted to them. They became humans with a multidimensional perception, it is as if they are half-human, half-angels, with one foot in this world and one foot in a higher place.

They and only they, have the consciousness to build a brave new world once the old world dies.

Their children will inherit the earth. Then there is a golden age for a time, a 1000 years say, then the ‘regressives’ start to incarnate once more and the cycle begins all over again.

People on the downward curve, headed towards the hellish dimensions, seek heat because the hells are cold and drab, so they drift towards degradation, sexual deviation, alcohol, drugs, black magic and the predators’ stance, money is heat for them (it is created by people burning calories to earn it).

The regressives seek that money-heat as it feeds the ego’s self importance, so they try to steal it from honest people; all the billions that are defrauded by the degenerates on Wall Street, for example.

Stolen money is mood food for vampires.

You might wonder why good people are tormented, it is because there are psychic predators and energy suckers and ghouls everywhere. In the end only your protection keeps them all at bay. Protection comes from goodness and purity.

After 1000 years the protection of the humans on earth gradually breaks down and that is why the regressive spirits can incarnate once more and try to advance themselves by sucking off others.

Armageddon is a war fought in a Mirror-World dimension that myself and others watch in trance; the celestial seeks to rub out the dark to give us all a bit of respite. That is now being granted and as the dominoes fall, the remaining tyrants get rattled and they go further down the curve.

As they descend they will become ever more nasty and cruel, it’s their evolution to do so, as each has to be indicted spiritually, and destroyed, so there is no chance of anyone creeping back. Everything is very precise.

So there you have it:
Try to be good and if you can’t be good be careful.

Consciousness and The Conscious Universe

05 January 2013

The Devil and the Jews

Rabbi's book shows the scale and continuity of the llluminati Jewish Conspiracy

Treason doth never prosper. What's the reason?
For if it prosper, none dare call it "treason."
- John Harrington (1561-1612)

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
January 5, 2013  

There is no Wikipedia entry for The Devil and the Jews (Yale University Press, 1943) or its author Rabbi Joshua Trachtenberg (1904-1959.) There are no reviews on the Internet.

Our Illuminati Jewish masters have consigned this knowledge to the memory hole. Why?

When Europe was a Christian theocracy, say from 1050 -1650, Judaism was regarded as a satanic cult, and Jews were considered agents of the devil.

We're familiar with the Jewish persecution complex. During this period, Christians had a parallel fear. They believed that Jews both hated them and conspired to destroy Christendom. They believed the long-awaited Jewish "Messiah" was in fact the Antichrist.

"Their association with this awful figure...assumed really frightening proportions toward the end of the Middle Ages when Antichrist's Jewish parentage became definitely established and the Jews were expected to form the spearhead of his legions. They were not quite so weak...judging from their numbers and social position. For a terrible mysterious Jewish horde hidden somewhere in the East awaited the signal to pour out upon Christendom and annihilate it.The rumours of the birth of the Antichrist ...after the thirteenth century, kept Europe on edge awaiting the bloody outbreak of the "red Jews" .... (40)

Jews were accused of colluding with Mongol invaders on the Eastern frontiers. They were just as likely to desecrate a church, murder Christian infants in secret, spread poisons with the wind, or practise infamous sexual perversities.

"The catalogue of alleged Jewish crimes is long and varied indeed, and wholly unreasonable." writes Trachtenberg, "unless we accept the self-evident fact that, in medieval eyes, that as Satan's agents, nothing was beyond the depraved and evil nature of the Jews." (43)

For many, this Illuminati Jewish threat seems more urgent today, with the demoralization of mankind and the creation of the American police state.


Illuminati (Cabala) Jews and their Masonic henchmen don't want Jews or others to understand the hidden subversive and occult character of the collective Jewish enterprise.

They don't want Jews to understand that anti-Semitism throughout the ages was not irrational. This realization would empower Gentiles, and allow "the lesser brethren" to escape their role as dupes, scapegoats, human shields and human sacrifices for their demented leadership.

Cabala Jews believe that they define God's Will. In other words, God comes into the world through them. Otherwise, He is "formless and unknowable." (This is satanic because God is our GPS. Man is connected to God through our soul and spiritual ideals - love, peace, truth, beauty and justice.)

The Cabalists believe they can redefine reality according to Satan: Evil is good, falsehood is truth and sick is healthy, (and vice versa.) They undermine every other collective identity: nation, religion, race and family. They must destroy the Christian order to build the NWO.

"As long as there remains among the Gentiles any moral conception of the social order, and until all faith, patriotism and dignity are uprooted, our reign over the world shall not come," Illuminati Jewish leaders said in 1936.

Cabala Jews have been outsiders by choice because they cannot accept a world they do not dominate. The alienated modern anti hero is based on the Cabalist's Luciferian rebellion.

The essence of the NWO is that Cabala Jews and their Masonic lackeys will overturn the natural and spiritual order and enslave mankind, mentally if not physically.


Trachtenburg provides a litany of Jewish activities in the Middle Ages which suggests many age old "stereotypes" have deep roots.

"The Jews sell at cut prices as many dreams as you wish," he quotes the Roman poet Juvenal.

Throughout the ages Jews specialized in magic, sorcery, fortune telling, astrology, potions and drugs, poisons, alchemy, amulets, incantations and curses, aphrodisiacs and cosmetics.

Pope Pius V explained his expulsion of the Jews from the Papal States in 569 thus:

"They seduce a great many imprudent and weak persons with their satanic illusions, their fortune-telling, their charms and magic tricks and witcheries, and make them believe that the future can be foretold, that stolen goods and hidden treasures can be recovered, and much else can be revealed." (77)

And of course, they were always the "doctors of unbelief" inciting heresies. "Everywhere, the church and the people discerned the diabolical hand of the Jews turning simple Christians aside from the true faith." (176)


The Cabalist Conspiracy is on the cusp of success. God has been banished from public life. Illuminati Jews control the mass media and can deceive and degrade the masses. Entertainment is an orgy of pornography, obscenity, propaganda, violence and satanism.

Illuminati Jews and Masons behind feminism are responsible for the debauchery of Western women. They are behind the promotion of homosexuality designed to destroy marriage and family. They were at the forefront of sexual liberation, pornography and abortion. The mass media is obsessed with sex. It has a fawning fetish for fertile females, and even children aren't safe. The stock market is a giant casino with millions day trading.

Christianity has been Judaized, concerned with "social change" (the Satanist agenda) rather than salvation. Christian Zionists are pledged to the Zionist rogue state.

The Illuminati are destabilizing the Third World using charities to "empower" females and make them reject marriage. Donors are invited to become an "agent of change" which is code for NWO.

They want girls to be "educated" i.e. indoctrinated, as in the West. In general, they are feminizing the world, making women and women's concerns central.

The people are lost and increasingly desperate. What's left? Depression? War? The Antichrist?


Illuminati Jews have waged a covert war against man and God for millennia. This conspiracy is the real history of the world, the real cause of war and depression. Society has been subverted, and lies constantly.

Even Jews like Trachtenberg, writing in 1943, can't believe it.

"People will believe whatever they want," he says referring to "anti-Semites" but this also applies to him.

Ordinary Jews can't believe it because they are not Satanists. But many Cabalist Jews are. They have the money, form the secret leadership, and manipulate many others.

Trachtenberg was a Reform Rabbi for 30 years. His picture gazes down on his personal library housed at Temple Enetu in Teneck NJ.

He is one of many decent Jews like myself who have been used as Trojan Horse for the Illuminati under the aegis of communism, socialism, liberalism, feminism, zionism, neo conservatism and "gay rights."

We are all Jews now, Godless, deceived, degraded and used. But at least we know where we stand, and can act accordingly.

Note: A Description of Trachtenberg's First Book, "Jewish Magic & Superstition" (1939)

Jewish Magic and Superstition is a masterful and utterly fascinating exploration of religious forms that have all but disappeared yet persist in the imagination. The volume begins with legends of Jewish sorcery and proceeds to discuss beliefs about the evil eye, spirits of the dead, powers of good, the famous legend of the golem, procedures for casting spells, the use of gems and amulets, how to battle spirits, the ritual of circumcision, herbal folk remedies, fortune telling, astrology, and the interpretation of dreams. First published more than sixty years ago, Trachtenberg's study remains the foundational scholarship on magical practices in the Jewish world and offers an understanding of folk beliefs and practices that expressed most eloquently the everyday religion of the Jewish people.
Related -- Is Lucifer the God of Judaism?

Makow - Incest Survivor Exposed Illuminati Satanists

---------- Meditation on the Jewish Revolutionary Spirit

MacDonald - Jews and Jewish Organizations Lead Gun Control Campaign (Will Israel be disarming too?)

-------- a small example of satanists publicly spewing depravity