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08 May 2013

Thought is matter

Those who think a great deal are very materialistic because thought is matter. Thought is matter as much as the floor, the wall, the telephone, are matter. Energy functioning in a pattern becomes matter. There is energy and there is matter. That is all life is. We may think thought is not matter but it is. Thought is matter as an ideology. Where there is energy it becomes matter. Matter and energy are interrelated. The one cannot exist without the other, and the more harmony there is between the two, the more balance, the more active the brain cells are. Thought has set up this pattern of pleasure, pain, fear, and has been functioning inside it for thousands of years and cannot break the pattern because it has created it. 
(JKRISHNAMURTI, Freedom from the Known,101)

BRICS - The Coming Challenge to U.S. Economic Dominance

by David Francis
April 23, 2013
from TheFiscalTimes Website

Late last month, leaders from,

  South Africa,
...the so-called BRICS, announced they were forming their own development bank to assist other emerging economies.

The yet-to-be-named bank is expected to compete with the World Bank and the International Monetary fund, two institutions with power structures based firmly in the United States and Europe.

The announcement also serves as yet another sign that the world economy is quickly evolving to a place where United States global economic dominance is being challenged by regional interests.

Since the end of World War II, the United States was the driver of global monetary policy. When the Federal Reserve acted, the world listened and reacted.

Now, according to officials from the BRICS nations, emerging countries are trying to insulate themselves from the market shocks caused by the United States and Europe.

They no longer trust the West to do the right thing.

They’re forming their own “union” to create stability that the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the Fed have been unable to provide.

“If there were shocks to the global financial market, with credit running short, we'd have credit from our biggest international partner[s], so there would be no interruption of trade," Brazilian economic minister Guido Mantega said.

The bank, which is planning to raise $50 billion in capital, is expected to open next year, according to Indian finance minister P. Chidambaram.

Other alliances around the world are also forming, portending the end of Western economic dominance.

To be clear, these alliances are not monetary unions.

They don’t share a currency and therefore do not share fiscal policy. Yet they do share the common belief that together, their developing economies can foster and sustain growth.

These alliances do more than simply hedge against Western financial calamities. They encourage investors to keep money in the region instead of sending it to western markets and promote trade between member nations.

Even though many of these alliances lack real teeth, their formation is important symbolically.

They give emerging economies a forum to show their strength, as well as send a clear signal that in the future, the United States is not the only game in town.

Rise of the BRICS

It did not take long for the BRICS to become a major force on world markets.

The leaders of these countries first met in 2006, but a formal alliance wasn’t made until 2009. South Africa joined the group in 2010.

These countries now represent more than 3 billion people. They have a combined gross domestic product of $14.8 trillion, and hold $4 billion in foreign reserves.

The U.S. economy is still the world’s largest, although experts agree that the Chinese economy will grow larger by 2016.

And while BRICS’ economic growth has slowed in recent years, they weathered the global economic slowdown far better than the United States and Europe.

In fact, the new BRICS bank is likely the direct result of the Western response to the crisis. The Fed, the European Central Bank, the World Bank and the IMF all acted repeatedly to soften the blow of the crisis.

Yet strong growth, both here and in Europe, remains elusive.

According to a paper (The Financial Crisis - Impact on BRIC and Policy Response) by Ritwik Banerjee and Pankaj Vashisht, published at the height of the financial crisis, the ability of the BRICS to sustain growth while Western economies were contracting convinced the emerging nations that a rebalancing of global economic power was necessary.

“The erstwhile engine of global growth, the USA, was weakening and the new growth poles were emerging,” they wrote. BRICS were “one of [the] emerging growth poles that caught the imagination of the world.”

BRICS Not Alone

In the wake of the global financial crisis, other countries are seeking alliances that will make them less reliant on the West.

During the financial crisis, Japan, China and South Korea created a $120 billion emergency loan fund to shore up Asian nations’ finances. The Association of Southeast Asian Nations, comprised of 10 countries from that part of the world, is also experiencing a period of robust growth.

New partnerships are also emerging closer to home.

Álvaro Uribe, former president of Colombia, recently told The Fiscal Times that his country is considering entering into a formal economic alliance with Mexico, Peru and Chile, creating a bloc with a GDP of $2.2 trillion.

These countries have already agreed to eliminate trade tariffs on 90 percent of the goods exchanged between them.

But the biggest challenge to U.S. dominance remains in Asia.

The Pentagon is shifting its strategy to confront potential rivals in that part of the world. And U.S. companies are gaining ground in huge consumer markets in China, Indonesia and Malaysia.

Even the National Basketball Association recognizes that the key to future success is breaking the Asian market.

It has spent $1.5 billion on a sports and entertainment complex outside of Beijing, and has sent Chinese-American star Jeremy Lin on a tour of the country.

"We are at a critical juncture in human history, which could lead to widely contrasting futures," Christopher Kojm, National Intelligence Council chair wrote in a recent intelligence appraisal.

"By 2030, Asia will be well on its way to returning to being the world's powerhouse, just as it was before 1500."

01 May 2013

Slavery By Consent: Understanding The Human Farm

Fear and The Everyday Mind

by Colin Bondi
April 18, 2013
from WakingTimes Website
Fear is a force to be reckoned with there is no doubt about it.

There is hardly anyone alive on this planet that does not to some extent have to contend with fear.

I want to be clear as to what I mean by the word fear. Fear is a psychological state which has nothing to do with real world danger. If you are walking down the street and a man jumps out and sticks a gun in your face, you could say you would react with fear.

However what happens in such a situation is really a biological reaction to danger, it’s the fight or flight response, and all animals have this to some extent. It’s natural and part of the survival mechanism of the species. Usually in an acute life threatening situation, the mind and its thought processes freeze and we are thrust intensely into present moment reality as the body forces us to deal with the immediate crisis.

However unlike any other animal human beings project a label on the intense energy of the danger response and call it fear.

The problem with this is we create a mental/emotional entity called fear which we then experience in relationship to imagined situations that have nothing to do with any real world event. We might fear that we will be robbed on the way home or that we could be fired tomorrow, even though in the moment neither of these things is happening, we feel a low level danger response.

A mental construct is connected to a biophysical response which gives a feeling of reality to the imagined situations we fear. They seem real because we feel some of the same physical response to them as we do to a real world threat.

Low level fear is often referred to as anxiety, and you could say that almost all of us experience some level of anxiety regardless of our life situation.

So why does the mind do this?
It is an extremely dysfunctional way of existing as it distorts the experience of life and puts the body under much unnecessary stress. But that’s my point right there, the everyday mind is fueled by fear and its counterpart, lack. The mind is often fearing some kind of internal or external threat or it’s in fear of not having what it wants whether that’s money, sex, love or a material object.

It’s a process of continual fear and deprivation. At times this may not be apparent when things seem to go well, but it’s just that these things are operating under the surface and so aren’t as easily noticed. But again why does the mind do this?

This brings us to the root of it. What we call mind is simply a process of consciousness, the process of thought and memory.

The mind is thoughts and without thoughts there is no mind.
In a state of complete internal stillness (called Samadhi) there is no mind just consciousness or awareness. However, we tend to collect bundles of thoughts and create an identity out of them and then take that to be who and what we truly are.

We identity ourselves as being the body and the mind, but the body is a temporary thing and the mind is just a constant flow of thoughts. So this identification is both very unstable and very limited. We’re so used to taking ourselves to be the body/mind, to be something tangible that there is intense fear at the thought that we might be no-thing at all.

The body was born and it’s going to age and die. The body will get sick and it is very fragile and subject to damage at any time.

The mind when you really look deeply into it doesn’t exist except for thoughts that constantly come and go. Both of these things are going to generate fear if this is all we take ourselves to be.
Our existence is like a bubble on the front of a wave. We usually deal with this fear by distracting ourselves from looking into it. We project the fear and its protective expression, anger, onto external objects such as partners, governments, groups we don’t agree with, bosses, society or just about anything that takes us away from looking within.
The real distraction however is the incessant thought process of the mind.

Most people’s minds almost never stop except for deep sleep, and it’s a good thing for that because we sure need that rest. The mind must remain in motion, that is, generating thoughts or not only will it soon be shown to be nonexistent but what we take to be the world will fall apart. The world as most of us know it is a screen of our projections.
This is why so many people have a hard time with silence and stillness and deep meditation.

The mind cannot afford to be still lest it lose its illusion of existence. Boredom is a version of fear in disguise, causing us seek stimulation, anything other than being still. The mind is very adept at keeping the illusion going.

None of this reflects our natural state or who and what we truly are.
On a spiritual level I think the challenge and the opportunity for us all is to confront the root fear of our own nonexistence to uncover the truth beneath that. This root fear of the mind is a threshold we must pass through if we are to truly know ourselves.
To pass through this threshold requires the absolute surrender of everything we have ever taken ourselves to be.

The fear must be transformed into fearlessness, the unknown embraced unconditionally. Given the temporariness of the body/mind we really have nothing to lose in this surrender that we aren’t destined to lose anyway.
Why not consciously, intentionally dive right into the truth of who you really are right now?

The gift is the freedom of reality but that is nothing we can conceive of, all thoughts and imaginations about the Divine are not it. What we are cannot be grasped by the mind.

There is an intelligence somewhere deep within us that is calling us home to the truth, to freedom, it’s just a question of when we’ve had enough of the fear-based illusion...

Caught, Israel orchestrating world war

By Gordon Duff and Press TV

"The plans are clear, an invasion of Syria, splitting the Kurdish region of Iraq off, into an Israeli controlled military bastion for an invasion of Iran. What isn’t being said, however, is that, in order to push the United States back to war after a decade of military and economic disasters, assassinations, false flag terror and a campaign of counterfeit WMD intelligence is planned."

The proposed moves, as outlined below and confirmed through DEBKA, would require the United States to return to “Bush era unilateralism,” moves unlikely if President Obama, Secretaries Kerry and Hagel and JCOS Chief, General Martin Dempsey were still alive, despite wild conspiratorial claims quoted below.”

The Israeli “security publication,” DEBKA, a key part of their “war through deception” campaign against the world, has now made it inexorably clear, Israel is putting into motion their “final solution,” a campaign to pit nation against nation.

The result, the planet a smoldering ruin, Israel ruling over the ashes and mass graves, is a foregone conclusion, at least to Netanyahu and his worldwide terrorist network.

DEBKA openly admits plans to move Israeli troops into Syria and Iraq, to “con” Turkey, Jordan and the Arab and Gulf States into a war intended to, not just destroy Iran and Pakistan but China and Russia as well, pitting them against NATO in the fatal Armageddon they and their followers believe will ensure Satan’s dominion over man.

Do people really think like that?

Yes, they actually do, the Zionists, the Neocons, and the Dominionists, a vast worldwide network of financial criminals, corrupt politicians and power-mad tyrants. In America, those now seeking to stage a military coup in the United States, submit to full Israeli control and lead the world into a new “dark age.”
Conspiracy theory? Of course, very much so, but not just a theory but plans long whispered now made clear, plans impossible to misconstrue.

Plans in motion

The plans are clear, an invasion of Syria, splitting the Kurdish region of Iraq off, into an Israeli controlled military bastion for an invasion of Iran. What isn’t being said, however, is that, in order to push the United States back to war after a decade of military and economic disasters, assassinations, false flag terror and a campaign of counterfeit WMD intelligence is planned.

The proposed moves, as outlined below and confirmed through DEBKA, would require the United States to return to “Bush era unilateralism,” moves unlikely if President Obama, Secretaries Kerry and Hagel and JCOS Chief, General Martin Dempsey were still alive, despite wild conspiratorial claims quoted below.

Softening up the Goyim

The American president is a likely assassination target. A new 9/11 style terror attack is a necessity, the groundwork already laid at Sandyhook and the Boston Marathon.

The preparations are already underway, with political and military division in the US being contrived, “sequestration,” threats of gun seizure and a planned economic crash, another “pump and dump.”

The terrorism is underway as seen in Boston, hoax articles outlining an imaginary 20,000 man US force to move into Syria as a “buffer” have been placed in American newspapers.

World conquest and planetary annihilation

In the Middle East, Israel is coordinating with Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States along with Turkey, the Mossad supported Communist PKK terrorists in Turkey, key leaders in the Kurdish Regional Government of Iraq, Al Qaeda led rebels and Druze militias inside Syria.

Syria and Iraq will be dismembered. Jordan has already fallen to Israel and their Al Qaeda allies, now Israel’s base of operations against not just Syria but Iraq as well.

From there, the move will be Iran, then Afghanistan and the Caspian Basin.

If China and Russia fail to recognize the threat in time and “go nuclear” to block this move against Asia, the planned attack on Pakistan, scheduled for a 2015-2017 time frame will bring about a world war.

Beginning with deception and cover  

More stories have been planted, more hoaxes, describing an agreement allowing Israel to build an air base in Turkey to attack Iran. Turkey has failed to issue denials though such an act would label them a rogue state. They are playing a very dangerous game and can well expect the betrayal any “friend” of Israel suffers. Turkey is fully “onboard,” cutting a deal with the Kurdish PKK, a first step toward joining Israel in a conquest of Northern Iraq. Israel has also promised Turkey an “occupation zone” comprising nearly a third of Syria.

Azerbaijan has long been steeped in Israeli/Turkish plots. They have been promised Iran’s Caspian oil reserves.

They actually put it in writing

Key to this is getting the United States to follow the plans DEBKA clearly outlines for them.

Issue 585, dated April 26, 2013 has laid out their startling plans beginning with a broad move into Syria. Israel has no plans to use its own troops, of course. Since their defeat in Lebanon in 2006, the IDF has been shown as capable of mass punishment and reprisals against unarmed civilians inside Israel and the occupied zones.

DEBKA’s “fairytale” is carefully coordinated with terror cells and death squads in the US, all working under the broad cover of America’s Israeli controlled press:

“On Friday, April 26, a few hours after this issue reaches DEBKA-Net-Weekly subscribers, Jordan’s King Abdullah II will be sitting down at the White House with President Barack Obama. When they finish talking, they will shake hands on the exact date in the coming days for the consignment of 20,000 American troops to the Hashemite Kingdom.

Obama has ordered the biggest overt surge of US troops in six years in any Middle East country.

This air base will be home to the incoming American troops. US engineering corps units have been working 24/7 to expand the base, adapt it to its new functions and construct accommodation for the GIs.

Most of the contingents will be airlifted to their new base from US and Europe through Israeli air space, according to DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s exclusive military sources.
Israeli Air Force jets will escort the transports over the eastern Mediterranean until they touch down in Jordan and keep an air umbrella in place over the American force for the duration of its stay.

The heavy equipment – tanks, missiles, self-propelled artillery, armored vehicles and Patriot missile intercept batteries – will be transported by sea to two destinations: Jordan’s Red Sea port of Aqaba and the Israeli port of Haifa.

These arrangements were tied up by Defense Secretary Hagel in his talks this week with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Moshe Ya’alon and Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz.

In those conversations, our sources disclose, Israeli leaders offered every assistance, including air and intelligence resources, needed for preserving the Hashemite throne in Jordan, including support for the incoming US force. Netanyahu gave this pledge to King Abdullah on the four occasions that they met in Amman.”

The plans, quoted directly from the highest Israeli and Jordanian sources, could never be realized without an America crippled by powerful terrorist organizations like AIPAC, long above any law.

Current American doctrine prohibits any military action without, not only a UN Security Council resolution but a new National Intelligence Estimate. Previous “NIE’s” had found no evidence of nuclear programs in Iran. Similarly, current Israeli claims of WMD use by Syria were rejected by Washington this week.

Israel’s plans are clear. What is also clear is that many Americans will die to get Israel the war they want, the war that Zionism needs to survive.

What is also clear is that, in order to get that war, more Americans will die and that many have died already.

28 April 2013

American Terror: Manufactured by the FBI

by GlobalResearchTV
April 17, 2013
from YouTube Website 

Creating false enemies is the game of the State.
They know it, we know it.
Those caught in the haze of deceit are the only ones who don’t get it.
Hence the media stranglehold and bazillion infused distractions.
Zen Gardner

The Boston Marathon bombing has provoked shock, grief and outrage from around the world. After decades of conditioning, the public automatically equates such terrorism with Muslim radicals.

But the evidence shows that every major terror plot on American soil in the past 10 years has been fostered, funded and equipped by one organization: the FBI.

27 April 2013

EXPOSED: The President's Secret Book

The Secret Space Program


Time has come to finally release some intel about the secret space program. The hidden purpose of the secret space program was to set a stage for the Draconian/Reptilian takeover of the planet. The takeover attempt has failed and soon the Light forces will clear the last vestiges of the Draconian control of this planet - the Cabal.
The secret space program has started in Germany immediately after the end of World War I:

In 1934, many races of the Draco empire contacted the world leaders and made secret treaties with them, offering them advanced military technology in exchange for enslavement of the mass human population. This was the main reason for the great progress of technology in the 30s. All those projects needed financing and financing came through confiscation of privately owned gold through Gold Reserve Act of 1934.

During World War II, Draconian forces attempted an open takeover of the planet through Nazi Germany. That attempt failed with the victory of the Allied forces and Draconians settled for a more covert approach.

They imported about 2000 leading Nazis to the United States through Operation Paperclip and many of those Nazis still form the backbone of the shadow government that runs the affairs on this planet.

After the war, hundreds of thousands tonnes of Yamashita gold were put into trading programs which provided financing for the construction of the massive system of underground military bases worldwide. Those bases were build to set the stage for the Draconian invasion which was planned for the year 2000. In the 50s, the secret space program extended and also involved bases on Moon and Mars. Construction of the bases under the surface of the Earth was ongoing and in mid 90s there were about 120 bases in the United States and about 400 bases worldwide.

Additional funding was needed for those projects and actually every human on the planet contributed about 25% of his salary to these secret projects through siphoning off taxpayer money:

The secret space program and construction of the underground bases was operated by Rockefeller / Kissinger / Bush / Rumsfeld / Halpern / Cheney military-industrial complex through corporations such as Halliburton, Bechtel, Rand, Sandia, Wackenhut, Morton Thiokol, Raytheon,  Blackwater…

The man behind the curtain of the secret space program was John Dale Halpern. His front company Halpern, Denny & Co. still controls Halliburton, Monsanto, Raytheon and Academi (former Blackwater).

The secret space program involved the development of many advanced technologies as you can see here:

After much progress has been made by the Light forces in the early 90s, the Draco alliance has decided to invade sooner and instead of the year 2000 their invasion started in late 1995. At the target date for the invasion, January 11th 1996, they decided to crush the very few people who were aware of their plans. On that particular day they killed Phil Schneider and also attacked me and some other key people. Phil Schneider was speaking openly about the underground military bases :

Between 1996 and 1999, about 500 million Reptilians have entered humanoid cloned bodies inside those underground bases. After 1999, the Resistance Movement has started clearing those underground bases and removed all Reptilians except for a very few individuals on the surface of the planet. Deeper portions of those bases were cleared in 2003. After that, the progress of the Light forces was massive.

Between 2008 and 2011, the Pleiadians have increased their presence in the Earth orbit to the extent that NASA was forced to shut down their official manned space program because they could not prevent the leaking of the evidence of Pleiadian presence otherwise.

In 2012, the Resistance Movement has removed the vast majority of the physical gold from the hands of the Cabal. This has crippled the Cabal's operations extensively. Now they hide the last few trillions of their money in Lichtenstein. Due to the fact that they need 2-3 billion dollars daily to keep their show running, they could last for 2 or 3 years if their resources would be left untouched, which, of course, will not be.

In early 2013, the Resistance Movement has cleared all underground facilities of the Cabal through Operation Underlord. Now they have nowhere to hide and they are concerned.

Tomorrow, on the day of the lunar eclipse, the top members of the military-industrial complex will meet in a secret location close to Bush ranch in Texas to discuss the situation. They will find no solution.

Victory of the Light is near!

Are you crying for yourself or for another?

When you lose someone you love you shed tears- are your tears for yourself or for the one who is dead? Are you crying for yourself or for another? Have you cried for another? Have you ever cried for your son who was killed on the battlefield? You have cried, but do those tears come out of self-pity or have you cried because a human being has been killed? 
(JKRISHNAMURTI, Freedom from the Known,83)