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08 June 2013

Humans and the Draconians according to Alex Collier And the Andromedans

DSG – Defending Sacred Ground
LFA – Letters from Andromeda
Moraney – Andromedan extraterrestrial
Vasais – Andromedan extraterrestrial
AC – Alex Collier
Val – Val Valerian 

Our Ancient Heritage [DSG, Ch 1]:
AC: I want to talk to you about Lyrae and how the human race colonized our galaxy. Based on the age of the Suns and the planets in our galaxy, it was decided that the human life form was to be created in the Lyran system. The human race lived there for approximately 40 million years, evolving. The orientation of the human race in Lyrae was agricultural in nature. Apparently, we were very plentiful and abundant, and lived in peace.
Then, one day, huge craft appeared in the sky.
A large ship came out of the huge craft and approached the planet Bila, and reptilians from Alpha Draconis disembarked. Apparently, the Alpha Draconians and the Lyrans were afraid of each other. I told you before that the Alpha Draconians were apparently the first race in our galaxy to have interstellar space travel, and have had this capability for 4 billion years. Well, when the Draconians came and saw Bila, with all its abundance and food and natural resources, the Draconians wanted to control it.
There was apparently a mis-communication or misunderstanding between the Draconians and Lyran humans. The Lyrans wanted to know more about the Draconians before some kind of “assistance” was offered. The Draconians mistook the communication as a refusal, and subsequently destroyed three out of 14 planets in the Lyran system. The Lyrans were basically defenseless. The planets Bila, Teka and Merck were destroyed.
Over 50 million Lyran humans were killed. It is at this point in history that the Draconians began to look at humans as a food source. This is how old the struggle is between the reptilian and human races. Now, I must make the point that not all the reptilian or human races are “dark”. There is a mix. When we start meeting these races, you are going to have to trust your gut instinct.
But, they are coming. Hale Bopp is on its way here. It is not a comet. 

The Draconians
AC: The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies.
I asked Morenae about them, and he said,
“the Draconian race is probably the most understood race of beings. I have witnessed a deep respect for this race.”
The Andromedans consider the Draconians the “ultimate warriors,” in a negative sense.
Moranae continues, “the Draconians are the oldest reptilian race in our universe. Their forefathers came to our universe from another separate universe or reality system.
When this occurred, no one really knows. The Draconians themselves are not really clear on when they got here. The Draconians teach their masses that they were here in this universe first, before humans, and as such they are heirs to the universe and should be considered royalty. They find disgust in the fact that humans do not recognize this as a truth. They have conquered many star systems and have genetically altered many of the life forms they have encountered.
The area of the galaxy most densely populated with Draconian sub-races is in the Orion system, which is a huge system, and systems in Rigel and Capella. The mind set or consciousness of the majority of races in these systems is Service-to-Self, and as such they are always invading, subverting and manipulating less advanced races, and using their technology for control and domination. This is a very old and ancient war, and the peace that does not exist is always being tested by these beings, who believe that fear rules, and love is weak.
They believe that those they perceive to be less fortunate, in comparison to them, are meant to be slaves. This belief system is promoted at birth in the reptilian races, wherein the mother, after giving birth, will abandon the offspring to fend for themselves. If they survive they are cared for by a warrior class that uses these children for games of combat and amusement.”
So, you can see that the reptilians are forever stuck in survival mode. This means they have no boundaries in what they will do to other beings.
Morenae continues, “it is engrained in them never to trust a human. They are taught the Draconian version of the history of the ‘Great Galactic War’, which teaches that humans are at fault for invading the universe, and that humans selfishly wanted the Draconian society to starve and struggle for the basic materials that would allow them to exist.”
AC: Now, there are some real similarities there. The expression ‘Draconian thought’ is an expression on our world. I would suggest you research that. 

The Hierarchy in Our Galaxy [DSG, Ch 1]:
There are two schools of thought in our galaxy. There are the regressives, who are races that carry fear and because of that want to control others. The hierarchy of the regressives starts with a group from Alpha Draconis. The Andromedans have no idea where the Alpha Draconians came from, but what they have learned through interaction with other dimensional races is that somebody brought the Draconians to this universe and “dumped” them in the Alpha Draconis system, where they had the highest probability of survival.
According to the Andromedans, the Alpha Draconians have had space travel for 4 billion years. They are an incredible race and have achieved great things, but they are bullies. They are jerks, and that’s a judgment – I’m taking that judgment myself. That’s my judgment based on what I know about them. The Draconians do not like human beings. The Andromedans say that Draconians believe that this universe was here for them – that their history teaches them that they were left here to rule it. But, when they started traveling, they ran across other races. They were able to conquer many of those races through genetic manipulation.
Now, our government, the United States government, the New World Order – whatever you want to call it – wants to implant everybody. From the Andromedan perspective that means ownership. Extraterrestrial don’t want to bother with that stuff, since that is not permanent. Extraterrestrials value genetics. What they do is they come in, conquer a race and genetically alter it. From that moment on, that race is genetically altered. The genetic changes alter the frequency, sound and thought patterns of the race if they move into a physical form. Does everyone understand this?
Q: Could you give us an example of this?
AC: The best example I could give you concerns the Greys. Apparently, the Greys were much more human-looking at one time. What happened was that they, as a race, were captured 891,000 years ago while leaving Zeta 1 and Zeta 2 to go off and do their own thing. This is very common, and it is how Earth became colonized. What happened is that they got captured by a group in Orion that was already genetically altered and under control of the Alpha Draconians.
According to Morenae, the first thing this Draconian- altered Orion group did was slaughter almost all of the females of the captured race in order to control the birth process. They then genetically altered the remaining females, so that all the children born after that were genetically altered. The males were enslaved, made to work in mines and slaughtered by the Draconian-controlled Orion group, who had absolutely no regard for life. What we know now as the Greys became a natural resource.
General Trends of Humanoid Races in the Universe [DSG, Ch 4]:
Val: How about humanoid races and societies, in comparison to us? The society on Earth has a manipulative base historically grounded in the Orion system. What about things on the opposite side of the coin? What is the “norm” in space societies, insofar as you are aware of?
AC: Well, the “norm” is definitely “light”. You know, self-rule and self-responsibility. The thing in that is going on in our particular part of the galaxy, which includes 21 systems, concerns the idea of tyranny. What is interesting about this is that the area in which this tyranny is occurring is a very very old area. It has been colonized for a long time, and it has been under control of some of the oldest races, like the Alpha Draconians. They were the first race to have space travel in our galaxy and were remarkable builders, but their species multiplied so rapidly that they decided to conquer other races to make room for them. Our race, the Earth human race, was literally created by a group that came down from a dimensional realm, and these were the Paa Tal. This verbal expression called Paa Tal is actually of Draconian origin.
Val: So in actuality the genetics comprising the human body are a composite from around the galaxy, but the spiritual entities occupying human bodies are literally the Paa Tal?
AC: Right.
Val: So, are there any Paa Tal occupying reptilian bodies?
AC: I don’t know.
Val: That would be an interesting twist on events. If there is a huge time-loop, maybe the reptilians actually came from “now”, and swung back 4 billion years and started something there.
AC: Interesting. Anything is certainly possible. So, anyway, how the humans in this galaxy apparently found out about the Paa Tal was that somehow they were able to get hold of ancient Draconian records. Now, the Draconians are apparently extremely private about their lineage and their history. Everything is “a secret”. They have family “houses” of lineage they are very proud of.
Val: Sort of like the Klingons on Star Trek.
AC: Probably similar. Anyway, they found out about the Draconian legends which speak of a time where a group of beings came out of “nowhere” and created a race to war against and challenge the Draconian sovereignty.
Val: Of the universe?
AC: Well, no. We only see a small part of the universe. Even if you look at the part of the universe we can see physically, they say there are 100 trillion galaxies. So, the Draconians are not everywhere. There are a lot of them here, and this is one of the areas that is causing a problem.

ILLUMICORP - Secret Society Training Video (Hacked by Anonymous))

WE are anonymous, we are a Legion!!!! 
DOWNLOAD THIS before it gets deleted! 

05 June 2013

The Andromedan Predictions

by Jim Euclid
10 February, 2012
from Regolish Website 

Alex Collier dictated the following predictions made by the Andromeda Council, reported by The Andromedan Compendium:

  1. Scientific proof of dimensions and higher self consciousness is going to occur.
  2. Reincarnation will be scientifically proven and demonstrated. Now when this happens, ladies and gentlemen, it doesn't mean you run to Hinduism and Buddhism and say, "this is the way, this is the way." That's not what it means.
  3. Acknowledgement of life elsewhere in the universe. They are already starting to set you up for that.
  4. We will have extraterrestrial contact with at least nine different races. If you don't think that is going to freak out the preachers, just watch. I want to hear what Billy Graham has to say about that.
  5. Introduction of clean, free energy devices based on magnetic fields. This technology has already been developed. What they are saying that it is going to be introduced and be out there.
  6. Knowledge that the earth is hollow and capable of sustaining life within, and knowledge of a city called Kalnigor that was originally built by Lyrans. Those are our human forefathers in the galaxy.
  7. Knowledge of the lost lands of Atlantis. This has already occurred. It is off the coast of Portugal, but they have done a great job of keeping it hidden.
  8. Discovery of a large temple complex in the Pacific, 150 miles southeast of Easter Island, that belonged to Lemuria. Morenae said the Russians already know its there.
  9. The knowledge that what we see in the physical is a holographic imprint created and directed from a higher portion of ourselves. Now, if that's true, that means we've got nobody to blame. It means that responsibility rests right on your shoulders. And, you've got to own it, because you can't dump it off on someone else. Stop being a victim, because you're only in denial that you created the situation. If you created it, then you can un-create it, but you have to take responsibility and be clear on your intent.
  10. Knowledge that human consciousness is not in the brain, but is located entirely in the energy fields that surrounds the body. That's who you are. You are not the body.
  11. We shall have the realization on how our past and present educational processes have not prepared us to be creative, conscious thinkers.
  12. That organic life exists on seven planets and fifteen moons in our solar system. Now, ladies and gentlemen, NASA wants to talk about microorganisms that they found on some rock they think came from Mars. You want to find life in this solar system? Get together and tell NASA to send a probe to Uranus. There is plant and animal life. I swear to you that it's there. As we speak. That's why they stay so far away from it. Their attitude is "pay the bill and shut up."
  13. The general discovery that each of us is a part of the whole, and that we are a significant part of the idea of what we call "God", and that "God" is the idea called love.
  14. That this accelerated self-discovery being experienced was created and activated by all of us.
  15. That we, as a product of extraterrestrial genetic manipulation, are possessors of a vast gene pool consisting of many different racial memory banks, also consisting of at least 22 different races. Because of our genetic heritage, and because we are spirit, the benevolent extraterrestrial races actually view us as being royalty. Now, that has to be the best-kept secret in the solar system. At least on this planet, anyway. They actually consider us royalty - all of us.

03 June 2013

Beyond Planet Earth

This film explores the questions:  
Who are we? Where are we? What are we doing here? Who really controls this world - how and why?

What is the connection between ancient history, the modern war on terror, the gathering "Orwellian nightmare, and the nature of reality itself? It seems a strange question to most people, but in fact all of these questions are fundamentally linked, as David Icke so compellingly reveals.

HAARP Being Used to Create Floods to Destroy World’s Food Supply

by PRESS Core
May 18, 2011
from PressCore Website
recovered through WayBackMachine Website

Huge rivers of water flow above us in Earth’s lower atmosphere.

These “atmospheric rivers” are not actually condensed water, but are vapors that really flow. We cannot see them, nor realize they are there when we fly in an airplane through them, but, these vapor rivers are enormous. Their flows rival the actual flow on Earth of the mighty Amazon River. These rivers of vapor are 420 to 480 miles wide and up to 4,800 miles long.

Atmospheric rivers are relatively long, narrow regions in the atmosphere - literally rivers in the sky - that transport most of the water vapor outside of the tropics. These columns of vapor move with Earth’s atmosphere, carrying an amount of water vapor roughly equivalent to the average flow of water at the mouth of the Mississippi River.

When the atmospheric rivers make landfall, they often release this water vapor in the form of rain or snow.

Scientists discovered that there are several atmospheric rivers,

five (5) in the Northern Hemisphere

five (5) in the Southern Hemisphere

Each of these 10 rivers carries huge amounts of water vapor.

Although atmospheric rivers come in many shapes and sizes, those that contain the largest amounts of water vapor and the strongest winds can create extreme rainfall and floods, often by stalling over watersheds vulnerable to flooding. These events can disrupt travel, induce mudslides and cause catastrophic damage to life and property.

Not all atmospheric rivers cause damage; most are weak systems that often provide beneficial rain or snow that is crucial to the water supply. Atmospheric rivers are a key feature in the global water cycle and are closely tied to both water supply and flood risks.

While atmospheric rivers are responsible for great quantities of rain that can produce flooding, they are essential to the existence of all life on Earth.

The US has discovered a way to manipulate the Earth’s atmospheric rivers and use it as a weapon of mass destruction. The Clinton administration (Al Gore as vice-president) began funding this new star wars weapon system in 1996.

HAARP (High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program) was created to give the US Force the capability of “Owning the Weather”. HAARP was developed as a weather modification system to achieve military objectives.

HAARP scientists were given the task by Bill Clinton and Al Gore to manipulate or alter certain aspects of the environment to produce desirable changes in weather.

HAARP achieved what it was ordered to do when it developed a system of phased array antennas that beams gigawatts (1 gigawatt = 1 billion watts) of electricity into the protective ionosphere of Earth’s atmosphere.

The billions of watts of electricity beamed by HAARP heats up a targeted area of Earth’s atmosphere.

The heating manipulates the weather by pushing the Earth’s Atmospheric Rivers upwards. HAARP atmospheric heating creates a low pressure system that pushes the Atmospheric Rivers upwards where the water vapor condenses and forms precipitation (rain, snow).

As Atmospheric Rivers are 400-600 km wide and carries an amount of water vapor roughly equivalent to 10-20 times the average flow of liquid water at the mouth of the Mississippi River, HAARP is able to create extreme rainfall and massive floods.

To fully understand what HAARP is doing you need to know and understand what causes it to rain.

Atmospheric pressure at the Earth’s surface is one of the keys to weather, which is one reason weather maps feature H’s and L’s, representing areas of high and low air pressure.

High and low pressure areas are important because they affect the weather.

A “high” is an area where the air’s pressure is higher than the pressure of the surrounding air. A “low’ is where it’s lower. The pressure is high at the surface where air is slowly descending - much too slowly to feel. And, this is going on over a large area, maybe a few hundred square miles.

As air descends, it warms, which inhibits the formation of clouds. This is why high pressure is generally - but not quite always - associated with good weather. High atmospheric pressure leads to stable air conditions. When the ground is heated, the air will not rise. If air does not rise, water vapor in the atmospheric rivers cannot condense.

In an area of low pressure the air has a tendency to rise. As air rises, it cools and if there is enough water vapor it may condense to form clouds and rain. This is why a low pressure is generally associated with wet weather.

HAARP is used to manipulates weather by creating either a high or low pressure - depending on the effect desired.

To cause the drought in Russia in 2010 HAARP created a high pressure system over Russia for weeks on end.

To cause the floods in China, Pakistan, Australia and in US crop producing states HAARP created a low pressure system.

In order for HAARP to create Biblical flooding like what were seen in Pakistan, China and Australia in 2010 HAARP created an electromagnetic dam.

This electromagnetic dam caused the Atmospheric Rivers to stall over the targets which caused astronomical amounts of precipitation to fall on the target areas. HAARP scientists discovered that ELF wave beaming can cause an electronic dam to be created in the atmosphere! These electronic dams can divert or block these vapor rivers, causing huge amounts of rainfall to be dumped.

The HAARP created electromagnetic dam blocks the flow of the atmospheric river, causing it to back up behind the dam.

Eventually atmospheric river pressure builds up and undermines the HAARP dam causing a sudden release of the impounded precipitation.

Did HAARP cause the Pakistan, China, and Queensland Australia floods? Scientific evidence says yes.

Did HAARP cause the Russian heatwave? Scientific evidence says yes.

Is HAARP responsible for the flooding in Manitoba Canada and Arkansas US? Scientific evidence says yes.


HAARP has been ordered by the current US government (President Obama is the only person who can authorize the use of nuclear weapons, biological weapons and this star wars weapon of mass destruction) to manipulate the weather and create floods to destroy the World’s food supply.

It was during the Jimmy Cater administration that it was decided that the World population was getting too big and billions of people would have to be killed off.

Henry Kissinger, wrote:

“Depopulation should be the highest priority of U.S. foreign policy towards the Third World. Depopulation, also known as eugenics, was first proposed by the Nazis during World War II. Eugenics wasn’t proposed again until Jimmy Carter became president of the United States.

Carter’s National Security Council’s Ad Hoc Group on Population Policy proposed a Nazi style eugenics through Henry Kissinger’s Global 2000 report.

Eugenics is the deliberate killing off of large segments of living populations.

Prince Philip of Britain is in favor of depopulation:

“If I were reincarnated I would wish to be returned to earth as a killer virus to lower human population levels”

Quoted in “Are You Ready for Our New Age Future?”

Insiders Report - American Policy Center - December 1995.

How will they depopulate the World? By using the weapon of mass destruction called HAARP.

HAARP has been given the task of Eugenics. HAARP has been actively doing it part since Barack Hussein Obama became president of the United Sates. Obama is the first US president to order HAARP into action against foreign states and even the United States.

HAARP has been ordered by Obama to create earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and heat waves in foreign states and in the US. The goal is to covertly kill as many people as possible. Flooding will kill the most people. Not immediately but through starvation.

The target of the HAARP created floods is to destroy the World’s food supply. HAARP floods in the spring will prevent farmers from seeding their crops. HAARP floods in late summer will destroy the crops that did get planted and survived.

What crops are the US HAARP targeting?

The United States is the third largest producer of wheat in the world.

Manitoba is the “Wheat Capital” of Canada and the sixth largest producer of wheat in the world.

Corn is the largest U.S. crop, in terms of both volume and value.

The United States grew 39 percent of the world’s corn making it the largest producer followed by China which produced 21% of the World’s corn supply.

China is the world’s largest producer of rice, and the crop makes up a little less than half of the country’s total grain output.

China accounts for 26% of all world rice production.

China also produces 108,712 TMT of wheat annually.

This makes China the world’s largest wheat producer, producing 42,856 TMT more than India, the world’s second largest wheat producer.

Do you see what is happening?

Flooding is only occurring in the regions that produces the largest portion of the World’s supply or corn, rice and wheat.

Three crops,




...provide nearly 60 percent of total plant foods that humans consume.

Rice is the world’s number one staple food and feeds half the world’s population. Wheat is the largest source of carbohydrates for human consumption. Wheat is the world’s second most popular staple food. Corn is the world’s third most popular staple food.

Wiping out just these three crops can cause as much as half the World’s population to starve to death.

Today food is being used as a weapon.

The lack of it is being used as a means of depopulation and conquering destitute countries (under the pretext of 'humanitarian' aid).

“We are going to get Global 2000 implemented, one way or another by famine, starvation, or by choice … We need a real economic shock, a depression to get our message across.”

GLOBAL 2000 - Depopulation Program

To cause by means of limited wars in the advanced countries, by means of starvation and diseases in the Third World countries, the death of three billion people.

Under the terms of the Global 2000 Report to The President, the population of the US is to be reduced by 100 million.

HAARP Project

The Global Food Control

Depopulation of Planet Earth

13 May 2013

The Mass Psychology of Fascism

Book Review:
The Mass Psychology of Fascism (1946), by Wilhelm Reich

© 2007 L.L. Williams  

We have defeated communism but have we defeated fascism? Examining the transformation to fascist dictatorship experienced by Germany in the 1920s and 1930s, one finds no reason that it could not happen again. Sure, Hitler was crazy, but how did he recruit millions of accomplices?  

One plausible idea that does not presume millions of people are "evil" is to try to understand humanity in terms of elemental forces that transcend the boundaries of their everyday, individualistic, rational levels of being. 

A simple example is the herd and flocking instincts seen in many animal species. Each individual feels an elemental force to conform to a single group. Out of their multitudes a single agglomeration appears whose motions may not perfectly overlap with the interests of its individuals. 

In human political groups, the leaders may undertake policies which are detrimental to the individual interests. For example, a "conservative" political party may use the powers of government to benefit a very powerful few at the expense of the multitudes. Yet the same party maintains popular support among the people most hurt by its policies. As Wilhelm Reich confirms, the means by which leaders maintain power in the light of such contradiction is the psychology of fascism. 

The Mass Psychology of Fascism (MPF) starts by posing that very question: why do individuals lend their support to groups that hurt them? MPF is full of great insights and also a few screwy things I am not so sure about. To appreciate Reich's book, one must make allowance for how the world was when it was published, 60 years ago.

 At the end of World War II, it was realized that a fascist dictatorship (Nazi Germany) had almost pulverized the communist revolution (Russia). Reich sought to understand in general how a significant fraction of the working peoples of the world (Germany) turn away from the communist propaganda which was geared toward the common man. Reich calls this disconnect between self interest and party loyalty "the cleavage." 

Reich balances the scales in this case of irrational self-interest by invoking mysticism as a party policy. He ascribes mysticism as much a force in the motion of the people as is their self-interest. Reich says this is where the Marxists failed: they did not speak to the soul of the people, only their self-interest. The mysticism of the Nazis triumphed over Marxist economic theory. Reich would say that ideology is a material force.

 To pose the question of why impoverished masses could become nationalistic, Reich considers the inexorable logic that would pertain in the absence of mysticism:
"The basic Marxist conception grasped the facts that labor was exploited as a commodity, that capital was concentrated in the hands of the few, and that the latter entailed the progressive pauperization of the majority of working humanity. It was from this process that Marx arrived at the necessity of "expropriating the expropriators." 

According to this conception, the forces of production of capitalist society transcend the limits of the modes of production. The contradiction between social production and private appropriation of the products of capital can only be cleared up by the balancing of the modes of production with the level of the forces of production. Social production must be complemented by the social appropriation of the products. The first act of this assimilation is social revolution; this is the basic economic principle of Marxism. This assimilation can take place, it is said, only if the pauperized majority establishes the `dictatorship of the proletariat' as the dictatorship of the working majority over the minority of the now expropriated owners of the means of production."[p8] 

Of course, the dictatorship of the proletariat became the dictatorship of the few anyway. But in 1946, as now, the social question about devotion to a cause which is counter to material self interest still remains. 

With idealogy or mysticism admitted as a material, economic force, Reich makes the self-evidently simple statement that "every social order produces in the masses of its members that structure which it needs to achieve its main aims... In every epoch the ideas of the ruling class are the ruling ideas...The class which has the means of material production at its disposal also has the means of `ideological production' at its disposal. 

Reich contends that "the contradictions of the economic structure of a society are also embedded in the psychological structure of the subjugated masses." Reich calls it "the mainstay of the state apparatus."

As he probes the roots of this psychological cleavage, Reich attributes much to Freudian sex-oriented psychology and a concept of sex economy. Evidently, sex economy is based on control through sexual repression and suppression. Reich finds a strong link between sexual suppression and economic exploitation. 

Reich sees the roots of authoritarianism in the authoritarian family: "Man's authoritarian structure is ... produced by the embedding of sexual inhibitions and fear in the living substance of sexual impulses." Somehow sexual repression makes people submissive and impotent. The resulting conservatism and fear of freedom is what Reich calls "reactionary thinking." 

Sexual repression, according to Reich, leads to substitute gratifications and the distortion of natural aggression into brutal sadism, which itself is part of a mass-psychological basis for imperial wars. Reich maintains that sexual repression can lead a man to act, feel, and think contrary to his own material interests. The sexual repression and its attendant effects is evidently achieved through ideology and mysticism. 

Reich claims honor and duty are substitute gratifications for the sexual repression, and their ecstasy is genuine. Evidently Reich feels the sexual repression leads to mysticism, and that these feelings of honor and duty are part of mysticism. "All the elements of the reactionary man's structure are developed in this struggle [to resist the temptation to masturbate]." "Every form of mysticism derives its most active energy ... from this compulsory suppression of sexuality." Reich goes on and on about sexual repression, sexuality, and exploitation. 

The authoritarian state is reflected in every family in the father. The family is an instrument of power of the state. As father is to family, fuhrer is to nation. "In their subjective emotional core the notions of homeland and nation are notions of mother and family." Although Reich tend to view the patriarchal family as more of a tool of authoritarianism than the matriarchal family. 

"How it comes about that the psychic structures of the supporting strata of a society are so constructed that they fit the economic framework and serve the purposes of the ruling powers as precisely as the parts of a precision machine will long remain an unsolved riddle...What we describe as the structural reproductionn of a society's economic system in the psychology of the masses is the basic mechanism in the process of the formation of political ideas."[p54] 

The Nazis characterized themselves as "an elementary movement, it cannot be gotten at with `arguments'." Their rally speeches were conspicuous for operating upon the emotions of the masses and avoiding relevant arguments as much as possible. Hitler claimed that true mass psychological tactics dispense with argumentation and keep the masses' attention fixed on the `great final goal' at all times. 

Reich gives some discussion to the importance of the middle class to Nazism, and their role in the subjugation of the lower classes. He characterizes them with an "army sergeant" psychology. They are dependent on the upper class and on governmental authority for their position. Such a person begins to take on the attitudes of the ruling class and a corresponding cleavage between his economic situation and his ideology.

 There is a tie between national and familial ties in the lower middle classes. The fuhrer arouses emotional family ties in the masses, and this makes him an authoritarian father figure. He attracts all the emotional attitudes that were meant at one time for the father. The masses had need for protection and were allowing the dictator to manage their needs. 

The more helpless the mass-individual becomes, the more pronounced his identification with the fuhrer, and the childish need for protection is disguised in the form of feeling at one with the fuhrer. It is basically the self-confidence one may derive from greatness of the nation [Ed: or today, I would say sports teams]. 

Fascism is a problem of the masses, not of Hitler as a person or of the politics of the Nazi party. This is perhaps the main conclusion. Reich discusses symbology and racism, and provides more depth on the tie between sexual repression and mysticism, other aspects of sex economy. 

Authoritarian society reproduces itself in the individual structures of the masses with the help of the authoritarian family. Therefore the authoritarian family is defended as the basis of the state. This propaganda mines deep emotional forces. Reich seems to think a sexual revolution would shatter authoritarianism when he says "sexually awakened women ... would mean the complete collapse of the authoritarian ideology." There may be a kernel of truth to this in the sexual revolution of the 1960s. 

"The man reared under and bound by authority has no knowledge of the natural law of self-regulation; he has no confidence in himself." 

There is a "dictator's soil of mass psychology" which constitutes fascism's strength. 

Mysticism diverts attention from daily misery, to prevent a revolt against the real causes of misery. To fight the mystical thinking on which fascism is built is a way to fight fascism. Education tends to eradicate mystical thinking. 

"The reactionary man (fascist) assumes an intimate relation between family, nation, and religion." 

"It is in the nature of a political party that it does not orient itself in terms of truth, but in terms of illusions, which usually correspond to the irrational structure of the masses." 

"The word fascism is not a word of abuse any more than the word capitalism is. It is a concept denoting a very definite kind of mass leadership and mass influence: authoritarian, one-party system, hence totalitarianism, a system in which power takes priority over objective interests, and facts are distorted for political purposes." 

Reich feels that the Russian revolution started as democracy, that Lenin and Marx were both bourgeois property owners advocating a new form of democracy, but that under Stalin it became nationalism. Reich correlates the deterioration into totalitarianism to the fact that the sexual revolution was suppressed. The failure of the Russian revolution was due to the irrationality of the masses, whereas the revolution appealed only to economic rationality. Marx never mentioned the state as a goal. "...the founders of the Russian revolution had no inkling of the biopathic nature of the masses." "As Lenin conceived it, the dictatorship of the proletariat was to become the authority that had to be created to abolish every kind of authority." Engels viewed the state, in fact, as a mere tool of oppression of the weaker class by the economically dominant class. Reich goes on with a compelling analysis of the failure of the Russian Revolution. 

Contrary to the view that masses will always eventually liberate themselves, Reich feels they are doomed to enslavement. Instead, they can be shaped and molded to suit any ends. They are in fact incapable of freedom. The points in history where a new stage is reached, such as the American and Russian revolutions, are somewhat accidental coincidences of events. Yet Reich found room for hope. People can become capable of freedom. Since the incapability of freedom is rooted in "social suppression of gential sexuality", freedom could be realized if suppression were removed. 

Reich differs with the analysis of Fromm, who tied totalitarianism to fear of freedom and craving of authority. The core reason of sexual suppression is "inaccessible to rational understanding." Social revolutions based on purely economic considerations could not compete. In modern times, Reich would say "its not just the economy, stupid." 

Reich goes on to a detailed consideration of how the state and bureaucracy becomes instruments of oppression and totalitarianism. 

In summary:
  • the masses are irrational
  • their mass organization will reflect this irrationality
  • irrationality is as big a motive factor as any economic or rational consideration
  • sexual suppression is a tool of oppression
  • totalitarianism is a problem of the masses, not of the leaders
  • freedom is a capability of the masses, not of the leaders

12 May 2013

Who Is Who, And To Whom They Sold Their Souls

(Compiled By: Louis Turner) 

George Bush - Skull and Bones, CFR, Trilateral Commission, Committee of 300, Illuminati
Bill Clinton - Bilderberger, Trilateral Commission, CFR
Saddam Hussein - 33rd degree Freemason
King Hussein - 33rd degree Freemason
Tony Blair - 33rd degree Freemason
Gerhard Schroeder - 33rd degree Freemason
Benjamin Netanyahu - 33rd degree Freemason
Yasser Arafat - 33rd degree Freemason
Ronald Reagan - 33rd degree Freemason (on sight), Knights of Malta, Rosicrucian Order
Michail Gorbachev - 33rd degree Freemason
Helmut Kohl - Committee of 300
Shimon Peres - 33rd degree Freemason
Francois Mitterand - 33rd degree Freemason (Grand Orient Lodge)
Yitzak Rabin - 33rd degree Freemason
Willy Brandt - Committee of 300
Gerald Ford (frm President USA) - 33rd degree Freemason
Karl Marx - (Grand Orient Lodge)
Frederick Engels - (Grand Orient Lodge)
Franklin D. Roosevelt - (32nd or 33rd degree Freemason)
Sir Winston Churchill - 33rd degree Freemason (but Resigned from the English Lodge!) Member of the Druid Order
Harry S. Truman - 33rd degree Freemason
Neville Chamberlain - (Committee of 300)
Vladimir Lenin - Illuminati (Grand Orient Lodge)
Joseph Stalin - Illuminati (Grand Orient Lodge)
Leon Trotsky - (Grand Orient Lodge)
Henry Kissinger - (Committee of 300, P2 Freemasonry, Knights of Malta, Bilderberger)
J. Edgar Hoover - 33rd degree Freemason
Cecil Rhodes - 33rd degree Freemason
Aleister Crowley - Grandmaster Ordo Templi Orientis
Walt Disney - 330 Freemason
Olof Palme - Committee of 300, Bilderberger
Al Gore - 33rd degree Freemason
Tony Blair - 33rd degree Freemason, Bilderberger
Josef Mengele (Dr. Green) - Illuminati Implanter
Robert McNamara - 33rd degree Freemason (at least)
Pehr G. Gyllenhammar (frm Volvo) - Committee of 300
Percy Barnevik (ABB Sweden) - Committee of 300
Col. James "Bo" Gritz - 33rd degree Freemason
Billy Graham - 33rd degree Freemason
John Glenn (33rd degree Freemason)
Buzz Aldrin (330 Freemason)
Virgil I. Grissom (Freemason)
Edgar D. Mitchell (Freemason)
Plato (Illuminati)
Francis Bacon (Freemason, Rosicrucian Grand Master)
Lord David Owen - (Royal Institute of Int. Affairs, Committee of 300)
Lord Peter Carrington - (Committee of 300, Bilderberger)
Richard Holbrooke - (33rd degree Freemason, Committee of 300)
Jimmy Carter - (Tril. Comm., CFR)
Carl Bildt - (Bilderberger)
David Rockefeller - Czar of the Illuminati
Edmund de Rothschild - Illuminati
Alan Greenspan - Federal reserve Bank (Committe of 300)
Peter Wallenberg - S-E Bank of Sweden (Committee of 300)
Queen Elisabeth II - Queen of the Committee of 300
Prince Phillip - 33rd degree Freemason, Committee of 300
Queen Beatrix of the Netherlands - Committee of 300 (Bilderberger)
Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands - Committee of 300 (Bilderberger)
King Carl XVI Gustaf - (Bilderberger)
Prince Bertil - (Grande Orient Lodge of Freemasonry) 

Illuminati Members:
John Jacob Astor
McGeorge Bundy
Andrew Carnegie
Walter Freeman
W. Averell Harriman
Ted Kennedy
John D. Rockefeller Sr.
David Rockefeller
Lee Teng-hui
Baron Guy de Rothschild
Hillary Clinton - (60 Grand Dame)
Albert Pike - (co-founder of Ku Klux Klan)
Sam & Edgar Bronfman Jr. - (Seagram Whiskey)

David, Nelson, Winthrop, Laurence, John D. III
Lord J. Rothschild
Bertrand Russell (scientist)
Otto of Habsburg
George W. Bush Jr. - Illuminati , Skull & Bones
Irenee du Pont, Illuminati
Adam Weishaupt Founder of the Bavarian Illuminati


Pathocracy - Tyranny at The Hand of Psychopaths

by Jack Mullen
January 25, 2011
from ActivistPost Website

Were people consciously aware something was about to change in a very bad way just before Lenin and Trotsky appeared on the scene in Petrograd in the spring of 1917?

Did the German people realize accepting the 'hope' of Hitler would result in something so hideous and evil that tens of millions of people would die and a permanent bloodstain would appear on the history of Germany?

What was life like months or years before the Armenians suffered genocide at the hands of the Turks, did they know that government imposed gun control was really disarmament before extermination?

How about the Chinese before the tyrant Mao, or the North Koreans before the Kim Jung il family infestation?

Did these people know what was coming, but didn't know what they could do?

Most of written history is written on pages of blood.

I think today, right now, is another one of those moments just before something very bad is about to happen. And, this time, we have the written historical records of bad news to learn potentially lifesaving, culture-rescuing information before we slip into another example of blood and carnage insanity. 

Although Sigmund Freud introduced the world to the word psychopath in his book Psychopathology of Everyday Life, published in 1901, it wouldn't be until forty years later that a true definition of psychopathology was developed to include the personality type of psychopath: a scientific understanding that sheds light on past and current events.

One of the first researchers to study and document the nature of personality types called psychopaths was Hervey Cleckley, MD, in his book The Mask of Sanity, published in 1941.

In this classic work, Cleckley spent considerable time with prison inmates in Georgia; prisoners that,
"little agreement was found as to what was actually the matter with them."

And, according to Cleckley,
"[the prisoners] continued, however, to constitute a most grave and a constant problem to the hospital and to the community."

In addition to Cleckley, others in the time since 1941 have contributed significantly to our understanding of the psychopathic personality type.

One such heroic researcher was Andrew M. Lobaczewski, born 1921 in Poland.

After suffering Nazi occupation during WWII, and Russian occupation after Germany's defeat, Lobaczewski entered college to be trained as a psychologist, and soon thereafter began research into the nature of the psychopath. Lobaczewski and his colleagues risked severe penalties, including death, for documenting their research and experimentation.

Many decades would pass trying to get the work published (and many attempts were made by groups to destroy it). But, finally, in 1998, circumventing attempts of Zbigniew Brzezinski to stop the publication, Lobaczewski's book Political Ponerology - A science on the nature of evil for political purposes was published.

The book begins with an examination of prisoners, much like Cleckley's work covers, but this time scientists correlated the behavior of psychopaths with the depravity of massively oppressive political regimes; the results of which culminated in a new science he called Ponerology, the study of evil in man. Political Ponerology, then, is the nature of evil in politics.

According to Lobaczewski, organizations can become infested with psychopathic personality types who, if given the proper amount of time and growing conditions, will busily fill all positions of power within it.

In the case of governments, what emerges is defined as a pathocracy:
tyranny at the hand of psychopaths.

Lobaczewski defined governance by a pathocracy as a macrosocial disease, something unhealthy and brutally deadly if untreated. 

The book Political Ponerology provides a scary explanation for periodic times of brutal insanity in the history of the world. It is a light to scientifically expose a particular personality type within populations - a type, if left alone, will infest positions of power, pushing out normal personalities until they dominate the power structure.

From a position of total domination, psychopaths will aggressively and brutally protect the power they have gained. In the case of government, that means taking steps to eradicate any perceived opposition to their control and authority.

Since true psychopaths are emotionally dead, and work empathy-free (see Dr. Robert Hare's book Without Conscience; The Disturbing World of Psychopaths), the task of cleaning house to prevent loss of control can quickly evolve into the 20-million-plus killed in the Russian Holocaust, the 60-million-plus killed in the Chinese Holocaust, or the extermination camps of the Jewish Holocaust.

Although not on the same scale, recent mass murders such as the Waco Texas massacre, the Oklahoma City bombings, or the 9-11 false flag terror-murders should sound the warning alarms. Psychopaths are afoot.