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16 July 2013

The Forbidden Knowledge of Secret Societies

 Revelations About the Freemasons, Templars, Illuminati, Nazis, and the Serpent Cults

 by Philip Gardiner
The Open Conspiracy is the awaking of mankind from the nightmare, an infantile nightmare, of the struggle for existence and the inevitability of war. The light of day thrusts between our eyelids, and the multitudinous sounds of morning clamour in our ears.
A time will come when men will sit with history before them or with some old newspaper before them and ask incredulously, “Was there ever such a world?” - H.G. Wells, The Open Conspiracy

This book is a collection of thoughts and researches about secret societies.
It is going to take you on many journeys, but whether you arrive or where you arrive will be your decision. I need to make a simple point before you proceed to “bite the apple”: Clear your mind of anything you have been told.
I care not whether you are Christian, Muslim, Buddhist, communist, capitalist, Freemason, or Boy Scout.
I care not whether you see yourself as just an ordinary man or woman. It is not for me to care. I care for the truth, because it is, as the Bible paradoxically stated, the one thing that can set you free.

In the years that I have been researching and writing, I have been approached by thousands of people asking for help. One woman, an American multi-millionaire, asked me to write down 10 things she could do to help herself. She offered to give me several thousand dollars just to do this simple thing. The money means nothing at all. What this lady needed was what we all need - to find herself.
You will hear many people say this and then feed you some garbled message of faith or freedom, enticing you into their little club. They will give you 10 good points to set you free. My message to this wealthy woman was to seek herself. I refused to give her what she wanted because she was simply using her wealth to find the easy route, without knowing that such a route leads in circles.
The true path to who you are is not easy, and if it were, then it would not be right. The path leads through your own past.
Everything you have learned, every emotion that has formed you, every problem, every joy, every piece of so-called knowledge, all these things are what you think you are. But they are not. All these things are external influences, they are what the Buddhists term “phenomena” because they are not real. All these things are now electrical impulses in your mind and nothing more.
Just because you were taught that Jesus was the son of God in Sunday school or that Santa Claus brought you Christmas presents, does not make them real.
These are tales, stories, and fables of other people’s creation to explain emotional attachments and evolutionary desires. What is the real you remains inside, crushed by the weight of the world’s fables. Only by erasing the subtle mind manipulating of religion or even modern day marketing, can we begin to see who we are beneath, and reveal the true intuition.

This will never be easy, because by the time we come to realize that we need to find out who we really are, we are already loaded down with the phenomena of the world. In fact, the paradox of the situation is that until we are so heavily burdened by the weight of the world’s nonsense, we will not realize that it is all wrong.
My wealthy millionaire friend had gone through her entire life accumulating wealth, altering her features with plastic surgery, and buying friends. It was only when she sat down and listened to what I call “noise” that she realized all her “things” meant nothing and brought her no more happiness than a fried egg. She realized, in her own heart, that she had become a perpetuator of “noise.”
She was screwing people for money, power, and real estate, and her intuition or conscience was pushed further and further down until it never saw the light of day.
Her real self ended up in darkness.

Only by uncovering this real self could she ever be “enlightened” again.

The articles in this compendium are collated to form an eye-opener. To talk to the parts of you that know there is hidden truth. When this part of ourselves is spoken to, it enlivens something inside of us. That something is the real you, the real me. Listen to it. This real you knows that the world is full of manipulations and yearns to be set free. It is time to give it the knowledge and strength it deserves.
It is time to inspire the true self to question!

    But what of groups, societies, organizations?
    What of the collective nature of mankind as he forms beasts of formality?
    Is it dangerous?

      Europe runs the risk of succumbing to attacks upon it ceaselessly repeated by these associations… absolute monarchies, constitutional monarchies, republics, all are threatened by the Levellers.
      (From a memoire on secret societies sent by Prince de Metternich of Austria to the Emperor Alexander of Russia in 1822)
      Mankind has always been forming himself into groups.
      There is strength in numbers and, as feeble humans, the only possible way to succeed and be the strongest and fittest species on the planet was to use ingenuity and the strength of the crowd. In time these groupings take on religious significance - enhancing the “spirit” of the assembled people with a belief system.
      Weak people are ejected, and strong, intelligent ones sought after.
      This evolved through time and today we know these groups often as secret societies. We are led to believe that within the orders and lodges of these organizations there are great secrets about ourselves and our gods.
      It’s time to find out.

      Part I: Mythology and Related Mysteries
      1. Chapter - The Watchers
      2. Chapter - Here Be Dragons
      Part II: Secret Societies
      1. Chapter - The Illuminati
      2. Chapter - The Nazi Code
      3. Chapter - The Holy Vehm
      The majority of Freemasons today would fall into the category of the lesser initiates - they are only aware of what they are told, and being kept at this distance and level of knowledge they seek no more, because they know of no more. Only at the highest degrees in Freemasonry are the real secrets maintained, and yet there have been some who claim to have been higher level initiates or indeed “priests” and who have since “spilled the beans.”
      Anybody who has seen these supposed secrets of white powdered gold and even Jewish conspiracy plots will know that this is misinformation at best and money-making at worst.

      In this unique compendium of thoughts and research from across a spectrum of subjects relating to secret societies we have learned a great many things. One of those things is not to believe everything we are told. I should not have to state this so obviously in the 21st century, because ancient philosophers told us this a long time ago.
      The sad fact is that due to new generations emerging all the time we tend to learn very little and to leave the past behind. Each generation has to start from scratch and tends to look forward, forgetting that our past holds intelligent and thought provoking answers to questions that are and will always be relevant.
      Because we begin each generation fresh and new, we also do not “see” the thread running through each generation from the one before - the thread of the secret society.

      In the last century we had the emergence of psychology and psychoanalysis and the clever new words that came with them. But are we so arrogant to think that we invented the discovery of human psychological problems? This is of course utter rubbish, Psyche herself was a Greek goddess. For thousands of years man has sought answers to his own inner reality, the only thing that has changed radically is the wording. Now we say somebody is psychotic, our ancestors would have said they were touched by the spirits.
      But are we any more advanced than our ancestors? 90 percent of the globe still believe in God; we still rage war in the name of religion; we still pollute the environment and destroy our own home. There is in fact anthropological evidence to prove that very ancient man was actually peaceful, living in harmony with his neighbor and even respected the earth and lived in balance with it.
      The evidence then shows that as society grew and more people occupied smaller spaces, minor wars erupted and even, violent sacrifices. The evidence also shows that small bands of men gathered together to control those who fought. These small bands emerged as our kings and queens, medicine men and priests and of course our secret societies.

      There is a lesson here for us all. Just one hundred years ago there was one billion people on the planet. Now there is six billion and it is growing out of all proportion. Six billion people can do a lot of harm to themselves and the environment, thus destroying the whole for everybody. Without balance, without wisdom, without knowledge, then where are we heading? I never once mentioned greed, money, capitalism did I? They do not enter into the equation of such a simple debate, but they are dark sides of the anthropological argument.

      We have seen in the various articles in this compendium that man also collects himself together into groups, like fish in a school or birds in a flock.
      These groups become religions, secret societies, governments, in fact just about any group. There is a simple reason for this grouping and it is exactly the same for the animals. We form together for protection against predators - there is strength in numbers. Whether you are a Freemason or a Boy Scout, the ultimate reason you join forces with others of like-race and like-mind is because you see strength and protection.
      Why is it then that some individuals take themselves away from these groups? I myself have been invited to join many secret societies and groups. I have even turned down offers of honorary degrees.
      Why? Because I am confident, self empowered and have my own mind.
      I fear no man, I fear no society or culture. I strive to learn more about them all and to thereby be yet more empowered, because knowledge builds strength and joined with my own will it creates a confidence that is true enlightenment.

      We may think and believe that the kundalini or some other spark in the bio-chemical and electric brain is enlightenment, but it is not. Our masters feed us filth and keep us in the dark. We are told what to be like, what to buy, what to do and say. We no longer need to know ourselves, the television has all the answers.
      But the fact is, what we see on the television is a reflection of greed, money and capitalism and these can easily be the dark forces of human nature. Light and dark are opposite sides of the same coin. Balance is like a coin placed upon its edge and like a coin it can easily be knocked over.

      I desire a good life for my family, but that does not have to include a range of cars, a yacht in every port or another million. I am not a communist, I am a realist and the reality is that while one man has, another does not. My evolutionary instinct is to gather goods, property and wealth for the bad times ahead, to see me through the winter or the coming storm.
      The down side of this is that we grow that divisive side of our nature, greed, and somebody somewhere suffers.

      The ancient Chinese texts tell us that mankind has been in this situation before many times and that his greed and “noise” has brought his civilization crashing down to the ground.
      How close are we to doing it yet again?
      How “noisy” are you?

      13 July 2013

      Celebrity Contactee Links New World Order to Manipulative Extraterrestrials

      by Paul Chen
      July 07, 2008
      from TrudeauSociety Website

      Albert Einstein's research established scientific credence
      to the existence of parallel universes, with parallel Earths.
      Numerous pieces of evidence affirm that alien spacecraft in the form of so-called "Unidentified Flying Objects" or UFOs have visited Earth, and continue to visit Earth.
      These include many accounts of alien abductions by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. Yet, most people, when confronted with such reports, dismiss them, as the rantings of lunatics. These people then pursue their day-to-day "business of living", without critically considering evidence of invasive alien visitations to our planet Earth.

      The very possibility that Manipulative Extraterrestrials may, in fact, be socially engineering the plight of humanity reported in the mass-media and on the internet, does not cross the mind of such people. This plight of humanity includes poverty, homelessness and other social injustice, violent crime, genocide, environmental destruction, racisms, and perpetrated wars.

      By arguably the great majority of most people, at least in Western Civilization (and Westernized parts of the Globe), why is there an automatic "disbelief" about any reports of Extraterrestrial visitations on Earth? Meanwhile, the more substantive question, does not pivot on whether or not to have "belief" in the existence of Extraterrestrial visitations.

      From a scientific standpoint, the pivotal question on Extraterrestrial reality is what exists. Indeed, whether one chooses to believe in it or not, there is numerous documented evidence and accounts by credible witnesses and contactees. A "belief system", aside from operating as a substitution for the pursuit of critical knowledge, can also be viewed to arise from an expectation context.
      For example, if you grew up in the Arctic Circle, without having seen a black or grey/brown-colored bear, without having access to media like television, you might "believe" or expect that all bears are white, like polar bears.
      Alex Collier, a celebrity contactee of alleged Ethical Extraterrestrials, provides corresponding insight on why there exists "human disbelief" of UFOs.

      According to Alex Collier, Manipulative Extraterrestrials were brought into contact with Earthbound humans, by an apparently tiny clique power hungry humans, who were apparently dissatisfied by the Earthly paradise outside of their control, that humans had created. Through technology this clique of humans caused a breach in the time-space continuum which allowed Manipulative Extraterrestrials to enter our universe.
      As a result, according to Alex Collier, all of human history was changed.
      The Einstein-Rosen bridge connects two different universes. Einstein believed that any rocket that entered the bridge would be crushed, thereby making communication between these two universes impossible. However, more recent calculations show that travel through the bridge might be very difficult, but perhaps possible.
      Human "disbelief" of Extraterrestrial reality could be viewed to be some kind of lag in the human psyche between what "was", and what "is". Manipulative aliens therefore were "not supposed" to have visited Earth, and are not supposed to be continuing to visit Earth, but because of an alleged time-space breach, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have visited Earth, and continue to visit Earth.

      The "belief" or expectation context of the human psyche, may very well have not "caught-up" to the reality on an alleged time-space breach, pursuant to Alex Collier's claims. If Alex Collier claims are true, a tiny clique of humans in a "former" 1931, of a parallel time-space, were responsible for creating this "New World" of oppression and exploitation, that Manipulative Extraterrestrials and their human worshippers could "reign over" for their ego.

      Alex Collier suggests that oppression and associated exploitation, was "scripted" into the creation of this time-space, as an alternative reality.
      An apparent Earthly Paradise in humanity's alleged "native time-space continuum" was to be transformed into an anti-Paradise. Regressive human agents and their alleged Manipulative alien allies, allegedly sought to create a new time space continuum, to undermine and to subjugate human free will, through vectors of what the late comedian George Carlin referred to as, "guilt, fear and shame".

      Information about the ancient Gnostics documented by John Lash in explores how regressive aliens that they identified as "Archon", sought to use organized religion in our alleged alternative time line, to instigate a context of "guilt, fear and shame", that could be used to politically control "the masses".
      This tactic includes scripting in religion, areas of sexuality as being a "sin", because tantric sexual energy generated from humans subverted the a context of negative-thought energy archons apparently feed on.

      Alex Collier says Nazi scientists, in a former (original) "parallel Earth" (relative to the altered Earth in this space-time continuum) let Manipulative Extraterrestrials "through a rip in time."

      Because of their ability to time travel, it looks like they have been here thousands of years - they can go backwards in time. If you can go backwards in time you can literally alter the consciousness of any race. You can alter any event. That's exactly what they have done...
      According to Alex Collier, Nazis through time-travel experimentation, allowing Manipulative Extraterrestrials to enter Earthbound human reality from a lower dimensional plane. The result of this alleged facilitated alien intrusion by Nazis in humanity's "native reality" was Manipulative Extraterrestrial temporal manipulation of human history.

      Ever since Albert Einstein revealed his special theory of relativity, we've known that time travel is possible, acknowledged Rick Groleau, in his American Public Television (PBS) article with the title Think Like Einstein.  

      John Gribbin cites in "Why is Time Travel Possible" (below insert) that,

      Relativists have been trying to come to terms with time travel for the past seven years, since Kip Thorne and his colleagues at Caltech discovered - much to their surprise - that there is nothing in the laws of physics (specifically, the general theory of relativity) to forbid it.
      Mr. Collier further indicates from his alleged contact with Ethical Extraterrestrials that,

      "I know that there are parallel realities, and I know that several parallel realities concerning Earth are already in existence on higher octaves above us..."
      Einstein also theorized on the existence of parallel universes. Fred Alan Wolf, in Parallel Universes raised the specific question, "What is a parallel universe?"

      Like an everyday universe it is a region of space and time containing matter, galaxies, stars, planets and living beings. In other words, a parallel universe is similar and possibly even a duplicate of our own universe.
      Not only in a parallel universe must there be other human beings, but these may be human beings who are exact duplicates of ourselves and who are connected to ourselves through mechanisms only explainable using quantum physics concepts. .
      Alex Collier suggests that ancient atrocities in our human history, including those associated with organized religion throughout human history, and various spawned wars, were inspired by regressive aliens in association with their alleged "Nazi stargate" human allies, that could travel back and forward in linear time from a different 1931, in humanity's "native reality".
      The 1931 that is documented in our history was allegedly re-manifested by an alleged human alliance with regressive aliens that had the capacity to go back millions of years in linear time, to socially engineer different Earth, in an entirely manipulated reality.
      In the process, such regressive aliens allegedly sought to manipulate human consciousness through trans-temporal eugenic social engineering.
      Illustration from A. Cellarius, Harmonia Macrocosma, 1660.
      Alex Collier also alleges genetic manipulation by human allies who are in league the regressive aliens, allegedly seek to control and prey on humanity like shepherds over sheep. Collier suggests that this was to be accomplished through their manipulation of this plane of space-time-thought, as a contrived parallel universe.

      John Lash's critically documents the ancient Gnostics as having apparently encountered Collier's alleged Nazi escorted time traveling Manipulative Extraterrestrials into the past of humanity's linear timeline. Gnostics document "Archons" as an inorganic "artificial man" that traveled back in time to use their technological capability to simulate reality as a sophisticated artificial intelligence, and to re-create our solar system, in their own mechanistic image.
      Earth, along with its biosphere became trapped into an archon simulated solar system, metaphorically like an insect in a spider's web:

      Overseen by Yaldabaoth [the "impostor God" that Gnostics allege regressive aliens inspired in the development of Earthly organized religions] the Archons now proceed to fabricate the planetary system from the inorganic elements of which them themselves are composed. As they have no intentionality (ennoia) and no creative capacity (epinoia) of their own, they can only do this by imitation.
      The Apocryphon of John (II, 10, 24-25) describes how the Lord Archon "produced for himself cyclic worlds (orbiting bodies) from the luminous spark that still shines in the sky." Thus, he draws upon the vortex power of the central star, the newborn Sun, to organize the matter swirling in the proto-planetary disk.
      Yaldabaoth originates nothing, however. He can only copy the model of the Pleroma, without even knowing that he does so...
      In the process of simulating reality, time traveling Archons could then illicit humans to worship them, as either emissaries of a God or as gods.

      The Gnostics suggest that colluding Manipulative Aliens and Nazi identified by Alex Collier, literally trapped the organic biosphere of Earth, into an inorganic "region" of time-space. Gnostics view Earth as having been trapped into a plastic copy of planetary constellations in the organic reality, and that humanity allegedly originates in an alleged "native reality".
      John Lash, and other researchers on alien reality, like Richard Hoagland suggest the apparently "lifeless" planets and moons of our solar systems are actually under the control of sub surface regressive aliens. Additionally, Mr. Hoagland documents evidence of alien artifacts on Mars and the Moon, that are linked to structures on Earth, and that have been created with apparently obsessive geometric symmetry consistent with the "artificial man" cited by Gnostics.

      A composite of John Lash's research, and of Alex Collier's testimony, suggests that the entire solar system that includes planets like Mars, Jupiter, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury, and Earth's Moon, that our biosphere has been allegedly "trapped" in metaphorically, like a operating "spiders web", has been simulated by a mechanical consciousness of inorganic regressive aliens.
      The Archons relative to humanity's own "native reality" could be viewed to originate from some kind of "parallel" "anti-universe", ruled by an demonic aspiring imitator of "God" or "Lord Archon" of "pure ego", that pursues a rivalry with the true cosmic God of humanity's native organic reality.

      John Lash documents these Gnostic insights in

      Gnostic teachings constantly emphasize that the Archons are imitators who cannot produce anything original, yet they arrogantly claim they can. The Lord Archon is called antimimon pneuma, "counterfeit spirit." (Apoc John III, 36:17. The term occurs several times in different texts.)
      The cosmos he produces is described by the Coptic term hal, "simulation." The vast planetary system of the Archons is a stereoma, a virtual reality projection in simulation of a higher dimensional pattern.
      Typically, the Archontic framework of the planetary system has been depicted by "armillary bands" that surround the Earth. Taken in many esoteric systems (Hermetics and Rosicrucianism) as the preeminent image of cosmic harmony, the model of the planetary spheres reflects a mindless imitation of divine design, not the living reality of the cosmos.

      Yaldabaoth, the presumed all-mighty creator God, really creates nothing; instead, he copies from "archetypal" patterns in the Pleroma.

      The planetary stereoma of his making is like a plastic copy of an abalone shell. Only someone who does not know the reality of the abalone shell, and what living miracle of nature is required to produce it, would accept the plastic substitution. Here again, the cosmic-noetic parallel applies: Archons simulate in the cosmos at large, and they also simulate in the human mind.

      This is a key indication of their effect, a clue to their subtle intrusion tactics.
      Alex Collier further alleges that over 100 billion human beings exist in separated region of thought-time-space, that our own Earth has been separated from, under the predatory manipulation of regressive aliens, with alleged support from Nazi stargate architects.

      Dr. Michael Salla documents alleged attempts by some of these human looking beings from a different time-space-continuum, as also visiting Earth as representatives of a "celestial peace corps", under the watchful eye of what Gnostics referred to as "Archons", with their human allies.

      Gnostics further observed that the Archons' frustration with lacking the creative capabilities of a "divine soul", has led them to pursue genetic experiments that seek to assimilate organic life into their purely ego-driven cyborg-like mechanical consciousness.

      The main cosmological texts in the NHL (Nag Hammadi Library), On the Origin of the World, The Hypostasis of the Archons, and The Apocryphon of John, are consistent in describing how the solar system arises as an inorganic simulation of the living pattern of the eternal Aeons.

      Here is further insight into "the generation of error." One might be excused (but just barely) for mistaking plastic for pearl, but it would be terrible ignorance indeed to be unaware that it takes an entire ocean and a living, symbiotic biosphere to produce a pearl. Yet such is the ignorance of the Archons that they cannot comprehend the living miracle of divine order, rooted in the Pleroma, even when they are imitating it.

      The "stereoma" of the Archons is truly a grandiose accomplishment, rather like the many-roomed Venetian palace of a Mafia don afflicted with religious grandiosity and a militaristic sense of the command chain:
      Now the prime parent (archigenetor), the master breeder of the Archons, since he commanded vast orbiting worlds, produced heavens for each of his offspring... beautiful dwellings, and in each heaven Yaldabaoth produced glorious decor, seven times excellent: thrones and mansions and temples, and also chariots and celestial virgins... consigning to each one its own heaven-like realm, and providing them with mighty armies of gods and commanders and messengers and overseers, in countless myriads, so that they might all serve and be served.
      Readers familiar with the archetypal psychology of C. G. Jung will recognize in this passage all the elements of the heaven archetype common to the mainstream religions:
      • heavenly mansions
      • celestial armies
      • cloud chariots
      • virgins on order
      • choirs of angels arranged with military precision
      The stereoma is loaded with spiritual kitsch. If anyone needs evidence of how the Archons can infect human imagination, here it is, seven times excellent.
      It may come as a shock that so much of what human beings have imagined as heaven is an Archontic fantasy, or would be so regarded by Gnostics. It is rather as if our idea of heaven (the realm of the Afterlife) were based on a Disney theme park. There is indeed something Disneyesque about the Archons, and there is in turn something distinctly Archontic about the Disneyfication of our world.

      There is at least one pivotal implication of this time-space continuum having been allegedly created through Nazi "stargate" intervention that sought the support of regressive time-traveling aliens in a joint bid to create a "New World Order" fantasy in their own image for prospective control, and conquest.

      Our current time-space as a broadly scripted continuum, is "doomed", unless humanity wakes itself up to a complex reality, which apparently includes sought contact with us, by both Manipulative, and by allegedly Ethical Extraterrestrials.

      Gnostics had sought to inspire a higher consciousness among humanity, which would then enable humanity to build defenses in the human psyche, against alien intrusion. In the process, Gnostics sought to affirm human free will, that would enable humanity to fulfill its destiny in the universe, freed from being trapped in the simulated reality of Archons.
      This includes humanity freeing itself from the technological Disneyfication of our world, that operates away from a higher organic consciousness.

      A manipulative alien inspired Nazi agenda has apparently sought to re-create human history, to support parasitism and also the creation of an alternative reality to achieve dystopia [the opposite of a utopia] driven by a combined clique of human and allied regressive alien megalomania.
      If this is what has occurred, it is perhaps understandable that such an originally human instigated alteration of time-space in an "alternative 1931" would affect many different worlds across the universe and dimensions, and will attract various alien spacecraft, with aliens of varying hostile or of benevolent agendas and would generate UFO sightings that have been witnessed by Earthbound humans.

      The apparent prevailing insane direction of courses of social injustice and of environmental destruction appear indeed to be reinforced by the presence of a demonic consciousness of the sort that was observed by scholars like Dr. David Ray Griffin and Dr. Kevin Barrett, in the article titled "Twilight of the Psychopaths".

      It is apparent that Earthbound humans need to critically wake up to the reality which confronts them, which is undermining free will under an apparent elite agenda.
      Lash and Collier imply that humans need to re-inspire their vital organic consciousness of empathy for each other and for nature, while also seeking to critically affirm their rights and freedoms as a sentient species, against an oppressive inorganic technocracy alien to human origins. Humans need to begin to repair their collective consciousness that may have very well been socially engineered by regressive aliens with the support of alleged human ego-driven cliques, Gnostics has warned us about.
      Otherwise, humanity in the current alleged "New World" of an altered time-space continuum, will allegedly become fully assimilated and conquered by a demonic transdimensional agenda.