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11 November 2013

The Matrix and The Sanskrit Texts

by V. Susan Ferguson
August 28, 2013
from WakingTimes Website

The Matrix as Prakriti produces the hologram for the Oneness.

The external world of objects is ‘real’ enough to the five senses. The five senses transmit signals/waveforms of sound, light, etc. to the brain, which acts as a receiver.

These signals carry the appearance of duality, differentiated multiplicity.This ‘appearance’ of multiplicity is the job, the function of the five senses. The five senses are the tools of the Matrix.

In Sanskrit the Matrix is termed Maya, meaning the power of creative illusion, or Matrika in Kashmir Shaivism. She is the feminine polarity, the Yin side, and she produces the hologram for the Oneness as the Observer that dwells in the Heart.

This Heart is not the physical heart that pumps blood around your body; it is the seat of consciousness in your being.

The Observer within you remains connected to and united with the Oneness; it remains pure - untouched by any act good or evil.

The Observer is the ATMA/Soul or Spirit/Purusha. Identify your consciousness with that Observer within you. You are That. Tat Tvam Asi. You have always been that. Remember.

Thus non-duality, meaning the Oneness, and duality, the appearance of multiplicity in the hologram, do exist simultaneously. The hologram is temporal, fleeting - the Oneness is eternal.
The film ‘The Matrix‘ contained some fundamental truths that many around the planet instinctively responded to.

The universe is indeed a temporal illusory holographic matrix made up of varying frequencies, waveforms pulsating at specific vibratory rates. Beneath the Veil, the ‘curtain of each atom’, there really is nothing out there but a vast ocean of etheric energy, the AKASHA, the silent unheard sound.

Everything you see or hear or touch is nothing more than electrical signals being transmitted by the five senses through this underlying etheric ocean to your brain. Each of these senses supports the others in the illusion generated by the amazing intensely creative power of MAYA and the GUNAS, Prakriti’s three modes.
These signals are interpreted according to our programming from birth and our DNA.

The first ‘Matrix’ film revealed far too much truth.
The computer related metaphors, so brilliantly accessed by the film’s writers, reached the normally impenetrable psyches of too many previously semi-somnolent humanoids.

The first film conveys the solid gold truth that the matrix isn’t real. This is in complete alignment with timeless primordial metaphysical principles and the eternal truth that understands the real nature of this universe as a temporal illusory hologram.

In the Kali Yuga it is the ‘job’ of the Darkside Forces to continually confuse and numb the inhabitants of this our world.

There is a War in the Heavens, and as above so below. The darkside entities are here in ever increasing numbers for the purpose of further deluding us into a complete and total ignorance of the Real.

The frequency wave bands emitted from most forms of electrical-electronic appliances and machines excel at this capacity to confuse, delude, and stupefy. The Veil in these last days of the Kali Yuga has indeed become Borg-like.

In the early part of the Matrix film, there is a very grotesque image of Neo pulling slimy long tendril-suckers off of his body.

This scene is so repulsive because it is true. I realize that this is not very pleasant information - but as long as we have no idea what is happening to us, how can we free ourselves? In varying degrees, all of us are ‘hosts’ to these feeder entities. This is why vampire novels are so weirdly popular - people actually have an unconscious sense of what is happening.

Through the lower frequencies of our anger, fear, and addictions, the darkside astral parasites have attached themselves to us. This is one reason why all spiritual paths emphasize purity of mind and body.

Purity simply reduces the ability of the lower realms to connect with you and become attached to you. They cannot locate frequencies they do not resonate with. Know that the Laws of Magnetism dictate that like attracts like - and that location is in fact a function of consciousness.

Purity through wisdom Knowledge and a focused consciousness will keep any unwanted influences out of the field of the subtle etheric body. Everything you are addicted to has the potential to attach you to a level of these entities. EVERYTHING!

I have seen this so often over the years with friends who lost themselves to drugs and alcohol. Some of these parasitical entities are not only highly persuasive, but also very unattractive.

A most ingenious and effective Borg-like waveform-prison is television.

Unplug yours, throw them out of your house, give them away, or shoot at them like Elvis did. Not only does TV’s 24/7 programming transmitted around the planet urge you to become good little consumers, and doom you to the misery of unrealized unrealistic goals, both physical and material - but the box itself emits questionable frequencies that do nothing for your God-given ability to access the Myriad Worlds and Remember who you are.

Newspapers are the same, and the Internet news has become more confused and confusing with 100s of professional disinformation and propaganda wizards, sock-puppets who are handsomely paid to keep us in our miasma of amnesia.

This Kali Yuga confusion holds us in a frequency of POWERLESSNESS. So until we actually become powerful in a real sense, as in our inner connection to the God-within - forget it! Unplug! Get the cooties off of you.

I can tell you what the news will be for the next few years. Lets get it over with once and for all: More heinous wars, more needless deaths, more incurable diseases, more mind-wrenching torture, more oinker-greed and boring tyranny. Nature’s earth will continue to be irreversibly poisoned and her creatures die. Got it? That’s it folks. Now you know everything.
So forget it! Unplug!

Are you in love with love? Waiting for that perfect person to transport you into a higher reality and fix everything for you?

As someone has aptly said, ‘Romance is candy for your brain’. It’s a bunch of lovely hormones designed to give you a momentary high and get you to procreate. It never lasts. Never! Forget it! Unplug.

If you have a deep love and friendship with someone who is as evolved as you are and you are certain you share a similar frequency - fine, wonderful.

But when you bond with someone whose hologram is vibrating at a lower frequency than yours - and remember us humanz are very complex energy patterns full of surprises - then you take the chance of being drawn down into their reality. Casual sex is definitely not casual for anyone on the way Home - it’s an elevator going down.

Is the temporary fix comfort zone worth it?

All addictions will hold you in the illusion of the polarity Matrix. Attached to each addiction is a direct sucker line to a group of scurrilous entities you would not want to go bowling with. This means ALL addictions, no exceptions. Compulsion is a symptom indicating astral parasites. Anytime you feel compelled to consume anything, you are feeding the astral-cooties who need your energy to survive and thrive because they cannot produce their own.

Cut them off, pull their plugs off of your body. Raise your frequency and watch them disappear. Addictions are entry points that leave you open for the astral parasites to make themselves at home. This is how so many beautiful souls from the 1960s, many of who were my dear friends and loved ones, were destroyed. I am the witness.

How about some pretty visions to make you think you are so ‘spiritual’? Want to channel one of the 1000s of aliens and astral entities out there?

I can promise you, that’s a learning curve. Certainly not all of these entities are malevolent. They simply have their own point of view, their own agenda, and their own consciousness relative to their level of evolvement. They don’t necessarily know any more than you do.

How about having astral entities as your primary relationship?

They can appear to you as anything they know you want, even angels, anything that’s already programmed into that very subtle brain of ours - anything. Someday when it is too late, they’ll show you what they really look like - but that would make you throw up now and then you might not want to feed them any more. Trust only the God-within you.

The vast array of chemicals in our food, air, and water quite literally confuses the endocrine system.

EDCs, endocrine disrupting chemicals, mimic estrogen and god-only-knows what else to confuse your own natural hormones. These molecules are diabolical. Not only do they very likely contribute to obesity, cancer, sterility, and memory loss - they also shut down the Third Eye, the pineal gland.

Our ability to ‘SEE’ the Invisible Realms is regulated by the pineal and pituitary glands. Because these man-made molecules send confusing signals to them, they can’t work properly. Do you think this is accidental?

I know this sounds scary, after all we can’t even see these things - what chance do we have? But remember, WE CREATED THEM!
They are an integral part of the temporal illusory holographic matrix. As pieces of God, the Oneness, we created these astral darkside demonic entities to help hold together this polarity universe.

But when we created this universe - one of many - we weren’t completely stupid.

We left something out of their hologram and thus they are weaker than we are. They don’t understand LOVE. They only grok power, control and manipulation. They have no feelings. And thus through the feelings of compassion, forgiveness, kindness, and love we can move right out of their range of frequencies, beyond the scope of their polarity matrix hologram, into the higher frequencies, beyond their prison - and the whole thing will collapse.

In the Twilight of the Kali Yuga, the world has become a LIE, an expression of the delusion, ignorance, and the amnesia, the Forgetting. Everything you see and hear in this illusory polarity matrix is a LIE! 
Because - and this is simple - the only Real is that EVERYTHING IS LOVE! (See 'Infinite Love is The Only Truth').

ALL polarity paradigms are temporal illusions designed by us with our invisible helpers in the astral, the forces of the ‘darkside’, to hold together the projected illusion of multiplicity, this temporal holographic matrix, so we can PLAY the game of NOT being GOD! And we are God! Everyone and everything - yes, even the darkside entities.

There are endless, unknown, incredible worlds of Beauty and Love and Light, and every adventure yet even unimagined, waiting for us.

The Matrix is NOT real! Unplug!

I can’t do this for you. No one can. Thank God! If they could, they would own you. Saving or being saved is a slave game - not a God game!

I can’t do this for you. I can plead and beg you to unplug, to throw out your TVs, to not read your daily dose of propaganda, to kick your addictions - to pull the feeder lines off of your beautiful bodies and out of your auric field.

I can tell you what waits for you. I can tell you of floating in golden light feeling more love than anyone could ever give you. I can describe my visions and feelings and take you to fly through the galaxies. But my experiences will NOT be yours. Why should they be? Why would the Creator ever want to repeat and duplicate Itself?

I can tell you that you are heading for a place where THERE ARE NO REFERENCE POINTS!

A location within where you will have grown beyond both the demons and the angels - a place where you will have earned freedom, because you will have experienced every polarity paradigm in all the time-space matrices and you are ready to create your own.

I cannot do this for you. NO ONE CAN! You have to choose it for yourself. Only your own courage can loosen the slimy sucker-tendrils that imprison you and drain your life force.

Only the God-within you can know the precise sublime moment when you are ready to emerge from the Matrix - grinning ear to ear as you REMEMBER who you are!

How many of us will escape? I don’t know.

I know that underneath our silly small identity egos, there is only LOVE - and that as the Real behind the multiplicity, we all ARE each other. Therefore when any one of us wakes up, it makes it easier for the rest.  I know that if enough of us Remember, then the entire Illusion will collapse - because the darkside won’t have anything to feed on.

What will happen then? No one knows. No one wants to know, because then it wouldn’t be any fun.
When you normally exist in Eternal Bliss, the exciting thing about a Free Will universe is that there are always at least 25 variations in the cycles of time and you don’t know exactly what will happen. It’s like meeting someone new or starting a new work of art - you embrace an entirely unknown realm of possibilities.
You learn to improvise and create as you go along.

You and the God-within you, all of us will be generating a fresh reality for the Oneness to express in. We will all meet someday. We do realize by now that life on this planet is going to get much worse - the evidence is in.
Don’t be afraid of Death - you are an eternal Being. Be aware of the seductive astral traps. Avoid all heavens and hells in the Phantasmal Hierarchies - they are illusions. No matter how seductive anyone or anything is, don’t listen!

Go directly HOME to the God-within you.

When you see death, hunger, and sorrow try to know that each one of us chose this experience, even if we don’t now remember making that choice.
Compassion is important and very distinct from anxiety, worry, fear and anger. These fear frequencies are all food for astral entities, the mind parasites.
As they say at the zoo:
Don’t feed the animals!
UNPLUG! The temporal holographic matrix is illusory!

I’m only beginning to lift the Veil. But from my heart, I hope one sweet day to see you all in the wild blue yonder of the immense immeasurable within. The Only Refuge is a higher Consciousness.

Your safety and ‘salvation’ can only be achieved by you, and through your own endeavors to create for yourself the consciousness of the Real, your Source, that eternal Oneness that we all are ‘beneath the curtain.’

10 November 2013

Vibrations and The Power of Human Emotions


Why has this universal truth been hidden from the beings on this planet? This is the biggest mystery.
For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.

The higher energies of 2012 and beyond have a two fold effect. We have been stuck in a Universal Time Matrix System that has been disconnected from the higher dimension frequencies for thousands of years.
Ancient Earth history shows manipulations of the planetary grids by beings from other more advanced systems (Draco-Orion, Sirius, Pleiades).
The Universal Time Matrix system we are in is being manipulated. The energies of 2012 and beyond are opportunities for faster ascension and manipulation into restriction of ascension.

Higher frequency energies being transmitted by the forces of light onto this planet allow individuals that are open to receive (through opening their beliefs and mindset) to activate their higher Chakras (7 to 15), which opens their central channels (Universal Kundalini), raise their frequency and DNA between NOW (2011) and December 2012.
These activations help bypass the restriction programs being activated on this planet.
The restriction program energies get activated in March 2011 (force field of energy that restricts human ascension process) and is planned to go full force in December 2012.
Those that do not raise their frequencies will fall into these energies and will not be able to ascend to the higher dimensions (beyond dimension 11.5).
The DNA of most people on this planet has already been mutated. That is why only 3-5 DNA strands are active instead of the 12-48 DNA strands (which used to be the norm for angelic human race).

This is hard to believe.
There is a lot going on in this planetary system that people are not being made aware of.  

Vibrations and The Power of Human Emotions from Giancarlo Giacomeli on Vimeo.

Spiritual Fascism

by Jon Rappoport
September 30, 2013
from JonRappoport Website

Year by year, I continue to make my case for the independent individual - one might even say the lone individual, except that this phrase has been co-opted to mean an assassin, a killer.

Which tells us where society is heading.

On every possible front, the psyop is about discrediting the individual and elevating the group and the collective.

Because I’m 75 years old, I’ve been around long enough to see the tectonic shift, among so-called intellectuals, from admiring and praising the individual to celebrating some sort of spiritual unity that makes us all into One Cosmic Glob.

For example:
"There is really no separation between us. That’s an illusion. Finally, we are one consciousness."
I dispute this. I reject it completely...

This, yes, insanity arises from a basic confusion and blind spot about the creative power (of the individual), which has no boundaries.

It is quite possible to imagine and create and invent a perception that we are all one consciousness and to experience the fullness of the perception. It is not an illusion. It is quite real.

But one can also un-create that perception.

In fact, in the early spiritual exercises of Tibetan tantric students and adepts, this on-off creation was a significant component. It was done, consciously, as a merging and un-merging with Nature. It was PRACTICED on a daily basis.

In early Tibet, a truly unique culture that was soon dismantled and destroyed by theocratic leaders, the individual was recognized as an staggeringly powerful artist.

Rather than assume there was one final highest reality we all share, it was understood that the individual could and did invent realities without limit. Presuming to understand a final reality for all of us was considered absurd.

It is also a form of fascism. Spiritual fascism.

Once you embark on a road of imagination and creating, all bets are off. All preconceptions about what you must do, make, think, assume, and believe are yesterday’s news.

The individual is no longer "dangerous or deluded or separated from his brothers and sisters by ego" or any of the other debilitating formulations that have been offered to convince we are all One.

Here and now you or I can sit and invent the perception that, yes, we are all one consciousness… and then dispense with that perception. In either case, I’m doing it. You’re doing it. You’re creating a perception.

That’s what artists do, what they’ve always done. Somehow, in this cheesy spiritually fascist web of confusion, the fact has been lost. People occasionally write to me and say the artist has no function in this society.
Well, I’m not talking about function. Function is for machines. Machines aren’t free.

This society is supposed to exist to allow the individual to flourish, but waiting for that to happen will put you on the track to nowhere. Society is heading for more and more collectivism. Economically, politically, spiritually.

Here is a bottom line:
People in this world believe in what they create, except they’re not aware of what they’re creating.
They think, instead, they’re seeing what’s already there.

This missing link explains a great deal. People are playing a shell game with themselves. They’re placing the pea inside a particular shell, and then they’re turning over the shell and finding the pea.

Then they exclaim,
"Look what I found!"
NO. They didn’t find it. They put it there to begin with.

They created a reality and then denied they created it.

This would be like a painter spending six months making a huge work in his studio and then saying…
"It’s a miracle. I walked into the studio today and I found this painting leaning against the wall. Astonishing!"
Yes, you can conceive of (create) all of humanity and stars and galaxies as One Consciousness if you want to. You can do that.
You can also do something else. In either case, you did it. And you can undo it. The clue you should take from that exercise is: you have an extraordinary capacity to create "content."

Dictators and fascists tell you what content you should create, and on top of that, they say you didn’t create the content at all. It was always there.

I could write a science fiction story that goes this way:
One day, the guy next door, who is a painter, lugs one of his large canvases into your house and hangs it on the wall. He has a big grin on his face. He’s positively serene. He’s producing great GENEROSITY out of every pore.
He says,
"Look at this! This is what reality really is. Do you see? It shows that we’re all one great consciousness. And the funny thing is, I didn’t paint this. It just appeared on a blank canvas.

I saw it this morning when I went into my studio! Now, listen. You should believe in this painting, too. You really should. This is the higher reality…"
Yes, I could write this science fiction story.
Except it’s already happening, every day...

Gnostics Reveal why Christians Deny UFOs and Extraterrestrial Contacts with Humanity

by Peter Tremblay
from AgoraCosmopolitan Website

Have you ever wondered why representatives and authority structures seem to vehemently deny the UFOs, and numerous reports of historical and on-going contacts with Extraterrestrials?

There have been numerous reports from millions of witnesses, of not only distant sightings of apparent alien spacecraft in the sky, but both apparent hostile and apparent peaceful direct contacts of the "third kind" with many races of Extraterrestrials.

Christian elites tend to present some "creative" spin, similar to the spin by the U.S. government.

This has included the elite propagated suggestion that people who have seen alien humanoids, up and close, actually saw crash test dummies. Millions of people who report having witnessed apparent alien saucer and other unusually shaped spacecraft, have also been provided with pre-packaged explanations of having actually seen "weather balloons".

Apparent alien spacecraft have also been “explained” by government agencies backed up by elites associated with the Christian organized religious interests, as being simply distant but apparently wildly moving planets that can bounce or zig zag in the sky.

Christian elites, have even sought to blame UFO and alien contact experiences, as being the work of "UFO enthusiasts" like Shirley Maclaine dabbling in "strange New Age" cults which constitute some kind of conspiracy against the Church (see UFOs, ETs and The New Age - A Christian Perspective).

According to this manipulative official Christian elite spin, people see UFO and witness aliens, and experience abductions, because they have been indoctrinated through "New Age" linked occult induced states, as a result of their not having properly accepted "Christ", and the "righteous" teachings of the Church.

Accordingly, Christian elites spread the notion that UFO witnesses and alien contactees, are all self-delusional people, as a result of their turning their back on worshiping a "Christian" God.

However, when these kinds of debunking techniques have failed, these Christian elites have sought to simply treat the subject of UFOs as "forbidden", or as taboo.

Priests, ministers, bishops, and other clerics, will at the same time state that they do not deny the possibility of Extraterrestrial life, but humanity still has not found it.

Interestingly, such a conclusion is also supported by government agencies which are apparently still watching and listening for signs of intelligent life, somewhere out there in the universe.

In order to assume that such official testimony is necessarily truthful, humanity would also need to make a fundamental assumption. That premise would be that, the politicians who have worked with such religious clerics toward the development of oppressive Empires, have historically tended to conduct themselves with complete integrity.

Humanity would therefore need to ignore proven historical accounts of documented lies, by these clerics and other ideologically affiliated elites. This includes the false elite allegations of Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq, that was used to instigate an on-going horrific war; and also representation of an elite driven cover-up that has been exposed by scholars and experts on 9/11.

These ‘9/11 Truth’ scholars and experts conclude from detailed evaluations and testimonies, that the World Trade Center was subjected to a “Controlled Demolition“, and view the implicated Muslims as scapegoats, used by a neo-fascistic elite.

The apparent "community of denial" among Christian elites and modern governments (in the U.S. led industrialized West), may very well reflect common roots, as indicated in John Lash's related research on the ancient Gnostics.

The Gnostics, had sought to warn humanity about reported attempts by demonic Extraterrestrial Consciousnesses, to manipulate humanity.

The ancient Gnostics, also apparently sought to help inspire humanity to embrace our critical faculties of reason and observation. At the same time, the Gnostics were apparently vitally concerned about attempts to blind humanity, through substituting such critical human faculties of reasoning in favor of "blind faith" within a mass deception agenda, which is executed within the context of organized religion.

Judeo-Christian elites and their oppressive ideology (which also drove European Empires), led in turn to the development of modern Western civilization.

Therefore, the prejudices by official institutions in Western civilization, (against the free and open discussion of UFO phenomenon and varied human contacts with intelligent Extraterrestrial life), can be illuminated by appreciating Gnostic insights on the alleged motivations of the Judeo-Christian-guided Church which backed founders of Western civilization.

John Lash, in illuminates, that the original attempt to cover-up and to deceive humanity on reported UFO-related phenomena, is the result of the use of organized religion by the aliens that sought to create opportunistic blinders to critical human awareness of the reality of alien contact.

John Lash specifically traces the origins of the cover-up of UFO related phenomena, to the represented Manipulative Extraterrestrial infiltration of Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.

Indeed, interestingly, the denial of UFO related phenomena including alien sightings tends to be more pervasive in societies where these particular organized religions of Christianity, zionistic Judaism, and fundamentalistic Islam, have been dominant.

In China, for example, were Buddhism has been relatively dominant, governments, and the state controlled mass-media in contrast, have been more open to the reporting of UFO phenomena. The traditionally Hindu societal milieu of India has also shown more "tolerance" to reporting on UFOs, than in the West.

Aboriginal and indigenous societies which include those in Africa, and other parts of the world, (who have been able to maintain an independent spirituality from the West), continue to very openly relate historical accounts of varied forms of contacts with UFOs and aliens.

John Lash specifically cites what Gnostics referred to as "the doctrine of the aliens". That is to say, the ensemble of beliefs at the core of Judaic and Christian religion - and, by extension, Islam.

All three of the "great world religions", derive from the revered Patriarch Abraham, thought to have lived around 1800 BCE.

Because the history of the ancient Hebrews is taken as exemplary or symbolic of humanity as a whole, our species' "sacred history" begins with Abraham, but Gnostics considered that Abraham was a dupe, the psychological "vector" for the intrusion of alien infiltrators and deceivers.

Western governments, their agencies, and modern private institutions (allegedly associated with the "alien cover-up") can be therefore viewed as a further institutional vector of the original attempts to deceive humanity, by the same institutional groups which had once declared the world to be flat.

Elite biases in the West, against UFO and Extraterrestrial disclosure, (that are totally free of propaganda, and other disinformation), would be likely shared by the members of prevailing elites which owe their influence to a mix of shared Judeo-Christian-inspired power structures.

These Gnostic-criticized apparent infiltrated structures on which Christian and Zionistic Jewish elites draw, include financial-equivalent "wealth" and territory-seeking militaries. These oppressive institutions were marshaled to support the original religious missionaries and other similar "crusades" against other non-Christian societies on Earth.

In the article, entitled "Christianity - Extraterrestrial Religion?" learned author John Lash, further uncovers evidence which suggests that Manipulative Extraterrestrials were the 'masterminds' behind the evolved reality of modern Christianity.

Such an apparent deduction would generate the kind of vehement sustained denial among Christian elites.

However, this is the kind of denial that would be consistent with the circumstance of thieves who are doing an "inside job". Such thieves who seek to perpetrate an "inside job" would likely also seek to throw off the scent of unsuspecting innocent by-standards from their criminal scheme.

Indeed, John Lash, in association with the scholarly oriented Marion Institute, exposes Christianity as an attempt to highjack human inner-spirituality, through mind control techniques, and through other related forms of manipulation, via organized religion.

Prayer among Christians

Even the act of prayer among Christians, and other correspondingly apparently Extraterrestrial orchestrated organized religions, is an apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial ruse.

In the context of John Lash's research, prayer, can be viewed as an attempt to manipulate humanity into conceiving God as some kind of "supernatural" being, whose existence is toward the sky.

Such a conception of God, appears to be constructed in the image of alleged Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

Gnostics rejected a required context of 'blind faith' associated with praying to an apparent Extraterrestrial contrived God; in favour of alternatively seeking to critically appreciate as "cosmic scientists", the God of our universe, and that exists as the interconnected inner-spirit of humanity, expressed through companionship for each other, and nature.

Prayer, is an alleged Extraterrestrial manipulation; and it can be viewed as an act which is constructed to deny the presence of the cosmic God within ourselves and nature; rather than "up there" someplace, in the sky.

Lash illuminates that these apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrials, which the Gnostics referred to as 'Archons', sought to accordingly turn humanity away from its vital inner spirituality, and into being entities who are worshipping an "impostor God", that has been constructed in the image of the Manipulative Extraterrestrials.

This ancient Gnostic and aboriginal/indigenous societal appreciated inner spirituality, is expressed, in part, though a context of companionship that humans have for each other, and for nature. That also in turn, inspires a context of self-motivated social responsibility for each other, and for environmental stewardship in protecting our planet Earth from venal exploitation.

Gnostics viewed Manipulative Extraterrestrials, as seeking to act as puppeteers against humanity, through the social psychological prisms that are all linked to the originating source in the "doctrine of the aliens".

An as individual, you might say, you are "secular" and are neither a Christian, nor a follower of the other such orchestrated and oppressive organized religions; and therefore so what?

However, Mr. Lash's representation is that Manipulative Extraterrestrials have not only orchestrated organized religions, but also the corresponding oppressive political economic systems and conventions in the West, (that in turn dominate Earth).

The values of crass materialism, for example, associated with global capitalism that reeks havoc on our planet Earth, therefore arguably has its roots in "ideologies of progress" that are spawned from alien induced manipulation.

Accordingly, if Mr. Lash is correct in his Gnostic representation about modern Christianity, then it would further appear that Manipulative Extraterrestrials may be the driving force behind the prevailing self-destructive context which has been associated with West.

The apparently perpetuated oppressive and exploitative context of Western civilization may be the result of attempted elaborate social engineering by Manipulative Extraterrestrials, that have been operating on us like how humans train dogs.

Therefore, according to Mr. Lash' apparent representation about the Gnostics, Christians, and non-Christians alike appear to have been generally conditioned in Western civilization into a mentality of oppression and exploitation.

This was originally constructed through how Christianity, evolved, under the alleged influence of how Manipulative Extraterrestrial orchestrated religious sensibilities.

Apparently secular Western Civilization, has its roots in the very acts of genocidal wars of oppression and exploitation, which Mr. Lash links to a Manipulative Extraterrestrial process of social conditioning through religion.

Mr. Lash, eloquently further explores the extent to which Christianity has been apparently masterminded by Manipulative Extraterrestrials. Specifically, Mr. Lash illuminates how the Christian Father God, having origins in the Biblical presentation of 'Jehovah', is not a reference context for empathetic appreciation, and is instead, a context for dominance.

Through the creation of the context of "Jehovah" Lash further documents in, how 'archonistic' aliens sought to create the convention of "sin" to condition humanity to "believe" that being "saved" (another apparent alien contrived convention), required obeying religious doctrine.

Sin was apparently the context in which Manipulative Extraterrestrials sought to rule humanity, through the fear-based context of "sin".

Having critically appreciated Gnostic illumination of the role of Manipulative Extraterrestrials on human civilization, the sophisticated alien technique of using fear, also seems to have made its way into the "War on Terrorism", and into other areas of elite driven modern politics against Human Development.

According to Mr. Lash, Jehovah was (is) an 'archon', a deity of a lower level consciousness, which is not to be confused with the cosmic God of our universe. Mr. Lash presents Gnostic appreciation of the cosmic God that is expressed through the human interconnected consciousness that is in turn existentially linked with nature.

Whereas humanity, and the spirituality that Gnostic sought to observe and explore, comes from within the human soul, Manipulative Extraterrestrials used religion as an externally constructed and imposed ideology, to misdirect humanity's inherent spirituality into a pursuing mischievous and destructive alien-directed exploitative agenda.

Mr. Lash investigates the origins of the Christian-represented 'Father God', as Jehovah, and communicates that this entity is described by Gnostics, as a "blind, mad, and demented alien" who sought to mimic "God-like powers".

From time to time, these powers many allegedly manifest in apparent "miracles". that are designed to manipulate humanity into accepting 'Jehovah', and other Manipulative Extraterrestrial "incarnations", as 'God'.

Lash elaborates that,

"Although he does not create the world we inhabit, [the] 'Jehovah' [which the archons present] believes that he does."

"Opening his eyes, the chief Archon saw a vast quantity of matter without limit, and he became arrogant, saying, 'It is I who am God, and there is no other power apart from me.' " documents The Reality (Hypostasis) of the Archons.

"Of course, this is exactly what Yahweh-Jehovah says in the Old Testament."

However, Mr. Lash also documents that,

"Over and over again, Gnosticism presents a view of Judeo-Christian religion that turns it completely inside out."

The Nag Hammadi text, explains how the Archons induced a false plan of salvation into the human mind.

This "plan of salvation" is a counterfeit of the true path of self-liberation which we can take by developing our innate potential of Nous, in association with human "divine intelligence."

Mr. Lash further elaborates that,

"The Gnostic teacher, called Phoster or Illuminator, openly ridicules Abraham, Moses and the prophets for accepting the Archons as divine."

The Gnostics also criticize Christianity for putting faith in an impostor God who actually works against humanity.

The Gnostic Second Treatise, exposes Christianity as essentially,

the "doctrine of the aliens" and "a great deception upon the human soul, making it impossible for humans to find Nous, the self-liberating mind, and thus, come to know true humanity."

Christianity, in turn, substantively spawned the exploitative and oppressive capitalistocractic context of Western civilization whose governments deny the presence of Extraterrestrials altogether.

The Gnostics illuminate that the denial of UFOs and Extraterrestrials in Western governments, is rooted in a desire to perpetuate ignorance among humanity of alien intruders that have allegedly sought to be "puppeteers".

This operating strategy among allegedly alien influenced Earthbound elites, has sought to maintain ignorance about vast elements of Western civilizations (as well as about historical events), that portray and represent hostile alien instigations.

This promotion of ignorance about UFO and Extraterrestrials by various institutions, appears to be ultimately linked to organized religious agendas, that have roots in the alleged creation of alien influenced religious guided Empires on Earth, (that have been alleged by various scholars).

This includes the detailed research of critically acclaimed authors like Zecharia Sitchin who wrote the book entitled Journeys to The Mythical Past, and other publications, which documents alien intrusion during the Egyptian Empire.

Mr. Lash explains that Gnostics who were subsequently to be persecuted by Christian elites, thrashed the notion of a “Divine Plan”, overseen by Jehovah (as a Manipulative Extraterrestrial), and they also exposed Judeo-Christian "salvationism" (the Redeemer Complex) as an invasive extraterrestrial religion, that is alien to the Earth, and substantively hostile to human potential.

"Salvationism" is an apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial attempt to retard, and to destroy a spiritual empowerment of humans.

Mr. Lash exposes Salvationism as an apparent Manipulative Extraterrestrial trick to get humans to put blind faith into praying of the sort which importunes an "impostor God" to rescue humanity, while Manipulative Extraterrestrials at the same time, implant "error" into the human psyche, as a strategy to plunder and pillage the planet in behalf of a hostile alien agenda.

John Lash illuminates apparent UFO and Extraterrestrial contact, and related cover-ups among Christian elites, as an apparent attempt to perpetuate ignorance of institutional collusions between aliens and humans that have essentially sold out humanity.

Indeed, thieves do not normally seek to disclose their activities, while they are in the midst of executing their thievery.

Christianity, as a religion, in relation to the Gnostic-represented "doctrine of the aliens", can thus, be viewed as an apparent attempt to deceive humanity from recognizing and understanding the ultimate demonic agents of their oppression, who operate by social engineering to execute the exploitation of humanity. 

Gods and Religions on Planet Earth

The Divine and Manipulative Extraterrestrials