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14 March 2014

GMO Agribusiness in India: Grassroots Action against Monsanto, Cargill, Sygenta

In the Times of India article, “Farmers’ groups give wish list to parties,” it states:

More than 100 farmers’ organisations from about 14 states on Thursday presented a charter of demands to political parties for their considering while preparing the manifesto for the Lok Sabha elections.

The groups demanded guarantee of minimum income for farm households, ecologically sustainable farming, shift to organic farming and control of rural communities over agricultural resources, including land, water, forests and seeds. They also demanded that open-air release of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in the garb of field trials be stopped.

Regarding the disturbing trend of suicides sweeping across India’s agricultural sector, the report states:

Citing census data, farmers’ representatives said on an average, one farmer commits suicide every half an hour. Everyday, hundreds of farmers are quitting agriculture.

“The average monthly income of an overwhelming majority of Indian farmers is far less than what their average monthly expenditure is, making it difficult for most farm households to make their ends meet,” said Kavita Kuruganti, convenor for Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture.

Clearly, the agricultural sector of India is failing, and it is not because it has not resigned itself to the devices and designs of foreign big-agri corporations, but precisely because it already has. In rebuttal to the growing backlash against corporations like Monsanto, Western media outlets have proposed that the farmers are wrong about why they claim they are killing themselves, and suggests instead it is both neither as serious as portrayed, and certainly not the result of big-agri’s role in monopolizing India’s agricultural sector.
The National Post, in its article, “The myth of India’s ‘GM genocide’: Genetically modified cotton blamed for wave of farmer suicides,” admits that:

A 2011 report published by the Center for Human Rights and Global Justice (CHRGJ) claimed the sale of expensive genetically modified seeds to rural Indian farmers was a key factor contributing to the growing suicide crisis.

“Multinational agribusiness corporations took advantage of India’s new market globalization … by aggressively promoting the introduction of genetically modified seeds in Indian agriculture,” said the report.

But then counters by claiming:

But in 2008, the International Food Policy Research Institute, an alliance of 64 governments, private foundations, and international and regional organizations that aims to end hunger in the developing world, reached an entirely different conclusion.

“It is not only inaccurate, but simply wrong to blame the use of Bt cotton as the primary cause of farmer suicides in India,” said the report, stating that the introduction of Bt cotton in India had actually been effective in producing higher yields and decreasing pesticide usage by nearly 40%.

The credibility and objectivity of the “International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPR),” particularly in regards to the use of Bt cotton in India, is compromised by the fact that its donors list is dominated by organizations of which Monsanto and other GMO purveyors fund directly.

For example, the “Better Cotton Initiative” which funds the IFPR is in turn backed by big-agri giant Cargill. Another IFPR donor is Crop Life International, which in turn is funded by BASF, Bayer, Dow AgroSciences, DuPont, Monsanto, Syngenta, and others. The laundering of big-agri cash and support through proxy organizations to conceal their involvement only further raises suspicion regarding the integrity and veracity of the IFPR’s contradictory report – a report that just so happens to define reality in terms that suits big business.

And of course, the National Post itself appears compromised, with its article parroting, almost verbatim, the official rebuttal posted on Monsanto’s official website regarding Bt cotton. Offered up in a post titled, “Is Bt or GMO Cotton the Reason for Indian Farmer Suicides,” Monsanto also claims “multiple societal issues are contributing to an unacceptably frequent occurrence of farmer suicides in India,” just as the National Post does – and to no one’s surprise, references the very report the recipient of Monsanto’s laundered funding published.

And while big-agri attempts to deflect attention away from the impact of genetically modified crops, the big-agri chemical racket even without the use of GMO has resulted in the ruination of farmers nationwide not just in India, but in nearby Thailand as well. Were big-agri’s miracle cures as good as they claim, farmers worldwide would be enjoying unprecedented, undeniable prosperity, rather than constantly living upon a razor’s edge, and more often than not falling into the abyss all together.

India’s Grassroots are Fighting Back

The above mentioned farmers’ wishlist is just one of many direct actions being pursued by grassroots activists across India. The growing backlash against big-agri is what necessitates the elaborate and expensive deceptions Monsanto and others in big-agri have found themselves increasingly dependent on for increasingly tenuous results.

Events like New Delhi’s “National Seeds Festival” raise awareness of the already existent biodiversity found across India and facilitate networking between organic farmers. The Hindu reported in its article, “Sovereign seeds showcase unique biodiversity,” that:

The farmers announced the formation of a National Seed Savers Forum to strengthen conservation and breeding. They plan to impress upon the government the need to promote diversity conservation and prevent bio-piracy and corporate monopolisation.

It also added:

Dr. Deb said indigenous farmers have paddy varieties that are rich in Vitamin B, but the government ignores them and goes for the GM Golden rice variety being developed by Monsanto. He lamented that nutritious foods, crops and millets are being allowed to disappear.

“We have displayed the richness of India’s biodiversity and seed sovereignty here in the city so that the urban class can appreciate what we have and understand what we stand to lose,” said Kavitha Kuruganti of the Alliance for Sustainable and Holistic Agriculture. “Millets,” she said, “were wiped out because the government is promoting cereals.”

Like elsewhere, organic farmers realize that the government has been, and most likely always will be bent to the will of both domestic and foreign corporate-financier special interests. Getting organized and engaging in increasing degrees of direct action is the only way to influence public perception and protect both their own livelihoods as well as the genetic heritage of their nation’s agricultural resources.

Big-Agri’s Weak, Predictable Counterstrokes

India’s growing anti-big-agri grassroots movement have produced anti-GMO celebrity Vandana Shiva, whose popularity and impact has grown to such a degree internationally, that Wall Street and London’s corporate-financier funded policy think tanks have dedicated entire columns in Western newspapers denouncing her.

GMO peddler Jon Entine of the corporate-funded Neo-Con American Enterprise Institute (AEI) penned “Vandana Shiva, Anti-GMO Celebrity: ‘Eco Goddess’ Or Dangerous Fabulist?” in Forbes, claiming:

Vandana Shiva is a prominent Indian-born environmentalist who has emerged as one of the world’s most prominent critics of conventional agriculture and biotechnology. In the most recent sign of her iconic status, earlier this month, Beloit College in Wisconsin conferred on her a prestigious honor as the Weissberg Chair in International Studies, calling her a “one-woman movement for peace, sustainability and social justice.”

Whether that accurately describes Shiva is debatable—there appears to be a sizable gap between her self-representations and the subjects she claims to be an expert on. However her status as a celebrity activist is not in question. Shiva’s unbridled opposition to GMOs has made her a favorite in liberal and environmental circles. She hopscotches the globe, making frequent appearances at anti-GMO rallies, on college campuses and on lecture tours…

Entine then engages in a rambling, irrelevant attack on Vandana Shiva before regurgitating big-agri’s tired and untrue defense of their demonstrably destructive global practices. While Entine damns Shiva for criticizing GMO and the multinational corporations pushing them, he offers no alternative explanation as to why farmers and food security remain in such a precarious state, or why a large and growing movement is forming against him and his corporate-financier backers.

The use of ineffective, transparently compromised propagandists like Jon Entine, is a sign of weakness from the West’s big-agri racket. The success of Vandana Shiva and the growing movement she is a part of in India gives hope to millions around the world trapped under the boot of multinational corporations like Monsanto, Syngenta, Dow, DuPont, Bayer, and Cargill.

The answer is not simply protesting and demanding from “elected officials” the end of abuses and exploitation by these corporations, but to fill the strategic space in which they operate with pragmatic solutions, alternative paradigms, networks, economic models, market places, and public perception driven by grassroots. Once these are in place, there will be no more room for foreign interests to operate. The successes of India’s organic anti-GMO movement will then serve as a template for other movements to follow – including those seeking justice and protection from big-pharma and big-energy. India’s successes, like those demonstrated elsewhere around the globe, serve as inspiration for others beyond India’s borders.
It was in India where Mahatma Gandhi challenged the might of the British Empire, not with armed resistance or deadly protests in the streets, but by short-circuiting the paradigm of dependence imposed upon India by its foreign occupiers. The echo of his famous marches to the sea where his followers produced their own salt in defiance of British taxes and regulations can be heard across the organic food movement which seeks independence from foreign multinationals in the development of India’s food security.

Just as the British Empire had done to India economically and sociopolitically, big-agri and other multinational corporate rackets are attempting to impose similar models of servile dependence via patented, monopolized biotechnology. Just as the British used any and every excuse imaginable to defend its colonial practices and undermine the champions of freedom and justice that opposed them, Western multinationals are doing likewise today, as seen in the toxic columns penned by the likes of Jon Entine of the American Enterprise Institute and the dishonest assessments published in the National Post.

And just like the British Empire was fighting an ultimately futile battle against a people who had awoken and who would never again sleep in the colonial dreamworld they had constructed, the people of India today are pushing out multinationals and building a wall against their return.
Tony Cartalucci, Bangkok-based geopolitical researcher and writer, especially for the online magazine “New Eastern Outlook”

11 March 2014

The Quest for The Soul

by Amoraea Dreamseed
March 4, 2014
from WakingTimes Website

The Quest for the Soul, for some greater purpose and design to our existence, is written into the fabric of our psyche.

Hardwired not only into our psyche, but also in our very biology, is the drive to 'spiritualize' matter, to make it a more complete and self-aware expression of the Creator.

Though our soul's great weave spans many more worlds and dimensions than just the surface of planet Earth as a human, it is here in these bodies that a pivotal transformation and anchoring of certain teachings, assimilations, and purpose will occur.

For us to get a true sense of what is happening during this massive shift in culture, environment, and consciousness on the planet right now, all must be put into the context of a shamanic or spiritual awakening - 'The Hero's Journey' as Joseph Campbell would term it.

There must be a death for the new greater Self to emerge.

But the graduation of the self into 'Enlightenment' or 'spiritual illumination' is not a new reality - awakened masters have blessed cultures throughout the ages, from Christ to Buddha, from the Yogis of India to the Sufis of Persia, and the Taoist Immortals in China…

No, the new prospect occurring on the planet now is the globalization of consciousness and the building of our awareness as an entire species into something greater.

There are certain cycles within humanity's evolution where the energetic wave of time propels us to become something more than we have been - not just a maturing of our species, but an actual LEAP into a whole new stage of being.

For instance, the birth of Homo Sapiens, the rise of agriculture and its shift in our way of life, the birth of civilization around Egypt and Sumeria, the concept of monotheism from pantheistic beliefs… these are huge rings within the growth of our "Tree of Life."

Could we be at the cusp of another leap?

Are we about to make a species-wide leap from Homo Sapiens to Homo Divinicus, the 'Divine Human', or will we incinerate ourselves in a smolder of self-destruction?

By the Mayan understanding of time, 2012 was to be the closing and opening point of a huge cycle of Creation, much like the Vedic Indians believe about the Yuga Cycles which were connected to the Inbreath and Outbreath of Brahma or Creator.

We are now on the out-breath of the 2012 closing of a 26,000 year time cycle, where everything that we have created is tested against the fire of Brahma's Truth, and action must now be taken!

Whether for an individual or a whole species, any massive transformation is a very tenuous experience - we're not who we have been anymore, and we are at the cusp of becoming something else we are not quite yet… It is during these times we get a true sense that something beyond our little self is at the 'helm of the ship.'

From all sides of the new scientific frontiers, we are waking up to the fact that our entire species is much like individual cells that form a larger biological entity (humanity). There is a biological 'internet' that links all human beings not only to each other, but to Gaia/Earth as our parent organism.
Could it be that we as a species are actually guided by our future, and that some phenomena taking place beyond our perception of present-time is steering the ship of humanity towards a course that has an intelligent goal beyond our individual minds' conception?

Quantum Physicists and those studying Black Holes talk about attractor points and event horizons.

As we know from Einstein, space and time are not separate but are actually one entity we call space-time… in a black hole, even time collapses! Perhaps certain points in time are like black holes with their own gravity that influences the cycles of time close to it.

One thing is certain - time appears to be speeding up! Information is becoming accessible faster, technology is advancing exponentially, and in similar fashion, many people's souls are also waking up rapidly to their higher nature.

Above and beyond any shift happening on the outside in the world's conditions, is the shift happening within our souls because of the quickening of energies brought by this evolutionary thrust.

Many are being jolted awake from the slumber of their 'previous' life, which can quickly deconstruct and decay amidst the higher vibrating force of the Soul anchoring. It's almost as if there is a second reincarnation of the soul into the adult awareness, a process which we weren't cognitive of when first born.

I call the soul's original design our 'Divine Blueprint' - it is the unchanging deathless part of us that here in human time is becoming more and more aware of itself… in a sense we are getting glimpses of our perfect nature and we are letting that perfect awareness (of our Soul) transform the body and the mind to match it.

Right now, we are working on opening up our whole being to allow more light to infuse it, transform it, and then pour through it to share with others - to share with the collective body of humanity.

The emphasis in engaging our Divine Blueprint is equally and ALL-ways on both personal and planetary activation. More and more we are recognizing ourselves as a seamless inseparable whole in which all personal evolution is simultaneously done for the collective.

We are entering an alliance in which the planet's Ascension is firing up through our individual circuits to complete a planet-wide project of Awakening.

We lift into a higher dimensional awareness so that our consciousness scopes beyond the personal and yokes into a transpersonal, collective serviceship. Literally, we are building a 'ship' through which humanity as a whole can travel in to another bandwidth of being!

It may be nothing new - humanity may just be coming on track to the common evolutionary route that consciousness takes once a species' nervous system and genes reach a certain level of capacity and maturity around its local sun. But for the species involved in this chrysalis process, it is a supremely spectacular event of awakening to its next step within the growth spiral!

All evolution occurs first through those pioneers riding the crest of new consciousness who will set the next Divine Blueprint of the emerging global community.

First we must recognize ourselves as those pioneers by acknowledging and acting from our own sovereign power as an 'Ambassador of Light.' The more our own crystalline luminous body is developed and activated, the more easily we can connect to the planetary Grid.

We help stabilize the Grid together through optimizing our own central axis and sustaining high frequency!

We must anchor the potency of our divine presence enough to realize we have the power to manifest, guide, and direct the frequency wave of enlightenment onto the shores of collective humanity. We set the tone for the next harmonic attunement of Planet Earth, and ensure that the highest possible timeline of our global destiny prevails over the ignorance of selfish tendencies currently gripping the planet.

A species-wide shift happens because the collective field is being fed and informed by the cresting wave of those souls at the bow of our evolutionary ship - souls such as you who are questing for the timeless truth!

As we know, the immense tidal pull of the fear paradigm still rampant in humanity's collective psyche does not make surfing towards this new frontier an effortless ride - it demands an active command of our Higher Self with a 'motion of devotion' every moment to steer clear of the denser whirlpools of energies and thoughts and instead sail masterfully by using our spiritual compass.

However, when we are truly in our Light, we drop the notion that we need to change anything and that there is even an 'I' who is doing things anyway. A singular focus on Truth and Self-Realization naturally unites all of our 'personal' actions of dedication to the Light, with the greater upliftment of all beings.

In a sense, you can't help but be part of the change if you are God-centered… it's the nature of the web!

09 March 2014

The Nature of The Spirit and The Soul

by Jade Wah'oo Grigori
from Shamanic Website 

I will begin this article with two fundamental descriptive definitions of Spirit and Soul.

So very often I hear people speak of Spirit and Soul interchangeably; at other times I find that when discussing Spirit and Soul we are using fully different references, resulting in confusion.

The definitions that follow are, for the sake of clarity, what I mean when using the terms Spirit or Soul.


Spirit is pure, eternal and non-corruptible. Awareness is the nature of Spirit.

The essence of Spirit is frequency. In manifest form it is expressed as light and resonance. As the frequency of Spirit interpenetrates a field of life force (Soul) it sets that field resonating in a range of vibratory patterns that are made manifest as matter.

Awareness in manifest form is expressed as Consciousness.


Soul is comprised of life force and carries the imprint of experience and intent that is imparted to it by Spirit and the Body/Mind consciousness.

This imprint is carried from lifetime to lifetime, though not always in conscious memory. Soul-force is mutable, that is it can be affected upon to be either life-positive or life-negative.

This alteration occurs as a consequence of life experiences that may bring forth either joy or pain. Joy is the direct felt-experience of Spirit's activation of our life force moving and pulsing through our body.

When we act, choose or are influenced in a manner that is contradictory to our Spirit's purpose we experience pain.

An investigation into the nature of the Soul is paramount in our understanding of how we can most effectively come into alignment with our Spirit's desire.

The function of the Soul is to guide and direct the Body/Mind consciousness, the ego, into a path of life that allows for the Spirit to best express itself. Spirit impels the Soul as to the direction it needs to take.

The natural impelling drive of the Soul is towards change, movement and growth in attunement with the Spirit's desire. This drive is experienced by every one of us as Death. That is, to the invested ego-consciousness any movement towards change, a relinquishment of the status quo of our attitudes and cherished beliefs, is perceived by the Body/Mind consciousness as an impending death.

When the impelling drive of the Soul towards change is thwarted by our entrenched attitudes and attachments the force of that drive rebounds upon itself, now coming forth as a compulsion to suicide.

By suicide I do not necessarily mean an overt and conscious attempt to kill one's self, but rather a panoply of self-destructive behaviors and conditions arise, for the Soul will have its way, even if it means removing the current Body/Mind out of the picture in order to provide the Spirit with another chance, through incarnation in a new life, in order to proceed with the Spirit's desire to bring it's purpose forth in manifest expression.

An example of this drive of the Soul to affect change, and what happens when that change is denied by our Body/Mind, may help to elucidate this information:

When we are in a situation where we have acted in contradiction to our Spirit's desire, we experience a twang of conscience. When we suppress the message that conscience conveys, ignore it and carry on in spite of it, then we feel shame and guilt.

Conscience is the Soul acting upon our Consciousness to bring alignment with our Spirit back into balance. Guilt and shame are the consequences of Soul denied.

Imagine the three Souls as being one side of a hinge, the Body and Mind comprising the matching other side of that hinge.

When the Souls and Body/Mind are in alignment with each other the hinge pin of the Spirit can fit through, allowing the hinge to serve its intended purpose. If something is out of alignment, whether it be the Body, the Mind or one of the Souls, the hinge pin may still fit through, but the hinge squeaks and creaks.

In these situations there will be dysfunction in the corresponding arena of the person's life.

If a hinge piece is missing or bent way out of center, the pin of Spirit is unable to fit through. When this occurs there will be the resultant disability of the individual's life and experience and incapability of function in that area of life.

This is not a black and white situation. The affected person may function quite fine intellectually, for example, but be fully dysfunctional emotionally.

Every person has their own Spirit's path. The choices we make, as well as the circumstances that befall us in life, and how we handle them, determine our alignment with our Spirit's path.

Poor choices and unfortunate situations of violation and the disrespect of our sanctity, the manipulations allowed by us in our state of not knowing better, divert us from harmonious congruence with our Spirit's calling. To the degree that we diverge from our path we create a separation between our life and spiritual calling.

It is in the gap between our life and Spirit that dysfunction, disease and despair find fertile ground.

Soul seeks to draw us back into alignment with that path. When we experience those difficulties and impediments in our life, when we are plagued with misfortune, ill health and dysfunction, these are often indicators that we are out of alignment with our Souls' Calling.

The appropriate resolve is to bring our life, through our choices, into a greater alignment with our Spirit's purpose.

When we can recognize the course that our life would follow were we to surrender into the Soul's movement to bring about change, we are in a greater awareness of what the purpose of our Spirit might be.


We have three Souls, or aspects of one Soul:

the Earth Soul

the Underworld Soul (Dream Soul)

the Celestial Soul (High Self)

The Earth Soul is the one that we communicate with on a day-to-day basis and is the residing place of our short-term memory.

With this Soul we make connections in a logical manner, recognizing patterns and associations and grounding these perceptions into the Body/Mind as conscious awareness.

The Underworld Soul, or Dream Soul, is the Soul from which we dream. As our senses shut down at night our attentions shifts into the Dream Soul. Our remembered experiences of this Soul and its activities are what are translated to us in the waking state as dreams.

It is within the Underworld Soul that we store our life force that we generate each and every day. This charge of life force, or Power, as we refer to it Shamanically, resonates with our thoughts, feelings, impressions, experiences and perceptions; that is, memories. The Underworld Soul is the place where our long-term memories are stored.

Our Celestial Soul is the High Self through which we receive spiritual guidance and direction in our lives.

When our attention is moved into the Celestial Soul we experience flying dreams, dreams of the transcendental and visions which alter our perceptions of, and approaches to, life forevermore.


Trauma, neglect of our basic needs, the experience of not being received into the world with honor and joy, loss of consciousness, such as in a blow to the head or severe black-outs due to drugs and alcohol, all can instigate a condition we recognize as a loss of the Soul.

When we exist in life with an aspect of our Soul disconnected or missing we suffer the consequential disruptions and difficulties that arise from being only partially 'here'.

The nature of the specific dysfunction is determined by which Soul has departed.

When the Earth Soul leaves the person experiences,


being ungrounded,

unable to fully make logical connections between events and data,

and a strong sense of not being whole.

Short-term memory is hazardous; the individual chronically forgetful, unable to remember the name of a person just met, where the keys to the car are placed, unable to recall the message of the last paragraph just read.

When the Earth Soul is gone the Underworld Soul moves from its native position in the Dream Realm and takes up residence in the place of the Earth Soul. As a consequence the individual often finds that life's daily events take on a dream-like quality, as if one were moving through a theatre production.

Walking into a social situation the person whose Earth Soul has been replaced by the Dream Soul has an overwhelming intuitive understanding of the mythic dynamics of the interactions they are greeted with.

Minor events take on connotations of high significance.

While we all have moments of this type of perceptual capability, the person whose Earth Soul is missing must live in the non-ordinary world each and every moment and usually finds it very disconcerting.

If it is the Underworld Soul that is disconnected or missing the symptoms are very distinct from that of a person's experience of their Earth Soul being gone. As the Underworld Soul is the point of attention from which we dream, the person has dream difficulty.

This difficulty may be an inability to recall dreams, or having no dreams at all.

Dreams may be disturbing, dreams of being chased, imprisoned, tortured, lost and adrift, unable to find one's way back home. As the Underworld Soul is the storehouse of our Power, when that Soul is out of sync we no longer have easy access to the life force stored there. (This is rather like having money in your bank account, but you have lost your ATM card and can no longer readily withdraw what you need to survive.)

As a result we are lacking in energy to accomplish life's daily tasks, can't seem to get the passion fired up, living in a state of malaise. Neither do we have the life force charge to maintain our health; we become susceptible to colds, the flu, infections and the like.

It is this life force field that resonates with emotive thoughts, feelings, experiences and impressions: the stuff of memories. When the Underworld Soul is in a state of disconnect we suffer from long-term memory loss.

Specific chunks of our past may be blank or hazy when we consider them.

Our Celestial Soul, through which we receive spiritual guidance and direction in the unfoldment of our lives, carries the blueprint of who we are in this life. The Celestial Soul imparts the direct desire of the Spirit into our field of consciousness.

The Celestial Soul can also be called upon to act in our favor, recreating the circumstances and events of our lives in accordance with our intent. However, it can only do so when given a clear directive, as in a vow.

An example of this is,

"I choose radiant and vibrant health!".

With this statement of intent-full desire the High Self can then engage the forces of Creation to bring them into alignment with that desire.

The Celestial Soul awaits such direction. Its fulfillment comes in responding to our desire. In order for the High Soul to be able to respond, though, requires that we state clearly and unequivocally our intent.

If we state:

"I want to be happy",

...the Celestial Soul cannot act, for all we have done is engage in wishful thinking.

What we may want is not the same always as that which we choose. And, in addition, when we use the phrase 'to be', we are putting our desire out there some other time in the future.

"I want to be happy," begs the question of "When?"

We must make our communication with our High Self in a positively phrased statement free of ambiguity, grounded in the present moment.

Conversely, to say "I am happy!" as if by stating our desire like it is already true, well, that is just plain lying. The response of the Soul to our lies is to withdraw, leaving us worse off than before.

In the contemporary cultures of today's world we are not taught the proper usage of language for commune with our Soul, if such a concept even exists!

The original intent and purpose of the gift of Language is for intimate commune with our own Soul, a means of bridging the chasm that exists between Body/Mind consciousness and Awareness.

Next then is Language a vehicle for communing between your Soul and mine and another's.

Only somewhere way down the line is Language intended as a way of transmitting data and information. Unfortunately the tables have been turned so that the emphasis, nay, the only use of language, is to convey mere data.

To reclaim this knowledge, and put it into practice, is to reclaim our rightful heritage as spiritual beings!


When, through trauma or neglect, the Earth Soul departs from integration with the other two Souls, becomes disanchored from the Body/Mind, it tends to stay here in the earthly domain, in the realm of physical construct. In essence it becomes a ghost.

Almost always the Earth Soul will retreat to a place, an environs, in which the person had come to associate a feeling of safety, acceptance and security.

This might be a tree that as a child the individual would climb high into to 'get away from it all', a favorite creek-side 'special place' where no one would find freedom from being bothered.

Or the Earth Soul may find that place of security in Gramma's house, away from the turmoil and abuse of our parental home. For some, who come into utero and find violence and rage awaits them; they may even retreat back into the 'In-Between Place' between one incarnation and the next.

Wherever the person identifies as 'safe', the Earth Soul will go.

Rehabilitation of the Earth Soul back into integration with the other Souls and the Body/Mind requires that the Soul first be located. As the Soul that is lost has not matured beyond the age at which it departed, it must be entreated with care, so as to not frighten it. It must be lovingly convinced that it is safe to go home.

When rapprochement has been reached between the Soul Retriever and the Earth Soul itself, arrangements must then be made with the Spirits who have been taking care of the lost Soul.

Very frequently the caretaker Beings have adopted the Soul as one of their own. It is with both joy, in seeing that the Soul will finally get to return to its rightful place of being, and sadness, at the leaving from their midst a loved one, that these Earth Spirits find themselves. Offerings and vows, on behalf of the person who is experiencing the reintegration, to maintain a healthy continued contact with these loving Beings, are necessarily made.

With a full and complete reintegration brought forth, the person, once disconnected and spacey, will immediately begin to feel whole and present.

Retrieval of the Underworld Soul brings with it its own unique set of variables. When the Underworld Soul is slammed out of sync, again through trauma, abuse, loss of consciousness, the death of a close and loved companion or family member, or anything which will thrust one into a state of shock, it departs into the realm of Dream.

The Dream World's essence is that of symbol, myth and correlative significance.

When we are dreaming everything that transpires is quite real to us. It is only upon awakening that we, sometimes with a swipe of the brow and a sigh of relief, are able to declare that 'it was just a dream'.

Whilst in the dream, there is no such escapism. In the Dream World everything we have engendered in life is met in its symbolic manifestation. Fears show up as monsters, guilts as demons. The love we have brought into existence appears as angelic beings of protection and beauty.

Make no mistake about it, these beings are real. They cannot be brushed off as fantasy figures.

A 'demon' or 'advocate' is a personal symbolic construct and is fully responsive to, and created by, our own state of being. And there are fully autonomous Beings in the Dream World that are not of our personal symbolic construct. They exist as manifestations of the collective human consciousness.

A 'Demon' or 'Advocate' is an autonomous Being of which we have very little or no control through the restructuring of our personal psyche.

During an Underworld Soul Retrieval the Soul Retriever will locate the lost Soul. Then, depending on where the Soul is, what it is undergoing and in which realm of the Underworld it is found to be, appropriate action is taken on behalf of the person to engage their Dream Soul and embrace it so as to safely bring it back home to its natural residing place.

Often the Soul is just wandering, adrift in fantasies, asleep. Sometimes the Soul is awake and adrift, often scared because it knows that it is disconnected and can't find its way home. In these situations the Soul Retriever simply embraces in loving care the Soul and brings it on home.

There are those Beings, Advocates, that keep a look out for lost Souls. They will take in and care for these Souls, rather like an orphanage.

If this be the situation the Soul Retriever must present their credentials (as the one who's Soul is lost, as Shaman, or Psychopomp) as well as the authority to be there on behalf of the person, if it is other than one's self.

The authority I refer to is permission given directly by the party asking for help. When credentials and authority are presented the Advocates will release the care of the Soul to the Soul Retriever.

The Soul is then returned safely home to its rightful place of relationship with the Body/Mind and other Souls.

There are also those entities, Demons, who keep an eye out for lost Souls. They will track down, hunt, snare, imprison and torture the Souls they capture. This torment is experienced in the person's life as emotional flare-ups and disability, outbursts of unknown sourced rage followed by deep depressions, constant misfortune and turmoil.

Those usurpers then feed upon the emotional turmoil that is generated by the torment of the person's Soul. They are the vampires, not of fang and claw, but of emotion and Soul Force.

When the Soul is found to be ensnared the Soul Retriever must then present credentials and authority. Most often the Demons will immediately release the Soul and back off.

Sometimes, however, a Demon who has fed upon the Soul Force of many, many unfortunate Souls and has become bloated with Power, and arrogant, refuses to release the captured Soul.

In that situation the Soul Retriever must be able, capable and willing to be as a Warrior on behalf of the ensnared Soul, doing whatever it takes to secure the freedom of that Soul. What must be understood here is that what ever happens to the Soul Retriever there, in the Dream World, happens to their own body here in the earthly realm.

Should the Celestial Soul become loosed from the Body/Mind, death is imminent within three days.

As the Celestial Soul begins its loosening, the individual goes into coma, drifting in and out of consciousness, speaking of visions and meetings with the dead that others around them are all too ready to ascribe to being hallucinations.

As long as the Earth and Underworld Souls are present, or retrievable, a person's Celestial Soul can be brought back and death averted.

Clearly these things I am describing, and the approaches, are not intended to be a 'how-to' guide. Such a course is foolish. I am here only seeking to bring awareness, in depth, to a topic that has very little understanding in the world at large.

These are activities for trained professionals who are well familiar with these practices, have the necessary spiritual back-up and lots of previous experience in traveling in the aforementioned realms in a state of full awareness.

As I have only given reference to the basic structure of activities in performing an authentic Soul Retrieval, to try and actually do a Soul Retrieval from the information presented would be akin to trying to drive a car without knowing about Stop Signs, Red lights from Green, brakes from the gas pedal.

08 March 2014

The Rothschild Illuminati Colonization of India

ShelleyKasli / April 14, 2013

India was once a rich country, it was called ‘Sone Ki Chidiya‘ (Bird of Gold) in the ancient world and it was this reputation that attracted both travelers and invaders. 

That was before the East India Company was granted the Charter to trade with India. Below is an account of what followed after that.

1600 - The East India Company was granted the Charter to trade with India 

1608 - During this time ships belonging to the company arriving in India docked at Surat, which was established as a trade transit point. 

One of a pair depicting views of Surat, India, suggesting the healthy maritime trade of a busy Dutch East Indies factory port at the height of its success in the mid 17th century. Dutch merchants had established themselves with monopoly powers in the East Indies and trading stations on the mainland of India and Ceylon. This resulted in considerable hostility between the Dutch and English companies. The artist’s attempt to capture the admixture of familiar ships in the exotic surroundings of a Dutch settlement in India is particularly evocative. The fortified town of Surat can be seen with ships at anchor on the right and centre, and with smaller craft under sail on the left. National Maritime Museum, Greenwich, London 

In the next two years, the Company built its first factory in south India in the town of Machilipatnam on the Coromandel Coast of the Bay of Bengal. 

1750 - The East India Company started cultivating Opium in Bengal and Bihar to finance its own private army of almost 2 lakh soldiers. The destruction of food crops in Bengal to make way for opium poppy cultivation for export reduced food availability and contributed to the famine resulting in deaths of 10 million people. 

[ Read here for the complete Breakdown of Death Toll of Indian Holocaust caused during the British (Mis)Rule ]

1757 - Opium traders after hatching a conspiracy with Siraj-ud-Daulah, Yar Lutuf Khan, Jagat Seths (Mahtab Chand and Swarup Chand), Omichund and Rai Durlabh took over India after The Battle of Plassey establishing company rule in South Asia.

*Jagat Seth, Umichand and Dwarkanath Tagore (Rabindranath Tagore’s grandfather) were known as the ‘Rothschild of Bengal’ (Dwarkanath Tagore, Drug Lord of India deserves one full post) 

1780 - It was Warren Hastings, the first Governor General of India’s , idea to first traffic drugs to China.

The History of the Trial of Warren Hastings

Through 1790 - East India Company established a monopoly on Opium trade – and poppy growers in Indian could sell only to the East India Company. Thousands of Bengali , Bihari and Malva Indian farmers were forced to grow Opium. 

At the same time, there was commercial stagnation and trade depression throughout Europe. The directors of the company attempted to avert bankruptcy by appealing to Parliament for financial help. This led to the passing of the Tea Act. The arrival of tax-exempt Company tea, undercutting the local merchants, triggered the Boston Tea Party in the Province of Massachusetts Bay, one of the major events leading up to the American Revolution. 

Britain could no longer afford to buy tea from China in exchange for Silver. Opium was the free and easy option.

Trade Figures in Britain and US in 1700s

By the 19th century - British Queen Victoria was the biggest drug trafficker. Even Queen Victoria used Opium ( Laudanum ), and records exist in the Royal Apothecary at Balmoral, as to how many times Opium was passed on to the royal palace. A lot of British noblemen were Opium eaters. 

Now coming to the real question…

But first we need to understand who owned this East India Company.

Also, everyone knows how much gold and gems were looted from India by the East India Company…

…but let’s pause for a moment and ask another question; Whatever happened to all that gold ?

Well, to this day it lies in the basement of the Bank of England, which indirectly is the basis for the establishment of almost all of the banking institutions of India and also many around the world.

1708 - Moses Montefiore and Nathan Mayer Rothschild loaned the British Treasury £3,200,000 (used to service the debt owed the privately operated Bank of England operated by Nathan Mayer Rothschild), in return for an exclusive grant of trading privileges with all countries of the Indian and Pacific Oceans, between Cape Horn and Cape Good Hope for the newly chartered joint stock corporation which Rothschild controlled – the British East India Company. They always operate through joint stock corporations in order to conceal their ownership and avoid personal responsibility. 

Excrept from ’The Romance of the Rothschilds‘ by IGNATIUS BALLA (Page 79)

” When I settled in London,” Nathan Rothschild continued, ” the East India Company had eight hundred thousand pounds’ worth of gold to sell.

I went to the sale and bought it all. I knew the Duke of Wellington must have it; I had bought a great many of his bills at a discount.

The Government sent for me and said that they must have it. When they had got it, they did not know how to get it to Portugal.

I undertook all that, and sent it through France. It was the best business that I have ever done.” 

It should be kept in mind that it was the House of Rothschild who summoned Adam Weishaupt to begin and organize the formation of the Illuminati. In simple words the Illuminati through it’s initiates would infiltrate all aspects and organisations of human society and get into the key positions to exercise enough influence so as to bring about the New World Order. 

1844 - The Bank Charter Act was passed under the government of Robert Peel, which restricted the powers of British banks and gave exclusive note-issuing powers to the central Bank of England.

This meant that the Rothschilds were able to control more, because all the banks were now forced to use Bank of England notes, instead of their own. 

George Warde Norman was a Director of the Bank of England from 1821 to 1872, a key figure behind the Bank Charter Act of 1844. His vision was of increased human happiness through a wholesale reform of the revenue system founded upon direct taxation in the form of a comprehensive property tax.

1851/1853 – Later The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China was founded in London by Scotsman James Wilson following the grant of a Royal Charter from Queen Victoria.

The bank’s business dealt specifically with large volume discounting and re-discounting of opium and cotton bills. Although opium cultivation gradually increased in China, opium imports still increased from 50,087 picul in 1863 to 82,61 picul in 1888.

Transactions in the opium trade generated substantial profits for Chartered bank.,_Australia_and_China

The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China. The Calcutta Agency.

The same year (1853) The Mercantile Bank of India, London and China was established in Bombay by the Parsis who were the middle men (drug runners) (will be addressed in the next post) for the East India Company.,_London_and_China

Later, the Bank also became one of the principal foreign banknote issuing institutions in Shanghai; which we know today as the HSBC Bank.

Chartered Bank merged with the Standard Bank in 1969, and the combined bank became the Standard Chartered Bank. 

That same year the Government of India nationalized Allahabad Bank.

State Bank of India 

The SBI’s origins lay in Calcutta – the then capital of British India – when it was born as the Bank of Calcutta on June 2, 1806, mainly to fund General Wellesley’s wars against Tipu Sultan and the Marathas. It was renamed Bank of Bengal on January 2, 1809. Similar joint stock banks, the Bank of Bombay and Bank of Madras, came up in 1840 and 1843, respectively. 

In 1921, these banks with their 70 branches were merged to form the Imperial Bank of India. After Independence, several state-owned banks were merged with the Imperial Bank of India to form the State Bank of India in 1955. It is still known as State Bank of India.

1859 – James Wilson (founder of The Chartered Bank of India, Australia and China) was sent to India to establish the tax structure, a new paper currency and remodel the finance system of India after the revolt of 1857.

He is known as the forefather of the Indian Tax structure. 


Reserve Bank of India (RBI) was conceptualized as per the guidelines, working style and outlook presented by Dr Ambedkar (as we’re told, however the genesis lay somewhere else which will be discussed in the next post – Genesis of Reserve Bank of India) in front of the Hilton Young Commission. When this commission came to India under the name of “Royal Commission on Indian Currency & Finance”, each and every member of this commission were holding Dr Ambedkar’s book named “The Problem of the Rupee – It’s origin and it’s solution.”

An excerpt from - The Problem of the Rupee – It’s origin and it’s solution by Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.


“When the standard of value is standard metallic money the expansion cannot be very great, for the cost of production acts as a sufficient limiting influence. When a standard of value is a convertible paper money the provisions as to reserve act as a check on its expansion. But when a standard of value consists of a money the value of which is greater than its cost and is inconvertible, the currency must be said to be fraught with the fatal facility of indefinite expansion, which is another name for depreciation or rise of prices. It cannot, therefore, be said that the Bank Charter Act made no improvement on the Bank Restriction Act. indeed, it was a great improvement, for it substituted a currency less liable to expansion in place of a currency far more liable to expansion. Now the rupee is a debased coin, inconvertible, and is unlimited legal tender. As such, it belongs to that order of money which has inherent in it the potentiality of indefinite expansion, i.e. depreciation and rise of prices. As a safeguard against this the better plan was no doubt the one originally designed, namely of putting a limit on the issue of rupees, so as to make the Indian currency system analogous to the English system governed by the Bank Charter Act of 1844.

If there is any force in the line of reasoning adopted above, then it is not easy to agree with the opinion entertained by the Chamberlain Commission of the Exchange Standard. Indeed, it raises a query whether for all that the Commission said there is not somewhere some weakness in the system likely to bring about its breakdown. It therefore becomes incumbent to examine the foundations of that standard from a fresh point of view.”

Did Dr. Ambedkar get the real implications of the potential dangers of the Fractional Reserve System and Fiat Currency that has engulfed the entire planet ???

The answer is open to speculation and further research. 

Drug trafficking and the gold looted from India, Portugal, Brazil, China, Burma and other countries laid the foundations of the modern Monetary System.

But has it stopped yet?

Read here about the diabolical scheme Obama’s has in store for India for his second term – Unlocking the full potential of the US-India Relationship 2013

Read this recent report by Tahelka :

Globalisation is not a universal and secular creed…

It’s just a hangover from the Colonial Era.

In its day, the company occupied and manipulated the interstices of a truly global economy. Tea from China was bought with opium from India; Indian and later British textiles (made from cotton grown in India) purchased slaves in west Africa, who were sold in the Americas for gold and silver, which was invested in England, where the sugar harvested by the slaves ensured a booming market for the tea from China. The big winners sat in the City of London. The more numerous losers could be found in every corner of the globe.
- Mike Marqusee

“Wherever in the world any type of corruption starts,
it ends in London.”

Report by Shelley Kasli
Geo-Political Researcher


The CIA, Mossad and MI6 were not keen on Indira Gandhi.

Indira Gandhi was assassinated shortly after the 1984 Amristar massacre.

Britain's SAS regiment helped carry out the massacre in Amritsar in India in 1984.

Amritsar massacre

This is according to newly released official documents.

The documents show that a British SAS officer helped the Indian authorities come up with a plan, Operation Blue Star, to remove Sikh separatists from the Golden Temple in the city of Amritsar.

The documents show that Margaret Thatcher was fully aware of the SAS involvement.

Around 1,000 people died in the 1984 massacre.

The papers, seen by Labour MP Tom Watson, include a letter from a British government official disclosing India's request for British help, dated 23 February 1984.

The letter says: "The Indian authorities recently sought British advice over a plan to remove Sikh extremists from the Golden Temple in Amritsar.

"The Foreign Secretary decided to respond favourably to the Indian request and, with the Prime Minister's agreement, an SAS officer has visited India and drawn up a plan which has been approved by Mrs Gandhi.

"The Foreign Secretary believes that the Indian Government may put the plan into operation shortly."

On 8 Aug 1984, India's Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, condemned Sri Lankan President J.R. Jayewardene for bringing Mossad into Sri Lanka.

Two months later, Sikh separatists gunned down Indira Gandhi.

The leader of the Sikh separatists in the Golden Temple was Jarnail Singh Bhindranwale.

It is quite possible that he was working for the CIA, Mossad and MI6.

It's all about 'divide and rule'.

The SAS, Special Air Service, has a controversial history.



Lottie Moss

Britain's SAS trained the Khmer Rouge

Ben Griffin - Former SAS Trooper Banned speech


Barbara Palvin.

DEA Agent: American Government Backed Murderous Mexican Drug Cartel Between 2000 and 2012.

Iraq produces evidence showing Riyadh was behind Fallujah crisis.

British sovereignty 'at risk' from EU-US trade deal