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12 July 2014

Our Progenitors, The 'Pitaram' Orbit the Moon

by V. Susan Ferguson
June 21, 2014
from MetaphysicalMusing Website

In Sanskrit 'the Pitaram', our ancient progenitors - those 'forefather' colonizing beings, who came to this planet and took part in the creation and hybridization of the human races - are described by the Seer Rishi Dîrgatamas, who composed the following verse in the ancient Sanskrit text, the Rig Veda I.164.18.

The Pitaram are said to inhabit the Bhuvas region of the air and orbit the Moon.

Rig Veda I.164.18 [my rendering]
The progenitors of mankind, beyond in the heavens,
our forefathers, ancestors far distant remote in space.

[The 'Pitaram' are the progenitors of mankind and are said to inhabit the Bhuvas region of the air and orbit the Moon as regents of the Naksatras Maghâ (29˚Sagittarius to 9˚Capricorn) and Mûla (29˚Leo - 9˚Virgo) in the heavens above us.  
- M. Monier-Williams Sanskrit to English Dictionary, Vol. 1, page 911-12.]

Its Mouth [moving 'jaws' that speak the frequencies of sound potent with] atomic Knowledge [the metaphysics of atoms (anu), quantum particle physics] below, [here] in succeeding [Earth] time.

The enlightened, the ancient and alien [not from Earth],
wise, knowing, poet-seers, arrived here they say
prior to, beyond past future [our earth time],
thus [from] far beyond, in the remote constellation Capricorn [enâ],
[those] who gifted with the Insight of regulated tones of utterance,
[transformed] Mind thought-idea [as √vac] Sound-Light,
whence, out of which produced the born, here in this world.
The progenitors of human kind were far more advanced than we are today both in technology and metaphysical Wisdom-Knowledge.

They manipulated the spectrum of wave-form frequencies, plasma physics, magnetic fields, cosmic rays, etc. through sound modulation in order to coagulate, manifest and produce various forms, including modifying a planetary climate.

The colonizers of our planet Earth did not use combustion engines to traverse space or even atomic energy. Their technologies were far more advanced that anything we have yet to imagine and include the warping of time.

For example plasma is the most abundant form of matter in the Universe, thus there can be no plasma cartel. Using sound frequencies, our progenitors directed the Solar wind's plasma and other sources of plasma that continually flow through space, including gamma ray bursts and the explosion of stars.

Plasma has infinite conductivity and was focused, concentrated to their use. The Polar Regions, such as the Arctic Circle, receive the greatest intensity of solar plasma energy.
Planet Earth's dipole magnetic field acts as a natural concentrating conductor. In confluence with planet Earth's dipole magnetic field, ubiquitous plasma was funneled through the Polar Regions, through the earth's core, and into the pyramids located around the planet.

In that era, pyramids served as collectors and transducers, to create the torus and concentrate the resulting energies from plasma into an intense coherent path [reference Inanna Returns, chapter X, The Ekur].
"The only way to traverse the vast distances of space is to possess the means of manipulating or altering the very structure of space itself - altering the space-time geometric matrix, which to us provides the illusion of form and distance.

The method in achieving this lies in the alteration of the frequencies controlling the matter-anti matter cycles that govern our awareness or perception of position in the space-time structure. Time itself is geometric…

If time can be altered, then the whole Universe is accessible to us." 

Emulating the Progenitors

Sound has a wide spectrum of effects on all forms, subtle and solid, everything including water, our emotions and feelings.

The Rishis who composed the Rig Veda hymns knew this and sought to duplicate the technology of their progenitors. However, as time passed and mankind moved further down into the cycles of time, this knowledge was lost, veiled (vilaya) in layers of diminishing consciousness as,
"the crust of ritualism almost completely enveloped the deep spiritual meaning of the mantras" [R.L. Kashyap],
...until it became sheer uncomprehending memorized rote repetition, and finally fear-based superstition.

The priests were correct in keeping the mantras memorized precisely as they had been handed down over countless generations, because their power did remain locked in the sound.

The off-world implications regarding the progenitors orbiting our Moon referred to in this verse came as a complete shock to me. Let me assure the reader that I do not approach these sacred mantras with the intent that I am going to find evidence for the colonization of planet Earth.

In fact, my discovery of rocket fuel [in verse III.44.5] led me to put away my research and renderings for a time. Some will say that an off-planet bias is my ingrained filter because of my having seen over 30 UFOs and the visions that formed the book, Inanna Returns.

Yes I agree that my experiences have shaped my perspective.

This is the same for everyone. I make no apology, but I want to emphasize as I have in the past, that in connecting the Rig Veda with the off-world colonization of our blue-green planet, I intend no lack of respect.

Surely my continued reverent study shows that I sincerely honor the Rishis and their sacred praise-hymn mantras.


The Arctic Home in the Vedas

When I first approached 'The Arctic Home in the Vedas' by the great Indian scholar and freedom fighter Lokmanya Bâl Gangâdhar Tilak, I simply did not have enough background understanding to properly absorb his comprehensive controversial research.

A wider reading on the Rig Veda from multiple sources has made Tilak's subtle detailed intricacies of citing numerous individual verses more accessible to me. And I must say a veritable gold mine of illumination.

For example contrary to some later views, Tilak says that the Rig Veda is not arranged in chronological order, therefore the hymns that are in the tenth Mantra may in fact predate the first.

Time appears to be almost irrelevant to the ancients and to the frustration of western scholars the Sanskrit texts usually disregard exact dates.

"…the Rig Veda, or we might even say the whole Vedic literature, is not arranged into different strata [he uses a geological term] according to their chronological order, so that we can go from one stratum to another and examine each separately.

The Rig Veda is a book in which old things of different periods are so mixed up that we have to work long and patiently before we are able to separate and classify its contents in chronological order."

Before the Ice

Another revelation from Tilak is a very subtle understanding that could only emerge from a scholar who had read the verses many times with an open mind.

Tilak says that the Rishi's are describing events that occurred in their remote past, as he says:
"…exploits are described in the Rig Veda as pûrvyâni or prathamâni, that is old or ancient.

In short the ancient hymns, poets, or deities, mentioned in the Rig Veda must have referred to a by-gone age and not to post-Glacial times… the subject matter was old [when the Rishis composed their hymns], that is, traditionally handed down to the poet from remote ages."
Thus according to Tilak there is,
"a distinct contrast between the births of gods on the one hand and the poet [seer Rishi] who may see the hymn in the later age… meaning that the subject matter of the hymn is an occurrence of the former age (yuga)."
Again to clarify, Tilak has said,
"…the deities whose exploits were sung in the hymns were considered to be ancient deities.

Nay, we have express passages where not only the deities but their exploits are said to be ancient, evidently meaning that the achievements spoken of in the hymns were traditional and not witnessed by the poet himself…"
The implication of this is that the Rishis carried in memory their already ancient primordial traditions and invoked them by composing the Rig Veda hymns.

The hymns were spoken, not written down, and held in memory for thousands of years. The Rishis placed themselves in higher states of consciousness, perhaps accessing the siddhi, [sravanadarshanam in Sanskrit] known in English as 'remote viewing' - and because their consciousness was so highly elevated, their superb hymns formed in rhyme, thus the various meters such as the Gâyatrî, Trishtup, and Jagatî the Rig Veda is famous for.

The Rishis were enlightened and through self-mastery entered into the ultimate Source, becoming 'That' as the God-within their Heart [anahata] pervaded their consciousness.

Yaska, the 6th century BCE grammarian, classifies the Rig Veda mantras in three distinct ways: the deity is addressed indirectly in the third person, or is directly addressed as if the seer is speaking to the deity right in front of him.

The third reflects the highest state of God-consciousness, in which the Rishi seer,
"may identify himself with the god who comes for praise, and speak about the god in the first person as if he is the god himself. The god is projected on oneself, or the seer lords over himself and becomes the god for the time being."
This is exactly what Bhagavad Gita XII.7 expresses in the Sanskrit 'mayyâveshitacetasâm' - which is the understanding that those whose consciousness has entered into the One, our eternal Being and Source, will be delivered from the confines of Time and Space as samsara, the death-transmigration-ocean.

Politics and Tilak's Arctic Home

Even though B.G. Tilak was a freedom fighter and instrumental in liberating India from British rule, sadly his extensive and detailed scholarly research on the Arctic in the Veda was cast aside by Indian politics.

After the British left, India naturally became more nationalistic; and from what I have understood reading diverse articles, Tilak's idea that the poet-seer composers of the Rig Veda came from the Arctic Circle - and therefore not from India - understandably did not fit into the requirements of India's new nationalism.

Therefore I was pleased to find that R.L. Kashyap, who translated the entire Rig Veda and Yajur Veda, had some supporting kind words to say about Tilak's labours. Kashyap's translations reflect the esoteric theories of the mystic genius Sri Aurobindo and his brilliant disciple T.V. Kapâli Sâstry.

In 'Unveiling the Light in the Veda' Kashyap states that their interpretation of the Rig Veda is esoteric,
"based on the inner meaning of the hymns."
Kashyap says that there are multiple meanings. He does not believe that the outer meanings are the only meanings.

However an outer interpretation,
"could be helpful for drawing conclusions on the environment, age and other conditions of the ancient society of the Rishis or to unearth history and record. Similarly it may be possible to fix upon, following Mr. Tilak, the Arctic Home of Vedic Rishis…"
R.L. Kashyap is Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University in Indiana.

His impressive work on the Vedas is extensive, helpful and very informative. The fact that Kashyap was unwilling to brush aside Tilak's monumental research impressed me, because if you read Tilak with the necessary due diligence, you will be convinced as many in India were before politics submerged his ideas. In fact, Tilak's research was initially accepted.

In the Publisher's Note in the introduction to Tilak's 'The Arctic Home in the Vedas', John B. Morgan says that archaeology is subject "to the whims of fashion" like other fields of human knowledge.

Tilak's theory had an enormous impact for a time, but,
"it has become associated with the Aryan Invasion Theory, which now carries political baggage as a result of the National Socialists and others in ways unintended by its formulators.

In India itself, the idea also no longer holds currency with many Indian authorities, who view the Arctic theory as a conception cooked up by the colonial British to try to show that Indian civilization was merely the product of an earlier colonization carried out by similar conquerors from the North."
I am aware that my ideas of off-planet colonization may not be well received as politically correct by nationalistic Indian politics.

The publisher goes on to suggest that "once all of the political accretions which currently obscure its surface have faded" Tilak's research may once again receive serious attention, which I believe it deserves.

Sound-Light produced the 'Born'

Related to the emphasis on meter and sound in the Rig Veda hymns is the portion of my intuitive-translation of the above verse I.164.18:
[those] who gifted with the Insight of regulated tones of utterance,
[transformed] Mind thought-idea [as √vac] Sound-Light,
whence, out of which produced the born, here in this world.
Theories of sound are one of the most fascinating aspects of the Sanskrit texts.

There are numerous volumes of study dedicated to understanding sound and it's pervasive influence on consciousness. The Taittirîya Upanishad contains the Vedic rules on sound modulation, the proper pronunciation of word and laws of euphony.

The Mimamsaka ritualists such as Sayanarevered traditions of pronunciation to the point of exclusion of meaning. They understood that the sound vibrations produced during a ritual mattered. Unfortunately, the layered meanings were lost by then, and ritual repetition of sound was all they valued.

Because of this, some scholars are bewildered that Sayana would have chosen to write about the Rig Veda at all.


Sound in Kashmir Shaivism

The French Sanskrit scholar, André Padoux wrote on the theory of sound in 'Vâc, The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras'.

In Chapter 3, Padoux explains the manifestation of sound:
"The activity of divine consciousness which brings the universe into existence, and which…is pure light, Prakâsha, is often described…as a flashing forth, a radiance, a luminous vibration…

Manifestation, as it is born out of the Word and along with it, may be understood as a flashing forth (sphurattâ), which gradually becomes obfuscated… through a series of transformations and condensations of sound or phonic primal energy, which gradually brings forth (but in a never ending process, for it takes place beyond time) the manifested universe…"
The Kashmir Shaivite genius saint Abhinavagupta explains sound as 'ParâVâk' in his text Parâ-Trishikâ-Vivarana:
"The Highest Lord ever brings about [manifestation, maintenance, absorption, veiling, and revealing grace]… He is in fact the very Grace itself, being always equipped with His Supreme Divine Energy (Shakti)…[which] expresses in ParâVâk…

She (the Supreme Vâk) is, in the most initial stage, stationed in the Divine I-consciousness which is the highest mantra and which is not limited by space or time… by means of coagulation the subtle energies of consciousness assume the solid form of matter, but even in that thickened mass of matter, consciousness does not lose its nature, even as water in becoming ice does not lose its nature."
Alain Danielou in his Music & the Power of Sound quotes the Kashmir Shaivite Ksemarâja to elucidate metaphysical correspondences with sound:
"The bindu [the undifferentiated point of spiritual power containing the universe], wanting to manifest the thought It has of all things, vibrates, and is transformed into primordial sound with the nature of a cry (nâda).

It shouts out the universe, which is not distinct from Itself; that is to say, It thinks it - hence the word shabda… the supreme 'word' which sounds, vibrates, submitting all things to the fragmentation of life…"
"The universe is called in Sanskrit 'jagat' (that which moves) because nothing exists but by the combination of forces and movements. But every movement generates a vibration and therefore a sound that is peculiar to it…

Since each element of matter produces a sound, the relation of elements can be expressed by a relation of sounds."

Motion embedded within the Sanskrit letters

In the myriad realms of manifestation, beyond the stillness of origin, everything is motion. Therefore the Sanskrit letters themselves may be perceived as various types of motion.

In his Comparative Etymological Dictionary, Franco Rendich has interpreted the root meanings of Sanskrit letters as various forms of movement.
For example: the consonant 'k' is said to be "cosmic, curvilinear and enveloping motion."

The letter 'g' represents "winding motion, in various directions" and 'c' is said to be "circular motion" - thus we understand that the root meanings of Sanskrit words are made up of coagulated sounds holding power as motion, Shakti, creative action.

Pitaram in the Sanskrit dictionary

I have quoted directly from the M. Monier-Williams Sanskrit to English Dictionary [Vol. 1, page 911-12] this definition of the 'Pitaram' as the progenitors of mankind that are said to inhabit the Bhuvas region of the air and orbit the Moon as regents of the Naksatras Maghâ (29˚Sagittarius to 9˚Capricorn) and Mûla (29˚Leo - 9˚Virgo) in the heavens above us.

I do want to emphasize that I have not made this up, imagined or presupposed it. The verse is speaking of the Pitaram, our progenitors.
Progenitor is defined in the Oxford Dictionary as,
'a person from whom another person, family, or race is descended; an ancestor.'
So these 'Pitaram' are our progenitors, our ancestors, from whom we are descended.

They are said to inhabit a specific region of the air and orbit the Moon as regents of specific Naksatras. The 28 Naksatras are the astronomical and astrological demarcations of the constellations as sectors, which the Moon passes through.

Maghâ and Mûla are two, therefore we are told the precise location of origin in the heavens from whence these regents, our progenitors, came.

What's up on our Moon?

This reference in the Rig Veda to off-planet beings orbiting our Moon reminds me of Ingo Swan, the original remote viewer who worked with the Stanford Research Institute, SRI, and many government agencies for years.

In his book 'Penetration: The Question of Extraterrestrial and Human Telepathy' Swann tells of his involvement with a very secret government agency that asked him to remote view the dark side of the Earth's Moon.

He saw extensive buildings, roads, and human forms digging. Swann makes it very clear that our government is very much intimidated by these ETs.

He says to the government agent:
"They've somehow got you by the balls, haven't they? That's why you are resorting to psychic perceptions… They are NOT friendly are they?"
One wonders,
  • Why our progenitor ancestors are no longer friendly?
  • Have centuries of devastating human conflicts and the more recent poisoning of our own planet engendered a loss of faith in the worth of their creation?
  • Or are they just 'not friendly' to our military?

The Vayu Purana

The Puranas were written in the middle ages, therefore much later than the Rig Veda or the Upanishads, or the Mahabharata; and many scholars like R.L. Kashyap doubt their credibility.

However, they do contain descriptions of myriad other worlds, Lokasas worlds we might call hyper-dimensional or other-dimensional in the sense that they are not within the same vibrational frequencies as we earthlings experience.
Perhaps the entities in these realms do not share a similar physical density. All these worlds appear to be lit from within, meaning they do not have reflected light as we do here.

Vayu Purana, Part I, Chapter 53 - Arrangement of Luminaries:
73. There are crores [one crore = 10,000,000] of constellations and as many stars too.

75. The stars occupy their own abodes. These luminaries are the abodes of pious persons.

76. The abodes are created by the Self-born Deity at the beginning of the Kalpa. They stay up to the dissolution of all living beings.

77. These are the abodes of the deities in all Manvantaras. These deities identify themselves with these abodes and stay till the final dissolution.

78. The abodes of those who have gone have vanished.

79. In this Manvantara, the planets reside in aerial cars.
(This is a particularly intriguing verse because it suggests the idea of planets as space ships or a giant space station-mother ship that might not require an orbit.)

83. Svarbhanu… being a demon, harasses all living creatures. [There are myriad demon worlds as well, perhaps Reptilian or Borg-like.]
Vayu Purana
Part I, Ch. 1, Verse 93
The stars in the form of constellations are mentioned along with the planets wherein are situated the residences of the gods who have performed meritorious acts.

These Loka worlds are all realms contained within this universe - the Cosmic Golden Egg known as Hiranya-garbha.
The Puranas say that there are seven higher worlds and seven lower, but within these divisions are contained thousands of cities of the,
  • Nagas (serpents)
  • Danavas (giants)
  • Pisacas (eaters of raw flesh)
  • Raksasas (demons),
...and a multitude of other beings in a variety of possible existences.

These worlds all seem to have their own code of life that they adhere to, their own dharma, and the gods in the Puranas are often fond of the demons and have respect for them - when they are not at war with them, which happens repeatedly.

Thus the primeval idea of 'War in the Heavens' is a frequent subject in the Sanskrit texts. These wars are often reflected here on planet Earth. Even in the Mahabharata, the gods are said to be looking on during battles and showering brave warriors with flowers.

The Puranas also say that there are thousands of crores (literally millions) of these Cosmic Eggs universes!

Our own astronomers have recently said that there are at least 100 million planets capable of evolving ecosystems.
"…calculations are consistent with the widely-held assumption that the majority of exoplanets have a lower probability of hosting complex life than Europa, even a very low percentage of an extremely large number is high, and it is now recognized that the number of exoplanets is vast.

If we assume the existence of 10–100 billion exoplanets in the Milky Way Galaxy, with 1% of them capable of evolving ecosystems as complex as those that might have existed at some point on Europa, that computes to the possibility of at least 100 million planets that may have seen the evolution of some biological complexity in our galaxy.

Thus, this report constitutes the first quantitative argument that complex forms of life, while rare in frequency, are likely to be large in absolute number in our galaxy alone, and therefore throughout the universe."
There are billions of galaxies. Our Milky Way galaxy alone is home to at least 100 billion alien planets, and possibly many more.

It is unbelievably absurd to continue this delusion that we are alone in the universe!

Universes Float Like Bubbles in an Ocean

Maya, the divine power of the Lord, reflected by him externally appears… The Lord, covering Himself with it, conceals his nature of absolute purity and divinity.

…He sees everything through a viewpoint of diversity and forgets the divinity of His I-consciousness. Besides, Maya-tattva serves as the inanimate objective substance out of which all other insentient elements evolve.
It is thus the substantive cause of numerous universes floating in it like bubbles in an ocean.

with English translation & notes by Dr. B.N. Pandit
MunshiramManoharlal Publishers, 1991, New Delhi
  • Bruce Cathie: The Harmonic Conquest of Space; Adventure Unlimited Press, Kempton Illinois, 1998.
  • RGVEDA for the Layman, A Critical Survey of One Hundred Hymns of the Rigveda, with Samhita-patha, Pada-patha and word meaning and English translation, by Shyam Ghosh; Munishiram Manoharlal Publishers Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002, Nandi, Indira.
  • The Arctic Home in the Vedas, by Lokmanya Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Arktos Media Ltd., London, 2011. [PDF online]
  • RGVEDA DARSHANA - Volume Sixteen, Yaska's Nirukta, by S.K. Ramachandra Rao; Kalpatharu Research Academy, Bangalore, 2005.
  • Taittirîya Upanishad, With the original text in Sanskrit & Roman transliteration, translated with an Exhaustive Commentary by Swami Muni Narayana Prasad; D.K. Printworld Ltd., New Delhi, 1993.
  • Vâc, The Concept of the Word in Selected Hindu Tantras, by André Padoux, Translated by JaquesGontier; State University of NY, 1990; Sri Satguru Publications, A Division of Indian Books Centre, Delhi, India, 1992.
  • Abhinavagupta: A Trident of Wisdom, by Jaideva Singh; State University of NY Press, 1988.
  • Music & the Power of Sound, the Influence of Tuning and Interval on Consciousness, by Alain Danielou, 1943; Inner Traditions, Rochester, Vermont, 1995.
  • The VAYU PURANA, Part I
  • Translated & Annotated by Dr. G.V. Tagare
  • Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; Delhi, 1987
  • Comparative Etymological Dictionary of Classical Indo-European Languages, Sanskrit-Greek-Latin, by Franco Rendich, translated by Gordon Davis, [available at amazon kindle].
  • SAYANA'S METHODOLOGY IN INTERPRETING THE RGVEDA, by Dr. Indrani Kar, M.A., Ph.D., Reader & Head of the Department of Sanskrit, Scottish Church College, Kolkata; Debasish Bhattacharjee, Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Kolkata, 2005.
  • THE NIGHANTU and THE NIRUKTA of Sri Yaskacarya, The Oldest Indian Treatise on Etymolgy, Philology and Semantics; Lakshman Sarup; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers, Delhi,1967, 2009.
  • VEDIC ETYMOLOGY, A Critical evaluation of the Science of Etymology as found in Vedic Literature; by Prof. Fatah Singh, M.A., B.T., D.Litt.; Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan, Varanasi, 1952, 2008.
  • THE ROOTS, VERB-FORMS and PRIMARY DERIVATIVES of the SANSKRIT LANGUAGE, (A Supplement to His Sanskrit Grammar, 1879), by William Dwight Whitney; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd, Delhi, 1963 - 2006.
  • A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy, Sanskrit Terms Defined in English, John Grimes; Indica Books, 2009.
  • Sanskrit-English Dictionary, M. Monier-Williams; Two volumes, Recomposed and improved edition; Indica Books and Parimal Publications, New Delhi, 2008.

10 July 2014

Architects of Control

Produced by Michael Tsarion and Blue Fire Film, Architects of Control: Program One, explores humankind's future and the posthuman world.

Will the "perfect" human be a dumbed down, regimented inhabitant of a cyber purgatory created by unseen elites? Will the children of tomorrow be smiling depressives of a technocratic dystopia?

Subjects Include: Jim Keith, Mass Control, Mind Control and its History, Radiotronic Weaponry, Psychic Dictatorship, Mass Ritual Killings, The Men in White, Operation Cointelpro, Operation Chaos, Teen Rage, School Shootings, Media Manipulation, Sleeper Assassins, Project Monarch and MK Ultra, Operation Paperclip, Sorcery and Magic, The Cult of Dionysus, People's Champions, Astro-Theology, The Anatomy of Thought, Tragedy: Catalyst of Change, Global Awakening, The Myth of Progress, The Global Village, The Inauthentic Life, Drugged, Medicated, and Under Control, The Deconstruction Cycle, The Rise and Fall of Civilizations, The Death of Emotion, The Posthuman World Initiated, 2012: The Age of Revealing, Civilization: Rise and Fall, Psychic Hygiene, The Sane and the Unsane.

06 July 2014

Dealing with Fear

One is afraid of public opinion, afraid of not achieving, not fulfilling, afraid of not having the opportunity; and through it all there is this extraordinary sense of guilt; one has done a thing that one should not have done; the sense of guilt in the very act of doing; one is healthy and others are poor and unhealthy; one has food and others have no food. The more the mind is inquiring, penetrating, asking, the greater the sense of guilt, anxiety. 

Fear is the urge that seeks a Master, a guru; fear is this coating of respectability, which every one loves so dearly; to be respectable. Do you determine to be courageous to face events in life, or merely rationalize fear away, or find explanations that will give satisfaction to the mind that is caught in fear? How do you deal with it? Turn on the radio, read a book, go to a temple, cling to some form of dogma, belief?
Fear is the destructive energy in man. It withers the mind, it distorts thought, it leads to all kinds of extraordinarily clever and subtle theories, absurd superstitions, dogmas, and beliefs. If you see that fear is destructive, then how do you proceed to wipe the mind clean? You say that by probing into the cause of fear you would be free of fear. Is that so? Trying to uncover the cause and knowing the cause of fear does not eliminate fear.

(J. Krishnamurti, The Book of Life)

Why Is Evil In Such A Hurry?

by Elva Thompson
18 Jun 2014
from HearStarTheBooks Website

Titan! to thee the strife was given.

Between the suffering and the will,
which torture where they cannot kill;
and the inexorable Heaven;
and the deaf tyranny of fate,
the ruling principle of hate.

Which for its pleasure doth create,
the things it may annihilate,
Lord Byron

The Out-breath of the Earth The four days of the Summer Solstice, June 19-22nd are a time of great cosmic significance for humanity.

Over the solstice, the Earth's etheric body is drawn outwards by the heat of the sun into the heights of the universe, informing all beings in the cosmos of our Mother's sacred presence.
As the sun rises on the 21st of June, the living world of nature will rejoice in the glory of the sun. In the elemental kingdoms, the nature spirits will dance upon the fields and misty meadows.

Their nurturing work with earth's natural systems is done and after the Feast of St John, the 24th June, as the light begins to die, they turn inward and retreat into their hollow hills… waiting for the 'sun at midnight' when man sows seeds into the in-breath at the Winter Solstice.
The Shamanistic Dream and Vision
At one time, we were all tribal.
The shaman's of old knew that there was a network of celestial power points' across the planet. They called them song lines, dragon lines and ley lines and where they intersected were sacred sites, places of power and prophecy.


They marked these 'points of power' with stone circles, standing stones and sacred rocks.

They understood that the earth was a living, breathing being and were well aware that at certain 'sacred' times of the year, these 'special sites' were open to cosmic forces, great powers that infused celestial energies into the earth's grid renewing and sustaining all of life.
Even today, what is left of the aboriginal tribes know they have a divine responsibility to the living earth at these auspicious times. They are the humble guardians and protectors of the 'sacred',
The Black twins of Crown and Cross.
In Deuteronomy 12:2 we read that 'god' ordered the Israelites,
"to destroy all the places, wherein the nations whom you shall dispossess served their gods, upon the high mountains and upon the hills and under every green tree; you shall tear down their altars, and dash in pieces their pillars, and burn their Asherim with fire."

Basically the 'small god' ordered his minions to search for places of celestial power and possess them for the darkness.
The hidden, satanic rulers of our planet, learned of the Earth's grid and Logos from the ancient libraries that they plundered. They hoarded the knowledge of the ancient world, locking it away in dark basements for the predilection of the few.
The attack on the 'natural man'
All across the planet in the last five hundred years, tribal people have been systematically exterminated and enslaved.

Their places of power and renewal have been violently usurped by the twins of darkness,
-the Black Crown
-the Black Cross

The devil's twins use the high and holy places at the winter and summer solstice, the quarters, new and full moons, planetary alignments, to poison the Earth's grid with terror and human sacrifice, deliberately negating the frequency that bathes all life.
The onslaught on 'the natural man' began in earnest after the Black Church was established at the beginning of the Piscean Age, and together with the Black Crown they have systematically exterminated and enslaved tribal people across the planet.

The Black Church, Jesuit priests and the Christian factions that came after them, tortured and killed the wise men and women, healers, herbalists, midwives, branding them as witches.

The black priests oversaw the destruction of stone circles, secretly coveting the broken stones for their churches. They cut down sacred trees and groves, demonized the water elementals of springs and pools, and dug under the ground removing ore and precious stones, the electro-magnetic life blood of our Mother.

They attacked our 'native spirituality' on every level, turning our feminine, inclusive, earth based way of life, into the exclusive, male dominated ego madness of today's world.
The genocide of native people, the destruction of shamanistic knowledge, the rape of the earth, the decimation and manipulation of animal and plant life, our obsession with electronic gadgets that are quickly replacing meaningful conversations is, in my opinion, all part of a long laid plan that is coming to fruition at this time.

The new world order of trans- humanism.
It is obvious to those who have awareness that our species is under attack on every level. Engineered wars and bloodshed, the rise of brutal police states, electro-magnetic pollution, manufactured food shortages, droughts and storms, and the insidious poisoning of our air, water and food.

Fear, religion, poverty and drugs are the weapons that they use to keep us fearful, distracted and controlled. World events are escalating into madness.

Why is evil in a hurry?
This is my take on the situation.
The Reset of the Cosmic Year
At the end of the Cosmic Year of twenty six thousand years, the program resets for the next cycle.

In the second of cosmic time that it takes to reset the new program, the blocking frequencies of the moon and planets are weakened and we can attune to the multidimensional information and consciousness that has been so cruelly denied us.


The evolution of the life waves' as it is called lasts for four years and started on Dec 21st 2012 .

This window is only open for a short time during the re-setting of the program. Time is literally flying and the quickening of the spiritual realms are upon us. Our time is now.

The dark side knows it and they are in a panic.
The Return of the Light
There is a sleeping power within the human collective unconscious that is rising from its slumber. Our dormant faculties are awakening and we have an opportunity to rediscover the truth of what we are, and tear down the veils that have smothered us for eons.
All is energy and the truth is...
I care not for the scoffers, the nay-sayers and their third dimensional thinking. This understanding of the nature of our time, is a clarion call of the highest order to all that resonate on its frequency.
We must envision our dream of oneness, take back our sacred sites from evil, and liberate with our love and prayers the demonized earth and water elementals, that have been clothed in darkness by the servants of the Black cross and crown.
Once we begin to take an inclusive, spiritual view of our living earth, and understand the true meaning of the festivals, we can celebrate them with a new understanding of their cosmic significance and power.

This gives us a spiritual opportunity to commune with nature and attune to the titanic elemental forces within us… and without.
But, we have to take the initiative and seek out the nature spirits and petition them to help us at this time. They can turn a desert into paradise, in the blinking of an eye.
The elemental kingdoms are waiting for us to invite them into our lives… for are we not made up of earth, water, fire, air and space?


The rediscovery of the 'oneness' of life and our visioning of a lighter brighter world, is the wrecking ball that will smash the evil program called reality that has been created for us.

One person working with the celestial hierarchy is able to offset a thousand working against it…
We are spiritual beings, a living focus of celestial power… not the drip of water from a tap.
We are the storm troopers of divine will.
We are cosmic butterflies.

Reality and Experience: Morphic Fields and The Power Of Choice

By WakingTimes
July 4, 2014
Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor

If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” —William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell

Reality is virtually a symbolic representation of patterns of information. Notice the patterns and come explore the connections with the interlocking grids of consciousness that permeate the all that is.

As beings of limitless potential, we actually can choose where to resonate, which helps to shape our experiences. Resonate with fields of limitations, and limitations are what you will encounter within yourself and everything around you. Resonate with fields of limitless potential, and anything is possible. Through consciousness potential and resonance, we can expand our apertures of awareness to experience the full expression of ourselves as limitless beings. Through awareness, we can become more adept at recognizing the informational fields with which we are connecting that influence our experiences. What we take resonance with, takes residence within us.

Consider that experience is a function of light, information, and resonance. We are beings of light. That which is light interacts with information as potential through morphic fields of consciousness.

These interactions create connections or resonances with the information contained in morphic fields. What unfolds from the information within morphic fields of consciousness is, in turn, expressed through all of us as energy and experience.

We can gain in depth understanding of the science of morphic field resonance by referring to the extensive pioneering work of biologist Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D. His groundbreaking scientific theory on morphic fields has transformed how we understand consciousness, biology, and behavior. Practically speaking, morphic field resonance may also further explain the nature of change and transformation.

According to Dr. Sheldrake:

“The word morphic field comes from the Greek morphe, meaning form. Morphic fields organize the form, structure and patterned interactions of systems under their influence. . . .

All self-organizing systems are wholes made up of parts, which are in turn lower-level wholes themselves—such as organelles in cells, cells in tissues, tissues in organs, organs in organisms, organisms in social groups. At each level, the morphic field gives each whole its characteristic properties, and coordinates the constituent parts.

The fields responsible for the development and maintenance of bodily form in plants and animals are called morphogenetic fields. In animals, the organization of behavior and mental activity depends on behavioral and mental fields. The organization of societies and cultures depends on social and cultural fields. All these kinds of organizing fields are morphic fields.[i]“

“Consider that the experience of your personal reality will vary immensely depending upon your resonance with social, cultural, psychological, and even biological morphic fields. Social morphic fields overlap with cultural morphic fields that can, in turn, influence psychological and biological morphic fields, and vice versa.[ii]“

According to Dr. Sheldrake, a morphic field is “a field within and around a morphic unit.” In turn, a morphic field organizes a morphic unit’s characteristic structure and pattern of activity. He continues:

“Morphic fields underlie the form and behavior of holons or morphic units at all levels of complexity. The term morphic field includes morphogenetic, behavioral, social, cultural, and mental fields. Morphic fields are shaped and stabilized by morphic resonance from previous similar morphic units, which were under the influence of fields of the same kind.[iii]“
Morphic Fields of Habit

“Through repetition, the patterns morphic fields organize become increasingly probable, increasingly habitual. The force that these fields exert is the force of habit.” —Rupert Sheldrake, Ph.D.

“The force that these (morphic) fields exert,” states Sheldrake, “is the force of habit.”[iv] Hmmm? And we know that habits can be broken, changed, or transformed through awareness. And we know that new habits can be formed with finesse and focused intent.

Practically speaking, morphic fields serve as containers for consciousness; they hold patterned information that gives shape to our experiences. If morphic fields develop and evolve through similarity, repetition, and resonance, then consider that we can change our resonance with morphic fields in the same way that we change our habits. We can choose a different focus and change the programmed behavior. Through our intention and attention, without tension, we can affect our resonance with these fields of information that affect our experience.
Habituated Consciousness In-Forms Us

Consider the global morphic field of fear. In many aspects this field of fear is based on the fear of death. Not surprisingly, most fears actually stem from a core fear of death, which is a morphic field unto itself. With a bit of awareness, it is easy to observe that the morphic fields of religion and politics have been reinforced and perpetuated with and through the fear of death field.

The global morphic field of fear may have started long, long ago with a holon or a morphic unit of thought. Perhaps fear was simply an inherent, perceived threat to survival. After all, a hungry saber-toothed tiger used to be a realistic threat to survival. When challenged by a tiger, the fear of death resonated, as did the primal instinct to either run from or slay the tiger. In this sense, the fear was valid and a perceived matter of survival, not only of self, but of others, as well. When we perceive a threat to life, our autonomic nervous system takes over. We are super-revved with adrenaline and supercharged with a chemical rush of energy that enables us to respond with amazing speed, clarity, and precision.

When challenged by the presence of a tiger, imagine for a moment that our ancestors chose to run from the beast and, thankfully, survived. The gallant survivors would have shared with their tribal community the idea of this very real threat, which was based on a very real experience, and wisely advised everyone of the optimal known survival options, which were to either run from tigers or slay tigers.

Imagine that, as time went on, other tribal members encountered tigers while going about their daily rituals. Sensing fear, supercharged with adrenaline, and recalling the two optimal known survival options previously shared with the community, the threatened men chose to kill the tiger. Heroically, they returned to the village and glorified their hunting stories by inserting bits of creative and exaggerated details to impress the ladies.

Fear was now being further propagated throughout the community in conversational gossip regarding anything that might threaten survival. In addition, those individuals who had encountered a tiger decided to appoint themselves to encode and create rules for the rest of the tribe to keep everyone safe. With their newly self-appointed leadership roles intact, the great leaders again sensed, physiologically and energetically, a pumping and surging of adrenaline. Morphic units, as thoughts and feelings of power, were embedded into the growing morphic field of fear. It is easy to see how the morphic field of power structure was birthed and enabled to protect the community by exploiting the community’s vulnerabilities and fears. This power structure, in turn, created yet another morphic field, perceived safety.

As communal members ourselves, we are sometimes grateful for the programmed rules that encode for optimal and evolving options. As our options have evolved, we not only can run from tigers and slay tigers, but now we also can hide from tigers. We can also listen to our fearless newly appointed leaders and entrust our survival to the chosen ones who know because they have both encountered and survived a threat referred to as tigers.

It was not abnormal and is not abnormal for tribal members to become increasingly fearful given the limited available choices for tiger-survival. Through such debilitating fear, people become entirely dependent upon the directives of community leaders. This is how relinquishing the personal power of choice to our leaders evolves. This is often why we, as tribal members, succumb and do exactly as we are told.

This is an example of how the morphic resonance of fear increases, perpetuates, and evolves. Fear is literally in the air. In response to the fear of death, the fear of surviving, and/or the fear of fear itself, women and children in many cultures are no longer able to roam freely because they are perceived to be more vulnerable than men. Accordingly, women often habitually rely upon men to protect them and their children from the tigers. Children grow up fearing the tigers or perceived threats, and may even train their whole lives to fight against the tigers or perceived threats.

Literally and metaphorically, the real threat is not the tigers, but the village on the other side of the mountain. It could be that the adjacent village’s tee-pees are getting too close to our river, which is our tribe’s main source of water. People perceive this territorial movement as a threat and automatically associate it with the tiger. Leaders encourage this fear-based perception. Communal resonance with the deeply engrained habit to run from the tiger or to kill the tiger kicks in. Hiding is not an option because communal resources are threatened. Unwilling to uproot an entire village in search of new land, tribal members choose the perceived optimal option in response to the perceived fear. The option chosen is to kill the tiger, except this time the killing is a war that decimates the opponent’s entire community. We conquer the tigers or the perceived threats rather than the fear itself. We have now added additional morphic units of survival to the morphic field of fear. The idea, or morphic unit, of war is thus born, which eventually becomes a global morphic field unto itself, as well.

Instead of choosing to share the flow of the river and the endless supply of water that nature has always provided, we habitually choose to respond with fear. Instead of choosing to communicate and collaborate with each other, we unfortunately choose to compete with and destroy each other.

Fast-forward to modern times where the actual threat of the tiger is no longer imminent or even valid. Fear of survival has taken on a much bigger placeholder in the global morphic field of fear. Fear permeates everything. We no longer even know what it is we are really afraid of because so many confusing messages and perceived threats saturate society. Fear has become something we relate to as separate from ourselves. We perceive fear as coming from a force out there, outside of ourselves, rather than something coming from within us. We do not see fear as a part of our own resonance. Interestingly enough, we have never even met the tiger, and we often do not realize that the tiger is within us.

As we can see, morphic fields of religions and governments have formed, evolved, and been perpetuated from the global morphic field of fear. In turn, these resonant fields have made contributions to the ever-expanding growth of the global morphic field of fear. The feedback and reinforcement are synergistic.

Religious and political morphic fields promise honesty to, protection of, and ever-lasting life to the people. There is nothing ultimately wrong with religion or politics per se, except that these morphic fields are often fertile breeding grounds for fear. Most of our wars are fought in the name of religion and politics. Ironically, wars perpetuate the very fear of survival and fear of death we seek to avoid.

Societies have been programmed for fear. The morphic field of fear is all around us. Media feeds this field by regurgitating news draped in terror. “Be afraid!” is the message. “Terrible things are happening everywhere!” News is slanted and tainted to ensure that our focus is fear-based. There are a few good-news networks on the Internet, but not everyone has access to them. Mainstream news networks know that fear grosses higher ratings and that higher ratings, in turn, feed the global morphic field of economy. In many ways, we have been programmed for fear and naively tune into news as a matter of habit. News is not new news. It has become a morphic field of habit.

Even conspiracy theories, while attempting to reveal the truth of certain power-elite structures that also thrive on fear, are fear-propagating memes. Any conspiracy theory that puts us in resonance with something that is supposedly conspiring-against us is no better than the so-called truth the theory seeks to reveal.

There is a big difference between sharing information as an offering so that people can make informed choices for themselves about what to believe and spreading supposed truths that are cloaked in fear. The former, sharing information, allows for choices of resonant truth. The latter, spreading supposed truths cloaked in fear, perpetrates separative fear. All fear is a deception of perception.

Universal consciousness with its infinite potentials does not conspire against us through divisive perspectives of limiting fears. Universal consciousness inspires to create more of itself with us as unified and expansive love.

The morphic field of fear keeps us bound in limitations. When we are resonating in fear, we tend to give away our personal power. When we are resonating in fear, we tend to forget we have options. When we are resonating in fear, we often forget who we are. When we are resonating in fear, we forget we are love. When we are resonating in fear, we are unable to share love.

What if fear is simply love in a confused, or con-fused (conceptually fused), state? What if fear, like darkness that is light distanced from itself, is simply a distancing of love from itself? What if fear is just love con-formed and con-firmed by distorted associations that prevent it from recognizing itself? What if fear is simply a movement in awareness away from the love that we are?

Consider fear of death. Perhaps fear of death is instead love of life. Consider fear of rejection. Perhaps fear of rejection is instead love for others. Consider fear of failure. Perhaps fear of failure is instead just love of personal growth and accomplishment. It appears that all fears are instead forms of love turned inside-out and upside-down. Various distortions of love that are masked in fear can take on corresponding resonant expressions that bear no resemblance to our perceptions and/or understandings of love. Murder. Rape. War. Tyranny. But at the root of these distorted fears, and corresponding, contorted morphic fields, there is always a love of something deeper.

When we begin to recognize our personal resonance with morphic fields of limitation, such as fear, we can dismantle our personal connection to these fields and individually tune into more expansive fields. We can do so by recognizing the programs, or memes, that are keeping us contained by or resonating with specific morphic fields.

When we unplug from morphic fields of limitations, such as fear, it is akin to taking back our personal and our collective power. It is akin to neutralizing the morphic units we may have unknowingly contributed to, morphic units that provide a charge that affords more power, shape, and form to a given field. This charge, in turn, generates a more fearful resonance, thus creating more personal, fear-based experiences. Thankfully, we can take back these charges with no further accumulated interest.

When we choose to re-appropriate our personal morphic units of limitation to morphic fields of expansion, we ultimately experience more for ourselves. In turn, the morphic fields of expansion we resonate with grow along with us.

Morphic fields are all around us. When we become more aware of them, we can learn to modify our resonance and therefore change our experience so we can live more expansive lives. We can intentionally tap into specific morphic fields of potential to assist us in our experiential journey of limitless living.


[ii] Sheldrake, Morphic Resonance.


[iv] Ibid.

About the Author

Melissa Joy is best known for her ability to engage people from all over the world to embrace their true authentic power through accessing universal consciousness by playing in the field of the heart. She has a unique perspective on how we are able to experience living joyfully, and loving completely from a state of grace.

Melissa has been teaching Matrix Energetics life transformational seminars around the globe since 2008. She is also the founder and instructor of the “M-Joy Of Being” (Women) seminar series, a unifying movement in consciousness dedicated to exploring and expanding heart-centered awareness and practical personal empowerment for women. Prior to finding a career she loves, she spent almost 15 years as an executive in the pharmaceutical industry.

Melissa is author of the book “M-Joy Practically Speaking; Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” (March 2014). As a respected expert, Melissa teaches and is a sought-after speaker at learning facilities like The Omega Institute, Kripalu, and conferences such as The Association for Comprehensive Energy Psychology (ACEP), The New Life Festival, The Conscious Life Expo, The What The Bleep!? European Conference, The IAK Congress on “Leaps of Consciousness” and others. Melissa is a frequent guest speaker on global radio broadcasts. She is well known for her eloquent articulation, and personable accessibility on both nationally and internationally recognized social media platforms.

Melissa has a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. She completed graduate studies at Pepperdine University’s Graziado School of Business and Management.

Melissa Joy is passionate about inspiring others to realize their True Authentic Self (TAS) with practical, creative, and powerful wisdom that she embodies every day. She enjoys long runs near the ocean, reading, walking barefoot in the sand, and sharing with people the joyful journey of living their infinite potential.

**Excerpted and Adapted from: “M-Joy Practically Speaking: Matrix Energetics and Living Your Infinite Potential” By Melissa Joy Jonsson**

Reality and Experience – Morphic Fields and The Power Of Choice © M-Joy Of Being, Inc.

Reprinted with permission of M-Joy of Being, Inc.

05 July 2014

Giant Space Cables Found By The Sun

NASA SOHO images have been capturing countless UFO's by the Sun.
Google Earth in sky view is now showing another anomaly by the Sun.
What appear to be giant cables running from the Sun to other areas in space.
Could the two be related? These cables span vast distances in space.  Are they being used to harvest energy from the Sun? Are they Power Lines? Are they navigational aids? Are they Alien Launch Loops? 

UFO With Alien Head Sticking Out On Google Earth Map

Date of discovery: June 2014
Location of discovery: Trout Creek, Montana
Source: Email report to UFO Sightings Daily
Coordinates: 47°51'17.60"N , 115°36'42.60"W

I got a report from a guy in Newfoundland and he found a UFO on Google Earth in the Trout Creek, Montana area. I investigated it and took a few screenshots which revealed something that was not first apparent...there is an alien head sticking out from the UFO! Look carefully at the shading and curvature around the head and you will know its real. I am just blown away that we have real proof of alien with this photo. I thought it was just a UFO, but this head sticking out is proof that not all UFOs are ET drones, but some are controlled and flown by actual aliens. Its a very exciting photo and I really hope you think so too. Know that google deletes all UFOs that I report within 3-6 months. I have reported over 50 and I don't believe any of them are still there. So please record this UFO on google earth and upload the video to Youtube so others can see it or just copy my video and share it...I'm cool with that. This way the UFO even if it gets deleted will have evidence of it existing in many videos. Thanks, SCW.

ISIS The Start of World War III? David Icke

In this video Luke Rudkowski talks to David Icke about his predictions with ISIS and the possible start of WWIII. David breaks down many esoteric historical writings and the current political situation that can lead to bringing in other countries to war.

To find out more about David Check out