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07 October 2014

The Light Side of the Dark Night of the Soul

by Kim Hutchinson
September 24, 2014
from in5d Website

The phenomenon known as The Dark Night of the Soul is something which many spiritual seekers experience on their journey to re-enlightenment. It can be a painful and frightening process, but it can also be liberating and empowering.

It all depends on your perspective and your ability to remain detached.

Peeling the Onion

The word 'night' is misleading. This is a process, and thankfully so.

I doubt you would want to experience the purification process all at once. My own Dark Night journey began in 1994 and culminated this year (2013). While that may seem like an inordinate amount of time, I didn't go through the process continually, thank heavens, but rather in stages.

The length and intensity of the process is determined by the degree of purification one requires.

Think of this as peeling an onion. Each layer you strip away brings tears to your eyes. You stop for a Think of this as peeling an onion. Each layer you strip away brings tears to your eyes. You stop for a while in order to recover, and then you proceed to the next layer. Once you reach the core, you are at the heart of your angst.

This is often the toughest part of the process which is why it comes last. You build up your strength and your ability to face your core issue(s).

Your higher self will not let you access this core until you are ready, while in order to recover, and then you proceed to the next layer. Once you reach the core, you are at the heart of your angst. This is often the toughest part of the process which is why it comes last. You build up your strength and your ability to face your core issue(s).

Your higher self will not let you access this core until you are ready.

The good news is you have already faced the worst. Nothing that you unearth during this process will ever be as bad as the original pain you experienced. You were strong enough to face it once, so you are more than capable of releasing it now.

And, once it's purified, it is gone for good.
 Ego Death 

Essentially, the Dark Night of the Soul is the death of the (malignant) ego. I say 'malignant' because the ego is not inherently bad or in need of extinguishing.

The ego provides the soul with the illusion of separation so that we may explore creations that differ from the unified field of Love from which we originate.

The ego in its present form, however, is overly dominant. We live in an egocentric era. The Cult to Self is celebrated through our worship of celebrity, fame, fortune, superficial beauty and power.

Narcissistic behaviors are often rewarded in this ego-driven climate. The external world is a projection result of the malignancy of our collective ego state.

Needless to say, the ego does not take kindly to the awakening and enlightenment process. It sees the spiritual awakening process as a threat to its very existence and, in many ways, it is right. As you begin to remember more about your spiritual origins, the allure of ego lessens. This eventually breaks ego's hold over you, and the ego begins to shrink away.

From the ego's perspective, this equates to death. It, therefore, isn't going to surrender without a fight. The key is not to resist the ego. That being said, non-resistance is not easy.

In fact, your ego will do everything in its power to cling to the old, but your higher self knows better.

Existential Crisis

As we awaken from the shadows of our dream life on Earth to the limitless, formless, eternal nature of the Soul, the form and thought-based illusions of our life begin to dissolve.

The very foundation of one's human existence crumbles, leading to an existential crisis of faith.
Symptoms Include:

 Deep introspection and angst

 Questioning the meaning and purpose of life 

Feeling that life is meaningless

 Isolation: feeling alone, cut off from others 

Facing mortality 

Feeling empty, devoid of joy

Your existential crisis can cut you off from others.

The battle you're fighting is internal. It's akin to depression, except that it is spiritual rather than mental in nature. The ego is fighting for its life, and thus it resists the purification process.

Remember though, these symptoms stem from the ego's perspective on life. The soul knows that everything has meaning, pleasure and beauty.

Once you supplant your ego with your soul, life becomes vibrant again.
 Purification by Fire

As your ego's domain is dismantled, your external world will reflect this internal process.

That which does not serve your highest good falls away. While this stage may seem destructive and painful, it is actually helping to break ego's hold over you by forcing it to surrender everything it holds dear.

It's like the old adage says:

 "Beware the man who has nothing left to lose".

That man is absolutely fearless.

When you lose everything your ego values, its fear-based hold on you shatters.

Please note, I'm not advocating that you must lose everything. I'm just explaining what sometimes happens during the process. For instance, if you find yourself facing loss (i.e. divorce, job loss, and bankruptcy) know that this has helped to shatter your ego's hold over you.

The more dramatic the loss, the more rapid the purification process.

As you empty yourself of ego/fear, you create more room to house your soul's love, light, wisdom, beauty and joy.

The Phoenix Rises

At this point, things may appear bleak and hopeless; but, to quote another old gem,

"It's always darkest before the dawn".

I liken this to sinking into the murky depths.

You feel like you will never see the light of day again, and that all is lost. Then, suddenly, your feet touch ground and you are able to push off the bottom giving you the momentum propel you back into the light.

You're almost through this learning curve, and when you emerge on the other side of the Dark Night, you will rediscover the joy and beauty of the world. You are the phoenix, being purified by fire.

Once you have rid yourself of the ego fears, you will be 'reborn' or transformed as a freer, happier higher-vibrational version of you.
 Sanity-Saving Solutions

Higher Perspective:

Understand that darkness, fear and ego are all illusions. You're a child of Love and Light. Your current experiences are simply a dream that your soul is having. It wants to better understand Love and Light but it cannot do so without contrast. Since the ego isn't real, try changing its nature from a narcissistic dictator to a small, frightened child. Then, when it acts up, love and nurture it instead of fighting it or being controlled by it.


 Do not resist the process. The greater the resistance, the more painful the symptoms. Remember, that which you resist persists. Don't give your ego anything to push against. Just go with the flow. And remember, the ego is fighting for its life. Rather than seeking to destroy it, love it instead and teach it to trust your spirit to keep you safe. The ego can be retrained.


Release everything that no longer serves your higher good. No matter how scary it may seem, until you let go of the old ego-based elements in your life, nothing new and spiritually-uplifting can come in. Think of it as cleaning house. You're ridding your vessel of darkness and density to make way for lightness.

Spiritual Guides:

 Enlist the help of the spirit realms. Call on your spirit guides; soul family; soul group; departed loved ones; the angels; ascended masters; animal totems; Mother Earth; Father Sun; the Creator/God/Goddess, and with whomever else you resonate. Be open to receiving help in all forms.

Kindred Support:

 Find like-minded souls with whom you can share your experiences. You are not alone. There are many others who are currently experiencing, or have recently gone through, the Dark Night of the Soul. Ask your spirit guides to help you find these people, or they you. Then, pay attention to the messages you receive intuitively. If a stranger stops to talk to you, s/he may be a kindred spirit.


You need extra love and gentle care right now. Be your own best friend. Talk gently and lovingly to yourself. Release obligations and commitments that are draining you. Set healthy boundaries with others. Treat yourself with kid gloves. Eat a healthy diet, drink plenty of pure water, sleep when you're tired, and practice mindful exercise such as yoga, Tai Chi and Qigong. Energy medicine can also help alleviate the severity and duration of the symptoms. Above all, never forgot, you are a precious child of the divine.

 Consciousness and The Conscious Universe

05 October 2014

What is the Self?

Join the exploration:

Mystics in all ages and cultures describe the self as infinite, stable and ever-present phenomena. Modern physics describe the world as a self-moving, self-designing pattern, an undivided wholeness, a dance. We, as a society, relate to the self mostly as an individual, unique, time bound form. Our common sense, as individuals and society, hasn't caught up with this picture and it still based on long-held biases and stories. The Earth is clearly round but we still act as if it was flat...

We live at the dawn of a scientific revolution, every day brings new findings from a wide range of scientific disciplines about what it means to be human. Modern science now gives us the detailed descriptions of the mechanisms our brain needs to construct what we call the self.

Could it be this illusionary image of ourselves as separate beings that is keeping us in this perpetual state of anxiety, scarcity, fear, dissatisfaction and leading us, as a society, at this very delicate point in evolution?

Video by: Zaya and Maurizio Benazzo

04 October 2014

The Chaining of Saturn/Sol

Written by ethompson

"In the beginning was the Golden Age, when men of their own accord, without threat of punishment, without laws, maintained good faith and did what was right….The earth itself, without compulsion, untouched by the hoe, unfurrowed by any share, produced all things spontaneously….it was a season of everlasting spring." Ovid in the sixth book of his Metamorphoses.

The Golden Age of Sol/Saturn


 In antiquity Saturn was our sun… and we lived in Paradise, the Golden Age of Man.

Hesiod tells of a golden race of immortal men who lived in the time of Kronos when he was reigning in heaven.

‘And they lived like gods without sorrow of heart, remote and free from toil: miserable age rested not on them . . . The fruitful earth unforced bare them fruit abundantly and without stint. They dwelt in ease and peace upon their lands with many good things’.

David Talbott in the Saturn Myth, p.329 writes:

‘Ancient races the world over record that there was once a Golden Age, a kingdom of cosmic harmony ruled by a central light god. Numerous sources identify this light god as the planet Saturn’.

What happened to Saturn?

 The above video ‘Symbols of an Alien Sky ‘ presented by The Thunderbolts Project, describes a ‘catastrophic and spectacular event’ that happened in our solar system, in the not too distant past. The chaos resulted in a new sun, a moon, the banishment of Saturn, and the introduction of a ‘new set up’ in the heavens.

Ancient texts tell us that Zeus banished Saturn, and in the ensuing struggle, the earth was knocked off her axis. Eternal spring was replaced with the four seasons, life and death and the turning of the wheel. Saturn became Satan, the Reaper, the father of Time, rigidity and Death.

From a God to a Devil

 After the shaking of the heavens, a new sun shone in the sky and the moon showed up…and much has been written about the anomalies of the artificial satellite called Luna. Native peoples have stories and myths about a time when there was no moon, and women did not menstruate… commensurate with the Golden Age presided over by Saturn/Sol.

Saturn of the Golden Age has been displaced, his magnificent radiance imprisoned in seven vibrating rings of power…just as our light and splendour is imprisoned by seven vortexes called the chakra system. They are frequency fences blocking our true nature and chaining us to the third dimension.

As above, so below.

The frequencies of the seven rings of power resonate on the human chakra system, the moon amplifies the charge, aided and abetted in its mischief by the seven planets.

The Cassini spacecraft sent back the sounds of Saturn, see video attached to my article ‘Spotlight on the Beast’

The sounds are horrible…compounded by the vibrating hexagon at the North pole of the planet…the hex. The discordant sounds speak of misery, bondage and exploitation, it is the frequency of suffering called the Matrix, broadcast to the electromagnetic energy of earth’s grid and all living beings.

Saturn has been negated, hexed, cursed and the symbol of its bondage, the hexagram…sexagram is worshipped by the worlds religions, the six pointed star is the jailer of the light of Saturn/Sol. TPTB have debased the god of harmony that ruled the Golden Age, and imprisoned him in spells of deceit and domination. Seven rings of containment they have placed around him, corrupting the frequency of the dying Lord of Love.


Saturn’s symbol in the zodiac is the goat, and his messenger is Pan, the Elder brother of mankind. [See my article 'The Great God Pan.']

Pan is the symbol of the divinity and innocence of all creation that existed before the Fall… before the so called ‘son of Saturn’, Zeus, castrated Agdistis[the God/Goddess] of Saturn/Sol, and created the Separation.

Zeus[Jupiter] appears to be the enemy of mankind and archetype of the malign manipulation of our species.

To hell in a hand basket.

In Genesis there are two creation stories, one where man lived in beauty[the golden Age of Saturn] and the other, where Adam and Eve are expelled from the garden and cursed by a psychotic, narcissistic creep.

Did this demented god and his cronies vivisect a natural being of the Golden Age?

Did they split a hermaphrodite into two halves? ‘male and female he created them.’

This split would have resulted in duality/polarity and the third dimension. The allegory of Adam and Eve is about the separation of the sexes[the castration of Agdistis] and the fall into sexual desire and reproduction.

Eve’s apple

Joe Paneck wrote about the apple as a symbol.

The Seeded Vulva:

When we slice an Apple vertically (length-wise) the core portion has the shape of the Vulva in which the Seeds are contained. .Symbolically, the feminine Vulva-shape which contains the masculine seeds represents the act of creation in the physical
realm. For, in the physical realm, when the masculine Seed enters the feminine Vulva, creation and life are the result.The Seeded Vulva Symbolizes the complimentary aspects of duality which, when joined together, create life not only in the physical but also the mental realm;the two realms we experience during our present incarnation’.

Was the ‘ fall’ caused by the splitting of a whole being into two halves: hermaphrodite: Hermes/Aphrodite? And wouldn’t the separation, the splitting of the blueprint cause a drop in frequency…into a prison of duality/polarity and sexual reproduction?

Genetic Intervention and Paradise lost

Carl Sagan in his book ‘The Dragons of Eden’ has this to say.

Modern men and women have brain cases twice the volume of Homo habilis. Childbirth is painful because the evolution of the human skull has been spectacularly fast and recent. The American anatomist C. Judson Herrick described the development of the neo-cortex in the following terms: ‘it’s explosive growth late in phylogeny is one of the most dramatic cases of evolutionary transformation known to comparative anatomy’

The incomplete closure of the skull at birth, the fontanelle, is very likely an imperfect accommodation to this recent brain evolution.

The connection between the evolution of intelligence and the pain of childbirth seems unexpectedly to be made in the book of Genesis. In punishment for eating the fruit of the tree of knowledge of good and evil, God says to Eve, ‘In pain shalt thou bring forth children. It is interesting that it is not the getting of any sort of knowledge that God has forbidden, but, specifically, the knowledge of the difference between good and evil–that is abstract and moral judgements, which, if they reside anywhere, reside in the neo cortex.

The fall from Eden seems to be an appropriate metaphor for some of the major biological events in recent human evolution.

He goes on to say that their were modifications made to the female pelvis to allow for bigger heads. P.96

Is the ego an artificial intelligence?

 In the light of the above information, it is obvious that we have been genetically modified…a gmo!

The question we have to ask ourselves is this. Does the ego reside in the neo-cortex and if so, is it an artificial intelligence?

Our minds are not our own, a fact which becomes very obvious when we start observing ourselves and how we react to external stimuli. We are a slave to instinct and programmed reactions, a serf to the A.I. called our mind.

Don Juan told Carlos Castaneda that the predator gave us its mind….the R.Complex and then made us conscious of its needs and urges,[neo-cortex]

Service to self…the predators mind

When we are in the ego mind of service to self, we are nothing more than animated robots fighting over the’ pecking order’, just like my chickens!

There is no difference between a totally self-orientated person and the rest of creation, whether it be pond life, insects or 
mammals, they are all software, programmed to the survival of self and therefore, react in predictable ways to any threats, real or imagined.

That’s the key to control.

The Farm

The human herd has mangers, proto-demons whose genetics allow for the transmission of instructions. Guidelines from the off planetary owners of the farm in raising the human cattle crop. These creeps are the elite bunch that make the laws and they are clever to a point, because the mass of the herd don’t even have a clue they are being manipulated, let alone being a farm animal.

I have to smile when I hear the ignorant rhetoric of people who are cruel to the creatures say, ‘So what! It’s just an animal!’ not realising that they are in the same position as the poor dumb creatures they so heartlessly brutalize. They too are being farmed…as above, so below and, in the process of their viciousness will be compelled to return to the farm ad infinitum.

Human life is ridiculous when viewed from this perspective. It has no meaning and has been designed for one purpose only…not milk or flesh as in the lower density, but emotions…the loosh.

The Zombie Syndrome

 Billions of human fractals are acting out the programmed Artificial Intelligence of the I, the service to self- programme and are not conscious in the true sense of the word…they are zombies, the robotic walking dead of conformity and dogma, sucking up the energy of the world and spewing it out as poison.

Perhaps that’s the ironic and ugly truth masquerading behind the zombie movies…the powers that be are laughing at us, because they know that once you buy the lie, you are a zombie, a mindless creature ruled by the’ I want [instant gratification'] syndrome of the ‘acquired mind’.

Ego reputo, proinde ego sum non…..I think, therefore I am not.

Unconditional love on the other hand just is… has no opinion, it is the compassionate observer, and does not take part in the loosh producing conflict of ‘us and them’.

Waking up to the alien nature of self

Realisation of what we actually are[programmed zombies], is the first step upon the road of change. Until we can see ourselves and our actions from a neutral point of view, there will be no self-discovery, no shift of awareness, but when we see the game and how we are manipulated by our minds…the move is on.

As we withdraw from conflict, unchain ourselves from the matrix and return to Love, so will the mighty Saturn/Sol throw of the hex, dissolve the rings, and the day will dawn upon the Golden Age of man once more.

"It will be again as it was before:
They shall neither hurt or destroy in all my holy mountain
For the earth shall be in full knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea."

More information on the symbology of the apple can be found on Joe’s blog:

03 October 2014

China's Shocking UFO History

Published on Oct 1, 2014 

It has always been difficult for westerners to coordinate with UFO researchers in eastern countries. However, China has amazing UFO cases, and the Chinese government has helped UFO researchers get their findings to the public. This episode of Your Need to Know covers some of those great Chinese UFO cases, and reviews how modern UFO research, with the aid of the Chinese government, began.

Get more UFO News at:

27 September 2014

Official Documents About The Existence of Interdimensional Beings

Interesting report from Tercer Milenio about the government documents, confirming the existence of extraterrestrials.
There’s also this interesting FBI document from 1947 about the interdimentional beings living on Earth.
Find out more information in the video below!

The document says:

1. Part of the disk carry crews, others are under remote control. 

2. Their mission is peaceful and they are considering to establish on our planet.

3. These visitors are human-like but much longer in size.

4. They have no planet such as we live on earth. They come from their own world, an ethereal world that is linked to our own, but we cannot perceive it.

5. The bodies of the visitors and the craft also, automatically materialize when they arrive to our vibration.

6. The discs posses a type of radiant energy, or a ray, which will easily disintegrate any attacking ship.

7. They can become ethereal and invisible without leaving a trail.

8. They probably cannot be reached by radio, but they can sometimes be caught on the radar. 

Website The Vault:
Link: Document UFOs and Extraterrestrials – UFO part 1 to 16 (including page 22): FBI document proves ‘We are being visited by Aliens and they live here on Earth.’ A while ago the FBI uploaded an interesting pdf document on UFOs and Extraterrestrials on their website ‘The Vault’. An official document, dated July 8, 1947 was delivered to Mr. Hoover, FBI director. Below pdf document – Page 22.

Brian OLeary NASA Astronaut Blows Whistle On UFO

Published on Sep 26, 2014.

Dr Brian O'Leary was born on January 27th, 1940 and past away on July 28th, 2011 shortly after making this statement. He was a member of the sixth group of astronauts selected by NASA in August of 1967. The members of this group were known as the scientist-astronauts. Dr O'Leary received a bachelor of arts degree in physics from Williams College in 1961, and a doctor of philosophy in astronomy from the University of California at Berkeley in 1967. He was a fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, as well as secretary of the American Geophysical Union's Planetology Section. Furthermore, he was the team leader of the Asteroidal Resources Group for NASA's Ames Summer Study on Space Settlements. He was a founding board member of the International Association for New Science as well as founding president of the New Energy Movement. He was a fellow at the World Innovation Foundation and a physics professor at Princeton University.

26 September 2014


By Paul Levy

In discovering the quantum, physics has indisputably encountered consciousness. Quantum physics is pointing out, in unequivocal terms, that the study of the universe and the study of consciousness are inseparably linked, and that ultimate progress in the one will be impossible without progress in the other. The discovery of the quantum nature of our universe is a seismic, tectonic shift in the very foundation of physics and the roots of our scientific worldview, a change so momentous that it can literally transform the course of human history.

The founders of quantum physics, people such as Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and Erwin Schrodinger famously argued that quantum physics is first and foremost a new way of thinking. Quantum theory is teaching us that implicit in our very thinking are certain flaws and misperceptions that, unseen and taken for granted, unnecessarily limit our ability to apprehend the nature of nature, including our own.

Quantum physics is the most subversive of all the sciences, having created a “reality crisis” in the field of physics such that the very idea of “reality” itself has been undermined. Physicists have, in their attempts at grasping its implications, lost their grip on reality, finding nothing to hold onto. Exploring the farthest reaches of the outside micro-world brings us right back to our inner selves.

One third of our economy involves products based on quantum mechanics – things such as computers and the Internet, lasers, MRI’s, DVD’s, microwaves, mobile phones, silicon chips, semiconductors, superconductors and nuclear energy. And yet, even with the huge impact quantum physics has had on all of our lives, this effect is infinitesimally small compared with what it will be when more of us recognize and internalize the implications of what it is revealing to us about the nature of reality as well as of ourselves.

This is the deep philosophical question that begs to be answered – what does quantum physics mean? And do we use the discoveries of quantum physics for the betterment of our species, or to destroy ourselves? Quantum theory reflects back to us that the choice is truly ours.


Quantum physics forever shattered the idea of there being an objectively existing world. It is ironic that physics, long considered the most “objective” of all the sciences, in pursuing its dedicated quest to understand the deep nature of the material universe, has dispelled the very notion of an objective universe. Quantum theory has opened up the door to a profoundly new vision of the cosmos, where the observer, the observed and the act of observation are inseparably united.

In quantum physics, we are no longer passive witnesses of the universe, but rather, we unavoidably find ourselves in the new role of active participants who in-form, give shape to and in some mysterious sense “create” the very universe we are interacting with. In essence, consciousness has entered into the physics laboratory, and physicists are not quite sure what to make of this.

Coming to terms and facing up to the intrusion of consciousness into their hallowed halls is forcing physics to come to terms with questions of meta-physics, which for most physicists is not what they signed up for. Quantum physics is itself the greatest threat to the underlying metaphysical assumptions of “scientific materialism,” a perspective which assumes that there is an independently existing, objective material world that is separate from the observer.

The quantum revolution has revealed that the classical worldview was something that existed entirely within the minds of a certain strain of European humanity that became reified into an orthodox creed and held the mind of modern humanity in a prison of its own making, as if humanity had become spellbound.

Physicists themselves haven’t fully comprehended and don’t quite know what to make of what they have unwittingly stumbled upon. They have been forced to wrestle, not just intellectually but emotionally, existentially and spiritually with their own discoveries in the quantum realm. Quantum theory has pushed its adherents to the very edge of the unknown, both out in the world and within themselves. In trying to understand nature, physics is helping us discover our own nature.

In re-visioning our idea of the world we live in, we change our perception of the possibilities available in our world, thus opening up previously unimagined pathways of creative and effective action. “Objective reality” is now an unexamined implicit assumption, an idea in our mind. What most of us call objective reality is simply an interpretation of data whose meaning is agreed upon by the majority, what can be called a “consensus reality.”


Quantum theory brings the question to the fore: Are we discovering reality, or creating it? And if we are, at least in part, creating what we call reality, what are we creating it out of? According to our subjective experience the world certainly seems real enough, apparently contradicting what quantum physics is telling us about the world’s lack of inherent, objective reality. In the overwhelming majority of cases, the world behaves “as if” it has an independent reality, which furthers our visceral belief in objective reality. Yet objectivity itself is a recent human phenomenon.

The Scientific Revolution was a deepening of our powers of reason, a flowering of human creativity and a breakthrough for humanity, helping us to explore our world in ever-more profound and ingenious ways. From another point of view, the Scientific Revolution was also the onset of a particular form of madness. It started as a new worldview that was revolutionary in its power; yet it contained a subtle error that solidified into a widespread delusion which has over time profoundly enabled the collective psychosis that our species finds itself in.

An essential feature of this madness is the severing between the subject and object, the observer and the observed, as if the scientific imagination thought that in its intellectual examination of the world, it wasn’t part of, participating in, and thereby affecting that which it was investigating. Seeing the world as separate from ourselves has become the prevailing and institutionalized worldview of “the academy,” a viewpoint that takes the heart, soul and “magic” out of the world, reducing it to a dead, inanimate, insensate domain.

This was done in pursuit of the ideal of objectivity, which was gradually elevated to the level of an absolute truth about the nature of reality. This approach worked remarkably well when it came to dealing with the macroscopic world, enabling unprecedented levels of control to be exerted over the physical world. But an unseen cost was being incurred by the human spirit. Increasingly enthralled by science’s ever-growing achievements and technological wizardry, few questioned whether these very advances might at the same time be leading humanity astray from essential aspects of the true nature of our being, slowly dehumanizing our species in the process.

In contrast, quantum theory implies that immaterial factors having more of the nature of images and ideas are the blue-print for our universe, actually in-forming and shaping the evolution of the universe as a whole. It is as if the universe itself is conspiring with us to help us awaken to its, and our nature, and quantum physics is the theoretical and experimental “instrument” for this deeper insight to reveal itself. Seen as a symbol crystallizing out of the dreamlike nature of reality, quantum physics is revealing to us that we don’t live in the mechanistic, Cartesian world of classical physics, but rather, inhabit an enchanted world not separate from our mind’s creative imagination.

What we call reality is simply a theory and internalized mental model which is at bottom a way of looking at the world, rather than a form of absolutely true knowledge of how the world “really” is. It is important not to conflate reality with our theories, not to confuse the map with the territory. Our best models are no more than aids to our imagination, by no means are they complete reflections of the nature of reality.


Quantum physics has raised the question, is the ever-evolving universe like a work of art in progress, making up its laws as it goes along? The idea that the laws which inform the functioning of reality spring into manifestation out of nothingness fully formed is a nonsensical, preposterous idea. As one quantum physicist comments, “The laws of physics were not installed in advance by a Swiss watchmaker." They must have somehow come into being.

The central and all-encompassing role of the observer in quantum mechanics, what has been referred to as the “magic ingredient,” is the most important clue we have regarding the construction of the universe. The universe gives rise to meaning-establishing observer-participants, who, in developing the ideas of quantum mechanics, grant a meaningful existence to the universe. The construction of the universe is such that the observer is as essential to the creation of the universe as the universe is essential to the creation of the observer.

In a world without a built-in purpose, quantum theory “promotes” the observer to the definer of reality and generator of meaning, which is essentially a creator of distinctions, a primordially creative role. However we view it, we can’t get around the fact that we are participating in creating our experience of the universe.

Quantum physics is riddled with paradox to its core. Thinking “quantum-logically,” we are able to hold paradox in a new way; instead of needing one or the other viewpoint to be true, in a higher form of logic, we can hold seemingly contradictory statements together as both being true simultaneously. This gives new insight into how what may appear to be contradictions at one level can be part of a deeper consistency and completeness from a higher, more inclusive level.

As renowned quantum physicist John Archibald Wheeler once said, “The universe gives birth to consciousness, and consciousness gives meaning to the universe.” The emergence of consciousness in the universe is as epic and epochal an event in cosmic history as the first big blast of its materialization in the supposed big bang. In this process of self-cognition, the universe is able to turn back upon itself so as to explore its nature via its various life forms.

In such a self-referential cosmology whose nature is a self-generating feedback loop of pure creativity, we are dreaming up the universe, while at the same time the universe is reciprocally dreaming us up. The seemingly subjective and objective realities interblend and co-create each other. As observers, we are participants in the genesis of the universe.


Without observers, there is no existence. The observer is both a result of an evolutionary process and, in some sense, the cause of its own emergence. In other words, mind-boggling as it is to contemplate, we may be “observer-participants” playing a role in the genesis of the cosmos in this very moment. We live in a universe that is capable not only of harboring life, but of cultivating life which is intelligent enough to ask about its origins. In our observing and reflecting upon our universe we are actually changing the universe’s idea of itself. Through us, the universe questions itself and tries out various answers on itself in an effort – parallel to our own – to decipher its own being.

Quantum physics has discovered that there are no elementary particles, no fundamental “building blocks” of reality. “The atoms or elementary particles themselves form a world of potentialities or possibilities rather than one of things or facts.” They are not located in time or space but in an abstract realm.

Subatomic objects don’t exist as things, but rather, as events, as happenings, as dynamic ever-changing interactive psycho-physical processes. What these elementary entities “are” and what they “do” are inseparably intertwined. The aspects of nature represented by quantum theory are converted from elements of “being” to elements of “doing,” which basically replaces the world of material substances with a world populated by actions, events and processes.

In the quantum world, there is no “place” for matter, in the same way that in the classical world there is no “place” for mind. Classical physics’ theory of a world of matter is converted by quantum physics into a theory of the relationship between matter and mind. Unveiling a great mystery, quantum physics is pointing out that the ultimate nature of the universe is more mind-like than matter-like.

The quantum universe can be properly conceived of only as an intricately interconnected dynamic whole. Our universe is an emergent universe in which the whole is greater than the sum of any of its parts can even imagine. An emergent global property can feed back to influence the individuals who produced it in an interlocking, creativity-generating, self-sustaining and life-supporting feedback loop. Thus individuals and groups can begin to consciously tap into the energy that makes up the quantum realm – the zero point energy of creation itself – in a way which changes everything.

Our nonlocal universe’s spooky action-at-a-distance is an expression of the fundamental, indivisible wholeness of the universe, which is radically different from classical physics’ previous conception of the universe as composed of separate parts. At the quantum level, there is the radically new notion of intrinsic unbroken wholeness, a seamless interconnectedness among all of the universe’s seemingly separate parts. At the quantum level, the universe is “one” with itself.


Quantum entities exist in a realm of potentiality, in what is called a state of “superposition,” which is to say they hover in a ghostly state between existence and nonexistence, existing in all possible states up until the moment they are observed. Not existing in space-time, their appearance in space-time at the moment of observation is a quantum event in which an atemporal process manifests in time. Everything ultimately exists in a state of open-ended potential.

In the transition from the random uncertainty of the quantum realm, where particles ceaselessly spring into and out of existence, to the seeming solidity and orderly certainty of our everyday world, the question naturally arises, where is this boundary between the quantum world, where things don’t actually exist in a real way but in a state of potentiality, and our everyday world, where things at least appear to exist in a solid-seeming way?

Quantum theory implies that the whole universe – including ourselves – is recreated and recreating itself anew every based on how we are dreaming it up. What we experience is not external reality, but our interaction with what our minds construe to be an external reality. Quantum reality is not subjective, just as it is not objective. The quantum dimension is the bridge, the intermediate realm between the subjective mental realm “in here” and the seemingly objective world “out there,” somehow coupling the two.

Rather than the quantum realm being illusory, quantum physics points out that the appearance of the macroscopic, conventional world can be likened to a holographic optical illusion produced by the interaction of our sense faculties with quantum reality. Behind the apparent solidity of everyday objects lies a world of open-ended potentiality.

It is not that the deeper reality is veiled and we can’t know it; rather, there is no deeper, independent reality based on our ordinary conceptions of what this means. The further we descend down the quantum physics rabbit hole, the more magnificent the plumage of this very strange quantum bird. In the quantum realm we never end up with things, but always with interactive relationships. At the quantum level, being and knowing, perception and reality, epistemology and ontology are inextricably entangled.

The viewpoint that is emerging from the cutting edge of quantum physics is that, instead of being an epiphenomenon of matter, consciousness is the ontological ground and driving force of the process of reality itself. Max Planck, the first person to propose the quantum nature of light and one of the first architects of quantum theory, commenting on what the new physics was revealing to humanity, famously said, “Mind is the matrix of all matter.” Consciousness is in some mysterious fashion creating the “stuff” of the material world.

The discovery of the quantum observership-based nature of reality represents the first rupture in the armor of the classical chrysalis that has long encased the human mind and fettered the human spirit, tightly holding it in a state of slumber dreaming of a deterministic, clockwork cosmos. Irreversibly awakening out of its somnambulistic trance, humanity is going through an evolutionary metamorphosis in which it is unfurling its iridescent wings of creative imagination as it flies into the open-ended space of previously undreamt possibilities, releasing itself into the luminous imaginal sky of freedom.

There is no objective reality independent of an observer.
The observer affects what is observed by the mere act of observing.
Quantum entities exist in a multiplicity of simultaneous potential states (called a superposition).
There is no independent quantum entity separate from its properties. Its properties are a function of our observation.
The act of observation is the very act which turns the potentiality of the quantum world into the actuality of the seemingly ordinary world.
The universe is a seamless, undivided and instantaneously interconnected whole. Each part of the universe is interrelated with every other part.
An expression of this wholeness is the universe’s nonlocality, in which every part of the universe is related to and in communication with every other part.
The laws of physics are not written in stone, but are mutable.
The quantum universe is not separate from consciousness; rather, it is an expression of consciousness. Mind and matter are no longer seen as separate.
Quantum physics literally changes and transforms our mind, as it introduces a new way of thinking. It helps us see the world differently.
Quantum physics shows us how we are playing a key role in the creation of our experience, as well as in the genesis of the cosmos, in this very moment.
Significantly altering Descartes’ famous principle, “I think therefore I am,” quantum physics would instead say, “I choose therefore I am.”

Note: This essay has been edited for brevity. Read the full, 30-page essay on Paul Levy's website. And explore his highly praised book Dispelling Wetiko: Breaking the Curse of Evil. A pioneer in the field of spiritual emergence, Paul Levy has a private practice assisting others who are also awakening to the dreamlike nature of reality. Read a similarly beautiful and thought-provoking short essay by Prof. Charles Tart title, "Who Am I?". And don't miss an excellent exploration into the holographic nature of the universe from the heart and mind expanding Transformation Course.

Meet the Firm

"The sorcerers’ idea is we are entombed by social upbringing, tricked into perceiving the world as a place of hard objects and finalities. We go to our graves denying we are magical beings; our agenda is to service the ego instead of the spirit. Before we know it, the battle is over – we die squalidly shackled to the self."
Carlos Castaneda.

Our world is run by a demonic cabal, a conglomeration of the most depraved consciousness on the planet. The dead eyed, fake smile sociopaths with their affected accents, smart suits and fast cars, run the show from top to bloody bottom. Their lackeys are the patronising politicians with their clean cut looks, the snake oil salesmen that proclaim each day on CNN or Fox or whatever brand of conditioning people chose that everything’s okay…

These narcissists are the pillars of a corrupt establishment and are shameless in their lusts, lying, scheming and murdering their way up the greasy pole of power. The smooth savage looks normal to the non discerning eye, normal enough to pass for human….he is the yes man, the smarmy
bastard who decides who eats and who starves, who lives and who dies. He is the fabricator and creator of the bogey men, the fakes used to fuel the ever lasting wars of conquest…

The self appointed ruler and his ilk are the gate-keepers of the ‘Loosh rote’ and, service to self is the only game they play.

The ‘Loosh Rote’

The Loosh Rote’ is the term coined by the great pioneer of astral travel and out of body experiences, John Monroe. His OBE’s led him to the understanding that the Earth world is a farm, set up for the sole purpose of harvesting the energy of fear and suffering from living creatures.

As Morpheus says in the Matrix, we are all batteries…and I would add, on tap 24/7.

Just imagine a mind parasite sending us into a past trauma… for half a pint of abandonment with a shot of jealousy thrown in!

The psycho’s in power run the ‘loosh farm’ as a business, where profit and loss is governed by how much energy is generated and collected from mankind physically and energetically.

Amplification of suffering

The shootings at Aurora in Colorado and Sandy Hook took place on ley lines, amplifying the human misery for a mega loosh collection…. this is why so much death and mayhem happens upon the power lines of earth’s magnetic grid.

The major football stadiums are built upon the grid, and think of all the ‘ra..ra energy, pure testosterone and adrenaline in action at a game…the raw ‘loosh’ of the intoxicated fans, amplified by a ley line is a feast for something…

You’ve got to hand it to the Firm, they’ve got us all wrapped up. Their bought and paid for media hangs right in there and inundates us with cruelty and bloodshed, lewd Saturnalia’s, buzzing with spells and symbols at the Superbowl and Olympics, and all the while pumping out fear based propaganda of war…of shock and awe.

The Firm knows how to programme our psyche’s with poverty and loss, wanton cruelties, false flags and lies, so we will continuously produce emotional misery and torment. The loosh rote is big business for the devil’s pimps.

Peter Singer the author of Animal Liberation believed that the meat industry deliberately devised the slaughtering process to increase suffering in animals…as another way of increasing the ‘loosh harvest’ for the diabolical owners of the farm

Happy Days

According to John Monroe, our ‘happy’ energy is harvested along with our misery, and in line with the Law of Duality/Polarity this makes perfect sense.

Happy is the opposite polarity to sad, the two opposing ends of the same energetic charge. Everything in this reality is dual…that’s why in the testament there are two creation stories and two gods…Mr Nice and Mr Nasty.

Human life is geared to elicit emotional response, and the off planet director of the Firm, knows there has to be some reward, some joyful moments in our lives, otherwise we would kill ourselves and the human farm called’ life on earth’ would disappear and with it the collection of the ‘loosh’.

The Horror Show

The concept that we are farmed for our emotional content good or bad is a terrifying idea. Just as horrible as the thought put forward on Exo-politics TV a while back, that the essence of third dimensional fractals are stored after death in vats on the dark side of the moon, and their re-incarnation into the fractal bodies of earth’s babies, is overseen by greys.

This is horrible stuff….in the realm of H. P. Lovecraft. But fact is often stranger than fiction.

Taking back the ‘Loosh rote’

Loosh is most readily obtainable in the game of ‘us versus them’ and none of us are immune to conflict. But we can make a start to mitigate its effects by refusing to be drawn in to the divisive nature of the game.

I don’t mean being a doormat. In 3D…there’s always a predator looking for a victim. This is a hard and unforgiving world, run by satanists and populated by zombies, using up their essence in the constant drama’s and fights of unfulfilled existence.

We have to learn to state our case, stand our ground and be active in the world without emotion getting the better of us…without flying off the handle. Learning to stay in neutral…at the centre of the charge of ‘us and them’ is a struggle in this insane world, but the more we observe from that perspective the easier life becomes.

Every moment we are truly alive in the now, and in love with life, we are free of the mind parasite, free of the virus that has blighted our lives. For too long we have been beaten down into the shadows, crippled by trauma and exploited by a ruthless system.

Take back the ‘loosh rote’, be in love with the dream and it will manifest.

25 September 2014

The Most Incredible Powerful Video I have Seen All Year “The World is Coming to an End”

“The economy is collapsing, education is shot, police are corrupt, intelligence is shunned and ignorance rewarded”

“More people want 15 seconds of fame than a life time of meaning and purpose because what’s popular is more important than what is right”

“Our role models today, 60 years ago would have been examples of what not to be”

Russia and US Intel Release New Smoking Gun Evidence on 9/11! Names of Who Did It!

Glenn Canady
“Learn the Secret to Eternal Life!”

The following interview (Watch the video below) by US Intelligence is the most shocking I have ever heard. Gordon Duff released bombshell after bombshell in this hour and 38 minutes! The Russians just released some key information about 9/11, ISIS and much more! Never in history have the names of those involved been released that were involved in the attacks. It includes a person that became the first head of the Department of Homeland Security, a Former Mayor of New York City during 9/11 and the Police Commissioner of New York City during 9/11! Most of you are smart enough to either know who these people are or can Google to see who I’m talking about. Since Gordon did not actually name them I’m not going to name them either but it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to figure it out!

BeforeItsNews is getting a world exclusive on this information because the guys at VeteransToday haven’t even had time yet to get out one of their great articles on what was discussed. So you’re getting this information first on BIN and I ask ALL of you to share this article and give it the exposure it deserves today! Share to ALL social media, email lists, Facebook walls, Facebook Groups, Twitter (tell them to RETWEET) and all social networks! Below this video I have put some bullet point notes of just some of the topics discussed! There were so many shocking reveals in this one that it’s going to blow your mind! There’s a grand jury in Houston Texas on much of the things discussed here. So if you want to see the world wake up to 9/11 then get this article and video out everywhere! Only US Intel ( is putting out the truth on 9/11. Their information is being censroed on all mainstream media and fake alternative media (tip of the spear people).

UPDATE: I just put out Part 2 of this article that is from VeteransToday with lots more information so make sure you read THIS article and the new one shown below and spread both everywhere to expose WHO did 9/11 and WHO is ISIS!

Gordon Duff Reveals Huge Russian and US Intelligence On Who Did 9/11 and Much More! Listen to the entire interview. The micro nuke information and 9/11 begins around the 32:00 minute mark but huge information is at the beginning too! Don’t miss any of it!

The following are some of my notes from this interview. So much was covered, this is only part of it!

Gordon covers how Daily Kos is a piece of garbage media operation that is trying to cover up the murder plot by Senator Songstad and Governor Sundquist that was broken right here on BIN! Daily Kos said that US Intelligence made it all up! Gordon challenges everybody to match the voices for themselves and challenges everybody to get the word out on this HUGE story! All the fakes in alternative media (tip of spear people) have censored it!

Sundquist who was just caught on tape plotting murder said he’s going to head the Republican party!

VeteransToday now has more nuclear weapons designers on staff as writers and technical advisers than the country of Iran! Gordon reveals he runs the largest worldwide intelligence operation in the world and was in charge of security for Leo Wanta after President H.W. Bush put him in prison and stole the money meant for the American people. $27 Trillion! By the way, the tip of the spear person in alternative media still lies and says Lee Wanta is “as real as the Easter Bunny”. Remember all lies come from satan! These fakes in alternative media also keep telling eerybody to get thieir information from Drudge when US Intel has already revealed Drudge is an Israeli agent working for the same people that nuked our towers on 9/11! This word must get out!

The war in Ukraine is now officially a nuclear war! VT sent photos of the strike on the factory in Donetsk and their initial analysis says it was a Lance missile that is only used by Israel and was designed to carry a micro nuke. A nuclear weapon might have also been used in Lugansk.

Russians are very upset at what has happened in Ukraine and to retaliate have released a treasure trove of Intel to Gordon Duff and US Intelligence that confirms and puts together more pieces of the puzzle about 9/11, ISIS and more! They know that micro nukes were used at 9/11, Oklahoma City, Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia, Bali and more locations. Israel stole the micro nukes from the Pentax facility in Texas with the help of officials in the Dept of Energy who told them the exact ones to steal and gave them highly classified data that allowed them to turn them into viable weapons to replenish Israel’s nuclear weapons. Victor Bout (Lord of War) helped in the stealing of these weapons.

Gordon discusses project “Able Danger” which began after the IEAE put out a report that declared a micro nuke was used to take down the federal building in Oklahoma City. The fertilizer bomb did nothing!

Monica Lewinsky was a Mossad asset used to blackmail Clinton into stopping the investigation of Oklahoma City and the micronuke used there.

Gordon released the shocking information about the attack on the pentagon on 9/11. A US Tomahawk missile was used on the Pentagon and it was done to murder the US Navy investigators (Able Danger) looking into the theft of $2 Trillion from the Pentagon and missing nukes. They called an emergency meeting of this team and put them into a conference room and then hit that room with the cruise missile killing 35 out of 50 of the investigators! It was murder!

Lt. Col Anthony Shaeffer who got on Fox News with Judge Napolitano only put a tiny bit of truth about Able Danger on Fox News and has now attached himself to Alex Jones where he is not putting out all the truth about Able Danger only a highly sanitized version! Shaeffer is involved with a shadowy think tank.

Able Danger investigated terror cells created from the CIA, Israeli Mossad and Saudi Intelligence. These rogue groups operated terror cells inside the US and called themselves Al-Qaeda!

Able Danger also investigated the theft of US Nuclear weapons perhaps with the aid of the Director of the Dept of Energy, the prime minister of Israel and the prime minister of South Africa!

Reports that Russians sent to US Intelligence show the people that planned 9/11 attack to stop the Able Danger investigations.

ISIS is run by the same group that did 9/11. This group is run out of Cuba and controls members of Congress with bribes, prostitution, gambling money from Las Vegas and Macau. They launder their cash through Mitt Romney’s Bain capital and use Cuba as their playground. US Intelligence has videos of all of them! They know who they are!

1st Director of the Department of Homeland Security was the head of Alqaeda now ISIS! Assisting him was a US Attorney who handled all of the 9/11 investigations.

US Intel has an indication of a present nuclear threat against the US!

The police commissioner of NYC during 9/11 is involved in the 9/11 attack. He took possession of the Israelis caught trying to bomb one of the tunnels and let them go and they were never seen again!

There were business leaders in Manhattan that were protected on 9/11. Warren Buffet called select business leaders and CEO’s of key firms in the World Trade Centers to a golf game he put on! These leaders never went to the golf game though, they went to a secure Air Force base to ride out the attack!

The fertilizer plant that blew up in Texas was one of the locations where the stolen nuclear weapons went through. They blew up the plant to cover their tracks!

Obama was informed about payoffs to people in US Congress and others over 9/11 by US Intel and has seized those bank accounts shutting off their bribe money! This is GOOD news!

People now know who controls ISIS and because of US Intel’s work! Their plan was to seize all of the oil in the middle east, drop the price of the oil to break Russia and then control it all! That’s not going to be allowed to happen now.

During 9/11 Israeli teams planted jammers in high rises all over NYC. These jammers stopped the radios from working for the Fire and Police. Those jammers were recovered and are now in evidence at the grand jury in Houston!

One Israeli group trying to bomb the George Washington bridge was released to an FBI agent. But the FBI agent was really a Mossad agent that was authorized to carry FBI ID! He let them go!

Israeli teams were going to blow up the Holland and Lincoln tunnel. One was caught when they turned around from a police road block.

9/11 was a big pay day ($9 billion) and was done to kill as many enemies as possible. Then they made sure to put in people so that investigations would never be done!

$20 million bribes were given to hundreds of people to keep them quiet about 9/11. Obama has now cut these people off from their cash due to US Intel!

US Intel asks all patriots to get this information out because it’s being censored by all mainstream media and all fake alternative media (tip of the spear types).

Veterans Today Radio (9-15-14) Stew Webb, James Fetzer, Gordon Duff, Preston James

Published on Sep 17, 2014

Listen to the latest updates from US Intel as the guys from Veterans Today lay out the latest news stories from around the world. Their reports are censored by 99% of the so called "leaders" of alternative media proving that the alternative media is completely controlled!

James Fetzer talks about a new Republican candidate in Pueblo County Colorado for Commissioner named Tom Ready that says that Sandy Hook still has many things about it that need to be investigated and that it was likely staged for gun control! Veterans Today has truly become the #1 news site in the world and the truth is spreading! If you have not done so yet, make sure that you search facebook for "Veterans Today Truth Warriors" so you can help VT too!

Fetzer also covers much more information on the Sandy Hook psyop and the fake beheading videos that Alex Jones and the other fake gatekeepers in alternative media have said are real!

Gordon Duff reveals some real shockers in this segment of Veterans Today radio, including the background of "Nano Thermite" sniffer Stephen Jones of Architects and Engineers in nuclear weapons for the government! Stephen Jones worked on the EXACT same type of weapons used to bring down the twin towers on 9/11! Seems like Stephen has a lot of explaining to do since he has completely hidden his work in nuclear weapons for the government! You won't find Stephen Jones' background in nuclear weapons on government run wikipedia! It's very obvious that Stephen Jones has been a government shill all along and of course he has been pushed all the time by Alex Jones who tells you to get all your news from Matt Drudge who Gordon Duff and US Intelligence have already exposed as an actual Israeli agent!

Gordon goes on to talk about how the Germans published papers challenging everything known about gravity at the time and how they proved they could defeat gravity with their experiments with "The Bell" project. Gordon says Lockheed created the US's first antigravity craft and that it sitting in a hangar in the UK and he's seen it!

Gordon also released some incredible information that was further confirmed by Area 51 scientist Ed Slade (see his video on this channel) that the US lifted off from the moon using an antigravity device! He said this at about the 43:00 minute mark.

Also discussed was that we can reduce gravity in any object right now. The people that run the world have put the brakes on technology released to the public! is releasing this hidden knowledge for the first time. They aren't going to play "the game" anymore!

Other topics covered by Gordon are as follows

There were two Prescott Sheldon Bush's.

One was H.W. Bush's father and one was H.W. brother that was put in South America to take over businesses and to run the Nazi empire from there.

US Intel now has files proving Mitt Romney works with Castro running a narcotics and financial fraud operation. He has a girlfriend there named Maria Andropov who is daughter of KGB chief Yuri Andropov. Castro got his start by being an assassin for the Bush family!