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09 April 2015

Baking Soda a Cure for Humanity

Dr. Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD, DM (P)
Director International Medical Veritas Association
Doctor of Oriental and Pastoral Medicine
April 7, 2015

Nevada Assemblywoman Michele Fiore believes cancer is "a fungus" that can be cured by "flushing, let’s say, saltwater, sodium bicarbonate" through the body. She shares part of this belief with Dr. Tullio Simoncini of Rome, who uses sodium bicarbonate to treat cancer.

The Washington Post disagrees insisting that cancer is not a fungus but is the uncontrolled division of abnormal human cells within the body. It is an old theory though that does not quite cover the landscape of cancer. They can insist as much as they want, as do many medical organizations, but the truth is that if cancer is not a fungus it is almost always accompanied by one, especially in the later stages.

There was nothing professional about the Post essay but that is nothing unusual when it comes to the medical press. Sodium bicarbonate is a serious medicine meaning it is infantile to put it down and aside so lightly for the treatment of cancer or anything else like viral infections, which are very sensitive to changes in pH. Baking soda it the ultimate pH control medicine, which is safe, inexpensive and incredibly fast acting.

Fungal Infections

Fungal infections kill at least 1,350,000 patients with, cancer, TB, asthma, or following AIDS; as well as causing untold misery and blindness to tens of millions more worldwide. Yet, like a Trojan horse its symptoms are mostly hidden, and occur as a consequence of other health problems.

Fungal disease is like the Trojan horse that threatens the world as deaths reach approximately 150 people per hour. Doctors need to wake up to the plight of more than 300 million people worldwide who suffer and die every year from fungal disease. Fungal disease is worldwide catastrophe that is growing year on year, but could be halted with one of the best and certainly the safest antifungal medicines on the market and that is sodium bicarbonate.

Bicarbonate and Oxygen

Sodium Bicarbonate (NaHCO3) is a natural substance used to regulate pH as a counterbalance to acid build up and accompanying low oxygen conditions. Sodium bicarbonate is the easiest, fastest and safest way to rush oxygen to the cells and it is a biological fact that cancer cells hate oxygen.

Baking soda affects the pH of cells and tissues, balances cell voltage, and increases CO2, all of which helps with oxygenation. We might not be able to say that bicarbonate cures cancer but certainly baking soda helps patients survive their cancer. It certainly helps patients survive chemotherapy and that is why it is quietly used to buffer the toxic effects during chemo administration.

Sodium Bicarbonate can be used as a first line of defense for a vast range of sickness including, cancer, flu, diabetes, kidney disease and even the common cold. Sodium Bicarbonate can be used in many forms whether transdermally in a bath, orally or nebulized for lung conditions. It can be used against radiation exposure. The US Army has known for decades that it protects the kidneys against uranium toxicity.

The Post wrote, "Treatment is based on the theory that cancer is caused by a form of yeast infection and that sodium bicarbonate can kill the yeast. This claim is not supported by science or clinical evidence and is contrary to widely-accepted basic facts of oncology and microbiology."

Only a few brave souls say that cancer is a fungus but certainly most patients with late stage cancer have fungus infections, which doctors do not know how to treat, because most medical organizations come out clearly against the use of sodium bicarbonate, which is after all a good anti-fungal.

However saying the treatment theory is based on cancer being a fungus does not describe the true nature of sodium bicarbonate and why it is used so much in emergency rooms and intensive care departments. It demonstrates a lack of understanding of what sodium bicarbonate is, what it does, and how it is can be used. Simple baking soda is an emergency room medicine (that you can buy at your local supermarket) that is also helpful when patients are given radiation treatment. Though it does kill yeast and other infections quite quickly, its main function is to increase CO2 and oxygen levels, which is not conducive to cancer or tumor growth.

The Post published, "Some people with cancer have other health conditions for which sodium bicarbonate is used. But, again, there is no evidence that sodium bicarbonate has caused their tumors to shrink."

This is not true, medical scientists have studied bicarbonate and it does shrink tumors. (Bicarbonate inhibits spontaneous metastases (Robey 2009) Bicarbonate Increases Tumor pH and Inhibits Spontaneous Metastases according to many medical scientists so one has to wonder when newspapers come out so strongly against it. NaHCO3 therapy significantly reduced the formation of hepatic metastases following intrasplenic injection, suggesting that it did inhibit extravasation and colonization.

Actually much research has been done that shows sodium bicarbonate’s benefits in cancer and in our daily life and I strongly suggest you read my book on sodium bicarbonate…..recently published in hardcopy on and also in ebook on our website.

Virtually every cancer patient will benefit from the use of sodium bicarbonate because it treats the low oxygen acid conditions found universally in cancer patients. Healthy people also benefit, as do the aged and those with bad colds and influenza. Baking soda is a buffer helpful against any and all toxic exposures including chemical, heavy metal and radiation exposure.

Bicarbonate and Inflammation

Anyone experiencing the pain of an acute gout or rheumatoid arthritis attack would sell their soul to get relief from their pain. It seems like no matter where we turn these days, we hear the word inflammation because at the heart of almost all diseases is an inflammatory process. It is no surprise since our lifestyles have become increasingly sedentary, and many rely on junk food to sustain themselves. Add in unfathomable stress levels, allergens and environmental toxins, not to mention increasing radiation coming from the environment and medical tests together, plus many pharmaceutical drugs themselves will increase inflammation because they strip the body of alkaline minerals.

Bicarbonate ions neutralize the acid conditions required for chronic inflammatory reactions. Hence, sodium bicarbonate is of benefit in the treatment of a range of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. To reduce and eventually stop destructive inflammations the body needs to be alkalized, which means CO2 levels along with oxygen need to be raised. This is done over the long haul with mineral-rich vegetables, especially green leaf-vegetables and green protein powders such as spirulina, chlorella, and wheat grass or barley grass powder. However, until the inflammation is under control it is often helpful or necessary to use alkalizing remedies such as sodium bicarbonate for almost instant relief of many inflammation symptoms. Baking soda elevates salivary pH and reducing inflammation in the mouth. Magnesium is the ultimate anti-inflammatory and so is oxygen. Magnesium bicarbonate drinking water combines the best of magnesium and bicarbonate therapy.


It is not appropriate to claim that sodium bicarbonate cures cancer because it should not be used outside of a supportive protocol that attacks cancer from many sides at once. See my full Natural Allopathic protocol for how to do that.

I did a radio show on sodium bicarbonate recently. Cancer is a complex disease process and using baking soda alone will not “cure” cancer all by itself. However using baking soda along with other natural therapies to improve immune strength can help the body to combat and defeat cancer. Principle additions that reinforce the effect of bicarbonate is breathing retraining, heavy use of infrared mats, and intense application of magnesium, iodine and selenium.

08 April 2015

The Unmasking of an Archon


Resonance and reality

“We have a predator that came from the depths of the cosmos and took over the rule of our lives. Human beings are its prisoners. The predator is our lord and master. It has rendered us docile, helpless. If we want to protest, it suppresses our protest. If we want to act independently, it demands that we don’t do so…
Sorcerers believe that the predators have given us our systems of beliefs, our ideas of good and evil, our social mores. They are the ones who set up our hopes and expectations and dreams of success or failure. They have given us covetousness, greed and cowardice. It is the predators who make us complacent, routinary and egomaniacal.” Carlos Castaneda.

The Hijacking of a Blueprint

There are many illustrations in the ‘natural’ world that show how parasites hack the programme of their hosts and replace it with their own survival mechanism. Take the case of the worm Dicrocoelium dendriticum better known as the lancet liver fluke. To reach the liver of grazing animals it first infects a snail. Thousands of parasitical larvae are packed in slime balls and excreted, and along comes an ant and greedily gobbles up the slime. Once the parasite enters the ant, the hijacking of its consciousness begins. The ant’s blueprint is obliterated by the mind of the parasite and against all its natural instincts, the zombie ant crawls up to the top of a blade of grass and waits to be eaten by a cow or sheep. The parasite has given the ant its mind!

The Cunning Mirror

In Castaneda’s ‘The Active Side of Infinity’ Don Juan tells Carlos that the topic of topics in sorcery is predation by an alien intelligence: a predator that gave us its mind.

Everything is a mirror and if a parasite can hijack the consciousness of an ant, spider, caterpillar or fish, and replace it with its own selfish survival mechanism, why can’t it happen to a human being?

The brain parasite

The Archon is a brain parasite that has hacked our divinity. It has hijacked our consciousness and divided our blueprint to create the illusion of duality, and the separate reality called the third dimension. It has created an illusory, artificial world that is powered by the electro magnetic energy of our unplugged DNA. See my article: Shattering the illusion of reality’.

So let’s take a look at the third dimension and see if we can discover what part of our consciousness the parasite has claimed as its own.

The Third Dimension

The third dimension is comprised of the three lower chakras of Earth, Water and Fire: shelter, sex and survival.
The platonic solid of the third dimension is a tetrahedron, a fire principle. The seat of fire is in the third chakra of our bodies, the solar plexus…the little sun. This little sun corresponds to our 10% DNA and the big sun[90%] our unplugged DNA. The seat of fire is dual and divided into Fire rising and Fire falling.

The Third Chakra of Fire rising

In polarity fire rises and it falls. Fire rising touches the fourth chakra of the Heart. It is the great shoulders and lungs of the noble lion; it is the warrior of warmth, tenderness and love. It is divinity in action…and the gateway to our multidimensional conscious of All, the fifth chakra of Space.

The Third Chakra of Fire falling.

Fire falling, dips in to the second chakra of Water rising into Fire, the seat of sexual desire; where the emotions of competition, lust, rape, torture, hate and murder reign supreme…and it is here, we will find the true source of all our problems. The Archonic consciousness creates a constant desire for sex[ replication of its host] and the need for power over others as a means of control. Violence and oppression are frequencies of a dissonant fire field and lead to conflict and misery for the herd, creating fear and emotional distress which is food for the parasite.

This food is called the ‘loosh rote.’

The frequency of Fire Falling has been compromised by the parasite, and we are trapped in its corrupted corner of infinity.

The Loosh Rote and the human farm

The Loosh Rote’ is the term coined by the great pioneer of astral travel and out of body experiences, Robert Monroe. His OBE’s led him to the understanding that the Earth world is a farm, set up for the sole purpose of harvesting the energy of fear and suffering from living creatures.The parasite works by division and sucks off the emotional energy caused by the constant conflict of the game of ‘us versus them’.

As Morpheus says in the Matrix, we are all food batteries…

Killing the parasite

There is only one way to kill a parasite and that is to starve it. It will soon leave if fear is replaced by love…but its a sneaky little bastard…so watch your thoughts.

Written by ethompson

Elva Thompson was born in England in 1947 and moved to Rosebud Lakota reservation in 1987. She is the author of the occult novel Heartstar; Book One: The Key made of Air. Hobbies are ancient phonetic languages, sonic sound and their application in the healing arts. She is also a medical intuitive and teaches sonic re-patterning using sound, colour, and essential oils.

07 April 2015

Plan to Replace Humanity with Mars Elite DNA Colony

by Alfred Lambremont Webre
December 8, 2014
from NewsInsideOut Website

US Marine Mars Officer: Breakaway civilization to repopulate Earth surface dwellers with Mars DNA-pool colonists 

US Marine Capt. Randy A. Cramer, Special Section (ss) is an active duty Marine officer deployed within the civilian population of the United States pursuant to Article 21 of Emergency Marine Corps Regulations.
Under authorization from the U.S. Marine Corps chain of command, Capt. Cramer is speaking out against US government policies, a secret gene-pool colony on Mars, the depopulation plans of what he calls the Breakaway civilization of the military industrial complex.

Unless the green, advanced technologies now sequestered by the Breakaway civilization are released for Earth's public good, Capt. Cramer says the Breakaway civilization intends to eliminate Earth's current surface-dwelling humans and replace them with humans that are now part of a secret Mars colony selected for its preferred gene pool and elite status.
As Capt. Cramer states on his website,

“DO NOT RELY ON THE OFFICIAL APPARATUS OF STATE TO TELL YOU THE TRUTH AT THIS TIME! They're interest is not in your survival, it is in reducing your numbers.”
Article 21
When the US Marine Corps can warn the public the US government is no longer functioning

Capt. Randy Cramer states he is speaking out in this interview under authorization of a secret mechanism established by U.S. President Dwight Eisenhower to warn American citizens in the event their government was compromised and in danger of failing them or being overtaken.

Article 21 of secret Marine Corps regulations authorizes the US Marine chain of command to deploy a U.S. Marine as a civilian to speak out publicly against the actions of the U.S. government when either of two conditions is reached:

  • Less that 50% of the constitutional guarantees of the US government are in place because of the actions of an extraterrestrial race; or
  • Less than 75% of the operating functions of the US government are no longer being carried out;
  • Under either of these conditions, the U.S. Marine chain of command can invoke Article 21 and deploy a U.S. Marine in the form of Capt. Randy A. Cramer to warn the public as to steps it should take so that the American people and its nation can survive.
There has been an official determination that one or both of these conditions have been met now.

U.S. Marine Corps White Hat deployed to save American nation

Capt. Randy Cramer states straightforwardly that he was authorized under Article 21 by his chain of command to speak out.
He says,

“When I agreed to speak publicly, my security clearance was raised to a Blue/Gold-13, which has granted me full access to USMC ss intelligence files, and weekly briefings by Brigadier General Julian Smythe, personally.”
According to Capt. Cramer,

“USMC Special Section (ss). is a covert Unacknowledged Special Access Program (or USAP) signed into law as a legal and covert branch of the US military in 1953 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower.

USMC ss was mandated by President Eisenhower through the USMC ss special code,
  • to meet the exopolitical questions of EBE's, (Extra Terrestrial Biological entities) and ETV's (Extra Terrestrial Vehicles)

  • to assist in assessing diplomatic opportunities and military threats and advise the MJ-12 committee and special study groups (SSG's) with intelligence from a fully staffed and operational military intelligence machine, and respond to their requests for specially trained military assistance in all matters extra terrestrial”
Alternative 3
Secret Mars colony & planned depopulation of Earth's surface dwellers

As set out in his interview, Capt. Randy Cramer has a two-fold message to the American and by extension the world public.
The American and Earth's surface dwellers (the constitutional economy] have been left with an archaic economy based on outdated technology by a Breakaway civilization whose technology is 10,000 years or more advanced.
Only by securing release of secret green, advanced energy and other technologies can Earth's surface dwellers re-start their economy and thrive.

The Breakaway civilization is preventing this release of technology (like anti-gravitics, time travel teleportation, medical and other technologies). Their plan, called Alternative 3, is based on a secret gene pool Mars colony established to repopulated Earth after the Earth surface dwellers are eliminated.
The means of elimination include intentional biowarfare, wars, tectonic and environmental wars (HAARP and chemtrails), GMOs and other toxic means. It is disinformation to believe that Alternative 3 was established in the event of a natural catastrophe on Earth.

Capt. Randy Cramer has now been ordered by the US Marine Corps chain of command to warn the American and Earth population this is occurring.
The US government is complicit in this plan and can no longer carry out its function of protecting its citizens.

Other Mars experiencers verify aspects of Capt. Cramer's Mars account

Capt. Randy Cramer reports he was deployed for 17 years as US Marine Special Section (ss) as part of the Mars Defense Force in the polar regions of Mars in combat and peacekeeping operations with indigenous Mars intelligent reptilian and insectoid [Mantid] civilizations].
During this time, the U.S. Mars Defense Force, in alliance with Mars reptilians and Mantids, successfully fought off an attempted incursion of the Mars polar region by Draco reptilians.

Capt. Cramer's accounts are congruent with those of previously reported by this reporter of whistleblowers from U.S. secret operations on Mars including,

At least three members of the U.S. secret Mars program have given extensive testimony published by this reporter that U.S. President Barack Obama, then known as Barry Soetoro Soebarkah, was on Mars as part of the US Mars program 1980-83.
On January 3, 2012, Tommy Vietor, public relations director of the US National Security Council, issued an official statement in response to this reporter's article stating that Obama had not watched a specific cartoon program about Mars, thereby attempting ridicule of an official U.S. Mars program.
Vietor did not address any of the specific evidence that Obama had in fact been on Mars.

Solutions - Speak out for new technology and for change

Capt. Randy Cramer's solutions include a call for re-energize citizen participation in oversight of official secrecy in the military-industrial complex. Capt. Cramer encouraged citizens to become actively involved in elections, and oversight of Congressional representatives and government offices.

Asked if he planned to run for elective office as part of his mandate under Art. 21, Capt. Cramer replied that he was considering political campaigning for public office among other options.

It is not clear if the US Marine Corps has other robust options available to it to preserve the American nation and people under Article 21 of its secret regulations, should the challenges to the continuity of the constitutional integrity of the American people's nation become even more challenging.

06 April 2015

Weaponize It! - The Military-Industrial Complex' Latest Insanities

by Zen Gardner
March 6, 2015
from ZenGardner Website

What's with this world? It doesn't matter what new technology surfaces, "how can we weaponize it?" is the overarching meme of the "powers that shouldn't be" of self-appointed overlords.

It's insane to the max.

Whether it's money, viruses and bacteria, flying things, vaccines, food, water, sound and electromagnetic technology, anything with a camera, x-rays and radiation, forays into space, psychological advances, animals and insects, vehicles of any sort including unmanned drones of every size, time travel and remote viewing, microchips and computers, robots, transhuman bodily attachments, genetic modification, and even the air, environment and flipping weather.

And that's just some of the stuff we know about. Whatever...
"Weaponize it!"
Latest Insanity

If what's already in the cookers of these psychopaths isn't enough, they even enjoy letting on little slivers of what they're willing to "confess" to, just to keep the mass mind conditioned to accept whatever new "scientific advancement" has been translated into weaponry.
US Navy successfully test devastating new laser weapon
A NEW devastating laser weapon has been successfully tested by the US Navy that could change modern warfare.

Weapon experts Lockheed Martin developed the new laser gun which can destroy targets with minimal damage to human life. The weapon, named Advanced Test High Energy Asset (ATHENA), was able to immobilize a truck from over a mile away.

On a recent test performed by the US Navy. The truck was hit by the a 30kw laser and was able to slice through the bonnet and melt the engine in a matter of seconds.

ATHENA incorporates a 30-kilowatt fibre laser developed by the company in Bothell, Washington and is based on the Area Defence Anti-Munitions (ADAM) laser weapon system.

The laser weapon has also been proven effective in demonstrations against small airborne and sea-based targets.

Keoki Jackson, Lockheed Martin chief technology officer said:
"Fibre-optic lasers are revolutionizing directed energy systems. We are investing in every component of the system - from the optics and beam control to the laser itself - to drive size, weight and power efficiencies."
Do you see the abject insanity of such an approach?
Yet conditioned humanity will accept such horrific death-dealing power as necessary and justified. There's not a mention of how such technology could be used to better mankind, and never will be.

Satanic Lunacy

Just look at all the crap they're pumping out. It's incredible! All in the name of "national security".
DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is a highly secretive branch of the Military Industrial Monster that spends billions on developing just such insanities, but that's the only officially known black op.
Cloaked in this extremely handy veil of "classified" like so many 10's of thousands of documents and undercover operations for decades, DARPA does whatever the hell it pleases. Like the shadow government. While the populace sleeps, feeling "protected" from one set of fictitious "bad guys" after the other.

So called "Congress" is a long dead joke in this cryptocracy anachronistically called the United States. That icon of so-called "freedom" has slipped off like a bad toupee worn by a Hitler look-alike in a wax museum.
Your bullshit detector has to be changed and cleaned more often than a baby's diaper just to keep up with the lies being spun on an hourly basis.

It's sick out there.

All the more reason to stay detached, awake and fully conscious where freedom truly reigns.

Warmonger by John Carroll

Who Are the Warmongers?

This is an important question to ask.
When you find out all of the so-called enemies have been either entirely fictional or deliberately fabricated you start to catch on. It also leaves you with the horrific spectre of a very dark shadowy influence with way too much power and a cornucopia of bad intentions.

Nasty conclusion, but a true one.

The Defense Department, once more openly called the War Department, is the tip of the iceberg. War is a money maker, as well as a release valve for sick psychopaths, a chance to rearrange the world, take over vital natural resources, reward the gofers with new despotic positions of power, and last but not least enjoy a massive occult, sacrificial ritual to energetically empower those engaged in the dark sorcery of subduing our planet and its native races.

I bring that up because the source is all important.

If anyone can stand back and see how massive this assumptive manipulated world view is, they will deduce there is more than just wicked, evil and power crazed money grubbers at work here. We're hitting new dimensions.
This strain of coordinated, frighteningly similar tactics takes on the appearance of a science fiction alien movie.

Why? Because it is...

They Play Us at Every Level

We're not dealing with conspiracy theory, but conspiracy fact.
And as David Icke has wisely said, that doesn't make every conspiracy theory right either. Not at all. Especially the ones the PTBs spin as fact. Those are the biggest doozies.
But not one enlightened being I've ever known just swallows anything that comes along. Those in that frame of mind are usually trying to be a "success" in the alternative or new age world and look for things to confirm that, as Clif High has so astutely pointed out.

Watch out for belief systems or ethereal cereal you can't quite grasp that leads you down the primrose path to nowhere. Because that's exactly where you'll end up… giving your sovereign sense of judgment and hence your consciousness away.

"They Live" disguised amongst us…
fact or fiction?

We're dealing with manipulative overlords here.

  • What populace would ever want to send its sons and daughters to die in a far off country?
  • What human being in their right mind would want to fight against another human to the death for some abstract cause of its rulers?
If your life is directly threatened up close and personal, that would make sense.
But with these huge engineered wars and decades long escapades into far away lands with so little information except churned out propaganda, it just doesn't add up and never has.

And how do they start and get their impetus going? An event… a galvanizing event.
Pearl Harbor, a "new Pearl Harbor" - 9/11 - and a plethora of other examples. These wars are produced, directed and funded by this self-appointed ruling authority that humanity willingly acquiesces to.
But it is so essentially other-worldly in relation to true human nature there has got to be an outside source for this maniacal, highly sophisticated and manipulated passion for war and anything warlike.

Granted, it may appeal to a reptilian side of human nature, but this preoccupation to the detriment of our very race goes way beyond that.
What Are They Fighting?

There are many thoughts in this area.

  • Some say it's an evil, bloodthirsty way of life and method of self empowerment for a parasitic race converting humans into co-conspirators.

  • Others say the earth is being set up as yet another base for an invading species to attack and overcome other planets and solar systems similar to ours, sort of the galactic federation model.
I don't know.
But it's weird, way weird, and deserves our stepping back to see the absolute insanity of it and pursue its source. At the very least it's a call to disconnect from it and remove our imprimatur of approval by our silence and cooperation!

I do know we, the human race, are the most feared enemy they have. We have the power to throw them off if we'd be willing to wake up, unite and take action together, the most important of which is full on awakening which helps bring on the vibrational change they cannot handle.
But their awareness of this threat is the the reason for their stringent efforts to dumb us down via tainted food, water and air; a mind and spirit numbing propaganda barrage via education and media outlets, and the deprivation of Truth causing a massive worldwide spiritual asphyxiation.

The following is a perfect summary of this issue and why they are afraid of us:


Any way you look at it, it's off the charts weird on this here earth, and getting worse.
The escalating knowledge and scientific breakthroughs are not empowering as they should be, but instead are frightening in the hands of such monstrous entities tooling with the weakest of our race… the greedy sell outs who will do anything for power and money and thus do the bidding of these shadow, ill intentioned powers.

An easy bunch to convince they're doing the right thing, even by eliminating 90% of the earth's population as long as they survive and get rewarded with a position of power.
Talk about phony belief systems! Boy are they in for a surprise!!

You really think such evil entities would keep their "word" about anything? How ironic...

Let the underground base reptilian barbecues begin!

Just wondering, as always...

Swami’s State of the Universe 2015

Cosmic Comic Pundit Swami Beyondananda Calls for Evolutionary Upwising

“Either we will have an awakening, or there will be a wake.”
– Swami Beyondananda

Greetings, Mirthlings!

Welcome to the state of the Universe — which is of course, everchanging, same as always.

Here we are once again in the here and now, just like last year at this time.

So … are you finally ready to live in the now?

Good. We have been waiting for you. What took you so long?

With time rapidly becoming a thing of the past (the calendar’s days are numbered, you know) people are living in the now like never before. Listen, I know. I was a futurist in a past life. But now, I have no time for time. I am living all the time in the Timeless Now. I think they call that All-Timers.

Meanwhile, here on Earth — or as it is known throughout the galaxies, the Comedy Channel — a critical mass of the heretofore uncritical masses are awakening to a serious truth. There’s something funny going on.

Take politics — please.

America’s two political parties spent $4 billion on the last election and it worked — the American people were soundly defeated. Once again the Golden Rule was overruled by the rule of gold, and the Constitution overrun by the prostitution. The result is government in greedlock and rule by a one-party system where we the people haven’t been invited to the party.

We don’t exactly have a name for this new system, although I think Futilism describes it pretty well. Thanks to government for hire, voting has devolved into an act of futility. Whether we vote Democratic or Republican, we seem to end up with Dempublicrats running things.

Now some mystics — pessimystics they are called — would look at this shituation and see a glass 95% empty. As an optimystic I take the exact opposite position. I see a glass 5% full.

Yes, there is good news.

An evolutionary upwising is afoot, and left and right are coming front-and-center around a new common sense consensus.

In Colorado and now two other states, this has meant legalizing cannabis. So what does this mean, other than in the Mile High State you can now legally get a mile higher? For one thing it means a blooming economy selling transcendental medication. Science is now finding that humans have THC receptors in the part of the brain called the “hippiecampus”. When this area is stimulated, people see farce fields and laugh at invisible jokes.

There’s an old saying — and I know it because I myself made it up many lifetimes ago — the truth shall upset you free. Once again in 2014, inconvenient truths exposed convenient lies. For example, now everyone knows our government is spying on us, and Public Enemy Number One appears to be none other than — the public. Maybe the NSA needs to be balanced out by another three-letter organization, the ICU — Independent Citizens United, where citizens who intensively care about the rule of law can say, “I see you” and begin to oversee what we have until now chosen to overlook.

From Monotheism to Stereotheism, and a REAL Conspiracy

There was another sign of the upwising in 2014. Pope Francis took a stand for social justice, making the Catholic Church more non-dominational. And boy, are those purebred dogma breeders upset! It just goes to show that maybe you CAN teach an old dogma, new tricks.

Maybe monotheism is evolving into stereotheism, where the same truth comes from multiple speakers, in many different languages, and some with no language at all.

After all, there is no harm in harmony, and no sin in synergy. And in the end, every dogma must answer to the same Master. Maybe if religions evolve in this way, John Lennon could imagine “no religion too” becoming “all religions true.”

And for those of us who want peace in the Middle East?

Let us first try peace in the Middle West. A first step is to quiet our own barking dogmas, and listen to the silence. Instead of just following the herd, follow the unheard … right into your own heart. Imagine, Americans from all tribes coming into the same space of silence, and breathing together. Now that would be a REAL conspiracy, and could expose and help us overgrow the con’s piracy we have now.

The evolutionary upwising calls on people everywhere to rise above the identity issues that each side serves up as dogma chow, and instead focus on the identical issues we face now — like being passengers and crew on Spaceship Earth, citizens and denizens of Gaia.

So, come on you Gaians!

Time to show your species’ pride. And time to evolve from children of God to adults of Good. Yes, I know. We are collectively in this awkward tween phase called addled-essence. Our essence has been addled by obsolete myth-conceptions.

A Three-Step Plan to Launch the Upwising

So, how do we un-addle our essence? How do we launch this upwising to turn the funk into function, and leave the junk at the junction?

I’m glad I asked that question.

I have created a three-step program that is mathematically proven to work four times faster than 12-step.

If we want to have an upwising, we must wake up … wise up … and show up.

We must wake up to the awful truth and the awesome opportunity. Yes the world is in serious condition, largely due to our conditioning to be serious. Seriously.

And if the problem is serious, then the solution has to be humorous, right? So we wake up laughing as we recognize that we’ve been running around in circles, chasing our tales. These tales usually tell us that happiness is somewhere “out there”. It’s a sure sign of the upwising when those who’ve been in hot pursuit of happiness get struck by enlightening and realize, “Gee, I must have run right past it.”

And in this moment of fool-realization, we fully realize our foolishness and laugh in our own face. This is called self-facing laughter, and it helps us illuminate our world from the inside out. People ask me all the time, “How can I uplift humanity?” I take one look at their doomy and gloomy expressions and I say, “You can begin by uplifting the corners of your mouth in a smile.” When you feel the levitational pull giving you a natural face-lift, you are literally overcoming gravity.

Hearty laughter brings us from the static of the head to the ecstatic of the heart, and we take the second step to upwising — we wise up loving. It has been said that the more we expand our hearts the less we will need to shrink our heads. Beliefs lie in our head, love lives in our heart. So … are you going to believe those lies? Or live that love? When you sacrifice being happy for being right, you know what they call it? Smartyrdom.

With laughter and love helping us wise to the occasion, we take the third step. We show up, living and giving. Each of us has been given a special gift, just for entering. So you are already a winner. We are all here to let our light fully shine — the enlightened ones call this full-filament. It is true that the unexamined life is not worth living, and equally true that the unlived life is not worth examining. To “show up” means to live life fully, and foolly, laughing all the way. Make a bucket list of all the undertakings you wish to undertake before being overtaken by the undertaker. Express your unique love in the world, and make your life a work of heart.

Bring your gift to the party, and show up for the greatest show on earth — REALITY! You know, reality. That’s reality TV without the TV. What a movie we’re in! A cast of 7 billion, and all of humanity is in the hero’s role. And the whole world is on the edge of its seat. Will we achieve critical mass before we reach critical massacre? Will there be an awakening, or a wake?

As the great baseball player / philosopher Willie Mays once said, “That’s what we’re going to play the game to find out.”

I end this 2015 State of the Universe with good news. When it comes to transformation, we have all the time in the world. And that time is now.

May we wake up laughing and leave laughter in our wake.

© Copyright 2015 Steve Bhaerman. All rights reserved.

If you’d like to wake up laughing, why not enroll in the Wake Up Laughing class?

Swami Beyondananda is a noted social uncommontator and spiritual political pundit (If anyone punned it, Swami punned it first) and is the alter ego and brainchild of author and humorist Steve Bhaerman. Steve and Swami can be found at and on Twitter @swamibe.