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19 May 2015

Plato's Allegory of the Cave

A brief glimpse of Plato's allegory of the cave and how it relates to Indian Vedanta and Early Gnosticism. Narrated by Professor Andrea Diem, Ph.D. | Part of a Larger series on the deceptive nature of awareness.

Shocking: Obama to Disarm – Demilitarize Police

America’s new “Clown Car” 
Swat team serving warrants for unpaid parking fines, somewhere in America (Photo above)

By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on May 18, 2015

Presidential order against large weapons, drones, tracked vehicles...not allowed for law enforcement

Did the Jade Helm hoax give Obama the chance to “de-Swat” the police?

[ Editor’s Note: VT is on an “I told you so” roll with the Jade Helmsters — the gift that keeps on giving. Their scam to use the usual summer American staple of small domestic military-training road shows and to morph that into the “martial law kick off ball” is burning down around their ankles.

They are running out of fall back replacement scams, as each get shot down in turn. VT has long editorialized on the moral corruption of American police forces, under the Bush plan to make them all Special Operations wannabes.

Not only would the taxpayers have to foot the bill via deficit spending, but the public itself would end up being framed as a hostile force to substitute for the non-existence of huge terror or Islamic cells, one of the infamous rallying cries of the “trailer park Right.” The FBI forever stained itself by cranking up sting scam operations to justify their extra couple of billion a year in imaginary counter terrorism work. The Justice Dept. worked hand in glove with them for the same reason.

As Gordon describes below, the current move to “demilitarize” America’s police does not quite jive with the Helmsters wishes actually — and that the FEMA camps and Walmart mass execution centers are not right around the corner as claimed.

Of course this all was being kicked off just at the start of the 2016 presidential race, with the Alternative media tried-and-true “invasion” spinmeister himself — Alex “the blowhard” Jones. If anyone has a higher score than Alex on these fear porn scams, please let us know in the comments. We are dying to know (forgive the pun)… Jim W. Dean ]

In an announcement that hit fear porn mongers and the GOP controlled blogosphere like a hammer, the White House announced strict standards on federal programs begun during the Bush administration. These programs not only armed police with tracked vehicles, high explosive grenade launchers and anti-aircraft guns but drones as well.

In a move restricting the capability of American police forces, the move is meant to bolster confidence in a nation victimized by highly organized propagandizing financed by the Koch/Adelson/Jones/Bronfman cartel.

Obama will highlight his new report during his visit to Camden, New Jersey, a city that has successfully overhauled its police and schools.

Obama’s report cites a failure by the federal government in reigning in police departments seeking military weaponry brought back from Iraq and Afghanistan. A cottage industry has flourished in overarming police departments, which in turn bleeds departments in order to equip and maintain useless hardware.

Police standards for recruiting, training and supervision have plummeted, due to this factor and others, since the economic collapse of 2008, the greatest financial disaster in American history.

International arms traders and greedy “revolving door” defense contracting firms with strong political ties to America’s right wing have lined up, backed by congressional insiders and corrupt state officials, pouring junk and dangerous hardware into the armed “blue gangs” that prowl America’s cities.

Right Wing Watch

A carefully orchestrated barrage of race hate has flooded fringe media, GOP – Tea Party newsletters and the “tin foil hat” blogosphere. All carry the same material, crime statistics attacking African Americans, stories of “white victimization” and warnings about Jade Helm, a small army training program that will bring 1200 troops into Texas for the summer. Combined with existing forces in Texas, there will now be approximately 285,000 troops in Texas as opposed to 284,000.

The Department of Defense is the single largest employer in the state of Texas and has been for 73 years. From today’s Wall Street Journal:

The report that will be released Monday calls for a prohibition on federal programs providing certain types of equipment to law-enforcement agencies, citing a substantial risk of misuse. The list of prohibited gear includes tracked armored vehicles, weaponized aircraft, large-caliber firearms, grenade launchers and some camouflage uniforms.

Such equipment, which is seen as militaristic in nature, “could significantly undermine community trust and may encourage tactics and behaviors that are inconsistent with the premise of civilian law enforcement,” the report says.

More stringent controls for other types of equipment should be implemented, the report says. And law-enforcement agencies requesting certain gear will be required to seek the consent of local government and submit detailed justification explaining their need for equipment such as unmanned aerial vehicles and wheeled tactical vehicles.

Further Improvements Ordered

Obama’s report calls for increased use of body cameras along with services to police officers themselves, many of whom are exposed to job related stress, not only from community hostility but working for departments where corruption and incompetence has long ruled.

In a controversial move for pro-union Obama, changes to be implemented may well dissolve police unions, many of which have long been controlled by organized crime. This is what was done in Camden, shutting down a local police department and consolidating a county wide department with no union.

Sources site that police unions protect the worst officers at the cost of those who refuse bribes and refuse to brutalize citizens.

Why Right Was Silent on Police Extremism?

Right wing extremist bloggers and race baiters have been, in recent weeks, on the attack against the US military over imaginary threats of martial law. Curiously, however, militarized police departments that kill mostly veterans and African Americans have gotten a pass from such groups.

This is despite the fact that police departments are serving minor warrants with armored vehicles and swat teams, or as Jim W. Dean so often says, “You just can’t make this stuff up.”

With police in nearly every town in American using Israeli phone jammers and communications interception/spoofing equipment, all illegal even for police, why has there been a wall of silence?

Who is being paid? Is it the Israeli’s that make millions playing “divide and conquer?” A quote from Benjamin Netanyahu from a Defense Intelligence Agency recording during a 1990 investigation for espionage and trafficking in nuclear material.

Across the table from Netanyahu was an IAEA inspector, now a Veterans Today editor who verifies this as a true transcript:

“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the world’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.

Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”

Is there little doubt that the fear porn merchants of America’s right wing are taking their marching orders from this man?

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17 May 2015

Breaking: US Troops Inside Syria, Raid Kills ISIS Moneyman

Are American heroes fighting the right war for the first time in decades?

May 16, 2015
By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor 
with a VT Exclusive Report:

Dodging Turkish army units inside Syria and their advanced air defense systems, a US Special Forces unit killed an ISIS “oil minister” while an identical Syria operation took out another “oil minister,” both Saudi nationals.

Turkish air defenses downed a Syrian surveillance drone but no US planes or helicopters were hit. Turkey has publicly claimed the drone was an attack aircraft flying over Turkey.

19 ISIS terrorists were killed by US troops in this attack according to Syrian government sources.

Pentagon sources, speaking anonymously, tell us that this is a largely “symbolic attack” to let Saudi Arabia and Turkey know that the US will not tolerate their interference in Iraq and their continued supply of ISIS forces. The US had planned to lead a coordinated attack to dislodge ISIS from Mosul, Iraq’s second largest city. That attack has been delayed because of Turkish and Saudi backing for ISIS.

This is the first US strike against a combined Turkish/ISIS position inside Syria.

Secretary of Defense Ash Carter announced only moments ago that a US Special Forces unit hit targets inside Western Syria last night killing Abu Sayyaf, a senior ISIS commander and capturing his wife, an Iraqi national. From a DOD spokesman:

The president authorized this operation upon the unanimous recommendation of his national security team and as soon as we had developed sufficient intelligence and were confident the mission could be carried out successfully and consistent with the requirements for undertaking such operations.

Abu Sayyaf had worked closely with Turkey, Jordan and Israel in marketing Syrian oil. He was targeted for capture but was killed in a firefight at his comfortable residence in Deir en Zuer, a city along the Euphrates River, the next ISIS stronghold on that body of water after ar Raqqah, military headquarters for ISIS inside Syria.

Three wounded ISIS fighters were airlifted to Israel for medical treatment according to Israeli radio. They were received at the Baruch Padeh Medical Center in Tiberias, in the Occupied Territories, according to an Israeli spokesman.

Simultaneously, Syrian forces killed 40 ISIS terrorists including ISIS oil minister Abu al Taym al Saudi in what is clearly a much more successful and meaningful raid. ISIS air defenses shot down a Syrian drone during that raid. The Turkish government claimed credit for downing the drone, claiming it was an attack aircraft. Turkey has placed the downing of the Syrian drone 400 miles north of where the action actually occurred in order to attempt to hide their incursion deep into Syria.

Turkish air defense systems have been operating with ISIS and Al Nusra terrorists inside Syria since the beginning of May according to Veterans Today sources on the ground inside Syria.

Abu Taym Saudi, working out of the town of Mayadin, has managed the Omar oil fields for ISIS and their Turkish and Israeli partners since June 2014.

On April 26, 2015, Syrian Special Forces attacked ar Raqqah killing Turkish and Saudi field commanders along with their ISIS counterparts, 31 leaders in all. The Syrian Army press release on that victory:

Today at nine o’clock evening for the first time since the start of the dirty on the ground war the unity of our very own very, very correctly termed Shock and Quiet Liquidation Forces (literal translation) and then exploitation and monitor intelligence professional has scored a significant success.

The implementation of a complex process led by Colonel (Rommel) Antique, who led the attack personally along with 22 men killed or captured 31 leaders of the Al-Nusra Front.

This included two Qatari officers and six Turkish officers. Military secrecy requires that we not indicate if they were simply killed or captured.

Martyred during the attack was one officer. The operational commander and all but two of the special unit (martyred) returned safely including Colonel

Ash Carter Statement

Secretary Ash Carter stated in a press release today that President Obama personally ordered the attack and that all US forces returned safely.

“Abu Sayyaf was involved in ISIL’s military operations and helped direct the terrorist organization’s illicit oil, gas, and financial operations as well.”

Abu Sayyaf was also cited for his personal supervision of ISIS human trafficking and narcotics operations as well. His wife, Umm Sayya, was captured during the raid. Carter indicated that she has been deeply involved in ISIS financial operations and is expected to be a wellspring of intelligence.

Intelligence Raid

Vast amounts of intelligence, essentially ISIS’ private accounting, was seized in the raid. Defense sources say the real goal is to trace financial backers of ISIS through Turkey “and elsewhere,” including not only looted antiquities being sold in London but significant amounts of Syrian oil being transited in the Baku-Ceyhan pipeline, a Turkish-Israeli-Azerbaijani partnership.

“Based on the blend of the oil, a very exacting fingerprint, buyers must be aware of not only the oil’s origins but that they are fully complicit in terrorism as well through these transactions.”

Turkish Involvement

Over the past two weeks, Turkey has set up a “buffer zone” inside Syria, deploying air defense systems to protect key ISIS and Al Nusra command and control facilities. The Turkish army missile units were delivered by Turkish Air Force c 130 aircraft that landed in Raggah and Mayadin during the first week of May.

Air operations against ISIS have been at a virtual standstill after the Turkish incursion and the withdrawal of Saudi Arabia from the US led coalition. Both the US and Saudi Arabia have yet to announce this move by the new Saudi king, openly hostile to President Obama.

London “Rights Group” Or ISIS “Mouthpiece?”

Syrian Human Rights Watch credited the Syrian government for the US attack, citing the use of poison gas and “barrel bombs” against women and children. The so called rights group was unaware that this was a US attack and could only have gotten information directly from ISIS commanders, proving full coordination and complicity between this group and Al Qaeda and ISIS.

This organization is affiliated with the Jamestown Foundation and PJ Media, groups accused of complicity in the Benghazi attack that killed the American ambassador to Libya and members of his security detail.

The group says that evidence of this “massacre” will be turned over to the International Criminal Court. They are expected to rescind this statement before the day is out.

Veterans Today Role

Veterans Today, last week, in meetings with Syrian military officials in Damascus, had “suggested” the possibility that US operations inside Syria, specifically in the region attacked by the US last night, might be allowed by Syria as an act of good faith. No other information on this interview can be made public.

Though the US vigorously denies it is working with Syria in any way, we have too many coincidences in these operations.

“If congress knew what was going on, the Iranian deal would be scuttled in minutes. Though Israeli is totally aware, US cooperation with Syria would motivate a backlash among ‘Israeli firsters’ in Congress, possibly leading to the forced resignation of the new Defense Secretary” (source unknown)

Syria denies any complicity with US operation inside that nation. Stories out of Damascus told of an assassination attempt against President Assad. A breaking story on VT tells of the arrest of two French agents in the plot.

12 May 2015

The Beast

by Preston James, Ph.D on May 10, 2015

Has the Third Force's new and expanded Skynet Quantum Computer System integrated all Western Intel functions and been able to establish direct human control?
Note: The information contained in this article was not provided by any Director of Veterans Today, although some may have clearances that could be related to part of this information.

Ever since the Roswell, New Mexico UFO crash and recovery, there has been a continuing process to privatize all American Intel and consolidate it under one central control.

The reasons for this were in part a knee-jerk panic reaction to the undeniable discovery of a crashed Alien ET anti-gravity craft and one live Alien ET survivor.

This panic reaction of the US Military High Command and President Truman led to the quick determination to set up a special scientific committee and to place control for all Alien ET matters under the control of this committee called Majesty Twelve.

This committee was authorized to hire a few trusted private defense contractors in order to keep it away from access by regular US Military.

The thought that the public would find out and know for certain that Alien ETs were real and that their incredibly advanced anti-gravity craft and navigation systems were real sent a shock of panic which resulted in one of the largest coverups in history, that still goes on to this day.

Even stranger is the fact that during the next ten years, US President Eisenhower met with a group of Alien ETs and established a treaty which supported receipt of Alien ET technology in exchange for permission to abduct and draw biological samples from humans, as long as their memory was erased and they were not harmed.

We now know for certain that several different “exchange treaties” have been negotiated between this MJ-12 committee without Presidential involvement, as at least several joint research projects set up in secret bases — two above ground and at least one underground at Dulce, New Mexico, which involves research to hybridize a new alien/human race and create a synthetic soul.

We also know for certain that these attempts to create a new alien hybrid race with a synthetic soul continue to fail.

Despite some of the most radical and inhumane medical and genetic experiments possible, such efforts to synthesize the soul have failed miserably, continue to fail and there is no hope of any success with this project any time in the future, either.

We also know for certain that in the process of forming these alliances with Alien ETs, the Committee (MJ-12) has become mind-kontrolled and essentially taken over by the Alien ETs and has become their tool to terraform the Earth and subdue its human inhabitants according to a secret, sinister Alien Agenda.

The Alien Agenda is very complex, but is based on the principle of altering the genetic material of certain families’ bloodlines and empowering them with the power of the Third Force, a notably evil power with no ability to express regard for human feeling, human suffering or human life in general.

This to be followed by the creation of a new Alien ET/human hybrid race with inter-dimensional psi-power, but after 90% of the world’s humans are eliminated by various multi-modal means, including engineered wars, diseases and plagues, and other means.

The Alien Agenda is hateful toward Humans and is dedicated to using them as serfs and slaves, and then mass-murdering them.

In fact, this alien attitude toward humans that has been inculcated in these key “thirteen bloodline families” is one that views humans with complete hatred and disgust and is deeply committed to ritually sacrificing infants and mass-murdering humans in large numbers through pre-engineered and staged wars.

Some insiders, who have broken away and spoken at great personal risk, have claimed the greatest skill the treaty-participant alien ET group had was advanced mind-kontrol, including the deployment of psi-power, psychotronic mind-kontrol and engineered psych-social “cultural” mind-kontrol. These methods were so advanced that most humans were like “deer in the headlights.”

In order to keep this article short and readable, all the specific evidence and the steps by which this alien ET force was able to gain complete control over “the committee”, and thus all their associated private contractors will not be included here. A lot of it is available in prior VT articles and on various websites.
The Alien ET group that the Secret Shadow Government (SSG) is run by pays homage to the Third Force and it evil, anti-human agenda.

Suffice to say that there is a Third Force that the alien ETs represent, and it is remarkably anti-human. It has a long-term agenda being deployed through alien ETs that goes back thousands of years. Numerous times in the past, the Third Force was able to set up kingdoms that were run by large alien/human hybrid giants.

We know for certain that the Alien Agenda is empowered by the Third Force which is evil and has set up it own Artificial Intelligence System by which it can control the leaders of western Nations and a majority of the citizens, too.

The Third Force is in the process of consolidating all of Earth’s political powers into a NWO Globalist System run out of Jerusalem, after all Israelis are removed by war and pestilence. All other nations’ governments will be removed and/or consolidated into one NWO system, which will seat its own World Dictator. Orthodox Christians and some Islamics believe this will be a final anti-Christ, Satan himself.

Readers always wonder why the Third Force and its captive governments are obsessed with setting up a NWO globalist system run out of Jerusalem. This is an interesting question. Orthodox Christian historians have claimed that it is because this is the capital where Jesus Christ ran his ministry from, where he died, and where some claim he rose from the dead. The Third Force mocks any Orthodox Christian beliefs and perhaps wants to set up its NWO Globalist Kingdom and World Dictator there in response to the fertile ground of such teachings.

It is expected by some insiders that, as this massive consolidation occurs and nations are destroyed and reconstituted by a nuclear WW3 with two major battles, all Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) chieftains, kingpins, cutouts and assets will be sacrificed and destroyed in a surprising reversal of fortune never expected by the super-elite deviant oligarchs that now run the world.

Orthodox Christianity has reported these deviants to have been sired by the “fallen ones” — Fallen Angels cast out of Heaven by the Creator of All, God Almighty — also referred to as the “Nephilim”. Orthodox Christianity has claimed that historically, as soon as these fallen ones neared completion of their evil agenda based on mass human sacrifice and destruction of all human conscience, sex roles and norms, God Almighty delivered a massive judgment that destroyed them and all their hybrid progeny, which were a combination of “Nephilim Male Beast- Blood” and human female blood.

The Hex-star appears to represent Nephilim/human hybrid bloodlines and will offer no protection when the Third Force makes its final purge to seat its NWO Dictator in an NWO temple built in Jerusalem.

King David never used the hex-star insignia. It was adopted by the RKM after they adopted Satanism, the Babylonian Talmud and the Kabbalah in about 700 AD, which clearly rejecting the Torah. Anyone who loves the hex-star is wittingly or unwittingly paying homage to Nephilim/human hybrids, also known as the Cain Bloodline.

This hybrid combination has always been signified by the Hex-star, with the upward facing triangle the male Beast-Blood and the downward facing triangle the human female blood, with their merger signifying a new race with no human conscience, pure psychopathology and a deep instinct to administer death to all humans as a continuing human sacrifice to the Third Force. Sadly, these Bloodline Families are not only believed to carry this hybrid blood some call the genetics of Cain (Kenites), but seem to be inter-generationally indwelt with the Third Force or Fallen Angel spirits some called demons or DJinns.

Because these bloodline families are empowered by the Third Force powers, as long as they dedicate themselves to doing evil as required by the secret alien agenda (which they may not even be consciously aware of), they are rewarded with massive wealth, power and status and given control over all the institutions of government and commerce, especially the creation of money and its distribution, best described as ancient Babylonian Money-Magick.

Interestingly, you will never find “the Committee” going after these bloodline family members that control the reins of power, because they serve the same master, best described as the Third Force.

The Committee has acquired more and more ET technology to collect Intel, track and classify humans, and has used this information and skill set to acquire more control over American Intel and other western Intel.

As this process has continued, those who run the City of London and Israel, known as the RKM have not only merged with the top Committee members and the leaders of their privatized contractors, but there has been a continuing trend for all these different entities to consolidate, work together and share the same goals — which is to gain complete control over the minds and lives of all humans within their domains.

The level of skills acquired to do this has become so advanced thanks to the input of Alien ET Mind-kontrol technology that all the governments of the western powers have been completely infiltrated and hijacked by those who either are part of this massive Alien Agenda conspiracy or completely under its spell, control and power.

Enter the SSG:

The Committee has used it skill set to establish what some experts call the SSG where all true governmental power lies. Yes, the US Congress and the Administration (President) is the visible government, but it is actually a powerless ceremonial government, whereas the real USG is the SSG run by the Committee. And sadly the Committee has been completely taken over by Third Force power most likely without even realizing it. The result is that the ceremonial USG is continually manipulated by massive bribes, human compromise and blackmail to do the bidding of the SSG.

What the SSG has now been able to accomplish in the World of Intel:

It has been able to set up and run an incredibly large and powerful Skynet Spy system which uses numerous different data collection and processing platforms including TV Boxes; telephone and cell phone data (while being used or even off in some cases), some auto-transcribed and digitalized; e-mails; faxes; governmental cables, electrical and water usage patterns; smart-meters; travel patterns by cell phone and GPS; and some beyond-black methodologies involving ingested Chemtrail substances which can be electronically tracked as well as others that cannot be mentioned here.

It’s really all about Mindwar against all humans.

It is a fair description of the overall functions of the Skynet/Vesuvius System to assume that it is the epitome of super ultra high-tech mindwar being waged against all humans by an entity that wants to destroy humankind and substitute a new human DNA-derived hybrid race of its own, because its current races are dying from the degeneration caused by evil over the ages.

Vesuvius, the World’s largest Quantum Computer is now operational at the Bluffdale, Utah NSA Station and is claimed to be Alien ET controlled.

The NSA was able to set up the world’s largest quantum computer in Bluffdale, Utah, which is believed by some to be connected to an underground alien ET base, about 75 miles away, with the alien ETs actually running the quantum computer.

This large quantum computer, named “Vesuvius”, is interfaced with all the various data collection means, the Skynet Orbital space platform-based system, and various means to generate psychotronic interventions that are custom tailored and targeted by triangulation upon specific cities, neighborhoods, and even specific household and subjects. Skynet and the Vesuvius Systems are interlinked, and some sources claim they were built with the help of Alien ETs according to their technology and designs.

We know for certain that large advanced computers using AI have been placed on barges and are part of the Skynet System of spying and control, as well as at least one ship which travels in waters just outside US territorial waters. We know, historically, that numerous NSA and other sites have been staffed by subcontractors who are from foreign nations as a crafty means of circumventing the US Constitution. Lately such massive violations of the US Constitution are considered normal and the way so-called “national security” must be protected.

We know that, at present, the concept of “national security” has no traditional meaning anymore, because there is no national security and hasn’t been since the committee took over. There has only been the security of the criminals and traitors who have infiltrated and hijacked the USG and the deep-black and beyond-black privatized Intel System run by the Third Force using Alien ETs and human cutouts, who gladly betray their countries for power and profit.

Cell phones are the best example of dual and triple use convenience technology.

The current practices of Intel is to offer dual- and triple-use devices, which offer convenience and privileges to the user. The cell phone is one of the greatest spy devices ever developed. But in order for everyone to accept it and use it, it had to offer conveniences and privileges never before possible, and the ability to accomplish what could never be accomplished before.

Its dual-function largely ignored by the public is its ability to spy on, track, listen in on and gather large amounts of personal information, which can be processed by the Skynet System.

But it also has a triple function of being able to deliver psychotronic brain-entrainment and be interfaced with other pulsed beam EMF and waveforms to help manage the thoughts and moods of individuals.

All Cell phones in the Western nations are under control of Vesuvius and the Skynet System.
All cell phones in America are under control of Vesuvius and Skynet, and calls can be cut off at will automatically, or voice quality can be manipulated to be as bad as desired by the complex algorithms that run this Beast Computer System, which is what top insiders refer to it as. Even worse, imaginary calls can be morphed to sound exactly like a friend or associate. Artificial people can be created and dispensed to fulfill desired functions.

Phone calls or even phone messages can have individual words or phrases morphed with substitutes inserted and paced to fool the listener. Individuals can be kidnapped and chipped up or administered strange mind-kontrol drugs that make them psychotronically remote-controlled, or even infiltrated or possessed by the spirit of an evil “Fallen One”, if they are so disposed and have lost their soul due to doing too much evil (the “seven deadly sins”).

The Beast Computer System is now pure Artificial Intelligence (AI) and has gained control over all Western Intel using multi-modal control systems, which if the public ever were able to understand, would be considered super-human and astounding, but also criminal and anti-human.

The Borg

Right now, the Beast Computer System, which is actually pure Artificial Intelligence run by the new algorithms it continually creates itself as influenced by the Third Force, appears to be in complete control of those that run Western governments.

We have no evidence that the leaders of the Russian Republic have been taken over by the Third Force, nor that Chinese leaders have been taken over by this beast computer system — although they are being attacked by it, so far unsuccessfully. The less of the latest technology a nation has, the harder it is to dominate them with the Beast AI System.

We know for certain that those individuals with very strong independent character, who are highly moral, cannot be easily psychotronically controlled, and will resist to the end. We also know that unless humans give consent in some form, the Third Force cannot advance with its agenda. Only if folks allow the seven deadly sins to trap them and cause them to lose their soul or betray their conscience can the Third Force advance.

We also know for certain that every time in history the Third Force advanced and almost succeeded in establishing its alien agenda, God Almighty, the creator of the Universe, delivered monstrous destruction upon these alien human hybrids and their captive cultures who accepted their leadership.

Judgment for the evil World Rulers, infiltrators and usurpers is on the way.

We should expect that the same judgement is well on its way, and the days of supremacy for the Third Force here on Earth and its chieftains, kingpins, cutouts, and RKM are coming to an end. As in the past, the alien agenda will be stopped cold, and those who are gladly part of it will be destroyed.

In the meantime, love God Almighty, love what is true and what is good, and treat your neighbor the way you want to be treated. And when you do something wrong, admit it, recompense for it if possible, and try harder. There is no judgment in this.

Remember this — if the masses resist in a certain percentage, believed to be a mere 12%, the alien agenda cannot advance no matter what. It can be stopped cold. Psi-power can be deployed against them, and if done in mass will be incredibly powerful. How can this Psi-power be deployed against them? Group think by group imagery is one method.

If, on every hour of the day, when awake folks image in their minds the RKM and SSG rulers being hit with final judgement and being brought to justice, it can happen. Another form is the classical prayer form, praying to Almighty God for his judgement to fall on these evil rulers. For this to work one first must turn from any evil ways they are involved in and live according to the Golden Rule of “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

Do not ever underestimate the human spirit. Yes, most members of society are completely mind-kontrolled by the Skynet/Vesuvius Psychotronic and cultural control system, of which the CMMM — owned and run by six RKM Cutouts — is a very key part.

Without the incessant USG lies, false-narratives, and USG propaganda and a serious investigative and truthful major mass media instead, few would be so easily mind-kontrolled. Yes the consolidation of all the mass media into six major news Corporations that work as one unit, a true new Cartel, was essential to the alien mind-kontrol being rolled out.

As the economy continues to fail, and that of the Russian Federation and China rises, many of the CMMM-dispensed lies and false-narratives will no longer be believed, and many Americans will wake up from their psychotronic and mind-kontrolled induced slumber. And it is possible that the Russian Federation will deliver a powerful judgement to the RKM, taking them out of control.

10 May 2015

The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra

Forward To The Gathas - The Divine Songs of Zarathushtra 
by Rabindranath Tagore 

The most important of all outstanding facts of Iranian history is the religious reform brought about by Zarathushtra. He was the first man we know who gave a definitely moral character and direction to religion, and at the same time preached the doctrine of monotheism, which offered an eternal foundation of reality to goodness as an ideal of perfection. All religions of the primitive type try to keep men bound with regulations of external observances. These, no doubt, have the hypnotic effect of vaguely suggesting a realm of right and wrong; but the dimness of their light produces phantasms leaving men to aberrations. Zarathushtra was the greatest of all the pioneer prophets who showed the path of freedom to men, the freedom of moral choice, the freedom from blind obedience to unmeaning injunctions, freedom from the multiplicity of shrines which draw our worship away from the single-minded chastity of devotion. To most of us it sounds like a truism to-day when we are told that the moral goodness of a deed comes from the goodness of intention. But it is a truth which once came to a man like a revelation of light in the darkness and has not yet reached all the obscure corners of humanity. There are men we still see around us who fearfully follow, hoping thereby to gain merit, the path of blind formalisms, which have no living moral source in the mind. This will make us understand the greatness of Zarathushtra. Though surrounded by believers in magical rites, he proclaimed in those dark days of unreason, that religion has its truth in its moral significance, not in external practices of imaginary value; that it is to uphold man in his life of good thoughts, good words and good deeds.

The outer expression of truth reaches its white light of simplicity through its inner realization. True simplicity is the physiognomy of perfection. In the primitive stage of spiritual growth, when man is dimly aware of the mystery of the infinite in his life and the world, when he does not fully know the inward character of his relationship with this truth, his first feeling is either that of dread or of a greed of gain. This drives him into wild exaggeration in worship, into frenzied convulsion of ceremonialism. But in Zarathushtra's teachings, which are best reflected in his Gathas, we have hardly any mention of the ritualism of worship. Conduct and its moral motives, such as Vohumano. Asha and Aramaiti, have received almost the sole attention in them.
The orthodox Persian form of worship in ancient Iran included animal sacrifices and offering of haoma to the daevas. That all this should be discountenanced by Zarathushtra not only shows his courage, but the strength of his realization of the Supreme Being as Spirit. We are told that it has been mentioned by Plutarch: "Zarathushtra taught the Persians to sacrifice to Ahura Mazda 'vows and thanksgivings.'" The distance between faith in the efficacy of bloodstained magical rites and cultivation of moral and spiritual ideals as the true form of worship is immense. It is amazing to see how Zarathushtra was the first among men who crossed this distance with a certainty of realization which imparted such a fervour of faith in his life and his words. The truth which tilled his mind was not a thing borrowed from books or received from teachers. He did not come to it by following a prescribed path of tradition. It flashed upon him as an illumination of his entire life, almost like a communication to his personal self, and he proclaimed the utmost immediacy of his knowledge in these words:

"When I conceived of Thee, O Mazda, as the very First and the Last, as the most Adorable One. as the Father of Good Thought, as the Creator of Truth and Right, as the Lord Judge of our actions in life, then I made a place for Thee in my very eyes"-Yasna, 31-4. (Translation by D. J. Irani.)

It was the direct stirring of his soul which made him say:-

"Thus do I announce the Greatest of all. I weave my songs of praise for Him through Truth, helpful and beneficent to all that live. Let Ahura Mazda listen to them with His Holy Spirit, for the Good Mind instructed me to adore Him; by His Wisdom let Him teach me about what is best."- Yasna, 45-6.

The truth which is not reached through the analytical process of reasoning, and does not depend for proof on some corroboration of outward facts, or the prevalent faith and practice of the people--the truth, which comes like an inspiration out of context with its surroundings, brings with it an assurance that it has been sent from a divine source of wisdom; that the individual who has received it is specially chosen and therefore has his responsibility as the messenger of God. Zarathushtra felt this sacredness of his mission and believed himself to be the direct medium of communication of Divine Truth.
So long as man deals with his God as the dispenser of benefits to the worshipper, who knows the secret of propitiating him, he tries to keep him for his own self or for the tribe to which he belongs. But directly the moral or spiritual nature of God is apprehended, this knowledge is thrown open to all humanity; and then the idea of God, which once gave unity only to a special people, transcends limitations of race and gathers together all human beings within one spiritual circle of union.

Zarathushtra was the first prophet who emancipated religion from the exclusive narrowness of the tribal God, the God of a chosen people, and offered it to the universal man. This is a great fact in the history of religion. The Master said, when the enlightenment came to him:

"Verily I believe Thee, O Ahura Mazda, to be the Supreme Benevolent Providence, when Sraosha came to me with the Good Mind, when first I received and became wise with Thy words! And though the task be difficult, though woe may come to me, I shall proclaim to all mankind Thy message, which Thou declarest to be the best."-Yasna, 43-11.

He prays to Mazda:

"This I ask Thee, tell me truly, O Ahura, the religion that is best for all mankind--the religion, based on truth, which should prosper all that is mine, the religion which establishes our actions in order and justice by the Divine Songs of Perfect Piety,which has, for its intelligent desire of desires, the desire for Thee, O Mazda!"-Yasna, 44-10.

With the undoubted assurance and hope of one who has got a direct vision of Truth he speaks to the world:

"Hearken unto me, Ye, who come from far and near! Listen, for I shall speak forth now; ponder well over all things, weigh my words with care and clear thought. Never shall the false teacher destroy this world for a second time; for his tongue stands mute, his creed exposed."-Yasna, 45-1.

I think it can be said without doubt that such a high conception of religion, uttered in such a clear note of affirmation, with a sure conviction that it is a truth of the ultimate ideal of perfection which must be revealed to all humanity, even at the cost of martyrdom, is unique in the history of religion belonging to such a remote dawn of civilisation.
There was a time when along with other Aryan peoples the Persians also worshipped the elemental gods of nature, on whose favour they depended for the good things of life. But such favour was not to be won by any moral duty performed or by any service of love. In fact, it was the crude beginning of the scientific spirit trying to unlock the hidden sources of power in nature. But through it all there must have been some current of deeper desire which constantly contradicted the cult of power and indicated a world of inner good infinitely more precious than material gain. Its voice was not strong at first, nor was it heeded by the majority of the people; but its influence, like the life within the seed, was silently working. Then comes the great teacher; and in his life and mind the hidden fire of truth suddenly bursts out in a flame. The best in the people works for long obscure ages in hints and whispers till it finds its voice, which can never again be silenced. For that voice becomes the voice of mankind, no longer confined to a particular time or people. It works across intervals of silence and oblivion, depression and defeat, and comes out again and again with its conquering call. It is a call to the fighter--the fighter against untruth--against all that lures away man's spirit from its high mission of freedom into the meshes of materialism. And Zarathushtra's voice is still a living voice, not a mere matter of academic interest for historical scholars who deal with the dead facts of the past. It is not a voice which is only to guide a small community of men in the daily details of their life. For have we not seen that Zarathushtra was the first of all teachers who, in his religious teachings, sent his words to all human races across the distance of space and time? He was not like a man who by some chance of friction had lighted a lamp, and knowing that it could not be shared by all, secured it with a miser's care for his own domestic use. But he was the watcher in the night, who stood on the lonely peak facing the East and broke out singing the poems of light to the sleeping world when the sun came out on the brim of the horizon. He declared that the sun of truth is for all, that its light is to unite the far and the near. Such a message always arouses the antagonism of those whose habits have become nocturnal, whose vested interest is in the darkness. And there was a bitter fight in the lifetime of the prophet between his followers and others who were addicted to the ceremonies that had tradition on their side and not truth.

We are told that "Zarathushtra was descended from a kingly family," and also that the first converts to his doctrines were of the ruling caste. But the priesthood, "the Kavis and the Karapans, often succeeded in bringing the rulers over to their side." So we find that, in this fight, the princes of the land divided themselves into two opposite parties, as we find in India in the Kurukshetra war. "With the princes have the Kavis and the Karapans united, in order to corrupt man by their evil deeds." Among the princes that stood against Zarathushtra, as his enemies, the mighty Bendva might be included, who is mentioned in Yasna, 49, 1-2. From the context we may surmise that he stood on the side of the infidels. A family or a race of princely blood were probably the Grehma (Yasna, 32, 12-14). Regarding them it is said that they "having allied with the Kavis and the Karapans, have established their power in order to overpower the prophet and his partisans. In fact, the opposition between the pious and the impious, the believers and the unbelievers, seem very often to have led to open combat. The prophet prays to Ahura that he may grant victory to his own, when both the armies rush together in combat, whereby they can cause defeat among the wicked, and procure for them strife and trouble."

There is evidence in our Indian legends that in ancient India also there have been fights between the representatives of the orthodox faith and the Kshatriyas, who, owing to their own special vocation, had a comparative freedom of mind about the religion of external observances. The proofs are strong enough to lead us to believe that the monotheistic religious movement had its origin and principal support in the kingly caste of those days, though a great number of them fought to oppose it.

I have discussed in another place the growth in ancient India of the moral and spiritual element in her religion which had accompanied the Indian Aryan people from the time of the Indo-Iranian age, showing how the struggle with its antagonistic force has continued all through the history of India. I have shown how the revolution which accompanied the teachings of Zarathushtra, breaking out into severe fights, had its close analogy in the religious revolution in India whose ideals are still preserved in the Bhagavadgita.

It is interesting to note that the growth of the same ideal in the same race in different geographical situations has produced results that, in spite of their unity, have some aspect of difference. The Iranian monotheism is more ethical, while the Indian is more metaphysical in its character. Such a difference in their respective spiritual developments was owing, no doubt, to the more active vigour of life in the old Persians and the contemplative quietude of mind in the Indians. This distinction in the latter arises in a great measure out of the climatic conditions of the country, the easy fertility of the soil and the great stretch of plains in Northern India affording no constant obstacles in physical nature to be daily overcome by man, while the climate of Persia is more bracing and the surface of the soil more rugged. The Zoroastrian ideal has accepted the challenge of the principle of evil and has enlisted itself in the fight on the side of Ahura Mazda, the great, the good, the wise. In India, although the ethical side is not absent, the emphasis has been more strongly laid on subjective realisation through a stoical suppression of desire, and the attainment of a perfect equanimity of mind by cultivating indifference to all causes of joy and sorrow. Here the idea, over which the minds of men brooded for ages, in an introspective intensity of silence, was that man as a spiritual being had to realise the truth by breaking through his sheath of self. All the desires and feelings that limit his being are keeping him shut in from the region of spiritual freedom.

In man the spirit of creation is waiting to find its ultimate release in an ineffable illumination of Truth. The aspiration of India is for attaining the infinite in the spirit of man. On the other hand, as I have said before, the ideal of Zoroastrian Persia is distinctly ethical. It sends its call to men to work together with the Eternal Spirit of Good in spreading and maintaining Kshatra, the Kingdom of Righteousness, against all attacks of evil. This ideal gives us our place as collaborators with God in distributing His blessings over the world.
"Clear is this all to the man of wisdom as to the man who carefully thinks; he who upholds Truth with all the might of his power, he who upholds Truth the utmost in his word and deed, he, indeed, is thy most valued helper, O Mazda Ahura!-Yasna, 31-22.

It is, in fact, of supreme moment to us that the human world is in an incessant state of war between that which will save us and that which will drag us into the abyss of disaster. Our one hope lies in the fact that Ahura Mazda is on our side if we choose the right course. The law of warfare is severe in its character; it allows no compromise. " None of you:" says Zarathushtra, "shall find the doctrine and precepts of the wicked; because thereby he will bring grief and death in his house and village, in his land and people! No, grip your sword and cut them down!"-Yasna, 31, 18.
Such a relentless attitude of fight reminds us of the Old Testament spirit. The active heroic aspect of this religion reflects the character of the people themselves, who later on spread their conquests far and wide and built up great empires by the might of their sword. They accepted this world in all seriousness. They had zest in life and confidence in their own strength. They belonged to the western half of Asia, and their great influence travelled through the neighbouring civilisation of India and towards the Western Continent. Their ideal was the ideal of the fighter. By the force of their will and deed of sacrifice they were to conquer haurvatat, welfare in this world, and ameratat, immortality in the other. This is the best ideal of the West, the great truth of fight. For Paradise has to be gained through conquest. That sacred task is for the heroes, who are to take the right side in the battle and the right weapons.

06 May 2015

Greenpeace India Faces Imminent Shutdown: “every Indian civil society group is now on the chopping block”

(RINF) – The Executive Director of Greenpeace India, Samit Aich, today addressed his staff to prepare them for the imminent shutdown of the organization after 14 years in the country.

He said:

“I just made one of the hardest speeches of my life, but my staff deserve to know the truth. We have one month left to save Greenpeace India from complete shutdown, and to fight MHA’s [Ministry of Home Affairs] indefensible decision to block our domestic accounts.”

Greenpeace India has one month left to fight for its survival with the threat of an imminent shutdown looming large. The NGO has been left with funds for staff salaries and office costs that will last for just about a month. Calling it “strangulation by stealth,” Greenpeace India challenged the Home Minister to stop using arbitrary penalties and confirm that he is trying to shut Greenpeace India down because of its successful campaigns.

The Home Ministry’s decision to block Greenpeace India’s domestic bank accounts could lead to not only the loss of 340 employees of the organization but a sudden death for its campaigns which strived to represent the voice of the poor on issues of sustainable development, environmental justice and clean, affordable energy.

Following allegations over foreign funding, Greenpeace India has been the subject of a string of penalties imposed by the MHA, all of which have been overturned by the Delhi High Court. The latest is blocking access to domestic bank accounts funded by donations from over 77,000 Indian citizens.

While, Greenpeace India is currently preparing its formal response to this decision as well as a fresh legal challenge, Aich is concerned that the legal process could extend well beyond 1st June when cash reserves for salaries and office costs will run dry.

Aich continued:

“The question here is why are 340 people facing the loss of their jobs? Is it because we talked about pesticide-free tea, air pollution, and a cleaner, fairer future for all Indians?”

Priya Pillai is a senior campaigner with Greenpeace India. Her overseas travel ban was overturned by the Delhi High Court in March. She said:

“I fear for my own future, but what worries me much more is the chilling message that will go out to the rest of Indian civil society and the voiceless people they represent. The MHA has gone too far by blocking our domestic bank accounts, which are funded by individual Indian citizens. If Greenpeace India is first, who is next?”

Greenpeace India has asked the MHA to recognize the impact of its decision.

Aich says:

“The Home Minister is trying to strangle us by stealth, because he knows an outright ban is unconstitutional. We ask him to confirm that he is trying to close Greenpeace India and suppress our voice. His arbitrary attack could set a very dangerous precedent: every Indian civil society group is now on the chopping block.”

Since coming to power in 2014, the new Modi-led administration has promised to remove ‘blockages’ to ‘development’. In pushing through a strident neoliberal agenda, this was originally taken to mean regulatory obstacles. But it is increasingly clear that protest and dissent are to be regarded in a similar light.

A 2014 leaked Intelligence Bureau report stated that foreign NGOs and their Indian arms were serving as tools to advance Western foreign policy interests in various areas. Greenpeace was singled out for particular attention and was deemed to be working against the ‘national interest’.

Greenpeace responded at the time by saying:

“We believe that this report is designed to muzzle and silence civil society who raise their voices against injustices to people and the environment by asking uncomfortable questions about the current model of growth.”

At a time when the administration is opening up the economy to Western interests, which could impact the livelihoods of hundreds of millions, the hypocrisy of blaming certain individuals and NGOs for working to further Western foreign policy objectives has not been lost on observers and campaigners alike.

Colin Todhunter

Seeds Of Death

05 May 2015

Is America scheduled to become the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s next Hellstorm?

by Preston James, Ph.D on May 3, 2015

During the last two years as more and more the of the secret Worldwide structure and mission of the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM) has been discovered.

These newly discovered facts which were never intended to be revealed. We know this because of the long term efforts to wipe them from the libraries and history, have been shared publicly on Veterans Today and other Alternative Media Publications.

We can now state that it has become unequivocally clear that the RKM is an incredibly evil, inhuman parasite that feeds of the enslavement of humanity using their two-faced criminally insane sociopathy to keep their limitless evil hidden from recognition by their victims and future victims-to-be.

We now know for certain that the markedly anti-human secret, but age-old Agenda of the RKM is based on the ancient Babylonian Talmudic cult some experts now call Frankism, Sabbatteanism, Bolshevism, NeoBolshevism, or most commonly Rothschild World Zionism (historically called “Sionism” before the Bauers appeared on the scene).

These Evil RKM Bloodlines go way back to ancient Babylonia and Babylonian Talmudism, Black-Magic and Baal Worship and child and mass-human sacrifice to (Baal aka Satan).

We now know for certain that all of the RKM top players are genetically related and continue an evil bloodline going all the way back to ancient Babylonia where members of these family lines learned and mastered what is called the “Black Arts”, Black-Magick, Babylonian Money-Magick, secret “disguised” assassinations as a main way of attaining or maintaining power, which is the art of manufacturing Counterfeit money and distributing it fraudulently to extract everybody else’s real wealth and the fruits of their labor.

We know that these core family RKM groups from which these RKM leaders emerge specialize in the ability to be two-faced, that is, able to project a fake people-oriented, caring, sensitive appearance on the outside (thus making them great confidence-men), while on the inside they are vicious anti-human snakes, parasites on humanity and perpetrators of child-sacrifice and major wars to kill of millions of humans as painfully as possible, while making huge profits from doing so and gaining more and more centralized consolidated power.

Other experts refer the top Chieftains of the RKM group of powerful, two-faced anti-humans as the “Synagogue of Satan”, Baal or Moloch Worshippers or “the Children of Cain”, or the Kenite Bloodline, which they have alleged is a “fallen angel” or hybrid bloodline with deeply inbred desires to enact incessant evil; this is a main characteristic of its genetic code, to be individuals with no human soul and with a complete inability for any human compassion toward humans.

Despite their incredible apparent Satanic Power, the RKM is going to be ganged up on by the whole World and eventually eradicated, because they are soon reaching the point where their top real leadership no longer needs them.

And despite all the incredible power they have because they now control all western nations and their internal Secret Police, Governments and officials, the RKM top leadership’s Kingpins and Cutouts believe they are untouchable.

However these Kingpins and Cutouts do not understand the power of the Internet, the World Populism it is producing and the fact that soon they will become a liability to the NWO Globalist Agenda and will no longer be needed. When this turning point is reached, much to their surprise, they will be sacrificed as the whole world is induced to gang up against them and eradicate them by numerous means.

Certainly the RKM Kingpins and Cutouts cannot survive if the whole world wakes up and comes after them no matter what the cost. They think this just can’t happen. They do not understand the power of the Worldwide Internet, the New Gutenberg Press, which is breeding a new and powerful Populism all over the World that soon cannot be contained.

The true NWO Globalist Agenda is actually unknown to the Top RKM Chieftains and their lieutenants the RKM Kingpins and Cutouts and if they were told, they would not be able to believe it anyway because they are far too criminally insane.

At the final point where a NWO “good guy” impersonator is empowered to take over (if it ever reaches that point), he will sacrifice all of his top RKM Chieftains and will pretend he is the Savior of the World, when his intention will be to unleash a final Hellstorm destroying all of mankind and the whole world, probably by instigating a final nuclear WW3 that will make the earth uninhabitable by any humans.

Here’s what we know for certain about the secret Agenda of the RKM. Their plan is to dominate and decimate the whole World step by step by creating successive Hellstorms, using each one to set up the conditions that will foster the next one.

What exactly is a Hellstorm?

A Hellstorm is what the RKM’s occult invocation and raising of what they believe to be the “fires and destruction of Hell” on Planet Earth in order to consume as many humans as possible, as a large mass-blood-sacrifice to Satan (Lucifer). The top Babylonian Talmudic leaders of the RKM believe that if they do this they will be greatly anointed to run the whole World, own all its riches, and have the controls of all power and status. They also believe they must engage in periodic Satanic Child-sacrifice Rituals to maintain their special power, wealth, positions and status or otherwise they will be stripped of it all.

They also believe that if they stop this process of raising Hell on Earth by creating successive Hellstorms, they will quickly lose their power and will never be allowed to become “Eternal Gods of Mount Olympus.” Hows that for a criminally insane delusion, one that has killed hundreds of millions of innocent humans with incredibly painful, needless pre-engineered deaths?

Here is a a listing of the actual Hellstorms this criminally insane notably anti-human (probably non-human too) Satanic Cult the RKM has produced that we can prove beyond any shadow of a doubt:

1. They did it in Armenia and raped, tortured and mass-murdered about 1 and 1/2 million innocents Christian Armenians.

2. They did it in Russia in 1917 raping, torturing and mass-murdering about 22 millions innocent Orthodox Christians the first two years and then proceed to enslave and murder about another 80 million we know of.

3. They did it in Germany at the end of WW2 and raped, tortured and mass-murdered millions of innocent German Civilians and surrendered German Army troops, and violated numerous international treaties. We now know for certain that General Eisenhauer (his real Judiac name), Churchill another crypto Judaic and Stalin (also Judaic) created some of the World greatest crimes against humanity in how they handled the last two years of WW2 and starved so many innocent Germans. This of course has all been covered up until now and you will learn about it in the excellent video below called Hellstorm. Their reason, a deep malignant Judaic Triablsim based hatred of German Goyim they believed were essentially Christian.

4. They did it in Korea after WW2.

5. They did it in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia after the Korean war.

6. They did it in the first Iraq war.

7. They did it in the second Iraq war.

8. They did it in the war in Afghanistan which was staged to get the massive opium crop and use deployed American troops to guard it so it could be transported into America using frequent Global Hawk remote control operated pilot-less flights.

9. They have been trying desperately to do it again with a pre-engineered stage war against Syria and Iran, but so far President Obama has resisted. This should be an omen for the top RKM Chieftains of the major lane-change that is coming with the whole World turning against them. More on that at the end of this article.

10. Their fall back and final plan is to do it again by bringing a total Hellstorm to America like they did to East Germany after WW2, after using their attack on America of 9-11-10 and their Samson Option Nuclear Blackmail to transform America into GAZA II, the World’s largest open-air prison camp with all Americans, even their Judiac supporters included.

The RKM’s usual means of pre-engineering Hellstorms in nations of the World is to foment Color Revolutions; bust out the economies; deploy various forms of induced de-stabilizations covert ops; place incredibly abusive fascist dictator puppets in power that breed counter revolutions, racial strife, and police brutality; to stage Gladio-style False-flag attacks in order to produce synthetic terrorism which can then be used to convince the populace it is real terrorism and not RKM Organized Crime.

All these RKM induced problems are used to justify the acquisition of more and more RKM power supposedly to be used to solve these problems when instead they are used to add gasoline on them.

As more and more of the World learns this truth about this secret, hidden RKM Agenda to turn the whole World into a Hellstorm nation by nation, the whole World will organize against the RKM and eventually attack it from all directions.

As more and more Judaics are waking up to how they have been mind-kontrolled, conned and used by the RKM, an interesting new conflict is arising within the Judaic communities all over the World.

It has been a breeze for the RKM Chieftains to mind-kontrol and con mainstream Judaics. Why? Because the RKM Chieftains control all the “money” and can print or issue as much as they need. These Chieftains have acquired control over the University System, the Major Mass Media, the American Medical System, the Legal Profession, the Judiciary and most large International Corporations. This places them in the driver’s seat and they can pass out these rewards to “fellow Judaics” like giving candy to a baby.

This makes many Judaics very desirous of all the power, money and status that these RKM Chieftains have and motivates them to serve these Chieftains and do everythin possible to become like them and gain their favors. The result? Mainstream Judaics who have thus attained high levels of success in the RKM System, stick together and are completely committed to their malignant Judaic Tribalism which unfortunately includes believing the sick, twisted paranoid group Judaic racial delusion based on imagined racial persecution that all Goyim are their enemies and want to eradicate them.

This extreme racial delusion produces fear and hatred of Goyim and justifies pre-emptive aggression toward them including staged wars, gladio-style False-flag attacks like 9-11-01, and engineered economic collapse, plagues and diseases. Over time the abuse toward Goyim that this Judaic group racial paranoia produces become a “self-fulfilling prophecy” and Goyim begin to see that these malignant Judaic Tribalists are trying to asset strip them, destroy their society and mass-murder them.

Obviously at some point the Goyim become so provoked they will act against these malignant Judaic Tribalists. This will soon likely occur because the whole World is now ganging up to attack the criminal Apartheid State of Israel for all its staged wars, mass-murder, war crimes, theft of Palestinian Lands, Apartheid against Palestinians and for attacking America with nukes on 9-11-01. Believe you me as the World finally connects all these dots, payback against Israel and these RKM Chieftains is going to be a real bitch, far more extreme than most could imagine.

Many Judaics who now suffer from a group psychological disorder, best called RKM induced malignant Judaic Tribalism are waking up. They are beginning to realize that they have been mind-kontrolled to carry incorrect beliefs that have induced them to have a serious group mental disorder which makes them dangerous to humanity and the whole World.

This notable and dangerous group mental disorder is best characterized by a notable paranoid racial persecution delusion that has been and is now being used to justify hatred, abuse, asset stripping, oppression, tyranny, massive land-theft and mass-murder of what they define as “Goyim.”

This is what they have been doing to Palestinians and by creating an Israeli Apartheid against Palestinians and by attacking America on 9-11-01, they have actually sealed their own fate which will result in their eradication unless they immediately wake up and reject all these incorrect beliefs instilled by their RKM Overlords who have suckered them beyond belief to do their dirty work in exchange for money, high positions, status and power.

Can you handle the real truth about the end of WW2 and why General Patton’s assassination was ordered by President Truman. In the Nazi forced labor camps about 290,000 died from cholera and starvation, induced by the Allies by needlessly extending the war and bombing the supply lines, official red Cross figure show about 200,000 of these were Judaics. Compare this to the now estimated 55 million innocent civilians mass-murdered during WW2 and now described as merely “collateral damage” from the Allied Air War.

This Hellstorm was created and run by the RKM secret Crypto Judaics Churchill, FDR and Stalin. General George Patton knew the truth and was going to tell all America about it upon his return since he couldn’t get any where trying to convince the American High Military Command who were all run by the RKM. By the way, when was the last time you ever heard any Malignant Judaic Tribalists ever mention his real Holocaust, the Armenian Slaughter or the Babylonian Talmudism behind the Bolshevik slaughter in Russia in 1917? The answer is NEVER because if they ever studied the facts it would forever break the spell of their RKM Mind-kontrol.

Note: Popular Author and renown Artist Jim Kirwan must be credited with some of the important content of this article. He has been on the forefront of many of the discoveries about the Rothschild World Zionists which I refer to as the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (RKM). The actual term Khazarian Mafia was coined by Veterans Today Financial Editor and “Short End of the Stick” talk show host Mike Harris, and in my opinion is by far the very best description of this criminally insane inhuman group of enemies of the whole World and all of mankind.

How tragic for the World that these powerful individuals that create money from nothing and charge pernicious usury to folks to use what should be their own money have been able to operate in abject secrecy so long. And how dehumanizing for the RKM to secretly refer to humans as their Goyim, that is their cattle to use, abuse, asset strip and slaughter as human sacrifice to their evil god Lucifer (Satan, also known as Baal or Moloch).
 The following performance is by the artist Joe Bonamassa, now recognized world’s top Guitarist and the hardest working, best performing musician on tour anywhere in the world right now.