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03 November 2015

Explorers of Higher Dimensions: The Power of Active Consciousness

At each moment of time—the Now—you stand at the gateway to an infinite number of possible futures in higher dimensional space. This gateway is the Choice Point.

Some of these futures are more likely to occur than others. If you do nothing, one of these probable futures will play itself out in a fairly predictable, even mechanistic way.

But as a conscious being, you also have the ability to affect how the future unfolds. Your experience of this ability is the sensation of free will.

One of the ways you can exert a force upon this unfolding is to use explicit action. Another way is through the subtle force of Active Consciousness, which allows you to enable unlikely unfoldings to occur.

According to the Columbia Encyclopedia, a field is a “region throughout which a force may be exerted.” Back in the 1800s, chemist and physicist Michael Faraday developed this concept in order to explain the mysterious properties of magnets. People at the time were perplexed by the way magnets could exert instantaneous forces upon metal objects when nothing seemed to be transmitted between them. Faraday hypothesized that magnets are always emanating an influence or force; we just can’t see it. And because a magnet’s sphere of influence—its magnetic field—is ever-present, it seems to exert a force instantaneously, without any form of physical contact or obvious mode of transmission.

…Fields can also be related to one another. For example, the magnetic field is related to the electric field because electricity can be used to create a magnet and a magnet can be used to create electricity. For this reason, the two fields are actually considered to be aspects of the same field—the electromagnetic field. … [One] important question in modern physics is whether all fields are, in fact, interrelated and aspects of a single underlying field—a unified field. If so, this field would form the foundation for all the others. And one interesting thing about the existence of such a field is that, for the various physics equations to work out mathematically, at least ten spatial dimensions would be required.1

So how does consciousness fit into all of this? If you think about it, consciousness might also be viewed as a field—a region in which the force of consciousness is exerted. For example, when we become “conscious” of something—when we feel aware, when thoughts pop into our minds—perhaps we are receiving and processing information arising from the field of consciousness. Just as we perceive the gravitational field as a feeling of weight or as the sensation of falling, perhaps “awareness” is our sensation of the consciousness field.

Things might go in the other direction as well. Not only may we feel the effects of the consciousness field, but we might also be able to exert our own forces upon it. In other words, not only may we be receivers of consciousness, but we may also be generators. Just as a magnet can both create a magnetic field and be influenced by the forces of other magnets, consciousness may be both a field we are affected by and an active force that we can exert. Instead of being puppets buffeted about by the field of consciousness that surrounds us, we may all be active participants in a grand ballet of energy, exerting our own active forces of consciousness into the mix.

Of course, from the standpoint of quantum physics, much of this is old hat. It is already accepted by physicists that, at the subatomic level, everything is a set of probabilities or potentialities affected by awareness. Even a simple act of observation—or, indeed, an intention to observe 2—can cause changes in the subatomic realm. A quantum particle in several simultaneous states of “possibility” becomes jelled into a single reality when we exert the power of our gaze. In fact, if particles behave in a certain way once we decide to measure them, it is almost as if we are creating them or as if they are cooperating with our desires. But few of us believe that the mere act of forming an intention could have an observable effect on our day-to-day lives.

Perhaps we are wrong. …Experiments with random event generators… support the possibility that our thoughts and intentions can cause observable changes in the world.3, 4, 5, 6 Another set of experiments, conducted by researchers on the effects of transcendental meditation, found that if enough meditators work collectively, the amount of violent crime in a city can be lowered for extended periods of time. 7 The truth may be that our beliefs and intentions do affect our collective reality in profound ways all the time; we just don’t realize it. Researchers have found, for example, that when doctors dispense pills that they believe will work, the pills work better; and when they dispense pills that they do not believe will work, they don’t work as well. This is true whether or not the pills are placebo or medicated, whether or not the doctors know what they are actually dispensing or have come into contact with their patients, and even whether or not the patients are human. It’s often the intent or belief of a doctor that matters the most.8

… So if we do accept the possibility of an active force of consciousness, how might it operate? That’s where higher spatial dimensions might come into play.

The Fourth Dimension

Let me begin by saying that when I say “higher dimensions,” I’m not talking about figurative realms populated by mysterious beings. I’m literally talking about higher spatial dimensions. Just as a two-dimensional universe can be understood as a flat surface, and just as we ourselves live in three-dimensional space with objects possessing length, width, and height, a four-dimensional universe would actually be a space with one extra spatial dimension. While it’s easy to visualize other ways of adding a “dimension” to our reality—for example, a dimension of time would add a timestamp to each object, and a dimension of color would add a color—getting our brains to wrap around an extra spatial dimension is quite difficult.

…It turns out that a fascination with the fourth dimension was a fad of the late 1800s. This was the era in which mediums, like today’s television medium John Edward, were quite popular. It was also the era in which spiritualism emerged, an American religious movement focused on communicating with the spirits of those who had passed away. Scientists of the time proposed the fourth spatial dimension as a way of explaining spiritist phenomena. Ultimately, however, nearly all the mediums of the 1800s were debunked as frauds and as a consequence, speculation about the fourth dimension fell into disrepute as well. But perhaps we should not have been so hasty to throw the baby out with the bath water.

As mathematician Rudy Rucker points out in his book, The Fourth Dimension, 9 the first philosopher to discuss the possibility of a fourth dimension wasImmanuel Kant (1724-1804). The idea of spirits as four-dimensional beings was then popularized by Johann Carl Friederich Zollner (1834-1882), an astronomer at the University of Leipzig. The first true theoretician of the fourth dimension, however, was British mathematician Charles Hinton (1853-1907), known for his work on visualizing the geometry of higher dimensional space. In addition to his mathematical work, Hinton also wrote a series of science fiction books, such asWhat is the Fourth Dimension? and A Plane World, which focus on realms with different dimensionality than our own. He also believed that higher spatial dimensions could be used to prove the inherently unified nature of the universe.

Hinton came up with a variety of ways to help us understand the fourth dimension and its properties. One was… [examining] the difference between two and three dimensions and then, by analogy, grasping the difference between three and four dimensions. Here’s [an] illustration of this technique.

If you take two flat two-dimensional surfaces and intersect them in the context of three-dimensional space, what do you get? The answer: a line, which is a one-dimensional object. To understand this, just imagine taking two sheets of paper and intersecting them. By analogy, if you take two three-dimensional spaces and intersect them in the context of four-dimensional space, what will you get? The answer: a two-dimensional space—a flat surface. That means, if there were another three-dimensional world floating out there and it happened to overlap and intersect with us, the region of overlap between our two worlds would appear to us like a flat, impossibly thin sheet of paper. Could this be an explanation for the phenomenon of ghosts? Are ghosts simply ephemeral two-dimensional visions of beings in another three-dimensional world? That’s what Zollner proposed in the mid 1800s…

Physics and Higher Dimensions

Of course, speculation about higher dimensions is nothing new to physicists; they have considered the possible existence of four or more spatial dimensions for a long time. For example, between 1907 and 1915, Einstein developed the theory of general relativity, which states that gravity exists because a large mass causes three-dimensional space to bend within the fourth dimension. This is easy to visualize if you drop down into two dimensions. What if the mass of a large Circle caused the flat world of two dimensions to bend around it in three-dimensional space? Just imagine bending a large piece of paper around the edges of the Circle. That would cause everything near the Circle to fall toward it. In the same way, bending three-dimensional space around massive bodies like planets would cause nearby objects to fall toward them. Voila! Gravity.

And what about wormholes? …Physicists believe that three-dimensional space might be bent so heavily by the mass of a black hole that the fabric of the universe folds back on itself, causing one part to intersect with another, thereby creating a portal between them. To see how this could happen, just imagine bending a sheet of paper so much that two distant points on it touch.

…One question that still begs to be answered, though, is: What kind of access can we have to the fourth or higher dimensions? Even if our bodies are stuck here in three-dimensional space, is there a four-dimensional aspect of ourselves that we’re simply not aware of? Ouspensky, Gurdjieff’s student and chronicler, thought so. In fact, he felt that the primary goal of Gurdjieff’s teachings was to help us access our higher dimensional selves. As Rudy Rucker writes, “For Ouspensky, the fourth dimension was not only a spatial concept but a type of consciousness, an awareness of greater complexities and higher unities.” 10 Thus, rather than trying to contact other beings in the fourth dimension, perhaps our real goal should be to tap into our own four dimensionality. Indeed, I believe it is from this higher dimensional perspective that we may be able to exert the deep power of active consciousness—the ability to navigate and influence the unfolding of our three-dimensional lives.

The Branching Tree

… [It turns out that] from the perspective of the fourth dimension, …a complete human life—every activity of the inner and outer physical body—would simply appear as an eternal shape or object in four-dimensional space. …[But] what determines [its] shape? That’s when things get interesting. At each point in time we make choices. Do we walk left or right? Does our body repair itself or does it descend further into disease? At each instant, we choose one from a potentially infinite number of possible futures that lie before us. And while it may seem that only one future is chosen at each point in time, perhaps all of the other possible choices and futures exist in four-dimensional space too. If so, then our many potential lives—from a four-dimensional perspective—would look like a vast branching tree of possibilities.

Interestingly, this idea was hypothesized by physicist Hugh Everett in 1957.11 In the quantum realm, particles exist in many simultaneous states until they are observed and become “solidified” into a single state. To us, these quantum choices seem random. Everett proposed, however, that there really is no randomness at all. Each and every one of the possible choices for a particle actually exists—in another parallel world. We ourselves perceive only one choice—the one that takes place in our world. But Everett asserted that the others choices exist too—in other worlds. Indeed, parallel versions of ourselves exist in those other worlds too, and they witness the particle resolving into other possible states. Mind boggling! It sounds like science fiction, and indeed, many science fiction stories have been written based on this idea. But what if it’s science fact? I believe that this conception of our universe may also be the basis for how active consciousness might operate.
Let’s begin to consider this mind-bending idea by simply imagining a single point of branching. Consider the world of a three-dimensional ball, depicted in Figure 1. The ball begins, at time t1, at the bottom of a road. When it arrives at point C (which occurs at time t2), the ball must make a choice. Does it move along the branch moving to the right, or does it continue moving upward? In one future reality, the ball has moved up at time t3. In another future reality, it has branched to the right at t3, creating a fork in four-dimensional space.

Let’s call C a choice point—a point in space and time at which the Now splits into two or more possible futures. In order for this split to occur, some force must be exerted. If this does not happen, there may be only one possible future—the one that would play itself out according to the mechanistic laws of nature. For the ball, this might be the future in which it continues moving upward, in a straight line. But if some kind of force, intention, or will is brought to bear at point C, the Now will split into more than one possible future, like a branching tree. And when we humans exert such a force upon our own lives, we experience the sensation of free will.

Of course, people usually make rather mundane choices at choice points. We might choose to move our arm or walk to the grocery store. But at times the actions we take can be much more subtle—like when our thoughts affect the behavior of a random event generator. What I would like to propose is that this more subtle kind of force is what underlies the power of active consciousness. I’ll call it theC-force. And just as the experiments with random event generators showed, a person’s use of the C-force can influence not only his or her own life, but can also affect the unfolding of the greater reality around us. As a result, each and every one of us helps to create a much greater collective reality—an infinitely complex shape in four-dimensional space. Indeed, even if we took into account every tiny mechanism already understood by conventional science, the influence of our collective use of the C-force would be beyond our imaginations! In fact, it might even be possible that our influence extends beyond four dimensions. If so, we humans—seemingly three-dimensional creatures—may have creative potential that we have only just begun to tap into.

The Process of Active Consciousness

…When I chose the term C-force, I used the letter “C” intentionally—because it serves as a reminder of several important aspects of this force: Consciousness, Choice, and Creativity. Using the C-force—the force of active consciousness—you can make beneficial choices that take you down desired paths in life. You can create new and unlikely paths as well. Either way, harnessing the power of active consciousness will enable you to make the improbable much more probable and become an active creator of your own destiny. Let’s examine this process now in more detail.

…One way in which the C-force might be used is through the process of manifestation. In this case, you enable an unlikely combination of otherwise mundane events to occur so that a desired goal comes about. For example, let’s say that you would like to get a desirable parking spot near a restaurant. The restaurant might be in the middle of a busy city where parking spots are hard to find, but finding the perfect spot at just the right time could definitely happen. Everything just needs to be coordinated correctly: the choices made by the person who parked in the spot before you, the route you choose to drive, the timing of the lights as you are driving, and so on. By invoking the power of active consciousness… , these fortuitous choices and events could be enabled.

Or let’s say that you would like to find a new job with better pay. You’ve been stuck in a rut for a long time and can’t figure out how to leave your current job situation. Through the process of manifestation, however, it may be quite possible that a sequence of events could occur that leads you to your goal. Perhaps a bout with the flu forces you to take a couple of weeks off from work. As a result, your quirky boss decides to lay you off. Now you’ve been forced to leave your job. The following week, a long-lost friend calls you unexpectedly. She tells you about an acquaintance who needs to hire someone with your exact qualifications—the dream job. With this connection, you get the new job with ease.

Another way the C-force might operate is through the process of creation. In this case, a bit more magic is involved because much more unlikely (but still possible) unfoldings occur. Whereas manifestation is about enabling an unlikely combination of events to occur, creation is more about enabling more unlikely choices and events to appear in the first place.

For example, let’s say that you suffer from chronic eczema. Given the natural tendency of the body to recreate itself in the same way, it is most likely that your skin will continue to suffer from this condition. You might apply some cortisone cream, which chemically forces the body to suppress the eczema, but the innate tendency for your skin to develop eczema has not gone away. The next time you experience a period of anxiety or come into contact with an allergen, the eczema flares up.

But remember this: your skin is always sloughing off and regenerating. The outer layer of your skin (the epidermis) is replaced every month. There is a possibility that your skin could regenerate without this problem and that it would never return again. It’s not very probable, but it is possible. Similarly, it is possible that a cancerous tumor could be broken down by the natural defenses of the body without the use of poisonous chemotherapy or toxic radiation. It’s not very probable, but it is possible.

I believe that the C-force—the force of active consciousness—can be used to create such improbable but possible choices for the body. For example, a patient could use the power of active consciousness to enable their skin to regenerate without eczema or their cancerous tumor to be broken down and absorbed. Such medical cases of “spontaneous remission” do occur. Because doctors cannot understand or explain them, they sweep them under the rug by saying that their original diagnosis was mistaken or that the cure was an unexplainable fluke. But what if more of us could tap into this kind of healing through the C-force—the Cure force? It would be wonderful! We could be spared many toxic medicines and expensive medical bills too.

In fact, “energy” medicines like homeopathy, acupuncture, and hands-on healing may make this particular application of the C-force substantially easier to achieve. That’s because they operate not only on the physical body, but also on a subtler aspect of our selves—what is often called the “energy body”…. By helping to dislodge problems within this invisible realm—a realm that most alternative medical systems view as the true origin of disease—such treatments vastly increase the probability that the physical body will be able to create a healthier future. As a result, they also make healing applications of the C-force easier to achieve.
…So how does this fit within with the four-dimensional model described earlier? … In Figure 2, I use circles to represent choice points and arrows to indicate possible futures that emanate from them. Let’s say that you are currently at NOW. The circle labeled GOAL is a future that you’d like to reach—say, one in which you have a new job. The circle labeled MOST LIKELY FUTURE is the most likely or probable outcome—the one in which you stay at your current job. As the diagram illustrates, you can reach your goal in at least two ways—either by choosing or creating a new path right now (branching upward immediately), or by doing so a little later on. For instance, right NOW, you might decide to quit your job. Or you might create an improbable future—through creation—where a freak accident or illness ultimately leads to you being laid off. By using active consciousness to enable new choices to appear and to help you make the correct choices over time, you may find that you are ultimately led to your goal of a new and better job.

…In many ways, it’s all about possibilities and probabilities. Even if something is improbable, it can still be possible. And if it’s possible, the force of active consciousness—the C-force—can play a part in making it happen. Using manifestation, you can make the right choices at the right time and, through an unlikely combination of such choices, you are led to your goal. Using creation, an unlikely choice [may unexpectedly appear] before you; you just need to take it.

[To find out more about Active Consciousness12, visit]


M. Kaku. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey Through Parallel Universes, Time Warps, and the 10th Dimension. New York: Oxford University Press (1994).

E. Laszlo. Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything. Rochester, Vermont: Inner Traditions, p. 77 (2004).

R.G. Jahn and B.J. Dunne. “On the Quantum Mechanics of Consciousness, with Application to Anomalous Phenomena.” Foundations of Physics. 16(8), pp. 721–772 (1986).

R.D. Nelson, et al. “Field REG Anomalies in Group Situations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 10(1), pp. 111–141 (1996).

R.D. Nelson, et al. “Field REG II: Consciousness Field Effects: Replications and Explorations.” Journal of Scientific Exploration, 12(3), pp. 425–454 (1998).

R.D. Nelson, et al. “Correlations of Continuous Random Data with Major World Events.” Foundations of Physics Letters. 15(6), pp. 537–550 (2002).

J.S. Hagelin, et al. “Effects of Group Practice of the Transcendental Meditation Program on Preventing Violent Crime in Washington, DC: Results of the National Demonstration Project, June–July 1993.” Social Indicators Research, 47: 153–201 (1999).

R. Sheldrake. Seven Experiments That Could Change the World: A Do-It-Yourself Guide to Revolutionary Science. Rochester, Vermont: Park Street Press, pp. 217–219 (1995).

R. Rucker. The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of Higher Universes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company (1984).

R. Rucker. The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of Higher Universes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 59 (1984).

R. Rucker. The Fourth Dimension: A Guided Tour of Higher Universes. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Company, p. 59 (1984).

A. Lansky. Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within. Portola Valley, California: R.L. Ranch Press (2011).

By: Amy Lansky

Government Forces Inflict Devastating Strikes vs ISIS Across Syria Post Flight 7K9268 Crash

In addition to the increased firepower being unleashed by the Russians against the bearded terrorists ISIS just after its passenger plane was knocked out from the skies of Sinai Peninsula, the Syrian government forces reciprocated the Russian efforts by inflicting heavy casualties against its enemy across Syria for the last 24 hours.

A nationwide effort is not underway to flush out the CIA-trained and equipped terrorists.

TEHRAN (FNA)- The Syrian army continued its countrywide operations against the terrorist organizations, and destroyed tens of positions, facilities and command posts of the militant groups in the last 24 hours.

The army units carried out massive military operations in Lattakia, Deir Ezzur, Idlib, Hama, Hasaka, Aleppo and Sweida.


02 November 2015

UFOs Are Being Spotted Regularly At The Delhi Airport, Indian Air Force Put On High Alert

Things have been getting a little weird for the security agencies working in and around Delhi, Indra Gandhi International (IGI) Airport. They have been put on red alert after 'regular spotting' of suspicious objects flying in and around the international airport. 

On Friday, the Air Traffic Controller (ATC) at the Delhi airport spotted unidentified flying objects not once, but thrice in and around the airport. While it could've very well been a drone, there isn't any video, or photographic evidence to support the claim.

In fact, an Air Vistara pilot flying in from Bhubaneswar complained of being distracted by a laser beam right before he landed on IGI's runway 29 on Wednesday night. It's a scary situation considering the number of lives at risk. The pilot apparently observed a laser beam distracting him 6 nautical miles away from the runway.

An airport official first recalls, " A member of Indian Air Force (IAF) sits at the ATC tower of Delhi airport. At 10:44 am on Friday, he first noticed a flying object over runway 9-27, the smallest runway of Delhi airport. He reported two more objects at 10:50 am and 10:55 am, flying outside the airport boundary. On Tuesday, an ATC staff had claimed of having spotted a drone-like object but could not support his claim with any evidence. This time also, we do not have any evidence. But this is alarming."

It is being said that the IAF has been authorised to shoot down any suspicious object if need be. All the security teams including the Intelligence Bureau, Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), Bureau for Civil Aviation Security and Delhi Police have been asked to keep a strict watch on aerial threats.

The cover image has been used for representational purposes only. 

October 31, 2015

Occult Origins of the German Secret Space Program

Prior to the 20th century, the average man or women toiled away in factories and work houses. Machines that were once invented by minds seeking to free humanity from monotonous labor now hindered the lives of millions in advancing industrial nations. 

According to the below article, several free thinking individuals well versed in spiritual concepts of the day, as promulgated by the Theosophy society, conceived of a world of free and abundant energy, able to finally liberate humanity from servitude; despite the negative connotation with theosophy today.

The Vril Society was a group of mediums inspired by Theosophy and a contemporarily book entitled: 'The Coming Race', apparently the source of the Aryan philosophy that galvanized Nazi idealism. Contact was made through the Vril with beings claiming to be extraterrestrials from the Aldebaran star system. They professed to have benevolent intentions for humanity, and supplied the Vril mediums with advanced technical drawings that allowed German engineers to complete a working device.

During the 1920's, Dr. W.O. Schumann, of the Technical University of Munich, successfully engineered an over-unity engine capable of propelling German craft, directly as a result of these drawings provided by the Vril. His statements on the nature of how this device worked resemble Walter Russell, the visionary spiritual scientists that inspired Nikola Tesla. 

Russell asserted that the universe has essentially two primary principles: implosion and explosion, creation and destruction, organization and chaos - expressed in all phases of the universe. One example he cited was electromagnetism and its dipolar nature; or positive and negative properties. Dr Schumann uses a different vernacular, but he is essentially referring to the same principles:

Dr. Schumann had an unusual view of science and technology, believing in two opposing principles: explosion (the work of Satan) and implosion (the Divine Principle). This idea was also held by the Templars (supposedly the "Secret" knowledge discovered by Pythagoras).

"In everything we recognize two principles that determine the events: light and darkness, good and evil, creation and destruction -- as in electricity we know plus and minus. It is always: either - or." - Dr. SchumannThe device appears to work like John Searl's SEG, an over unity motor capable of producing strange side effects such as healing, antigravity and heat reduction around the device when throttled; it gets cold instead of hot when greater loads are applied. 

What maybe more intriguing about this story is the intended uses of this technology. The Vril society wanted to travel to Aldebaran and further relations with the race there, whereas the Thule society wanted to use the technology to power civilization, but a more secretive group, apparently infiltrated both and had different intentions. 

Some have said this darker group was the Order of the Black Sun, and their goal was to weaponize the technology into spacecraft capable of crushing the enemies of the seemingly all powerful Nazi empire. But when the allies began to defeat the Germans, this group began tobreakaway from Germany, and apparently settled in South America and Antartica. 

According to whistleblower Corey Goode, who claims to have worked in the modern day secret space program, the Germans found remnants of an advanced civilization in Antartica. He also says that the Virl Society was not making contact with beings from Aldebaran, but were in fact contacting a race of ancient humans on Earth that fled underground tens of thousands of years ago, due to cataclysms and the fall of the surface population into 'barbarism;' so they claim. Ultimately which point perspective is correct remains unclear. 

In my view, the following narrative puts into context the ideals and goals of the earlier origins of the Vril and Thule Society. As individuals trying to make sense of the infinitely complex past, the more information we have to expand our knowledge the more accurate our conclusions will be for shaping the future. 


01 November 2015

German Secret Societies Hid Ancient Super Weapons from Nazis

Adolf Hitler’s control over Nazi Germany was strictly limited when it came to developing super weapons from highly advanced technologies found by secret societies, which explored the world to locate and develop technologies that could easily have changed the course of the Second World War.

In the latest episode of Cosmic Disclosure, secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, describes more of what he read on “smart glass pads” containing classified information he was given access to during his 20 year service. He discloses extensive world-wide expeditions conducted by German secret societies to find advanced technologies built either by ancient human civilizations or by extraterrestrial visitors.

Goode claims that knowledge of these advanced technologies was concentrated in the Himalayan regions of India, China and Tibet. German secret societies, and later the Nazi SS, sent expeditions to these regions where they found ancient scrolls and books, and relocated these back to Germany along with some of the local monks and scribes who could interpret them.

These expeditions began immediately after the First World War, and peaked in the 1930’s when Hitler’s Nazi Party came to power, according to Goode. He describes the Thule, Vril and “Black Sun” as the main German secret societies involved in these expeditions. 

While there is extensive literature about the role of the Thule Society in Hitler’s rise to power, there is less known about the Vril and “Black Sun” (German Schwarze Sonne) societies. The Thule Society was created on August 17, 1918, and the Vril Society formed soon after as an off-shoot. The latter was formed by female mediums who used their psychic skills for communication with ancient subterranean or extraterrestrial civilizations.

In his book, The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Peter Moon describes that Black Sun society as comprising leading figures from Heinrich Himmler’s SS. 

According to Goode, the Black Sun society cooperated closely with the Thule, Vril and other secret societies in forming the breakaway German faction in Antarctica and South America. The implication is that while the Black Sun society was formally linked to Himmler’s SS, its primary loyalty was to the Thule, Vril and other secret societies. 

This leads to a fascinating conclusion. Himmler believed that the SS Black Sun society had successfully infiltrated the German secret societies, and would share the secrets of the latter’s advanced space and technology programs underway in Antarctica and South America. This led to Himmler’s and Hitler’s firm belief that superweapons would eventually be developed and released in time to win the war. Instead, a decision had probably been made by the Thule, Vril and other secret societies to sacrifice Hitler’s Nazi regime, and the Black Sun did not pass on the technologies. 

In the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, evidence is presented that the first antigravity space craft were built by the Vril Society with the support of wealthy Thule Society members, and later official Nazi support. Evidence is presented that Vril flying saucer prototypes were actually found in Germany and relocated to the U.S.

Contrary to conventional historical scholarship that Hitler was Nazi Germany’s absolute ruler, Goode paints a very different picture based on what he read on “smart glass pads”. Real power was concentrated in the hands of the German secret societies who decided what technologies would be released for the Nazi war effort.

As the Second World War unfolded with increasing Nazi defeats, Goode claims that the German secret societies were not interested in helping Hitler reverse the tide of the war: 

I think that there were [some] technologies acquired and integrated into their breakaway secret space program that they were developing. But they were developing this for their own [purposes] when it came down to it, they didn’t care about [Germany winning] World War II, the motherland, [or] using this technology to defeat the United States and the enemies they were engaged in war with.

While Nazi Germany did pursue advanced weapons programs based on what Himmler’s SS had discovered, the most advanced technologies were kept from Hitler and taken to remote locations in South America and Antarctica.

In these remote locations, well away from the widespread destruction occurring in Europe, the German secret societies were free to develop a parallel technology program to that being desperately pursued by the Nazi SS. The secret societies built highly advanced space craft and weapons technologies, and kept these well away from Hitler’s knowledge or control.

From 1939, when the first Antarctica base was officially established by Nazi Germany, secret societies repatriated the most talented scientists to build a breakaway German faction. Goode describes three bases built at locations that had earlier been used by an ancient subterranean civilization that were helping the German secret societies. The building program continued throughout the war, and accelerated with the looming defeat of Nazi Germany.

When Admiral Byrd reached Antarctica in January 1947, he encountered the breakaway German secret societies, whose technologies were far more advanced than those possessed by Himmler’s SS, which had just been defeated. The U.S. Navy suffered a stunning defeat at the hands of the breakaway German faction.

There is solid historical evidence supporting Goode’s incredible claims. It is known that the Nazi SS had a research group called the Ahnenerbe (German for “inherited from the forefathers”) that did indeed conduct expeditions to Tibet, Peru and elsewhere in search of ancient knowledge and technologies. The Nazi SS Ahnenerbe could well have been the research umbrella for the German secret societies described by Goode.
German Expedition to Tibet was a scientific expedition from May 1938 to August 1939, led by German zoologist and SS officer Ernst Schäfer.

Also, it is known that the Thule Society was the sponsor of the German Worker’s Party that was the predecessor to the Nazi Party. Thule Society beliefs about the development of morally, intellectually and physically superior human beings (German Ubermensch) were incorporated as key principles in the development of Nazi ideology. Thule elites chose Hitler to lead the nascent Nazi Party because they believed they could easily control him. 

Conventional historians tell us that Hitler turned on his former sponsors, and took absolute power and banned secret societies. Instead, according to Goode, Hitler was never more than a puppet of the German secret societies who decided what information and advanced technologies they would release to him as he pursued his militaristic policies.

The most recent episode of Cosmic Disclosure adds more details about the advanced technologies found and developed by German secret societies that were earlier disclosed by Goode in a previous episode and an email interview. More historical evidence supporting Goode’s incredible claims can be found in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances.

Goode’s disclosures lead to an astonishing conclusion. German secret societies exploited Hitler’s Nazi regime by persuading it to provide resources for building the technological infrastructure for a breakaway German space program in Antarctica and South America.

The German secret societies promised to share advanced technologies that would allow Hitler to conquer Europe. Instead, they deceived Hitler, and allowed the collapse of Nazi Germany.

Perhaps most disturbingly, Goode claims that the German secret societies ultimately joined forces with U.S. based secret societies, and proceeded to infiltrate the U.S. military industrial complex. The result has been the development of many advanced spacecraft under the control of German secret societies and their U.S. allies, which Goode refers to as the “Dark Fleet” – a secret space program based on Nazi principles drawn from the Thule Society.

In the last few years, according to Goode, other secret space programs have united to thwart and expose the historical activities of the Dark Fleet and its allies. As more disclosures take place, humanity will find itself informed about and eventually freed from long standing manipulation by secret societies using advanced technologies to limit human potential.

© Michael E. Salla, Ph.D. Copyright Notice


'God' Particles from the Galactic Core

Is the Galactic Center in our Milky Way sending our beloved Earth the healing energies she requires to realign in harmony with Cosmic Law?

Chandra X-ray Observatory, Cambridge, Massachusetts and Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, Alabama report in Astronomy magazine that the center heart of our galaxy, known as Sagittarius A* has recently shown a ten-fold increase in its flaring:

A new study reveals that Sgr A* has been producing one bright X-ray flare about every 10 days.

However, within the past year, there has been a ten-fold increase in the rate of bright flares from Sgr A*, at about one every day. This increase happened soon after the close approach to Sgr A* by a mysterious object called G2.

What our eyes may perceive as empty sky space is more a crowded densely packed shooting gallery for trillions of highly charged energetic wave particles as rays - a pulsating ocean in the vastness of interplanetary space.

Some of us can 'see' these energies in the sky above us.

The emerging science of space physics reveals the ubiquitous complexities of Cosmic Rays, which are of two types:

-Galactic Cosmic Rays, GCRs high energy particles originating outside the solar system

-Solar Energetic Particles, SEPs emitted by the Sun

Galactic Cosmic Rays may originate within or outside the galaxy, thus the energies that come into our heliosphere are from our Sun, the Heart of the Milky Way and beyond.

There are highly complex interactions of particles in the intersteller medium of interplanetary space that travel from the Galactic Core, the Sun and planets to nourish our Earth.

Our Earth's magnetosphere needs these energies, a sort of metaphorical 'milk' from the various parts of the Milky Way to feed her magnetically, keep her vital and alive.

"The magnetospheric activity and dynamics require power that is extracted in the interaction between the magnetosphere and the solar wind."
Dynamic Magnetosphere

This 'milk' is comparable to semen for our planet, the electric universe twin polarities that enliven our heliosphere via the various Galactic Cosmic Rays, GCRs the high energy background population incident upon the heliosphere uniformly and isotropically - while in the inner heliosphere,

-Galactic cosmic radiation is modulated by solar activity

-Solar Energetic Particles, SEPs accelerated in solar flares

-Energetic Storm Particles, ESPs particles accelerated at interplanetary shocks and Corotating Interaction Regions, CIRs
Space Physics/MB Kallenrode

Universal Cosmic God-Laws

Any true science would reflect the Cosmic Laws that bring the universe into being - God-Laws.

There would naturally be a correlation between metaphysical laws that are the eternal substratum of the manifested universe and the physics of the external manifested realms. Any imbalance would inevitably demand a return to harmony.

Theoretically, if you know the basic God-Laws, then the various applications of other sciences will fit harmoniously into them. Knowing the one substratum leads you to understand them all, at least in principle.

The metaphysical principles that govern our own inner reality, the mechanics of enlightenment, our spirit or astral body with its seven chakras, the three gunas, the mysteries of five-sense perception, and our eternal interconnectedness to the All, will resonate in harmony with the physical sciences to the degree that these sciences express the Universal Cosmic order, the laws of God.

Any true real science must be founded upon and in complete harmony with primordial metaphysics.

Linear thinking is a limitation we need to leave for a more complete inclusive holistic thinking in harmony with Universal Cosmic God-Laws.

Infinitesimal Whirls in the Woven Universe

Bruce Cathie quotes the genius inventor Nicola Tesla from an unpublished article:

"Long ago he (man) recognized that all perceptible matter comes from a primary substance of a tenuity [a rarified state] beyond conception, filling all space, the Akasha or Luminiferous Ether, which is acted upon by the life giving prana or creative force, calling into existence, in never ending cycles, all things and phenomena.

The primary substance, thrown into Infinitesimal Whirls of prodigious velocity, becomes gross matter; the Force subsiding, the motion ceases and matter disappears, reverting to the primary substance."

This statement from Tesla sounds as if it has been taken verbatim from a Sanskrit text!

Cathie himself says,

"Matter is nothing more than a complex matrix of wave-forms locked together by harmonic resonance."

Rene Guenon has written extensively about the disconnect in modern times between the primordial metaphysical principles and what he terms the profane sciences:

"…most of these sciences, even insofar as they still correspond to some reality, represent no more than simple debased residues of some of the ancient traditional sciences."

Guenon explains that numbers have lost their real meaning.

He states that our contemporaries are ignorant of what number truly is and understand number only its strictly quantitative sense, reducing number to,

"calculation in the narrowest sense of the word, that is, to a mere collection of more or less artificial procedures, which are in short only valuable with respect to practical applications to which they give rise."

According to Guenon, only geometric form can be legitimately considered to constitute the true body of a number.

This is in,

"accordance with the fact that all 'embodiment' necessarily implies a 'spatialization'."

The science that is exclusively quantitative distances itself further and further from reality.

The Inter-Connected Substratum

The Universal Cosmic God-Laws are the substratum of the manifested realms.

In other words, the appearance of the solidity of material forms in varying densities rests upon a metaphysics that reflect the eternal harmonics found in primordial God-Laws. This explains why so many theoretical sciences can be seen in the Rig Veda, and also why there are so many varying translations.

In my rendering of the Rig Veda, I am able to discern the mechanics of electricity, electromagnetism, plasma physics, and magnetic fusion technology - right along with the inner enlightening esoteric ancient Wisdom-Knowledge in these ancient hymns because of eternal harmonic resonant correspondences between the inner 'invisible to the five senses' realms and external apparent manifestations.

Fierce Winds coming from the Heart of our Galaxy

Sagittarius A* is a very compact, highly luminous unresolved radio source that lies at the exact center of our Milky Way Galaxy.

"Astronomers are convinced that Sagittarius A* is a single body. It is estimated to be about a million times as massive as the Sun, making it the most massive celestial object in the Galaxy.

A fierce wind of cosmic ray electrons and protons is said to generated by a relatively small region in Sagittarius A*.

These winds are rushing outward at speeds close to the speed of light and their "particles emit electromagnetic radiation ranging from low frequency radio emission to high energy gamma ray emission."
Dr. Paul LaViolette

LaViolette questions the theory of a black hole being at the center of our galaxy and reports that,

"all evidence to date suggests that gas is not being drawn toward the Galactic center but is being pushed away, outward."

He says that the ancients did not see the Heart of our galaxy as a region of annihilation, but,

"as one of matter and energy creation, a cosmic wellspring giving birth to all the matter in the Galaxy."

The World is Spirit Clothed in Sound

The Rishi Dîrghatamas tells us something very similar in the ancient Sanskrit text the Rig Veda:

Rig Veda I.164.28
Rishi Dîrghatamas: Prevailing over everything, plasma clouds are, although silent to our human ears, violent roaring shriek sound - sound that permeates the offspring, the forms created in the heliosphere and beyond. He compares the electric universe mechanism to the blinking of the eyes, an on-off switch.

Rig Veda I.164.29
The stars in the Milky Way, by this silent sound moving, it thundering scattered cries, softly regulated responding sound, that is covered over; resting above it, falling to dust, sprinkles below indeed making mortal man who must die, shine forth with reflection, consciously, becoming, toward a concealed place, the covered sound beaten, revealed.

The Sanskrit word Savitâ expresses the continual expansion of Galactic Cosmic Rays that are generated within the center of every galaxy, every galactic core.

These rays carry God-Consciousness, the encoded universal laws,




...that are the substratum of all manifestation.

Rishi Dîrghatamas is invoking these energetic particles, which yield easily everything necessary for splendid life on any planet, from healing bodily forms and plant life, to an expanded consciousness, enlightenment and Oneness with the Creator, to free energy such as electricity and advanced technologies.

For those who have the ears to hear…

Silent sound wave-particle emissions from the Galactic Heart Core are filled with God-Consciousness.

Potencies of milky-virile-semen as Wisdom-Knowledge, the silent particles of sound are perpetually, continually in an everlasting timeless eternity sprayed forth, in violence, forced outward in profusions shining glittering, sprinklings of wave particles throughout the galaxies into our heliosphere.

Those who within the concealed place in the Heart hear the sound, the silent sound revealed - they Become. The Galactic Cosmic Rays are eternally offering us universal God-Consciousness.

Let us be ready!


The Dynamic Magnetosphere, Editors: William Liu and Masak Fujimoto; Springer, NY, 2011.

Space Physics, An Introduction to Plasma and Particles in the Heliosphere and the Magnetospheres, by Dr. May-Britt Kallenrode; Springer-Verlag, Berlin Heidelberg, 2010.

The Energy Grid, Harmonic 695, The Pulse of the Universe, by Bruce L. Cathie; Adventure Unlimited Press, Illinois, 1990, 1997.

The Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal Calculus, by Rene Guenon, 1946; translated by Michael Allen & Henry D. Fohr; Sophia Perennis, Hillsdale, NY, 2003, 2004.

Earth Under Fire, Humanity's Survival of the Ice Age, Paul A. LaViolette, PhD.; Bear & Company, Rochester, Vermont, 1997, 2005.

by V. Susan Ferguson
October 20, 2015
from WakingTimes Website

I am a Physicist at CERN...We’ve Done Something We Should not Have Done

Connecting to Other Dimensions Is Real and We Have Achieved Contact!

My name is Dr. Edward Mantill and I was (technically still am) a physicist at CERN, located in Geneva, Switzerland. I specialize in particle and subatomic research, focusing on quark interactions. In other words, I study very very small particles and how they interact with one another at very high speeds. Until Thursday, Jan. 15, 2014 I was a normal scientist living and working on the CERN campus. Most of the scientists who are involved in the branch of research that I am live on campus at the facility in Geneva and venture out only for social activities and the occasional visit home.

Most of you who have heard of CERN will have heard of the LHC (Large Hadron Collider) the largest scientific instrument which exceeds 20 miles in diameter and travels under the sovereign territory of two countries (Switzerland, France). The public has been told that it was constructed at a cost of tens of billions of Euros for the purpose of studying the birth of the universe and the collisions that take place within the collider allow us a quick glimpse at certain phenomenon that can only be witnessed when particles hit one another at incredibly high rates. This is NOT what the machine was designed for, nor is it what the machine has been used for since it’s inception. CERN’s main purpose for building the Collider was too, well it was to open a door way. Allow me to explain: the doorway idea came into fruition in the 1960s.

After years and years of attempting to hide UFO phenomenon, including large scale and very public interactions such as the Roswell incident, and the Battle for Los Angeles incident well before that, the governments of the United States, Great Britain, and France decided to throw their weight behind the understanding of what precisely these objects were. The ideas flew far and wide. Were UFOs from another planet? Were they from another time? Or where they simply mass hysteria and mass delusion fueled by the overactive imagination of a public who were shit scared of communists and their technology? No, they were none of those. Our universe is but one page in a large book. Think of a closed book sitting on a table: you see each page stacked on top of one another, bound by the spine and sandwiched between the two covers. Our universe is but one page in a vast and all-encompassing book. And our page is certainly not the only one with rich, in depth thought and writing committed to it. Every page in the book represents a different dimension each with it’s own unique writing, own unique story, own unique way of isolating itself from the other pages. No page was to interact with the other, just as no ink bleeds from one page to another in a standard book. Each page, a universe unto itself.

Within a few short years of mathematical research and fleets of scientists working under threat of extermination should they share their research, the book idea was finally cemented. Though many disagreed, the mathematics were there to support the book idea, and the mathematics also showed us that it was impossible for one page to interact with another. That was, until the 1980s. During the 1980s billions of dollars of research was funnelled into the idea that if we used enough energy, if we used enough force, concentrated into a small area (the size of a pin prick) we could theoretically tare our page and get a glimpse of the page next to ours. We could open a door from their universe to ours. When the Family (the code name for the group of scientists that functioned as the head of each of their departments at CERN) were shown the initial presentation in March of 1981, many of them expressed grave concern about the ramifications of opening such a doorway. But in the beautiful name of science, the Family decided to share these ideas with the governments who constantly funded their research. At a meeting held in Luxembourg, the heads of state of the newly forming European Union, along with the United States and China were shown plans for the construction of a colossal machine that would enable the opening of a doorway that could be closed at our discretion. The door would be opened, and the energy levels would be measure to prove that CERN had accomplished its task, and the door would be closed. Open. Shut. Simple as that.

The government leaders threw endless funding at the Family and the rest of CERN in the hopes of understanding what kind of power lay in another universe. Think of the possible endless source of Energy, faster than light travel, weaponry that could obliterate enemies using laser. The possibilities for power were truly staggering. So, the public was fed one narrative (“understanding the universe”) and the Family and governments knew the truth. Most of the scientists at CERN were kept completely in the dark, after all the collider would perform it’s function as normal and collide particles for eager funding hunters to capitalize on. But the far more nefarious purpose would only be tested in the presence of the Family and a few select scientists. I am the member of the Family for my division. Obviously the original Family have all retired or died out, but there is a new, younger, more eager to prove themselves group now at the helm, and the consequences of this were and are dire. So, with that established, allow me to explain what happened last thursday. It was an ordinary day with the LHC scheduled to commit two collisions, one at 9am and the other at 630PM. Both went off magnificently and the experiments were deemed a success. We witnessed two full collisions and the general group of researchers were very happy with their work.

Around 7 pm, most of the team had filtered out of the observation room, and the machine had been put into it’s usual stand-by mode. As the room emptied, the ID clip that I had on my waist, which had a built in display and vibrator, started to go off. I looked down at the display and it said in very faint green writing “Living room,” I knew right away what they were going to attempt. I looked up from the badge and caught the eye of Dr. Celine D’Accord, another member of the Family and the head of plasma physics. She too had just looked up from her ID badge. We both understood and left. “Living room,” was a large room under the main facility located in A-section. The room wasn’t special in any way and appeared completely normal. This was key to hiding our true intentions. If we met in a secret underground bunker instead of the regular basement, we’d arouse suspicion every time we were going to run an experiment. As Celine and I made our way from the collider to section A, the cold Swiss air hit my face and burned as we booked it across the campus. The night was exceptionally clear, and this factor further bolstered my suspicion. They always liked doing these experiments on clear nights. We entered Section A and made our way to the main building. The doors opened up as we approached and we made our way to the elevators across the wide expanse of a lobby with the vaulted ceilings.

The RFID signal given off by our name badges caused the elevator doors to open before we had even pressed the button. As we stepped in, the doors shut and the elevator began to move. “I’ll never get used to that,” Celine said, referring to the degree of automation that the buildings displayed. We had been scheduled for a meeting in the Living Room, and the building knew, so all strategic lights were on, and elevators were reading where we needed to go. The miracle of networking. We exited the lift and made our way to the regular board room, the door was shut and assembled inside was the Family. At the head of the table was Father, a young, rather ambitious physicist named Sandra O’Reilly, designated, “Father,” since she was in charge of giving orders to the Family with respect to our clandestine experiments. The mood in the living Room was never tense, but rather one of controlled excitement. The Family had been attempting these tests once every 6 months for the past 10 years without much success. We had gone through several, “Fathers,” from the great Dr. Bertramberg to the lesser known and constantly drunk Dr. Yao, Each had failed to achieve what the original Family had planned. Billions were spent, but no door had yet been opened. “Tonight, we try 40 Tera Electron Volts,” Father announced.

Her announcement brought an immediate and total silence to the room. Family members looked from one to the other, some with feigned excitement, others with revered concerned, all with a general sense of disbelief. “The last four trials were between 10-20TeV, we’ve never tried anything that high! We don’t know if the machine can handle a test of that magnitude,” protested Dr. Akava, head of mathematical physics and chief of the department that should be certifying whether or not 40 TeV was even a healthy thing to do. “We have reviewed the possible outcomes, and even though we will have to pull twice the amount of energy out of the grid, the Swiss government have been advised and are cooperating,” Father quickly retorted. Her sweet, controlled tone actually did help the situation. I looked over and Celine had been frantically writing down some calculations on a piece of paper, after a few seconds she shot up from her seat “Father, even if we try to reach 40 TeV, the math doesn’t support that this is possible! We can’t just throw the collider to the highest setting and hope for the best!” “Are there any other objections that you would like noted before we begin the experiment?” Father asked, completely ignoring Celine’s desperate pleas. Father surveyed the room and could see that she wasn’t going to be met with other objections, after all what was the point, they were going to go unheeded. “Excellent, then we shall proceed, meet in the control room at 22:00 hours,” Father announced as the Family got up from the table and left the Living Room.

No one said a word, we left in complete silence, made our way into the lift, and exited the building into the cold Swiss night. If the machine couldn’t handle the electron voltage, it could become structurally unstable and break apart, but being buried underground prevented this from being a catastrophe. There wouldn’t be loss of life, but the LHC would be rendered useless and billions of dollars worth of funding would be destroyed. On the other hand, if the experiment was successful and the door opened, could we close something functioning on 40 TeV? Our math had supported 10 TeV, 20Tev, Fuck even 30 TeV, but no one had dared go above that. However this is where our role as scientist ended and our regrettable role of secret experimenter began. All we could do was say yes. At 22:00 hours, with the Family assembled in the control room, and the handful of select CERN employees who understood the true nature of the experiment milling around, we commenced our grand try. “Begin,” was the only order that Father issued. The Family members at the control entered the required programming to begin the collider, and so our fateful experiment began.

“Release the First particle sample,” came the command. A few seconds later the sound of gas entering the collider could be heard. The gas started it’s 20+ mile journey around the collider gaining more and more speed. “Release the second particle sample,” another sound of whooshing gas entering the tube and travelling into the opposite direction as the first. Both gaining speed, travelling faster and faster, approaching the speed of light. Like two runners, running around a circular track in opposite directions, not touching one another. “Father, we are approaching 30 TeV” one of the commanders warned. “Excellent, increase the energy to 35 TeV within the next 3 Minutes,” Father’s commands once again brought grave concern. If anything was going to happen it was going to happen now. “Increasing to 35 Tev” came the announcement over the intercom system.

We all continued to look at one another, the concern growing graver and graver.” “Achieving 38 TeV” another announcement. But nothing, no explosion, no catastrophic failure, nothing. In theory 40 was possible, but never advisable, however at 38, no specific structural damage signs were noted, nothing. “40 TeV achieved.” We looked at one another in astonishment. We had achieved what we thought was impossible: 40 TeV of energy was pushing the particles through the collider and we were sustaining it.” As the two particle clouds whizzed past each other, our first indication that something different was going to happen started to occur. There was a sudden spike in the temperature of the room. we could feel that it had gotten warmer, and the first reaction was one of panic. “SHUT THE MACHINE DOWN!” Came the first exclamation from a Family member. “The Machine is heating up, explosion could be imminent!” She continued. “WAIT!” Exclaimed father, her eyes glowing with the reflection of the computer screen in front of her, “Look at the core temperature read out, they haven’t changed, they’re perfectly normal!”

We each looked at the closest computer screen we could find, all of them showing that everything was going well, except for the fact that the thermostat in the room now read 35 degrees celsius, when we started out at a pleasant 20. Could this be it? “COMMENCE THE COLLISION SEQUENCE.” Father barked the order into the microphone near her control console. “Collision in 4…3…2…” The methodical voice announced over the intercom. “1″ – An ethereal blinding light consumed the room, I had never experienced anything like this before. The temperature dropped back down to 20 degrees, and the light was overpowering us. We couldn’t see our own hands in front of our faces. Suddenly there was a blood curdling scream, like someone being horribly beaten, followed by complete and total silence and then darkness. “Is everyone ok!” Celine was shouting from her side of the room. “I’m fine!” I called back, “Sound off!” “Mantill, code: Fam-0113″ “D’Accord, Code: Fam-0115″ “Chung, Code: Fam – 0114″ The Family members present started to scream out their names and code designation as our eyes adjusted to the total darkness that had encompassed the room.

With the sound of a bang the emergency red lighting bathed the room in a lambent glow. We could make out shadows, but no distinguishing features. By this time, approximately 2 minutes after our encounter with the white light, we still had not heard Father sound off.” “Where is Father!” Dr. Chung called out. We all turned to the seat that Father sat in, and could see a lump on the chair, but no sign of her. I entered the panel code to open the emergency exit and made my way through the escape corridor to the lighting box at the end of the hall. I turned the breaker and the normal lighting filled the control room again. Panic struck for Father’s well being I turned and ran back into the control room. All of my fellow scientists were in complete and total awe. Nothing in the room was out of place, and the temperature had returned to normal, however sitting in Father’s chair was a pile of her effects. Celine ran up to the chair Father once filled and looked down with a gasp. “She’s gone! All of her things are here, her jewellery, her clothes, her tamp…, everything!” 

Where Father sat now rested her physical possessions. She had vanished into thin air.




I hope everyone will take the time to read the article I posted yesterday from this same source: HIDDEN HISTORY OF THE INCREDIBLY EVIL KHAZARIAN MAFIA. I think it may answer many of your questions about the connection between the Rothschilds and the Vatican.

When I take a minute and stop to think about all the people on this planet working to get the truth out to us, I find it is astonishing. The numbers, if they were counted, must be huge. ~J

The Jewish Encyclopedia (Vol. 2, p. 497) admits that:

“It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure.”

If this latter statement is true the Rothschilds control in addition to their own fortune the immense liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds’ in wealth and power.

The Two Babylons – Part VII

Original source for "guardians of the papal treasure”:

Jewish Encyclopedia (published 1901–1906), p. 497

HTML text version:

“If you are not an American you will understand why your country is on its present course, as it too is controlled by the Jesuit General through his select Jesuits, Knights of Malta, Shriner Freemasons, the Knights of Columbus, and the Illuminati’s Masonic, Cabalistic, Labor Zionist, Sabbatian Frankist (named after the Black Pope’s baptized Jacob Frank), Jewish House of Rothschild. For the Order controlled the infamous House of Rothschild since no later than the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars, after which Jesuit-led Crusade the Rothschild family was surnamed the “Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.”
Eric Jon Phelps, "Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p.90

The real power structure

“The Treaty of Paris of 1763 designated King George III "Arch-Treasurer and Prince Elector of the Holy Roman Empire. ”And "according to the Encyclopedia Judaica [sic] the Rothschilds bear the title "Guardians of the Vatican Treasury.” The Vatican Treasury, of course, holds the imperial wealth of Rome. Imperial wealth grows in proportion to its victories in war — as the Jesuit empowerment Regimini militantis ecclesiae implies, the Church-at-War is more necessary than the Church-at-Peace.

According to H. Russell Robinson’s illustrated Armour of Imperial Rome, Caesarean soldiers protect themselves in battle with shields painted red. Since the soldiery is the State’s most valuable resource (the Council of Trent admitted this in preferring the Jesuits to all other religious orders), it is easy to understand why the red shield was identified with the very life of the Church. Hence, the appropriateness of the name Rothschild, German for "red shield.”

The appointment of Rothschild gave the black papacy absolute financial privacy and secrecy. Who would ever search a family of orthodox Jews for the key to the wealth of the Roman Catholic Church? I believe this appointment explains why the House of Rothschild is famous for helping nations go to war. It is fascinating that, as Meyer Rothschild’s sons grew into the family business, the firm took on the title Meyer Amschel Rothschild und Sohne, which gives us the notariqon MARS. Isn’t Mars the Roman God of War, whose heavenly manifestation is "the red planet”? There is powerful cabalah here, and there’s hardly an acre of inhabitable earth that hasn’t been affected by it in some way.”
Tupper Saussy: "Rulers of Evil”, p. 160-161

“International finance and banking are NOT primarily ‘Jewish’. Many of the most powerful banking interests in the world are run by ‘Gentiles’. One of the most powerful forces in international banking is the Knights of Malta, a Roman Catholic military order controlled by the Jesuit Superior General. Sadly, even a certain segment of the ‘alternative media’ helps to propagate the LIE that ‘the Jews’ run international banking. Interestingly, one of the titles of the Rothschild banking dynasty is ‘Guardians of the Vatican Treasury’. ‘The Jews’, as a people, have been used for centuries as a ‘scapegoat’ by these international banksters and their secret societies, such as the Jesuit-controlled Knights of Malta. To label ‘the Jews’ as running banking, Hollywood, etc, is to throw out the proverbial ‘red herring’ designed to throw us off the scent of the ‘real controllers’.”
Darryl Eberhart (Editor of „Tackling the Tough Topics”; January 28, 2006) [link to]

“The Jesuit General has been the most powerful man in the world since Pius VII restored the Order or “Company” in 1814. Because of the Order’s suppression by the Pope in 1773, the Jesuits began the Bavarian Illuminati with one of their soldiers, Adam Weishaupt. The Illuminati absorbed the Jewish House of Rothschild creating a colossus of wealth around the world, subject to the Jesuit General. With this financial arm in place the Jesuits then made war on the Vatican including the Pope, the Roman Catholic Monarchs of Europe and the Order of the Dominicans. This Inquisition and Crusade was called “the French Revolution and Napoleonic Wars”. For twenty-five years, the Jesuit General’s Masonic agents, particularly in the person of Napoleon Bonaparte, conducted war. Bonaparte also punished the Knights of Malta, driving them from their island home to Russia.”
Eric Jon Phelps: „Vatican Assassins”, 2nd Ed., p. 582

“The Jesuits, now formally suppressed by the Pope, were allied with Frederick the Great of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia. The Jesuit General was in control of Scottish Rite Freemasonry and now sought an alliance with the Masonic Baron of the House of Rothschild. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was a German Gentile (not a Jew) by race and a Freemason by association — Adam Weishaupt.
Eric Jon Phelps: „Vatican Assassins”, 3rd Ed., p. 401

“The Rothschilds were Jesuits who used their Jewish background as a faûze to cover their sinister activities. The Jesuits, working through Rothschild and [financier Nicholas] Biddle, sought to gain control of the banking system of the United States.”

"The Jesuits used Biddle and Rothschild to gain the upper hand in American banking because they knew they could then control the people and effectively re-write the Constitution according to papal law. Jackson was trying to stop them. ”

"We have already seen that the Rothschilds were the banking agents for the papacy’s Church.”

"These three financial families, the Rothschilds, Morgans, and Rockefellers all do the bidding of the Jesuit Order because of Jesuit infiltration in their organizations. They do whatever is necessary to destroy constitutional liberty in America and to bring the pope to world domination. As we look back over the 20th century, we see how successful the Jesuits have been. They have continued to squander the wealth of America and continually attack its great constitution and civil liberties. Daily, the power of the pope in Vatican City increases. One day they will achieve total power again.”
Bill Hughes: "The Secret Terrorists”, p. 16+17

“Seldom is it mentioned: that the Rothschilds, along with other western bankers and industrialists, financed the rise of Hitler as a bulwark against the Soviets. The ultra-right wing falsely describes the Rothschilds as “Jewish bankers” when, in fact, the Rothschilds are interwoven with the Catholic Church, and, jointly with the traditional mafia and the American CIA, interlocked with the Vatican Bank, which was pro-Nazi.”
Sherman H. Skolnick: „The Rockefellers and the Rothschilds” (article)

“… the Jesuits were driven to co-operate with the other two international brotherhoods, the Freemasons and the Jews [Rothschild’s Illuminati], in the destruction of the Spanish Empire.”
Salvador de Madariaga, Spanish Statesman: „The Jesuits”, 1820

“During the Order’s Suppression from 1773 to 1814 by Pope Clement XIV, General Ricci [Eighteenth Superior General of the Society of Jesus, 1758 – 1775] created the Order of the Illuminati with his soldier, Adam Weishaupt, uniting the House of Rothschild with the Society of Jesus.”
G. B. Nicolini: "History of the Jesuits: Their Origin, Progress, Doctrines, and Designs”, (London: Henry G. Bohn, 1889) pp. 356, 357.

Jesuit Adam Weishaupt, 1748 – 1811
Founder of the Illuminati, 1776

Born at Ingolstadt, Germany, in the heart of Roman Catholic Bavaria from which originated the Order’s Thirty Years’ War (1618-1648), Adam Weishaupt, a White German Gentile, was educated by the Jesuits; in 1775 he became a notorious professor of the Vatican’s murderous Canon Law, including the evil, Counter-Reformation Council of Trent. Since Pope Clement XIV’s Bull of Extinction was not enforced in Lutheran Germany, the Order flourished at its University of Ingolstadt, out of which Weishaupt established the Illuminati in 1776 and joined the Grand Orient Masonic Lodge in 1777. He united the magnificent financial empire of the Cabalistic, Masonic, Jewish House of Rothschild, the "Guardians of the Vatican’s Treasury,” with the opulence of the international and secret, anti-Jewish Race, primarily White Gentile Society of Jesus.”
Nesta H. Webster: "Secret Societies and Subversive Movements”, (South Pasadena, California: Emissary Publications, 1988; originally published in 1924).

“Weishaupt and his fellow Jesuits cut off the income to the Vatican by launching and leading the French Revolution; by directing Napoleon’s conquest of Catholic Europe [as the Order would do with Hitler]; by the revolt against the Church, led by such priests as Father Hidalgo, in Mexico and Latin America; by eventually having Napoleon throw Pope Pius VII in jail at Avignon until he agreed, as the price for his release, to reestablish the Jesuit Order. This Jesuit war on the Vatican was terminated by the Congress of Vienna and by the secret, 1822, Treaty of Verona. . . . Ever since, the Rothschilds have been the fiscal agents of the Vatican.”
Emanuel M. Josephson, Jewish American Physician & Historian: „The “Federal” Reserve Conspiracy & Rockefellers”, 1968

“You’ll also find ex British Intelligence officier Dr John Coleman expose how the Rothschilds and even the Rockefellers wealth simply doesn’t come close to some of the members of the Committee of 300 which is controlled by the Order of the Garter, Pilgrim Society, all inner cores of the SMOM!

The Jews were bought into positions of power within Banking back in 1066 by the Norman Anglo-Saxon Monarchs. For this they accepted being controlled. Remember that the Law of Banking is known as International Maritime Admiralty Law. This Maritime Law was based on VATICAN Canon Law. All the “War Banks” known as Central banks get controlled from SMOM controlled Switzerland. The Federal Reserve pays the Bank of England which finally ends up in the Swiss Bank of International Settlements. All you need to do is study the SMOM and its members then look whos who in Banking.”

Craig Oxley

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