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21 January 2016

Warrior Seers

Being a Warrior Seer is a philosophy, a way of life that allows us to remember our authentic self. This philosophy recognizes that the perception of the dominant paradigm is limiting and fails to integrate the abstract. In recognizing that we are part of a complex energy system we come to know that all of life is an extension of universal life force energy, or more simply, Source.

Warrior Seers constantly challenge themselves to evolve beyond the realm of ordinary human awareness and the limitations presented by the man-made matrix. The man-made matrix is a monotonous existence; an obsolete pattern that continues to endure through imposition. This repetitious and tedious pattern has been maintained for many centuries and causes separation from Source energy and the disregard for what it really means to live in balance and unity.

The following are some of the many qualities common to Warrior Seers:

Practice: A Warrior Seer is dedicated to energy practices that allow them to become free from illusions and deceptions perpetuated and upheld by the man-made matrix. The commitment to practice allows them to amass the energy that is necessary for them to enter into seeing. They are diligent in their practice because they recognize the ability that they have for returning to the abstract in a state of total awareness. A Warrior Seer looks forward, not back.

Creativity: Warrior Seers set the intention to be their own person; a person of creativity who lives within constant acts of creation and co-creation and rides the ebb and flow of life, of eternity. They recognize that our ability to realize our unlimited potential is an evolutionary act and are conscious of the natural rhythm and flow of the universe.

Fortitude: Warrior Seers exhibit high levels of fortitude which comes from a mind that is grounded in strength and courage. This allows them to face danger, fear, and anguish with determination, stamina, perseverance, patience, and ultimately the resolution required to attain liberation from the conflict and lies imposed by the man-made matrix. It is with fortitude that the Warrior Seer remains fearless and immovable in their commitment.

Self-Mastery: Warrior Seers liberate themselves from self-importance by not taking anything personally. They adhere to the warrior’s way of humility and fluidity without self-indulgence. They recognize that their own reflection serves as a distraction and by shattering the mirror of self-reflection they can attain total freedom.

Observer: Warrior Seers are observers. They watch everything and recognize it for what it is. They know that they are constantly surrounded by a beautiful mystery that reveals information, knowledge, and awareness at the moment that it becomes necessary. A Warrior Seer is in the flow of Source energy and trusts that they will always have what they need.

Awareness: Warrior Seers strive for expansion. They know that total awareness is achieved through the displacement of the position of the assemblage point, over and over again. When the assemblage point becomes fluid, the Warrior Seer lives in a state of seeing or pure perception and the assemblage point no longer becomes fixated on any pattern, person, thought, or belief. As perceivers they come to know that they are awareness itself.

Suffice it to say that there are other traits not mentioned here and I would like to hear about them from you in the comments.

When we live our lives in alignment with the center of consciousness within ourselves, we come to know that our connection with every living thing is an extension of the great energetic flow of awareness that serves as the most transformative force in the universe. This force is the universal life force vibration, the Source, the pure primal and original energy that resides within us and simultaneously all around us; in everyone, and everything that we know.

The path of the Warrior Seer is available to anyone who is ready and willing to align with Earth and Source energy in order to expand their awareness. With emphasis placed on pure energy as being the driving force behind all things you come to find yourself in an indescribable flow of Source energy enabling you to find your true life force essence and connection to the all that is within this great web of awareness.

January 20, 2016 by Female Warrior

18 January 2016

New Atlantis

Martin Luther King and the Commitment to Nonviolence

As the United States observes a holiday in memory of Martin Luther King, it is well to reflect on the possibilities of nonviolence today. Whatever the difficulties that King encountered in his relentless struggle to secure equality and justice for black people, and whatever the temptations that were thrown in his way that might have led him to abandon the path that he had chosen to lead his people to the “promised land”, it is remarkable that King’s principled commitment to nonviolence never wavered through the long years of the struggle. “From the very beginning”, he told an audience in 1957, “there was a philosophy undergirding the Montgomery boycott, the philosophy of nonviolent resistance.” His own “pilgrimage to nonviolence” commenced, King wrote in Stride Toward Freedom (1958), with the realization that “the Christian doctrine of love operating through the Gandhian method of nonviolence was one of the most potent weapons available to oppressed people in their struggle for freedom.”

Over the years, even as King encountered determined resistance to his advocacy of nonviolent resistance, both among white racists and black activists who taunted him for coddling up to the white man, his faith in the efficacy of nonviolence intensified. In his last years, he increasingly embraced the idea that nonviolence would be deployed not only against the oppression of the state, and to arouse the moral conscience of his white opponents, but also to secure greater equality and social justice for the working class in American society. It was King’s support of the sanitation workers’ strike that brought him to Memphis where, on the eve before his assassination, he delivered the “I’ve Been to the Mountaintop” speech with the exhortation to his listeners to “give ourselves to this struggle until the end. Nothing would be more tragic than to stop at this point in Memphis. We’ve got to see it through.”

In this March 28, 1968 file photo, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and Rev. Ralph Abernathy, right, lead a march on behalf of striking Memphis, Tenn., sanitation workers. (AP Photo/The Commercial Appeal, Sam Melhorn, File)

What remains of the grand idea of nonviolence? If the twentieth century was perhaps the most violence-laden century in recorded history, a time of ‘total war’, it is befitting that the most creative responses to the brutalization of the human spirit should have also come in the twentieth century, in the shape of nonviolent movements led by Gandhi, American civil rights activists, Cesar Chavez, Chief Albert Luthuli in South Africa, and others. But it cannot be said that the need for nonviolence has diminished, considering that large parts of the world appear to be enflamed by violence and turmoil. Entire towns in Syria, Iraq, and Yemen have been reduced to rubble, and there is every possibility that all three countries will eventually unravel and fragment. Over 4.6 million Syrians are officially registered as refugees, but there are many other countries outside the Middle East that have been torn apart by violence, among them Afghanistan, Somalia, Sudan, and Democratic Republic of the Congo.

The United States, far removed as it is from falling bombs, drone attacks, or the refugee crisis, has nonetheless seen its share of discussions about escalating violence. Though gun shootings are now commonplace, the soul-searching has produced not a new wave of activists committed to nonviolence but rather a substantial upsurge in sales of firearms and ammunition. What is striking about American political discourse is the ease with which so many people, not just members of the NRA, have accepted the view that they can best protect themselves and their families from random gun shootings by arming themselves to the teeth. The other central issue around which much political mobilization has taken place, namely police violence against black people, has similarly not spurred activists to the creative use of nonviolent modes of resistance.

Some people will point to the “Black Lives Matter” movement to suggest that nonviolent resistance has in fact found a new lease of life. It is not to be doubted that BLM has mobilized social media, staged marches and demonstrations, and highlighted not only police brutality but even more systemic forms of injustice and discrimination that justify the characterization of the United States as an incarceration state, especially with respect to black people. But nonviolence, in the hands of its most famous practitioners and theorists, never meant merely the abstention from violence, nor is it encompassed solely by the embrace of tactics designed as ad-hoc gestures to meet the exigencies of a situation. Intense nonviolence training workshops were an intrinsic and critical part of the movements that shaped the struggle for civil rights in the US.

One does not see, within the Black Lives Matter movement, or in the writings and public lives of contemporary African American intellectuals, anything even remotely resembling the kind of extraordinary leadership that characterized the American civil rights movement. It is not just nostalgia that leads one to ask where are to be found the likes of King, Bayard Rustin, James Farmer, or A. Philip Randolph. The Rev. James Lawson, now 87 years old, still soldiers on and remains the stellar example of a life dedicated to the idea of nonviolence. For him, as for King and others, nonviolence was never simply an afterthought, or something that was to be resorted to when all other options had failed. Nonviolence was stitched into the fabric of their being. What has become all too common now is to try out nonviolence and shelf it if it does not offer instant results or gratification, and then proclaim it a “failure”; on the other hand, it must be human ingenuity, and an enchantment with violence, which enables people to continue to resort to it even as its horrific toll mounts. It is well to remember at this juncture, as Gandhi and King insistently repeated, that when nonviolence seems not to have succeeded, it is not because nonviolence has failed us but rather because we have failed nonviolence.

January 18, 2016 by Vinay Lal

17 January 2016

Life outside the box

A warrior cannot have the luxury of following people’s ways, nor can he be a reactionary, because his freedom means to exercise other alternatives.  
~ Carlos Castaneda, Encounters with the Nagual

This is a great quote. Our freedom is contingent upon our ability to remain awake and fluid, to not become bound by ideas, stories, and patterns. All of the paths in the world have the potential to enslave us, to turn us into followers of specific protocols, doctrines, or dogmata. It is when we decide to belong to a specific membership that we adopt the ideas of another which carries the danger, for a warrior, to act from a point of reason. This ultimately leads one to inadvertently employ or uphold bastions of judgements against those outside of their chosen and often structured beliefs; as though they have something to defend.

I try to be careful and mindful when I write, to ensure that I am not unwittingly fixating the position of someone’s assemblage point. But then I must remind myself that through my writing I am merely offering tools for awareness, stories from my own experience, and that if someone allows their assemblage point to become fixated upon my words then it is they who must work on fluidity and freedom from the patterns.

We must recognize that it is our aim, as warriors of freedom, to go against the grain, to free ourselves from the preconceived ideas and patterns of how to live in the world. To, as Carlos said, exercise other alternatives.

So what are the alternatives? They are many and all come from a point of creation. When we do what others do we are emulating them, but when we do what we do out of our love for doing it then we are creating our own experience moment by moment.

Is it a challenge? Yes – we live in a world that nearly demands that we comply with the arduous task of upholding patterns, living within the confines of authoritative control, and accomplishing things in the so-called “right” way.

Is it possible? Not only is it possible, it is fun and fulfilling. To exist in extraordinary states of awareness is not only part of our birthright but as warriors of freedom it becomes evidence, to a world lost in patterns, that there is another way in which to exist.

Life outside the box is an innovative, imaginative, and inspiring way of living that will encourage others to reconnect to their own visions, dreams, inspiration, and creativeness. As I’ve said before, don’t believe a word I say, test it for yourself. Keep dancing!

January 16, 2016 by Female Warrior

16 January 2016

How to Fight Monsters and Win

Educate Yourself

A Guidebook to Defeating Human, Alien, and Demonic Oppressors

[Editor’s Note: This is an important tutorial on how to fight etheric attackers on their own turf ~ and win. There is an untold number of people around the world who are daily combating intense assault by negative alien beings, government/military psychics and remote viewers, black magicians, psionic technology, and demonic entities. They can all be defeated if you learn how to use your own inner connection to God and your heart chakra’s energy center to turn the tables on these craven bullies. The author is based in England and has been battling with these negative forces for some time-and winning- as he has armored himself to the point of becoming invulnerable to attack-and the Nazi intelligence agencies and the negative aliens know it (as his attackers have now become frightened of him). We are all capable of learning how to defend ourselves and turning the NWO and its etheric goons on their heads. Study this tutorial carefuly and and learn how to slay dragons-and all from the comfort of an easy chair. …Ken Adachi]

By Jack London
July 4, 2009

How to Fight Monsters and Win by Jack London (July 4, 2009)

The Basics

An often-used method of the Elite to control dissidents is to employ psychics and black magicians for long-distance attacks, saving on the manpower and time resources required to actually send a legbreaker round to your house without alerting the police. If you start doing anything interesting (like getting a chembuster to clear up atmospheric pollution) then you might well receive a visit from them. This will manifest in a variety of ways, usually a “sinking feeling” followed by vivid, waking hallucinations of figures trying to hurt you, or show you horrific images to traumatise you, or telling you upbeat life-affirming messages such as “We will kill you and everyone you love” or “You cannot win!”

If they really hate you, and are persistent, they can use these paranormal abilities to wear down your defences and shut down your brain or heart (heart is the most common way) and kill you while you sleep. Pretty scary stuff, all in all.

Except that it all rests on a single premise: that you don’t fight back.

This guide aims to change that. If you know the right techniques you can overcome psychic/magical attack and remain healthy and upbeat. I learnt these techniques myself. I didn’t get them from a book or a spiritual guru figure. I don’t have membership to any mystery schools. I’m not a freemason or an intelligence asset. I have, however, had some pretty interesting experiences, which taught me how to fight back and win.

In the first chapter I’m going to walk you through techniques useful to repel enemy psychics assaults and banish them from your space so you can recover.

It’s extremely important to be aware when you are actually being attacked. Passively accepting the attack and/or ignoring the attack will not resolve anything. I think a lot of people will pretend that “it’s just a nightmare” or that they’re hallucinating, or having mental health problems, when in reality someone in the real world is attacking them on the aetheric level and doing them harm. It’s up to you to cultivate discernment and figure out when it’s actually happening.


To be able to defend from psychic attack, the first key message is that you need to practise visualisation.

Close your eyes and “feel” a different eye or set of eyes opening inside your head. See in your minds eye (imagination) an indigo circle swirling clockwise. Just watch the circle as it spins and see it as clearly as you can. Gradually watch as the circle moves closer to you, then further away as if you were looking down a long dark tunnel.

When I write, “see” things, I don’t mean to “think” or strain with effort. It’s about just looking through your inner eyes and observing the things that actually happen. At first you’ll find yourself only seeing blackness. Think of how when you step into the dark, it takes a moment to be able to see, as your pupils dilate. Allow yourself time to adjust. You probably haven’t used your inner eye much before, so it will be weak, like an unused muscle.

The circle technique will let you get used to the idea of closing your eyes, opening your inner eye and looking around. The next step is to create a Safe Space for yourself on the aetheric. The aetheric is the frequency of reality you are seeing when you see with your inner eye. It’s a different plane of existence.

It’s extremely rare for anyone targeted for an aetheric assault to only get hit once, so you should be prepared to be hit in waves, spaced hours apart (usually each night). During the breaks (when the psychics go outside for a cigarette and a cup of tea to recharge) you should take time to practise visualising to improve your ability to defend yourself.

Close your eyes, open your inner eye and SEE yourself in a place that is peaceful and relaxing for you. This could be anything, depending on the individual. For example, you might see yourself on a tropical beach, in a peaceful forest clearing, or by a roaring fire at a campsite at night. Whatever you see, this place is your safe zone that you can return to and recover your energy from.

Visualise your safe zone and see it, then move around in it. Have a look around. Pick things up. You can interact with anything there and the overall idea is to get used to moving around and manipulating your environment while visualising such things.

It helps massively if you lie on your back, taking slow deep breaths while you do this. Breath through your nose.

When psychics attack you it’s best to pick a neutral ground to do so. A nice big empty room the size of a football pitch should do the trick.

There are ways to attack people, even hurt people, aetherically, but for now let us concentrate on a proactive defence. You need some kind of protection, to make yourself immune to whatever they throw at you. A simple trick is to visualise a sphere around yourself, like a bubble. This bubble will protect you because no matter what hits it, or flies around it, nothing can get at you within the bubble.


It’s a massive subject in itself, but the aetheric body interacts with the physical body at several key points. These are called chakras. You have seven main ones, three lower, three higher, and one in the middle called your heart chakra. This is located in the center of your chest and is the most powerful of all the chakras.

I don’t want to overload people with lots of side information, but suffice to say if you can harness the energy of your heart chakra then you’ll have nothing to worry about, as the power it gives you outclasses anything a black magician or government psychic could ever do to you. I will elaborate on why that is – and the precise aspects of all the chakras – at a later point.

Visualise a green sphere inside your chest, spinning clockwise. That’s clockwise from your perspective [as viewed from your back towards your front], not clockwise from the view of someone looking at you. This sphere is your visual signifier of the heart chakra. Allow yourself to focus on something positive. Find something that’s happened in your life – a memory, or a feeling – that was genuinely positive. Something that made you laugh, or cheer, or feel good. Not everyone has had an easy life, but I’m sure there has to be something truly positive you can draw upon. This purely positive vibe is the frequency you’re trying to harness.

You allow that feeling, that energy, to pool in your chest like warm water. To be stored up as energy inside your heart chakra. That’s your source of power, ok? Like an engine filled up with fuel.

Now, your protective bubble will be made out of this energy, this green heart glow. Visualise energy flowing out of your heart into a sphere which surrounds your entire body, a cartoon green-tinted bubble about six feet high and six feet across. As you breathe slowly in and out the sphere becomes “pumped up” with energy. After you’ve done this enough the sphere will “feel” (or rather you will sense it as) solid.

If you can do one thing in your defence against aetheric attack, do this. You will be invulnerable to any attack on that level. I cannot stress this enough: done properly, a heart chakra-boosted shield makes you invulnerable to all psychic/magical attack.

By continuing to breathe slowly and deeply, charging the shield, you can now calm down a bit and relax – since you’re invulnerable, there’s really no way you can lose unless you specifically choose to surrender or flail about panicking.

What the enemy will most likely do at this point is push its luck because the bad guys are stupid and arrogant and think that aetheric/psychic/magic stuff is about hierarchy and genetic lineage and twaddle like that, when it’s not, it’s about opening a connection between yourself and higher dimensional energy, thus having access to the power of God.

So: they’ll push their luck, by continuing to bang (fruitlessly) on the outside of your sphere, or summon scary images/emotions to make you surrender.

By scary images I mean they’ll do things like, for instance, show your loved ones/family being killed, your kids tortured, your partner being eaten alive, any insects/arachnids that you have a phobia of swarming around you, skull/blood/death imagery. You have to bear in mind this is all just like looking “at pictures in a book” (to quote The Shining). They can’t hurt you. It’s an illusion designed to throw you off balance and frighten you.

Keep focusing on your heart chakra. Keep breathing. Keep pooling the energy in your chest and sending it into the bubble.

You’ll end up in a situation where all these illusions are flying around outside your shield and you’re getting a bit bored and just want to go to bed or get on with watching television or whatever it was you were up to prior to getting attacked. At this point, you need to BANISH them from your personal space.

Up, Up and Away

Visualise another green bubble surrounding each of them, which due to its impervious nature, now has them trapped. Focus, concentrate on the second bubble and watch it float up into the air, so fast, so quick that in the space of a minute (or less) you can no longer see it. This harmlessly removes the threat. If there are multiple opponents, then simply imagine/visualise bubbles around them as well.

You might find it useful at this point to have a look around the Neutral Ground and “sense” for anything hostile. I mean by this that you feel on a “gut” or intuitive level that you are now safe, as opposed to being unsure or still scared.

If anything crops up, simply put a bubble around it and banish them too. When all is quiet, you might want to return to your “safe space” or power space to relax. Otherwise, open your eyes and carry on with your life.

You might be pretty freaked out to have just defeated an opponent on that level, so I’d recommend writing down the experience in a word document or in a journal so that you can “vent” your system a bit and have the notes to look back on. I’d also recommend having a good sense of humour.

Remember: use the heart chakra and visualise an impervious shield.


Fear vs. Love is a bit of a simplistic way to view the universe, but there’s a nugget of truth to it. I’m going to use an analogy of turning the dial on a radio (credit to David Icke for the next bit).

You’ve got a radio sat on a table in front of you. You turn the dial and tune into a specific radio station. This is you incarnating in a body prior to birth, locking into a specific frequency and experiencing life. You can tune the dial of a radio and leave one station and travel to a different station – either on a higher or lower frequency – and listen to something else but the previous station doesn’t cease to exist. It’s still there, it’s just that you can’t hear it anymore.

Physical reality is energy resonating at a certain frequency. You can interact with it because you’re resonating along with it. Your body is made of condensed energy, like a hologram, which is constantly buffed up by energy coming into it from sunlight, food, water etc.

Entities exist on different frequencies. Some are on a “higher” frequency and resonate faster than we do. Others are on lower frequencies. Lower dimensional (or lower frequency) entities are things like the Reptilians, who are bipedal humanoid lizards that feed on the lymphatic and spiritual energy of humans because to them, our energy is incredibly high frequency and gives them great strength when consumed.

Rather like a leech drinking in a bigger, stronger animal’s blood in order to take all the vitamins and nutrients from it, a Reptilian drinks blood (and eats your heart and pituitary gland and so on) because it’s rather like us humans enjoying a delicious, nutrient-packed salad nicoise. You can’t blame them really. Or rather, you can blame them for being a vicious bunch who want to enslave and eat humanity, BUT that would be like blaming the shark for eating a swimmer–who went swimming at night–and with a cut on his toe.

Ok, so maybe the analogy breaks down a bit there. Reptilians are still Bad News, especially with all the rape and torture and eating people alive and so on. I’m being flippant because that helps me process horrible truths; but this is how it is. They rape and eat people. You’re probably going to read that and not register it properly. That’ll happen a lot with this. I’ll say things to you multiple times and it won’t resonate properly because your brain is going to edit it out because it’s unpleasant information. Eventually you’ll have a tipping point where you suddenly realise it’s true (most likely when an actual Reptilian shows up) and your brain suddenly goes “Oh God, it’s all real!”. Remember to take a moment and calm down when that happens.

Anyway. So we have a scale of energy, as already stated. At the lower end of the scale you’ve got these lizard monsters and at the higher end you have more enlightened spiritual beings. Enlightened: – filled with light. Lifted. A lessening of weight. A lessening of the physical frequency.

You move up higher and higher up the scale and eventually the barriers between things collapse and you’ve just got one big incomprehensibly mass of energy vibrating at speeds beyond anything we can measure, existing outside of time and space (which are dimensions, and this energy is so high frequency, it exists outside of such restrictions). This energy is positive, infinite, all-knowing (because it’s outside of time so it’s everywhere at once and all things at once), all-seeing (because it’s outside of time so it has infinity to track and observe things happening and – huzzah – benevolent. Loving.

Why loving? Because it’s all things and all times. It doesn’t hate itself, it just wants to grow. But unfortunately, if you’re infinite and time doesn’t exist, you can’t experience anything as an individual. You have no arc; you can’t grow. You’re already everything.

So what do you do, being this infinite mass of infinite energy? Well, you fracture yourself and embed aspects of yourself, fractal chunks of yourself that contain everything within, but are isolated in moments of space and time. And you fire that into the physical realm and watch it grow planting seeds.

And then you get a bit annoyed that these Reptilians (which are aspects of the totality, after all, but are isolated and have free will just like anything sentient) are tearing things up on the physical with wars and mind control and so on, trying to stop the aspects (condensed energy with form and size and ego) growing up. But it’s ok, because they can’t fight the infinite and win. It’s all just a ride, a process to allow the infinite to grow and learn and have fun.

So we live and die and incarnate over multiple lives growing and learning and playing on this planet and others. And every time we do something positive it moves us forward towards the tipping point of… flowering.

That’s pretty much what God and the meaning of life is. In case you wondered.

So no, it’s not a puppet-show of a Cernunnos rip-off called Satan who wants to drag you to Hell versus a bearded white man on a cloud. And it’s not about being a monkey on a rock, in a void, who lives and dies and it’s meaningless. It’s not about endless suffering, desperately trying to find the true death of nirvana. God is not separate. There is not a hierarchy. We are one-thing learning about our collective self and the infinite. You don’t have to pray for forgiveness, ok? It’s cool. You’re here for a reason. We all are.

“So where’s my connection to God, then?” you’re probably wondering.

Well, it’s inside. Where do you speak to God? In a temple. Where are your temples? On either side of your head. Yeah, I know, Jordan Maxwell did that one first, but it’s a good one.

But it’s not quite right because we speak to the higher dimensional consciousness of infinity (or God for short) through our hearts. Specifically, our heart chakras, which are like internal stargates to this energy wavelength. All the “gut instincts” and “intuition” we know and love? That’s your heart chakra. Think of it as a compass while you’re lost on the high seas, or a radio communicator back to NASA while you’re waddling across the moon.

As Bill Hicks liked to scream at his audience: “There is a living God and it will talk directly to you!” So bear that in mind if you need a compass. That said, you don’t have to talk to God or do anything that anyone else wants you to do. You are free, right? That includes the right to defy every authority.
Fear and Love.

Fear is what they use. That’s their bread and butter. They’ll use fear to wrap you up in layers of control, subtle and clever until you’ve forgotten who you are and what you stand for. The whole system runs on fear. Be afraid, America! Terrorists are after you! Be afraid, white man! That black guy is looking at your girlfriend funny! Be afraid, Christian! There’s a girl at the back of the class with black lipstick and a skull on her handbag. She’s clearly a threat to everything you hold dear.

And it’s hate too. That flows from fear, ultimately. You take a person, make them ignorant and scared and then make them angry, push their buttons. Simmer for thirty minutes and – ping! – you get hate. This is a very effective way to make people forget their true path and do stupid things that leads to genocide and rape and whatnot. There are boiling waves of hate on this planet with all the stupidity and ignorance and fear swirling around making people tear each others throats out just because their priest or scientist or politician or army officer told them to do it. But if you cut out the fear and get a bit of knowledge, then that hate evaporates like morning dew.

Love binds things together. Fear breaks things apart. We’re all one thing, seeing itself from new angles. If you can get your head around that, you can start to relax. Things are under control. We aren’t going to be taken over by a lizard-worshipping cult. We definitely don’t need to fear being killed by psychics. We can stop this, individually or collectively.

You are not weak. You think you’re weak. You are not vulnerable to them. You are accepting of the idea that you are vulnerable.

Stop it. It’s ridiculous. You’re invulnerable and strong. You always have had, and always will have, the potential to be that. It’s up to you choosing it.

As a final point for this chapter, when it all gets a bit much and you’re not feeling cosmically entwined because it’s 4 a.m. and you’re exhausted and the enemies are swarming around the house wanting to get in:


So don’t give up.


More Here>>

The individual is not the group

“Exercises and techniques for accessing and deploying imagination…these would be essential. Exercises that allow the individual to reinstate his basic creative position in his own life, his own future. Exercises that allow the individual to use his imagination in many different ways. Ramping up power.” (Preliminary notes for Exit From the Matrix, Jon Rappoport)

There are many ways I could launch from the headline of this article.

In this case, I want to point out that all life is not composed of groups trying to solve the problems created by other groups.

This may come as revelation to some.

In the long, long, long run, the struggle pitting one group against another fails, because, swallowed up in the process is the individual.

He sacrifices what he is and what he can be for the sake of a cause. It may be a just cause, a good cause, a foolish cause, a crazy cause—but the outcome is the same. In the long run.

The best version of a free Republic, whether it was actually envisioned that way by its founders, is: the organized State exists to allow the greatest possible latitude to the individual.

This, in case there is any doubt, is not a prefabricated utopia. Far from it.

What does the individual have to offer? He has everything he is capable of doing, when he liberates himself from petty ideas and limitations about what he is. That journey of liberation is his own. It isn’t anybody else’s.

It is, as I’ve pointed out many times, a journey of imagination.

Here are preliminary notes I made as I was putting together my second collection, Exit From The Matrix:

Imagination lets a person know what could exist but doesn’t now exist. Imagination lets a person know what could be invented. Imagination lets a person know that, despite claims to the contrary, the future is open and unwritten.

Imagination lets a person know that he can think thoughts that have never been thought before.

The journey of individual liberation is, therefore, much more than discovering what already exists in one’s own mind.

The world as it is, things as they are—this is eventually the sensation of depleted imagination. Of course, imagination never diminishes, it just waits. For you.

The deployment of imagination unlocks hidden energies. A power, sought after and never found in other endeavors, appears.

Psychological tests are tests of imagination. The less you have, the more normal you are. If you have none, you’re perfect. Then they put you in a field and call you a rock.

Tiny imagination is just part of this absurd culture. You don’t have to go along with it. You don’t have to think the leading frontier of imagination is about finding a spray that will make your hair look like a shellacked rabbit.

Imagination is larger than any universe. It needs no sanction from the world or from other worlds. It is not some secret form of physics. It is not religion. It is not cosmology. It is not any one picture of anything. It’s what you invent.

The group does not have imagination. It poaches on individuals with imagination.

The group is a graveyard where imagination has been downgraded and forgotten.

The group is the rationalization for people who have lost the thread of their own imaginations.

The group is the feel-good place where people can console each other about the loss of their own imaginations.

The group sometimes acts to liberate the individual, but then the group forgets what it’s been doing and moves forward for its own sake, for its collective power. And that power opposes what the individual can be.

The group is a locus for discussion that eventually leads to a zero effect. Anyone who wakes up to his own imagination would leave the group.

The group is a place where people are invited to forget they are individuals.

The group is promoted by people who are afraid of their own imaginations and the implication that they create their own futures.

The group is promoted by people who want to leave their own individuality in the dust.

The group is for people who demand: “We must all agree on something.”

The group may have temporary value, but it never disbands. It becomes a fungus. It seeks more territory.

Imagination soars. It is the individual at the edge of his own exploration.

Imagination was the source for the building of modern civilization. But then civilization became dedicated to itself and the group.

The individual never goes away, and neither does his imagination.

Imagination can light up a room, a house, a city, a nation, a planet, a galaxy, a universe.

January 8, 2016
by Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

08 January 2016

Another Interesting Leak: A Second NASA Scientist Tells Us That ‘Somebody Else’ Is On The Moon

We live in a strange world, and as Neil Armstrong once said, there are “great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can remove one of the truth’s protective layers.” (source) (source)

Fast forward to today, and a number of people have become aware of the fact that not all of what goes on behind the scenes is made public. This is precisely why the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) was created; it’s a federal freedom of information law that allows for the full or partial disclosure of previously unreleased information and documents controlled by the United States government.

There are still many obstacles in the way of full transparency, one of which is the use of ‘national security’ to keep information classified and hidden from public viewing. This has become more evident with the revelations of WikiLeaks and Edward Snowden, but the problem goes deeper still. Did you know that the U.S government classifies roughly five hundred million pages of documents every single year? This is a completely separate topic in itself and if you’re interested in learning more about this, you can check out our article about the ‘Black Budget.’ 

NASA Scientists and What They Say About The Moon

Multiple NASA personnel have made some pretty shocking claims about the Moon. George Leonard, a NASA scientist and photo analyst who obtained various official NASA photographs of the Moon, many of which he published in his book titled Somebody Else Is On The Moon, is just one of these personnel.

Although the photos are small in size and their resolution is not up to today’s standards, they show details of original prints which were huge. While Leonard published the identifying code numbers of the photos in his works to back up their source, we still can’t say for sure that they were real, and their poor resolution only makes matters worse. Far more compelling than these photos are his statements about what was found on the Moon, along with his verified NASA credentials. Leonard was not the only one with a credible background trying to tell the world the truth regarding the Moon and the photos that were taken from the Apollo missions.

“Ladies and gentlemen, my government, NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for Never A Straight Answer, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo Program — the flight to the Moon, the flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there. They erased, for Christ’s sake, 40 rolls of film of those events. Now we’re talking about several thousand individual frames that were taken that the so-called authorities determined that you did not have a right to see. Oh, they were ‘disruptive,’ ‘socially unacceptable,’ ‘politically unacceptable.’ I’ve become furious. I’m a retired Command Sergeant Major. I was never famous for having a lot of patience.” (source)

The quote above is from Bob Dean, who was speaking at a conference in Europe. Bob is a retired US Army Command Sargent Major, and he also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO as an intelligence analyst.

When it comes to the UFO phenomenon, we now have public disclosure of thousands of documents along with hundreds of credible witness testimonies. But that is a separate topic, which you can learn more about here.

It’s also important to note here that the Russian government recently called for an international investigation into the U.S. moon landings regarding the disappearance of film footage from the original moon landing in 1969. They are also referring to the (approximately) 400 kilograms of lunar rock that was obtained during multiple missions between 1969 and 1972. (source)

Leonard argued that NASA knew about extraterrestrial activity on the Moon and attempted to hide that information. He’s not the only one to make such an assertion.

“Read the books, read the lore, start to understand what has really been going on, because there is no doubt that we are being visited. . . . The universe that we live in is much more wondrous, exciting, complex and far reaching than we were ever able to know up to this point in time. . . . [Mankind has long wondered if we’re] alone in the universe. [But] only in our period do we really have evidence. No, we’re not alone.” – Dr. Edgar Mitchell, ScD., NASA astronaut (6th man to walk on the moon)

Here is a clip of NASA astronaut Dr. Brian O’Leary saying the same thing.

Leonard is not the only NASA scientist to say some strange things about the Moon. Recently, a plasma scientist by the name of Dr. John Brandenburg said the same thing. He was the Deputy Manager of the Clementine Mission to the Moon, which was part of a joint space project between the Ballistic Missile Defence Organization (BMDO) and NASA. The mission discovered water at the Moon’s poles in 1994. (Source: page 16 of 18)(source)(source)

According to Brandenburg in an interview from this documentary:

It was (the Clementine Mission) a photo reconnaissance mission basically to check out if someone was building bases on the moon that we didn’t know about. Were they expanding them?

He then went on to state that:

Of all the pictures I’ve seen from the moon that show possible structures, the most impressive is a picture of a miles wide recto-linear structure. This looked unmistakably artificial, and it shouldn’t be there. As somebody in the space defence community, I look on any such structure on the moon with great concern because it isn’t ours, there’s no way we could have built such a thing. It means someone else is up there.

If you were to tell the average person that you think another civilization, advanced enough to have mastered space travel, had been to the Moon before we got there and is possibly still going there, you would, without a doubt, receive some very peculiar looks in return. On the other hand, if that other person were to decide to hear you out, you would probably get their attention pretty quickly. For some, this type of information can be overwhelming, even terrifying, and that’s okay. Many people are not ready to open their minds up to these possibilities, but the truth of the matter is, it’s something we are going to have to confront eventually. We are clearly heading towards the inevitable reality of extraterrestrial contact — that is, if we smarten up and start taking care of our planet to the best of our ability. Perhaps we can make it long enough to realize this future, or maybe it’s coming sooner than we think.

That being said, there is a good deal of evidence to suggest that extraterrestrial contact is already happening, and if you’re interested in learning more about that you can visit the exopolitics section of our website, located HERE.

Other sources used:!the-cover-up-exposed-1973-1991/c1p8

January 2, 2016 by Arjun Walia.

The NASA Conspiracy

NASA used Codename Santa Claus for three UFOs during moon landing

According to statements from a former NASA contractor, there were, at least, three flying saucers on the moon during one of the NASA moon landings. Sadly, like many other things, these mysterious UFO sightings were covered up.

Donna Hare who worked for computer and engineering contractor Philco-Ford during the early 70s, in NASA’s photo labs on and off the site of the group’s HQ states she had high clearance which allowed her to access parts of the building know internally as ‘building eight’ allowing her to get in touch with a series of “high ranking officials who leaked her information in secret over lunch”.

Ms. Hare claims in a video testimony to have acquired information from NASA officials who wanted to disclose information about the existence of Unidentified Flying Objects but were threatened with the loss of their pensions and forced to sign gagging orders.

Making strong claims, Hare states that one of her contacts who spoke out about the information had “disappeared off the face of the Earth”.

Are also claims that she was informed by several sources about Unidentified Flying Objects and that during one of the moon landings astronauts discovered THREE Alien Spaceships that had landed on the surface of the moon when Astronauts touched down on the surface.

According to statements from Hare, one of her contacts worked in an ‘off limit’ area where landing astronauts were ‘debriefed’ after returning to Earth.

“This man was in quarantine with them and was part of their debriefing. He said a lot of then talked about their experience of these crafts following them,” said Hare.

“I believe there were three of them on the moon when they landed and I believe that the code word for them was was Santa Claus.

“Some (staff) that wanted to talk were threatened and if they wanted to talk they had to sign papers not to talk or they had their retirement taken away,

“I started asking questions of certain people. I would take them away from the site and we would go to lunch.

“Alone they would tell me things and then say if I ever said they had they would swear I was lying.

“One gentleman I knew who said there were the crafts on the moon just disappeared, I can’t find him,” she added.

Ms. Hare also claims that she witnessed one NASA image displaying a UFO being airbrushed by one technician

“One gentleman I had been friends with pointed my attention to an open area of a mosaic, a set of panels put together to form a larger picture,” said Hare.

“I saw a round white dot and asked is it a dot of emulsion.

“Grinning he said a dot of emulsion doesn’t leave round shadows, then I saw a round shadow over trees. “I said is this a UFO – he was smiling I can’t tell you that but Ii knew he meant it was, but he couldn’t tell me

“He said well we always have to airbrush them out before they sell them to the public.

“I was just amazed they had a protocol in place for getting rid of UFO’s in pictures,” she added.

Event though many claim that these accounts are just part of an elaborate hoax easily debunked, Ms. Hare claims that all her accounts are true and that she has nothing to hide.

Hare isn’t the first person to claim to have worked for NASA while speaking out about UFOs and Alien life.


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Donna Hare had a secret clearance while working for NASA contractor, Philco Ford. She testifies that she was shown a photo of a picture with a distinct UFO. Her colleague explained that it was his job to airbrush such evidence of UFOs out of photographs before they were released to the public. She also heard information from other Johnson Space Center employees that some astronauts had seen extraterrestrial craft and that when some of them wanted to speak out about this, they were threatened.

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07 January 2016

The Psychology of Stress, Orgasm, and Creativity

“To understand the vagina properly is to realize that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.”
By Maria Popova

“The more closely we analyze what we consider ‘sexy,’” philosopher Alain de Botton argued in his meditation on sex, “the more clearly we will understand that eroticism is the feeling of excitement we experience at finding another human being who shares our values and our sense of the meaning of existence.” But in his attempt to counter the reductionism that frames human sexuality as a mere physiological phenomenon driven solely by our evolutionary biology, de Botton overcompensates by reducing in the opposite direction, negating the complex interplay of brain and biology, psychology and physiology, that propels the human sexual experience. That’s precisely what Naomi Wolf, author of the 1991 cultural classic The Beauty Myth, examines in Vagina: A New Biography (public library) — a fascinating exploration of the science behind the vastly misunderstood mind-body connection between brain and genitalia, consciousness and sexuality, the poetic and the scientific. What emerges is a revelation of how profoundly a woman’s bodily experience influences nearly every aspect of life, from stress to creativity, through the intricate machinery that links biology and beingness.

Wolf writes:

Female sexual pleasure, rightly understood, is not just about sexuality, or just about pleasure. It serves, also, as a medium of female self-knowledge and hopefulness; female creativity and courage; female focus and initiative; female bliss and transcendence; and as medium of a sensibility that feels very much like freedom. To understand the vagina properly is to realize that it is not only coextensive with the female brain, but is also, essentially, part of the female soul.

Once one understands what scientists at the most advanced laboratories and clinics around the world are confirming — that the vagina and the brain are essentially one network, or “one whole system,” as they tend to put it, and that the vagina mediates female confidence, creativity, and sense of transcendence — the answers to many of these seeming mysteries fall into place.

Handcrafted vagina embroidery by artist Kira Scarlet

A pivotal player in this mediation is the female pelvic nerve — a sort of information superhighway that branches out from the base of the spinal cord to the cervix, connecting the latter to the brain and thus controlling much of sexual response. But this information superhighway is really more like a superlabyrinth, the architecture of which differs enormously from one woman to another, and is completely unique for each one. This diversity of wiring in the highly complex female pelvic neural network helps explain why women have wildly different triggers for orgasm. (By contrast, the male pelvic neural network is significantly simpler, consisting of comparatively regular neural pathways arranged neatly in a grid that surrounds the penis in a circle of pleasure.) This biological reality, Wolf points out, clashes jarringly with the dominant culturally constructed fantasy of how sexual intercourse is supposed to proceed:

The pornographic model of intercourse — even our culture’s conventional model of intercourse, which is quick, goal-oriented, linear, and focused on stimulation of perhaps one or two areas of a woman’s body — is just not going to do it for many women, or at least not in a very profound way, because it involves such a superficial part of the potential of women’s neurological sexual response systems.

Another key component of sexual experience is the autonomic nervous system (ANS) — the puppeteer of arousal, controlling all smooth muscle contractions and affecting the body’s response beyond conscious control. It encompasses both the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions, and ensures they work in unison. Because arousal precedes orgasm, the ANS first needs to do its own work before the complex pelvic neural network can work its own magic. Wolf writes:

For women, sexual response involves entering an altered state of consciousness. … In women, the biology of arousal is more delicate than most of us understand, and it depends significantly on this sensitive, magical, slowly calmed, and easily inhibited system.

To be sure, Wolf reminds us that it’s not at all uncommon for women to have a physiological response during rape, despite the enormous psychological pain and stress of the assault, but this response is not the same as the transcendent, dimensional orgasm that takes place when brain and body work in harmonious bliss. This also holds true in sexual situations that aren’t as violent as rape but still assault the ANS in one way or another:

If a woman’s ANS response is ignored, she can have intercourse and even climax; but she won’t necessarily feel released, transported, fulfilled, or in love, because only a superficial part of her capacity to respond has been made love to, or engaged.

In fact, the most fascinating aspect of the ANS, absolutely critical yet poorly understood, is that it is profoundly impacted by the mental landscape, steering the immutable interdependence between brain and vagina. The ANS, which serves as the translator between the psychological and the physiological, is thus particularly vulnerable to what psychologists call “bad stress.” (By contrast, the “good stress” many women experience in exciting or mock-dangerous sexual scenarios which they still control can be compelling and pleasurable.) “Bad stress” stems from the perceived lack of safety, and the presence of safety is absolutely essential to catapulting the female brain into the kind of “high” orgasm that is only possible in this disinhibited trance state. Wolf explains:

This biological, evolutionary connection for women of possible ecstasy to emotional security has implications that cannot be overstressed. Relaxing allows for female arousal.

Just as being valued and relaxed can heighten female sexual response, “bad stress” can dramatically interfere with all of women’s sexual processes.

“Bad stress,” researchers have now abundantly confirmed, has exactly the same kind of negative effect on female arousal and on the vagina itself. When a woman feels threatened or unsafe, the sympathetic nervous system — the parasympathetic nervous system’s partner in the ANS — kicks in. This system regulates the “fight or flight” response: as adrenaline and catecholamines are released in the brain, nonessential systems such as digestion and, yes, sexual response, close down; circulation constricts, because the heart needs all the blood available to help the body run or fight; and the message to the body is “get me out of here.” Based on [research insights], we now know that threatening environment — which can include even vague verbal threats centered on the vagina or dismissive language about the vagina — can close down female sexual response.

This notion that biology conditions consciousness and vice versa, of course, isn’t new. But the research Wolf cites presents compelling evidence that “bad stress,” especially rape and early sexual trauma, can have profound biological effects:

There is growing, if still preliminary, evidence that rape and early sexual trauma can indeed “stay in the body” — even stay in the vagina — and change the body on the most intimate, systemic level. Recovery is possible, but treatment should be specialized. Rape and early sex abuse can indeed permanently change the working of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) — so crucial for female arousal; and, if she is not supported by the right treatment, it can permanently alter the way a woman breathes, the rate of her heart, her blood pressure, and her startle reaction, in a manner that is not under any conscious control.

Even more strikingly, some studies have found that elevated SNS activation is linked to a variety of health hazards seemingly unrelated to sexual trauma, including vertigo, motor control and balance issues, visual processing problems, and elevated startle response. In other words, sexual abuse alters the brain in a way that sabotages multiple body systems and damages healthy stress response. Wolf recapitulates the implications poignantly:

Understood in this way, and with this significant evidence, rape and sexual assault, with their attendant trauma, should be understood not just as a form of forced sex; they should also be understood as a form of injury to the brain and body, and even as a variant of castration.

Demonstrating just how strong the connection between mind and body is, Korean researchers discovered that stress and sexual trauma actually affect, on a biological level, the very functioning of the vagina. Studying female rats, they found that “chronic physical stress modifies [sexual behavior] through a mechanism believed to involve complex changes in sex hormones, endocrine factors, and neurotransmitters.” What’s more, they were able to identify the precise biological mechanism responsible for this deep-seated interplay:

Evidently nitric oxide (NO) and nitric oxide synthase (NOS) play important roles in vaginal and clitoral engorgement — helping the smooth muscle of the vagina relax and the vaginal tissues swell in preparation for arousal and orgasm — and these chemicals and their actions are inhibited when females are negatively stressed.

The researchers found that the stressed-out female rats were less receptive and more hostile to their male partners, displaying measurable aggression and irritability, and ultimately refusing to copulate. Stress, it turns out, diminished the female rats’ ability to reach arousal by greatly impairing their genital blood flow. The scientists concluded:

In animal model studies, mental or physical stress increases the level of serum catecholamines, thereby causing vascular contraction, which in turn reduces blood flow and leads to sexual dysfunction. . . . Since stress is concomitant with an increased output of catecholamines in blood . . . it is reasonable to assume that blood flow to the genital organs reduces during periods of stress. . . . [W]e measured norepinephrine as an indirect index of catecholamine level and found that it increased in the stress group and decreased in the recovery group. This result indirectly supports the suggestion that stress affects female genital blood flow.

Most ominous of all was the projection that if such stress levels were sustained over time, the physiological changes they cause would eventually affect the vaginal tissue itself. Indeed, researchers tested those tissues after the female rats were dead and found “biologically measurable changes.”

Women, of course, are not rats, but this only means that the effects of such stress are even more profound. Wolf argues that besides impairing women’s ability to reach orgasm, “bad stress” also affects the overall capacity for joy, hopefulness, and creativity. Unlike rats, humans are also susceptible to forms of abuse beyond the physical — Wolf cites the tragically prevalent cultural tendency to deride the vagina and its owner, embedded even in the slang we have for female genitalia. She writes:

The role of manipulating female stress in targeting the vagina should not be ignored. This behavior—ridiculing the vagina—makes perfect instinctive sense. These acts are often impersonal and tactical—strategies for directing a kind of pressure at women that is not consciously understood but may be widely intuited, and even survive in folk memory, as eliciting a wider neuropsychological “bad stress” response that actually debilitates women.

She cites one particularly unsettling example:

In 2010, male Yale students gathered at a “Take Back the Night” event, where their female classmates were marching in a group, protesting against sexual assault. The young men chanted at the protesters, “No means yes and yes means anal.” Some of the young women brought a lawsuit against the university, arguing that tolerating such behavior created an unequal educational environment. Ethically they are in the right, and neurobiologically they are right as well. Almost all young women who face a group of their male peers chanting such slogans are likely to feel instinctively slightly panicked. On some level they are getting the message that they may be in the presence of would-be rapists — making it impossible to shrug off immature comments, as women are often asked to do. They sense there is a wider risk to them that is being threatened, and indeed there is, but it is not just the risk of sexual assault. If they are stressed regularly in this way, they will indeed depress the whole subtle and delicate network of neurobiological triggers and reactions that make them feel good, happy, competent, and as if they know themselves.

One study termed the complex and lasting effects of such stress, an increasingly recognizable medical pattern, “multisystem dysfunction” — and it can effect such a wide array of physical health issues as higher risk of diabetes and heart disease, hormonal imbalances, and fertility problems. But the most damaging consequences of these physical changes, Wolf argues, are cognitive and psychoemotional:

The female body reacts in the same way to “bad stress” whether the context is the birthing room or the university or the workplace. If the female brain senses that an environment is not safe, its stress response inhibits all the same organs and systems, regardless of setting. Many of the signals that either stoke or diminish female desire have to do with the female brain’s question: Is it safe for her?

So if a woman goes to work or to study in a sexually dangerous or threatening atmosphere day after day, she risks — because of the cumulative, long-term effect of that “bad stress” — having the letting-go, creative “relaxation response” inhibited even outside her work or school environment.

If you sexually stress a woman enough, over time, other parts of her life are likely to go awry; she will have difficulty relaxing in bed eventually, as well as in the classroom or in the office. This in turn will inhibit the dopamine boost she might otherwise receive, which would in turn prevent the release of the chemicals in her brain that otherwise would make her confident, creative, hopeful, focused — and effective, especially relevant if she is competing academically or professionally with you. With this dynamic in mind, the phrase “fuck her up” takes on new meaning.

The vagina responds to the sense of female safety, in that circulation expands, including to the vagina, when a woman feels she is safe; but the blood vessels to the vagina constrict when she feels threatened. This may happen before the woman consciously interprets her setting as threatening. So if you continually verbally threaten or demean the vagina in the university or in the workplace, you continually signal to the woman’s brain and body that she is not safe. “Bad” stress is daily raising her heart rate, pumping adrenaline through her system, circulating catecholamines, and so on. This verbal abuse actually makes it more difficult for her to attend to the professional or academic tasks before her.

Yet despite the compelling scientific evidence, the most moving and encompassing point Wolf makes is an anthropological one:

The way in which any given culture treats the vagina — whether with respect or disrespect, caringly or disparagingly — is a metaphor for how women in general in that place and time are treated.

Vagina: A New Biography is absolutely fascinating in its entirety. For a less scientific but no less pause-giving take, complement it with The Big Feminist BUT: Comics about Women, Men and the Ifs, Ands & Buts of Feminism, then revisit Susan Sontag on sex.