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19 February 2016

No One Escapes the Shift

It's such a remarkable time we're living in right now.

All of this going on both within and without us is happening almost before we can even begin to identify what it is we're going through or where we're headed. It's very much like we're flying over and around new rocks in the stream of life and shooting down even more unexpected and sometimes seriously daunting rapids.

There's not much else to think about while body surfing this incredible current.

I'm hearing from so many this sense of being in limbo and having to deal with unforeseen and quite immediate obstacles and issues that seem to be draining their time, attention and energy.

Things arise in all of our lives that have to be dealt with, but so often the next move or decision seems to escape our awareness and it can make us feel confused and powerless.

It's certainly not a time to make rash decisions. In fact, it's important to stand back, observe and wait for the answers to manifest as much as possible.

In the words of Ponka Chief White Eagle:

"When you are in doubt,

be still, and wait;

when doubt no longer exists for you,

then go forward with courage.

So long as mists envelop you, be still;

be still until the sunlight pours through

and dispels the mists - as it surely will.

Then act with courage."

Our Strange Convergence

We all like to know where we're headed at any given time. In less turbulent times this is usually possible to some degree and we're used to having that luxury.

But it's becoming a lot more difficult. We're being swept into new and exciting places with some sort of cosmic urgency.

We've long seen this coming and now we're in it. It's really two converging worlds - the vibrational changes our spaceship earth is passing through, as well as the stepped up insanity of the would-be controllers to block these energies and jam the beneficial signals available to us by instilling fear and insecurity, all while bombarding us with a toxic cocktail of electromagnetic, chemical, genetic, nuclear and techno-transhuman humanity-debilitating influences.

Hence this strange confluence of energies we're experiencing, one source empowering and the other disempowering.

This has always been humanity's dilemma to varying degrees, but we've now entered the apex of our struggle for survival and eventual overcoming in a culmination of epochs such as the world has never seen before.

And remember, no one is spared from these converging changes, even these wicked conspirators against mankind. Hence their desperate and chaotic behavior.

It's we who they fear. And they should...

The fact that we are fully aware of our situation as outlined in the Manifesto of the Awakened and continue to thrive despite these onslaughts attests to the fact that we are a far superior race and fully capable of transcending this madness and taking our planet back. It only remains for each of us to do our part in this struggle.

Therein is the challenge. That we each activate.

There's no more stalling if any of us are to truly fulfill our sacred mission here.

After all,

Why are we here at this crucial time in history?

Why not face reality head on and let your heart go free and spirit fly in the face of it all?

Feeling Our Way Through Converging Currents

While there's a time to let go, there's also a time to hold on.

This is certainly true navigating a raging torrent or a sweeping tide. We can ride any wave to our advantage, but it's also important to not take wrong turns and go with the wrong flows and get flushed down the gutter into the maws of the matrix.

Navigate these vibrational changes wisely - flow with it when necessary while still steering as best you can.

The beauty of losing control in a torrent such as this is that our heads and minds can't get in the way. It's too late and too immediate for that. We might have a few instinctive reflexes to try to keep our balance and heads above water but our old footing is gone during these times.

It's nothing to fear. In fact it's a good thing - a real good thing for a true conscious cosmonaut.

The irony is that some are clinging to the shore if they can find something to hang on to, but that too is giving way to the groundswell and growing deluge of change as even the shores cave in and into the maelstrom they too will soon be drawn.

As everyone knows, panicking in a rip current or trying to swim directly to shore in a strong undertow is not only futile, but a deadly option.

It's a time to keep our wits about us and use the natural currents to our advantage, even though we may find the shore again at some distant unknown destination.

This is where the heart comes in. Fear is the killer - and the antidote is trust.

We'll all be swept up into the fast moving tides of change as this shift proceeds so, why not take the initiative and call the shots as much as you can while you can?

You can feel something drawing you, something magical even. That's the right river, the right current to follow. When you catch that current go ahead and venture out into the deep and let go and see where it takes you.

Desperately clinging to false realities can cost life and limb.

Just remain conscious and steer your vessel with courage.

Too Fast and Too Furious - For Whom?

Our self identity is so intensely tested in times of change such as these - or any other for that matter.

It's just that this is as intense as it gets and will only get stronger as this phase unfolds.

We're each on a quest, as reluctant as we may be at times. What beckons each and every human being is an illusive calling to fulfill something greater than ourselves.

Such is the underlying nature of humanity at large. The search for meaning and truth is a massively important influence that insistently attempts to direct our minds, our attention and our energy, despite the worldly influences that pound and surround us. Yet our hearts are astoundingly more powerful.

Circumstances such as these are a perfect opportunity whereby we're virtually coerced to release the old in order to flow into the new.

Much of it isn't pleasant, that's for sure. But heart directed intention as well as innate faith in the underlying truth that upholds us unconditionally are more than sufficient to keep us buoyed like corks in these wild cataracts of change we're experiencing.

Just stay clear of the crazies who don't have a clue as to what's going on.

They'll drag you down with them if you're not careful...

Peace Amidst the Storm

This kind of deep knowing and trust supersedes circumstances.

We can have the principle down and perhaps have had it tested on occasion, but when the big waves hit and waters appear violent and chaotic what responds is at a much deeper level. Navigating the maelstrong by dead reckoning becomes our compass as we listen to that inner voice of the heart founded in peace and deep faith.

Everything else can only get in the way of a conscious response.

Therein lies the opportunity, the cleansing. Fears assail while attachments are instinctively dropped. Survival becomes the issue. Not just the left brained fight or flight instinct, but the conscious response that overrides those baser although essential reactions. It's during such tests that we find out who we truly are, and can be.

Peace is never so beautiful as in the midst of a storm. We see that continually in our journey here.

No matter how much we maneuver to avoid problems and tragedies, they happen. To all of us. If you know anyone who's led an active and fulfilling life it's no doubt been one of adventure and taking risks with many bumps and bruises along the way.

Many interpret that as only looking for trouble, but in fact you'll find consistently that they've escaped worse lives of boredom, frustration, monotony and disappointing, unfulfilled conformity.

Take the Mountain!

Such is the life of the security driven valley dweller.

As for me, I'm climbing that mountain, and the one behind it and on up I'll go, do or die… or both! As far as I'm concerned there is no other option. Besides, the valley dwellers are about to face a deluge they never dreamed would reach their little protected, secure village.

That just happens to be our current reality.

So why not get a head start up the hill? Leave the old life behind and get activated. Commit to being a whole-hearted part of the solution and no longer a part of the problem, whatever the cost. It's a very simple switch to throw.

There are warm campfires of many who've chosen the path less traveled all the way up and through the mountain range that you can share. We're lighting the way - why not come and help us?

The storm is hitting us all and it's a time of decision. Let go into your higher self and calling, or fasten tighter to what is dissolving anyway.

It's pretty clear cut if you ask me, but I know it doesn't appear that way in the midst of all this. The true option has always been there.

See..., this as a time of opportunity and simply go for it.

You'll never regret it.


16 February 2016

Was Justice Scalia murdered?

Forget “conspiracy theory.” This is real.

February 15, 2016

Let’s jump right in with quotes from the Washington Post, 2/15, “Conspiracy theories swirl around the death of Antonin Scalia”. The Post published extraordinary statements from the Facebook page of “William O. Ritchie, former head of criminal investigations for D.C. police”:

“As a former homicide commander, I am stunned that no autopsy was ordered for Justice Scalia.”

“You have a Supreme Court Justice who died, not in attendance of a physician. You have a non-homicide trained US Marshal tell the justice of peace that no foul play was observed. You have a justice of the peace pronounce death while not being on the scene and without any medical training opining that the justice died of a heart attack. What medical proof exists of a myocardial Infarction? Why not a cerebral hemorrhage?”

“How can the Marshal say, without a thorough post mortem, that he was not injected with an illegal substance that would simulate a heart attack…”

“Did the US Marshal check for petechial hemorrhage in his eyes or under his lips that would have suggested suffocation? Did the US Marshal smell his breath for any unusual odor that might suggest poisoning? My gut tells me there is something fishy going on in Texas.”

If this isn’t enough, the Post goes on:

“Scalia’s physician, Brian Monahan, is a U.S. Navy rear admiral and the attending physician for the U.S. Congress and Supreme Court. He declined to comment on Scalia’s [prior] health when reached by telephone Monday at his home in Maryland.

“’Patient confidentiality forbids me to make any comment on the subject,’ he said.”

“When asked whether he planned to make public the statement he’s preparing for [Texas Judge] Guevara, Monahan repeated the same statement and hung up on a reporter.”

As long as no law-enforcement investigation of Scalia’s death is launched, the doctor is justified. Confidentiality applies, unless Scalia’s family lifts it. But if such an investigation is opened, all bets are off. Confidentiality no longer applies.

There are reports that, after Scalia’s body was transported from the celebrity ranch in Texas, closely guarded and shielded by a bevy of marshals, it was rapidly embalmed. If so, that would apparently make toxicological tests far more difficult or impossible.

As for a murder motive, try: upsetting the voting balance of the US Supreme Court. Try: a push to appoint a new Justice now, thus ensuring the appointee’s political persuasion, regardless of the outcome of the 2016 Presidential election. Try: attempting to shift the Court’s voting balance in upcoming cases on abortion, immigration, and Obamacare.

Dismiss the comfortable notion that “this couldn’t happen.” JFK couldn’t have been murdered, but he was. High political figures don’t carry special immunity.

Dismiss assurances from incompetents in Texas that Scalia died of natural causes, and dismiss the press repeating these assurances—which add up to: nothing.

Dismiss calls for “propriety in a time of grief.”

Dismiss whatever opinions, pro and con, circulate now about Scalia, his points of view, his decisions, his character, his life. They’re irrelevant to the facts of his death. Those facts are as clear as mud.

Dismiss the typical accusations of “conspiracy theory.” It’s no theory when key facts are unknown and incompetents supplied the current “information.”

In addition to what I’ve cited above, count as relevant the fact that Scalia’s federal protection had been removed while he was at the Texas ranch. We’re told Scalia didn’t want that protection. Maybe yes, maybe no. We’re also told Scalia’s family didn’t want an autopsy. Again, maybe yes, maybe no. The family has been silent. Or if not, their statements aren’t being reported.

Consider, as potentially relevant, the report that Scalia was found with a pillow over his head.

Consider, as relevant, that Judge Guevara, deciding without seeing the body that Scalia died from natural causes, ruled against doing an autopsy—and a counter-opinion, offered unofficially by another Texas judge, Bishop, that she would have wanted an autopsy.

Concerning Judge Guevara, this may or may not be relevant— reports, “Judge Cinderela Guevara: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know”:

“This isn’t the first time Guevara has been the source of controversy. In 2013, Melaney Parker Rayburn was found dead after being hit by a train in Marfa, Texas… Liz Parker, Melaney’s mom, questioned how Guevara handled the investigation of her daughter’s death, The Daily Kos reported. Melaney was hit by a Union Pacific Railroad train and, Liz [her mother] wrote, a Union Pacific representative told her that it appeared that her body had been placed on the tracks while she was unconscious. Liz asked the Justice of the Peace and the Sheriff to open the case as a homicide investigation, but they would not. Guevara, who was a Justice of the Peace at the time, did not order a rape kit or an autopsy, Liz wrote, because a doctor at the scene said the cause of death was obvious.

“Liz later wrote a letter to the editor, published on Big Bend Now, in which she said that Guevara had asked for God to give her an answer about whether Melaney’s death was suicide. Liz wrote that Guevara told her: ‘Yes, this was a tragedy, but the true tragedy was that she died without accepting Jesus Christ as her savior.’”

Bottom line so far: Any reasonable law-enforcement agency would immediately open an investigation into Scalia’s death. Failing to do so would rate as aiding and abetting a concealment of the truth, whatever that turns out to be.

Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

12 February 2016

Physicists Find Evidence That The Universe Is A Giant Brain

We often speak of the universe being a reflection of ourselves, and point to how the eye, veins, and brain cells mirror visual phenomenon in the natural universe. As above so below right? Well check this out. How about the idea that the universe is a giant brain? The idea of the universe as a ‘giant brain’ has been proposed by scientists and science fiction writers for decades, but now physicists say there may be some evidence that it’s actually true (in a sense).

According to a study published in Nature’s Scientific Reports, the universe may be growing in the same way as a giant brain – with the electrical firing between brain cells ‘mirrored’ by the shape of expanding galaxies. The results of a computer simulation suggest that “natural growth dynamics” – the way that systems evolve – are the same for different kinds of networks – whether its the internet, the human brain or the universe as a whole.

When the team compared the universe’s history with growth of social networks and brain circuits, they found all the networks expanded in similar ways: They balanced links between similar nodes with ones that already had many connections. For instance, a cat lover surfing the Internet may visit mega-sites such as Google or Yahoo, but will also browse cat fancier websites or YouTube kitten videos. In the same way, neighboring brain cells like to connect, but neurons also link to such “Google brain cells” that are hooked up to loads of other brain cells.

“The new study suggests a single fundamental law of nature may govern these networks”, said physicist Kevin Bassler of the University of Houston. “”For a physicist it’s an immediate signal that there is some missing understanding of how nature works,” says Dmitri Krioukov from the University of California San Diego.

As summarized by the original study: “Here we show that the causal network representing the large-scale structure of spacetime in our accelerating universe is a power-law graph with strong clustering, similar to many complex networks such as the Internet, social, or biological networks. We prove that this structural similarity is a consequence of the asymptotic equivalence between the large-scale growth dynamics of complex networks and causal networks.”

So this may seem weird, but let’s think about this. Scientists always talk about consciousness being the underlying fabric of the universe from which all things emerge (M-theory, string theory, Unified Field Theory, etc. see work of Dr. Amit Goswami and Dr. John Hagelin). So not only is the fabric of the universe conscious like a brain, it is growing like a brain as well. But here’s a question…a brain to what? Is it possible we exist as a thought within the mind of some Super Intelligence? Are we just brain cells operating within a Cosmic Mind? Maybe, maybe not, but it’s fascinating to think about.



Original Study: 


11 February 2016

Scientists to announce the detection of gravitational waves

10 February 2016

The discovery could revolutionize physics and astronomy by providing researchers with a completely new way to observe the universe.

According to new reports, researchers are about to announce the detection of gravitational waves, or also referred to as ‘ripples in the fabric of spacetime’. This discovery could completely change everything we know about the universe, rewriting science books in the process.

Around one hundred years ago, Albert Einstein predicted the so-called ‘ripples in the fabric of spacetime’, even though they have never (until now apparently) been observed directly by researchers.

According to scientists at the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) system – which was built in order to detect the smallest vibrations that passing gravitational waves can give off – a new update set to be announced this week could prove the existence of the never before seen gravitational waves.

“People are hugely excited. The rumor is that it’s a whopping big signal, in other words, it’s unambiguous, and that is fantastic,” said Pedro Ferreira, professor of astrophysics at Oxford University, and author of the 2014 book, The Perfect Theory: a century of geniuses and the battle over general relativity.

Finding ‘ripples in the fabric of spacetime’ would mean a completely new way of looking into the furthest and oldest spots in our universe. The mysterious waves are actually ‘expelled’ out of places like black holes from the beginning of the universe, and having the ability to study them could provide researchers with extremely valuable data about the early universe and its creation.

For weeks, rumors have been floating around the internet suggesting researchers might finally have detected gravitational waves, but no one was sure until now when researchers confirmed that they were to make an announcement in the next couple of days. This preannouncement has scientists all around the planet extremely excited since a discovery of this caliber is unprecedented.

The revolutionary discovery could help scientists observe parts of the universe that have remained in the ‘dark’, hidden from conventional telescopes that use visible light, radio waves and X-rays. However, not only might the discovery allow scientists to better explore the universe, it might also allow them to see black holes ‘directly’ for the first time, something that could help them unravel the mysteries surrounding dark matter, the invisible material that is believed to make up about 80 percent of the known universe.

“This year marks the 100th anniversary of the first publication of Albert Einstein’s prediction of the existence of gravitational waves,” the release notes. “With interest in this topic piqued by the centennial, the group will discuss their ongoing efforts to observe gravitational waves.”

The event believed to announce the detection of ‘ripples in the fabric of spacetime’ will be hosted on Thursday afternoon UK time, at the National Press Club in Washington DC.

More information can be found by clicking here, and visiting the LIGO website.


08 February 2016

Apollo Missions Ended Because Extraterrestrials Prevented US Navy Bases on Moon

The U.S. Navy planned to put 10,000 people on the Moon in the early 1970’s as part of a secret lunar bases program that was to be established through the NASA Apollo program. According to William Tompkins, a top aerospace designer who worked for major NASA corporate contractors during the Apollo era, the covert Navy plan came to a crushing end during the Apollo 11 mission when Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were met by a fleet of menacing extraterrestrial spacecraft.

Tompkins’ account of what really happened on the Moon is explained in his recently published autobiography, Selected By Extraterrestrials. At the time of the Moon landing, Tompkins worked for TRW, a leading aerospace corporation that built the first NASA satellite, Pioneer 1.

TRW was responsible for a range of critical components used in Apollo spacecraft, and its personnel were in the operations center for Apollo missions. Tompkins was a TRW employee from July 1967 to March 1971, and describes his role in helping design the Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida.

Earlier, during the final two years of his 12 year employment at the Douglas Aviation Company (1950-1963), Tompkins’ innovative designs for planned Apollo missions had greatly impressed Dr. Kurt H. Debus. In July 1962, Debus had become the first Director of NASA’s Launch Operation Center (renamed the Kennedy Space Center after the JFK Assassination), a position he held until his retirement in November 1974.

In 1963, Debus appointed Tompkins to a Working Group for the future Launch Operations Center. The two held many confidential meetings over the future of the Apollo program, and discussed its real mission as part of an ambitious Navy space program called “NOVA” for secretly establishing military garrisons on the Moon, Mars and nearby star systems.

The Apollo Moon landings were only the first stage of an ambitious four stage plan for NOVA. Stage 2 of NOVA was to put 10,000 people on the Moon. Stage 3 was to place bases on Mars and other planetary bodies in the Solar System. Finally, Stage 4 was to place manned Navy bases in 12 adjoining star systems.

To support his radical claims, Tompkins provided several documents in his autobiography. The first is a 1963 Douglas Aviation Company study of the launch vehicles to be used in the covert NOVA program.

(Click the image to enlarge)

The second is an April 15, 1963 Memorandum from the Douglas Aviation Company. It confirms Tompkins’ appointment by Dr. Debus to the Launch Operations Center and the designs he was working on for NASA.

(Click the image to enlarge)

Tompkins describes what he designed for the Apollo Missions and NOVA:

As Engineering Section Chief, I conceived dozens of missions and spaceships designed for exploratory operations to the planets that orbit our nearest stars. I designed a station to be built on Mars, massive NOVA vehicles and equatorial launching facilities. I also designed multiple 2,000-man military bases for our Moon… I designed the checkout and launch-test systems for the Apollo Moon Saturn V, SIV-1B and reassembly with the command control Moon vehicle, a near complete redesign of the major facilities operations for the entire Launch Control Center. (Selected by Extraterrestrials, p. xix)

During the Apollo 11 Moon landing in July 1969, Tompkins says he was in the NASA Launch Operations Center at Cape Canaveral as part of a large TRW contingent. He states that television cameras from the Apollo Lander provided a live feed of what was being witnessed by Armstrong and Aldrin.

Tompkins explains how Armstrong and Aldrin were met by a fleet of extraterrestrial spaceships that were ominously close to the Apollo Lunar Lander:

The Landing Module (LEM) actually impacted the Moon surface in the Sea of Tranquility Crater, which had tremendous size vehicles parked around part of its rim. When astronaut Neil Armstrong made that First Step for Man on the Moon he looked up to the edge of the crater and said to mission control: “There are other ships here, they are enormous. The public did not hear that statement or see the massive alien starships. Armstrong panned his camera in a 360 degree motional all around the crater and the CIA then classified the information as way above top secret. ” (Selected by Extraterrestrials, p. 418)

Tompkins drew a picture of what he witnessed on the Apollo live feed camera along with other TRW and NASA personnel.

How this extraterrestrial action effectively put an end to the covert Navy plan, thereby endings its support for the Apollo program, is described by Tompkins:

The Extraterrestrials put up their “NO TRESPASSING” sign but allowed us to make several other additional Apollo landings to pick up a few rocks and play in the sand. The action of the extraterrestrials stopped our plans to build our manned Naval Base on the Moon. (Selected by Extraterrestrials, p. 428)

What Tompkins claims he saw happen via the NASA live feed of the Moon landing is consistent with HAM radio intercepts of the live feed, and the claims of former NASA employee Otto Bender.

According to Bender, the Apollo 11 astronauts transmitted that they were being watched by large alien vehicles. Bender confirmed that HAM radio operators had indeed intercepted VHF signals transmitted from Apollo 11 to NASA’s Houston headquarters with the following message, which NASA screened from the public:

Mission Control: What’s there ? Mission Control calling Apollo 11.

Apollo 11: These babies are huge, sir … enormous….Oh, God, you wouldn’t believe it! I’m telling you there are other space craft out there… lined up on the far side of the crater edge… they’re on the moon watching us.

In an August 27, 2012 blog post, Dr Stephen Greer revealed that he spoke with close relatives of both Armstrong and Aldrin who had been told the truth about what the astronauts had seen on the moon:

Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event – but it has never been made public.

Greer’s testimony is significant since it supports Tompkins’ claim that there was a live video feed recording what Armstrong and Aldrin were seeing.

So why did NASA eventually terminate the Apollo missions if extraterrestrial visitors were there and watching the Earth? The answer according to Armstrong, as relayed by an unnamed Professor at a NASA symposium, is as follows:

Professor: What really happened out there with Apollo 11?

Armstrong: It was incredible … of course, we had always known there was a possibility … the fact is, we were warned off. There was never any questions then of a space station or a moon city.

Professor: How do you mean “warned off”?

Armstrong: I can’t go into details, except to say that their ships were far superior to ours both in size and technology – Boy, where they big! … and menacing …. No, there is no question of a space station.

Professor: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11?

Armstrong: Naturally – NASA was committed at that time, and couldn’t risk a panic on earth…. But it really was a quick scoop and back again. (Above Top Secret, p. 186)

The unnamed Professor was first quoted by Timothy Good in his ground breaking book, Above Top Secret (1987), and he corroborates Tompkins’ claim that NASA was warned off the moon, and that there were plans to build a “moon city.” The city was in fact planned to be a U.S. Navy base that was part of the NOVA program.

The extraterrestrial occupants of the large star ships intimidating the Apollo 11 mission did not want the U.S. Navy establishing a beachhead for future military bases on the Moon. By preventing the U.S. Navy in moving forward with its plan to put 10,000 people on the Moon using a number of NOVA rocket launchers throughout the 1970’s, the NOVA program effectively came to a crushing end in July 1969.

It would take the U.S. Navy more than a decade before it could complete the construction of its first antigravity space vehicles as part of its Solar Warden program. According to Tompkins and other whistleblowers, the first U.S. Navy space battle groups were deployed in the early 1980’s during the Reagan Administration, thereby establishing a U.S. Navy presence in deep space for the first time.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

First man on moon dies along with secrets of what he saw

Did Armstrong & Aldrin receive death threats to keep moon secrets?

Video Shows UFO watching Apollo 15: Were Astronauts Warned to Leave the Moon

Top Aerospace Designer Blows Whistle on Secret US Navy Space Battle Fleets

US Navy Spies Learned Secrets of Nazi Anti-gravity Spacecraft

Multiple Moon Bases & U.S. Military Space Shuttles as Cover Programs


Top Aerospace Designer Blows Whistle on Secret US Navy Space Battle Fleets

Over a 12 year period beginning in 1951, William Tompkins worked for an above Top Secret think tank within the Douglas Aircraft Company designing kilometer-long antigravity spacecraft covertly requested by the U.S. Navy. Now aged 92, Tompkins becomes an important whistleblower by exposing the secret projects he worked on in his newly released autobiography, Selected by Extraterrestrials: My life in the top secret world of UFOs, think-tanks and Nordic secretaries.

Tompkins supports his claims with numerous documents including two designs he completed for space battle cruisers and space carriers that would decades later become the backbone of U.S. Navy Space Battle Groups.

Tompkins was given the job at the “Advanced Design” Douglas think tank, due to exceptional skills he exhibited in his war time service with Navy Intelligence from 1942-1945. Significantly, during his service at San Diego’s Naval Air Station, Tompkins directly participated in intelligence debriefings of Navy agents embedded within Nazi Germany’s most secret aerospace facilities during and immediately after World War II.

In his autobiography, Tompkins describes what the Navy spies had found:

The Navy agents (spies) in Germany discovered what all those “out of this world” aliens gave Hitler: UFOs, antigravity propulsion, beam weapons, extended life and plenty of mind-controlled willing girls programs. The reptilians made a deal with the Third Reich SS giving them this big box full of toys in exchange for letting Hitler enslave the rest of the planet. (pp. 70-71)

Over his four years with Navy Intelligence, Tompkins helped in the covert distribution of data from Nazi Germany’s two distinct secret space programs to Douglas Aircraft Company, along with other select aerospace companies and universities that had the scientific expertise to understand what the Nazis were doing.

When Tompkins joined Douglas Aircraft Company in 1950, it had already formed its Advanced Design think tank to design antigravity space craft. Once Tompkins moved over to Advanced Design in 1951, he was specifically tasked to design a variety of antigravity space vehicles, using his knowledge of Naval Intelligence gathered from Nazi Germany and his own talent for technical detailing.

Tompkins describes his two superiors at the Advanced Design Think Tank:

I reported directly to Dr [Wolfgang] Klemperer and Elmer Wheaton, the V.P. of engineering who wore two hats. He was V.P. of all the classified missile and space-systems programs. Unknown to 99.9%, Wheaton was V.P. of the above top secret compartmentalized extraterrestrial threats research Think Tank, too, sometimes referred to as Advanced Design. (p. 48)

Further, Tompkins relates the covert way in which the Navy went about making design requests to Advanced Design:

After receiving our unsolicited proposal for star ships [the Navy put out a sole source request for a proposal for exploratory star mission vehicles…]. Actually we didn’t even get an RFP (Request for Proposal); it was just slipped in under the floor door to our Advanced Design…. on the envelope it only said: “To Whom it may concern.” [p. 68]

Tompkins says that he approached his work by studying the mission parameters for the requested future space battle groups. He then was able to come up with designs that would allow the Navy to fulfill its future space missions.

Creating the configuration of a Naval Space Battle Group comprising kilometer-long vehicles from the mission parameters he had been given, Tompkins explains:

I redefined a standard Naval space battle group complement, stating that it would consist of one 2.5 kilometer spacecraft carrier, with a two-star on board as flag, three to four 1.4k heavy space cruisers, four to five 1k space destroyers, two 2k space landing assault ships for drop missions, two 2k space logistic support ships, and two 2k space personal transports. (p. 80)

Tompkins writes about two Navy star ship designs completed at the Douglas think tank, and includes the documents in his autobiography:

The figures following show two original drawings of Naval spacecraft carriers and battle cruisers that were visualized in Advanced Design, in 1954, from dozens of alternate configurations. Scale modes of these kilometer-long craft were subsequently made. (p. 67)

The first design is for the 1.4 km battle cruiser.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

The second design is for the 2.5 km long spacecraft carrier.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

Tompkins later worked for TRC, General Dynamics and other aerospace companies that were working on different classified aspects of the space battle cruisers and carriers being secretly built by the U.S. Navy. More of this information will be released in future volumes of his autobiographical accounts.

After his initial designs of the space carriers were completed in the early 1960s, Tompkins claims that it took nearly a decade for detailed architectural plans to be developed, enabling official construction to begin. Consequently, building began in the 1970’s and the first operational space carriers were deployed in the 1980’s, under a highly classified space program called Solar Warden.

Tompkins’ claim corroborates the testimony of other secret space program whistleblowers who state that the Solar Warden Program became operational in the 1980’s under President Reagan.

Eventually, there were eight space carrier battle groups that were built for the U.S. Navy in the 1980’s and 1990’s, according to Tompkins.

How credible is Tompkins extraordinary testimony?

(Click Image to Enlarge)

To support his claims, Tompkins includes several documents in his autobiography. These include copies of two separate passes he received to enter and leave the San Diego Naval Air Station with up to three packages. These packages contained the alleged secret data provided by the Navy agents that was being distributed by Tompkins to select corporations.

The passes were signed by the head of Naval Intelligence at the Naval Air Station, Admiral Rick Obatta. These documents provide hard evidence that Tompkins was indeed acting as a courier for Naval Intelligence during World War II, as he claimed.

As for what was in the packages that Tompkins was carrying, he has supplied a copy of his mission statement that provides an answer.

(Click Image to Enlarge)

His mission orders confirm that he was authorized to work as a “Disseminator of Aircraft Research and Information.” This is compelling documentary evidence that the packages Tompkins was carrying contained classified Naval intelligence on advanced aircraft designs, which include those developed in Nazi Germany.

In addition to the documents presented in his book, there is further confirmation of Tompkins’ background in advanced aerospace programs. Tompkins employment, at Douglas Aircraft from 1950 to 1963, has been verified by another former Douglas Aircraft Company employee, Dr. Robert Wood.

Dr. Wood worked for 43 years at Douglas Aircraft (which later merged to form McDonnell Douglas), and was able to confirm Tompkins thorough knowledge of senior company officials such as Elmer Wheaton and Dr. Klemperer. Dr. Wood was so impressed with Tompkins detailed testimony that he decided to assist him by becoming the editor of his autobiography.

A March 26, 1941 article in the Evening Outlook newspaper of Santa Monica shows Tompkins explaining his ship models to Navy Captain G.C. Gearing, Commandant of the 11th Naval District in San Diego.

Finally, Tompkins phenomenal design abilities were publicly recognized by Navy officials back in 1941, who made statements to the national press about his highly detailed models of previously classified naval battle groups. This led to Tompkins being recruited into Navy Intelligence in 1942.

The documents that Tompkins has supplied in support of his testimony, confirm that he had the skills, background and employment history to have worked on large antigravity spacecraft that were secretly designed under contract to the U.S. Navy, while he was employed at Douglas Aviation from 1950 to 1963.

Tompkins testimony impressively corroborates the core claims made by Corey Goode and other independent whistleblowers about the secret space programs examined in the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances (2015).

After the publication of Selected by Extraterrestrials in December 2015, Tompkins received a copy of Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs from Dr. Robert Wood. In subsequent phone conversations, Tompkins stated that much of information that he read in Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs, which is substantially based on disclosures made by Corey Goode, is accurate.

During Tompkins long career with U.S. Navy Intelligence and the aerospace industry, he compiled an impressive collection of documents that substantiate his testimony and background. Some of these can be found in his book, Selected by Extraterrestrials.

According to Tompkins, the U.S. Navy had corporate contractors design kilometer-long antigravity spacecraft in the 1950s to early 1960s, with construction beginning in the 1970s, leading to their deployment in the 1980s. His documentary support of these claims is substantive and compelling.

Tompkins testimony and documents provide powerful evidence that in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the U.S. Navy did indeed covertly deploy eight space carrier battle groups in a top secret space program called Solar Warden.

Written by Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

Further Reading

US Navy Spies Learned Secrets of Nazi Anti-gravity Spacecraft

New Book Reveals What You Need to Know about the Secret Space Programs

Whistleblower reveals multiple secret space programs concerned about new alien visitors

Secret United Nations Space Program Preparing for Alien Invasion


Professor Hawking Proposes to Power Earth With Mini Black Holes

According to new comments by Professor Stephen Hawking, ‘Mini’ black holes could power the entire world’s electricity supply, but also destroy us in the process.

If this energy could be controlled, mini black holes could provide all the energy the world needs. One mini black hole is believed to emit 10 million megawatts, Stephen Hawking said in a lecture on BBC Radio 4. These comments and suggestions were made by Professor Stephen Hawking in his second Reith lecture. However, obtaining energy from ‘mini’ black holes isn’t the biggest enigma, finding them could prove to be a bigger problem, that is if it doesn’t actually destroy us in the process.

The theories proposed by Professor Stephen Hawking about Black holes are fascinating, and in his latest theory, Professor Hawking claims that so-called ‘mini’ black holes with the mass of a mounting could give off x-Rays and gamma rays at a staggering rate of around 10 million megawatts, enough power to supply the entire world’s electricity supply, ending the never ending demand/supply of energy, creating in turn, a much cleaner planet.

On the second Reith lecture on BBC Radio 4, Professor Hawking explained that in the presence of a black hole, a member of a pair of virtual particles could fall into the hole, leaving the other member without a partner ‘with which to annihilate’. According to Hawking, the ‘forsaken’ particle or antiparticle could enter the black hole after its partner, or escape where it would ‘reappear’ as radiation.

In previous statements, Professor Hawking found that a black hole can create and emit particles and radiation at a temperature which is relative to gravity on the surface while being inversely proportional to its mass. Hawking further added that a black hole with the mass of the sun could leak particles at such a slow rate that it would become nearly impossible to detect. However, Professor Hawking suggests that much smaller black holes, with the mass of a mountain, for example, could be detectable and usable.

‘A mountain-sized black hole would give off X-rays and gamma rays, at a rate of about 10 million megawatts, enough to power the world’s electricity supply,’ Professor Hawking said.

‘It wouldn’t be easy, however, to harness a mini black hole. You couldn’t keep it in a power station because it would drop through the floor and end up at the center of the Earth.
‘If we had such a black hole, about the only way to keep hold of it would be to have it in orbit around the Earth.’

According to Professor Hawking, scientists have searched for mini black holes of this mass for years, but to no avail, saying that: ‘This is a pity, because if they had I would have got a Nobel Prize.’

Professor Hawking proposes that it may be possible to create micro-black-holes in extra dimensions of space/time.

‘According to some theories, the universe we experience is just a four-dimensional surface in a ten or eleven-dimensional space,’ Professor Hawking explained.

‘We wouldn’t see these extra dimensions because light wouldn’t propagate through them but only through the four dimensions of our universe.’

‘Gravity, however, would affect the extra dimensions and would be much stronger than in our universe. This would make it much easier to form a little black hole in the extra dimensions.’

Interestingly, we could actually see if the theories proposed by Professor Hawking are correct at the Large Hadron Collider, at CERN in Switzerland. There, some of the collisions could create micro black holes which would then radiate particles in a pattern that would be easily recognizable by scientists.

‘So I might get a Nobel Prize after all,’ concluded Professor Hawking.

However, many others believe that CERN is playing with dangerous and unexplored territories in science if researchers lose control on their projects.

The full transcript is available from BBC Radio 4’s website.


Cure for Cancer

Cure for Cancer - The Rick Simpson Protocol - (Sections related HERE, HERE)

"They let the genie out of the bottle with this one, and the big money can't put it back in."

After a serious head injury in 1997, Rick Simpson sought relief from his medical condition through the use of medicinal hemp oil.

When Rick discovered that the hemp oil (with its high concentration of T.H.C.) cured cancers and other illnesses, he tried to share it with as many people as he could free of charge - curing and controlling literally hundreds of people's illnesses... but when the story went public, the long arm of the law snatched the medicine - leaving potentially thousands of people without their cancer treatments - and leaving Rick with unconstitutional charges of possessing and trafficking marijuana!

Canada is in the middle of a CANCER EPIDEMIC!

Meet the people who were not allowed to testify on Rick's behalf at the Supreme Court of Canada's Infamous Rick Simpson Trial on September 10, 2007... INCLUDING A MAN WHO WAS CURED OF TERMINAL CANCER USING HEMP OIL! 

Cure for Cancer - The Rick Simpson Protocol - (Sections related HERE, HERE)

01 February 2016

Be ruthlessly free of society psychologically

As long as you are acquisitive, envious, ambitious, seeking power, position, prestige, society approves of it; and on that you base your action. That action is considered respectable, moral. But it is not moral at all. Power in any form is evil: the power of the husband over the wife or the wife over the husband, the power of the politicians. The more tyrannical, the more bigoted, the more religious the power, the more evil it is. That is a fact, a provable, observable fact, but society approves of it. You all worship the man in power, and you base your action on that power. So, if you observe that your action is based on acquisitiveness of power, on the desire to succeed, on the desire to be somebody in this rotten world, then facing the fact will bring about a totally different action, and that is true action, not the action which society has imposed upon the individual. So, social morality is not morality at all; it is immoral; it is another form of defending ourselves, and therefore we are being gradually destroyed by society. A man who would understand freedom must be ruthlessly free of society psychologically, not physically. You cannot be free of society physically because, for everything, you do depend on society - the clothes that you wear, money, and so on. Outwardly, non-psychologically, you depend on society. But to be free of society implies psychological freedom, that is, to be totally free from ambition, from envy, greed, power, position, prestige.

(JKRISHNAMURTI Collected Works, Vol. XIII",110,Individual and Society)