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20 April 2017

The Top 3 Reasons Why the Shadow System Keeps Perpetuating Itself

The System, The Matrix, The Establishment – whatever name you call it by – seems to keep perpetuating itself no matter what.

Puppet politicians come and go, but the System they serve remains fully in place, long after many of these misleaders and control freaks have used up their 5 minutes of fame by bossing people around.

In many cases, the politicians forward another aspect of the Agenda (i.e. Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the New World Order agenda) only to disappear into obscurity, leaving us with yet more laws, rules and regulations to strangle our freedom.

Have you ever wondered why nothing ever really changes, despite the fact that so many people spend massive amounts of energy cheering for either a left or right jackboot to come down upon their throat during election circus time?

The truth is that the Government always gets in, no matter who you vote for. It is becoming broadly known that the System is run by the unelected Deep State, Parallel Government or Shadow Government (think about all the COG [Continuity of Government] plans on the books). Elections count for very little in terms of overall freedom.

Yes, the System appears to continue no matter what. Why? The reasons are to be found embedded in our psychology. Our unconscious mental attitudes and beliefs shape the world. To dethrone the tyrant from the outside world, you must must remove him from your mind.

This is where we need to start if we truly wish to transition from a society based on monopolistic governmental force to one based on voluntary exchange and association. Below are the top 3 reasons why the System perpetuates itself.

1. Participate in and Enforce the System – Because One Day You’ll Be at the Top

Exploitative or criminal systems, including financial Ponzi schemes like the entire fiat currency system, have a tendency to cunningly protect themselves by offering to “buy in” people who question them.

For example, people in rigid hierarchical systems (like the military) are encouraged to accept hardships when they enter, because soon, they’ll be advancing up the ranks and will then enjoy the benefits of the System.

Rule me! Rule me! — People holding up the System during a Hitler speech

Have cramped quarters now but later get your own private room. Get poor pay now but later get a big fat salary.

In some cases, this rationale is offered to justify brutality, e.g. if you take beatings and whippings now, later on you’ll get to dish them out.

Fun, huh?

For a less violent example, some rich private schools have a system of “prefects” where selected students are given more privileges and power than others, and the system is kept in place because most people are fooled into secretly hoping that they will be the ones to get selected, so they vote to uphold it rather than remove it.

Put more simply, a system is set up whereby some people get to have more power over other people – then that system is justified by dangling the carrot in front of all people and telling them that if they are strong, smart, beautiful or lucky enough, they will be the chosen ones that get to ascend to the position which affords them power over others.

Meanwhile, those running the system know that it’s a mathematical impossibility for everyone to be at the top. It’s like the line about how Americans are not divided into rich and poor – they are divided into rich and “those about to be rich”.

People are goaded along into accepting an unjust system just because they think that, one day, they will ascend to the top of it.

Besides, even if everyone did get a chance to “be at the top”, what about the ethics of it? Is okay to suffer exploitation because one day you’ll be the exploiter rather than the exploited?

This is the classic perpetrator-victim cycle where yesterday’s victim becomes today’s perpetrator (see Israel).

Albert Einstein, a Jew himself, recognized this concept when he wrote the following about the impending visit of Menachim Begin (former Israeli Prime Minister, warmonger and founder of the Likud Party which rules Israel today) to the USA in 1948:

“Among the most disturbing political phenomena of our times is the emergence in the newly created state of Israel of the ‘Freedom Party’ (Tnuat Haherut), a political party closely akin in its organization, methods, political philosophy and social appeal to the Nazi and Fascist parties. It was formed out of the membership and following of the former Irgun Zvai Leumi, a terrorist, right-wing, chauvinist organization in Palestine.” – Albert Einstein, Dec. 4th, 1948

I am reminded of a quote attributed to the Rothschilds which perfectly sums up how they sought to perpetuate their fraudulent money system (fractional reserve banking) and thus became the richest family in the world:

“The few who understand the system, will either be so interested from its profits or so dependent on its favors, that there will be no opposition from that class.”

So, in other words, if everyone understands the nature of an evil system, it fails; if only a relatively small amount understand the nature of an evil system, the susceptible ones can be bought off (bribed or blackmailed) to dilute the resistance to it.

2. The Belief in Authority (The Ring of Power)

Following on from the first point above, the System can only perpetuate itself if people agree to its sales pitch.

The System says: “Keep upholding me, and suffer at the bottom for a short time, then soon you’ll get to be one of the powerful ones at the top”.

People only agree to this if they already hold, deep within their psyche, the idea that someone or something outside of themselves has the right to rule. In other words, they harbor a deep-seated belief in authority.

The System relies utterly and completely on belief in authority, 
which is akin to the Ring of Power in the Lord of the Rings

They believe that it’s necessary to have a ruling class, and almost always, that this ruling class is allowed to have extra privileges, rights and powers (including exemption from normal moral laws) that ordinary mortal people are not allowed to have.

Well known anarchist or voluntaryist Larken Rose explains this point beautifully in a speech entitled “So Small a Thing”, where he draws an analogy between the blind belief in authority and the Ring of Power in the fictional series Lord of the Rings.

He highlights how the entire power of the System – with all its guns, laws and surveillance data – hinges on the widespread belief of its subjects that the government has the right to rule them. Without that belief, the government would collapse, because no one would execute, enforce or obey its decrees.

What seems so powerful is actually dependent on a (tiny) belief – so small a thing – a belief which is a lie, since in the ultimate reality, no one has authority to rule you just as you have no authority to rule anyone else.

Larken talks about how the Ring of Power always corrupted whoever touched it. This is a brilliant analogy – evidently the author Tolkien understood that the entire concept of the Ring of Power (the right to rule) is fatally flawed.

No matter how well intentioned someone was, no matter how much they thought they would use the Ring for good, once they touched it, they became evil. The Ring has only one master. The good wizard Gandalf was wise enough to recognize this, and even refused to take the ring, for he knew that it would corrupt him.

Therefore, the humble hobbits (who had no ambition to rule anyone) were the ones who had to take it. Another striking aspect of this analogy was that the Ring could only be destroyed by being taken back to its place of origin and “unmade”.

Perhaps this is a indication that we must dig deep within to “unmake” our false assumptions and distorted perceptions about authority, reality and the world?

Larken says:

“It’s so tempting to look at Washington and say ‘there’s the problem’, look at all those evil people … you don’t have to do anything to Washington DC … what you have to do is take that so small a thing out of the minds of the livestock, so they stop imagining that these rulers have any legitimacy.”

3. Cognitive Dissonance

It is a common moral principle that 2 wrongs don’t make a right, or to put it another way, that the end doesn’t justify the means.

Many people say they believe in this principle, yet also claim to believe in statism (i.e. in authority, in a ruling class and in the legitimacy of government).

There is an inherent contradiction here, because government operates by force and claims the moral right to do what ordinary people cannot morally do. Government routinely operates by forcing people to do things (i.e. pay tax), which is form of theft (the first wrong), to provide services and benefits to others.

Does theft justify generosity? Can the end justify the means?

This is an example of cognitive dissonance, where people hold 2 opposing views simultaneously that contradict each other.

The system depends on our cognitive dissonance

The earliest Western philosopher Socrates was famous for his ability to elicit peoples’ opposing views out into the open during discussions, where they could be exposed (and hopefully resolved).

Some people didn’t take too kindly to being schooled and embarrassed via the Socratic method, and the great thinker was eventually poisoned.

The truth is that, when you look closely, the so-called political authority of government does not bear well under careful scrutiny.

As I explained in the article Getting the Idea of Government & Political Authority Out of Your Mind, there’s really no way to justify the legitimacy of government, regardless of whether you try the arguments of social contract, implicit consent, consent of the majority or consequentialism.

None of them hold up. We are left with the uncomfortable truth that we were born into a System where the ruling class is simply the strongest or slickest gang that holds the monopoly on the initiation of violence in a given geographical area.

Conclusion: Do You Really Want to Play a Part in Perpetuating the System?

The belief in authority is the fulcrum upon which government rests. Remove that, and you remove the government’s last attempt at claiming rightful power. We already know that it is morally, rationally and logically impossible to prove the legitimacy of government.

Yet, without a thorough examination one’s beliefs, it is all too easy to move through life with cognitive dissonance and with unresolved contradictions floating around in your head.

Most people do not only accept the government’s specious claim to rule them; they act as cheerleaders for this tyranny out of some kind of societal Stockholm Syndrome!

They believe in the Ring of Power because they think it can be used for good, or they think their guy or their tribe can get in power and change the world in the way they want to see it changed – even though this necessarily means handing over godlike powers to politicians.

The point is that a coercive ruler-slave relationship is dysfunctional and co-dependent. You can’t have one without the other. It’s an energetic polarity. Change one pole and you transform (and eliminate) the entire relationship.

Hopefully, this article and many others like it will play a small role in jolting people out of their slumber to realize the futility of upholding the System – in their minds. Dethrone the inner tyrant before you dethrone the outer tyrant.

Realize that anarchy doesn’t have to mean chaos. Anarchy means organization and cooperation without coercion, trusting that the voluntary impulses of humanity will lead us to trade and associate in a harmonious way.

To let go of the indoctrination that we have to have rulers is to step into a world without rulers and slaves, where everyone is equal to everyone else, and where everyone is required to act responsibly so as to reduce and eliminate the need for a parasitic ruling class.

By Makia Freeman, Guest author,

10 April 2017

What is the Matrix Control System?

What is the Matrix Control System? We see a portion of it in the areas of government, military, medicine, finance, media, education, academia, and religion. These institutions engineer our belief systems and way of life. Their hidden architects may include secret societies, elite bloodlines, corporate syndicates, international bankers, government think tanks, and black ops military networks. Some call this the shadow government, the Illuminati, or the New World Order. This social-political machinery is what many consider to be the Matrix.

But in reality, these things comprise only the outer aspect of the Matrix, the part easiest to see, study, and believe in. They are only the branches, whereas the roots extend deep into the occult, alien, and hyperdimensional realms. To transcend the Matrix, we must understand the parts of the Control System that originate beyond the political level of the conspiracy, for they are the avenues through which an immense effort of spiritual warfare is being waged against us.

These deeper components include:

First, the central brain of the Matrix Control System, known by the ancients as the Demiurge. The demiurge is said to be the soul of the universe. It is the all-pervading energy field that projects matter, energy, space, and time at the quantum level. The Demiurge is a nonphysical artificial intelligence that, in its original and rightful form, fashioned physicality according to the divine will. Except it has since broken away from the divine framework and become a parasite upon its own corner of Creation, which is the universe we now find ourselves in. The Demiurge has shaped this universe into a cold deterministic machine, a construct that perpetuates the illusion of linear time, that grinds onward without regard for the consciousness of its inhabitants, and that forces its subjects to live by the law of the jungle. These spiritually suffocating conditions are what allow the Matrix Control System to exist. They lead to a mode of living that favors serving self at the expense of others. What was supposed to have been a nurturing womb, a growth matrix for the evolution of consciousness through physical experience, has instead taken on overtones of a spiritual prison.

The second component of the Matrix includes all the nonphysical beings that have taken after the Demiurge. In a realm of limited resources, there will be those who have developed competition, predation, and survival to a high art. Such beings are spiritually dead and cut off from the divine. They look to the living, such as ourselves, for their source of energy and entertainment. The more powerful ones, whom the Gnostics termed Archons, may be viewed as the henchmen of the Corrupt Demiurge. Here on Earth, they preside over a network of negative entities that farm us for our soul energy. This network includes demons, parasitic thoughtforms generated by human suffering and perversion, as well as ghosts working in the service of demons. They are all nonphysical predators that roam around and instigate human suffering at every opportunity, mainly to feed off the soul energy released. They are energy feeders, mind manipulators, and tormenters that play us like fiddles if we are not aware. They can orchestrate misleading synchronicities, create accidents and freak illnesses, insert foreign thoughts and emotions into us during lowered states of consciousness, and they can induce schizoid symptoms in the vulnerable.

The third component consists of alien collectives that have manipulated mankind in every way conceivable since the dawn of our species. They have shaped our genetics, history, beliefs, and want full control of our planetary destiny. Unlike demons, aliens are physical or quasi-physical beings who possess superior intelligence, psychic abilities, and technology. Within certain limits, their technology allows them to alter matter, energy, space, and time through the use of demiurgic energies. That is why aliens are architects of the Matrix Control System.

Fourth component is our own biology, which is largely a product of alien genetic engineering over the aeons. Our bodies have been designed so that our perception is limited to only the five physical senses, and so that our drives are primarily those of the body and ego. It takes nothing to perceive the physical world, and yet it takes everything to reach up and connect with the spiritual world. By default the odds are already stacked in the Control System’s favor. We perceive just enough to graze around the cattle farm, but not so much that we easily find a way out.

The fifth component consists of empty or programmed humans through whom aliens, demons, and thoughtforms can work. People who are not in conscious control of themselves are open to control by something else, whether momentarily or permanently. Almost everyone is susceptible to being momentarily influenced when not paying attention. This includes friends, family, neighbors, coworkers, politicians, authors, or celebrities. The ones who are completely empty or deeply programmed are permanent agents of the Matrix. They function as hired clappers for the control system, or as walking mouthpieces for the alien agenda. Or they simply act as background characters that prop up the status quo.

Together, these components create a framework of control that exists everywhere around us and within us at all times. What is the Matrix? It is the totality of forces and mechanisms that aim to keep us spiritually asleep.

By Tom Montalk

The Control System is Revealing Itself

This is the opportunity we’ve been waiting for. This is the moment when we can choose to be truly free, or choose our enslavement.

We’re watching a split in the deep state which is undermining the oligarchical grip on our shared resources and systems, illustrating how weak they really are.

We’re watching huge droves of people slip deeper into deception and delusion, whilst many others are enacting on their courage to face both personal and impersonal truths – as hard as it might be – to raise their level of awareness.

And we’re also watching most of humanity unconsciously meander towards a crossroad; one path will lead us to decentralize and localize our management structures, and the other will ensure the further erosion of our personal and community sovereignty by a corporatocracy disguised as a government, which falsely alleges it takes care of ‘the people’.

Which path will we collectively decide to walk? Will it go only one way, or will we have larger breakaway communities who choose sovereignty over enslavement, whilst the majority of people unconsciously bow to a global, centralized dictatorship?

Unfortunately the latter seems more likely at this point, but stranger things have happened.

As hard as it might be to see, the truth and freedom network have more in their favour then the shadow control structures. Whilst it’s true we don’t have the political power, we don’t have the money, we don’t control important mechanisms of the system and we don’t have the support of the masses, we do have something more powerful.

It’s called the evolution of energy.

The most potent gift we have is the natural explosion of consciousness which characterizes this moment of so-called time. Everybody is a part of it, everybody feels it, no matter how hard they fight to deny and suppress it. This is why so many people are experiencing so much inner and outer conflict, as they’re being forced to truly face themselves, and the world they live in.

Then of course there is basic mathematics. Put simply, the conscious society has the numbers, so all we need to do is put our perceived differences to the side and we’d be unstoppable with whatever we wanted to achieve.

The support of family and friends would come not long after too, ironically.

Hopefully we will soon capitalize on this awesome power. In the meantime, there has and will continue to be so much good work done by independent researchers and grassroots movements. The false narratives have long been exposed, as has the theft of our public utilities. Solutions to the problems are being created and evolved as you read.

There are also many people who add themselves to the list of authentic truthseekers every day, even though dogma and division is rampant among them. After all, this ancient fight for freedom is not without its own challenges and complications.

For example, being conscious of both the spiritual and systemic components of the awakening is vital. Unfortunately, many people choose one at the expense of the other, ensuring an imbalanced perspective and associated action. Yet the most problematic dysfunction is that we have been purposely distracted and divided, which we’ve unfortunately fell for. There’s simply no need for the gross amount of infighting, especially when we have the same fundamental goal.

That goal is the pursuit of truth and freedom.

As I’ve written about previously, we can unite over some primary focal areas to really amplify the momentum we’ve created:

“In terms of the systemic issues, let’s see if we can at least agree on the Four M’s as our primary targets for change, which are Money, Medicine, Media and Management:

1) Money should be a sovereign public utility, not hijacked by private stakeholders and converted into a transnational banking cartel.

2) Medicine (including food) should be as natural as possible, as well as be inexpensively available to all who need it, not monopolized by the multinational giants and perverted into the toxin-rich, addictive and unnatural substances we have today.

3) Media should be based on truth, authentic journalism and what’s best for the people, not propagandized to create minions of the failing system.

4) Management of our society should be designed by and for the people, not by and for the corporate and oligarchical structures.”

These four areas are the hegemonic mechanisms of the material control-matrix, which is why they deserve special attention. We can also use this template to help the uninitiated to become initiated, because most people would agree with it, regardless if they’re conscious of these realities or not.

In any case, building unity within the consciousness expansion network can only be a good thing, regardless if we peripherally or even fundamentally disagree on where we should go and how to get there.

There are other mechanisms for unification too, such as some simple values. Valuing love over hate, freedom over enslavement and truth over lies are three basic examples. Yet probably the greatest principle or philosophy we can connect over is that of natural law, meaning do no harm except in self-defence, as well as honor and respect the sovereignty of each other, just as we should for ourselves.

Accordingly, all governments and their employees should be expected to uphold natural law – the only real law – and be held accountable for it too.

So there are definitely some strategies that we could implement to make this process more efficient, but so far the divide and conquer tactic has us in its grip. Nevertheless, there is plenty to be hopeful about.

The meltdown of the control-system is good fun to watch. It offers some hopeful relief for the activist community, even though we cannot lose our focus and become complacent. Yet we do deserve a laugh too; experiencing the core controllers and their brainwashed minions scramble to maintain their relevance is a damn good feeling.

How do we know this is happening? We can tell by their actions. For example, the fake news attack has put the final nail in the coffin of the mainstream media, even though most people don’t yet understand it. History will show, however, that George Orwell’s ‘1984’ did manifest in many ways, and the propagandized press and their sell-out journalists had a lot to do with facilitating it.

On that theme, recent algorithms by Facebook have suppressed independent media and researchers, clearly illustrating their panic regarding the truth getting out. YouTube is demonetizing channels that aren’t in line with the official narratives, or the hypnotism of specific entertainment. In addition, the droves of trolls hired to discredit researchers and therefore hide the truth is a reflection of how hard they’re trying to win the fight, even though they’re losing the battle.

After all, we uphold the virtue of truth, which will ultimately set us free.

Furthermore, political and corporate corruption is being exposed more frequently. The two-party tyranny is falling apart at the seams of support. The global paedophile network within the ‘excrete’ classes is under the microscope by a decentralized citizen investigation. Certain countries are attempting to detach from the transnational banking cartel and other tentacles of their slimy scam. Long established power structures, such as the unelected and anti-democratic institution called the European Union, are losing the faith of many people, even if its demise is a tricky agenda designed from the inside. And rising populism, which is simply the collective voice that ‘the people’ matter, is forcing the world to change, even if it’s not in the most ideal way.

So the collapse of the control-matrix is very real, on so many levels. Even though it’s becoming more obvious, it’s been happening for a while and will continue to do so for some concept of time. It won’t be as calm as this moment right now either, so try to not just enjoy it, but capitalize on it too.

The fact remains that the parasitically sick people at the top of the power pyramid – as well as many of the poor lost souls who implement their agenda – will fight to the very death, which means they’ll try anything they can, including more war, orchestrated disaster, economic collapse, societal destabilization or an array of other tactics to maintain and expand their empire. However, they will lose.

In fact, when you’re fighting yourself, you already have.

So from this point forward, our individual role has shifted dramatically. Get busy locally. Join forces with like-hearted people and play your part in ensuring that your family and community not only survives, but thrives, regardless of what happens in this sick, beautiful world.

In the end, there is no greater legacy to leave behind.

Phillip J. Watt, Contributor

About the Author

Phillip J. Watt lives in Australia. His written work deals with topics from ideology to society, as well as self-development. Follow him on Facebook or visit his website.

This article (The Control System is Revealing Itself) was originally created by Phillip J. Watt and is re-posted here with permission. 

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The Antarctic Atlantis
Are we about to hear that ancient ruins have been found in Antarctica? Is there an Alliance working to defeat the greatest threat humanity has ever faced on earth? Could the Antarctic Atlantis be part of a full or partial disclosure?

Join David Wilcock on a thrill ride of discovery, revealing the "Big Picture" behind the ever-increasingly bizarre headlines we are seeing in today's world.

Although the news is moving faster than we can keep up with, the discovery of ancient ruins in Antarctica may become the defining story of the millennium. All of the things we are so concerned about at the moment may soon pale in comparison to this revelation.

Now you can see a full movie-length, two-and-a-half-hour presentation distilled from David's recent highly-regarded events at the Conscious Life Expo. Enjoy!


In Part One, I present data on the Secret Space Program and share the stage with legendary insider Corey Goode.

I do feel that this is the best public summary we have done of this amazing story that has captivated the UFO community thanks to our show Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia.

All along I have wanted there to be a definitive overview and introduction to the fascinating story that Corey has brought to the world, and this is it.

We also establish the connective links between my own experiences over the last 20 years doing this research, including ET contact, and the things that have happened to Corey in just two short years.

The 'overview' went much farther than the 53 minutes we present here, as it was nearly three hours long, but I feel some of the most essential material is included in this new video.

It was necessary to discuss the Secret Space Program first in this video -- in the interest of pushing for Full Disclosure if these truths do, in fact, start going public.


Part One begins with provable data about ancient ruins on the Moon and Mars, strongly suggesting there is far more "cosmic history" in our solar system than we realize.

You will also notice my After Effects skills have gone way up. This is the result of three years of dedicated work and study, tantamount to taking on another university degree.

Part Two begins at the 53-minute mark, where I connect the dots between intel from multiple insiders to arrive at a stunning conclusion. 

Namely, it appears that we are on the verge of major new releases of information that will transform everything we thought we knew about life on earth -- making Atlantis a fact, not fiction.


A civilization of "Pre-Adamite" giants with elongated skulls appears to have crash-landed on a continent we now call Antarctica some 55,000 years ago.

This is the apparent origin of what we are now calling the Cabal, Illuminati or New World Order.

It can be difficult to appreciate the scope of provable data that this narrative ties together. Thus negative comments say there is "no proof," it is "disinformation," et cetera.

The sheer number of different insider testimonies and scientific data points satisfied by this explanation makes me very confident that it is indeed the truth.


These Pre-Adamites had giant bodies, elongated skulls and greatly-advanced IQ compared to native Earth humans.

There has been an awesome, official cover-up surrounding the countless examples of giant skeletons with elongated skulls that have been found around the world.

It should be very clear to the objective observer that "someone" very much does not want us to see this information and connect the dots.


The Pre-Adamites also had advanced technology that allowed them to establish civilizations all over the Earth -- and create bloodline aristocratic dynasties.

Since their population numbers were very small when they arrived, they engaged in an extensive cloning program.

Even in the early years their population consisted primarily of hybrid beings, where their own DNA was blended with that of various indigenous Earth cultures.

Thus you see hybrid humans with elongated skulls who have Mesoamerican features as well as others with Middle Eastern features in Egypt, South Africa and elsewhere.


The Pre-Adamites were aware of other ET groups working in and around Earth, including the "Elohim" that most of us would consider to be benevolent.

These groups have since hidden themselves from view after the Mohammed Treaty, circa 800 AD, where they concluded their presence was too disruptive to our native cultures.

The flood that destroyed Atlantis, turning it into Antarctica after the earth shifted on its axis, was allowed and authorized to occur by the Elohim.

The Pre-Adamites were aware this was going to happen before it did, and pled for clemency. They were denied.

The entire story is preserved in the Book of Enoch, an apocryphal gospel that Jesus quotes from repeatedly in the New Testament, showing he was well aware of it.

The Pre-Adamite civilization was nearly wiped out in this catastrophe, approximately 12,500 years ago -- but their people survived with their memories intact.


A revolution is now occurring where many people who claim this DNA lineage are turning away from the psychopathic, genocidal aspirations of some of their ancestors.

Insiders like Pete Peterson, and others, typically define this as the "battle between the Older Cabal and the Younger Cabal."

The younger Cabal members are sick and tired of all the craziness that their forefathers have perpetrated upon the planet, and as they inherit the power structures in place, they are doing their part to change things for the positive.

The Alliance is a conglomeration of many different groups who are working together to save our planet. All of us are hybrids and have a variety of different DNA traces in our blood.

Any time a particular group tries to elevate itself to the status of an "elite" that feels they have the right to enslave and murder others, we have a cosmic imbalance that must be righted by the benevolent ETs that manage our world.


08 April 2017

The free individual returns

Freedom isn’t merely an idea. When an individual feels and knows he is free, all sorts of changes take place, even on a physical level:

Brain function increases and quickens. Endocrine levels optimize. The cells of the body awaken to a higher degree, and energy output rises.
From the point of view of the free individual, things are upside down. It is HIS power that is primary, not the monolithic corporate State’s.

From his point of view, what does the social landscape look like?


If you want to spend a disturbing afternoon, read through (and try to fathom) the bewildering blizzard of sub-organizations that make up the European Union. I did. And I emerged with a new definition of insanity. OTO. The Obsession to Organize.

OTO speaks of a bottomless fear that somewhere, someone might be living free.

People tend to think their own power is either a delusion or some sort of abstraction that’s never really experienced. So when the subject is broached, it goes nowhere. It fizzles out. It garners shrugs and looks of confusion. Power? Are you talking about the ability to lift weights?

And therefore, the whole notion of freedom makes a very small impression, because without power, what’s the message of freedom?

Every which way power can be discredited or misunderstood…people will discredit it and misunderstand it.

And then all psychological and physiological and mental and physical and emotional and perceptual and hormonal processes undergo a major downward shift, in order to accommodate to a reality, a space in which the individual has virtually no power at all.

It’s my aim to change all that. This is the basis of my work, and it has been, for the past 30 years.

That’s why I authored my three Matrix collections. Here are the contents of my third collection, Power Outside The Matrix:

These are audio presentations. 55 total hours.

* Power Outside The Matrix and The Invention of New Reality (6.5-hours)

* Analyzing Information in the Age of Disinformation (11.5-hours)

* Writer’s Tutorial (8.5-hours)

Then you will receive the following audio presentations I have previously done:

* The Third Philosophy of Imagination (1-hour)

* The Infinite Imagination (3-hours)

* The Mass Projection of Events (1.5-hours)

* The Decentralization of Power (1.5-hours)

* Creating the Future (6-hours)

* Pictures of Reality (6-hours)

* The Real History of America (2-hours)

* Corporations: The New Gods (7.5-hours)

I have included an additional bonus section:

* The complete text (331 pages) of AIDS INC., the book that exposed a conspiracy of scientific fraud deep within the medical research establishment. The book has become a sought-after item, since its publication in 1988. It contains material about viruses, medical testing, and the invention of disease that is, now and in the future, vital to our understanding of phony epidemics arising in our midst (and how to analyze them). I assure you, the revelations in the book will surprise you; they cut much deeper and are more subtle than “virus made in a lab” scenarios.

* A 2-hour radio interview I did on AIDS in Dec 1987 with host Roy Tuckman on KPFK in Los Angeles, California.

* My book, The Secret Behind Secret Societies

(All the audio presentations are mp3 files and the books are pdf files. You download the files upon purchase. You’ll receive an email with a link to the entire collection.)

At the core of consciousness, there are two impulses in the individual. The first is: give in, surrender. The second is: express power without limit.

The teaching of every civilization and society is: don’t use your power. When you follow the second path, when you express your power without limits, remarkable things happen.

The veil of illusion melts away.

You meet yourself on new ground.

You know what your freedom is for.

Without imposing on the freedom of others, you live the life you always wanted.

That’s what Power Outside The Matrix is all about.

Jon Rappoport

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED, EXIT FROM THE MATRIX, and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.

27 March 2017

Living from Our Deepest Knowing

Experientially, there is no realization without Being, which is a cessation of becoming. Paradoxically, there is no flowering of that realization without becoming, which is our willingness to be transformed by our realization. Realization is not an attainment of ego. It is the end of trying to get somewhere, be somebody, arrive somewhere else. What is realized is what is ever-present, what is here, what we are, and have always been when we are no longer identified with our conditioned mind. What is here now looking out, looking in, aware of this moment’s unfolding?

When we deeply realize the mystery of our own awake being, and do not move away from the Unknown we encounter, our mind ceases its searching, its separation, and its belief that it can end illusion. Egoic thought does not know itself as “pure awareness,” rather it is Awareness that sees egoic thought. The infinite ocean of Awareness awakens Itself within its own expression of being. And it is that same awake beingness that will transform our way of being in the world. If we are looking for a “permanent” state of embodiment, or a knowing of “pure” awareness that is “remembered” every single moment, we are still operating from the mind of separation.

When there has been a true awakening, it is the Mystery and not the “me” that then begins to transform our thoughts, our heart, and our actions. It is at this point that many seekers move away from what they have realized and return to the mind to try to figure out how to live from this truth. However, as soon as we go back to the mind’s thoughts about “how,” we have departed from the mystery of being, which is the source and agent of living more deeply, directly, and simply from what we are. So, this often becomes a source of confusion, and many either return to egoic transformation techniques, which are now directed by a spiritualized ego, or they become passive rather than grounded in being, which is simultaneously alive, present, intimate with the moment, and functioning with wisdom and compassion. In either case realization may not truly flower due to our attempts to either control or avoid acting.

When we begin to realize the truth of what we are, we may feel that we are free, but our minds, emotions, and our bodies may be acting and reacting from old identifications. It is our deep and sincere devotion to truth, and to living from truth that opens the heart and mind and creates willingness for all false views to be deconstructed. Our greatest ally is our own integrity. No one can give us our integrity or take it away. It is ours to care for. The truth within sees untruth, but without self-judgment–seeing, as it does, no separate self to be judged. This process begins when we realize what we are. But how far are we willing to let that realization take us? Realization does not create a new identity; it keeps shedding old ones. In the spiritual life, we are not seeking to transcend our human experience, but to fully express the truth of our Being through it. When we want authenticity more than we want to maintain an “image,” freedom will lead the way.

Enlightenment as intimacy

Zen Master Dogen, considered the 51st patriarch of Zen, once gave a very simple description of enlightenment: “Enlightenment is simply intimacy with all things.”And he went on to say: “Not knowing is most intimate.”

We think we know something when we can name it, pull a word or concept from memory to describe a thing, a person, a feeling, a flower, a self. Without making words and concepts wrong, can we investigate experience before adding the mind’s likes, dislikes, judgments, associations and concepts to the bare and intimate reality of Now? What is our experience when we are deeply present to what is present before us or within us?

Intimacy cannot be a memory because memory is imported from past experience and true intimacy is touching the world exactly as it is Now, without separation. Can we touch with our own intimate awareness the stars exactly as they are, our skin exactly as it is, a feeling exactly as it is, an encounter exactly as it is, without the need to add a story or create a drama, or claim a “self” being intimate? Can we live with the usefulness of memory without using it to prop up another concept about awakening or about a separate “self”? Can we allow judgment to gently be replaced by the intimate experience of Now, knowing that transformation of our habitual patterns of mind do not end with a moment of awakening, but gradually become more and more transparent as we return again and again to the realm of the timeless, to the willingness not to know something only as a concept. “Not knowing,” in this sense, is most intimate, indeed.

Living without a map

To the Western mind, living without a goal, without a map, having “nowhere to go and nothing to do” sounds like sheer madness—boring at best, lazy, irresponsible, uncaring, and an invitation to chaos at worst. But nothing could be further from the truth. It might mean we are finally available for Truth to move spontaneously within us, allowing action to come from the dimension of our being that is at peace. Doing is coming from Being. It does not mean living stupidly, or passively, or being unable to make plans. It means not being attached to those plans. It means being open to what is here now rather than judging it, being curious rather than fearful about this moment’s expression. It means being authentic, real, engaged, and intimate with experience.

To live from our natural state means discovering that there is no map for how to live. The voice that always asked “how?” has been quieted, and we are living more and more directly from the Mystery that is whole and undivided. This mystery of our Being is deeply and unflinchingly present to the moment as it appears, and thus can move with an intelligence, wisdom, compassion and love unknown to the mind that seeks to be in control.

We always imagined we would find peace and happiness when we had perfected our ego. What a shock to learn there isn’t one! We never imagined that what is awake is what is free, not some shiny image of how the world or the “me” should look. The mind that is always attempting to be in control, improve the world, self and the so-called “other” frequently serves as the agent of division—even when it is trying to “help.” When we realize there is no separation, “help” will automatically be transmitted by the quality of our being, not by our assuming a superior role of “helper.” When we have seen beyond a broken world or the dream of a wounded identity to the Wholeness beyond being or non-being, that in itself invites more healing than can be told. Perhaps we can begin to realize that living from our deepest Knowing is being truly alive in the present moment and being intimately aware within it. Maybe life is neither a problem to be solved nor a destination, but an endlessly unfolding creation moment-to-moment.

By all means, if you want to drive to an unknown destination in your car, use a map. But if you want Truth, be guided from the deep silent Source within that gives the mind no security, but rather continually invites it to the Unknown, and to the lifelong adventure of living openly, Now.

Dorothy Hunt is the founder of the San Francisco Center for Meditation and Psychotherapy, and serves as Spiritual Director and President of Moon Mountain Sangha, Inc., a California non-profit religious corporation.

21 February 2017

Moon among more than 100 planets set to be added to solar system

The moon could now be considered a planet Getty

New suggested definition no longer requires orbiting the sun

The Earth’s moon could be among more than 100 planets added to the solar system, according to leading scientists at Nasa

Along with Titan and Enceladus, which orbit Saturn and Europa, and Ganymede, which orbits Jupiter, the moon has all the features of a planet.

Alan Stern, principle investigator of Nasa’s New Horizons mission to Pluto, along with five colleagues, has written a manifesto rewriting the definition of what constitutes being a planet.

One of the key changes is that worlds no longer need to be orbiting the sun to be considered planets, according to The Times. 

If the proposals are accepted by the International Astronomical Union (IAU), the current eight-planet solar system could see more than 100 added to it. 

“In the mind of the public, the word ‘planet’ carries a significance lacking in other words used to describe planetary bodies… many members of the public assume that alleged ‘non-planets’ cease to be interesting enough to warrant scientific exploration,” the team wrote in their manifesto. 

Science news in pictures

The news comes as astronomers have discovered more than 100 new planets including one which is thought to be a “super-earth” - a planet able to support life.

A total of 114 new planets have been found, more than half of which are situated in our immediate solar neighbourhood. 

The so-called “super-earth” is in the fourth-closest star system to our sun and has been named Gilese 411b.


19 February 2017


It is time to take action again! It is time to take the destiny of our world in our own hands! We all agree that the process of planetary liberation is taking too long. Here is our chance to collectively speed up the process. Therefore we are using the opportunity of the Solar eclipse on February 26th to create a portal through which we will enlighten the energy field around the planet.

Make this viral! Share it worldwide! Please post it on your websites and blogs. Invite spiritual groups to join us. If you know an alternative media outlet, you can send it to them. You can create a Facebook group for your local group of people doing this in your part of the world. We also need one main Facebook group for this event. You can create a video about this and post it on Youtube.

Scientific studies have confirmed positive effects of mass meditations on human society, so each of you that will participate in this meditation can actually help bringing the Event closer to us:

This meditation helps the Light forces to ground the energy of Light on the surface of the planet to strengthen the Light grid which is needed to speed up the process of Ascension. Number of people doing that meditation is the single most influential factor within the power of the surface human population for speeding up the process.

The master key for the energy grid around the planet is the Congo vortex. That is a huge energy vortex that is anchored in Lake Kivu in Congo. This area was the landing space of a special expedition of the Central Race which landed there more than 2 million years ago, anchoring a very powerful Light presence. Much later this vortex was taken over by the Reptilians who actually energetically controlled most of the Sub-Saharan Africa from that area. This is the reason why black magic is so widespread in Sub-Saharan Africa and why so many people there are possessed by Reptilian entities:

Congo vortex was the entry point for the Archon invasion in 1996. Since then, the Archons are doing whatever they can to destroy the feminine energy in Congo, while the Light forces are trying to heal the situation:

Our meditation will begin to heal this energy vortex and seal the rift in planetary energy field that was created in Congo in 1996 (the image posted here is symbolic):

We can reach the critical mass of 144,000 people doing this meditation! This will create a massive healing chain reaction in the energy field worldwide and will actually reverse the negative effects of the 1996 invasion.

Path of totality of our Solar eclipse actually touches Congo:

Astrological chart for our meditation shows a cardinal grand square of Mars/Uranus, Vesta, Jupiter and Pluto, which signifies planetary tension that we have been feeling since the beginning of the year and will only be completely resolved in mid-April. The Sun-Moon conjunction of the eclipse at 8 degrees Pisces serves as a huge focal lens for energy that will begin to resolve this planetary tension. Grand trine of Juno, Ceres and Lunar Node is like a huge arrow that points to the position right across the zodiac opposite of the eclipse, at 8 degrees Virgo. That is the position of Thuban, the home star of the positive Dragon families. They will play one of the pivotal roles in our meditation. 

We will be doing this meditation at the moment of the maximum of the Solar eclipse on Sunday, February 26th at 3:55 pm Central European Time (CET). This equals 4:55 pm EET in Cairo, 4:55 pm CAT in Bukavu in Congo, 2:55 pm GMT in London, 9:55 am EST in New York, 8:55 am CST in Chicago, 7:55 am MST in Denver, 6:55 am PST in Los Angeles, and 10:55 pm CST in Taipei.

You can check the time of the meditation for your time zone here:


1. Use your own technique to bring you to a relaxed state of consciousness.

2. State your intent to use this meditation as a tool to speed up the process healing for planet Earth and its inhabitants.

3. Visualize a pillar of Light emanating from the Galactic Central Sun, then going through all beings of Light inside our Solar System and then through your body to the center of the Earth. Visualize another pillar of Light rising from the center of the Earth, then up through your body and upwards into the sky towards all beings of Light in our Solar System and our galaxy. You are now sitting in two pillars of Light, the Light flowing both upwards and downwards simultaneously. Keep these pillars of Light active for a few minutes.

4. Now visualize a violet flame purifying the Congo vortex and its energy field on plasma, etheric and astral planes. Then visualize this violet flame expanding through all Africa and purifying it. Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, purifying its energy field on the plasma, etheric and astral planes.

5. Now visualize a soft pink healing divine feminine energy, healing all raped women in Congo, healing all Congolese people and bringing peace to the country. Visualize this divine feminine energy sealing the rift in the planetary aura in Congo. Then visualize this divine feminine energy expanding through all Africa and healing all people there Then expand it even more until it encompasses the whole planet, healing all living beings on the planet. 

Goddess wants peace and peace it will be!

Updates about the Etheric Liberation meditation: 

Posted by Cobra

15 February 2017

Riding The Ninth Wave Into Universal Consciousness

There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are being torn apart and will suffer greatly. Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above the water. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. – Hopi Elder, Oraibi, Arizona

Artist: Cameron Gray

March 9th, 2011 was the dawn of the ninth wave of unity consciousness, a cycle of vibration as prophesized by the ancient Mayans. With the activation of the ninth wave of unity consciousness only five years behind us, we are still in the birthing stage of this new dawning. The energetic shift that occurred has been subtle. Most people had hoped for a cataclysmic event to mark the new era and when that didn’t occur they went on with the daily grind, seemingly to have forgotten all about it. But the process of transformation is in progress and it is up to us to ensure that we ride the wave into our unified evolution.

In spite of the non-productive and destructive forces that are at the forefront of everyone’s mind at this time, the energy of the planet is escalating. This positive vibration is increasing steadily, and has brought us to a new frequency that is now beginning to affect some people with explosive force. This force is causing more and more people enter into states of heightened states of awareness; for some it means being in service to the higher good, for others it means being in service to humanity. The bottom line is that we are aligning with higher consciousness, coming together to evolve into unity consciousness with the cognition that we are all one upon our beautiful source, the Earth.

In America, the current President is holding up a mirror that is reflecting, with accuracy, a grotesque and outlandish image of what our society is becoming. Most people, throughout the entire world, do not like the image that they see in that mirror. As a result, we are acknowledging that the frightening and barbaric image that is being reflected to us must be shattered. As self-centered perspectives fall away, we consciously work together to deactivate the negative patterns that have been accruing power for so long; our intention of co-creation with each other magnifies the frequency of our expansion into universal consciousness. We are creating the tipping point that is necessary for a complete and successful paradigm shift!

The Hopi Elder said, All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. That can mean many things to many people but the point is that all is done with respect for the Earth, for each other, and for the highest good. As many of you know, I celebrate and enter into sacred space by going into the sweat lodge. It is within this empty space, or womb of creation, that I become completely empty in order to align with the energetic frequencies of universal consciousness (intent). Within this space I feel as though I become a conduit as I open myself up to the energies of the unknown. For some, aligning with silent knowledge is possible through the practice of meditation, yoga, trance dancing, fire ceremony, attending church, floating in the sea, sitting in nature, chanting, drumming, gazing at the stars, and so on.

The dark forces in the world exist because of one thing. Selfishness and the need to consume as a portrayal of power. That selfishness is the root of all suffering, evil, and destruction of the Earth. We cannot conquer selfishness, the only thing that we are able to do is remove ourselves from it by living in states of selfless love, compassion, freedom, and the ability to see through the illusions of separation. And as we do, we are able to become the example of what it means to live our lives from the purity of Spirit. This empowers others to witness our incredible states of well-being, wholeness, and the beautiful energetic frequency that vibrates from our very soul.

The extreme levels of selfishness in others may begin to lust after our state of well-being, and on a subconscious/unconscious level, they will attempt to consume our energy so they could live within the same state of well-being that we exude. Remember, they are selfish and they want it! With detachment, knowing that we have access to the infinite energy of the universe, we set our personal boundaries to prevent ourselves from becoming depleted or otherwise harmed physically or energetically. We provide to them the selfless love, compassion, dignity, and freedom, that they are literally dying for. In so doing, their own selfish level of consciousness will begin to evolve into a higher level of awareness and, over time, will lead them out of the states of fear, consumption, and separation that they are firmly anchored in. This will be a slow process but it is, after all, evolution.
Artist: Meg Benedicte

I can’t describe to you what it means to experience universal mind consciousness because within it, no thoughts or words exist. It is not something that you have to take classes for in order to align with it. It is right here in the center of consciousness within us, within everyone, and it is simultaneously everywhere in its boundlessness. All I know is that as individual consciousness expands into universal mind consciousness, people will come to know from the center of their selfless being, that they are not separate from anyone or anything in this beautiful and creative web of life.

As we each expand into the purity of universal consciousness, we realize that there is nothing to do except to acknowledge our unity with universal mind. Universal mind is a powerful and creative force. It is all knowing and pure presence. When we merge with universal consciousness, we become an extension of universal mind. Sitting in this pure state, we become creativity that knows no bounds. We recognize that we are all connected; we are at one with the nature of everything as it exists as an extension of pure life force energy.

Keep dancing!