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30 April 2021

Coronagate: the scandal to end all scandals

I was going to title this essay “Hydroxychloroquine: does it cure CONS” — with the joke being CONS as an abbreviation for Credulous Official Narrative Syndrome. But people dying and losing their livelihoods worldwide for no good reason is not a joke. Coronagate is the political con job that promises to eclipse all others, even against stiff competition like Spygate.

Here’s the bottom line: Dr Fauci and his institutional sponsors have known since at least 2005 that chloroquine — and its milder derivative hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) — inhibit coronaviruses like SARS from replicating in the body. They have withheld this important information from the public and failed to act on it when forming policy. Instead these besuited criminals have pushed experimental and expensive drugs, whilst having huge financial conflicts of interest.

This means that the present lockdown and the immense disruption and harm it is causing is for no real benefit. We could be offering cheap and effective prophylactic and therapeutic treatments for COVID-19, targeted at the vulnerable (like healthcare workers, elderly, those with comorbidities). Indeed, several countries are taking this course now with proven success.

Major Western nations are committing economic and social suicide to sustain an enormous lie about the integrity of those we trusted to protect us. This is a crime against humanity, and encompasses many in the pharma business, the corporate media, and in government. The size of the scandal cannot be overstated. Those responsible deserve the most severe punishment for ruining civil society.

The scammers buy influence over health policy

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has come under intense scrutiny in recent weeks. This entity has “donated”:

-At least $200m to the Clinton Foundation, which cannot pass the most rudimentary tests of compliance with charity law, but who could possibly have known it is corrupt…

-Another $250m to WHO, CDC, NIH who set and approve global health policy, whilst simultaneously profiting from developing and licensing vaccines in particular.

-Tens of millions of dollars to media companies like NPR, The Guardian, and the BBC, to ensure the media was bought off.

It is “donated” in quotes as the Foundation has major shareholdings in many pharmaceutical companies, and creates personal benefit for Mr Gates. This is not philanthropy, it is business fraudulently operating under a tax-free regime. Dr Fauci has sat on his vaccine initiative board, which means he is not a neutral player when it comes to selecting the best treatment on behalf of the public.

George Soros, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the WHO are all shareholders in UNITAID, the patent sharing subsidiary of Gilead, which coincidentally (!) is in Wuhan. Both Gilead and UNITAID have donated to the (ultra-corrupt) Clinton Foundation.

Remdesivir: a false hope

The media has been hyping this drug from Gilead, but you could easily draw the wrong conclusion without knowing the rest of the story

-The drug is essentially useless as the damage is already done by a virus by the time the drug takes effect.

-The goalposts of the study were moved once it became clear that there was no benefit in mortality, only time to recovery.

-There is no statistical significance to even these results.

-There is no evidence that the intended effect (reduction in viral load) actually exists, or actually is timed after the cause (giving the medication).

The conflict of interest between the health policymakers and the salesmen of expensive drugs could not be starker than in this case. The US media knows who pays the piper and thus calls the tune of their editorial. Only the “alt media” is giving anything like the full picture.

A vaccine? Forget it (for now)!

Many are hoping for a vaccine to cure COVID-19, but this is a remote prospect, despite many being under development: 

-The virus is mutating and lacks a stable genetic base. We don’t even have tests at this point with reliable false positive/negative rates, since we don’t know the mutation rate and profile.

-There is a massive scandal of the vaccine industry claiming to have quality controls when it lacked them. This lie now appears to have enabled all kinds of foreign DNA and viruses to enter humans, with mouse viruses potentially having caused an epidemic of human cancer. This is not the first time, with SV40 monkey viruses having contaminated polio vaccines to the same effect. Public trust is deservedly low, and you cannot claim legal immunity from negligence.

-The RNA technologies being proposed are novel and have no safety case. Their testing on humans without animal studies first is likely criminal. Establishing their effectiveness and long term safety will take many years. Given the understandable lack of public trust, getting them adopted voluntarily will be an uphill struggle. Doing it coercively involves breaches of human rights and the Hippocratic oath.

This means we need to look elsewhere for treatments, at least during 2020.

Hydroxychloroquine: the evidence of its effectiveness

The most compelling data for HCQ comes from Italy. 65,000 patients using it long-term for other conditions resulted in 20 COVID-19 infections and zero deaths. Turkey has made it the standard protocol for treatment of all COVID-19 patients, and has a low death rate as a result. Indeed, a whole list of nations, including India, have followed this path — giving it prophylactically to healthcare workers too. Israel has secured supplies of HCQ at the head of state level, and the Israelis are notoriously not stupid when it comes to medicine. Israel is allowing doctors to run their own trials with HCQ and has a very low death rate.

The Association of American Physicians and Surgeons has endorsed the use of HCQ as being 90% effective, noting:

To date, the total number of reported patients treated with HCQ, with or without zinc and the widely used antibiotic azithromycin, is 2,333, writes AAPS, in observational data from China, France, South Korea, Algeria, and the U.S. Of these, 2,137 or 91.6 percent improved clinically. There were 63 deaths, all but 11 in a single retrospective report from the Veterans Administration where the patients were severely ill.

There are successful studies on HCQ in the USA — 95% reduction in death; France — 88% reduction in death; and Brazil — 95% reduction in death. The only unsuccessful one was in the USA at the Veterans Administration, and was manifestly rigged to produce its result, by retrospective selection of an adverse population and giving the wrong protocol at the wrong time.

Whilst we might wish to have a double blind randomised controlled trial, we don’t have the time to perform one. Too many people will die unnecessarily. We understand the mechanism by which HCQ operates (opening the cell to allow zinc as the standard antiviral to enter) and when and how to give it (early in infection as possible, together with antibiotics to protect the lungs). 

The “plandemic panic”

The British justification for lockdown and abandonment of “herd immunity” comes from the work of Prof Neil Ferguson of Imperial College in London. This institution has received over $185m from the Gates foundation. He has a truly appalling track record, having grotesquely mis-modelled foot and mouth disease, Creutzfeldt-Jakob disase, H5N1, and swine flu. But he was hired again for COVID-19, where he was only out by a factor of 20 on mortality, and made obvious errors like presuming frail elderly patients would need ventilators when this is well known to be inadvisable (as it kills them).

The combination of a cataclysmic death forecast with no known treatment is what then drove draconian lockdown policy. This was despite the policy being implemented so late it cannot have had any impact on the actual peak demand for healthcare. Whether done with integrity or as sabotage only history can tell. The damage is done now.

It is not just the UK where statistics have been used to terrorise the public into submission. In Italy, a member of parliament has made a statement to “[denounce] the closure of 60% of the businesses for 25,000 COVID-19 Deaths, of which the National Institute of Health says 96.3% died NOT of COVID-19 but of other pathologies. That means only 925 have died of the virus. 24,075 have died of other things.” 

The crime

The smoking gun is a Virology Journal paper from 2005 from the NIH, where Dr Fauci was director: “Chloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread.” COVID-19 is a SARS virus similar to the one from 2005. It is undeniable that this information was public and known to Dr Fauci and his colleagues.

The immediate consequence has been a massive misallocation of resources – Nightingale hospitals in London and other UK cities have been empty. Our healthcare system has failed to deliver care to many needing urgent operations for other illnesses.

The death toll from COVID-19 increasingly looks small compared to those from lockdown. There are an estimated 18,000 excess dead from cancer in the UK (due to delayed diagnosis and treatment)— up to 150,000 dead in UK from lockdown. If translated to the US by population, that could be ¾ million people dead from lockdown by the time this is all over. I hope the numbers come in far below this, but the negative health consequences of isolation and poverty are well known.

We also now face a massive loss of liberties and imposition of de facto martial law. This last point is not a minor one. Lord Sumption — a member of the British supreme court — writes in the Daily Mail:

To say that life is priceless and nothing else counts is just empty rhetoric. People say it because it is emotionally comfortable and avoids awkward dilemmas. But they don’t actually believe it.

We went to war in 1939 because lives were worth losing for liberty. We allow cars on the roads because lives are worth losing for convenience. We travel by air although pollution kills. We tut-tut about it, but we willingly do it.

To claim that all that matters is COVID-19 deaths is to insult all those with other mortal conditions, ignore those who will die from lockdown itself, and invalidate other valid goals like liberty. It is a narcissistic and masochistic position: “Look how virtuous I am in my sacrifice!”. 

The cover-up

The medical establishment knows that it has been withholding cures, and that this is now an existential threat to its legitimacy. We have seen unprecedented action by regulators in multiple countries to prevent the off-label use of HCQ for COVID-19. If there is a cheap and immediate cure, it removes the market for expensive patented drugs, and exposes the con.

For example, in the USA the FDA has restricted its use to official clinical trials. To bring this to life, here is a quote from one American emergency room doctor:

[Dr] Dopko said in his 17 years of being a medical doctor, he has never seen the FDA issue restrictions on a drug like they have with hydroxychloroquine. “We’ve been told we’re not supposed to prescribe hydroxychloroquine for Covid-19 unless the person is in the hospital and it’s part of a clinical trial.”

“I’ve never seen this before. Doctors prescribe drugs for off-label use all the time,” he said.

The same has happened in France, where HCQ was suspiciously reclassified as a “poisonous substance” on 13th January, despite decades of safe use and being listed by WHO as an “essential medicine”. Remember, denying people essential medical care is a crime against humanity: this was done by the same Macron government that has used illegal LBD40 ammunition against civilian protestors in breach of the Geneva Convention.

The same also applies in the UK, where HCQ is not being promoted by the NHS as standard protocol; this means many are dying on ventilators or in nursing homes for no good reason. “Do not resuscitate” orders are being widely signed by the elderly, who are effectively being culled to pad the COVID-19 numbers and hide the overreaction. Yes, it’s that bad.

We also hear awful stories coming out of New York from whistle-blower nurses saying patients are being left to rot and die, since they lack family as advocates due to isolation of COVID-19 wards. The CDC has been caught reclassifying deaths, as the scam becomes too obvious. What happened to all the people dying of other causes, including old age? Where did they go? Where’s the public outcry at the obvious massaging of the death toll numbers? 

The consequences

Given the scale of the impact of COVID-19, and the failure of the medical profession to contain it (despite having the tools), this could well spell the end of allopathic medicine and “pharmacide”. The functional and integrative people are the future: we need to put nutrition, immune system function, and actual wellbeing back into the heart of healthcare.

Coronagate is the deliberate withholding of a cure for COVID-19. The exposure of massive medical fraud enabled by media collusion will likely follow from it, for it is likely not the only condition or treatment where this is the case. The entire regulatory framework for medicine, and the licensing monopolies of practise, will be under pressure like never before. Laws like the 1939 Cancer Act in the UK need to be repealed to allow for radical new approaches by new entrants. Pharma advertising to the public needs to end immediately so media companies are no longer conflicted by their paymasters.

This scandal dovetails into others like Spygate and the targeting of General Flynn by Barack Obama’s FBI and DoJ holdovers. A corrupt media has covered up for a corrupt government, and neither could be brought to account (until now) due to a corrupt justice system. Many people — including Bill Gates and Dr Fauci — need to answer for their actions in court. Those in the media who have knowingly connived to hype the threat, yet withheld information about a cure, should face prison.

We do not know whether COVID-19 is natural or manmade, and if the latter whether its release is accidental or deliberate. To the extent that we have a good enough cure, it doesn’t matter at this point; indeed we may never know, as the truth could trigger WW3. COVID-19 is already the defining economic and social event of our lives, and Coronagate promises to be the defining governance scandal of modern history.

If we bring people to justice, and truly learn the lessons from it, it will trigger a deep reform our medical, media, and government institutions. If those reforms are successful, Coronagate could be the scandal to end all scandals. That is the only worthy legacy of the unnecessary death tolls of both COVID-19 and lockdown.

May 4, 2020 By Martin Geddes

18 February 2021

Change is Upon You

Walk forward with open eyes. Merge truthseeking with inner knowing and look to the 'hidden' as it reveals itself. Message to the truthseekers of Earth... Change is upon you. 
Channelled, written and narrated by Magenta Pixie.
Magenta Pixie Website: 
Magenta Pixie Products: 
Books by Magenta Pixie:
"The Infinite Helix and the Emerald Flame" 
"Divine Architecture and the Starseed Template" 
"Masters of the Matrix"
Oct 13, 2018

18 January 2021

Law Of Creation, EMF Matrix, Zero-Point Force And Illusions Of Matter 

Age Of Truth TV

JANUARY 17th. 2021

A fascinating, eye-opening and intense interview with Tim Sandars, by Age Of Truth TV´s Lucas Alexander.

TIM SANDARS is a British Researcher of Electromagnetic Frequencies and Radiation and the possible dangers on our body, mind and spirit.

He is a F-i-V-e Gee expert and the founder of Omnia, the Omnia Radiation Balancer. Also a Truth Speaker and a Researcher of Science and the Esoteric.

Tim Sandars´ specialist subject is the new physics of consciousness. The understanding of the location of the zero point in each atom and the fundamental role this plays. The knowledge that we interact with this zero point field at all times, and that it responds to our conscious human intent. So we are the master manifesters – of matter, systems, buildings, art etc. And the zero point is the field of creation – the field of divine intelligence which we interact with to create.

Tim Sandars is working with a new unit of energy. It’s called the Deca and it is here for us to develop new energy solutions that can eventually replace electricity.

Our first product is called the Omnia Radiation Balancer which brings together this new science and this new technology, this new energy. The new energy is programmed to override or harmonise the radiation field.

In this FASCINATING, MIND EXPANDING interview with AGE OF TRUTH TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander, Tim Sandars explains the zero point physics and shows how we bring the zero point of a microwave radiation field from a phone back to centre so that it’s in the same vibrational pattern as the human cell. Therefore, we create ‘resonance’ between the radiation field and the body…… and much much more……..

Channel on YourTube: Omnia Balance

Your support is greatly appreciated.

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06 December 2020

Black Goo=Gaia Blood, A.I. Mind Control, Aliens and Narcissism 

Age Of Truth TV

UNFORGETTABLE Age Of Truth TV show with HARALD KAUTZ - previously Harald Kautz-Vella, filmed in Northern Germany.

Harald Kautz is a German Researcher, Physicist/Scientist, Chemist, Activist & Author. An in-depth, mind expanding, fascinating, esoteric, mystical and intense interview and conversation with Harald Kautz-Vella and Age Of Truth TV Presenter and Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander.

INTERVIEW presented by AGE OF TRUTH TV´s Investigative Reporter, Lucas Alexander.

Filmed on October 28th 2020 in Schönhagen, Northern Germany.

11 September 2020

Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11

"On that fateful day [9/11], the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership."

Dear friends,

Few people are aware of the huge Black Eagle Trust fund, let alone its critical relation to the 9/11 attacks. A brilliant summary of excellent information regarding this covert fund compiled by meticulous researcher E.P. Heidner ties together many previously unexplained threads in the 9/11 mystery in ways that are most compelling.

Heidner presents volumes of solid evidence to support his thesis that one of the main reasons for the attacks was to cover up the laundering of over $200 billion in bonds from this secretive fund that were to come due the day after 9/11.

Serious 9/11 researchers will likely be most grateful for the revealing connections in this careful research made between seemingly unconnected parts of the 9/11 story and the many people and organizations involved. Those less familiar with the 9/11 cover-up will almost certainly appreciate the broad overview given and the hidden history behind it all. If we follow the money, a lot of unexplained things begin to make sense.

Below are key excerpts from this remarkable paper with highlighting provided for those with limited time. If you do have time, the many diagrams, photos, and charts available in the original 58-page essay are most helpful. The full document also includes 232 footnotes for verification filling 17 pages worth of text. In the concise summary below, I've kept the original footnote numbers, so you will find they skip quite a bit. See the full essay to explore these informative footnotes. The entire original paper with footnotes is available here.

Some readers may feel upset or overwhelmed with this material, yet the fact that you are reading this and that this powerful information is awakening many as it spreads around the Internet shows that we are making a difference. Others may be excited to finally see the bigger picture. See our "what you can do" section at the end of the article for ideas on how you can help spread the word and build a brighter future. Thanks for caring.

With best wishes,
Fred Burks for PEERS and
Former language interpreter for Presidents Bush and Clinton

Note: For what may be the most powerful single piece of evidence corroborating this theory, click here to read the Reuters news service article on the massive volume of electronic financial transactions conducted from inside the WTC just before the towers collapsed. Yet the investigation results are being kept secret.

Collateral Damage: U.S. Covert Operations and the Terrorist Attacks on 9/11

The September 11th attacks were likely meant as a cover-up for financial crimes being investigated by the Office of Naval Intelligence (ONI), whose offices in the Pentagon were destroyed on September 11th. [1] The attacks ... were intended to cover-up the clearing of $240 billion dollars in securities covertly created in September 1991 to fund a covert economic war against the Soviet Union, during which 'unknown' western investors bought up much of the Soviet industry, with a focus on oil and gas.

The 9/11 attacks also served to derail multiple Federal investigations of crimes associated with the 1991 covert operation. Hundreds of billions of dollars of government securities had to be destroyed. A critical mass of brokers from the major government security brokerages in the Twin Towers had to be eliminated to create chaos in the government securities market. A situation needed to be created wherein $240 billion dollars of covert securities could be electronically "cleared" without anyone asking questions – which happened when the Federal Reserve declared an emergency and invoked its "emergency powers" that very afternoon. [4]

Where to Find Footnotes: To explore the excellent footnotes for the this article, see the end of full essay available here. As this is a summary, foot notes are not sequential.

There were three major securities brokers in the World Trade Center: Cantor Fitzgerald, Eurobrokers and Garbon Inter Capital. Cantor Fitzgerald was the largest securities dealer in the US [7] and arguably the primary target. [8] 41% of the fatalities in the Twin Towers came from Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers. [13] 24% of the 125 fatalities in the Pentagon were from the Naval Command Center that housed the Office of Naval Intelligence. 29 of 30 Office of Naval Intelligence employees died. The Naval Command Center had been moved into that newly opened section of the Pentagon only a month earlier. [21] And in the vaults beneath the World Trade Center Towers, any certificates for bonds were destroyed. [14]

On that fateful day, the Securities and Exchange Commission declared a national emergency, and for the first time in U.S. history, invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) easing regulatory restrictions for clearing and settling security trades for the next 15 days. These changes would allow an estimated $240 billion in covert government securities to be cleared upon maturity without the standard regulatory controls around identification of ownership. [19]

The Origins of the World Trade Center Attack

Emboldened by the lack of consequences for subverting the U.S. constitution and breaking international law during the Iran-Contra scandal of the 1980s, a Bush administration group known as "the Vulcans" planned a bigger drive to crush Communism once and for all. They waged war against the Soviet Union and Iraq under George H.W. Bush, and against Iraq and Afghanistan under George W. Bush. Belonging to this group were Dick Cheney, Don Rumsfeld, Colin Powell, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Armitage, and Condoleezza Rice. [31]

The Vulcan's drive to bring an end to the Cold War was fueled by a covert war chest invisible to congressional oversight. [32] This war chest would be known by several names: Black Eagle Trust, the Marcos gold, Yamashita's Gold, the Golden Lily Treasure, the Durham Trust or Project Hammer. [33] The program also seems to have lined the pockets of the individuals that executed this policy. This was done to the tune of a staggering $240 billion dollars in covert and allegedly illegal bonds, which appear to have been replaced with Treasury notes backed by U.S. taxpayers in the aftermath of September 11.

The covert securities used to accomplish the national security objective of ending the Cold War ended up in the vaults of the brokers in the World Trade Center, and were destroyed on September 11, 2001. [36] They came due for settlement and clearing on September 12. The federal Agency investigating these bonds – The Office of Naval Intelligence – was in the section of the Pentagon that was destroyed on 9/11. [37]

To this key group of senior National Security officials called the Vulcans, who had participated in the victory of the economic cold war in 1991, the WTC, the Pentagon, the four airliners and their occupants would became 'collateral' damage in the ending of the Cold War. Their deaths were required to hide the existence of the Black Eagle Trust, and the covert activities it had funded for over 50 years. The destruction of these lives and buildings constituted a cover-up of continued lawlessness by a fraternity or brotherhood of businessmen and criminals often referred to as 'the Enterprise' in the 1980s, though it has remained in the shadows since.

Numerous sources have documented that at the end of WWII, the treasury of the Japanese Empire was discovered in the Philippines by a staff member of General Charles Willoughby, [Edward Lansdale], who was General MacArthur's chief of Intelligence. Then known as the Golden Lily Treasure, this mass of wealth had been accumulated by the Japanese through over fifty years of pillaging by its army in Southeast Asia and China. It was deposited in the Philippines due to the U.S. submarine blockade of Japan. Reports vary, but documents in the public domain suggest the recovered treasure was in excess of 280,000 metric tonnes of gold, not including jewels and diamonds. [40] After the War [Lansdale] tortured Major Kojima Kashii – General Yamashita Tomoyuki's driver – until he revealed and created a map of the gold sites. [41]

Lansdale briefed Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy about the findings, and a U.S. Cabinet level decision was made to confiscate the gold and cover-up its discovery. The gold would be added to the Black Eagle Trust fund. It was McCloy, along with Secretary of the Navy Robert B. Anderson and Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson who created the Black Eagle Trust. [42]

John McCloy, who had shared a box at the 1936 Olympics with Adolph Hitler, went on to become President of the World Bank. Robert Anderson would go on to operate the Commercial Exchange Bank in the British West Indies, be convicted of running illegal banking operations and tax evasion, and be sentenced to prison. [43] A fourth member of that group – William 'Wild Bill' Donovan – would go on to found the CIA and distribute the gold to key banks represented by his staffers.

The trust they created takes its name from the Nazi Black Eagle stamped on the gold bars of the Third Reich. Gold bullion confiscated from the Reich and not returned to its rightful owners and their heirs was the original source of funding for this trust. [44] Over the years, the significance of the Nazi gold would pale in comparison to the confiscated Japanese treasure.

The men responsible for initiating and executing the confiscation of Nazi and Japanese treasury gold represented the most senior Intelligence officers in the U.S. and Britain at the end of World War II, and the Cabinet of the President of the United States. The financial institutions represented by these individuals would become the major financial banks in the world, along with the Swiss-German banks they hid their gold in. The Yamashita gold would become the cornerstone of the Black Eagle Fund, from which many covert operations of the U.S. intelligence would be funded. [58]

Lansdale's operation in the Philippines gave birth to most of the common features of modern covert operations for U.S. Intelligence: bribery, theft, torture, and false flag operations. It would be Lansdale who would initiate a bond between the US intelligence organizations and Israeli intelligence. It would be Lansdale that would set precedents for the Intelligence community to retain the services of organized crime on U.S. soil. Lansdale would hire American Mafia family heads Carlos Marcello, Santos Trafficante, Meyer Lansky, and Lucky Luciano in the U.S. war against Fidel Castro in 1961.

It would be Lansdale's team that would propose and justify sacrificing innocent U.S. civilians in order to rally the American citizenry to support an invasion of foreign soil. This was done under a program run by Brigadier General William H. Craig, who reported to Lansdale for the Cuba project. [61] This project was called Operation Northwoods. Documents for this project would be accidentally released from the files of Robert McNamara into the public domain some 40 years later, exposing the degree to which Lansdale's operatives would go to wage war. [62] These declassified documents revealed secret plans of the U.S. military to wage a fabricated "terror" campaign against US citizens as a pretext to justify a second invasion of Cuba.

Barrick Gold would become an investment for nearly every gold bullion bank associated with the Marcos gold recovery. These banks would loan gold to Barrick, which would then sell the borrowed gold as derivatives, with the promise of replacing the borrowed gold with their gold mining operation. The records of many of those transactions disappeared when Enron collapsed and the trading operation and all its records were taken over by UBS, another major recipient of Marcos gold. The FBI was reportedly conducting an investigation into those transactions, and the investigation files were kept on the 23rd floor of the North Tower of the WTC. A review of the personal accounts of September 11 now suggests that office was deliberately targeted with explosives prior to the collapse of the WTC towers. [73]

Taking Control

In November 1980, Ronald Reagan was elected to the White House. Sixty-nine days after the inauguration, John Hinckley attempted to assassinate President Reagan. Eight days prior to that attempt, there were a series of unprecedented policy changes that put George Bush in charge of Foreign Policy and National Security. That conferred new roles and powers on Bush, including "unprecedented powers for a vice president." [85] Vice President George Bush was named the leader of the United States "crisis management'' staff, as a part of the National Security Council system. [86] Then, on March 30, 1981, just eight days after these powers were conferred on Bush, President Reagan was shot.

The father of the assassin that put Bush in power was John (a.k.a. Jack) Hinckley, Sr., the owner of Vanderbilt Oil. Hinckley had been giving maximum donations every year to George H.W. Bush since he started running for Congress. In The Black Hole of Guyana: The Untold Story of the Jonestown Massacre, John Judge painstakingly documents that Jonestown was a CIA operation for converting dispossessed and lonely refugees into assassins . In an operation that was falling under Congressional investigation, the evidence had to be eliminated – and nearly all the inhabitants were murdered to prevent disclosure. [88]

A key player in the Marcos gold would be Banker's Trust, which was taken over by Alex Brown & Sons, after Banker's Trust floundered financially on its Russian loans in the mid 1990s. These Russian loans were facilitated by Enron, starting in August of 1993, and very possibly were part of the Project Hammer takeover of Soviet industry. Alex Brown's involvement would bring to the forefront the names of three names of individuals who would play multiple roles in this mystery: Buzz Krongard, Mayo Shattuck, and J Carter Beese.

Buzz Krongard is reported as the mentor of Beese and Shattuck from their years together at Alex Brown. Additionally, he managed the merger between Bankers Trust and Deutschebank Alex Brown. Bankers Trust, Zurich was a key Marcos gold holder. Krongard would move on to become Chairman of the investment bank A.B. Brown, Vice Chairman of Banker's Trust, and Executive Director of the CIA at the time of September 11.

Mayo Shattuck would be reported to be the personal banker for Adnan Khashoggi and Edgar Bronfmann during their partnership at Barrick Gold. [107] He would move on to become the CEO of Deutschebank who would resign for unexplained reasons the day after September 11, and would not be at the WTC office that day when the tower collapsed. It was his bank that was identified as the source of the illegal stock options that indicated there was insider trading taking advantage of the September 11 tragedy.

What happened to the Marcos gold after it was confiscated by U.S. agents in 1986 has never been reported, but throughout the early 1990s, the world gold market would be befuddled by the mysterious appearance of thousands of tonnes of gold which appeared to suppress the price of gold.

In preparation for their war against Communism, and in the years leading up to the failed – or faux – coup of 1991 which initiated the last days of Gorbachev and the rise of Yeltsin, Bush and a cadre of rogue KGB officials built a complex international network of banks and holding companies that would be used to take over ownership of the Soviet economy. Over 300 of these KGB turncoats who supported this operation would later be re-located to the US in the early 1990s and pensioned. [111] Periodic CIA reports to Congress would review KGB and organized crime complicity in the takeover of Russia by criminal elements, but all mention of the formidable role of the U.S. would be expunged from Congressional oversight and the public record. [112]

In the first phase of the economic attack on the Soviet Union, George Bush authorized Leo Wanta and others to destabilize the ruble and facilitate the theft of the Soviet/Russian treasury. This would result in draining the Russian treasury of between 2,000 to 3,000 tonnes of gold bullion, ($35 billion at the time). [113] The gold was 'stolen' in March of 1991, facilitated by Leo Wanta and signed off by Boris Yeltsin's right hand man. The majority of the leaked reports from the CIA and FBI suggest the theft of the Russian treasury was a KGB and Communist party operation, but what those reports omitted was the extensive involvement of Boris Yeltsin, the U.S. banking industry and the CIA.

In the second phase, Wanta, George Soros and a group of Bush appointees would begin to destabilize the ruble. There were two major operations: the largest was coordinated by Alan Greenspan and Oliver North, and implemented by Leo Wanta.

The 9/11 Cover-up and the Black Eagle Trust

With an understanding of the economic war being waged on the Soviet Union, the focus needs to turn to reports that on September 11, 1991, President George Bush was responsible for issuing $240 billion dollars in secretive bonds as a part of this attack on the Russian ruble. There are six lines of evidence from eight sources that suggest this was indeed the case. Many of these instances are corroborated with documents available on the Internet, presented by those making the claims. [174]

The bonds sat for ten years, like a ticking time bomb. They had to be settled – or cashed in by September 12, 2001. The two firms in the U.S. most likely to be handling them would be Cantor Fitzgerald and Eurobrokers – the two largest government securities firms in the U.S. The federal agency mostly involved in investigating those transactions was the Office of Naval Intelligence. On 9/11, those same three organizations: the two largest government securities brokers and the Office of Naval Intelligence in the US took direct hits.

What happened inside the buildings of the World Trade on September 11 is difficult, but not impossible to discern. The government has put a seal on the testimony gathered by the investigating 911 Commission, and instructed government employees to not speak on the matter or suffer severe penalties, but there are a number of personal testimonies posted on the Internet as to what happened in those buildings that day.

Careful reconstruction from those testimonies indicates the deliberate destruction of evidence not only by a targeted assault on the buildings, but also by targeted fires and explosions. In the event that either the hijacking failed, or the buildings were not brought down, the evidence would be destroyed by fires. In addition to the investigative evidence being destroyed, the Federal Register reported that the physical securities held by the brokers in their vaults had been destroyed.

What would be even more revealing would be the actions of the Federal Reserve Bank and the Securities and Exchange Commission on that day, and in the immediate aftermath. As one of many coincidences on 9/11, the Federal Reserve Bank was operating its information system from its remote back-up site rather than it's downtown headquarters. The SEC and Federal Reserve system remained unfazed by the attack. All of their systems continued to operate. The two major security trading firms had their trade data backed up on remote systems. Nevertheless, the Commission for the first time invoked its emergency powers under Securities Exchange Act Section 12(k) and issued several orders to ease certain regulatory restrictions temporarily.

The Federal Reserve Suspends the Rules

On the first day of the crisis, the SEC lifted "Rule 15c3-3: Customer Protection – Reserves and Custody of Securities." Thus GSCC [Government Securities Clearing Corporation] was thus allowed to substitute other securities for the physical securities destroyed during the attack. "...collateral substitutions can and should be made with regard to immediately maturing collateral." [191] At this point in time, the Federal Reserve and its GSCC had created a settlement environment totally void of controls and reporting – where it could substitute valid, new government securities for the mature, illegal securities, and not have to record where the original bad securities had come from, or where the new securities went – all because the paper for the primary brokers for US securities had been eliminated.

A review of the explanations for the actions of the Federal Reserve after September 11th exposes an amazingly complex web of analysis and speculation. The reports published by the Federal Reserve argue that the Federal Reserve's actions increasing the monetary supply by over $300 billion were justified to overcome operational difficulties in the financial sector. While impressive as the reports are, what is noted by the casual reader is that all of the Federal Reserve analysis is speculative and suggestive, using phraseology such as "may have," "likely," "presumably," or "should have." There are few – if any – definitive statements about root cause and the appropriateness of the Federal Reserve response.

While the Fed was reporting outstanding account balances of over $100 billion per day (while not identifying the banks involved), the Wall Street Journal reported that at one point during the week after 9/11, BoNY was publicly reported to be overdue on $100 billion in payments. [198] The Deutschebank, which sat inside the WTC and was totally decimated, reported no such account balance increase, and JP Morgan, the other of only two clearing banks which uses the same traders and communications hub, reported no such increase in its account balance. No one has publicly asked: why is it that these other two banks were not seriously disrupted, while the Bank of New York – which had no structural damage – seemed unable to operate?

Certain key unknown figures in the Federal Reserve may have 'conspired' with key unknown figures at the Bank of New York to create a situation where $240 billion in off balance sheet securities created in 1991 as part of an official covert operation to overthrow the Soviet Union, could be cleared without publicly acknowledging their existence. These securities, originally managed by Cantor Fitzgerald, were cleared and settled in the aftermath of September 11th through the BoNY. The $100 billion account balance bubble reported by the Wall Street Journal as being experienced in the BoNY was tip of a three day operation, when these securities were moved from off-balance-sheet to the balance sheet.

[As reported on page 12 of a Federal Reserve document] "In the absence of complete information on deliveries into and out of its account at BoNY on September 11, and as a result of its assumption of settlement fails on the starting legs of blind-brokered RPs, GSCC recorded (after the close of business on September 11) $266 billion in transactions that apparently failed to settle.... Continuing connectivity problems prevented GSCC from giving BoNY delivery instructions after the close of business on September 11 and prevented it from acquiring information on activity in its account at BoNY during the day on September 12. Consequently, GSCC recorded $440 billion in settlement fails as of the close of business on September 12." [201]

What appears to be the case is that the Federal Reserve imbalances reported on three consecutive days in the aftermath were largely concentrated at the Bank of New York, which is reported to represent over 90% of the imbalance, suggesting the Bank had been the recipient of massive fund transfers, and unable to send out transfers. Overall transactions for the day of 9/11 were seemingly down even more significantly than volume, but the transactions that came in after closing were extremely large, averaging in size in packages of $35 million or more. This would be consistent with a hypothesis that $240 billion of securities were being pushed surreptitiously into the money supply.

The Federal Reserve, without providing the detail required to substantiate it's claims, would have the public believe that there were widespread liquidity issues, when in fact the issues were very concentrated primarily, if not singularly, in the BoNY, which has been the subject of an ongoing major money-laundering investigation for many years. These account balance issues resulted in the defacto expansion of the monetary supply, details of which are no longer reported by the Federal Reserve.

The reported cause of this market malfunction is seemingly suspect. By comparison, the Deutschebank which sat inside the World Trade Center reported no such account balance increase, and JP Morgan, the other of two clearing banks which uses the same traders and communications hub, reported no such increase in account balance. Additionally, while problems were being documented between the BoNY and GCSS, no other institution had those problems.

There is a contention that at the core of the September 11th attack, someone was planning to cover the 1991 issuance of $240 billion in covert securities used to finance the collapse the Soviet Union. The facts surrounding the financial aftermath of September 11 suggest this is not only possible, but that reports describing the aftermath have deliberately been misleading.

The US dollar money supply was significantly increased in the aftermath of 9/11;

The bank at the core of the illegal money laundering by ex-Soviet criminals was the source of the increased money supply (BoNY);

The generally disseminated rationale for BoNY's operational problems seems to have affected no other bank in a similar manner or magnitude and is inconsistent with reports on the BoNY operations in the aftermath;

A key witness who might provide insight to these issues is a statistically aberrant death;
The source of the BoNY's $330 billion increase in assets is cloaked under the privilege of "private banking;"

The only alleged "severe" disruption to the financial systems was the Federal Reserves account balance and the securities trading fails – both systems required to hide the laundering of $240 billion in covert securities.

This is not a 'proof' that $240 billion was laundered, but it provides probable cause for paying serious attention.


History has many interpretations, and this report has been just one of many – an interpretation pieced together from the bold admissions and revelations of insiders, whose stories have been ignored and suppressed by the major media organizations. It is an interpretation of history that suggests a few determined men strove to change the world in defense of Western capitalism in ways which they felt needed to be hidden from the public. Whatever emotion or logic that was adequate to cause them to hide their actions from the public was not strong enough to prevent them from committing the acts.

Where to Find Footnotes: To explore the excellent footnotes for the above article, see the end of full essay available here.

Author's Note: This is the condensed version of this story. The author cannot vouch for the accuracy of the source materials, although efforts have been made to validate the consistency of the story line with as many references as possible. There is no single fact or reference that this story is dependent on. The author expects some details to be disputed, and possibly disproved, but contends that the story line will hold true regardless.

Note from Fred: Though I doubt this was the only reason for 9/11, it was likely one of the main motivators. For what may be the most powerful single piece of evidence corroborating this theory, click here to read the Reuters news service article on the massive volume of electronic financial transactions conducted from inside the WTC just before the buildings collapsed. Yet the investigation results are being kept secret. For an excellent 44-minute documentary which goes into this and much more, click here.

06 September 2020


What I am about to share will be affirming for some, and shocking for others. As many of you know, I have been extremely dedicated to investigating what has been happening in the world, on so many levels since March. I need to fully understand why so many things have not made sense to so many of us. I research EVERYTHING daily to look for answers and to educate myself. I have uncovered many things. What I am sharing with you today is the biggest thing I have uncovered that proves Covid was planned and executed. This is not a conspiracy theory. THIS IS AN ACTUAL PLANNED CONSPIRACY. These are straight up facts right from the website of the people who planned this. It is right on the web in plain site! But most people don’t know it is there, and most people probably won’t understand the depth of it unless someone breaks it down for you. Which I will try and do today.

I have realized that my job is not to awaken anyone. My job is to awaken myself.

But my duty is to share what I have learned. I have thought about this long and hard if I should share this because I know it will be very difficult for some people to comprehend. But I feel that if I do not share, I am being deceitful and compliant. So I must share what I have found.

I am going to try and keep this simple, take out any of my opinions, take out my emotions, and just stick to the facts, which is what is happening in our world HAS BEEN PLANNED FOR DECADES.

As we know, many major inconsistencies have been coming out about Covid, especially in the last week alone. Tainted tests, falsified numbers, manipulated stats, doctors & scientists speaking out, lockdowns that don’t make sense, predicted numbers TOTALLY WRONG…..we are all aware. It is also questionable how the virus originated.

It is however evident 100% that there is a virus of some sort and it is still a mystery who gets affected, who dies, and who doesn’t (although many of us in the health profession have theories about why this happens). This is not being disputed.

Now the riots. There seem to be many incongruences with the black man who was murdered, was he really who he said he was, did he actually die, was that man really a cop, did they really work together, why was his casket closed, why was there even a big funeral allowed with politicians & celebrities when people all around the world are being denied funerals right now, why were protests suddenly allowed to happen when a week earlier we were told NOT to go outside, why were there riots, why were there 2 groups (peaceful protestors vs. destructive rioters), where did the rioters come from, why were bricks planted everywhere… many things being said about the situation of what is true and what is not true.

Imagine if everything we THOUGHT WE SAW WAS NOT TRUE. Imagine if we have been deceived, and the media (and government) sways you to think and feel in a certain way……something to ponder for sure, but I would like to stick to the facts today.

**(Side note: Have you researched who owns the main stream media? YOU SHOULD. Because it is all connected to what is happening here.)

Everything I have found here and sharing took me 24 hours to research……I have been reading NON-STOP to figure this all out. And this is only the tip of the iceberg…

I have found information that proves that Covid was planned, thought out, and implemented as smokescreen for something else. It is not a theory of any kind…..IT IS RIGHT ONLINE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE.

THE WHOLE ENTIRE ELABORATE PLAN IS RIGHT ONLINE FOR EVERYONE TO SEE. Have you heard of Agenda 21? Research it. I don’t have time to do all the work for you, I can just point you in the right direction and let you see for yourself.

Key points I will share that I have found on my research:

Agenda 21, created in 1992, has been carried out by NGOs funded by foreign countries, and groups like the “Open Society Foundation” (George Soros) + Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

One major objective of the Agenda 21 initiative is that every local government should draw its own local Agenda 21. Since 2015, Sustainable Development Goals are included in the newer Agenda 2030.

Research this, too. The official name is the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

**Also, you can check the Agenda 21 programs implemented in your city or town by searching Agenda 21 and the name of your city in Google.**

I have provided a link here so you can read it all:

The United Nations Agenda 2030, adopted in 2015 and fiercely promoted and funded by the Gates Foundation, consists of 17 Sustainable Development Goals [aka Green New Deal] to be achieved by the year 2030. Soros & Rockefeller are also funders here. Surprise, surprise. (Gates is also the largest private donor to the World Health Organization, a U.N. agency.)

The below is a listing where the government/entity/organization Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation is listed as a partner:


New York, USA, 13 June 2019– “The World Economic Forum and the United Nations signed today a Strategic Partnership Framework outlining areas of cooperation to deepen institutional engagement and jointly accelerate the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.”

On the surface this looks very good. It looks beautiful and amazing! It looks like everything we have ever dreamed of, right? But it is more than meets the eye and once dissected reveals global government takeover of every nation across the planet, dismantling sovereignty, property rights, privacy, food systems, and more. The document reveals code words for a corporate-government fascist agenda fuelled by globalist corporations like Monsanto and DuPont. (You all know how I feel about Monsanto). If you read through all this information and would like to discuss the pros and cons with me, I am all for it. But today I would like to stick to facts, not opinions.

Ok, next step. The World Economic Forum that was created to support Agenda 21, now Agenda 2030.

It was created in 1971. 50 years ago.

Bill Gates is attached to both parties, the UN and also The World Economic Forum:

In 2018, World Economic Forum states: “The multi-stakeholder approach defines the core of the 2030 Agenda and Sustainable Development Goals: “we are all in this together.” (Wait a minute….sound familiar? Have we not heard this phrase being said over and over and over again since Covid started??” WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER??” This is not a co-incidence.)

On the surface, the website looks amazing. Stunning! Beautiful! All the words and mission statements we want to hear!! It is an action plan to support & implement the UN AGENDA 2030 FOR SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.

I IMPLORE you to sign up to the site (all you have to do is put your email, takes 1 min). This way you can see the entire plan for GLOBAL GOVERNANCE. What does that mean? It means the New World Order where there is no borders, only 1 government, and only 1 world. THAT’S WHAT THIS WHOLE ACTION PLAN AND SITE IS FOR. It is an extremely mind blowing comprehensive plan to change our entire world as we know it.

Once you start going into this VERY IN-DEPTH WEBSITE, YOU NOTICE MANY MANY THINGS. (I would also like to add that I have spent already over 24 hours researching this website and probably not even 1/3 of a way through. On top of that it changes every single day).

**(You do not have to spend 24 hours here to understand it as I have laid this out for you very easily to just follow the links and do some readings and explorations, and come up with your own conclusions. I have done all the work for you to make this easy for you to navigate.)

THIS WEBSITE IS COMPLETELY MASSIVE. It has to be….it is the entire systems plan for changing our entire world.

I IMPLORE you to sign up to the site (all you have to do is put your email, takes 1 min).

When you click on one link, there are numerous tentacles for each topic. When you dig deeper there are more than 200 links PER tentacle. It is never ending! It just keeps going and going! And everything is connected!! Why? Because it is an entire, comprehensive, meticulous plan for changing our ENTIRE world! No detail has not been addressed. I have literally already spent 24 hours on this site, researching, and have barely scratched the surface.

And it all starts with the Covid page. The covid page starts the journey of world globilization.

See for yourself PLEASE.

Once you go on the website, go to the actual Covid page. (not the intro page)


It is impossible that this was made this year, or even last year for that matter. IMPOSSIBLE. “Global Governance” & “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” has been planned out for DECADES.

I highly urge you to go on their site, sign up and look for yourself. It is called the New World Order. Or One World Government.

One world, one government, no borders. The 1 government has complete control of all of us. Artificial intelligence, controlling our business, our food, our money. No privacy, no freedom.

I am not going to argue if it’s good or bad because I know many of you will say it’s good for the world. I mean it is certainly created under the guise of helping eradicate the worlds problems, particularly climate change. Discussing the merits, pros & cons of this, is another conversation. Today I want to just stick to the facts, and is that this GLOBAL GOVERNANCE HAS BEEN PLANNED, and if you go through this site very carefully you can see it all for yourself. I am not conjuring anything up, everything is there for you. To be honest, it is very fascinating. Years and years and years of elite masterminds coming together to think of how to take over the world on this website.

There is no way this elaborate plan to TOTALLY TRANSFORM OUR WORLD, WITH EVERY SINGLE DETAIL PLANNED, just happened. And if you go on the site, you can BLATANTLY SEE:

Covid is just the first step to initiate the plans. Covid is just a starting point to start the process of world domination. You can blatantly see that Covid has been created here to initiate change, to change our entire world as we know it. How we do everything.

Please go the site and see for yourself. It has the plans for the next 10 years, until 2030 on every single page.

To initiate such RADICAL plans, history has proven things to us:

A scared and divided world is easier to dominate. Killing the economy and depopulation is how you get an entire world to behave and start from scratch.

The New World Order: wipe the slate clean, and then start our new world heavily focused on artificial intelligence.


Remember, their words are “feel good words’ designed to win us over. I will point that out below in the photos. But like I said, whether it is good or bad is not the discussion right now, my point today is to show you what has been planned for over 50 years.

All of the data and videos on the sides are updated daily and are supporting propoganda to support the current narrative that supports the world takeover. So remember, you have to be able to understand their language and what is really being said. (I had to re-read some things like 10 times to truly understand what the bottom line was, or also to truly understand what they were not addressing).

Also, when you go through the site, please note how every single topic and CIRCLE is actually designed to look like the corona!! This is not co-incidence. This is because every single topic for world take-over STARTS with corona).

Here we go…make sure to look at the tentacles, then the sub-topics. Remember, each sub-topic has 200+ MORE levels to go through. You do the math.

Here are some key terms:

GLOBAL GOVERNANCE means one government. (Notice how they even wrote on the first line that “nationalist backlash has made this difficult”. That’s “the awakened people”).

You can blatantly see how this one government system on the left affects all the other topics and tentacles, and each topic goes down 200 levels. Look closely, SEE COVID ON THERE?? That’s because this has been planned. Also, see 5G, Anti-Globalism, “The Great Reset, Transnational ACTORS, Civic Participation, Artificial Intelligence & Robotic, Human Cyborgs……this is as far as I’ve gotten in 24 hours…so much more to dig into).

Again, my point right now is not that this is good or bad, MY POINT IS THAT THIS HAS BEEN PLANNED.

(Question though: If GLOBAL GOVERNANCE is so good, why do they have to lie to us about it? I mean if it is truly for the greater good of the planet, isn’t there a better way of doing this than causing death, pain, and destruction? And if they are lying now, what else are they lying about?)


Also, on my research I found that part of the New World Order/One World Government agenda is to remove the requirement for food labeling and to restrict and ultimately prohibit the sale of all natural health products!! Eventually, eating from nature will not be allowed. They will provide us with Monsanto food solely focused on a specific number of proteins and carbohydrates. This is all here when you dig deep.

This lady does a video to walk you through the whole process: (I highly recommend you watch this and go through it with her. It is very helpful as this is a very INTRICATE DOCUMENT THAT HAS BEEN DESIGNED FOR OVER 50 YEARS)



On my extensive research I found these EYE-OPENING statements/info:

**Do you know about Event 201? Research it. Bill Gates & World Economic Forum Simulated Coronavirus Outbreak 6 Weeks Before First Case in Wuhan. Co-incidence?

“A comprehensive blueprint for the reorganization of human society.” ~(in reference to the Agenda 2030 which was written in 2015)

Agenda 2030 action plan devised by the U.N. and signed by 178 governments. Its goal is the depopulation of humanity because “we are too many”. It is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide.

“This is the year when world leaders must work with all sectors of society to repair and reinvigorate our systems of cooperation, not just for short-term benefit but for tackling our deep-rooted risks,” ~(stated at World Economic Forum in Jan 2020)

“The present vast overpopulation, now far beyond the world carrying capacity, cannot be answered by future reductions in the birth rate due to contraception, sterilization and abortion, but must be met in the present by the reduction of numbers presently existing. This must be done by whatever means necessary”. ~ UN statement

“A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal”. ~Ted Turner, UN

“Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized nations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about?” ~Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN Chairman of the Earth Summit as he delivered an official statement. (2015)

“We’ve got to ride this global warming issue. Even if the theory of global warming is wrong, we will be doing the right thing in terms of economic and environmental policy.” ~Timothy Wirth (President, UN Foundation). Notice that Mr. Wirth is as concerned with the economy as he is with the environment!

“The world today has 7.7 billion people. That’s heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care & reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent.” ~Bill Gates

“Vaccines, for Bill Gates, are a strategic philanthropy that feed his many vaccine-related businesses (including Microsoft’s ambition to control a global vac ID enterprise) and give him dictatorial control over global health policy-the spear tip of corporate neo-imperialism.

Gates’ obsession with vaccines seems fueled by a messianic conviction that he is ordained to save the world with technology and a god-like willingness to experiment with the lives of lesser humans.” ~Robert Kennedy Jr.

The bulk of humanity has become expendable. We were good to the elite when they could exploit our labor and enjoy the fruits of humanity’s talents. One-third of jobs now performed by humans will be replaced by software, robots, and smart machines by 2025, according to a prediction by information technology research and advisory firm Gartner.

Robots do not require food, health benefits nor do they require a minimum wage. The use of robotics in replacing humans will only continue to expand, according to Ray Kurzweil, the director of engineering at Google. Kurzweil anticipates that by 2029 robots will have reached human levels of intelligence and functionality. Many experts predict that these robots will put people out of work and this is exactly what we are finding.

By 2030, there will be no 100% natural babies anymore. All babies will be programmed. ~(this was stated in a video from the WEF)

And then this bizarre statement which I fact checked 4 times. He wrote this in 1978 in his book:

“No one will enter the New World Order unless he or she will make a pledge to worship Lucifer. No one will enter the New Age unless he will take a LUCIFERIAN Initiation.” – David Spangler, Director of Planetary Initiative United Nations

(See above how they mention “civil disobedience” they are talking about the people who are resisting globalism. Here we can also find a lot of information on CENSORSHIP (currently taking place as we know for ANYONE speaking against the narrative…like myself who has had many posts going missing on my FB and IG).


In a nutshell:

The 2030 Agenda to “Transform the World” is to be built on the ruins and desolation of the world economy for control over our lives. They are fast moving toward the goal of eliminating individual nation states; controlling individual actions and wiping private property ownership from the face of the Earth. Their goal is to make us all “equal” in the same chains.

Agenda 2030 is promoted by the elites as a way to “save the planet” and implemented by governments worldwide.

Bill Gates even shared his view about how to achieve this goal by vaccinations and other means in a TedX lecture. (I am sure we have all seen his videos all over the web).

Final notes:

I dug deep in my research as I am committed to figuring out what the fuck is going on in our world. It is my duty to share my findings with anyone that wants to listen.

Side note: I have also found out that in 2018, America has declined being a part of the Agenda 2030 because America would like to keep its sovereignty. “Around the world, responsible nations must defend against threats to sovereignty not just from global governance, but also from other, new forms of coercion and domination.”

I could write a lot more on this as I research this everyday, but I will save that for next time.






Bill H.R. 6666, mandated vaccines, microchips, and 5G (to start) are designed for surveillance + artificial intelligence to track us AT ALL TIMES. On May 12, 2020 Dr. Fauci even says “There is no guarantee that a COVID-19 vaccine will be effective.” Do you understand what is happening here….they are telling us that there is no guarantee but we still have to take it? Can you see how this does not make sense?


Robert Kennedy Jr.

The Highwire with Del Bigtree

Dr. Sherri J. Tenpenny

Dr. Rashid Buttar

London Real



We need to all think clearly and operate from a place of unity and love…..that’s how we foil up their plans. They want us scared and divided. They don’t want us powerful and we are powerful when we are empowered with knowledge and we work together with love and respect.

I am sorry if this information is hard for you but it is my duty to tell you and warn you what is happening.

I do have hope that we can change the course of this! And I do believe it is not a co-incidence that we were all born in this time for a reason. We all have our part in this. Praying for peace and taking action is very necessary right now.

And just so you know, people are waking up all over the place! There is a big movement around the world to stop this! And it is growing every day! I AM SO GRATEFUL FOR ALL OF YOU.

I believe love & truth always wins in the end. It is going to get messier before it gets better, but truth will win in the end. Stay strong, keep your vibrations high, and radiate love. That’s what the world needs. We all need to raise our vibes, one person at a time.

I am here to support people if they need it. Message me anytime.

