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22 April 2023

What They Meant by Essential and Nonessential


In all my thinking about the lockdown years, I’ve only had time now to think carefully about this strange distinction between essential and nonessential. What did it mean in practice and where did it come from? 

The edict to divide the workforce came from a previously unknown agency called the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency or CISA. The edict came down March 18, 2020, two days following the initial lockdown orders from Washington. 

Management and workers all over the country had to dig through regulations that came out of the blue to find out if they could go to work. The terms essential and nonessential were not used in the way one might initially intuit. It sharply demarcated the whole of the commercial world in ways that are inorganic to all of human experience. 

In the background was a very long history and cultural habit of using terms to identify professions and their interaction with difficult subjects like class. During the Middle Ages, we had lords, serfs, merchants, monks, and thieves. As capitalism dawned, these strict demarcations melted away and people got access to money despite accidents of birth. 

Today we speak of “white collar” meaning dressed up for a professional setting, even if literal white collars are not common. We speak of the “working classes,” an odd term that implies others are not working because they are members of the leisure class; this is clearly a holdover from 19th-century habits of the aristocracy. In the 20th century, we invented the term middle class to refer to everyone who is not actually poor. 

The Department of Labor has traditionally deferred to common usage, and speaks of “professional services,” “information services,” “retail,” and “hospitality,” while the tax authorities offer hundreds of professions into which you are supposed to fit yourself. 

The deployment of the terms essential and nonessential, however, has no precedent in our language. This is because of a view stemming from the democratic ethos and real-world commercial experience that everyone and everything is essential to everything else. 

When I worked as part of a department-store cleaning crew, I became profoundly aware of this. My job was not only to clean the restrooms – certainly essential – but also to pick tiny pins and needles from the carpets in the changing rooms. Missing one could end in terrible injury for customers. My job was as essential as the accountants or salespeople. 

What precisely did government in March 2020 mean by nonessential? It meant things like haircutters, make-up stylists, nail salons, gyms, bars, restaurants, small shops, bowling alleys, movie theaters, and churches. These are all activities that some bureaucrats in Washington, DC decided that we could do without. After months of no haircuts, however, things started to get desperate as people cut their own hair and called someone to sneak over to the house. 

I had a friend who heard through the grapevine that there was a warehouse in New Jersey that had a secret knock for the backdoor to a barber. He tried it and it worked. Not one word was spoken. The haircut took 7 minutes and he paid in cash, which is all the person would accept. He came and went and told no one. 

This is what it meant to be nonessential: a person or service that society could do without in a pinch. The lockdown order of March 16, 2020 (“indoor and outdoor venues where people congregate should be closed”) applied to them. But it did not apply to everyone and everything. 

What was essential? This is where matters got very complicated. Did one want to be essential? Maybe but it depends on the profession. Truck drivers were essential. Nurses and doctors were essential. The people who keep the lights on, the water running, and the buildings in good repair are essential.

These are not laptoppers and Zoomers. They had actually to be there. Those professions include what are considered “working class” jobs but not all of them. Bartenders and cooks and waiters were not essential. 

But also included here was government, of course. Can’t do without that. Additionally this included media, which turned out to be hugely important in the pandemic period. Education was essential even if it could be conducted online. Finance was essential because, you know, people have to make money in stock markets and banking. 

All in all, the category of essential included the “lowest” ranks of the social pecking order – garbage collectors and meat processors – and also the highest ranks of society from media professionals to permanent bureaucrats. 

It was an odd pairing, a complete bifurcation between highest and lowest. It was the served and the servers. The serfs and the lords. The ruling class and those who deliver food to their storesteps. When the New York Times said we should go medieval on the virus, they meant it. That’s exactly what happened. 

This even applied to surgery and medical services. “Elective surgeries,” meaning anything on a schedule including diagnostic check-ups, were forbidden while “emergency surgeries” were permitted. Why are there no real investigations into how this came to be?

Think of totalitarian societies like in The Hunger Games, with a District One and everyone else, or perhaps the old Soviet Union in which the party elites dined in luxury and everyone else stood in bread lines, or perhaps a scene from Oliver! in which the owners of the orphanage got fat while the kids in the workhouse lived on gruel until they could escape to live in the underground economy. 

It appears that the pandemic planners think of society the same way. When they had the chance to decide what was essential and nonessential, they chose a society massively segregated between the rulers and those who make their lives possible, while everyone else was dispensable. This is not an accident. This is how they see the world and perhaps how they want it to function in the future. 

This is not conspiracy theory. This really happened. They did it to us only 3 years ago, and that should tell us something. It is contrary to every democratic principle and flies in the face of everything we call civilization. But they did it anyway. This reality gives us a peak into a mindset that is deeply troubling and should truly alarm us all. 

So far as I know, none of the authors of this policy have been dragged before Congress to testify. They have never given testimony in court. A search of the New York Times turns up no news that this tiny agency, created only in 2018, blew apart the whole of the organic class markers that have charted our progress for the last 1,000 years. It was a shocking and brutal action and yet merits no comment at all from the ruling regime in government, media, or otherwise. 

Now that we know for sure who and what our rulers consider essential and nonessential, what are we going to do about it? Should someone be called to account for this? Or will we continue to allow our overlords to gradually make the reality of life under lockdowns our permanent condition?

Jeffrey A. Tucker is Founder and President of the Brownstone Institute. He is also Senior Economics Columnist for Epoch Times, author of 10 books, including Liberty or Lockdown, and thousands of articles in the scholarly and popular press. He speaks widely on topics of economics, technology, social philosophy, and culture.

18 February 2023

Whistleblower Sasha Latypova reveals DoD origins of COVID plandemic and mRNA "vaccine" bioweapon

Whistleblower Sasha Latypova reveals DoD origins of COVID plandemic and mRNA "vaccine" bioweapon

Health Ranger Report

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12 February 2023

SECRETS OF THE UNITED NATIONS - What everyone should know!

The United Nations are currently rolling out Agenda 2030, with the notorious "sustainability goals". This worldwide project aims to completely transform every aspect of human existence: food, sexuality, family, work, finance, health, education, everything! This will supposedly put an end to poverty, hunger, inequality, sickness, and other bad things. A former executive director who worked at the UN for two decades, tells a different story. He explains that the UN is controlled by criminals who use it to enrich themselves, and enslave humanity.

More information:

Millions worldwide are discovering the truth. An illuminating video above explains the details, at least listen to the last 12 minutes. Meanwhile, a network of retired police officers and investigators, who fight child trafficking in Europe, said they received the film from their international connections. And said:

“This film is doing a world marathon!”

We must adopt the mindset of a warrior, to hit the enemy not once, not twice, but hit the giant of deceit permanently, until it collapses. For the end of the Covid Genocide, lies in the awakening of the mob!

05 February 2023

Out of the Blue: The Definitive Investigation on UFOs

Out of the Blue: The Definitive Investigation on UFOs

Narrated by Peter Coyote, Out of The Blue is widely considered the best documentary ever made about UFOs. Through exclusive interviews with high-ranking military and government personnel, this award-winning film supports the theory that some UFOs are of extraterrestrial origin.
The UNIDENTIFIED YouTube channel offers official movie trailers and free full films online. Come here for UFO sightings, alien abductions, ghost stories, Bigfoot encounters and more! 
Check out our playlists of science fiction films and paranormal-based horror movies, too. 

09 December 2022



The Final Wakeup Call - Transforming Planet Earth


Kali Yuga to Sathya Yuga


This is what will put an end to evil, and usher in a new world 

How can we see a new world emerge, where good reigns, instead of evil? Is it enough to arrest the wicked entities that currently rule humanity? Although that would make a big difference, the change we need is much greater.

Humanity as a whole has to change, in order to make sure that once these evil rulers are removed, they will not simply be replaced by the next generation of wicked entities.

In other words: if mankind doesn't learn critical lessons, nothing will ever change. It's like mopping the floor with the tap wide open. The water you absorb, is replaced by new floods of water. We need to shut off the valve altogether. Put an end to the flow of evil into this world.

If we don't shut the gates of hell, demons will keep entering our world, for all eternity.

Billions of people have been led to believe that this wil happen by a sovereign supernatural intervention from heaven, more specifically when Christ will return to earth. I used to believe that to, as it is basic doctrine in most Churches today. However, fifteen years of in depth research revealed to me that this is a dangerous misconception, strategically injected into the religions of the world, to prevent the true answer from becoming reality.

When the good people are told to wait for a supernatural salvation, they will never rise up to cast out evil, and make this world a better place.

We are not here to wait to escape the world. The true message is that we are all called to return wholeheartedly to the Giver of Life, and from that restored connection we can rise in power, love, wisdom and courage to expel the forces of darkness and restore this world to a place where children are safe, marriages flourish, sickness is eradicated, and abundance flows freely to all.

We are called to turn back to our loving Creator, and be world changers who heal the wounded, put an end to injustice, cast out demonic entities, and bring the dimension of heaven everywhere we go.

That requires a far greater transformation that demanding the immediate arrest of a few super villains. It means removing all evil from our own lives, by turning to the One who is pure life, love and truth, and learn to bring that dimension into this world. Just like the wicked serve the dark realm, and transmit that dimension in our world.

We can't remain neutral in this war. We can't use the silly excuse that we "don't do religion". This has nothing whatsoever to do with any kind of religion. This is the very essence of our existence: do we serve the dark realm, or do we serve what is good?

The entities that suppress humanity are deeply spiritual, and are involved in dark practices, in order to become empowered by that realm, to execute their nefarious works on earth.

We are not dealing with agnostics here. These are entities - both human and from other dimensions - who know very well there is a glorious, good, loving Creator, but who have chosen to rebel against Him, and who wholeheartedly serve the opposite realm.

They sacrifice children, in return for supernatural power that enables them to rule this world. This is thoroughly documented by this evidence report.

A vision of the future

I have a vision in my heart for the future. What I see is countless people worldwide who no longer serve the dark realm. They don't watch the filthy movies, they don't feed their mind with the perversion from Hollywood. They love something entirely different and they have set their soul to become a carrier of heaven.

They don't live for their own profit, but their hearts are burning with a passion to see humanity, and all of creation flourish. They have a burning fire inside to reclaim every aspect of human existence, and establish truthful news media, truly caring health care, righteous judiciary, wholesome agriculture, honest business, truthful politics, and so on.

They don't suppress the weak and vulnerable for their own gain, but like true knights they protect the broken, and lift up the fallen.

These are the children of the Light. Not the selfish, proud, rebellious imitators who claim to present the Light, but who live for themselves. I am talking about those whose hearts have been broken by the compassion of the One who gave His very own life for all of us. They have a passion to see humanity be restored to its glorious destiny. And they are willing to suffer for this purpose.

Once this happens, this world will truly become a better place. Because once the sons and daughters of heaven arise, there is nothing the trolls from hell can do.

If you doubt whether a Creator of life actually exists, this post can help you find clarity. Give it some quality time, as this is a profound question that deserves our attention.

David Sorensen

PS: the idea that there is no Origin of life has been pushed into our world by the cabal, who themselves are deeply spiritual. Because of the severely brainwashed state of humanity concerning this topic, it is tricky to share this, and will no doubt cause many of our sponsors to drop us. If you appreciate me taking this risk, and losing donations by speaking the full truth, then please support us. Go here to support us as a family, and the mission of

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Although seeing the darkness at work in our world, compels us to cry out for justice and deliverance, we have to understand that the true answer to this crisis, lies deeper. It is found inside of you and me.

08 October 2022

The Problem of Evil

Neelesh Marik returns to the Cosmic Matrix podcast to talk with Bernhard Guenther about the ultimate riddle of the world: the problem of evil, the Divine, and the Undivine from the perspective of Sri Aurobindo’s Integral Yoga. They discuss the exoteric (outer) events in the world in light of the esoteric (inner) work, the occult domains of evil and how they manifest in the world and within us, and what needs to be done during this critical time of human history to avoid extinction. They talk about the origin of Evil, the trap of unconscious activism, the subtle distortions of Truth, the different levels of the splitting of humanity, what it takes to be a spiritual warrior, and much more.

Notes Part 1:
  • Neelesh’s essay “The Divine and the Un-divine: A Time-Spirited Philosophical Contextualisation” and his inspiration for writing it
  • From the exoteric (outer world events) to the esoteric (inner journey)
  • The realization that the outer is a reflection of the inner
  • The occult [hidden] domains of exploration and their dangers
  • A critical moment in humanity’s evolution
  • Transformation not revolution
  • 3D events are manifestations of cosmic forces using the globalists as puppets with strings attached from occult realms
  • What is the Divine, and what is the Undivine?
  • Each element of creation has its own hidden truth as an aspect of the Divine, which it seeks to fulfill
  • Multiplicity in the Oneness in the full range of the cosmic play
  • The separation from Source – the genesis of egoism and the “Fall from Eden”
  • There is a full scale and various levels of the Divine and the Undivine [not black and white!] going into two different opposing directions – one that is aligned with the intention of the Divine and the other one that opposes it
  • Evil originates from Ignorance and Unconsciousness
  • Non-evolutionary beings in occult domains interfere with humanity
  • A large proportion of people at the helm of power in global institutions are more or less possessed by occult beings.
  • The Crisis of the Karmayogin
  • The triad of the Yoga of Knowledge, the Yoga of Love, the Yoga of Work
  • The Karmayogin wishes to do the work of the Divine as an instrument of the Divine
  • The challenges of the spiritual warrior
  • The different levels of the splitting of humanity
  • Huge difference in people being aware of the globalist matrix agenda [exoteric] vs. engaging in deeper inner work [esoteric]
  • Most people don’t take on the battle within for various occult reasons
  • Politics, economics, financial institutions, and various government systems from the Yogic perspective
  • All forms of desire and attraction to power stem from the existential lack of the Divine within

In Part 2 (only for members) we’ll be going deeper into:

  • Every human being is an unconscious puppet of universal forces until he has developed his divine individuality
  • The wetiko mind and injected thoughts
  • We need to establish spiritual sovereignty first
  • The Philosophical Smorgasbord: half-baked and distorted truths
  • The ‘See no evil, hear no evil’ trap keeps humanity in an illusory comfort
  • The fallacy of New Age “quantum physics”
  • The Pacifist Virtue-Shelter
  • The Asura has used the power of that very moral norm to manipulate and hoodwink the victim into passive submission.
  • The falsehood and spiritual distortion of “non-violence” and “forgiveness” [turn the other cheek] as exemplified in Gandhi and the Bible
  • Detached Neutrality and “sitting on the fence” trap of not taking sides.
  • Spiritual truths are taken out of context by ignorant humans [lacking nuance] and used by hostile forces for social control
  • Externalization Fallacy and Identity-Activism [shadow projection]
  • What is true spiritual equality in light of recognition of Oneness?
  • The effect of the incarnation and meeting of the twin avatar (Sri Aurobindo & The Mother) on the collective from an occult perspective
  • The occult reasons for WWI and WWII
  • The end game of the asuric anti-divine forces
  • Exoteric history of outer world events vs. the esoteric occult reasons for world events
  • The Supermind at work in light of evil
  • The Leftist Woke push for non-binary genders and transgenderism is a crude pathological distortion of the Divine intention of the alchemical marriage of the inner male and female.
  • There is a seed of truth and the Divine in anything but most often very small and distorted to no recognition.
  • There is no absolute Evil – The false duality of Good and Evil
  • The challenge of integrating paradoxes
  • Fighting the anti-divine within ourselves must happen first before we can defeat the anti-divine forces in the world without any trace of blame or victim consciousness.
  • The three stages of awakening
  • Integral Yoga is not for everyone, and how to know if this Yoga is for you?
  • The path and work of Integral Yoga are extremely difficult, very dangerous, and catastrophic to the ego in the first few years.
  • The necessity for unconditional surrender to the Divine and what that means
  • The taste of the Delight and the sunlit path
  • All Life is Yoga – What makes Integral Yoga different from all the other Yogas?
  • Why give up everything to the Divine?
  • The two powers needed for the transformation of Self and the World
  • All crutches on which we stand will be broken one by one until there is no other option but to consecrate on the Divine and the Divine alone
Go HERE to listen to Part 2 if you’re a member or REGISTER to become a member to have access to membership section (including the membership forum.)