http://www.WantToKnow.info/brighterfuture - Building a Brighter Future (2 pg.)
An excellent, eight-page summary by a deep insider explains how global economics are manipulated to keep the money flowing into the pockets of the wealthy elite of the world. John Perkins worked for 10 years as an economic hit man selling huge international loans and promoting misleading economic forecasts to keep money flowing from poorer nations to the wealthiest multinational corporations. This highly insightful summary explains a key aspect of how money is manipulated behind the scenes and why so few are aware of it.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/johnperkinseconomichitman - Insider on global manipulations (8 pg.)
The next summary is incredibly valuable for providing clear descriptions of the larger context within which all of the behind the scenes manipulation of world politics are taking place. This very well written paper also provides excellent suggestions on what we can do to bring about positive change. It will almost certainly help to expand your awareness of what is happening in our world.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/totalcontrol - Blueprint for Total Control (22 pg.)
Carroll Quigley was one of the most prominent historians of the twentieth century. This brilliant scholar taught at Harvard and Yale before taking a history professorship at Georgetown University for over three decades. He also lectured at prominent think tanks and military schools throughout the United States. His life's work, Tragedy and Hope: A History of the World in Our Time, is one of the few history books to openly discuss the critical and ultra-powerful role of the world's top bankers in the development of history in the Western world. He reveals that "the powers of financial capitalism had [a] far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole." The links below provide fascinating 10-page and 40-page summaries of excerpts from Professor Quigley's 1,300 page landmark work on world history.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/articles/tragedy_hope_banking_money... - Tragedy and Hope (10 pg.)http://www.WantToKnow.info/articles/quigley_carroll.tragedy_hope... - Tragedy and Hope (40 pg.)
Another eye-opening summary is by the now deceased Dr. Peter Beter, who worked for many years in the top echelons of global finance. Meeting with key banking, political, and financial leaders around the world, Dr. Beter came to understand major secrets being carefully and cleverly hidden from the people of the world—secrets which play a decisive role in the development of world affairs. After leaving the world of high finance, he dedicated himself to revealing these important secrets and empowering people to take action to change this corrupt system. Though this summary was written in 1983 and is not easily verifiable, the information can still be highly useful in understanding the power struggles going on today between factions of the global elite.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/behindthescenes - Summary of Dr. Peter Beter's Audio Letters (20 pg.)
A seven-page essay by the founder of WantToKnow.info provides deep speculation on the UFO presence on our planet and its implications. Though this is a speculative essay in which the sources provided are not as reliable as those usually used on the website, plentiful links are provided to explore some of the fascinating theories proposed. Don't miss this inspiring essay which calls on each of us to join in transforming our beautiful planet.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/meaningoflifebigpicture - Speculation by WantToKnow Founder (7 pg.)
The final incisive essay focuses on the hierarchical system which distracts us from accessing our own inner wisdom and understanding. Written from an incredibly broad, universal perspective, this essay unravels the intricacies of the power structures which allow for mass control, yet also provides excellent ideas on how to gain personal control of your own life and how to assist in positive transformation of both your life and our world. The first link below is a concise, two-page summary of the full, ten-page essay available at the second link.
http://www.WantToKnow.info/divinewisdomunderstanding - Shifting Paradigms (2 pg.)http://www.WantToKnow.info/consciousnessparadigms - Shifting Paradigms (10 pg.)