26 January 2017
Visit to Antarctica Confirms Discovery of Flash Frozen Alien Civilization
January 25, 2017
Michael E. Salla, Ph.D
In early January 2017, secret space program whistleblower Corey Goode says he was taken to Antarctica to witness the first scientific excavations of ruins from an ancient flash frozen civilization buried under two miles of ice. While the discovery of the ruins date back to the first Nazi German expedition in 1939 according to Goode, it is only since 2002 that excavations by archeologists and other scientists have been allowed, The archeologists have allegedly prepared documentary films and academic papers whose release will astound the scientific community.
In a December 11, 2016 update, Goode describes how he had been earlier made aware of the Antarctica excavations from multiple sources, and then had the excavations also revealed to him by a senior officer within a USAF led secret space program he dubbed “Sigmund”, Sigmund led a covert mission involving multiple abductions and debriefings of Goode who was being tested for the fidelity of his information.
After being satisfied about the accuracy of Goode’s information and sources, Sigmund unexpectedly shared some of his knowledge about the Antarctica excavations. It involved a civilization led by 10-12 foot tall “Pre-Adamites” with elongated skulls.
Three oval shaped motherships about 30 miles in diameter were discovered nearby revealing that the Pre-Adamites were extraterrestrial in origin, and had arrived on Earth about 55,000 years ago. One of the three ships has been excavated and found to have many smaller spacecraft inside. The Pre-Adamite civilization, at least that portion of it based in Antarctica, had been flash frozen in a cataclysmic event that had occurred roughly 12,000 years ago.
Goode has also been told by his contacts that the most advanced technologies, and the remains of Pre-Adamites themselves have been removed from one archeological site that will be made public. Teams of archeologists have been working with what is left, and told to keep secret what else they had seen.
Artistic depiction of ruins found under Antarctica. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance
In addition, select ancient artifacts from other locations will be brought in from vast warehouses and seeded into the archeological site for public release. In their impending announcement about the Antarctica excavations, emphasis will be on the terrestrial elements of the flash frozen civilization in order not to shock the general population too much.
According to Goode, the announcement is likely to be timed as a distraction from upcoming war crimes trails against global elites as leaks emerge about international pedophile rings and child trafficking.
Up until recently, everything Goode knew about the Antarctica excavations had been shared to him by insider sources or Sigmund. That changed in early January 2017, when Goode was himself taken to Antarctica to witness the ruins and the excavations underway,
In a short personal briefing on January 24 and subsequent dinner discussion which included David Wilcock, Goode related some of the details about his most recent Antarctica trip. He has previously reported on an earlier visit to Antarctica where he got to see five of the working underground bases belonging to the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate, a corporate run secret space program based in Antarctica.
Artistic depiction of ICC Antarctica Base witnessed by Corey Goode. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance
Goode says that shortly after New Year, 2017, he was taken to Antarctica by an “Anshar” spacecraft. The Anshar are one of the seven Inner Earth civilizations that Goode has met with. He has in earlier reports described being taken to the main underground city belonging to the Anshar, where he witnessed their advanced technologies.
Goode has described his multiple encounters with Kaaree, a High Priestess of the Anshar, who has acted as his guide and friend in many trips into the Earth’s interior, Antarctica and into deep space.
Another key figure in Goode’s revelations is “Gonzales,” who is a U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander that was Goode’s initial contact with a Secret Space Program Alliance comprising the Navy’s Solar Warden Program along with defectors from other secret space programs.
After being exposed due to Goode’s involuntary abductions and interrogations by “Sigmund”, Gonzales has become a liaison between a Mayan Secret Space Program and the SSP Alliance, which no longer requires his presence on Earth.
In his early January 2017 visit, Goode says he was joined by Kaaree, Gonzales, and two other Inner Earth Civilization representatives. One of whom belonged to an Asian-looking race that Goode has described in his initial meeting with representatives from the seven Inner Earth civilizations.
Goode and the others were taken by the Anshar spacecraft to an unexcavated portion of the ruins. This was an area that the nearby scientific teams have not yet reached so it was still pristine, and showed the full extent of a civilization that had been flash frozen.
Goode described seeing bodies twisted and contorted in various flash frozen states. The catastrophe had clearly been unanticipated.
Bodies found after excavation of Ancient Pompeii
He said that the Pre-Adamites were very thin. He stated it was evident from examining their bodies that they had evolved on a planet with a much lower gravitational environment.
In addition to the pre-Adamites, Goode also saw many different types of normal sized humans, some of whom had short tails, while others had elongated skulls similar to the Pre-Adamites. The conclusion Goode drew was that the Pre-Adamites were conducting biological experiments on the indigenous humans of the planet.
Artistic depiction of Pre-Adamite along with a normal sized human with cone shaped head. Permission: Sphere Being Alliance
Gonzales had an instrument for taking biological samples that he plunged into the various frozen bodies. He also carried a camera and took many photos. The biological material and photos would be given for study by Secret Space Program Alliance scientists.
In addition, there were scrolls of a metallic alloy that were rolled up with some kind of writing in them. The Anshar and other Inner Earth representatives were collecting as many of these scrolls as possible.
In earlier reports, Goode has described the Anshar Library as being quite extensive and having many ancient artifacts from multiple civilizations. The Anshar was adding the historical records of this flash frozen civilization to their library.
In addition, Goode said that his party was not witnessed by the scientists and archeologists working on the excavations in another part of the Antarctica ruins. The Anshar ship had traveled through the ice to get to the ruins. Goode recalled how the ship could easily move through walls using their advanced technologies.
The significance of Goode’s January trip to Antarctica is that it was confirmation for what he had been earlier briefed about from various sources and the USAF officer, Sigmund. The Antarctica excavations was quite real and Goode was now the first primary witness to it. It is expected that more details about Goode’s trip to Antarctica and the Pre-Adamites will be released by David Wilcock in his upcoming article, “Endgame III.”
Goode’s visit and confirmation of the Antarctica discovery is highly significant. It is disturbing confirmation of Charles Hapgood’s theory that pole shifts have been a regular occurrence in Earth’s history. The flash frozen Pre-Adamite civilization was not the only case of this type of catastrophe that had impacted an ancient civilization.
The visit of many dignitaries to Antarctica in 2016, including then Secretary of State John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, Patriarch Kirill, and many others in previous years, is circumstantial evidence that a major discovery has been made in Antarctica. Thanks to Corey Goode, we now have first-hand witness testimony of the full extent of the Antarctica discovery, and the scientific excavations underway since 2002 that are expected to announce some elements of the discovery very soon.
[Update – 1/26/16. In response to reader questions about why photos weren’t taken during Corey Goode’s Antarctica visit, he told me that ‘Gonzales’ was taking many pictures of the Pre-Adamites and artifacts. These were not shared with Corey. Article updated accordingly]
Alien Anthropology,
Ancient Aliens,
Deep Underground Military Bases,
Hollow Earth,
Space Watch,
20 January 2017
CIA Releases 13 Million Pages Of Declassified Documents: Include Psychic Experiments, UFO Research
The Central Intelligence Agency has published nearly 13 million pages of declassified files online, documents which previously were physically accessible only from four computer terminals at the National Archives in College Park, Maryland.
The record include info on Nazi war crimes, the Cuban Missile Crisis, UFO sightings, human telepathy ("Project Stargate") and much more. The release has been a long time coming: Bill Clinton first ordered all documents at least 25 years old with "historical value" to be declassified in 1995. The agency complied, however anyone who wanted access had to trek all the way to the US National Archives in Washington DC to get a peak.
In 2014, a nonprofit journalism organization called MuckRock filed a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit pressing the CIA to post all of its documents online, but the agency said it would take up to six years to scan everything according to engadget. At the same time, journalist Mike Best crowd-funded more than $15,000 to visit the archives to print out and then publicly upload the records, one by one, to apply pressure to the CIA. "By printing out and scanning the documents at CIA expense, I was able to begin making them freely available to the public and to give the agency a financial incentive to simply put the database online," Best wrote in a blog post.
"Access to this historically significant collection is no longer limited by geography," said Joseph Lambert, the CIA's information management director in a press release. The agency was aiming to publish the documents by the end of 2017, but finished the work ahead of schedule.
“We’ve been working on this for a very long time and this is one of the things I wanted to make sure got done before I left. Now you can access it from the comfort of your own home,” said outgoing CIA director of information Lambert. The agency continues to review documents for declassification, so the treasure trove has not been unearthed in full, and there’s definitely more to follow.
* * *
The online records, shed light on the agency's activities throughout the Vietnam, Korean and Cold War conflicts; they also includes documents relating to UFO sightings and psychic experiments from the Stargate program, which has long been of interest to conspiracy theorists. The archives also cover events from the 1940s the 1990s (each year, a new batch are declassified) and include details about the flight of war criminals from Nazi Germany, the quarter-mile Berlin tunnel built to tap Soviet telephone lines, internal intelligence bulletins and memos from former CIA directors, UFO reports and more.
The released trove also includes the papers of Henry Kissinger, who served as secretary of state under presidents Richard Nixon and Gerald Ford, as well as several hundred thousand pages of intelligence analysis and science research and development.
Among the more unusual records are documents from the Stargate Project, which dealt with psychic powers and extrasensory perception. Those include records of testing on celebrity psychic Uri Geller in 1973, when he was already a well-established performer.
Memos detail how Mr Geller was able to partly replicate pictures drawn in another room with varying - but sometimes precise - accuracy, leading the researchers to write that he "demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner" the BBC reported.
One set of documents details results of psychic tests on Uri Geller, where he attempted to copy drawings made by researchers from within a sealed room.
One of the tests involved drawings. A word was selected at random from a dictionary. The first word selected was “fuse”. A firecracker was then drawn by someone outside the locked room. The picture was then taped to the wall outside Geller’s cell and he was told via intercom the drawing was finished. The CIA documents say: “His almost immediate response was that he saw a ‘cylinder with noise coming out of it’. “His drawing to correspond with it was a drum, along with a number of cylindrical-looking objects.”
The second word chosen was “bunch” and a scientist drew a bunch of grapes. The document states: “Geller’s immediate response was that he saw ‘drops of water coming out of the picture’. “He then talked about ‘purple circles’. “Finally, he said that he was quite sure that he had the picture. His drawing was indeed a bunch of grapes.”
The researchers concluded Uri “demonstrated his paranormal perceptual ability in a convincing and unambiguous manner”.
* * *
Other unusual records include a collection of reports on flying saucers, and the recipes for invisible ink.
"None of this is cherry-picked," said CIA spokesperson Heather Fritz Horniak, cited by CNN. "It's the full history. It's good and bads."
Nothing in the archive is newly declassified. Although the documents are declassified, redactions do exist throughout the millions of pages. The redactions, which Horniak describes as light, were done to protect sources and methods that could potentially harm national security, she explained.
The archive is massive, and new developments on the CIA's activities throughout its storied history are likely to come out as the millions of pages are reviewed.
So is the online database likely to reveal anything particularly juicy? It is not likely, especially since the documents have likely been extensively scrubbed in advance even though CIA Director of Information Management Joseph Lambert said the agency did one last check through the collection before releasing it, and did not reclassify any more documents.
However, the documents will surely provide hours of inquiry for historians, war buffs, UFO enthusiasts and others. The archives cover events from the 1940s the 1990s. It can be accessed as the following link.
Jan 18, 2017
by Tyler Durden
Mind Control,
Psychic Rendition,
Scientific totalitarianism,
World Shadow Government,
World War
05 January 2017
How Memory Turns You Into a Battery for The Matrix
Memory is the artificial construct that keeps us bound to the matrix that we have co-created with the ego. It’s also the main attachment that bounds us to a limited reality.
The time-track, especially past and future, can tremendously drain a soul that places the data of these constructs in the now to the point that suffering becomes a reality for the subject. The more attachment one has to the time-track, the less space there is to breathe. It is as if you are being suffocated by all your memories that are enforcing you inside the matrix of your identity, which stems largely from the memory.
A metaphor I can use is, somehow forcing 100Gb of data into a computer processor that can only properly function with 50Gb. Now it cannot function optimally anymore, and malfunction soon becomes prevalent. In order to manifest your own reality, you must not place your stories from the hologram in the NOW, because what you will end up with is the limit of your own programming. Basically, your experience becomes filtered to fit you.
Ask yourself: Who would you be if all your memories had been stripped away from you?
Memory in computer processing and memory inside the mind, both serve the same function: they allow you to continue where you had left off. It grants the ability to write a story from start to end — a story that arises out of time needs memory attached to time. The possibility for learning is also enabled by memory.
For a computer it is useful, as programmed input can add to the functional repertoire. For a human-being it is essential too — or is it?
Memory serves to hold and preserve data that our minds download through the five senses — data of a digital hologram. Remember that it is the job of the mind to translate the information of the hologram into a matrix.
Inside of the matrix we are made to choose what it is we wish to embody as a construct within it, lest we suffer the consequence and shame of failure and having no life or nothing to live for. And no money equals also no potential survival in this reality. But, it is only sentient beings (5 senses) that need something in the material world to live for. This is an early stage of spiritual development and, unfortunately, too many are blocked here.
In order to have something to live for, you have to become something. Only words have the power to turn us into something in this reality, which the architect constructed in an attempt to break and divide the ONE consciousness. This is why, in fact, nobody is equal inside of this reality, because we are all something, and how can something be the same as something else? Impossible, when we deal in terms of random innumerable codes that makes each and every individual on the planet solely, uniquely different.
The axiom of this reality is divide and rule, and there is no better way to divide than to provide an information-based reality to souls. This is the origin of a dualistic world. So we choose what we want inside of the primary matrix and we do what is necessary to build a ME (identity) or a personal matrix (persona) which most get entangled with and lose their sense of I (soul) in the process.
It must be understood that all of us have lost touch with divinity, though embracing the product of Trinity or Split consciousness. Religious teachings such as the Father, Son and Holy Spirit form the great spell of Trinity consciousness. This is resembled also by the triangle that is bent at murdering the soul, resembled by the circle. (pictured.)
How can you be three when all is one?
If you ever watched The Matrix before, you should well remember that Trinity died, only to be brought back to life by the ONE, who eventually realizes that the one is immortal.
I have seen lots of symbolism regarding the Triangle within the circle and, of course, very few people have any idea about the hidden meaning of this symbol. It is a shame because that which is unconscious inside the reality of the subject, is able to control that subject (especially if it is a lie that has gone on so long that it has been assumed as truth).
Alchemizing memory in the now back to the Time-track:
That which is in the now is energized not only by your own consciousness, but by all consciousness, due to the law of ether which cannot be broken. If you hold hatred in the now, then everyone you encounter will confirm that which you hold. Your entire experience will revolve around what you hold in the now/soul-center.
The reason that this matrix is so negative is due to consciousness predominantly energizing the negative in the now. The powers-that-be (i.e. the minions of the Archon Architect) know this very well and make us energize the now by constantly feeding us negativity (via the mainstream media, scare tactics to make us afraid, unnecessary poverty, wars, low minimum income, abusive laws, etc.). As a result, people are mostly worried and overwhelmed by the negative malefic aspects of themselves — which stems from the past/time-track and possesses them, so to speak.
When you allow a memory to tell you who you are in the NOW, it effectively makes you negative in the now. The obsolete construct of the time-track assumes absolute power over you, due to you nominating it “the positive pole” through the attachment to your own identity that needs data — any data — to exist. This is how memory suppresses the soul and limits it to various anchor points on the time-track. “I” (soul) is the only general that gives permission for the suppression that memory can cause when it is granted absolute power.
“It is not it” — The anti-thought-form hack technique:
Memory is, essentially, stored information. One must not identify one’s eternal nature with information and data that has its source inside the dream of the creator, inside the matrix. You can be sure that the identification with time is what causes mortality in its own right. Memory is a by-product of time and, within time, things age and die.
Being outside of the matrix time-track is synonymous with being outside of memory. So, every time you are confronted with a random pop-up of a memory in the NOW, you can use the opportunity to use the mantra “IT IS NOT IT”, which effectively puts the memory back onto the time-track.
You can do this with all data and information disturbing your inner peace by simply scanning everything and everyone you know, and witnessing if any of these constructs trigger an emotional spark. Anything that can influence you in the NOW means that it is actually in the NOW and forms part of your own negativity in the now. Why? Because it is alive in your psyche due to you energizing your attachment to a past event on the time-track. In order for this to occur, you have to be a terminal and give up energy to an obsolete (past) construct.
Bad memories result in physical manifestations such as regret, shame, guilt, sadness, introversion, secrecy, alienation, anxiety, stress, withdrawal, etc.
Good memories result in the idolization of self, pride (a deadly “sin”), anchor points, attachment, suppressing ideals (suppressing your now with highs from the past), pressure to further live up to high expectations, spiritual stagnancy (believing that the highest has been attained already), etc.
Due to duality, we can compare good and bad memories, and maybe some would argue that good memories serve at giving meaning to our lives. This belief and attachment, together with faith and hope in data, materializes even in the next life. All problems and issues that form part of the ego/identity, cross — together with the soul — into the next life due to it also having consciousness, which it gets from its host (i.e. the soul). Essentially, your demon (ego) follows you into the next life.
Now you have the opportunity to finally cut the shackles you have to this entity that survives for the matrix. This is necessary if you want to disconnect from the matrix and salvage paradise.
Also by this author:
By Arno Pienaar
Guest Writer for Wake Up World
About the author:
Arno Pienaar grew up in Durban, South Africa and is currently based in Cape Town. He started writing, blogging for various websites, mainly sharing ancient knowledge on energetic alchemy such as Qigong and tantra. He soon became occupied by deep studies in various fields of knowledge regarding the nature of reality. Later on, Arn0’s articles on the Matrix became an eye-opening anomaly in the social media community.
After a major life-changing experience that showed to him the source of the “computer generated hologram” we are in, it became clear to him that the only meaningful thing to do was to infiltrate the online community with new, accurate information. His website, deprogramthematrix.com, is dedicated to sharing the latest information on the subject of the matrix, digital hologram of the mind. You can connect with Arno on Facebook.
Cognitive Dissonance,
Hive Mind,
Mind Control,
Modern Servitude,
Power of Conscience,
Self Knowledge,
02 January 2017
Old life, new life: entrances and exits
Dreams come and go. Some are forgotten, others remain. The practical side says, "You must do this, you must do that," but the dreams that hold on say something else:
You can leave an old life and begin a new one.
This is more than hope. It's a kind of vision composed of past moments in which the cup of joy is filled to the brim.
Nothing in this universe can wipe out those memories forever.
They come back.
And when they do, they bring energy, belief, and confidence.
A person can refuse to see the suggestions and the implications, he can pretend he's merely floating in a brief reverie, and he can then trample on through the garden and continue his way to a bleak outpost. But still he doesn't entirely forget.
Because he doesn't want to.
The memories are distillations of the best of the past, and they point to a new future.
The shape of that future may be vague, but the emotions and sensations are vivid.
These feelings can rise again, if one can discover what actions will recover them. Actions, which taken together, create the substance of the years ahead.
For a baby learning what this world is, there is no tangible past. His entire thrust is discovering delight. Which reminds us that the psyche, the spirit, wants joy, naturally---and if unimpeded, will find it. Hour by hour, day by day.
Only much later, when the baby has "grown up," does he realize he has left something behind.
Then, unfortunately, he comes to believe he can't go back. He comes to believe that some rigid set of principles should be his North Star: through this compass setting, the best of what is possible will be his, given that limits are more important than possibilities.
But every human knows, in a part of himself that is often shielded from sight, that possibilities ring more true than limits.
When a small child paints a picture, no matter what it looks like, he can tell you a story about it. And he invests this story with a vision that is more powerful, in some mysterious way, than all of society.
Centuries from now, when historians look back on this time, no matter what they find, they will still need this lesson. They will need to know that in the soul of every person, there are colors of visions which, when acted upon, make new lives, new delight, joy, ecstasy. And the alternative is always less.
The simple compounding of these lessers, without the need for mathematical sophistication, explains the root cause of the decline of civilizations.
December 31, 2016
Being Human,
Hive Mind,
Illusion and Reality,
Joys and Passions,
Life and Death,
Mind Over Matter,
Power of Conscience,
Self Knowledge
01 January 2017
Battle Between Good and Evil
The best thing about Harry Potter is that the books would totally work if you take the magic out of them.
Philosopher’s Stone: Harry moves to a mysterious secluded boarding school, there he hears about a dangerous item being hidden on the school grounds. Turns out one of the teachers is the terrorist that killed Harry’s parents.
Chamber of Secrets: A series of mysterious incidents happen in the school, where students get hospitalized due to near-fatal snake bites. It’s all connected to a mysterious chamber in the castle, and a series of similar murders that happened 50 years ago.
Prisoner of Azkaban: An accomplice to Harry’s parent’s murder escapes from prison, and Harry must learn the truth about the connection between the escaped prisoner, his father, and the new teacher at school, as well as the identity of the real accomplice.
Goblet of Fire: An international tournament between several schools becomes a dangerous game as the terrorist plans his return by infiltrating the school with one of his followers pretending to be somebody else.
Order of Phoenix: The government cracks down on the school, denying everybody who dare say anything about the terrorist’s return. Harry and his friends must create an underground group to train to fight the terrorists.
Half-Blood Prince: Harry learns more about his teacher’s troubled history, as well as principle Dumbledore’s history with the terrorist back when he was a student. Harry and Dumbledore travel to find one piece of the terrorist’s secret plan, only in the end for Dumbledore to die at the hands of Harry’s teacher.
Deathly Hallows: The terrorists have taken over the school. Harry and his friends travel across the country to find the rest of the pieces of the terrorist’s plan in order to stop him. They found out the terrorist is obsessed with an old legend known as the Deathly Hallows. The story ends with an all out battle between the terrorists and the school staff for the fate of the country.
Being Human,
Beyond Insanity,
Dark Force,
Human Rights,
Illusion and Reality,
Power of Conscience,
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