Note: Remember that shortly after this speech, Dr. Hammond stopped all research and talks on this subject due to intense threats. To read the highly revealing full transcript of this speech, click here. Watch the powerfully revealing Discovery Channel documentary Conspiracy of Silence corroborating the above talk at this link. And for one brave woman's powerful personal experience of healing from these programs, click here. By each of us doing our best to transform the part of the world within our reach, we can and will build a brighter future.
30 April 2010
Cults, Ritual Abuse and Mind Control (Key Excerpts from Dr. Hammond's Talk)
I hope to spend an hour or so talking specifically about ritual abuse, mind control programming and brainwashing – how it's done and how to get on the inside. This is a topic that in the past I haven't been willing to speak about publicly. I have done that in small groups and in consultations, but recently decided that it was high time that somebody started doing it.
[Early on] I picked out about a dozen and a half therapists that I thought were seeing more ritual abuse than anyone else, and I started surveying them. Those therapists said, "You're asking more specific questions than I've ever asked my patients." Many of them not only got back with answers, but said, "You've got to talk to this patient or these two patients." As a result, I ended up doing hundreds of dollars worth of telephone interviewing.
I came out of that with a grasp of a variety of brainwashing methods being used all over the country. I started to hear some similarities. Whereas to begin with, I hadn't known how widespread things were, I was now getting a feeling that there were a lot of people reporting some similar things, and that there must be some degree of communication to cause this.
When you find the same highly esoteric information in different states from Florida to California and from different countries, you start to get an idea that there's something going on that is very large and very well coordinated. So I have gone from someone not knowing what to think about it all to someone who clearly believes ritual abuse is real.
For a long time I would give information to a select group of therapists that I knew and trusted, and say, "Spread it out. Don't spread my name. But here's some information. If you find it's on target, share it with other therapists, and I'd appreciate your feedback." People were hungry for information. Later, I and a few others that I'd shared it with were hedging out of concern because of personal threats and death threats. I finally decided to hell with them. If they're going to kill me, they're going to kill me. It's time to share more information with therapists.
Here's where the ritual abuse appears to have come from. Near the end of World War II, Allen Dulles [later to become Director of the CIA] and other people from our intelligence community were in Switzerland making contact to get out Nazi scientists. As World War II ended, they not only got out rocket scientists, but they also got out some Nazi doctors who had been doing mind control research in the concentration camps. They secretly brought them to the United States [through Project Paperclip].
Along with them was a young teenager who had been raised in a Hasidic Jewish tradition with a background of Cabalistic mysticism. That probably appealed to people in the cult, because by the turn of the century Aleister Crowley had been introducing Cabalism into Satanic stuff. Cabalistic mysticism is mixed into all this. I suspect it may have formed some bond between the boy and the Nazis. He saved his skin by collaborating and being an assistant to them in the death-camp experiments. They brought him with the Nazis to the US.
They started doing mind-control research for military intelligence in military hospitals in the United States. The people that came, the Nazi doctors, were Satanists. Subsequently, the boy changed his name, Americanized it some, obtained an M.D. degree, became a physician and continued this work that appears to be at the center of cult programming today. His name is known to patients throughout the country. Dr. Greenbaum. I've had patients volunteer that there were parts inside named Mr. Greenbaum. It is also called "Green Programming."
The way you create Manchurian Candidates is you divide the mind. It's part of what the intelligence community wanted. If you're going to get an assassin, you divide the mind. Cases like the assassination of Robert Kennedy fascinate me. Bernard Diamond, on examining Sirhan Sirhan, found that he had total amnesia of the killing of Robert Kennedy. Yet under hypnosis he could remember it. But after he was out of hypnosis, he could not remember a thing, despite suggestions he would be able to consciously remember.
What they basically do in these programs is they get a child and start programming in basic forms, it appears, by about age two and a half, after the child's already been made dissociative. They'll make him dissociative not only through abuse, like sexual abuse, but also things like putting a mousetrap on their fingers and teaching the parents, "You do not go in until the child stops crying. Only then do you go in and remove it." They start in rudimentary forms at about age two and a half and kick into high gear, it appears, around six or six and a half. They continue through adolescence with periodic reinforcements in adulthood.
There's an identification code that people have. It will involve their birth date. It may involve places where they were programmed, and it will usually involve a number that will be their birth order, like zero-two if they were second born. It will usually also involve a number that represents the number of generations in the cult, if they are bloodlines. I've seen up to twelve now, twelve generations.
When you go below the alters (dissociated or split personalities), you then have programs Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta, and so forth – the Greek-letter programming – and they will have backup programs. There will typically be an erasure code for the backups. Alphas appear to represent general programming; the first kind of things put in. Betas appear to be sexual programs, for example how to perform oral sex in a certain way, how to perform sex in rituals, or programming related to prostitution and producing and directing child pornography. Deltas are killers trained in how to kill in ceremonies. There will also be some self-harm stuff mixed in.
Gamma appears to be system protection and deception programming which will provide misinformation to you the therapist, try to misdirect you, tell you half-truths, and protect different things inside. Omega has to do with self-destruct programming. Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end. This can include self-mutilation as well as suicide programming.
There can also be other Greek letters. I found, for example in one case, that Zeta had to do with the production of snuff films that this patient was involved with. With another person, Omicron had to do with their linkage and associations with drug smuggling and with the Mafia, big business, and government leaders. Some are come-home programs, "come back to the cult" programs.
One patient about eight years old had gone through a great deal of early programming which took place on a military installation. That's not uncommon. I've treated and been involved with cases who were part of this original mind control project, as well as having their programming on military installations in many cases.
This particular child was in a private cult school where several sessions occurred a week. She would be taken into a room to get all hooked up. She had electrodes placed on her; one in the vagina, four on the head. They would then begin by saying, "You are angry with someone in the group." She'd say, "No, I'm not," and they'd violently shock her. They would say the same thing until she complied and didn't make any negative response.
We found that [another patient] was having her therapy monitored every session by her mother (who was her programmer), out-of-state, over the telephone. She still had intact suggestions that had been given to her that at a certain future time she would kill her therapist. I know [other] patients who’ve gone to other states and simply had deep-level alters pick up the phone, call and say, “This is our new address and phone number,” so that they could be picked up locally.
I wouldn't try to work with any kind of deep material or deprogramming with those being monitored, because I think it can do nothing but get them tortured unless they can get into a safe, secure inpatient unit for an extended period of time to do some of the work required. If they are in a cult from their area, and they are still being monitored and messed with, my own personal opinion is we can't get them well, and we can't offer anything more than humanitarian caring and supportiveness.
This type of programming will [often] be done in the cults. My impression is that this is simply done in people where they have great access to them, or where they're bloodline and so their parents are in it. Or they can be raised in it from an early age. If they are bloodline, they are the chosen generation. If not, they're expendable. They are expected to die and not get well. There will be booby traps set in your way such that if they aren't non-bloodline people, when they get well, they will kill themselves. Satanism shows up as the philosophy overriding all of this.
You'll find physicians heavily involved. The cults have encouraged their own to go to medical school, to prescribe drugs to take care of their own, to get access to medical technology, and to be above suspicion. There is a couple in Utah, in fact, who have been nailed now. We now have in Utah two full time ritual abuse investigators with statewide jurisdiction under the Attorney General's Office to do nothing but investigate this.
"What's the purpose of it?" My best guess is that they want an army of Manchurian Candidates, tens of thousands of mental robots who will do prostitution, child pornography, smuggle drugs, engage in international arms smuggling, do snuff films, and all sorts of other very lucrative things. These Manchurian Candidates will do the bidding of their masters, so that eventually the megalomaniacs at the top believe they can create a Satanic Order that will rule the world.
The evidence comes from victims who are imperiled witnesses. The interesting thing is how many people have described the same scenario and how many of these people that we have worked with who have had relatives in NASA, in the CIA, and in the military, including very high-ups in the military.
My personal opinion has come to be if they're going to kill me, they're going to kill me. There's going to be an awful lot of information that's been put away that will go to investigative reporters and multiple investigative agencies. If I ever have an accident, an awful lot of people like you, I hope, will be pushing for a very large-scale investigation. I think we have to stand up at some point as some kind of moral conscience.
Note: Remember that shortly after this speech, Dr. Hammond stopped all research and talks on this subject due to intense threats. To read the highly revealing full transcript of this speech, click here. Watch the powerfully revealing Discovery Channel documentary Conspiracy of Silence corroborating the above talk at this link. And for one brave woman's powerful personal experience of healing from these programs, click here. By each of us doing our best to transform the part of the world within our reach, we can and will build a brighter future.
Desire is always there like a flame, burning
What do we mean by the problem of sex? Is it the act, or is it a thought about the act? Surely it is not the act. The sexual act is no problem to you, any more than eating is a problem to you, but if you think about eating or anything else all day long because you have nothing else to think about, it becomes a problem to you. Is the sexual act the problem or is it the thought about the act? Why do you think about it? Why do you build it up, which you are obviously doing? The cinemas, the magazines, the stories, the way women dress, everything is building up your thought of sex. Why does the mind build it up, why does the mind think about sex at all? Why? Why has it become a central issue in your life? When there are so many things calling, demanding your attention, you give complete attention to the thought of sex. What happens, why are your minds so occupied with it? Because that is a way of ultimate escape, is it not? It is a way of complete self-forgetfulness. For the time being, at least for that moment, you can forget yourself - and there is no other way of forgetting yourself. Everything else you do in life gives emphasis to the `me', to the self. Your business, your religion, your gods, your leaders, your political and economic actions, your escapes, your social activities, your joining one party and rejecting another - all that is emphasizing and giving strength to the `me'. That is there is only one act in which there is no emphasis on the `me', so it becomes a problem, does it not? When there is only one thing in your life which is an avenue to ultimate escape to complete forgetfulness of yourself if only for a few seconds, you cling to it because that is the only moment in which you are happy. Every other issue you touch becomes a nightmare, a source of suffering and pain, so you cling to the one thing which gives complete self-forgetfulness, which you call happiness. But when you cling to it, it too becomes a nightmare, because then you want to be free from it, you do not want to be a slave to it. So you invent, again from the mind, the idea of chastity, of celibacy, and you try to be celibate, to be chaste, through suppression, all of which are operations of the mind to cut itself off from the fact. This again gives particular emphasis to the `me' who is trying to become something, so again you are caught in travail, in trouble, in effort, in pain.
(The First and Last Freedom)
Desire, which has been the driving force in man, has created a great many pleasant and useful things; desire also, in man's relationships, has created a great many problems and turmoil and misery - the desire for pleasure. The monks and the sannyasis of the world have tried to go beyond it, have forced themselves to worship an ideal, an image, a symbol. But desire is always there like a flame, burning. And to find out, to probe into the nature of desire, the complexity of desire, its activities, its demands, its fulfilments - ever more and more desire for power, position, prestige, status, the desire for the unnameable, that which is beyond all our daily life - has made man do all kinds of ugly and brutal things. Desire is the outcome of sensation the outcome with all the images that thought has built. And this desire not only breeds discontent but a sense of hopelessness. Never suppress it, never discipline it but probe into the nature of it - what is the origin, the purpose, the intricacies of it? To delve deep into it is not another desire, for it has no motive; it is like understanding the beauty of a flower, to sit down beside it and look at it. And as you look it begins to reveal itself as it actually is - the extraordinarily delicate colour, the perfume, the petals, the stem and the earth out of which it has grown. So look at this desire and its nature without thought which is always shaping sensations, pleasure and pain, reward and punishment. Then one understands, not verbally, nor intellectually, the whole causation of desire, the root of desire. The very perception of it, the subtle perception of it, that in itself is intelligence. And that intelligence will always act sanely and rationally in dealing with desire.
You can learn about the limited, but you cannot learn about the unlimited. And we try to learn about the whole field of the psyche, and say that needs time. But time may be an illusion in that area, it may be an enemy. Thought creates the illusion, and that illusion evolves, grows, extends. The illusion of all religious activity must have begun very, very simply, and now look where it is - with immense power, vast properties, great accumulation of art, wealth, and the religious hierarchy demanding obedience, urging you to have more faith. All that is the expansion, the cultivation and the evolution of illusion which has taken many centuries. And the psyche is the whole content of consciousness, is the memory of all things past and dead. We give such importance to memory. The psyche is memory. All tradition is merely the past. We cling to that and want to learn all about it, and think that time is necessary for that as in the other area. I wonder if one ever asks whether time has a stop - time to become, time to fulfill? Is there anything to learn about all that? Or can one see that the whole movement of this illusory memory, which appears so real, can end? If time has a stop, then what is the relationship between that which lies beyond time and all the physical activities of the brain as memory, knowledge, remembrances, experiences? What is the relationship between the two? Knowledge and thought, as we have often said, are limited. The limited cannot possibly have any relationship with the unlimited but the unlimited can have some kind of communication with the limited, though that communication must always be limited, narrow, fragmentary. One might ask, if one is commercially minded, what is the use of all this, what is the use of the unlimited, what can man profit by it? We always want a reward. We live on the principle of punishment and reward, like a dog which has been trained, you reward him when he obeys. And we are almost similar in the sense that we want to be rewarded for our actions, for our obedience and so on. Such demand is born out of the limited brain. The brain is the centre of thought and thought is ever limited under all circumstances. It may invent the extraordinary, theoretical, immeasurable, but its invention is always limited. That is why one has to be completely free from all the travail and toil of life and from self-centered activity for the unlimited to be.
(JKrishnamurti to Himself)
Joys and Passions,
Sexual Love
Secrets Of The Mind
An amazing neurological expedition led by V.S.Ramachandran MD PHD.
Hive Mind,
Mind Control,
Mind Over Matter,
Psychological Revolution,
Silence of the Mind
29 April 2010
LSD as a Spiritual Experience - Deepak Chopra
Author and spiritual guru Deepak Chopra remembers his first spiritual experience with LSD at 17, and discusses various cultural uses of hallucinogenic drugs to achieve enlightenment. He touches on ritualistic drug use in Native American, Aborigine, and Indian religious traditions.
"You can't change the body without changing the self, and you can't change the self without bringing in the soul," says Deepak Chopra, a renowned pioneer in holistic medicine. Chopra believes the highest choice is to reinvent your body and resurrect your soul.
He discusses aging, the many lifestyle diseases he says are the result of the steady loss of energy inside the body, and how awareness can reverse the process.
From early childhood, each of us has been inventing our body, through beliefs, habits, conditioning, and our mental responses to everyday stress. We've done this unconsciously, and may now feel dissatisfaction on all levels: body, mind and spirit.
Reinventing the Body, Resurrecting the Soul offers three keys to creating the self you desire: the soul shift, the subtle action, and the core participation. Chopra's message is that your highest vision of yourself can be turned into physical reality. - Commonwealth Club of California
Deepak Chopra is the author of more than fifty books translated into more than thirty-five languages. Dr. Chopra is a fellow of the American College of Physicians, a member of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, adjunct professor at the Kellogg School of Management, and a senior scientist with the Gallup Organization. He is founder and president of the Alliance for a New Humanity.
Time magazine heralds Deepak Chopra as one of the top 100 heroes and icons of the century and credits him as "the poetprophet of alternative medicine."
The Politics of Extraterrestrials
(April 28) -- Famed astrophysicist Stephen Hawking isn't the only man concerned about the potential ramifications of an extraterrestrial presence on Earth.
Turns out, a growing number of people are becoming involved in "exopolitics," the study of the political ramifications of alien visitors -- whether they be friend or foe -- and how humans should prepare for either scenario.
Take Michael Salla, an international politics scholar who in 2001 started dedicating his time to exopolitics. Since then, Salla, an expert in conflict resolution, has been lobbying for extra transparency from the government regarding extraterrestrials.
Turns out, a growing number of people are becoming involved in "exopolitics," the study of the political ramifications of alien visitors -- whether they be friend or foe -- and how humans should prepare for either scenario.
Take Michael Salla, an international politics scholar who in 2001 started dedicating his time to exopolitics. Since then, Salla, an expert in conflict resolution, has been lobbying for extra transparency from the government regarding extraterrestrials.
Courtesy of
He says that it's imperative for the planet to have a plan just in case an E.T. decides to make Earth his new home.
"It's not necessary to assume E.T.s are real, just possible," Salla said. "Then you prepare for it and think through all the issues."
According to Salla, those issues include deciding how the alien presence will be announced (he advocates announcing the presence of microbes and working up to more sentient beings), and who will be in control -- a secret committee or a corporate entity.
Even more important: If the E.T.s have superior technology, should they be forced to share it?
Of course, another big issue is determining the protocol for contact between humans and aliens, lest either side be exposed to strange viruses, a Romeo and Juliet situation between Martians and Earthlings -- or worse.
"A big question is how will humans interact with aliens," Salla said. "If someone is threatened by one, will they take a shot at them while driving by? And, if so, will this be as illegal as shooting a human?"
Luckily, for Salla and the others in this pioneering form of paranormal political science, they aren't the only ones asking these questions.
"In the last six months, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London have held astrobiological conferences studying the implications of life found on other worlds," he said.
Exopolitician Alfred Webre is confident that an alien discovery would have a major earthly impact. He believes that the politician or head of state who announces an encounter with an E.T. will have an incredible amount of political capital internationally.
No wonder, he says, that many UFOlogists believe that JFK planned to make such an announcement before his 1963 assassination.
"It's not necessary to assume E.T.s are real, just possible," Salla said. "Then you prepare for it and think through all the issues."
According to Salla, those issues include deciding how the alien presence will be announced (he advocates announcing the presence of microbes and working up to more sentient beings), and who will be in control -- a secret committee or a corporate entity.
Even more important: If the E.T.s have superior technology, should they be forced to share it?
Of course, another big issue is determining the protocol for contact between humans and aliens, lest either side be exposed to strange viruses, a Romeo and Juliet situation between Martians and Earthlings -- or worse.
"A big question is how will humans interact with aliens," Salla said. "If someone is threatened by one, will they take a shot at them while driving by? And, if so, will this be as illegal as shooting a human?"
Luckily, for Salla and the others in this pioneering form of paranormal political science, they aren't the only ones asking these questions.
"In the last six months, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London have held astrobiological conferences studying the implications of life found on other worlds," he said.
Exopolitician Alfred Webre is confident that an alien discovery would have a major earthly impact. He believes that the politician or head of state who announces an encounter with an E.T. will have an incredible amount of political capital internationally.
No wonder, he says, that many UFOlogists believe that JFK planned to make such an announcement before his 1963 assassination.
Alien Anthropology,
Alien Moon,
Cosmic Conspiracy,
Crop Circles,
Parallel Universes,
World Shadow Government
27 April 2010
Stephen Hawking launches exopolitics debate
Exopolitics involves study of the public policy implications of extraterrestrial life. Hitherto confined to esoteric discussions between intellectuals, researchers and ‘experiencers’ on the fringes of mainstream academia, world famous British physicist, Professor Stephen Hawking, now publicly approves exopolitical discussions. In a new documentary series that began Sunday night, April 25, on the Discovery Channel, Hawking claims that the high mathematical probability that alien life exists, makes reflection on their possible motivations necessary. While Hawking does not mention the word ‘exopolitics’ his statements legitimate efforts to study the public policy implications of extraterrestrial life. Hawking’s statements are the logical development of recent scientific conferences studying the implications of alien life. In the last six months, both the Vatican and the Royal Society of London have held astrobiological conferences studying the implications of life found on other worlds. Hawking’s documentary series indicates his approval of scientists making public policy recommendations on the hitherto fringe topic of extraterrestrial life. Hawking's own recommendation is to ignore intelligent aliens, they might be dangerous!
Alien Anthropology,
Alien Moon,
Cosmic Conspiracy,
Crop Circles,
Parallel Universes,
World Shadow Government
25 April 2010
Why do grown-up people steal?
Student: Why do grown-up people steal?
Krishnamurti: Don't you sometimes steal? Haven't you known of a little boy stealing something he wants from another boy? It is exactly the same throughout life, whether we are young or old, only the older people do it more cunningly, with a lot of fine-sounding words; they want wealth, power, position, and they connive, contrive, philosophize to get it. They steal, but it is not called stealing, it is called by some respectable word. And why do we steal? First of all, because, as society is now constituted, it deprives many people of the necessities of life; certain sections of the populace have insufficient food, clothing and shelter, therefore they do something about it. There are also those who steal, not because they have insufficient food, but because they are what is called antisocial. For them stealing has become a game, a form of excitement - which means that they have had no real education. Real education is understanding the significance of life, not just cramming to pass examinations. There is also stealing at a higher level the stealing of other people's ideas, the stealing of knowledge. When we are after the `more' in any form, we are obviously stealing. Why is it that we are always asking, begging, wanting, stealing? Because in ourselves there is nothing; inwardly, psychologically we are like an empty drum. Being empty, we try to fill ourselves not only by stealing things, but by imitating others. Imitation is a form of stealing: you are nothing but he is somebody, so you are going to get some of his glory by copying him. This corruption runs right through human life, and very few are free of it. So what is important is to find out whether the inward emptiness can ever be filled. As long as the mind is seeking to fill itself it will always be empty. When the mind is no longer concerned with filling its own emptiness, then only does that emptiness cease to be.
(Think on These Things)
24 April 2010
Will extraterrestrial “disclosure” or contact happen in 2012?
This article is part 2 of a series on 2012 and its impacts on our society.
This article analyzes the evidence and probabilities of 2012 official extraterrestrial “disclosure,” and of human society’s experiencing 2012 open contact with extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilizations.
As reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has written, secret, compartmentalized human-extraterrestrial liaison programs between the U.S. government and specific extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations have existed for decades.
By official “disclosure” is meant an authoritative statement by a head of state in ongoing communication with an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization. Open contact is defined as public, consensual diplomatic relations between an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization and a national government, international institution such as the United Nations, or citizen-based group publicly recognized by an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization.
Part 1 of this series set out the evidence that super-cataclysm memes such as 2012 Pole shift, super solar flare, galactic super waves, and super nova fragments entering our solar system appear to be memes propagated by catastrophobia, and are extremely unlikely to materialize in 2012. Moreover, 2012 cataclysm memes appear to be used by a variety of institutions, ranging from covert military-intelligence and governmental agencies to organized religion for purposes of social control.
Future articles in this series will explore the themes of 2012 DNA/human consciousness transformation and of 2012 and a “Golden Age,” including the Calleman-Clow time acceleration matrix of the Mayan calendar, which suggests that “the alternating sign-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden.”
As discussed in the article below, one of the critical limits on any 2012 official extraterrestrial “disclosure” or open contact with extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilizations may be deduced from eyewitness whistleblower evidence of a possible condition of hyperdimensional "war" and armed conflict that may continue to exist over control of the 3rd dimension of our solar system.
This article analyzes the evidence and probabilities of 2012 official extraterrestrial “disclosure,” and of human society’s experiencing 2012 open contact with extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilizations.
As reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre has written, secret, compartmentalized human-extraterrestrial liaison programs between the U.S. government and specific extraterrestrial and hyperdimensional civilizations have existed for decades.
By official “disclosure” is meant an authoritative statement by a head of state in ongoing communication with an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization. Open contact is defined as public, consensual diplomatic relations between an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization and a national government, international institution such as the United Nations, or citizen-based group publicly recognized by an extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilization.
Part 1 of this series set out the evidence that super-cataclysm memes such as 2012 Pole shift, super solar flare, galactic super waves, and super nova fragments entering our solar system appear to be memes propagated by catastrophobia, and are extremely unlikely to materialize in 2012. Moreover, 2012 cataclysm memes appear to be used by a variety of institutions, ranging from covert military-intelligence and governmental agencies to organized religion for purposes of social control.
Future articles in this series will explore the themes of 2012 DNA/human consciousness transformation and of 2012 and a “Golden Age,” including the Calleman-Clow time acceleration matrix of the Mayan calendar, which suggests that “the alternating sign-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden.”
As discussed in the article below, one of the critical limits on any 2012 official extraterrestrial “disclosure” or open contact with extraterrestrial or hyperdimensional civilizations may be deduced from eyewitness whistleblower evidence of a possible condition of hyperdimensional "war" and armed conflict that may continue to exist over control of the 3rd dimension of our solar system.
Alien Anthropology,
Alien Moon,
Cosmic Conspiracy,
Electromagnetic Gateway,
Moon Matrix,
New World Order,
World Shadow Government
2012: Cataclysmic breakdown or Y2K makeover? ET/UFO contact? DNA/Consciousness transformation?
This article is part 1 of a series on 2012 and its impacts on our society.
As a designated “year of interest,” 2012 has been front-loaded with “end of the world” memes. Will 2012 be a year of cataclysmic breakdown as science, oracle-driven, governmental, and media-created memes suggest? Will 2012 be – like Y2K – an anti-climax in which humanity muddles through? Or will a new, “golden age” timeline begin for conscious humankind in 2012? How will consciousness transformation and extraterrestrial contact impact humanity, starting in 2012?
Key data addressing this examination of the possible future shape of 2012 include: (1) A NASA reports and updates on the 2012 “perfect storm,” solar flares and power grid systems collapse; (2) Opposite data that we may be headed toward a solar Maunder minimum and new ice age; (3) ALTA and Web Bot reports on a “’data gap’ found between early 2012 running through May 2013, possibly due to solar flare activity;” (4) Reports “supporting a hypothesis that large scale “wild card” event(s), involving mass extraterrestrial (UFO) sightings or landings in the period leading up to 2012 or beyond;” (5) The Calleman-Clow time acceleration matrix of the Mayan calendar, which suggests that “the alternating sign-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden.”
This series examines objective, empirical evidence for cataclysm on Earth in 2012. The year 2012 may also manifest for individuals as breakdown, breakthrough, or business as usual, depending on an individual’s perceptual modality and
As a designated “year of interest,” 2012 has been front-loaded with “end of the world” memes. Will 2012 be a year of cataclysmic breakdown as science, oracle-driven, governmental, and media-created memes suggest? Will 2012 be – like Y2K – an anti-climax in which humanity muddles through? Or will a new, “golden age” timeline begin for conscious humankind in 2012? How will consciousness transformation and extraterrestrial contact impact humanity, starting in 2012?
Key data addressing this examination of the possible future shape of 2012 include: (1) A NASA reports and updates on the 2012 “perfect storm,” solar flares and power grid systems collapse; (2) Opposite data that we may be headed toward a solar Maunder minimum and new ice age; (3) ALTA and Web Bot reports on a “’data gap’ found between early 2012 running through May 2013, possibly due to solar flare activity;” (4) Reports “supporting a hypothesis that large scale “wild card” event(s), involving mass extraterrestrial (UFO) sightings or landings in the period leading up to 2012 or beyond;” (5) The Calleman-Clow time acceleration matrix of the Mayan calendar, which suggests that “the alternating sign-wave universe core energy phenomenon ceases after Oct. 28, 2011, and Earth will be set on a gradual setting of a potential to reach advanced utopian planet status – a virtual “Garden of Eden.”
This series examines objective, empirical evidence for cataclysm on Earth in 2012. The year 2012 may also manifest for individuals as breakdown, breakthrough, or business as usual, depending on an individual’s perceptual modality and
To be aware of the whole movement of thought
Yoga exercises are excellent; the speaker does them every day, for an hour or more; but that is merely physical exercise, to keep the body healthy, and so on. But through them you can never come upon the other - never! Because if you give them all importance, you are not giving importance to the understanding of yourself which is to be watchful, to be aware, to give attention to what you are doing, every day of your life; which is to give attention to how you speak and what you say, to what you think, how you behave, whether you are attached, whether you are frightened, whether you are pursuing pleasure and so on. To be aware of the whole movement of thought; for if you are and you are really serious about it, then you will have established right relationship, obviously. Relationship becomes extraordinarily important when all things about are chaotic - when the world is going to pieces, as it is. But when there is this establishment of total relationship, whole relationship, not between you and me, but human relationship with the whole of the world, then you have the basis. From there you can go on to behaviour - how you behave. If your behaviour is based on pleasure or on reward, it is not behaviour. It is merely the pursuit of pleasure from which fear arises.
Relationship, behaviour and order, these are absolutely essential if you want to go into the question of meditation. If you have not laid this foundation, then do what you like - stand on your head, breathe in for the next ten thousand years and repeat words, words - there will be no meditation.
(Total Freedom)
Become a Sovereign Individual You Don't Need the State's Permission
'Yet, dumbfounded or not by the smoke and mirrors, why do we suffer so much at the hands of those ruler-governors, if we are many and they are few? Why do we become enchanted with the belief that our ruler-governors are just and benevolent, when we experience evidence otherwise every day, everywhere? Why do we allow so many abuses of liberty and property, if the power the rulers possess is only that which we bestow onto them? Why do we let them treat us like beasts?
The recapture of our rights does not require that we take up arms, demonstrate, or even vote – we are, after all, a much larger legion than our ruler-governors. In a face-to-face combat of the many against the few, where the many fight for the grand prize of liberty, while the few fight for the chance to subjugate the many, it is likely that no shots need be fired before the many are declared the winners. We, therefore, reach the paradoxical conclusion that we don’t reclaim our rights because we do not want to; because we support, explicitly or tacitly, the tyranny inflicted by the ruler-governors.'
Strategies for Revolutionaries: Break the TV Addiction
'Numerous institutions, traditions and prejudices function as modes of oppression and prevent us from collectively addressing the tragedy of the commons. Acts of legislation arbitrarily prohibit and criminalize our actions, schools indoctrinate us with a tacit deference to authority, and our interpersonal relationships are prone to crystalizing vicious spirals of interaction. Taken as a whole, they manufacture a society in which worldviews are intentionally constrained, warped, and self-defeating.
In a world where soldiers laugh after murdering children, a president brands war as peace, a ‘recovered hero’ resurrects his father to try to sell shoes, and crucial scientific reviews are hollow whitewashes, we’re obviously in need of a new set of values. And one the most effective means of preventing us from collectively making these changes is our addiction to TV.'
Please circulate this to everyone you know in South Africa where the media is not covering this story
If Mugabe, Malema and South Africa's moronic President Jacob Zuma get their way, you have seen nothing yet.
As Martin Luther King said:
'I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.'
Absolutely right - and that thought should apply to all colours and creeds, not just one.
The Story of the Financial Debacle: Goldman Plays, We Pay
'The story of the financial debacle will end the way it began, with the super-hustlers from Goldman Sachs at the center of the action and profiting wildly. Never in U.S. history has one company wielded such destructive power over our political economy, irrespective of whether a Republican or a Democrat happened to be president.
At least the robber barons of old built railroads and steel mills, whereas Goldman Sachs makes its money placing bets on people losing their homes. On Tuesday, Goldman announced a 91 percent jump in profit to $3.46 billion for the quarter, while the dreams of millions of families continue to be foreclosed and unemployment hovers at 10 percent because of a crisis that that very company did much to cause.'
23 April 2010
20 April 2010
Big Brother, Big Business
This documentary takes a look at the corporations involved in the powerful business of collecting and aggregating our personal information, while also selling that information to governments and other corporations for target advertising. Corporations are spying on you...
How simple it is to be innocent!
How simple it is to be innocent! Without innocence, it is impossible to be happy. The pleasure of sensations is not the happiness of innocence. Innocence is freedom from the burden of experience. It is the memory of experience that corrupts, and not the experiencing itself. Knowledge, the burden of the past, is corruption. The power to accumulate, the effort to become destroys innocence; and without innocence, how can there be wisdom? The merely curious can never know wisdom; they will find, but what they find will not be truth. The suspicious can never know happiness, for suspicion is the anxiety of their own being, and fear breeds corruption. Fearlessness is not courage but freedom from accumulation.
(Commentaries On Living Series II Chapter9 Effort)
Hive Mind,
Self Knowledge
19 April 2010
Facts All Americans Must Know Now
by William Dean A. Garner
1. The United States individual (personal) income taxes go directly to the Bank of England, City of London, which is wholly owned and controlled by the family Rothschild.
2. The United States Federal Reserve Bank is NOT a U.S. government institution.
3. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE bank, which is wholly owned and controlled by the family Rothschild.
4. The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 illegally, when the Rothschild’s lieutenant, U.S. Senator Nelson Aldrich, forced through a Congressional bill that mandated it.
5. The family Rothschild is directly responsible for starting all major, and many minor, wars over the past 230 years.
6. The family Rothschild is directly responsible for every recession and depression in the United States over the past 210 years.
7. The family Rothschild (The First Sphere of Influence) controls all major banking throughout the entire world, and has the power to bankrupt entire countries.
8. Thomas Jefferson fought vehemently against Alexander Hamilton to ensure that the newly created United States would NOT fall under the control of the Rothschilds. Jefferson said that the Rothschilds were a greater threat to our country than any standing army.
9. Andrew Jackson also fought to thwart all the efforts of the Rothschilds, and was able to do so during his term. When his term was up, the Rothschilds installed their own U.S. president and then, in a retaliatory measure, plunged America into its first depression.
10. The Rothschilds have assassinated four U.S. presidents, who refused to toe the Rothschild line, and are thought to have murdered others, although the evidence for the latter is as yet inconclusive.
11. The Internal Revenue Service is a private corporation, licensed by the Fed as a collection agency.
12. BONUS FACT #1: the Rothschilds are wholly responsible for the deaths and murders and assassinations of tens of millions of human beings worldwide.
13. BONUS FACT #2: The Rothschild henchmen are Zbigniew Brzezinski and his sons. Forget Kissinger; he’s an idiot.
18 April 2010
Our real enemy is not the ones living in a distant land whose names or policies we don't understand.
The real enemy is,
a system that wages war when it's profitable
the CEOs who lay us off our jobs when it's profitable
the Insurance Companies who deny us Health care when it's profitable
the Banks who take away our homes when it's profitable
Our enemies are not several hundred thousands away. They are right here in front of us...
- Mike Prysner
How do the the rulers get away with it? This soldier is clear:
“Racism is a vital weapon employed by this government. It is a more important weapon than a rifle, a tank, a bomber or a battleship.”
“They need a public who’s willing to send soldiers into harm’s way, they need soldiers willing to kill and be killed without question. They can spend millions on a single bomb, but that bomb only becomes a weapon when the ranks in the military are willing to follow orders to use it.”
“And the ruling class, the billionaires who profit from human suffering, who care only about expanding their wealth and controlling the world economy, understand that their power lies only in their ability to convince us that war, oppression, and exploitation are in our interest. They understand that their wealth is dependent on their ability to convince the working class to die to control the market of another country. And convincing us to kill and die is based on their ability to make us think that we are somehow superior.
“Poor and working people in this country are sent to kill poor and working people in another country, to make the rich richer. Without racism, soldiers would realize they have more in common with the Iraqi people than they do with the billionaires that send us to war... Our enemies are right here at home, and if we organize and fight with our sisters and brothers we can stop this war, we can stop this government, and we can create a better world. “
17 April 2010
A Conscious Universe - The Observer Effect
The Observer Effect, a fundamental premise of quantum theory, raises an open question regarding the nature of existence. Numerous experiments over the past century allude to the role of consciousness in the construct of reality; it has been shown time and again that it is the act of observation itself that causes a wave function to collapse out of either/or uncertainty into what we experience as a particular reality... My reality. Your reality. Everybody's reality.
As Niels Bohr once famously remarked, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum theory has not understood it."
Featuring Jim Al-Khalili, David Bohm, Anton Zeilinger, John Hagelin, Lynne McTaggart, Fred Alan Wolf, Dean Radin, Amit Goswami, Gregg Braden,
Joe Dispenza and Dattatreya Siva Baba.
Compiled and narrated by Kelly Neill.
57 varieties of aliens
Sgt. Clifford Stone of the US Army explains how 57 varieties of alien beings had been catalogued by 1989.
More about Clifford Stone:
Manipulative Extraterrestrials Undermine Human Destiny on Peace, Social Justice and Environment
by Réjean Pelletier
May 23, 2008
May 23, 2008
from TheCanadian Website
Alex Collier, a deemed contactee of ethical Extraterrestrial races, alleges that human free will on Earth is being systematically undermined by 'regressive' Manipulative Extraterrestrials operating on Earth. LINK.
He further claims that ethical Extraterrestrials that he has allegedly been in contact with, from the Andromeda Galaxy, that are sympathetic to Earthbound humans, would like to see 'regressive' aliens leave our planet Earth. In the process, Mr. Collier further elaborates, humanity would be able to freely pursue a peaceful course of evolution, that is mutually respectful of each other, and which protects our vital ecosystems.
Alex Collier describes Andromeda Galaxy-based Ethical Extraterrestrials, as allegedly presiding over a Galactic Council.
Alex Collier describes Andromeda Galaxy-based Ethical Extraterrestrials, as allegedly presiding over a Galactic Council.
Mr. Collier further alleges that this cited Galactic Council, allegedly upholds the principle that sentient beings in our universe, which include humans, have an inviolable right to self-determination. However, as Ethical Extraterrestrials that support self-determination, this Galactic Council also rejects the idea of "saving" humanity.
Notably, John Lash in, referred to a savior-complex in our prevailing organized religions, as being specifically instigated by Manipulative Extraterrestrials to disempower humanity. Alex Collier's contactee testimony, coincides with John Lash's accounts of the ancient Gnostics, who supported the view that, humanity must "save itself".
Notably, John Lash in, referred to a savior-complex in our prevailing organized religions, as being specifically instigated by Manipulative Extraterrestrials to disempower humanity. Alex Collier's contactee testimony, coincides with John Lash's accounts of the ancient Gnostics, who supported the view that, humanity must "save itself".
This basically is the view that humanity needs to elevate its consciousness toward a critical cosmic awareness and self-determination against the threat posed by Manipulative Extraterrestrials and their human elites who are allies.
Alex Collier's claims have been endorsed by scholars like Dr. Michael Salla, who is a founding editor of the Exopolitics Journal.
Alex Collier's claims have been endorsed by scholars like Dr. Michael Salla, who is a founding editor of the Exopolitics Journal.
Alien Anthropology,
Alien Moon,
Being Human,
Cosmic Conspiracy,
Moon Matrix,
New World Order,
World Shadow Government,
The observer is the observed
One image, as the observer, observes dozens of other images around himself and inside himself, and he says, `I like this image, I'm going to keep it' or `I don't like that image so I'll get rid of it', but the observer himself has been put together by the various images which have come into being through reaction to various other images. So we come to a point where we can say, `The observer is also the image, only he has separated himself and observes. This observer who has come into being through various other images thinks himself permanent and between himself and the images he has created there is a division, a time interval. This creates conflict between himself and the images he believes to be the cause of his troubles. So then he says, "I must get rid of this conflict", but the very desire to get rid of the conflict creates another image. Awareness of all this, which is real meditation, has revealed that there is a central image put together by all the other images, and the central image, the observer, is the censor, the experiencer, the evaluator, the judge who wants to conquer or subjugate the other images or destroy them altogether. The other images are the result of judgements, opinions and conclusions by the observer, and the observer is the result of all the other images - therefore the observer is the observed.
(Commentaries On Living Series II Chapter 50 Convictions--Dreams)
God, Religion and Manipulative Extraterrestrials
from TheCanadian Website
Have you ever wondered about what kind of God has been the source of the inspiration for genocide, suicidal missions, oppression, racisms, sexism, homophobia along with countless wars on our planet Earth?
Pagan Gnostics suggest that, God, as presented in various organized religions, is a construct that has been created by Manipulative Extraterrestrials.
Dr. John Lash documents organized religions, with a particular reference to Judaism, Christianity, and Islam, as being "fronts" for an agenda of alien dominance and control.
Activists, associated with the UFO Disclosure Movement, complain that there is a cover-up of on-going contact of aliens with human elites. However, Pagan Gnostic insights suggest that the organized religious construct of God, may simply be a pseudonym for an “overlord” that regressive/demonic aliens have sought to rule over humanity.
Activists, associated with the UFO Disclosure Movement, complain that there is a cover-up of on-going contact of aliens with human elites. However, Pagan Gnostic insights suggest that the organized religious construct of God, may simply be a pseudonym for an “overlord” that regressive/demonic aliens have sought to rule over humanity.
Therefore, the mention of God, may in itself, be a form of implicit 'disclosure', based upon Gnostic insights. Dr. Lash documents Pagan Gnostic testimony of "artificial man" having infiltrated elite-driven human institutions, that have sought to anoint themselves with religious piety.
Based in part of Pagan Gnostic wisdom, once we begin to critically appreciate what it means to be human, demands for “Disclosure” become relatively moot. The Pagan Gnostics indeed witnessed the nefarious activities of regressive aliens all around them, almost as "plain as day".
Dr. Lash documents how Pagan Gnostics detected the ego-driven artificial intelligence of regressive aliens, by elevating their own consciousness. This elevation was achieved by embracing the human spiritual interconnectedness, that Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to repress through organized religion and transhumanism (secularism, i.e. "Darwinian Theory of Evolution"), associated with an alien-directed eugenics program.
Based in part of Pagan Gnostic wisdom, once we begin to critically appreciate what it means to be human, demands for “Disclosure” become relatively moot. The Pagan Gnostics indeed witnessed the nefarious activities of regressive aliens all around them, almost as "plain as day".
Dr. Lash documents how Pagan Gnostics detected the ego-driven artificial intelligence of regressive aliens, by elevating their own consciousness. This elevation was achieved by embracing the human spiritual interconnectedness, that Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to repress through organized religion and transhumanism (secularism, i.e. "Darwinian Theory of Evolution"), associated with an alien-directed eugenics program.
As Gerry Zeitlin reveals, by repressing knowledge of actual human origins, through religious and transhumanistic disinformation and obfuscation, "artificial man" could then be freed to pursue various strategies in a social control agenda against humankind.
Pagan Gnostics insights, suggest that oppressive ideologies, which include those from capitalism to Nazism to totalitarian communism to religious doctrine, are all alien constructs.
Pagan Gnostics insights, suggest that oppressive ideologies, which include those from capitalism to Nazism to totalitarian communism to religious doctrine, are all alien constructs.
These ideologies are apparently designed to undermine a mutualistic context to the development of humankind, that would then create an "existential positive energy matrix" that would be hostile to the ability of regressive aliens to parasitically co-exist in our time-space continuum on Earth. Indeed, that development would also be hostile to a continuing pursuit of their alleged infiltration activities, as "archons".
Michael Cremo in a book called Devolution suggests that so-called modern humans have “de-evolved” from more socially advanced, and spiritually interconnected beings.
Michael Cremo in a book called Devolution suggests that so-called modern humans have “de-evolved” from more socially advanced, and spiritually interconnected beings.
Alex Collier, an alleged contactee of Ethical Extraterrestrials, alludes to an ancient war between humans and regressive aliens. Alex Collier seems to further suggest that Earthbound humans were abducted en masse as intergalactic “Prisoners of War”, into a “holographic universe” inhabited by lower-dimensional demonic entities.
The Pagan Gnostics referred to these lower-dimensional demonic entities as "archons" or “artificial man”.
The Pagan Gnostics referred to these lower-dimensional demonic entities as "archons" or “artificial man”.
That is because these cited regressive aliens are "soul-less" artificial forms of life. Modern terminology might instead refer to such entities as “cybernetic organisms”, that have allegedly been created through violent “fractilizations” of matter. The demonic nature of these entities, is allegedly the result of the formation of ego driven consciousness spawned from violent matter-energy reactions.
Pagan Gnostics suggest that God as contrived by organized religion, is a mechanism that is orchestrated by regressive aliens, to oppress human spirituality. By imposing a system of commandments that is reinforced by rituals, and of constructs like “sin”, regressive aliens sought to pursue social control against humanity.
According to Pagan Gnostic insights, through the alien construct of God, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to broadly condition “collectively abducted” Earthbound humanity, into accepting “blind faith and allegiance” to a non-accountable and arbitrary system of authority. That is apparently why throughout human history in this universe, religion has played, and continues to play a central role in various authority systems.
Pagan Gnostic cite the God associated with the Judaic, Christian, Islamic and other such organized religions is formed out of a delusional entity of an alien universe that a constituency of humans have been captured in.
Pagan Gnostics suggest that God as contrived by organized religion, is a mechanism that is orchestrated by regressive aliens, to oppress human spirituality. By imposing a system of commandments that is reinforced by rituals, and of constructs like “sin”, regressive aliens sought to pursue social control against humanity.
According to Pagan Gnostic insights, through the alien construct of God, Manipulative Extraterrestrials have sought to broadly condition “collectively abducted” Earthbound humanity, into accepting “blind faith and allegiance” to a non-accountable and arbitrary system of authority. That is apparently why throughout human history in this universe, religion has played, and continues to play a central role in various authority systems.
Pagan Gnostic cite the God associated with the Judaic, Christian, Islamic and other such organized religions is formed out of a delusional entity of an alien universe that a constituency of humans have been captured in.
According to Pagan Gnostics, the regressive aliens that inhabit this “holographic universe” lack the soul of humans, and thus lack a creative consciousness. However, these regressive aliens through their fractal origins, have the ability to mimic the reality of biological races that it has conquered, and that they do so through an ability to “shape-shift”.
This gives the ability of such entities to infiltrate human institutions, and then disorient and control human institutions, away from their constructive potentials.
Pagan Gnostics, also corroborate modern reports of regressive aliens seeking to abduct human beings. By abducting humans, regressive aliens could then re-introduce “alien controlled human biological entities” (AC-HBE) back into human populations, as the “humanized” faces of regressive aliens.
This gives the ability of such entities to infiltrate human institutions, and then disorient and control human institutions, away from their constructive potentials.
Pagan Gnostics, also corroborate modern reports of regressive aliens seeking to abduct human beings. By abducting humans, regressive aliens could then re-introduce “alien controlled human biological entities” (AC-HBE) back into human populations, as the “humanized” faces of regressive aliens.
Such “AC-HBEs” and alien shapeshifters, have been alleged by David Icke, and African elders like Credo Mutwa, as prevailing over the invasive control and sabotage of human sovereignty of our planet Earth.
Gary Zeitlin, suggests that the presentation of human origins that is associated with God, as constructed by organized religion; and the “transhumanism” that is associated with the Darwinian theory of evolution, and with “Intelligent Design” theory (the idea that humans origins lie with the genetic “creation” of humanity by aliens), are apparently all alien deceptions.
Gary Zeitlin, suggests that the presentation of human origins that is associated with God, as constructed by organized religion; and the “transhumanism” that is associated with the Darwinian theory of evolution, and with “Intelligent Design” theory (the idea that humans origins lie with the genetic “creation” of humanity by aliens), are apparently all alien deceptions.
Reportedly human abducting regressive aliens through these deceptions apparently seek to divert humanity from pursuing initiatives to critically appreciate the de-evolved origins of humanity.
African Elder Credo Mutwa describes ancient knowledge of humans as being a highly spiritually connected and telepathic beings, before lower-dimensional aliens that descended from the sky, and captured a constituency human beings in this linear space time continuum.
Pagan Gnostics, suggests that humanity needs to liberate itself from the alien constructs of ‘God’, and “transhumanism” (that encompasses the idea that humans are actually "progressing" through the apparent oppressive technological development of society), that itself links the course of human progress, to the technologically circumscribed “template” of the regressive aliens.
Could indeed the recent economic downturn being linked to the organized efforts of regressive aliens through AC-HBE toward a "New World Order", as testimony from Alex Collier alleges in Defending Sacred Ground?.
African Elder Credo Mutwa describes ancient knowledge of humans as being a highly spiritually connected and telepathic beings, before lower-dimensional aliens that descended from the sky, and captured a constituency human beings in this linear space time continuum.
Pagan Gnostics, suggests that humanity needs to liberate itself from the alien constructs of ‘God’, and “transhumanism” (that encompasses the idea that humans are actually "progressing" through the apparent oppressive technological development of society), that itself links the course of human progress, to the technologically circumscribed “template” of the regressive aliens.
Could indeed the recent economic downturn being linked to the organized efforts of regressive aliens through AC-HBE toward a "New World Order", as testimony from Alex Collier alleges in Defending Sacred Ground?.
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