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31 October 2009

Mexico Legalizes All Drugs Mexico Legalizes All Drugs Video

Massive Chemtrails Attack

Do You Believe That UFO/ET Disclosure Is Imminent?

Posted: 13:00 October 30, 2009

I have entered into a conversation with a person that claims to have close ties to a member of Congress well informed on UFO/ET. I am working with this person because I believe we need to develop a broad consensus with both politicians on both the left and the right on exopolitical issues as disclosure progresses. At present this individual wishes to remain anonymous because this individual wants to keep separate his-her personal ET related activities from the other political activities that he-she is involved in.

I have been communicating by phone and by email and this person tells me that this member of Congress is well informed on UFO/ET related matters and also that he is well connected to President Obama and meets with him frequently. This person asked me to suggest what this member of Congress might be able to do, to be helpful to myself and others pushing for disclosure. I sent the material in the following link as a letter to this member of Congress as part of my own very limited disclosure effort to show the middle ground between the left and the right.

Last night I had a further phone conversation with my source and this source confirmed to me that indeed it may be a short time line to disclosure as Dr. Michael Salla has indicated in a recent communication linked further on in this article. My source says that they have real concerns that a disclosure announcement could torpedo the heath care bill if it happens sooner than later by distracting the public from this issue.

This source also told me that the UFO community should be aware that because of tight security in Washington, mail and briefing packages should be sent to offices of members of Congress in their home districts. This source says mail and packages are not getting through to member offices in Washington.

This political jockeying for position is beginning to remind me of typical herd behavior. When a herd of migrating wildebeest in Africa come to a river full of deadly crocodiles the leaders line up at the edge of the river reluctant to go into the crocodile infested river. What happens is that the rest of the herd pushes the leaders up against the river until the leaders either get pushed in or have to jump. Once this happens the leaders out of self preservation head to the other side as quickly as possible with the rest of the herd following close behind. :-)

I am aware of six different sustained civilian-government high level disclosure efforts lobbying for UFO/ET disclosure and would appreciate if any of my readers know of others to let me know. Here are the efforts I know about. 1. Steven Greer's Disclosure Project, Clay and Shawn Pickering's Ad Hock Military UFO Working Group, Steven Basset's UFO/ET Lobbying, Dan Smith's CIA R&D Disclosure Operation, Gordon Novel's Project RAM disclosure effort and now this.

What I seem to be hearing from the operations that I have some familiarity with is that there are positive developments and movement toward rapid disclosure at the highest levels with President Obama, Congress and the UN. I have no real argument with Dr. Michael Salla on his perspective but I think the time line might be overly optimistic but my new sources seems to refute that. Obviously there is a lot going on behind the scenes as can be seen not only from Michael's and Greer's contacts but many other sources as well, including mine.

I stand to be corrected, but what seems to be holding things up a bit is that nobody wants to be blamed for igniting a truth conflagration that could rapidly get out of government and CIA control here in the United States and then extend to the rest of the world. Steven Greer and the Disclosure Project just made another big push to brief Obama.

I think the chances are good that the situation when ignited might well begin to spiral out of control at some point and then government officials and bureaucrats can and will become involved openly in an attempt to maintain order and stability in society. The indications seem to be that world governments really have no choice in this matter but to disclose rapidly once the cat is out of the bag, so to speak. Furthermore various extraterrestrial groups seem to be losing patience with government intransigence and broken promises the past sixty years and seem to be applying increasing pressure until something breaks loose.


Cartoon predicts the future 50 years ago

29 October 2009

No One Else Will Stop The Killing

By Mike Ferner

October 28, 2009 "Information Clearing House" -- In a statement directed to the U.S. House of Representatives, President Obama and its membership, Veterans For Peace urged its chapters to demonstrate opposition to the war in Afghanistan and Pakistan by doing two things:

1) Take the actions listed below within the next several days, before President Obama decides to escalate the war in Afghanistan, and

2) Plan acts of even greater resistance during the two days following any such decision.

Continue writing and calling our representatives and demanding peace.

· If we’ve done that: take to the streets

· If we’ve done that: sit down in the streets

· If we’ve done that: sit down in Congressional offices

· If we’ve done that: sit down, clog up, incapacitate, call in sick, withdraw consent and generally bring the nation’s business to a halt, wherever and whenever we can, with any peaceful means available.

To President Obama and the House of Representatives:

As veterans of our nation’s wars, we insist you hear our call.

British Prime Minister Stanley Baldwin spoke an unassailable truth when he said, “War would end if the dead could return.” If you believe that is true, Mr. President and Members of the House, you must heed our counsel well: we are the closest anyone can come to that truth the dead would speak. Stop the killing!

Because we personally understand what war truly means, we have written, called and demonstrated repeatedly for an end to the killing in Afghanistan and Iraq. We have protested at and have been arrested in House Office Buildings, the House Gallery, the White House and Congressional offices across the nation. We have pleaded, then demanded, that you stop the suffering in these countries. Although promised prior to the election, no combat brigades have returned from Iraq. And now we can smell the mire of escalation in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Nevertheless, we cannot cease to appeal to that spark of humanity in your hearts. We know wealthy, powerful interests such as weapons contractors, lobbyists and right-wing broadcasters daily make a deafening noise, trying to drown out the voice that insists, “Stop the killing.” We also know that no matter how quiet the voice of humanity might become, it can never be silenced.

So we lift up to you voices much more eloquent than our own, voices of soldiers who survived the worst fighting human beings have ever experienced, World War One. For nearly 100 years, the wisdom and compassion of their poetry has endured. Their words now stand as one of the world’s most powerful witnesses to the madness of war.

You must hear them.
And you yourself would mutter when
You took the things that once were men,
And sped them through that zone of hate
To where the dripping surgeons wait;
And wonder too if in God's sight
War ever, ever can be right.
– From “Foreword” by British ambulance driver, Robert Service

Asteroid Explodes Over Indonesia

Space Weather News for Oct. 28, 2009

INDONESIAN ASTEROID: Earlier this month, with no warning, a ~10-meter wide asteroid hit Earth's atmosphere above Indonesia and exploded. The break-up was so powerful, it triggered nuclear test ban sensors thousands of kilometers away.
A just-released analysis of infrasound data shows that the asteroid detonated with an energy equivalent of about 50 kton of TNT, similar to a small atomic bomb.
This significant impact has received relatively little attention in Western press.
Details are available today on

28 October 2009

Illuminati Defector Details Pervasive Conspiracy

If you detect the devil's hand in current events, you may be closer to the truth than you think.

A woman who was raised in the Illuminati cult describes a powerful secret organization comprising one per cent of the U.S. population that has infiltrated all social institutions and is covertly preparing a military takeover. Her revelations cast the "war on terror" and "homeland security" in their true light.

"Svali" is the pseudonym of the woman, age 45, who was a mind "programmer" for the cult until 1996. She was the sixth head trainer in the San Diego branch and had 30 trainers reporting to her. She has risked her life to warn humanity of the Illuminati's covert power and agenda.

She describes a sadistic Satanic cult led by the richest and most powerful people in the world. It is largely homosexual and pedophile, practises animal sacrifice and ritual murder. It works "hand in glove" with the CIA and Freemasonry. It is Aryan supremacist (German is spoken at the top) but welcomes Jewish apostates. It controls the world traffic in drugs, guns, pornography and prostitution. It may be the hand behind political assassination, and "terrorism," including Sept. 11, the Maryland sniper and the Bali bomb blast.

It has infiltrated government on a local, state and national level; education and financial institutions; religion and the media. Based in Europe, it plans a "world order" that will make its earlier attempts, Nazism and Communism, look like picnics. One other detail: these people are not happy.

Svali's courageous testimony explains why our children are no longer taught civic values, why they are being habituated to homosexuality and violence, and why our "culture" is descending into nihilism and sexual depravity. It raises the possibility that George W. Bush and his Administration are Illuminists and much of the world "elite" is engaged in a mind-boggling criminal conspiracy.

In March 2000, Svali began writing a monthly column for survivors of Illuminati ritual abuse at In December 2000, H.J. Springer, the editor of CentrExNews,com contacted Svali and conducted an extended 18-part interview with her by email, which is reproduced on line and is copyrighted.

"I am convinced she is the real McCoy," Springer wrote to me. "I have personally relayed numerous email messages to her from other members -- ritually abused, brainwashed, raped, sexually abused people & you name it -- some of them confirming to me her story. So I have absolutely no doubt that Svali has been part of the Illuminati since childhood."

I also trust Svali's testimony because it confirms my intuition and intensive research. Everything fits: from the dead hand that seems to suppress humanity to why Clinton gave secret technology to the Chinese, to persistent reports of concentration camps in the US. It explains why people I know behave in a conspiratorial way. I thank Svali for giving me a frightening but incredible key to understanding the world.

A friend urged me to beware of a hoax and offered to help confirm Svali's personal story. I accepted. I invite you to read her entire testimony and make up your own mind. Read "Part One" to "Part 18" first, starting at the middle of the list and working up.

With their permission, here are some highlights of Svali's correspondence with's H.J. Springer. I have also included material from her article "Are the Illuminati Taking Over the World?"

Pervasive Presence

Svali: "The Illuminati are present in every major metropolitan centre in the United States. The Illuminati believe in controlling an area through its: banks and financial institutions (guess how many sit on banking boards? You'd be surprised) Local government: guess how many get elected to local city councils? Law: children are encouraged to go to law school and medical school. Media: others are encouraged to go to journalism school, and members help fund local papers.


Svali: "The Illuminati is a group that practices a form of faith known as "enlightenment". It is Luciferian, and they teach their followers that their roots go back to the ancient mystery religions of Babylon, Egypt, and Celtic druidism. They have taken what they consider the "best" of each, the foundational practices, and joined them together into a strongly occult discipline. Many groups at the local level worship ancient deities such as "El", "Baal", and "Ashtarte", as well as "Isis and Osiris" and "Set".... I do know that these people teach and practice evil."


Svali: "Weishaupt did not create the Illuminati, they chose him as a figurehead and told him what to write about. The financiers, dating back to the bankers during the times of the Templar Knights who financed the early kings in Europe, created the Illuminati. Weishaupt was their "go fer", who did their bidding."

Military Takeover

Svali: "Briefly, each region of the United States has "nerve centres" or power bases for regional activity. The United States has been divided up into seven major geographical regions. Each region has localities within it that contain military compounds and bases that are hidden in remote, isolated areas or on large private estates.

These bases are used intermittently to teach and train generational Illuminati in military techniques, hand- to- hand combat, crowd control, use of arms, and all aspects of military warfare. Why? Because the Illuminists believe that our government, as we know it, as well as the governments of most nations around the world, are destined to collapse. These will be planned collapses, and they will occur in the following ways:

The Illuminati has planned first for a financial collapse that will make the great depression look like a picnic. This will occur through the manoeuvring of the great banks and financial institutions of the world, through stock manipulation, and interest rate changes. Most people will be indebted to the federal government through bank and credit card debt, etc. The governments will recall all debts immediately, but most people will be unable to pay and will be bankrupted. This will cause generalized financial panic, which will occur simultaneously worldwide, as the Illuminists firmly believe in controlling people through finances.

Doesn't sound pleasant, does it? I don't know the exact time frame for all of this, and wouldn't want to even guess. The good news is that if a person is debt-free, owes nothing to the government or credit debt, and can live self sufficiently, they may do better than others. I would invest in gold, not stocks, if I had the income. Gold will once again be the world standard, and dollars will be pretty useless (remember after the Civil War? Our money will be worth about what confederate money was after the collapse).

Next there will be a military takeover, region by region, as the government declares a state of emergency and martial law. People will have panicked, there will be an anarchical state in most localities, and the government will justify its move as being necessary to control panicked citizens. The cult trained military leaders and people under their direction will use arms as well as crowd control techniques to implement this new state of affairs. ...Military bases will be set up, in each locality (actually, they are already here, but are covert). In the next few years, they will go above ground and be revealed. Each locality will have regional bases and leaders to which they are accountable. The hierarchy will closely reflect the current covert hierarchy.

About five years ago, when I left the Illuminati, approximately 1% of the US population was either part of the Illuminati, sympathetic to it, or a victim of Mind Control (and therefore considered useable). While this may not sound like many, imagine 1% of the population highly trained in the use of armaments, crowd control, psychological and behavioral techniques, armed with weapons and linked to paramilitary groups."


Svali: "The national council [consists of] influential bankers with OLD money such as: The Rockefellers, the Mellon family, the Carnegie family, the Rothschild family etc. I know I shouldn't name names, but I will.

The "Supreme World Council" is already set up as a prototype of the one that will rule when the NWO comes into being. It meets on a regular basis to discuss finances, direction, policy, etc. and to problem-solve difficulties that come up. Once again, these leaders are heads in the financial world, OLD banking money. The Rothschild family in England, and in France, have ruling seats. A descendant of the Hapsburg dynasty has a generational seat. A descendant of the ruling families of England and France have a generational seat. The Rockefeller family in the US holds a seat.

This is one reason that the Illuminati have been pretty "untouchable" over the years. The ruling members are very, very, very wealthy and powerful. I hope this information is helpful. How do I know this? I was on a local leadership council (a head trainer), but I talked to those on regional. Also, every Illuminati child is taught who their "leaders" are, and told to take an oath of allegiance to them and the "New Order to come"."


Svali: "The Illuminati leadership state that they are descended from royal bloodlines, as well as unbroken occult heritage.

See, there were two definitions of "royalty" used. Open royalty that is currently seen now, and "hidden royalty" of royal lineage and extreme occult power. Sometimes the two were concurrent, such as with the Prince of Wales.

I never thought of which country/line held the most power, since I was just a peon busily doing my job. But my understanding was: The Hanoverian / Hapsburg descendants rule in Germany over the Bruderheist. They are considered one of the strongest lines for occult as well. The British line is just under them, with the royal family. Definitely, they rule the UK branch under the Rothschilds in the occult realm, even though parliament rules the country openly.

In France, again, descendants of the royal families are also in power in the occult realm, but the French Rothschilds hold the reigns over all of them."

Rank of the US

Svali: "The U.S. is considered lower, and younger, than the European branches. ...Germany, France, and the UK form a triumvirate that rules in the European cult. The USSR is considered important, and has the strongest military groups. The USSR has been promised fourth position in the New World Order, BEFORE the role the U.S. would have, because the USSR has been more helpful and cooperative over the years with furthering the agenda.

The descendants of the former ruling families there are also involved in the occult leadership, along with the newer ones. There is no Marxism in the cult. China will be ranked after the USSR, then the U.S. But a lot of the current U.S. leadership will be in Europe when the change occurs, and many have homes there. They will be "changing nationalities" overnight, as it were. This is the little that I do remember. Wish I had been a better student of this stuff, but I was too busy trying to stay alive when I was in it.

Russia will be the military base and powerhouse of the group, since their military commanders (Illuminist) are considered the best in the world, and very, very disciplined. China, because of its roots in oriental occultism, and its large population, will also be considered a higher power than the US. But again, the real power will reside in Europe, according to what I was taught when part of the group.

The United Nations

Svali: "The UN was created early in this century in order to help overcome one of the biggest barriers to a one-world government ...That barrier is the one of nationalism, or pride in one's country. This is why it was NOT a popular concept when first introduced, it took years of country bashing in the media and the destruction of any sense of national pride by a (not so subtle) media campaign over the years.

The UN is a preparation, but it is not the real power in the world, and will be relatively unimportant when the NWO comes into being. The real councils will then step forward. But as a means of getting the general public to accept the idea of a "global community" and the "one world community" the UN is a stepping stone in their working towards the NWO."


Svali: "The conflict in the Middle East is only to the advantage of the Illuminists. They HATE Israel, and hope one day to see it destroyed, and are biding their time. One of the olive branches offered by the UN when it takes over is that they will prevent war in the Middle East, and this will be greeted with joy by many.

At the same time, the Illuminati covertly supply guns and funds to BOTH sides to keep the conflict fuelled. They are very duplicitous people. They used to funnel guns through the USSR to Palestine, for example, in the name of promoting "friendliness" between the USSR and this state and other Arab nations. Then, the US Illuminists would help funnel guns to Israel, for the same reason.

These people love the game of chess, and see warfare between nations as creating an order out of chaos. The USSR is going to get stronger again. It has too strong a military both openly, and covertly (ALL Illuminati military trainers have visited Russia to learn from them) to sit quietly and quiesciently to the side. In the NWO, they will be stronger than us."

Is the Illuminati a JEWISH conspiracy?

Svali: "Absolutely not. In fact, Hitler and his people (especially Himmler and Goebbels) were top Illuminists. The Illuminati are racist in the extreme, and as a child, I was forced to play "concentration camp" both on my farm in Virginia, and also in Europe in isolated camps in Germany.

The Jews historically fought against the occult (see Deuteronomy and the Old Testament for how God through the Jewish people tried to cleanse the land of the occult groups that were operating there, such as those who worshipped Baal, Ashtarte, and other Canaanite and Babylonian gods.

(from an email to Henry Makow) Yes, there are some very powerful Jewish people in this group. For instance, the Rothschild family literally runs the financial empire in Europe (and indirectly the States), and are a well-known Jewish family. I have also known people whose parents were Jewish diamond merchants in the group, and at every level. But to rise to power in the Illuminati, a Jewish person at night would be forced to renounce their faith, and to give their first allegiance to Lucifer and the beliefs of the Illuminati. In return for this betrayal, they believe that power (financial) and rewards come; and in one sense they do, but at too high a price (losing their eternal soul).

The nazi/concentration camp mentality is very strong, though, and I was told that Hitler, Himmler, Goebel, and others were high-ranking German members of the group (Himmler was higher than the other two), and Mengele their paid puppet as well, who later worked as a high trainer of the American branch between his periods of hiding in South America. They honestly believed that they were acting as agents of their 'gods' to exterminate the Jewish race, and I am so, so sorry that this group has enacted so many horrors on the earth (and so, so glad that I left it).

I hope this helps you. I have always wondered this, though, why some of the highest ranking financial families in the group (baron Rothschild of France is one of the 13 European lords, or "kings" that run the group in Europe, and sits on the World Council) are Jewish, yet the group espouses hatred of their own race."


Svali: "Lots of Illuminists have Fourth Reich programming inside. The Illuminati are racist, and have a very "Aryan" outlook. They believe strongly in the rule of the "pure" and "intelligent" by their definitions, and in their ceremonies, there will occasionally be minorities killed in ceremonies.

They are trying to breed a "genetically superior" race to rule, with their children and descendants. They are also followers of Plato's Republic, and believe that they will be the ones to usher in this "Utopian" rule with the NWO in their opinion. In their Utopia, the intelligentsia will rule, and the sheep like masses will follow their leaders (that is their view of the world; that the occult leaders are "enlightened' and intelligent, while the average person is a "sheep" to be led by the nose)."


Svali: "The Freemasons and the Illuminati are hand in glove. I don't care if this steps on any toes, it's a fact. The Masonic temple at Alexandria, Virginia (the city itself was named after Alexandria, Egypt, and is a hotbed of Illuminati activity) is a centre in the Washington, DC area for Illuminati scholarship and teaching. I was taken there at intervals for testing, to step up a level, for scholarship, and high ceremonies. The leaders in this Masonic group were also Illuminists.

This has been true of every large city I have lived in. The top Freemasons were also top Illuminists. My maternal grandparents were both high ranking Masons in the city of Pittsburgh, Pa. (president of the Eastern Star and 33rd degree Mason) and they both were also leaders in the Illuminati in that area.

Are all Masons Illuminati? No, especially at the lower levels, I believe they know nothing of the practices that occur in the middle of the night in the larger temples. Many are probably fine businessmen and Christians. But I have never known a 32 degree or above who wasn't Illuminati, and the group helped create Freemasonry as a "front" for their activities."

CIA FBI are all infiltrated. So are Mormons etc.

Svali: "Many of the administrators and directors at the FBI are also Illuminists. The CIA helped bring over German scientists after WWII. Many of these were also Illuminati leaders in their own country, and they were welcomed with open arms by the U.S. group. They also funnelled all information they were learning to the Illuminati.

The Mormons affiliated years ago in a meeting with Illuminati leadership in the 1950s. The same with the Jehovah's Witnesses."

The Cold War

Svali:"Russia was never really a threat to us. Marxism was funded by the Illuminati, and espoused as a counterbalance to capitalism. The Illluminati believe strongly in balancing opposing forces, in the pull between opposites. They see history as a complex chess game, and they will fund one side, then another, while ultimately out of the chaos and division ..., they are laughing because they are ultimately beyond political parties. A top western financier will secretly meet with an eastern or Russian "adversary" during those years, and have a good laugh at how the "sheep" were being deluded. I am sharing here what I was taught, and also observed.

They are truly an international group, and the group's agenda supersedes any nationalistic feelings. There is also a lot of trading back and forth of members in these groups. A Russian trainer might come to the US for awhile, complete a job, then go back, or vice-versa."

Assassin Training

Svali: "Here is how it is done (how it was done to me): [1] When the child is 2 years old, place them in a metal cage with electrodes attached. Shock the child severely.
[2] Take the child out, and place a kitten in its hands. Tell the child to wring the kitten's neck. The child will cry and refuse.
[3] Put the child into the cage, and shock them until they are dazed and cannot scream any more.
[4] Take the child out, and tell them again to wring the kitten's neck. This time the child will shake all over, cry, but do it, afraid of the torture. The child will then go into the corner and vomit afterwards, while the adult praises them for "doing such a good job".

This is the first step. The animals get bigger over time, as the child gets older. They will be forced to kill an infant at some point, either a set up or VR, or in reality. They will be taught by age 9 to put together a gun, to aim, and fire on target and on command. They will then practice on realistic manikins. They will then practice on animals. They will then practice on "expendables" or in VR. They will be highly praised if they do well, and tortured if they don't comply.

The older the child or teen, the more advanced the training. By age 15, most children will also be forced to do hand to hand combat in front of spectators (high people who come to watch the "games" much as the ancient gladiators performed). These matches are rarely done to the death, usually until one child goes down. They use every type of weapon imaginable, and learn to fight for their lives. If a child loses a fight, they are heavily punished by their trainer, who loses "face". If they win, they are again praised for being "strong' and adept with weapons. By the time they are 21, they are well trained combat/killing machines with command codes to kill and they have been tested over and over to prove that they WILL obey on command. This is how children in the German Illuminati are brought up, I went through it myself."

Trust in Family

Svali: "They tell their children as they are torturing them, "I am doing this because I love you." To them, the greatest love is to make a child strong, and fit to lead or to move higher in the group, by whatever means it takes.

If a leader sees a child, and wants it as a prostitute, the loving parents will give it away, happy that their child will rise in status. Also, again, they view betrayal as the greatest good. They will do set up after set up to teach their children to never openly trust others.

I remember hundreds of agonizing set ups and betrayals, and hearing when I was betrayed or wounded, "And such is the heart of man." Those doing this to me thought they were teaching me something of value, that would help me. And because of the vicious and political nature of the group, in one sense they were right; the naive get stepped on and wounded. I have known parents who tried to spare their children some of this out of love, but often they were overruled by other family members, who viewed these parents as "weak" and "unfit" to teach their child."


Svali: "Most of them are wounded, abused victims, who don't realize that it is possible to leave the group. There is a lot of discontent in the ranks, and there would be a mass exodus if the members believed it were really possible to get out (and live). Many of the trainers I knew (I know, wicked, torturing pedophiles) were NOT happy with what they did. They would whisper quietly, or give a look, to show that they disagreed with what they had to do. They would resignedly do their jobs, in the hope of advancement.

Know what one of the biggest carrots offered to those who advance up in the group is? That you don't have to hurt people anymore, and that you can't be abused (it's true: only those higher than you in the group can abuse you, so everyone wants to move up, where the pool of candidates becomes smaller). Of course, people can choose to abuse anyone beneath them, and that motivates.

The Illuminati are a very political and back stabbing group, a "dog eat dog" mentality; everyone wants to move up. These are NOT nice people and they use and manipulate others viciously. They cut their eyeteeth on status, power, and money.

They never openly disclose their agenda, or their cult activities, as often they are amnesic to them. These are well-respected, "Christian" appearing business leaders in the community. The image in the community is all-important to an Illuminist; they will do anything to maintain a normal, respected facade, and DESPISE exposure. ....

None of the Illuminists that I have known, had unkind, or evil appearing, persona in their daytime lives, although some were dysfunctional, such as being alcoholics. The dissociation that drives the Illuminists is their greatest cover ... Many, if not most, of these people are completely unaware of the great evil that they are involved in, during the night."


Also, remember those studies that stated that "TV violence doesn't affect children's behaviour" years ago? Guess who funded them? They are a bunch of bullcrud. What a person watches DOES influence them, and this is well known by the behaviourists in the group. In fact, they know that TV is a tool that they purposely use to influence "the masses". It cannot create a total personality change in the average citizen, but it can desensitize us increasingly to violence, pornography and the occult, and influence the perceptions of young children.

Rock Music

I believe that Brittany Spears, Eminem, and others are being used by them to sing lyrics they like (ever notice that he wears a Neo-Nazi look and sings hate lyrics? This is NOT by chance). In fact, many of the top pop singers come from an internship with the "Mickey Mouse club" (yep, good old Walt the Illuminist's Empire) and I believe they are offered stardom in exchange for allegiance or mind control.

How many lyrics advocate suicide, violence, despair, or New Age spirituality in pop/rock today? Or just get a copy of the words and read (but be aware that many are possibly triggering to survivors of mind control).

Illuminati Weaknesses

Svali: "1. Their arrogance (I think I mentioned this before) is their weakness. These people think they are untouchable, and this could make them careless.

2. If by a miracle, enough people took this SERIOUSLY and started organizing in some way to stop the Illuminati take over, with prayer and God's guidance, perhaps they could be stopped. I hope so, with all of my heart.

3. Stopping pornography and child prostitution and drug smuggling and gun running would take out a huge chunk of their profits. Maybe they would slow down. But honestly, stopping the above would be as difficult as stopping the group."

Public's Denial Mechanism

Svali: The evidence is there, but in my opinion, the average person does NOT want to know, and even when confronted with it, will look the other way.

The Franklin case is a point. How much evidence has come out? Or the MK-Ultra documents that have been declassified, shown as real, and people ignore it.

Okay, I'll get off my soapbox. But I believe that the media that downplays ritual abuse is feeding into a deep need in the average person to NOT know the reality. In fact, how can a person face the fact of great evil in mankind, unless they have either a strong faith in God, or are faced with insurmountable evidence? We as human beings want to believe the BEST of our race, not the worst, IMHO.

I really don't believe people will do anything about the Illuminati even if they know. Sorry for the cynicism, but it is based on a lifetime of experience.

The Illuminists don't care who prints this stuff, or if they are "exposed" because they are counting on the majority not believing it, having done a pretty good job with a media blitz campaign (seen any articles in Newsweek or Time lately that addresses this other than as a laughable conspiracy theory? Guess who owns Time-Warner?).

I have heard them laughing about this very thing in leadership meetings five years ago, and I doubt their attitude has changed much since then. If people DID believe this, if action could be taken, then I would be very surprised and quite happy."

"Svali" is a registered nurse and freelance writer living in Texas.

The Breathing of the Earth (Dr Vladislav Lugovenko)

By Carol Hiltner

If, as mystical tradition tells us, the Earth is a living system, how might she be doing that most fundamental process of life known as breathing? Might evidence for the Earth's breathing not be winessed as oscillations in the flow of subtle energies through and between the Earth and the Cosmos?

This was the thinking of Russian astrophysicist Vladisvlav Lugoveko. And in the course of a lifetime of research, he has devised experiments that detect and measure just such an oscillation in this flow. Moreover, his experiments have been replicated.

During the past decade, Lugovenko's experimental data has revealed not only that the Earth breathes - with striking similarities to the breathing patterns of human beings - but that her breathing is dynamically affected not only by events in the Cosmos but also by human thought.

What is this "Breathing" of the Earth?

First of all, Lugovenko has found that there is a daily rhythm. The breathing is quiet at night. Then, as the Earth spins toward the sunrise, the particular pattern and amplitude of that day moves like a wave around the earth, varying gradually according to other influences like sun spots, meteorological disturbances, earthquakes, and human activity.

There are seasonal fluctuations. For example, the Earth's breathing is quieter in the winter. And there appear to be longer breathing cycles - periods of years - that seem to be affected by celestial bodies such as comets.

The following chart shows the fluctuation in the Earth's breathing during the period between 1997 and 2002.

Earth Breathing 1997-2002

Lugovenko defines the breathing of the Earth as "the temporary variations of a cosmo-terrestrial field," and refers to both "global" and "local" breathing:

"Global" breathing consists of all possible methods of receiving, processing, and obtaining energy from external Space through a complex system of grids and chakras of different calibers. "Local" breathing is a measurable change of width of zones of regular Hartmann or Curry grids.[1]

The concept of a universal Space energy that people can use to realize supersensory phenomena has deep roots in cultures of all peoples. Sacred Indian and Buddhist texts describe this same ancient Space energy and designate it with the mystical syllable "Om". This syllable causes an oscillation in the brain that enables various chakras to accept Space energy.

We call the interaction of this energy with the Earth a "cosmo-terrestrial field", which is defined as the substance by which the biopower interaction between Space and Earth takes place. The cosmo-terrestrial field is a phenomenon on the boundary between the thin (unmanifest) world and the material (manifest) world.

The cosmo-terrestrial field has many interesting properties, including whirlwind movement, resonance, and virtually instantaneous distribution over vast distances (at least within the limits of the Solar System).

This energy can be perceived by highly sensitive people and by specially created equipment. Each contributor gives his own determination of the qualities of the field that he researches.


The New World Order is "Communism"

by Henry Makow, Ph.D.

(This incorporates, revises and updates the essential "Central Bankers Seek Totalitarian Power" from Nov. 2003.)

Most people think Communism is an ideology dedicated to public ownership and championing workers and the poor. This was a simple but incredibly successful ruse which duped hundreds of millions. The ideology appealed to people who want something for nothing- rather a large segment.

Communism is a form of monopoly capitalism with the State fronting for the monopoly capitalists. It's no different from monopoly capitalism in the West except that the State is more totalitarian and more intrusive. This is what we can look forward to.

East or West, Communism is devoted to concentrating all wealth and power in the hands of the central banking cartel (the Rothschilds and their allies) by disguising it as State power. (The State is run by witting & unwitting agents of the Rothschilds. When the USSR dissolved, the national wealth was divided between mostly Jewish "oligarchs" who were fronts for the Rothschilds.)

Any ideology that further concentrates wealth and power in the hands of the "State" is Communism in another guise. These ideologies -- socialism, liberalism, fascism, neo-conservatism, zionism and feminism -- are fronts for "Communism," and are organized and funded by the central banking cartel.

The essence of the New World Order is Communist. Current events are all designed to increase government power. For example, the viruses that the Protocols of Zion mentioned over a hundred years ago, and threaten us now, are designed to force people to vaccinate or quarantine. They are tests to see how much government control people will docilely accept. That's why it's very important to resist vigorously. My hunch is that this is not the big plague but could very well be a dry run. Amazing how the mainstream media is so certain this is going to be serious.

We must ask ourselves why, when America is teetering on financial collapse, Obama would focus his energies on expanding health care? This is like a bankrupt man buying a Mercedes instead of getting a job. My friends say it is a diversion. It certainly fits the pattern of increasing government control.


After The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, The Red Symphony is the best revelation of the real state of our world. "The Red Symphony" is a 1938 Stalinist Secret Police (NKVD) interrogation of Christian Rakovsky, a Soviet ambassador who was a close associate of Leon Trotsky, Rothschild's agent. The text is online or in Des Griffin, Fourth Reich of the Rich.

I introduced this explosive 50-page document to my readers in 2003. It strips the veil from modern history and explains the real meaning of Revolution, Communism, Freemasonry and War. It was not intended to become public knowledge. The translator, a Dr. J. Landowsky, made an unauthorized copy.

The human experiment is endangered by private interests who have usurped the function of money creation everywhere. Modern history reflects the gradual process by which they transfer all wealth and power to themselves, destroying Western Civilization and creating a world police state. In 1938, he could say the whole world is controlled by the Rothschild syndicate of Sabbatean (Illuminati, Masonic) Jewish bankers and their allies.

Rakovsky, whose real name was Chaim Rakover, was sentenced to death in Stalin's purge of the Trotskyite faction of the party. Leon Trotsky wrote in his autobiography, My Life, : "Christian G. Rakovsky... played an active part in the inner workings of four Socialist parties-- the Bulgarian, Russian, French, and Roumanian--to become eventually one of the leaders of the Soviet Federation, a founder of the Communist Internationale, President of the Ukranian Soviet of People's Commissaries, and the diplomatic Soviet representative in England and France ..."

Rakovsky tried to convince his interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in history. In the past, due to many factors, "there was always room for individual freedom. Do you understand that those who already partially rule over nations and worldly governments have pretensions to absolute domination? Understand that this is the only thing which they have not yet reached." (emphasis mine)

A pernicious force paralyzes our national life. Rakovsky identifies it: "Imagine to yourself, if you can a small number of people having unlimited power through the possession of real wealth, and you will see they are the absolute dictators of the stock exchange and [economy]...If you have enough imagination will see [their] anarchical, moral and social influence, i.e. a revolutionary one...Do you now understand?"

"...They created credit money with a view to making its volume close to infinite. And to give it the speed of is an abstraction, a being of thought, a figure, number, credit, faith...." (pp.245-246)

Of course they need to protect their credit monopoly by translating it into a monopoly over all power and thought. World government is necessary to prevent any country from issuing their own credit (money) or repudiating their debt. This is the New World Order.


The Revolutionary Movement, which defines modern history, was a means to institutionalize banker power by destroying the old order. Marxism, "before being a philosophical, economic and political system, is a conspiracy for the revolution." Rakovsky scoffs at the "elementary Marxism...the demagogic popular one" that is used to dupe the intellectuals and the masses. (238) Marx was hired by Rothschild to dupes the masses. Rakovsky says Marx "laughs in his beard at all humanity." (Griffin, 240) Of course, Marx never mentioned the Roithschilds. (243)

As for Freemasonry: "Every Masonic organization tries to create all the required prerequisites for the triumph of the Communist revolution; this is the obvious aim of Freemasonry," says Rakovsky, a high-ranking Mason himself.

The aim of the Revolution is no less than to redefine reality in terms of the interests of the bankers. This involves the promotion of subjective truth over objective truth. If Lenin "feels something to be real" then it is real. "For him every reality, every truth was relative in the face of the sole and absolute one: the revolution."

In other words, white is black and up is down. This is the way it was in the Soviet Union and this is now happening to us. Truth and justice are being replaced by political diktat. "Political correctness" a Bolshevik term is now in common usage. Physicists like Steven Jones who question Sept.11 are silenced. (The problem with not bringing the 9-11 perps to justice is that they will do it again.) Homosexuality is normalized and promoted to increase arrested development and destroy the family. .

Rakovsky marvels that "the benches on which sat the greasy usurers to trade in their moneys, have now been converted into temples, which stand magnificently at every corner of contemporary big towns with their heathen colonnades, and crowds go there bring assiduously their deposits of all their possessions to the god of money..."

He says the Soviet five-pointed star represents the five Rothschild brothers with their banks, who possess colossal accumulations of wealth, the greatest ever known."

Isn't it strange that Marx never mentions this fact? Rakovsky asks. Isn't it strange that during revolutions, the mobs never attack the bankers, their mansions or banks?


War is the means by which the central bankers advance their goal of totalitarian world government. Rakovsky says Trotsky was behind the murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand (which sparked WWI.) He recalls the phrase used by the mother of the five Rothschild brothers: "'If my sons want it, then there will be no war.' This means that they were the arbiters, the masters of peace and war, but not emperors. Are you capable of visualizing the fact of such a cosmic importance? Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? The Commune. Since that time every war was a giant step towards Communism."

After the murder of [Illuminati member Weimar Foreign Minister] Walter Rathenau in 1922, the Illuminati give political or financial positions only to intermediaries, Rakowsky says. "Obviously to persons who are trustworthy and loyal, which can be guaranteed a thousand ways: thus one can assert that those bankers and politicians [in the public eye] - are only men of straw . . . even though they occupy very high places and are made to appear to be the authors of the plans which are carried out." Think Barack Obama.

In 1938, Rakovsky outlined three reasons for the upcoming Second World War. The first is that Hitler began to print his own money. "This is very serious. Much more than all the external and cruel factors in National-Socialism."

Secondly, the "fully developed nationalism of Western Europe is an obstacle to Marxism...the need for the destruction of nationalism is alone worth a war in Europe."

Finally, Communism cannot triumph unless it suppresses the "still living Christianity." He refers to the "permanent revolution" as dating from the birth of Christ, and the reformation as "its first partial victory" because it split Christianity. This suggests that the "conspiracy" also contains a racial or religious factor.

"In reality, Christianity is our only real enemy since all the political and economic phenomena of the Bourgeois States. Christianity controlling the individual is capable of annulling the revolutionary projection of the neutral Soviet or Atheist State."

Now the Central Bankers are promoting World War Three as in "The Clash of Civilizations." Substitute Islam for Christianity above, and pit "Christians" against them.


The New World Order does not only create a new power. It creates a new reality out of touch with the truth. It employs legions of pundits, professors and politicos to enforce its precepts. These are the argentur ("agents") referred to smugly in The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.
What kind of credibility do these people have knowing they will lose their jobs if they tell the truth? They are all accomplices in the 9-11 cover-up,

The truth is that society is totally subverted. Government, education, entertainment and the news media are totally in the hands of the central banking cartel. The private sector all sings from the same song book, indicating the central bankers control it. The same applies to think tanks, foundations, NGO's, professional associations and major charities. Intelligence agencies report to the central bankers. They and Masonic secret societies are a central part of the mechanism of control.

This article "How the Fed Bought the Economics Profession" is the template for all professions.

As a result, society is helpless to address its real problem: the untenable concentration of wealth, power and cultural influence in the hands of Cabala-believing bankers secretly intent on culling, degrading and enslaving us. We are stymied by the bogus charge of "anti-Semitism" when most Jews are deceived and manipulated like everyone else,(although their role is vastly disproportionate.) There is no shortage of lackeys from all ethnic backgrounds willing to serve these Satanist bankers. This service defines "success" today.

"History" is a lie. Wars are a fraud. Current events are largely orchestrated. Projects are ventured for different purposes than stated. All we can do is continue to throw a spanner in their works and alert our fellow citizens. I am not too concerned with catastrophe. I see continued gradual drift to one world order fascism. Mankind is being put into a coma, a state of arrested development based on a fixation with toys, sports, relationships, sex and money. The last thing the bankers want to do is awaken the cattle from their slumber.

Mankind is doomed as long as Cabalist central bankers control society. All that is needed is to nationalize the central banks, repudiate debts created from nothing by these bankers, break up cartels, especially Hollywood and the media, and institute strict public campaign financing.

But as long as the majority perceive their interests in terms of the status quo, our problems will remain systemic. They won't go away.

Barney Frank-"We are trying on every front to increase the role of government."

UN Says New Currency Necessary to fix Broken "Confidence Game"

27 October 2009

Earth Under Fire - Galactic Superwaves

Lagonisi, Greece
August 2009
from ProjectCamelot Website
Dr Paul LaViolette is the measured counterpart to Patrick Geryl, whose interview we have released simultaneously.
A brilliant and maverick astrophysicist, Paul is best known for his research into a new theory of matter he calls Subquantum Kinetics - based on systems theory, which he studied for his PhD thesis - and for his carefully argued hypothesis, first formulated in 1983, that our galactic center periodically emits devastating waves he termed Superwaves.

Galactic Superwaves are intense cosmic ray particle bombardments that originate from the center of our Galaxy, and that last for periods of up to a few thousand years. Paul explains that astronomical and geological evidence indicates that the last major Superwave impacted our solar system around 12,000 to 16,000 years ago, and produced abrupt changes of the Earth's climate.

The land animal extinction episode which occurred during this interval was the worst in several million years, and Paul estimates that approximately one or two Superwaves strong enough to trigger an ice age are presently on their way to us from their birthplace at the galactic core... 23,000 light years away. Paul states that there is a real chance that one such event could arrive within the next few decades.
Importantly - because they travel at the speed of light - we would not see them coming.

Paul explains that less intense Superwaves, which recur with considerable frequency, could also pose a threat. He cites evidence that the galactic center has erupted as many as ten times in the last 2,000 years, the most recent event occurring about 700 years ago.
While these low intensity events could have passed unnoticed in earlier centuries, today they could be extremely hazardous. The EMP [electromagnetic pulse] accompanying such a Superwave could knock out electrical power grids and communication networks on a global scale. Consequently, argues Paul, study of this phenomenon deserves a very high priority, and he founded The Starburst Foundation to do this.

Of some considerable interest is the testimony from our insider source Jake Simpson, who told us in October 2008 that there was a 'wave' coming - but that it would not arrive here for quite a few years: possibly around 2017-2020.
When asked how he knew, his response was that highly advanced and classified superluminal [faster-then-light] craft had been out to "take a look", and had then returned to report back with the information. Jake told us that the effect could either be cataclysmic, or "just a puff of wind"... and that exactly what would happen, and when, was simply not known.

Of interest also is the anonymous testimony from a senior Electrical Engineer, whose wife contacted us in April 2009 to report an anticipated major breakdown of national power supplies a few years from now.
These reports - and others (such as that from Dan Sherman) - all weave together to form an unsettling picture.
While we have said separately that we do not agree with Patrick Geryl's conclusions, it does seem that the Earth, and the human race, may possibly be in for a bit of a rough ride... from a number of different causes.