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27 February 2013

The seven elements of your psyche that serve as the gateway into the matrix

Friday, February 22, 2013 by: Mike Bundrant

(NaturalNews) This article defines the psychic gateway into the matrix of illusion that we live in.

The illusion is a threat. From within it, we unconsciously seek out destruction and fool ourselves into believing it is OK. The destruction happens on an individual and global basis.

The bigger problem is, we actively hide the facts from ourselves through amazing feats of mental gymnastics. This is why it is nearly impossible to convince anyone what it really going on in the world - or within the walls of their home - or inside their own mind. The illusion is pervasive and overwhelming.

The seven facts that follow are the result of months of work searching the lost archives of psychology and philosophy - obscure papers you've never seen in out-of-print volumes, written by people you have never heard of. These heroes should be household names, but they have been deleted by modern mental health - but that is a longer story that predates World War II.

Below I use examples of how the illusion affects individuals, but you will see how it applies to the entire population. Please read slowly and carefully when you have time and space to absorb it. Some people need to reread the facts and storyline several times before it begins to make sense. I have tried to distill it down as far as I can, write in layman's terms and keep it as brief as possible.

By the way, you won't see this until you realize it applies to you. I have had to work on myself consistently for months now, opening my own eyes so that I can pass this information along. It has been the most liberating experience of my life and I continue to work at it daily. I hope you see it, too.

See the gateway. See the exit. That's how it works.

1. When you were born, you could not tell the difference between truth and falsehood

Children do not have truth/falsehood filters. Whatever parents tell children, they not only believe, but anticipate and act upon. It doesn't matter how far from reality these "facts" are. This is how Santa Claus manages to stick around.

When kids believe in Santa, they behave accordingly. They write letters to Santa, wait up at night to get a glimpse, leave out cookies on Christmas Eve, try not to be on the naughty list and so on.

We act on what we experience as true.

2. In reality, you learned many things that were false - and you made those things pleasurable

Enter the first major, hard-to-believe glitch in the program. If you learned only helpful or harmless things as a child, you'd be set up for a lifetime of independence and success. Sadly, you were taught many things that are false.

Here's the mind-blower: You turned these falsehoods into pleasures. I almost hate to be the one to put this to you, but it is true. Children cannot filter out falsehood and they make perceived truth pleasurable. If you did not make truth pleasurable, then you would never act on it. When you are taught that a lie is true, then seeking the lie becomes right and familiar, even if the lie guides you into an early grave. This combination can turn your whole world upside down. It may be the number one human vulnerability; the key to our undoing.

On a personal level, perhaps you learned that you are not worth anyone's time. Perhaps you discovered that there is no point in thinking for yourself. Maybe you learned that it is useless to try to succeed. Perhaps you learned that you do not fit in.

Let's say you were taught that you weren't worth your parents' time. When you needed help, they were busy. When you wanted to play, they weren't interested. When you were proud of yourself, they dismissed you.

3. You now live the lies as if they were true

Modern culture encourages older children to let go of their harmless belief in Santa Claus. Most parents are sensitive enough and comfortable guiding their children through the process.

Modern culture offers no encouragement or process to let go of the harmful lies you were told. When you think about it, people might be better off believing in Santa for life than believing they are worthless as a person for life. Still, there is no rite of passage, no method and virtually no mention that young adults should examine beliefs related to their upbringing.

Worse, extraordinarily few people exist on this planet who know how to help others identify and let go of the lies they are living.

So, as an adult, you are now living the lie that you are worthless (this is just one example). You treat yourself the way your parents treated you. You don't take care of yourself, respect yourself or give yourself the time and sacrifice necessary to create the life you want.

You act on the lie. You don't care what you eat or what goes into your body. You don't make time for yourself. You find it hard to accept compliments. You don't keep commitments to yourself. You are uncomfortable around people with high self-esteem, etc...

Worse, you find a strange, unexplainable pleasure or personal familiarity in treating yourself this way. This only adds shame to the mix.

4. The lies you live are threatening, painful and embarrassing

Here's why letting go of lies is so difficult. If you are living a lie, you probably don't want to admit it. The lie you are living isn't pretty. Who wants to face the perceived ugliness and pain at the core of their being?

No one wants to appear weak or worthless. Everyone is putting their best foot forward and burying the unmentionables. Your ego does not want to see the truth!

5. So, you hide the lies from yourself

Your campaign to hide the painful lie-you-believe-is-true is wholesale. You hide the lie by setting out to prove your worth to the world, as if you could deny the lie by worldly success. You ignore your feelings. You look down on "weak" or "unimportant" people.

You avoid intimacy, unconsciously fearing that if someone were to get to know you, they'd disapprove. If someone suggests in any way that you might be mistaken or to blame for something, you get defensive. You avoid at all costs any hint that you might be less than you portray yourself.

The bitter irony is that all this is totally unnecessary. You are not worthless. You never were. You only believed the lie and now act upon it regularly, at times getting a strange satisfaction from it.

6. Now you are stuck doing things you hate for reasons you do not understand

All this leads to an incredible bind. You are strangely attracted to being less than - it is familiar territory for you. All the ways you act upon this belief are troubling, but the illusion is so thick that you don't know where to begin to figure it all out.

You set goals that should improve your life, then sabotage those goals because you lean heavily toward that attachment to being less than. You know you should not eat junk, smoke junk, drink junk, do junk, treat yourself like junk, but you do. You understand the consequences of such behaviors, but do not seem to care. In fact, you are oddly invested in bringing more junk upon yourself.

7. You resist solutions to your problem

When real solutions present themselves, you reject them. When people try to help, you become offended and pretend you have no problem. You even judge others who have obvious problems to move attention away from your own (Reality TV is a good vehicle for this).

It is entirely possible for you to stare real solutions in the face, admit they are solutions, then proceed to do the opposite and resent anyone who calls you on your irresponsible behavior.

You live the lie, take pleasure in the lie, fear solutions to the lie, don't know who you would be without the lie and keep all this from yourself with amazing agility.

Perfect prey for big pharma

Doesn't this set up create perfect candidates for drugs? Corporate power structures love to prey upon our struggle by offering solutions that do not require us to dig deep. Take a pill. You'll feel better. Kick the can down the road. Just don't leave the matrix and begin to think for yourself.

Living inside the matrix leaves us attached to what we hate - and sometimes we even enjoy it. It's a twisted set up that leaves millions of people, each and every day, scratching their heads and wondering why they do what they do.

Digging deep is the only solution. Do not be afraid. The only dark secrets lurking there will transform into psychological enlightenment the moment you discover them.

This is only the beginning. Take the next step and watch this free video to learn more, then never stop learning until you are free.

About the author:

Watch the free video The AHA! Process: An End to Self-Sabotage and discover the lost keys to personal transformation and emotional well-being that have been suppressed by mainstream mental health for decades.

The information in this video has been called the missing link in mental health and personal development. In a world full of shallow, quick-fix techniques, second rate psychology and pharmaceutical takeovers, real solutions have become nearly impossible to find. This presentation will turn your world upside down.

Mike Bundrant is co-founder of the iNLP Center and host of Mental Health Exposed, a Natural News Radio program.

Follow Mike on Facebook for daily personal development tips.

25 February 2013

Global Elitism: The Character Traits Of Truly Evil People

Brandon Smith
Activist Post
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The first dangerous mistake the average person makes is the assumption that “evil” is a kind of subjective or “gray” concept. We would love to believe that all destructive and malicious behavior is merely a product of bad environment, bad upbringing, or mental psychosis. Deviance in the name of misguided “profit” or “status” is often more acceptable to the public; as long as there is a reason we can easily understand and grasp. What frightens the average American today is not the abhorrent action of criminality; rather, it is criminality without easily definable reason. What frightens the common citizen is the possibility that some people hurt others not because mommy and daddy “mistreated” them, or because they have a psychological deficiency that clouds their judgment, but because they fully and consciously ENJOY doing what they do. Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters of our era, perhaps because we would rather not entertain the possibility that there is a dark side to humanity as a whole, that if left unchecked, could take control in a deliberate and calculated way.

This is why the greatest crimes of our time often go ignored by the public. The idea, for instance, that international financiers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos, and global war out of a desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too much for many to handle. Surely, these terrible events throughout our modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error…right?

Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, the majority of catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced directly back to a particular subset of people, who use their positions of influence for ill purpose, and knowingly engineer calamity not just for personal gain, but the gain of their “social class”.  

In the Liberty Movement, we often refer to this group as “Globalists” or “Elitists”. They permeate the upper echelons of our nation, and they do indeed have a culture that is entirely separate and disparate from our own. If one studies their literature, their initiatives, and their motives, he would discover another world, driven by outlandish goals and an even more outlandish brand of religious fervor. Here are some of the character traits and beliefs that make these people easy to identify…. 


Global Elitists tend to see themselves as a separate breed of human being; a superior class with superior faculties, and thus, born to “rule” over the rest of us. In their writings they often espouse the teachings of Plato’s Republic, and the concept of the “Philosopher Kings”. They believe that some men and women are endowed with a genetic predisposition to leadership, and that the average person does not have the intelligence to determine his own destiny. They see the rest of humanity as a blank canvas, and themselves as the artists. We are to be “molded” and our social dichotomies are to be manipulated. 

In reality, they are no smarter than the rest of us. Rather, they inherit positions of wealth and influence, and automatically assume this makes them superior. Their ability to mold society is derived entirely from their extensive capital and their complete lack of morality. If they were not in the top .1% of the world's rich, they would be treated like common criminals for their behavior; but, sadly, in our day and age money often buys undue respect. Imagine a private club of John Wayne Gacys or Charles Mansons, except with 80% of the world’s wealth at their disposal and the means to purchase good publicity and legal immunity. That is essentially what we are dealing with….

Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton. - Bertrand Russell, The Impact of Science on Society (1953) pgs. 49-50 
Speaking of a future at most only decades away, an experimenter in intelligence control asserted, "I foresee a time when we shall have the means and therefore, inevitably, the temptation to manipulate the behavior and intellectual functioning of all the people through environmental and biochemical manipulation of the brain." - Zbigniew Brezinski, Between Two Ages, America's Role in the Technotronic Era 1970
Pursuit Of Zero Conscience

Elitists believe that conscience is a hindrance to success, instead of a worthwhile virtue. They knowingly and deliberately abandon their moral compass because they see it as an unnatural restriction, an obstacle that makes getting what they want more difficult. Conscience, however, never quite disappears in anyone. In order to reconcile their wretched mindset with that distant nagging sensation of guilt, they claim that their actions are “for the greater good of the greater number”. They desperately want to believe that they are serving the future of mankind, and that we should “appreciate” their guiding hand, even though the things they do seem far more hateful than helpful. They would condescend to call this “tough love”. 

They further attempt to avoid the fact of their own dysfunction by trying to elicit criminality in others. If they can convince the masses that morality is “relative” and that right and wrong are subject to “interpretation”, if they can convince us to ignore our own inner voices which are inborn, then their monstrosity could eventually be considered normal, even preferable. 

For in a world of moral relativists, the man with a conscience becomes the criminal, the outcast; and the elites become the heroes they always wanted to believe themselves to be. 

In the meantime, they will often resort to costume and theater, wrapping themselves in a particular belief system and playing the role of the “saint”. The mask rarely comes off until they think their position of power is assured.

I am now as before a Catholic and will always remain so. - Adolf Hitler 
Do you really believe the masses will be Christian again? Nonsense! Never again. That tale is finished. No one will listen to it again. But we can hasten matters. The parsons will dig their own graves. They will betray their God to us. They will betray anything for the sake of their miserable jobs and incomes… - Adolf Hitler 
The tenth rule of the ethics of rules and means is that you do what you can with what you have and clothe it in moral arguments. …the essence of Lenin’s speeches during this period was “They have the guns and therefore we are for peace and for reformation through the ballot. When we have the guns then it will be through the bullet.” And it was. - Saul Alinsky (Barack Obama taught the amoral philosophies of Alinsky as an organizer in Chicago. Hillary Clinton made Alinsky the topic of her undergraduate thesis)
Promote Collectivism

Top globalists are not necessarily collectivists themselves. In fact, they often swing far to the other end of the spectrum into an aberrant form of individualism. As discussed above, they even see conscience as a restriction on their personal freedom, and rebel against it as if rebelling against enslavement. What they do not grasp is that the inherent nature of conscience is a gift, one which has so far kept humanity away from the brink of total self-destruction, at least to this point. It is not a prison. Rather, it is protection from ourselves. 

The elitist’s insane ideal of “pure individualism” without self discipline is a private matter they rarely discuss. In public, they constantly promote the collectivist lifestyle and admonish individualism in common people as “selfish” or “narcissistic”. 

People often confuse “collectivism” with “community”. This is caused by a lack of understanding as well as a lack of experience. Community is a voluntary gathering of individuals for the purpose of mutual aid. Collectivism is the gathering of people by threat of force or loss, for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands of a few. It is the act of destroying individualism in the name of “protecting the group”. In America today, we have a disappearing sense of real community, while the “advantages” of collectivism are being sung to the rooftops by global elites. 

If the population can be convinced that they are devoid of inherent qualities and characteristics, and that their environment is the totality of their existence, then they will hand over all power to anyone who promises them the best possible surroundings. That is to say, when we have no faith in our own individualism and self-responsibility, we will automatically seek protection, usually from a nanny government or dictatorship. This process of wrenching self determination from the populace has an ultimate end goal: World Governance and total dominance.

The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent meetings and conferences. The apex of the systems was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world's central banks which were themselves private corporations. Each central bank...sought to dominate its government by its ability to control Treasury loans, to manipulate foreign exchanges, to influence the level of economic activity in the country, and to influence cooperative politicians by subsequent economic rewards in the business world. - Carroll Quigley, CFR member, mentor to Bill Clinton, from Tragedy And Hope 
In the next century, nations as we know it will be obsolete; all states will recognize a single, global authority. National sovereignty wasn't such a great idea after all. - Strobe Talbot, President Clinton's Deputy Secretary of State, as quoted in Time, July 20th, 1992.
The "Noble Lie"

Elitists are very adamant about the idea of the “noble lie”; the use of a lie to attain a “positive goal”. In their view, average citizens lack the capacity to understand the bigger political and social picture, so we must be lied to in order to make us do what is best for ourselves. Of course, their version of what is best for our culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them. 

The noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions, and I often wonder if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy, or if they really buy into their own tripe. If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas, then there must be something terribly wrong with your ideas. Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be “sold” to the public through chicanery; the truth takes on a life of its own. Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root.

We are at present working discreetly with all our might to wrest this mysterious force called sovereignty out of the clutches of the local nation states of the world. All the time we are denying with our lips what we are doing with our hands. - Professor Arnold Toynbee, in a June 1931 speech before the Institute for the Study of International Affairs in Copenhagen. 
Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to have. - Richard Salent, former president, CBS News, Bill Clinton: Friend or Foe
Population Reduction

One of the centerpieces of the globalist religion is the concept of population reduction. They not only see themselves as a separate species with superior genetic makeup and a propensity for rulership, they also see the rest of us as cockroaches and “useless eaters”; a herd that needs to be “culled”.

 The funny thing about population reductionists is that they always want OTHER people to die in order to save the planet. They never offer their own lives as a sacrifice for the “greater good”. This is because they assume they are “too important” (ostensibly because they think they are intelligent), while many of us are “expendable”.

Of course, overpopulation today is an oversold myth that has been debunked in many scientific circles. Population expansion is also not necessarily a bad thing. Greater population means more minds working on more problems. It drives technological advancement and forces us through the survival imperative to invent more efficient methods of production. There are indeed advantages to growth.

In the end, though, global elites do not care about the Earth. They do not believe in population reduction because they want to reduce pollution, our so-called “carbon footprint”, save the poor endangered animals, or even to protect finite resources. They want population reduction because first, they are Eugenicists who see some people as genetically inferior to others; and, second, because a culled population is easier to dominate. Again, less minds working means less problems solved, and less individuals to rock the boat when the state abuses its power.

A total world population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal. - Audubon magazine, interview with Ted Turner, 1996 
A program of sterilizing women after their second or third child, despite the relatively greater difficulty of the operation than vasectomy, might be easier to implement than trying to sterilize men...........The development of a long-term sterilizing capsule that could be implanted under the skin and removed when pregnancy is desired opens additional possibilities for coercive fertility control. The capsule could be implanted at puberty and might be removable, with official permission, for a limited number of births. - John P. Holdren (Top Science Adviser To Barack Obama) 
Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one-fourth is electing to transcend…One-fourth is ready to so choose, given the example of one other…One-fourth is resistant to election. They are unattracted by life ever-evolving. One-fourth is destructive. They are born angry with God…They are defective seeds…There have always been defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a ‘natural death’…We, the elders, have been patiently waiting until the very last moment before the quantum transformation, to take action to cut out this corrupted and corrupting element in the body of humanity. It is like watching a cancer grow…Now, as we approach the quantum shift from creature-human to co-creative human—the human who is an inheritor of god-like powers—the destructive one-fourth must be eliminated from the social body. We have no choice, dearly beloveds. Fortunately you, dearly beloveds, are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge of God’s selection process for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse, Death. We come to bring death to those who are unable to know God…The riders of the pale horse are about to pass among you. Grim reapers, they will separate the wheat from the chaff. This is the most painful period in the history of humanity… - Futurist Barbara Marx Hubbard (featured in the film THRIVE, a collectivist propaganda piece falsely presented as an attack on the elitist establishment…in other words, controlled opposition)
The Source Of Our Pain

Now, globalists are not the only source of our social pain. We bear some responsibility. When we are not vigilant, when we deny our own ignorance and refuse to learn, when we lie to ourselves, when we cater to personal superficial desires rather than taking the future into account, we open the door for the devil, as it were. Evil, like conscience, resides in us all. 

That said, globalists are not just terrible people in a random sense. They have constructed an entire culture of deviance. They are organized evil, and this is a problem that we must deal with soon. Good men are defined not only by their adherence to the inner voice of truth, but also their willingness to act when the truth is threatened. We must educate others, and when the time comes, put ourselves in harms way to remove the globalist ilk, before they destroy everything in a raging elitist fervor….
(You can contact Brandon Smith at: Alt-Market is an organization designed to help you find like-minded activists and preppers in your local area so that you can network and construct communities for mutual aid and defense. Join today and learn what it means to step away from the system and build something better.)

23 February 2013

Atlantis: Lost World

Ancient civilizations on the islands of Crete and Santorini, which may have formed the basis for the myth of Atlantis, return to computer-simulated life. The complete Atlantis documentary, studying the palace at Crete, the island of Santorini, and other phenomena which may give clues to the legend of Atlantis.

The Legend of Atlantis - It´s Time to Wake Up

Thousands of years ago the gods came down to Earth from the stars to initiate a genesis. Human civilization was formed and reached a peak with Atlantis. A dark age began and the battle of Atlantean gods led to its fall. A secret brotherhood brought Atlantean secret teachings before the fall to Egypt. Through all civilizations and with inspiration from extraterrestrial guards the secret Atlantean brotherhood managed all political systems with an educational mission. The thrilling documentation shows for the first time the secret activities of a brotherhood in relations with invisible masters from Shambhala and Agharta and the secret about the hollow earth.

Following the catastrophe in Atlantis all nations were dispersed. A part of the Atlantean brotherhood's secret knowledge survived in Egypt, in India and in Tibet. The heirs of these secret brotherhoods led mankind during the Dark Age...through Atlantean knowledge and through all ages. In modern times the Freemasons, Templars and Illuminati brotherhoods were formed. After World War I the Neutemplerorden and Thule society emerged in Munich and Vienna. New occult sects saw 'Satan' in the old Freemason lodges. With Hitler these occult sects came to power. This thrilling documentation shows for the first time the background of the Third Reich and its intellect which led to the catastrophe of World War II.

Atlantean secret knowledge tells us the legend of mankind and those souls, who have to undergo cycles. With the fall of Atlantis, a civilization cycle had ended. All prophecies and more recent Earth changes point out that today's mankind have reached the end of the next experience cycle. Up to the year 2011 the most serious Earth and climate changes, earthquakes, social and political changes have been predicted. This thrilling documentation shows the prophecies of ELIA, the returned prophet and his message on the last days, Christ's return and the space Brotherhood.

Millenniums have passed... since the high culture of Atlantis sank with a catastrophe through power abuse of some corrupt scientists. All humans of that time, who also experienced the descent into the Dark Age, are being reincarnated today. The thrilling documentation shows the return of the Atlantean light children and allows deep insight into the role of the lightworkers and brotherhoods of Atlantis. It shows why some souls reincarnate today and act as environmental protectionists, therapists, artists, esoterics etc., for the healing of the earth. This video also addresses also the Space Brotherhood events, 11:11, the hollow earth, Shambhala and Agharta.
The Legend of Atlantis [Complete Series]

22 February 2013

Bhutan To Be First Country to Go 100% Organic
February 18th, 2013

If there was ever a nation that could see the purpose behind organic, sustainable farming, it would be a nation that is composed mostly of farmers. Such a place does exist, and it soon may be the first nation to go 100% organic, paving the way for others to do the same on a global scale.

The Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is known for a high level of citizen happiness, but it is doing something even more noteworthy in the near future. With Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley making a major announcement regarding the organic farming project at the Rio+20 Conference on Sustainable Development which took place last month, the move has made national headlines. It’s called the National Organic Policy, and it is fueled by the simple concept that working ‘in harmony with nature’ will yield the most powerful results — all without sacrificing human health or the environment.

What this comes down to is no GMO, no pesticides, no herbicides, no fluoride-based spray products, no Monsanto intrusion at all, and a whole lot of high quality food available for the 700,000 citizens of Bhutan. Food that, at one time, was simply called ‘food’. In the statement to other policy makers, Prime Minister Jigmi Thinley explained the move:

“By working in harmony with nature, they can help sustain the flow of nature’s bounties.”

Bhutan’s land currently supplys most corn, rice, fruits, and some vegetables, and it is perfectly positioned to begin developing 100% organic farming. In addition to containing a population that is mostly farmers, it also has extremely rich lands that are truly beyond what many consider organic.

Some lands in Bhutan have not even been touched with harsh chemicals of any kind, and traditional techniques are utilized to produce high yields without Monsanto dipping into the pockets of family farmers. This is in sharp contrast to India’s farming community, which has been shafted by Monsanto and subsequently nicknamed the ‘suicide belt‘ due to the rampant suicides that can be blamed in part by Monsanto-induced financial ruin.

Australian adviser to Bhutan, Andre Leu, explains:

“I don’t think it’s going to be that difficult given that the majority of the agricultural land is already organic by default.”

The shift is certainly inspiring, but it also reminds us about the true lunacy of designating foods as ‘organic’ and ‘traditional’ in modern society. These Bhutan farmers are not growing magic beans or enchanted corn, they are growing real food. Actual food as it was grown for thousands of years. It’s only now, with the advent of ways in which we can toxify our crops, do we value organic as if it were some privilege or act of class. When it comes down to it, we just want real food.

17 February 2013

They Call it Television Programming For a Reason

By Joe Martino

Have you ever watched TV or a movie and notice you were becoming immersed in the characters and their stories? Did you notice at times in your life you may have wanted to do what you saw on TV or in movie? Maybe you wanted your life to play out that way when it comes to a job or a relationship? Don’t get me wrong, it is a pretty common thing that happens as we watch these forms of entertainment as they are designed for us to get engaged with them, but have you ever come to the realization that this could be a very powerful means to shape public opinion and create an ideal social psychology? You might be wondering, what do you mean an “ideal social psychology?” Well think of it this way, if you were in control of many people and you wanted them to make sure they would do certain things or be ok with certain things, is it possible you might use forms of entertainment to be sneaky in programming the masses minds to be that way?

TV shows themselves are called programs and the line up for any given station is considered the ‘programming’ they offer. It should be no surprise really that programming is precisely what is happening as we watch the TV shows we watch… even reality TV shows which I can tell you right now are anything but reality. The inspiration for this article came as i have been seeing various bits of TV here and there while I am at my families house or out at others. What I overhear or have been seeing has been very comical in some ways as it is incredibly clear how much this type of stuff can affect the psyche of the viewer.

There are literally countless areas we could cover with a post like this but I wanted to touch on one in particular -the clear obsession around police, FBI and CSI type shows. Ratings in North America for these types of shows are easily hitting well into the 10′s of millions each episode. It seems every month a new type of CSI or cop related show is coming out, in fact, other then simple comedy’s, it seems to be the most saturated genre out there yet it remains very successful. But why? What is the obsession around all of these shows and the constant barraging of police and FBI glorification? The answer is quite simple when you take a step back.

As of right now in our world, actions are being done by government, military, police, and secret service agencies that are flat out disturbing. While not a ton of this hits the public eye is a very massive way, it is leaking through like never before thanks to the internet. The public opinion surrounding police, government and military has been dropping quite a bit with all of these actions and people are beginning to lose trust. What better way to repair their image than by constantly ‘bigging’ them up as heros in everyone’s favorite television shows?

If you have caught some of these shows you know exactly what I am talking about. There is always some impossible case that usually has to do with pulling on the heartstrings of the average person, whether it be a child kidnapping or really touchy murder, the end of the episode always has some officer or character being glorified for there work and determination. Which can be fine but we never see the side of police work that is more common. I hate to say it but much of the police duties of today have very little to do with keeping the peace and much more to do with disturbing it. It has become something where everyone is an enemy, everyone is a problem and something always needs to be done to stop people, slow them down, ticket them or detain them. In fact, anyone who is trying to say something contrary to mainstream government opinion is likely to see themselves in handcuffs or being beaten. On TV however, this is never the case. We see time and time again the same ‘bad people’ being taken down by the ‘good cops’ and agencies.

Again, I don’t want to point this out to suggest that no police work or FBI related work that is positive, because there are some helpful things happening out there, I am just trying to point out an obvious trend here that is doing a great job of programming humanity in order to repair many tarnished images of these various government related groups. The next time you are watching one of these shows, if you watch TV, observe the types of emotions they purposely put into these shows. Watch closely at how they really do a good job to shape public opinion and even go as far as to make people fear the true power of the police in being able to figure out ANYTHING.

Of course these are not the only types of shows that are doing a great job of programming us. You can watch most comedies, drama’s and reality TV shows and get the same stuff. They tell us how to act in relationships how to be friends with one another, who to hate, who to judge, how to trust your government. Most shows even play on the ‘terrorist’ factor quite a bit if you watch closely. This leads me to something I want to encourage any TV watchers to do.

The Challenge

The next time you are watching a TV show, pay attention to how often and how intensely the push to keep the viewer in ego programming is used. With the right observation, you will notice that almost the entire show is a mindless distraction geared towards telling you how to be and how to react -all from programming of course. Very little is opening you up to looking at things in a new way, a more open and expanded way of thinking where we aren’t being driven by things like fear, judgment, emotions, anger and chasing ‘the dream.’ The bonus challenge? Try cutting TV out of your life completely for 1 week. See what happens, you might be pleasantly surprised.

The Essence Of The Banking Industry

16 February 2013

War in Heaven

From EndEnchantment Website

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic."
- Cliché by Arthur C. Clarke
"Profiles of The Future", 1961

When we see what we take to be magic, could we be looking at a sign of advanced technology?

A preposterous suggestion. It’s logically valid, of course, but so hypothetical. Who sees magic anyway?

Noted author Paul Von Ward, writing in Gods, Genes, and Consciousness shows how man’s early contact with what he calls Advanced Beings, gave rise to magical interpretations and magical religions, leading directly down the line to today’s supernatural religions and belief in God. Directly. People today who practice religion and believe in God - including members of the very SETI community just mentioned - have accepted for their personal and public truth the degraded remnants of the effects of early encounters with "Advanced Beings", however abhorrent they may find this assertion to be.

But "magic" itself never disappeared. It has remained important and an important influence on human society down the ages into the present. There are many many examples of the practice of magic within our society.

But it doesn’t "work", right? Many practitioners would say that it does. Do you suppose they might have some reason for saying so? And if it does, could there still be an advanced technology lurking in the background?

And if there is, could there be technology lurking behind religion as well?

Welcome to 'War in Heaven'. This important book was self-published by Kyle Griffith in 1988 and has long been out of print; Griffith’s publishing company no longer exists, and his whereabouts had been unknown for years.

We present here a detailed summary of the book.

Part One, the introduction to the book proper, is not included here, but portions of it will eventually be reproduced on this website or in the associated War in Heaven Forum. For example, an excerpt concerning the origins of materialistic science is available under the title The Copernican Compromise.

The remainder of War in Heaven (WiH) consists of a dialog between Griffith and a "disembodied spirit" who claimed to be a member of a group calling itself The Invisible College. The format consists of questions and answers. Griffith states that the answers were received by automatic writing and read back to the contacted entity for review and correction. The questions and answers that appear in the text are actually the result of several iterations of review and discussion.

The material thus generated is both convincing and compelling, and appears to be of vital importance to human society. That is a claim we see all the time; this time I submit that the claim is truly justified. Since there is at the moment no other way for readers to gain access to the ideas or information expressed in War in Heaven, I am undertaking to summarize the key points here.

The reader should be warned. This book is of direct concern to SETI. Yet it is about religion. It is about magic. And magic, at times, is about sex.

These matters are all about the past, present, and future situation of the human race.


The Invisible College

Theocratic Bands

Religious Mind Control

Electronic Mind Control

The History of Theocracy

The Invisible College

Satan and Buddha

The Age of Reason

A Revolution in Consciousness

The Aquarian Age

Hitchhiking Spirits



The Fifth Stage of Theocracy

The Technology War

The Last Days

Handbook for the Recently Deceased

Additional Information

The Copernican Compromise

The Divine and The Manipulative Extraterrestrials

'War in Heaven - The Invisible College'

Gods and Religions on Planet Earth

War In Heaven-War On Earth

Return to The Astral Plane

Gerry Zeitlin


10 February 2013

How Is Your Inner Beggar?

February 8, 2013

These days people are more needy and externalized than ever. We manipulate others to make us "feel good." If someone doesn't "like" us on Facebook, or reply to a message, we are devastated. If we pick up a piece of trash, and no one saw us, the good deed was wasted.

Makow's "Four Laws of Socio-Dynamics" provides a template for unraveling the mystery of human interaction.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.
(from Oct 31, 2009 - Improved Feb 8, 2013)

This being the weekend, I am reflecting on the timeless question of human happiness. What do people want?

Simple creatures, we want to feel good.

If you make other people feel good, they'll love you.

But how many of us bother? We are too busy trying to make them, make us feel good.

We are feel good addicts, hoping to wring our happiness from the world. Food, drink, drugs, sex, money, power, love.

In The Power of Now, Eckhard Tolle speaks of a beggar who asks a stranger for money. The stranger tells the beggar to look under his seat. Turns out there was a nugget of gold there all along.

The message is "the kingdom of heaven lies within" i.e. in the soul. Tolle's theory, based on Raja Yoga, is that we are souls, not minds. But we falsely identify with the mind (ego), which is the voice of a beggar in our head, constantly saying, "I want."

"I want corrupt politicians to be punished. I want the world to be just. I want my stocks to go up. I want to be noticed. I want my boss to praise me. I want to make a big sale. I want my spouse to be sweet. I want people to write on my Facebook wall. I want someone to put something in my cup."

Tolle's theory is that the ego has no permanent existence. After all, we die. But throughout our lives, our ego-beggar tries in vain to assert its existence.

In order to feel good, everyday it needs a cocktail of money, love, sex, recognition and power, or you name it.

This is why many rich people are so stingy. They are their money. If they give it away, they are diminished. This is also why people cling to discredited ideas. They are their opinions.

The ego can never be satisfied. No matter how much is stuffed into its cup, it wants more. "Enough is a little more than what one has," Samuel Butler said.

So Tolle's message is: we should identify with what is eternal and permanent, i.e. our souls, and not our ego-beggars-thoughts.

According to the mystics, we can access this spiritual dimension, where truth and love are self-evident, by meditation and prayer. By switching our identity to the observer, which witnesses beggar-thought as something foreign to our real spiritual identity, eventually we can experience our soul. If we don't identify with our thoughts, and learn detachment instead, we will never go crazy.

The ego-mind becomes a calculator at best, a boorish intruder at worst.

Tolle teaches his followers to be still and live in the present; to empty their minds and unwrap the lollipop within. 


I favor a balance between ego (mind) and spirit.

Mystics speak of acedia , a spiritual dryness or boredom that comes from detaching from the world but not being able to connect to God. Stuck in limbo.

The ego has legitimate needs and often it is easier to satisfy them than deny them and hope they will go away. Love, sex, respect, money are examples.

The ego also has legitimate satisfactions. For example, a job well done. A well deserved promotion. Figuring out a difficult problem. Cleaning out the garage. Making someone else's day. A good run or work out.

Back in the day, Ram das visited my city and I asked him how to train the ego. "Treat it like a baby," he said. "Teach it." 


The first step is to renounce pleasure that comes from outside yourself.

Don't try to be happy from making money or getting positive feedback from a woman, or man.

Usually, the quest to feel good ultimately is what makes us feel bad. Don't seek happiness from outside.

The philosopher Kant said, "We are rich according to the number of things we can leave alone."

Normally we use money to keep score. What if we kept score by the number of things we can leave alone? The stock market for example? Porn? What can you leave alone?

Fortunate is the person who can enjoy himSelf; the person who has many private pleasures: Jazz, Victorian literature, bird watching, knitting, sports .... 


I've said to my wife, "Nobody ever calls unless they want something."

Recently, I was having a nap on a lazy Saturday afternoon when my fax line rang. No fax came in but every few minutes ... a nagging ring. Finally my phone line rang. I answered it.

It was a politician I had supported financially 20 years ago. Hadn't spoken to him since. Haven't been involved in mainstream politics either. Well, it seems that he had incurred a large campaign debt in the interim. The lender was going to forgive it but had died first. Now his estate was suing the politician for his house.

At this time, the politician somehow remembered a large cheque I had written in 1988, when I was flush with Scruples money. Could I find it in my heart?

The audacity! I would have told him to go to hell but I felt sorry for him. His judgment was impaired. So I let him down gently. 


I am the "Father of Socio Dynamics." These four laws, based on years of observation and thought, explain all social interaction:

1. We are attracted to people who have something we want.

2. We are repelled by people who want something from us, especially if they have nothing we want.

3. We are largely indifferent to people from whom we want nothing and vice-versa.

The fourth law of socio dynamics is known throughout the world as the "Conditional Law." It states:

4. Sometimes, we are nice to people we don't want anything from now, but who might offer a benefit in the future.

As you can see, human beings are extremely complex and difficult to decipher.


I have a friend who is on cordial terms with his ex-wife. She had the audacity to ask him to co-sign a mortgage for $250,000 on an condo investment she had made. She was going to lose her down payment. "Could he find it in his heart?"

Like the politician, she was desperate. She didn't consult my friend when making this investment, or offer to cut him in. But she expected him to bail her out.

Chutzpah- you don't have to be Jewish. Panhandlers for example -- they appeal to our human compassion but they don't give a damn about us. Usually, they can't even remember our faces.

To end on a less cynical note, it's a blessing to find someone who is genuinely good and deserving. These are the people I like to support.

Sometimes we meet people we just like, and they like us. That's a blessing.