The Real Star Wars and Beyond: Expanding Galactic Consciousness
GALACTIC HISTORY – A Secret History of the Galaxy uncovering the real stories behind the Star War series based on Transpersonal Psychology Study
By Alfred Lambremont Webre
VANCOUVER, BC – Less than a week prior to Disney’s launch of STAR WARS EPISODE VII: THE FORCE AWAKENS.
Disney’s first episode of the Star War series after acquiring the Star Wars franchise from George Lucas and then promptly rejecting Lucas’ story suggestions for this episode, a group of archetypal visionaries and historians have come together to launch a multi-segment historic “Real Star Wars” Galactic History series.
ExopoliticsTV has launched the first segment of the Real Star Wars: Galactic Consciousness Series and now calls on independent media and crowd funding to launch future segments of the Real Star Wars: Galactic Consciousness Series project. Thank you.
REAL STAR WARS: Galactic Consciousness Series
A Secret History of the Galaxy uncovering the real stories behind the Star War series based on Transpersonal Psychology Study

Personal Quotes
It is clear that Adam Apollo knows his way around the Omniverse. Adam writes, “People often think of the Universe as a machine, a dead device entropically destroying itself over time; this is really just the lingering of Descartes’ philosophy. The Universe is alive, formed from a quantum light lattice that interconnects all things, informing the evolution and development of living organisms, planetary systems, and galactic structures through feedback.”[1]
Adam Apollo has “offered insights on global transitions, physics, technology and the future at the White House, in a UN summit, and at conferences and festivals around the world. After having a vision of the Universe as a fractal hologram at the age of 15, he extensively studied a wide variety of branches in theoretical astrophysics, completing major research papers on the potential interface between consciousness and the physics of space-time by the time he graduated High School. He is a founder of the UNIFY movement and several education and technology based companies and organizations, as well as a faculty member and the lead systems architect for several international online academies. These include the Resonance Academy for Unified Physics, the Guardian Alliance Academy for real-life Jedi, and the Visionary Arts Academy. Adam Apollo is dedicated to achieving a sustainable and thriving interstellar culture.”
Cosmic mythologist Laura Eisenhower also part of Real Star Wars group
Cosmic mythologist Laura Eisenhower, Susana Kornacki, Kiley Sky, and Blue Orion Star Aeyonah are also part of the Galactic Consciousness Group and will be in future interviews and Forums.
Laura Eisenhower is “an internationally acclaimed speaker who has presented her work world wide and is the great-granddaughter of President Dwight David Eisenhower. She is on a powerful mission to bring about true Organic Ascension and expose hidden political agendas and our Galactic history, which includes the deeper layers of the Military Industrial Complex, ET’s, Galactic Wars, timelines and Alien technologies. She is also a Whistleblower and has been speaking out about being recruited to go to a Colony on Mars, which represented a time-line that she refused to go along with. Feeling a calling to do this mission since she was a child, she has gained incredible insight through diving into her Galactic memories and Soul history. She went on a profound journey into the Labyrinth Underworld, to activate the 13th gate and Galactic Zodiac, which connects Orion and Andromeda. She works to heal the Dragon lines and the Orion Wars and clear infections, AI programs and distortions of M/F, which can correct reversals of Earth grids, Stargates and complete Global Alchemy with the Venus transits. She integrates the fragmented pieces of the exploded planet Tiamat and resurrects Christ-Sophia through teaching about monadic and polarity integration. She has given thousands of clairvoyant/Tarot/Astrology readings and helps us to purify our Chakra systems from Imposter energies and move through the initiations that are necessary to become a living human vessel of Avatar Consciousness. She has a background in Wilderness Expedition leadership, Science, Natural Building and psychic development and was pioneering in the organic Foods industry in the early 90’s. She is considered by many to be one of North America’s leading researchers on: Exopolitics, Astrology, Cosmology, Alchemy, Mythology and Galactic History, and connects the dots between all of them and with her own life path and global work.”
Outline of ExopoliticsTV Interview
Guardian Alliance
Adam Apollo –
Galactic History:
The Secret History of the Galaxy As Remembered by Participants of Transpersonal Psychology Study
Presentation Overview
“After a series of spontaneous encounters that led to the simultaneous recall of past historical and ancient undocumented events by multiple unrelated parties, Adam Apollo began actively pursuing a form of Transpersonal Psychology research to develop records and documentation. While many of these parties were initially unrelated, the events “remembered” by individuals were found to coincide in exact detail, describing similar environments, people, and shared experiences. As many of these individuals eventually met each other, it was discovered that the emotional and physiological memory from these past experiences was immediately stimulated, deepening recall of events and often bringing forth more information and memories.
The Star Wars Connection
“Between 2005 and 2010, Adam Apollo had a series of recall experiences, and uncovered shared memories and simultaneous dreams which detail a series of events that occurred at least 26,000 relative Earth years ago or more that have some significant similarities with the mythology of the Star Wars film series (both original and recent versions).
“In brief, these memories cover an interplanetary war, the origin of the Djedhi (Jedi), the programming of the Zeta Reticuli (Greys) as “clone soldiers,” the rise of the first Galactic Empire, the Rebel Alliance that was able to eventually disable and disarm Imperial forces, and the healing journey that is still happening now on Earth. The origin of the Reptilians is uncovered, as well as the roots of their trauma, and healing solutions are presented that address some of the deepest grief and pain in humanity at this time.
Outline of Events (in order of remembering process):
Part 1: Raids
Assault of an interplanetary species now known as the “Reptilians” on a series of planets and interstellar starships.
The capture of individuals from many different species, and the enslavement of these individuals in a mining complex on an active volcanic moon.
Interspecies collaboration that lead to the escape of many of these slaves, and subsequent rescue by a Pleiadian Mothership.
The planning and execution of a defensive rout on a desert planet held by the Shihaelei, under siege by Reptilian forces, utilizing Dragon embodiments.
The freedom of the Shihaelei, and the initiation of the Shihaelei race as new members of the Galactic community, and the oath of Guardianship taken by many.
The founding of the Djedhi (Jedi).
Part 2: Orion Wars
Continued onslaught of the Reptilian forces on other planetary systems.
Rescue missions organized to save enslaved species and disable industrial hubs.
The emergence of the Robot Armies.
The recruitment of the Zeta Reticuli (Greys) through mental programming to create a supersoldier species of “Clone Soldiers.”
Initial standoff battles between Zeta supersoldiers and Reptilian Robot Armies.
The betrayal of the Galactic Ambassador who recruited the Zeta, and the sudden turning of all Zetas on the Djedhi Guardians.
The implementation of a Galactic Empire enforced by Reptilian Robot Armies and Zeta Reticuli “Stormtroopers”.
The death of countless Djedhi, and many others being turned to serve the empire through the threat of loss of their families, loved ones, and entire planetary communities.
The rise of the Rebel Alliance, and the secret information fed to them by Imperial insiders who were once Djedhi Guardians.
The destruction of the Programming Hubs (Death Stars) which held the encoding commands to keep the Empire enforced through Robots and programmed Zeta.
Part 3: Restoration
The return of the Djedhi, and the development of Interplanetary training schools and Guardian training at a Galactic scale.
The development of Planet Shield technologies and the capacity for impenetrable Force Fields, which allowed the final quarantine of Reptilian forces.
The initial restoration process of helping Zeta Reticuli become individualized again, overcoming their programming, and their work of studying Humanity on Earth as a means of developing emotional awareness and individualized consciousness.
The reforging of the Galactic Council, and the Alliance of Free Worlds.
Peace in the Galaxy.
Part 4: Healing
The Arcturian Karma and The Dragon Key
○ Where did the Reptilians come from? Why did they attack other worlds?
○ The Soul Genome – Dragons from Andromeda
Understanding Soul Travel:
○ How did Reptilian Lords infiltrate the Galactic Federation during the Orion Wars?
The Gift of Earth and Humanity
○ Interspecies integration, understanding, and growth.
○ A hub for karmic interplay, healing, transmutation, and integration.
○ Many humans have latent trauma from Galactic events
○ We can heal that trauma through acknowledgement of our true history, and
The Dragon Key
○ The Arcturian Resolution, and the mission to heal the Dragon wound.
○ The importance of acceptance of all beings, including Reptilians, to avoid further instigation of trauma and conflict.
○ Forgiving what has been forgotten, and the role of Grief.
Part 5: Guardians
Critical moments in time when Guardian Alliance members on Earth came together to help resolve and heal cultural and planetary rifts:
○ Atlantis
○ Egypt ○ Avalon
○ Now
Now is the time for restoration of a planetary-level force of healing, peace, justice, environmental restoration, social ethics, political transparency, economic sovereignty, and community Guardianship.
This Alliance should be built on foundational principles that fundamentally undermine conflict at it’s roots.
”Conclusion There is substantial evidence in this historical narrative that recontextualizes many of our current Exopolitical perspectives on Extraterrestrial Species. While many studies are based on single-handed witness testimony, this project has integrated the independent and collective testimonies of over 50 people whose particular experiences match a single timeline of events. While Adam Apollo believes independent witness testimonies to be extremely valuable, he stresses the importance of validation and replication through further collective study. When multiple parties independently surface specific data points in completely unknown historical territory, and these data points form a consistent map, the experiential topography of this map should be taken very seriously. It is also worth noting that the many similarities in this study with historical narrative in certain fiction writings and media, particularly “Star Wars,” is substantial, especially when considering the fact that some of the parties involved in this study have never seen these movies. In addition, some parties had portions of these spontaneous recall experiences before seeing the movies. In most cases, they never correlated their experiences with the Star Wars movies, since their individual memories were often focused on specific events without a larger galactic context. Many of the overall arcs in the timeline here were assembled from many different experiential accounts of different events, and only after those timelines were assembled did it become apparent that there were similarities with the Star Wars overarching narrative.”
GALACTIC HISTORY CONTINUED AT the PDF version of Galactic History documents that can be downloaded at:
ADAM APOLLO Additional Bio Links:
LinkedIN Resume
Projects and Bookings
Online Academies: Faculty & Founder
Guardian Alliance
Adam Apollo –
Galactic History: Resource Shortlist & References for Exopolitics Presentation
Films & Sci-Fi Books Star Wars References – George Lucas
Species and Characters
GALACTIC HISTORY CONTINUED AT the PDF version of Galactic History documents that can be downloaded at:
[1] Source:
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