Educate Yourself
A Guidebook to Defeating Human, Alien, and Demonic Oppressors
[Editor’s Note: This is an important tutorial on how to fight etheric attackers on their own turf ~ and win. There is an untold number of people around the world who are daily combating intense assault by negative alien beings, government/military psychics and remote viewers, black magicians, psionic technology, and demonic entities. They can all be defeated if you learn how to use your own inner connection to God and your heart chakra’s energy center to turn the tables on these craven bullies. The author is based in England and has been battling with these negative forces for some time-and winning- as he has armored himself to the point of becoming invulnerable to attack-and the Nazi intelligence agencies and the negative aliens know it (as his attackers have now become frightened of him). We are all capable of learning how to defend ourselves and turning the NWO and its etheric goons on their heads. Study this tutorial carefuly and and learn how to slay dragons-and all from the comfort of an easy chair. …Ken Adachi]
By Jack London
July 4, 2009
How to Fight Monsters and Win by Jack London (July 4, 2009)
The Basics
An often-used method of the Elite to control dissidents is to employ psychics and black magicians for long-distance attacks, saving on the manpower and time resources required to actually send a legbreaker round to your house without alerting the police. If you start doing anything interesting (like getting a chembuster to clear up atmospheric pollution) then you might well receive a visit from them. This will manifest in a variety of ways, usually a “sinking feeling” followed by vivid, waking hallucinations of figures trying to hurt you, or show you horrific images to traumatise you, or telling you upbeat life-affirming messages such as “We will kill you and everyone you love” or “You cannot win!”
If they really hate you, and are persistent, they can use these paranormal abilities to wear down your defences and shut down your brain or heart (heart is the most common way) and kill you while you sleep. Pretty scary stuff, all in all.
Except that it all rests on a single premise: that you don’t fight back.
This guide aims to change that. If you know the right techniques you can overcome psychic/magical attack and remain healthy and upbeat. I learnt these techniques myself. I didn’t get them from a book or a spiritual guru figure. I don’t have membership to any mystery schools. I’m not a freemason or an intelligence asset. I have, however, had some pretty interesting experiences, which taught me how to fight back and win.
In the first chapter I’m going to walk you through techniques useful to repel enemy psychics assaults and banish them from your space so you can recover.
It’s extremely important to be aware when you are actually being attacked. Passively accepting the attack and/or ignoring the attack will not resolve anything. I think a lot of people will pretend that “it’s just a nightmare” or that they’re hallucinating, or having mental health problems, when in reality someone in the real world is attacking them on the aetheric level and doing them harm. It’s up to you to cultivate discernment and figure out when it’s actually happening.
To be able to defend from psychic attack, the first key message is that you need to practise visualisation.
Close your eyes and “feel” a different eye or set of eyes opening inside your head. See in your minds eye (imagination) an indigo circle swirling clockwise. Just watch the circle as it spins and see it as clearly as you can. Gradually watch as the circle moves closer to you, then further away as if you were looking down a long dark tunnel.
When I write, “see” things, I don’t mean to “think” or strain with effort. It’s about just looking through your inner eyes and observing the things that actually happen. At first you’ll find yourself only seeing blackness. Think of how when you step into the dark, it takes a moment to be able to see, as your pupils dilate. Allow yourself time to adjust. You probably haven’t used your inner eye much before, so it will be weak, like an unused muscle.
The circle technique will let you get used to the idea of closing your eyes, opening your inner eye and looking around. The next step is to create a Safe Space for yourself on the aetheric. The aetheric is the frequency of reality you are seeing when you see with your inner eye. It’s a different plane of existence.
It’s extremely rare for anyone targeted for an aetheric assault to only get hit once, so you should be prepared to be hit in waves, spaced hours apart (usually each night). During the breaks (when the psychics go outside for a cigarette and a cup of tea to recharge) you should take time to practise visualising to improve your ability to defend yourself.
Close your eyes, open your inner eye and SEE yourself in a place that is peaceful and relaxing for you. This could be anything, depending on the individual. For example, you might see yourself on a tropical beach, in a peaceful forest clearing, or by a roaring fire at a campsite at night. Whatever you see, this place is your safe zone that you can return to and recover your energy from.
Visualise your safe zone and see it, then move around in it. Have a look around. Pick things up. You can interact with anything there and the overall idea is to get used to moving around and manipulating your environment while visualising such things.
It helps massively if you lie on your back, taking slow deep breaths while you do this. Breath through your nose.
When psychics attack you it’s best to pick a neutral ground to do so. A nice big empty room the size of a football pitch should do the trick.
There are ways to attack people, even hurt people, aetherically, but for now let us concentrate on a proactive defence. You need some kind of protection, to make yourself immune to whatever they throw at you. A simple trick is to visualise a sphere around yourself, like a bubble. This bubble will protect you because no matter what hits it, or flies around it, nothing can get at you within the bubble.
It’s a massive subject in itself, but the aetheric body interacts with the physical body at several key points. These are called chakras. You have seven main ones, three lower, three higher, and one in the middle called your heart chakra. This is located in the center of your chest and is the most powerful of all the chakras.
I don’t want to overload people with lots of side information, but suffice to say if you can harness the energy of your heart chakra then you’ll have nothing to worry about, as the power it gives you outclasses anything a black magician or government psychic could ever do to you. I will elaborate on why that is – and the precise aspects of all the chakras – at a later point.
Visualise a green sphere inside your chest, spinning clockwise. That’s clockwise from your perspective [as viewed from your back towards your front], not clockwise from the view of someone looking at you. This sphere is your visual signifier of the heart chakra. Allow yourself to focus on something positive. Find something that’s happened in your life – a memory, or a feeling – that was genuinely positive. Something that made you laugh, or cheer, or feel good. Not everyone has had an easy life, but I’m sure there has to be something truly positive you can draw upon. This purely positive vibe is the frequency you’re trying to harness.
You allow that feeling, that energy, to pool in your chest like warm water. To be stored up as energy inside your heart chakra. That’s your source of power, ok? Like an engine filled up with fuel.
Now, your protective bubble will be made out of this energy, this green heart glow. Visualise energy flowing out of your heart into a sphere which surrounds your entire body, a cartoon green-tinted bubble about six feet high and six feet across. As you breathe slowly in and out the sphere becomes “pumped up” with energy. After you’ve done this enough the sphere will “feel” (or rather you will sense it as) solid.
If you can do one thing in your defence against aetheric attack, do this. You will be invulnerable to any attack on that level. I cannot stress this enough: done properly, a heart chakra-boosted shield makes you invulnerable to all psychic/magical attack.
By continuing to breathe slowly and deeply, charging the shield, you can now calm down a bit and relax – since you’re invulnerable, there’s really no way you can lose unless you specifically choose to surrender or flail about panicking.
What the enemy will most likely do at this point is push its luck because the bad guys are stupid and arrogant and think that aetheric/psychic/magic stuff is about hierarchy and genetic lineage and twaddle like that, when it’s not, it’s about opening a connection between yourself and higher dimensional energy, thus having access to the power of God.
So: they’ll push their luck, by continuing to bang (fruitlessly) on the outside of your sphere, or summon scary images/emotions to make you surrender.
By scary images I mean they’ll do things like, for instance, show your loved ones/family being killed, your kids tortured, your partner being eaten alive, any insects/arachnids that you have a phobia of swarming around you, skull/blood/death imagery. You have to bear in mind this is all just like looking “at pictures in a book” (to quote The Shining). They can’t hurt you. It’s an illusion designed to throw you off balance and frighten you.
Keep focusing on your heart chakra. Keep breathing. Keep pooling the energy in your chest and sending it into the bubble.
You’ll end up in a situation where all these illusions are flying around outside your shield and you’re getting a bit bored and just want to go to bed or get on with watching television or whatever it was you were up to prior to getting attacked. At this point, you need to BANISH them from your personal space.
Up, Up and Away
Visualise another green bubble surrounding each of them, which due to its impervious nature, now has them trapped. Focus, concentrate on the second bubble and watch it float up into the air, so fast, so quick that in the space of a minute (or less) you can no longer see it. This harmlessly removes the threat. If there are multiple opponents, then simply imagine/visualise bubbles around them as well.
You might find it useful at this point to have a look around the Neutral Ground and “sense” for anything hostile. I mean by this that you feel on a “gut” or intuitive level that you are now safe, as opposed to being unsure or still scared.
If anything crops up, simply put a bubble around it and banish them too. When all is quiet, you might want to return to your “safe space” or power space to relax. Otherwise, open your eyes and carry on with your life.
You might be pretty freaked out to have just defeated an opponent on that level, so I’d recommend writing down the experience in a word document or in a journal so that you can “vent” your system a bit and have the notes to look back on. I’d also recommend having a good sense of humour.
Remember: use the heart chakra and visualise an impervious shield.
Fear vs. Love is a bit of a simplistic way to view the universe, but there’s a nugget of truth to it. I’m going to use an analogy of turning the dial on a radio (credit to David Icke for the next bit).
You’ve got a radio sat on a table in front of you. You turn the dial and tune into a specific radio station. This is you incarnating in a body prior to birth, locking into a specific frequency and experiencing life. You can tune the dial of a radio and leave one station and travel to a different station – either on a higher or lower frequency – and listen to something else but the previous station doesn’t cease to exist. It’s still there, it’s just that you can’t hear it anymore.
Physical reality is energy resonating at a certain frequency. You can interact with it because you’re resonating along with it. Your body is made of condensed energy, like a hologram, which is constantly buffed up by energy coming into it from sunlight, food, water etc.
Entities exist on different frequencies. Some are on a “higher” frequency and resonate faster than we do. Others are on lower frequencies. Lower dimensional (or lower frequency) entities are things like the Reptilians, who are bipedal humanoid lizards that feed on the lymphatic and spiritual energy of humans because to them, our energy is incredibly high frequency and gives them great strength when consumed.
Rather like a leech drinking in a bigger, stronger animal’s blood in order to take all the vitamins and nutrients from it, a Reptilian drinks blood (and eats your heart and pituitary gland and so on) because it’s rather like us humans enjoying a delicious, nutrient-packed salad nicoise. You can’t blame them really. Or rather, you can blame them for being a vicious bunch who want to enslave and eat humanity, BUT that would be like blaming the shark for eating a swimmer–who went swimming at night–and with a cut on his toe.
Ok, so maybe the analogy breaks down a bit there. Reptilians are still Bad News, especially with all the rape and torture and eating people alive and so on. I’m being flippant because that helps me process horrible truths; but this is how it is. They rape and eat people. You’re probably going to read that and not register it properly. That’ll happen a lot with this. I’ll say things to you multiple times and it won’t resonate properly because your brain is going to edit it out because it’s unpleasant information. Eventually you’ll have a tipping point where you suddenly realise it’s true (most likely when an actual Reptilian shows up) and your brain suddenly goes “Oh God, it’s all real!”. Remember to take a moment and calm down when that happens.
Anyway. So we have a scale of energy, as already stated. At the lower end of the scale you’ve got these lizard monsters and at the higher end you have more enlightened spiritual beings. Enlightened: – filled with light. Lifted. A lessening of weight. A lessening of the physical frequency.
You move up higher and higher up the scale and eventually the barriers between things collapse and you’ve just got one big incomprehensibly mass of energy vibrating at speeds beyond anything we can measure, existing outside of time and space (which are dimensions, and this energy is so high frequency, it exists outside of such restrictions). This energy is positive, infinite, all-knowing (because it’s outside of time so it’s everywhere at once and all things at once), all-seeing (because it’s outside of time so it has infinity to track and observe things happening and – huzzah – benevolent. Loving.
Why loving? Because it’s all things and all times. It doesn’t hate itself, it just wants to grow. But unfortunately, if you’re infinite and time doesn’t exist, you can’t experience anything as an individual. You have no arc; you can’t grow. You’re already everything.
So what do you do, being this infinite mass of infinite energy? Well, you fracture yourself and embed aspects of yourself, fractal chunks of yourself that contain everything within, but are isolated in moments of space and time. And you fire that into the physical realm and watch it grow -.like planting seeds.
And then you get a bit annoyed that these Reptilians (which are aspects of the totality, after all, but are isolated and have free will just like anything sentient) are tearing things up on the physical with wars and mind control and so on, trying to stop the aspects (condensed energy with form and size and ego) growing up. But it’s ok, because they can’t fight the infinite and win. It’s all just a ride, a process to allow the infinite to grow and learn and have fun.
So we live and die and incarnate over multiple lives growing and learning and playing on this planet and others. And every time we do something positive it moves us forward towards the tipping point of… flowering.
That’s pretty much what God and the meaning of life is. In case you wondered.
So no, it’s not a puppet-show of a Cernunnos rip-off called Satan who wants to drag you to Hell versus a bearded white man on a cloud. And it’s not about being a monkey on a rock, in a void, who lives and dies and it’s meaningless. It’s not about endless suffering, desperately trying to find the true death of nirvana. God is not separate. There is not a hierarchy. We are one-thing learning about our collective self and the infinite. You don’t have to pray for forgiveness, ok? It’s cool. You’re here for a reason. We all are.
“So where’s my connection to God, then?” you’re probably wondering.
Well, it’s inside. Where do you speak to God? In a temple. Where are your temples? On either side of your head. Yeah, I know, Jordan Maxwell did that one first, but it’s a good one.
But it’s not quite right because we speak to the higher dimensional consciousness of infinity (or God for short) through our hearts. Specifically, our heart chakras, which are like internal stargates to this energy wavelength. All the “gut instincts” and “intuition” we know and love? That’s your heart chakra. Think of it as a compass while you’re lost on the high seas, or a radio communicator back to NASA while you’re waddling across the moon.
As Bill Hicks liked to scream at his audience: “There is a living God and it will talk directly to you!” So bear that in mind if you need a compass. That said, you don’t have to talk to God or do anything that anyone else wants you to do. You are free, right? That includes the right to defy every authority.
Fear and Love.
Fear is what they use. That’s their bread and butter. They’ll use fear to wrap you up in layers of control, subtle and clever until you’ve forgotten who you are and what you stand for. The whole system runs on fear. Be afraid, America! Terrorists are after you! Be afraid, white man! That black guy is looking at your girlfriend funny! Be afraid, Christian! There’s a girl at the back of the class with black lipstick and a skull on her handbag. She’s clearly a threat to everything you hold dear.
And it’s hate too. That flows from fear, ultimately. You take a person, make them ignorant and scared and then make them angry, push their buttons. Simmer for thirty minutes and – ping! – you get hate. This is a very effective way to make people forget their true path and do stupid things that leads to genocide and rape and whatnot. There are boiling waves of hate on this planet with all the stupidity and ignorance and fear swirling around making people tear each others throats out just because their priest or scientist or politician or army officer told them to do it. But if you cut out the fear and get a bit of knowledge, then that hate evaporates like morning dew.
Love binds things together. Fear breaks things apart. We’re all one thing, seeing itself from new angles. If you can get your head around that, you can start to relax. Things are under control. We aren’t going to be taken over by a lizard-worshipping cult. We definitely don’t need to fear being killed by psychics. We can stop this, individually or collectively.
You are not weak. You think you’re weak. You are not vulnerable to them. You are accepting of the idea that you are vulnerable.
Stop it. It’s ridiculous. You’re invulnerable and strong. You always have had, and always will have, the potential to be that. It’s up to you choosing it.
As a final point for this chapter, when it all gets a bit much and you’re not feeling cosmically entwined because it’s 4 a.m. and you’re exhausted and the enemies are swarming around the house wanting to get in:
So don’t give up.
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