Love to you Divine Souls.
We are in for a cosmic ride and this week will be intense culminating to the Solstice.
The cabal is on a mission to bring down the entire tribe of Light Workers, Star Seeds, Healers. Their mission has been amplified lately. And this is a sign of desperation on their part as more and more people are waking up to say: “Enough is enough. I refuse to be manipulated. We are not falling for your lies”.
Meanwhile our mission (Beings of Light) is coming from pure love, highest awareness and a deep level of understanding. I feel we are almost there, some say The Light has WON and this is just the cleanup phase to Awaken the Masses.
Well some would ask: What Cabal? There is no cabal. You are crazy, Ohh you conspiracy theorist!
What if “conspiracy theorists” are in fact highly intuitive, clairvoyant, psychics?
We don’t fall for the division that is instigated by the dark forces.
That’s why it is imperative to pray for discernment during this time.
Everyone is now in purging, cleansing and healing mode. Everyone.
All that is happening, the craziness, the absurdity is really waking people up.
We need to pray and meditate to break the mind control of the Dark Agenda that placed us under a magic spell so we can come together in a beautiful RE-Union: The Reunion of souls.
In fact before you go to bed pray to be reunited in the dream world with brothers and sisters of Light. We don’t only hear truth, we feel truth as it vibrates at a certain frequency.
Do not be afraid, you are NOT alone. We need to stay in the light and speak our truth.
Observe. Observe. Observe.
Take the appropriate action that makes your soul happy: voice out your truth or be silent and work in the background > your choice.
Dark forces agenda is SEPARATION, whether is gender, religion, color, or whatever they might bring to divide us and make us fight with each other. Do not fall for it. We need to stay in our truth and keep our poise.
If you’ve done the work thoroughly and integrated all aspects of yourself you are not affected deeply or getting sucked into the trauma of racism, religion or gender wars that is pushed by The Dark Cabal.
The energy is super STRONG right now.
You choose to be in separation or choose to be in unity.
We hold compassion in our hearts and understand the pain. At the same time we are guided to hold space and empower people without getting entangled into victim mentality. By choosing color or gender as a subject of discussion to argue, is nothing more than fueling the wars that are started by the dirty cabal while feeding victim consciousness.
Blaming or criticizing others for your hurt will only enable you to go through another cycle of insane reincarnation.
It’s a game of war instigated by the dark cabal to separate our spirit. It will diffuse and transcend if you refuse to play the game.
The more you talk about the hurt specially ancestral hurt the more you fuel the hurt. Ask Archangel Michael to cut the cords with the toxic detrimental karma of hurt, heal it, let go, move on. This incarnation is short and it is not meant to be a struggle and a fight. This is Cabal’s intention. The past traumas need to end so they are not passed on to the next generation. Cancel ALL evil contracts you signed consciously or unconsciously.
Guilt is what the dark cabal aims for, as guilt and shame vibrate the lowest on Consciousness Scale. All we have to do is push these dark programmers out of shadow, call them out for who they are so we can ALL see the truth.
Mainstream media is the dark entity that is the upfront for the Dark Cabal. There is going to be a point in time where everybody will come together as ONE voice and expose the evil forces. We are seeing the dark evil agenda and the true enemy. This is the Great Awakening.
We are here to grow our soul and consciousness and not to apologize for who we are.
A beautiful mantra
>> I am that am I am that I am. I am LOVE, I am divine, I am joy, I am peace. <<
Nature Blessings
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