And the KM has gained control over the US Congress and the last several administrations and manipulated America into fighting Israeli wars in the Mideast, using all kinds of crafty covert operations including their nuclear attack on America on 9-11-01.
In our first article in the series on the Khazarian Mafia, we detailed its hidden history which for the most part has been wiped clean from the libraries and history books and is not taught in the collegiate history classes.
It is obvious that the Khazarian Mafia leadership is very crafty and specializes in infiltrating and using other groups for cover, especially those based on various popular religions.
The Khazarian Mafia are the world’s top experts at infiltrating and hijacking any political movement, cause or religion and they have done some of their best, most successful espionage through infiltration and perversion of religions like Judaism, Christianity and some parts of Islam. Take their massive success infiltrating Christianity in America to form Christian Zionism which is a complete abrogation of the New Testament and what Jesus taught and completely ignores Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 where fake Judaics are discussed.
The KM’s infiltration and hijacking of Judaism is legendary although their style of Judaism is actually not real Torah Judaism at all but is a clearly false form which is actually best referred to as Babylonian Talmudism, also known as Baal worship, worship of Moloch, the Owl or most accurately known as the “Synagogue of Satan.”
Every summer in July the top leaders of the KM and their subjects meet at Bohemian Grove in the Redwood Forrest near San Francisco, California to discuss and decide USG policies for the coming year. It’s a fact that many of the high level USG policies are actually negotiated here against a backstop of child sacrifice rituals including the notorious “Cremation of Care”, and an intermittent stream of homosexual and pedophilic orgies.
What is the unimaginable evil lurking behind Babylonian Talmudism?
Some call this Babylonian Talmudism secret Satanism or the Luciferianism of the super-elites or those who refer to themselves as the “Illuminati”, the “Circle of Twelve” or the “Disciples of Satan.” Like it or not it is a simple fact that at this very time the Khazarian Mafia actually runs most USG institutions including the US Congress, the Judiciary and the US Supreme Court, with five of the nine Justices known to have been bribed and owned by the Khazarian Mafia.
We now know for certain from US Intel wiretaps that these five were illegally influenced to make the Unconstitutional and criminal infamous Citizens United decision which allows foreign based KM crime Kingpins such as Sheldon Adelson to fully support the re-election efforts of numerous Republicans. We now know for certain that the US Congress is owned and operated by the Khazarian mafia through its Kingpins and Cutouts. How do we know this for certain?
John Boehner violated his Oath of Office and the Logan Act, and committed Treason when he invired Bibi Netanyahu to speak in front of the US Congress!
We now know that the Speaker of the House John Boehner violated his Oath of Office and the Logan Act. Boehner invited Bibi Netanyahu to speak in front of Congress independent of the President of the United States, and just traveled to Israel this last week to help Israel block the US negotiations with Iran regarding their peaceful use of nuclear power.
Yes, this is a clear violation of his Oath of Office, the Logan act and also can easily be viewed as Treason against America for aiding Israel, who we now know for certain is a real even if covert enemy of America because it nuked America on i9-11-01 according to rock solid, smoking gun US Intel which has now been accessed.
And the forty-seven US Congressmen who wrote an unauthorized letter on their own to Iran stating that Iran could expect any agreement to be later retracted by a new Congress. And they sent this letter because Netanyahu asked them too. Of course so much of their money, perks and high paying side jobs as as well as their offshore set-aside allocations comes from AIPAC and the like, that they realize that if they don’t comply with all of Netanyahu’s wishes, their Israeli money spigot will be cut off.
What exactly is Babylonian Talmudism which is the operating philosophy of the Khazarian Mafia (KM) Chieftains?
Some experts who have studied Babylonian Talmudism have also referred to it as “Synagogue of Satan” or the ancient Black Arts, or Babylonian Money-Magick, the “slight of hand” Black Magick art of making money from nothing and charging others pernicious usury which should have been theirs to start with.
It was President George Washington that warned that Freemasonry was being infiltrated and hijacked by Satanists who were using it as cover, and we now know that this trend continued until all Freemasonry at the highest levels was completely hijacked by the Khazarian Mafia (KM) who is now using it as cover and as a means to obtain political favors and special privileges from other Freemasons in high positions.
KM Chieftains have also infiltrated and hijacked much of Christianity too!

The infamous incredibly radical Christian Zionist pastor, the Reverend John Hagee. Why does he ignore Revelations 2:9 and 3:9? Hasn’t he ever heard about Jesus of Nazareth’s teachings about the Synagogue of Satan? Why doesn’t he know that preaching Christianity in Israel is a felony crime with a five year prison sentence? Doesn’t he know that Israel harbors the top sex traffickers and organ traffickers in history and has the highest per capital male use of captive and enslaved prostitutes, most from the Ukraine and Eat Europe? Why doesn’t he know that Israel nuked America on 9-11-01? How come he doesn’t know that recent peer-reviewed genetic research from John Hopkins shows that 97.5% of Judaic Israelis actually have NO ancient Hebrew Blood and no ancestral right to any Palestinian land and actually are NOT Semites at all, while 80% of Palestinians have ancient Hebrew Blood, have an ancestral right to the land and are real Semites. Did he drink a full dose of Babylonian Talmudic Kool-aide during trips to Israel?
But the KM’s infiltration of religion is not limited to Judaism, KM Chieftains have also infiltrated and hijacked much of Christianity, and this infiltration has produced what is best referred to as Christian Zionism which is actually a false form of Christianity based on several well placed big lies. The first big lie is that those Judaics living in Israel are the brothers and sister relatives of Jesus Christ and therefore all Christians must submit to them as “God’s Chosen People.”
Of course we now know that there are many problems with this claim of Israelis being directly related to Jesus of Nazareth, because recent peer reviewed John Hopkins genetic research shows that approximately 97.5% of those Judaics living in Israel have absolutely NO ancient Hebrew Blood, while approximately 80% of Palestinians do actually have real ancient Hebrew Blood.
So we now know for certain that the Israeli Judaics are not Semites at all, but are Khazarians and Ashkenazi from eastern Europe, while most Palestinians are true Semites. This means that Israelis are the World’s biggest anti-Semites and have NO ancestral right to any land in Palestine at all, while the Palestinians do have an ancestral right to all of Palestine.
Khazarian Mafia Chieftains have also infiltrated and hijacked some of Islam too.
But it doesn’t stop there, KM Chieftains have also infiltrated and hijacked some of Islam, notably Wahhabi-ism through the Saudi Royal Family which admits on their website to have Judaic origins.
Consequently Saudi Arabia has been accused of being one of the most backward, anti-woman, savage nations in the World and a major supporter of Israeli Gladio-style False-flag terror ops.
Is this what the KM Chieftains can do when they have complete power over a people using religion as a cover for their incredible fascist/totalitarianism and they are backed by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Banksters with an unlimited “elastic” ability to manufacture all the so-called money they need to buy up and collect most politicians and governmental officials?
Why has the KM been so successful infiltrating and hijacking the United states of America and so many other nations of the World?
Those inside the KM at the top have claimed that they are so successful and powerful because their god Lucifer (aka Baal or Moloch) has anointed them with power in exchange for submitting to his will by doing human sacrifice to him, and engendering various depopulation methods to minister death to the masses in order to cull and purify the human race by “survival of the fittest.”
But we now know for certain that much of the KM’s success infiltrating and hijacking comes from a canny ability to be “two-faced”, but the real power comes from the Babylonian Money-Magick, or the money-power they gained from hijacking the US Monetary Production and Distribution System as well as at least 90% of the central Banks of the World and by using Fiat imaginary money lent to its users at pernicious usury to make vast profits from their “money-changing.”.
In order to infiltrate and use these groups as successfully at it has been able to do for many centuries, the Khazarian Mafia Chieftains have used their uncanny ability to be two-faced.
This rare ability to be remarkably politically expedient is best referred to as the Janus principle where an outward benevolent, people-caring face is displayed in public, but is associated with a deep seated, soulless anti-human evil that is so great it is unimaginable to most normal humans who have souls.
Bibi Netanyahu is the operational head of the KM and had a long history as a KGB agent before the Soviet Union collapsed.
When the Soviet Union collapsed because of the astute, ingenious efforts of Ambassador Lee Wanta, many of the Russian Judaic KGB men who were high ranking Khazarian Mafia were no longer controlled by the Bolsheviks in Russia and moved their base of control to Israel which was set up as a covert Bolshevik nation on behalf of the Rothschilds. In fact the Rothschilds paid for the construction of the Knesset which has architecture filled with Freemasonry symbols and designs.
Actually, the Rothschild KM was the original source of Bolshevism which is nothing more than covert Babylonian Talmudism. And one trait that these KM Bolsheviks have is unforgiving vengeance to destroy forever any group that ever crosses them.
The KM’s inter-generational desire for final extreme revenge against any group that ever crosses them, no exceptions.
As we mentioned in Part I, the Rothschild KM extracted extreme revenge against Russian in 1917 when they began the World’s largest bloodletting spree of torture, rape and mass-murder. During their Bolshevik regime in Russia they proceeded to mass-murder an estimated 100 Million innocent Russian citizens including the Czar and his whole family including his children.
It is a known fact that historically the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s number one hated group like most other Babylonian Talmudist is Christian all over the World, but especially in America. Islamics follow in a close second place for KM genocidal targeting.
And then the Khazarian Bolshevik Kingpins looted Russia of all it wealth including its gold, silver, artwork and jewelry which have not been recovered or had reparations paid to surviving Russians even to this very day. To this very day these same Khazarian Mafia (aka “Synagogue of Satan”) families hold that immense wealth. Hopefully some day the Russians can get it all back as reparations from the Khazarian Mafia Chieftains.
Now many Judaics continually harp about what they refer to as “the Holocaust” in Europe in WWII.
Translated from the old English roots, Holocaust actually means “Fiery sacrifice to Lucifer.” No there were not six million Judaics who died in the Nazi forced labor camps, but actual Red Cross Official records show that about 200,000 died of disease at the end of the war from mostly typhus and starvation because the supply lines had been bombed out by the allies.
Babylonian Talmudic Khazarians ran the Armenian Genocide which has been suppressed from the history books and buried from the public. 
This incredibly evil live crucifixion of young Armenian teenage girls after their brutal rapes was ordered by the Khazarian Mafia Chieftains to terrorize the Turkish populace as a stark reminder of what happens to those that resist Khazarian Mafia rule. Railroad spikes were driven through their wrists and feet into wooden beams. They were told if you want to believe in Jesus Christ then you can die like he did. This is the same hatred that many PNACers and Israeli-American “Israeli-first” Dual Citizens living in America and many malignant Judaic Tribalists living in Israel have for American Christians and most Americans. They picked the most beautiful young virgin teenage girls and then stripped them, raped them and crucified them publicly and forced locals to watch at gunpoint. There was no-one able to respond to their blood curdling screams while they were raped and then cricified, because all Armenians had been disarmed and were themselves slaughtered and starved to death progressively. Will we allow these Babylonian Talmudic Neo-Bolshevik KM demons from hell to do this kind of evil to our women and children? Never give up your guns and if anyone tries to take them use them to defend yourself as Solzenitzen suggested in his book, Gulag Archipelago, because unless everyone stands up and fights when they start this, we will all be murdered by the KM anyway. If we all fight back 100% when they come for us, they can be stopped and cold. Yes there will be major losses but we cannot just let the Rothschild KM monsters mass-murder us all without a whimper. Expect no less torture and murder from these Khazarian Mafia Chieftains than what they did to Armenians, Russians and Germans at the end of WW2. We know for a fact that these KM have deeply infiltrated and hijacked America and control the US Congress through massive bribery, blackmail and human compromise. If we allow these KM Infiltrators to transform America into GAZA II, they will set up the World’s largest open-air prison camp and World’s greatest coming genocide. They will separate our women and little girls from the men and then rape any they want whenever they want before they murder them too. This is their secret Agenda for America whom they secretly refer to as “American Goyim.” Never forget what these KM soulless inhuman monsters did to Christian Armenians and Russians in 1915 and 1917, and to German women and female children in Germany at the end of WW2. Note to American Military and American Police trained by the ADL: When will you wake up and stop allowing yourselves to be used as KM Cannon-fodder to slaughter enemies of Israel? You have been easily tricked to fight for Israel with CMMM big Government lies, false-narratives and KM Propaganda. Once stationed in the battlefield naturally those citizens in the countries you have invaded will try and kill as many American soldiers as possible. Wouldn’t you do the same if someone invaded your nation and used anonymous aerial bombing to mass-murder hundreds of thousands of your innocent women and children? Of course once Americans soldiers are killed, its a moot point. The rest become motivated to “Kill or be Killed”, thus escalating the conflict. Soon most American Soldiers are fully mind-kontrolled to believe they have a right to be there and are the moral policemen of the World when they are nothing but dumbed-down, mind-kontrolled canon fodder for the KM and the Israelis motivated by revenge. When they come home wounded, maimed and disabled from all the depleted uranium they are treated poorly by the VA and disarmed through the trickery and malpractice of the VA, many cannot find work, and many become homeless and divorced and abandoned. The way that American Soldiers have been lied to, conned, mind-kontrolled as used as KM Israeli cannon-fodder is absolutely disgusting and all Americans should be furious about it especially American Soldiers. When will American Soldiers wake up and start refusing to follow these illegal, Unconstitutional orders to enact war crimes and crimes against humanity and when will you refuse to invade foreign nations who never attacked us at all? If you are ordered to attack and disarm Americans will you refuse and do your duty to “We The People”according to your Constitutional Oath, by defending us from these Two-faced Babylonian Talmudic KM infiltrators and inhuman, soulless monsters that walk among us and pretend they care about us when they serve the Rothschild KM Empire of Evil only and only want to asset strip, tyrannize, imprison, torture, disarm and then mass-murder their victims like they are no doing to the Palestinians?
And now for the first time we have hard evidence that the Turkish genocide of one and one-half million Armenians from 1915-1919 which involved the crucifixion of young Armenian girls while alive with nails through their wrists and feet, was run by Babylonian Talmudics.
Veterans Today Editor Mike Harris has uncovered new evidence on this hidden history which like so many of the secret crimes of the Khazarian Mafia have been excised from history books and libraries to protect the Khazarian Mafia from complete disclosure of its pure inhumanity and complete savagery and genocidal activities and plans..
The Khazarian Mafia (KM) set up the Nazi Work Camps to provide free labor at gunpoint from kidnapped middle class “low Judaics” in order to generate vast war profits for their associated international corporations and to set up mind-kontrol trigger words to deflect any possible criticism against their Cutouts and Assets who would be mind-kontrolled Judaics who drank their Kool-aide.
These Nazi forced labor or work camps were set up by the KM associated large international corporations to make vast profits for the Rothschild Banksters and to create a permanent backstop to any criticism of their Cutouts and front-men working through Judaism. Yes, the KM Chieftains were very crafty and created these two mind-kontrol triggers, the “Holocaust” and “anti-Semitism” to immediately stop any and all criticism of the Judaics who would serve their KM needs all over the World in years to come.
Yes, it was a terrible thing for all the rich, connected KM related Judaics to leave Germany before the war and then the middle class and poor Judiacs were left to be kidnapped at gunpoint and taken to the Work Camps where they were forced to serve the Nazi war machine. As bad as this was, remember that this was set up by the top Judaics who had sold out to the Rothschild KM. And when you consider that approximately 75 million were killed in WWII, the number 200,000 is only a fraction of the evil done.
The Russian Bolsheviks which invaded Germany at the end of WW2 were mostly Khazarian Judaics and unleashed a bloody savagery of rape, torture and mass-murder which is unimaginable to most.
Do not forget that when the Russian soldiers who were mostly Khazarian Bolshevik Judaics invaded Germany at the end of the war they did the same thing that the Rothschild Judaic Bolsheviks did when they took over Russia in 1917, they committed another rape and murder spree the likes of which the World has never witnessed. It was a repeat of the Bolshevik Red Terror, this time against the German People, instead of the Russian Christians. It was also a repeat of the Armenian rape and slaughter fest in 1915-1919 also done by the Khazarian Mafia.
Here is a short video clip on how the Bolshevik Cheka operated in Russia in 1917 and beyond. These Cheka assassination squads were run by the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia Babylonian Talmudist Chieftains. It is the same Khazarian Mafia Families which have infiltrated and hijacked America and want to do this to us and our family members after transforming America into an Israeli Police State, their new GAZA II the World’s largest open-air prison camp in the World. These KM Chieftains then plan to make all Americans the New Palestinians and finish asset stripping us of all our wealth, real estate and possessions and then systematically and progressively mass-murder 90% of us, retaining about 10% to be their mind-kontrolled Serfs.
Do not forget the two million dead humans from all the Mideast wars which the Israeli Judaics were responsible for by manipulating the US Congress, the US people, and the US Administrations to fight on behalf of Israel for the Rothschild KM and use our American soldiers as Israeli cannon fodder to be expended in their wars to create a greater Israeli State.
It was Rothschild Khazarian Mafia controlled Babylonian Talmudic Judaism also known as Bolshevism or malignant Judaic Tribalism which has been responsible for over 179 million deaths in the last century alone. Perhaps it is time for the whole World to focus on all these deaths and the group that is truly responsible, the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia (KM).
Do not forget the Rothschild Khazarian Mafia’s Agenda for the United States of America and the American People.
It was clearly articulated by Bibi Netanyahu in 1990 at Finks Bar in Jerusalem as the following transcript from his voice recording will show. This recording was witnessed by senior Intel Officers who were surveilling him.
Keep in mind that it is common knowledge among Senior Intel Field Officers from many Intel Agencies around the World that Bibi Netanyahu is the operational leader of the Khazarian Mafia, is a very “hands-on” Intel leader, and has a long history of closely handling all Mossad agents and key assets and Sayanims deployed in America to do espionage against America and Americans.
Many of these Mossad Agents, and key Assets and Sayanims are sheep-dipped and embedded deep within many American institutions of Government including the US Congress, the Administration as well as major Universities and so-called non-profit think tanks.
“If we get caught they will just replace us with persons of the same cloth. So it doesn’t matter what you do, America is a Golden Calf and we will suck it dry, chop it up, and sell it off piece by piece until there is nothing left but the World’s biggest welfare state that we will create and control.
Why? Because it’s god’s will and America is big enough to take the hit so we can do it again, again and again. This is what we do to countries that we hate. We destroy them very slowly and make them suffer for refusing to be our slaves.”
Mike Harris is the Financial Editor of Veterans Today, a radio host, a former GOP Finance Chairman, Gubernatorial Candidate for Arizona, and a Senior Vice President of Adamus Defense Group, Switzerland. Mike is an expert in full-contact mixed martial arts. His long term expertise in such has gained him a lot of respect and the nickname “Iron Mike”. Mike was a part of the Veterans Today group that attended the Damascus Conference to Combat Terrorism and Religious Extremism. Mike gave about twenty five televised interviews that were broadcast to millions of viewers in Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and Iran. In these interviews Mike emphasized and supported the historical declaration by Keynote Speaker, Veterans Today Senior Editor and Chairman Gordon Duff that the real problem behind World Terrorism is a large Organized Crime Syndicate.
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