"Though in most modern stories the classic way to become a vampire is to be bitten by one, that is a relatively new twist. In his book "Vampires, Burial, and Death: Folklore and Reality," folklorist Paul Barber noted that centuries ago, "Often potential remnants can be identified at birth, usually by some abnormality, some defect, as when a child is born with teeth."
"The belief in vampires stems from superstition and mistaken assumptions about post-mortem decay. The first recorded accounts of vampires follow a consistent pattern: Some unexplained misfortune would befall a person, family, or town — perhaps a drought dried up crops, or an infectious disease struck. Before science could explain weather patterns and germ theory, any bad event for which there was not an obvious cause might be blamed on a vampire. Vampires were one easy answer to the age-old question of why bad things happen to good people."
"Villagers combined their belief that something had cursed them with fear of the dead, and concluded that perhaps the recently deceased might be responsible, having come back from the graves with evil intent."
Dracula, you say? Many say the story of dracula was inspired by Romanian prince Vlad Tepes (1431-1476), whose actions were cruel and sadistic, but not overly horrible for the culture/time period. But other sources say that "he was a real person, a Romanian ruler and the son of Vlad II Dracula. He remained in history as one of the bloodiest rulers, who used to impale his prisoners of war after each battle. It was a very sadistic and painful death, which contributed to his grim notoriety. But there are also legends speaking of darker rituals, like blood drinking and eating bread soaked in the blood of his victims - something that the Romanian historians, of course, ignore or deny."
"According to anthropologist Paul Barber, author of 'Vampires, Burial, and Death,' stories from nearly every culture have some localized version of the vampire, and 'bear a surprising resemblance to the European vampire."

It's important to note that some say Dracula refers to the Draco constellation is the alleged home of the royal reptilian bloodlines.
From what I've read, it seems that the modern idea that all vampires suck through their teeth.. sure, maybe they did it through teeth, or maybe it was a metaphor for life/energy/feelings getting sucked out. Or both. [This makes me rethink occult sacrifices...] This corresponds with many accounts of people who have experiences of alien invasion in their lives.
One lady, who now leads support groups for alienated victims, spent 20 years being visited by reptilians and other aliens she couldn't get rid of. She says she's been visited by reptilians, humanoids, mammalian, greys, grey hybrids, and insectoids. ..and that the military works with them.
"The reptilians have been here since the beginning of man or before; there are many relics which depict such beings, perhaps they are mythic gods of our ancient cultures. Ancient Peruvian myth depicts virgins in sacrificial rites to the gods, as this ritual is common in many ancient cultures. In my research I have found there is a definite correlation between some abductee's past life memories, of being sacrificed to the gods. Some regressions recall ceremonial ritual led by a priestly figure; the gods appearing in a reptilian form. The virgins were given to Draco for the sacrifice - they were raped while their adrenaline energy was sucked from them as they lie dying. We have read about virgin sacrifices in the ancient texts, now we have more of the possible morbid details."
This same lady believes that reptilians are in control of our world, that many of elite are reptilian. It's a well-known theory in the conspiracy world.
I'm skeptical of this, the vampires ..and maybe it was all made up, and the archaeology just shows the history of fear, as do the stories, myths, and legends?
I'm also skeptical of the reptilian theory... but even if you're skeptical, don't cut off your research. There is history and "evidence" to the theory.
An "older interview of Mohamed Al-Fayed, father of murdered Dodi Al-Fayed (Lady Diana's lover), where he was openly accusing the British Royal Crown of assassinating his son and Lady Di. His frustration made him reveal bits of secrets regarding the origins of the British blue bloods" --including that princess Diana was murdered by MI6, who he said were people who lied, while accusing them of being terrorists, gangsters, hooker, Dracula family, racist, gold digger, Nazi, crocodile wife, and British Dracula family. Curiously, all these accusations point to the reptilian theory. Colorful words or suppressed TRUTH?
"Princess Diana herself referred to the British royal family as 'lizards' and 'literally not human'.
The popular princess went so far as to publicly refer to the British House of Windsor as 'lizards' and 'reptiles.' 'They're not human,' she said. Diana grew to believe that the British monarchy, with all its hidden power, were her enemies. In Great Britain, all members of MI5, MI6 (British intelligence agencies), members of Parliament, and military officers swear an oath of loyalty to the monarchy, not to the United Kingdom. In the U.K., the monarchy is the state. By revealing royal family secrets, Diana may have been committing 'treason.' (Extract from a good article entitled: Diana Was the Target)."
Think it's only the British family? But we know that ALL U.S. Presidents Except One Related to One King of England.... Curious.
"According to Christine Fitzgerald this is what Princess Diana told her.
'The Queen Mother... now that’s a serious piece of wizardry. The Queen Mother is a lot older than people think. To be honest, the Royal Family hasn’t died for a long time, they have just metamorphosised. It’s sort of cloning, but in a different way. They take pieces of flesh and rebuild the body from one little bit. Because it’s lizard, because it’s cold-blooded, it’s much easier for them to do Frankenstein shit than it is for us. The different bodies are just different electrical vibrations and they have got that secret, they’ve got the secret of the micro-currents, it’s so micro, so specific, these radio waves that actually create the bodies. These are the energies I work with when I’m healing.

'They know the vibration of life and because they are cold-blooded, they are reptiles, they have no wish to make the Earth the perfect harmony it could be, or to heal the Earth from the damage that’s been done. The Earth’s been attacked for zeons by different extraterrestrials. It’s been like a football for so long. This place was a bus stop for many different aliens. All these aliens, they could cope with everything, including the noxious gases.
'They’re landing all the time and coming up from the bowels of the Earth. They looked like reptiles originally, but they look like us when they get out now through the electrical vibration, that life key I talked about. They can manifest how they want to. All the real knowledge has been taken out and shredded and put back in another way. The Queen Mother is “Chief Toad” of this part of Europe and they have people like her in each continent. Most people, the hangers on, don’t know, you know, about the reptiles. They are just in awe of these people because they are so powerful.
'Bal moral is a very, very nasty place. That’s somewhere they want to dig underground. They will find reptile fossils, it goes back that far. Don’t think of people like the Queen Mother and Queen Victoria, as different people. Think of them as the same person which after a while has had to replace their coat. When the flesh dies, that energy, while it’s dying, will be immediately up someone else’s jacksy (backside). It’s very vampire, worse than vampire.
'They are not going to come to you with hooked teeth and suck you’re blood. Fear is their food, they can actually take fear and manifest it into a tangible thing. The key is the vibrational current. At that vibrational current, they can manifest anything from anything. Its like a holographic image. We are all minerals and water vibrating. This is all an illusion we are living in. That’s the secret. You know when the monarchy’s fallen, it’s not the end of it. They will manifest in another form. The reptiles have never been defeated and this is the closest they have come to it.
'The reason they are so threatened today is because the Earth is in such trouble and the mental power of people is returning. This is their most frightening time, but this is not going to kill them. There are long centuries before it’s over yet. The difference this time is that it’ll be more difficult for them and they are going to have to settle for less and the Earth people are going to get more.
'But even though these reptilian ones are fuckers, they are sad, pathetic beasts really, while humanity is galloping towards light. They’re just pathetic lumps of nastiness who aren’t going to win. I can’t talk about this everywhere because they would just go ‘Christine, get a white coat, put it on backwards, get out’. But I want an end to the bullshit.'" -PRINCESS DIANA

[Prince] "Charles' latest interview where he Proudly claims to be Dracula's descendant: 'The genealogy shows that I am descended from Vlad the Impaler'"
Vampires- http://www.livescience.com/24374-vampires-real-history.html http://www.livescience.com/5924-real-science-history-vampires.html http://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2154837/Vampire-skeletons-unearthed-Bulgaria-iron-stakes-plunged-chests.html
Britian- http://humansarefree.com/2011/12/prince-charles-i-am-descendant-of.html
http://www.think-aboutit.com/Reps/reptilians.htm http://www.greatdreams.com/ufos/alien-types.htm http://www.smithsonianmag.com/history-archaeology/Meet-the-Real-Life-Vampires-of-New-England-and-Abroad-170342886.html http://anunnakireptilians.blogspot.com/2012/08/anunnaki-chronolgy-of-events-part-one.html http://www.thetruthbehindthescenes.org/2011/10/29/the-human-race-a-genetically-engineered-specie-on-earth-and-the-nibiru-connection/ http://anunnakireptilians.blogspot.com/2012/08/q-about-reptilian-anunnaki.html http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/aliens_dont_want_to_know.htm http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/sumer_anunnaki/anunnaki/anu_13a.htm http://www.ufodigest.com/article/human-alien-hybridization-black-ops-project http://www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r110199o.shtml http://alienabductions.tribe.net/thread/9e8f89a6-3a31-4a97-833b-4feee96602b4(http://bashar.org/) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N_s0jkl4x24 http://www.zechariasitchin.com/viewtopic.php?t=145 http://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/news/ufo_extraterrestrials/2012/12/11/5086.html

Contradict with the bible? UFOs are in the bible.
And of course, it all brings new meaning to archeology
http://www.techeblog.com/index.php/tech-gadget/strange-alien-like-mummy-discovered-in-egypt http://www.disclose.tv/news/Extraterrestrial_Mummy_Found_In_Egypt/86067 http://www.asimovs.com/_issue_0706/Alien.shtml http://www.aliens-everything-you-want-to-know.com/AliensinArchaeology.html
and UFO cover ups as well- (especially if the aliens/whatever they are, the military, and UFOs are all extremely connected)
So, I have no formal opinion yet. ....but it is very interesting, and there is evidence. It would be naughty to deny it, so don't.
What an open mind can learn
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