Bloodlines, royalty, caste are all racist instruments of the hierarchical obsession of the ET Nibirans who impose hierarchy to feed their lust for power, control and greed. IMHO, all consciousnesses, those of the poor, the feeble, handicapped, oppressed, animals, planets, solar systems, galaxies and universes are just as much a part of the Prime Creator as kings, priests, prophets, messiahs and illuminati. We’re all holographic partials that contain the light of all other consciousnesses as well as the light of the Prime Creator. The Prime Creator contains us all.
“Jesus was just one of many prophets or messiahs who were carefully planned by the Anunnaki.”

The Anunnaki, giant (8-12 feet tall) Homo Sapiens who lived hundreds of thousands of years, rocketed to Earth from the planet Nibiru. They came here for gold to send back to Nibiru, powder, and coat their atmosphere to preserve it.
On Earth, the Anunnaki adapted their genome to this planet (they added a bit of copper, clay and proto-Bigfoot-Homo Erectus genes) to create us. They made us as a disposable slave race to serve them. Anunnaki means “Nibirans Who Came in Rockets.”
The Anunnaki flaunted weapons of mass destruction, rocket technology and mastery of Tesla energy. They posed as gods to keep us fearful and obedient to their leaders, the so-called Great Gods [Enlil-Yahweh, Enki-Adonoi and Allah=Marduk or Nannar] who ruled the world and still rule it today”
Their organizations “control our day-to-day lives, what brands we consume, how we dress, what TV shows we watch, what we drive, what beer we drink, where we go on holiday, the price of oil. A small number of Anunnaki gods still reside among us, controlling our affairs. Jesus was the most successful of the planted messiahs. He managed to plant seeds of obedience and unconsciously spread the principle of ‘divide and conquer’ among humanity.”
Some 500 years after Jesus’ crucifixion, Roman Emperor Constantine had the Christian Church leave the Apocryphia, (hithertofore in the Old Testament) out of the New Testament. The Apocryphia contained “the story of Jesus’ birth and childhood years, up to the point where he returned to his land of birth to start his ministry.
A Nibiran agent of Enlil/Yahweh (probably Gabriel), designated an “angel” in the Apocryphia, came to Jesus’ grandfather, Joachim, a priest in the Hebrew temple, who couldn’t beget with his wife Anna, the heir he needed for his position in the temple. The agent told Joachim “his wife would bear a child aided by an ‘angel’. But they would have to surrender the child to be raised by priests and ‘angels.’ Anna gave birth to Mary, who at the age of three was taken to the temple and left there. ” At 14, “the time came for her to go back into the world and get married. Her mentors handpicked a much older man, Joseph to be her husband. ” At Mary’s parents’ home in Galilee, while Joseph was in Bethlehem, Agent Gabriel told Mary “she would give birth to the new messiah.” Tellinger says “Enlil, delivering the final stroke to his masterful control over humanity, wanted to ensure genetic supremacy for his fabricated messiah.” He probably, given his disgust for humans and his belief in genetic determinism, employed “artificial insemination of the young virgin, giving [he believed] Jesus a genetic advantage” and “abilities other humans lacked. ”When Joseph returned from Bethlehem to collect Mary, he found her pregnant” and thought her “a whore.” But “before he could desert her an ‘angel’ appeared to him explaining that Mary was still a virgin.”
On the way to Bethlehem to birth Jesus, Mary went into a cave while Joseph sought a midwife. They found Mary and Jesus in the cave, lit by artificial lights. Three Wise Men, led by lights from an Anunnaki hovercraft, appeared, gifted Jesus, and followed the craft back to Persia. “When they were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream. ’Get Up,’ he said. ‘take the child and his mother and escape to Egypt, for [Israel's Roman-imposed King] Herod is going to search for the child to kill him.” Enlil thus staged a failed assassination attempt against Jesus to make him a celebrity. ”And so word went out that the ‘messiah’ was born.”
“Joseph and Jesus were both ESSENES,” a secret society linked to this day to the Freemasons. Jesus was “whisked off to a faraway land, where he was indoctrinated for the big role in the great human deception. He briefly appeared [for his bar mitzvah] at the age of 12 before a group of Hebrew scholars but then disappeared for another 18 years.
“The Anunnaki gods were too well known around the Near East, Israel and Egypt. Enlil had to find a more discrete location for the grooming of his protoge. Jesus spent his time traveling throughout Asia, absorbing the religious principles of their spiritual leaders, travels by Jesus sponsored by the Essenes. Ancient Buddhist scrolls reveal Jesus spent 17 years in INDIA and TIBET from the age of 17 to age 29. He was both a student and a teacher of Buddhist and Hindu holy men. Brahman historians love him as ST. ISSA, their ‘Buddha.’ He studied under the white Aryan Brahman Priests, taught to read and understand the Vedas and teach these.”
But, in India, “he began to associate with the lower Sudras and Untouchable castes condemned to perpetual servitude as slaves to the Brahmans [priests], Kshatriyas [soldiers] and Vaishya [merchants]. He protested Brahmans’ discriminatory practices and questions why God would make any difference in his children.” In Benares, Jesus “questioned the Brahmans’ morality and preached to the Sudras against the Brahmans and Kshatriyas.
He said, ‘Help the poor. Sustain the feeble. Do evil to no one. Do not covet what you do not possess. You must not slaughter animals. Reverence Woman, the foundation of all that is good and beautiful.’”
The Brahmans “decided to kill him. But forewarned, he departed by night” and fled to Nepal.
“By the age of 30, Jesus reappeared to start his short life of ministry in Palestine. He was well-traveled and well-learned by the time he began his ministry in Palestine. The Essenes had a lot of time and money invested in Jesus and wanted him proclaimed the new messiah.” Anunnaki agents spread word that Jesus was the messiah. Hebrew and Roman leaders were alarmed that Jesus might be reinforcing Enlil’s rival, Marduk, who competed with Enlil to become the highest ‘god.’ ”Jews wanted a warrior messiah to save them from [Herod's and the Romans'] slavery and torment, to be told that they were god’s chosen people, that he’d come to save them, not to tell them that all people were equal in god’s eyes. Jesus took upon himself the hopeless situation of the slave species.” Jesus realized Enlil had manipulated him to die as a martyr.”
Jesus didn’t, according to Thiering, die on the cross or with his resurrection. The Anunnaki revived him after his crucifixion. The “angel” [Nibiran] “did something to the guards, incapacitated them and used Mary to spread the propaganda that Jesus had arisen.He “retreated to a secretive life of anti-Roman activity with his two sons and a daughter. By the time he was crucified, he was already married to Mary Magdelene.
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