09 August 2008

"Initially the thought of a Ferris wheel being an illuminati created symbolic monument is a tad weird and hard to explain and obviously open to ridicule. To claim that a Ferris Wheel is also used as a portable 'spiritual energy extractor' that can literally turn an area into a Sun Temple and is purposely placed on energy lines around the world for use in Sun rebirth rituals is even harder."
2) Masonic Manhattan Edition
"The Big Kahuna of ancient astronaut theory is a good place to start making our way back to the real world. The placement is a bit off with the pyramids here, but we see the phallic rocket and the womb-like spacecraft just below it, indicating a technical kind of insemination. This is essentially the same symbolism as the obelisk and the dome."
3) Heavenly Insemination
"We have the Stargate itself, which is pictured as a phallic beam composed of a viscous fluid not entirely unlike male ejaculate. This could very well be interpreted as a more radical form of Panspermia. In this case, it's higher intelligence that is being seeded, not biological life."
4) Masquerade Infernale, The Hanged Man, and The Loom of Fate
"The occult or hidden hand is dark in that it is mysterious to you. It is a vast chasm of knowledge withheld. Given to you in slices. Incomplete pieces of an ever growing puzzle."
5) World Trade Galactic Centre
"The period is suggested as beginning with 911, representing Gemini, through the Twin Towers and ending with Galactic Alignment during the 2012 Maya Mega Ritual, located in the sky by the arrow of Sagittarius and the Tail of Scorpio (the Twin Guardians of GC)." http://rundonotwalk.blogspot.com/2008/07/world-trade-galactic-centre.html
6) Illuminati Genealogy
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