A Freemason might think he joined an exclusive club. Truth, however, is the opposite. It is Freemasonry that has gained access to the member’s world.
Freemasonry treasures access to people with power – people in education, judiciary, politics, military, police, arts, etc.
To maintain the illusion of exclusiveness, Freemasons have evolved an elaborate collection of bizarre rules, weird rituals, secret oaths, garbs, and horse-crap neo-religious literature.
The pecking order inside Freemasonry is different from the one established in the outside world. One might be high and mighty but when he joins the group, Freemasonry seeks to cut him down to size using a system of demeaning rituals and gags.
After powerful members have been thoroughly shamed, they become more approachable to lesser members of the club. Some of the tactics used by them include what is known as “riding the lamb.”
Illustration showing a mechanical goat contraption used to humiliate new members of secret societies (“fraternal orders”).
It is quite likely that Jawahar Lal Nehru, Swami Vivekananda, George Washington, almost all the framers of the United States Declaration of Independence, and most American Presidents have been made to ride this thing.
After being ashamed in such ways, these giants among men would be under intense pressure to restore their wounded pride. They would do anything – murder, treason or even genocide – to win back the respect of their peers in the Freemasonry lodge.
To extract the maximum value from its prisoners (members), Freemasonry is organized around a pyramid of 33 degrees that “aspiring” members could seek to rise up. Fellow members would only know that a member has been promoted to a higher degree. They would not know what crime or folly the member had committed to achieve it. Most Freemasons die away before they rise above a few degrees. Only the most foolish, most treacherous and most fiendish rise to the top.
Freemasons are supposed to look out for each other and help one another. There is both truth and falsehood in this. Fellow members may help in small matters. But the legion of kings, dictators, politicians, soldiers, spies, murderers, and other fools who have lost their lives because of this hope is way too big. Even when lined up to be shot or have a noose put around their neck, they would still be waiting for help to arrive. This is how big secrets die and international conspiracies survive.
In some lodges or in some levels, gags took up on more evil nature. Real human beings and even babies were bound, tortured, and killed. It is from these lodges, that mass-murdering psychopaths (Jack, the Ripper, or Andreas Breivik) or assassins (Archduke Fredinand) have come.
Many critics of Freemasonry believe these rituals are an offshoot of blood rituals and occult practices of ancient Jews of Palestine. Freemason and Jewish literature claim they were subject to various forms of torture during their Babylonian exile. Truth, however, is that they put everything in words during and after their exile. These rituals were part and parcel of Jewish life from their days from before exile.

The judiciary is heavily infiltrated with Masons, who give fellow Masons "the benefit of the doubt" in court, subverting the legal system.
Freemasonry overlaps with, or is controlled by, the Illuminati, especially in the higher degrees; Illuminati Freemasons secretly control many major aspects of society and government and are working to establish the New World Order. Some conspiracy theories involving the Freemasons and the Illuminati also include the Knights Templar and Jews as part of the supposed plan for universal control of society. This type of conspiracy theory was described as early as 1792 by multiple authors, beginning in France and Scotland.
Freemasons have secretly plotted to create a society based on the revolutionary ideals of liberty, equality, fraternity, separation of church and state and (in Nazi Germany) a Jewish plot for religious tolerance.
Freemasons were involved in the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Freemasonry is a Jewish front for world domination, or is at least controlled by Jews for this goal. An example of this is the notorious (and fraudulent) The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. Hitler outlawed Freemasonry partially for this reason. The covenant of the Palestinian Islamist movement Hamas claims that Freemasonry is a "secret society" founded as part of a Zionist plot to control the world.
Freemasons are behind income taxes in the US. One convicted tax protester has charged that law enforcement officials who surrounded his property in a standoff over his refusal to surrender after his conviction were part of a "Zionist, Illuminati, Free Mason movement,". The New Hampshire Union Leader also reported that "the Browns believe the IRS and the federal income tax are part of a deliberate plot perpetrated by Freemasons to control the American people and eventually the world."
Freemasons hold meetings with influential politicians and businessmen at Bohemian Grove and that a statue of an owl (allegedly a masonic symbol) is worshiped at these meetings.[26][27]
Freemasons worship Lucifer or Satan,often attributed to quotes by Albert Pike.
Freemasonry is occult in nature and worships their own particular god, such as GAOTU the "Great Architect of the Universe", or Jahbulon, an amalgam of the gods YHWH, Baal, and Osiris.
Freemasons intertwine various symbols and numerology into modern culture, such as corporate logos.
The United States was founded by Freemasons who have interwoven Masonic symbols into American society, particularly in national seals, streets in Washington DC, architecture, and the Dollar Bill.
Freemasons faked the Apollo moon landings
Jack the Ripper was a Freemason whose murders resembled Masonic initiation rituals.
That the KKK, Skull and Bones, and other organizations are intimately tied to Freemasonry.
The September 11 attacks were astrological in nature, as part of a hidden war between Masonry (as descendants of the Knights Templar) and Islam.
Freemasonry either aids or is made up of humanoid reptiles who control the world by replacing world leaders.

Sir Phirozeshah Mehta
Dadabhoy Nowroji Tata
Swami Vivekananda
W.C. Bannerjee
Pandit Motilal Nehru
President Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed
Sir Dorabji Jamshedji Tata
Goculdas Narottam Morarjee
Ebrahim Currimbhoy
Dr. B.G. Kher
Bhulabhai Desai
Dr. C. Rajagopalachari
Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer
Sir Jamsetjee Jeejeebhoy
D.L. Vaidya
Dr. D.R. Bhandarkar
Sir N.G. Chandavarkar
M.R. Jayakar
Dwarkadas Narainji
Sir Purshottamdas Thakurdas
Sir Chimanlal Setalvad
T.G. Khaitan
Dharamsey Morarjee
Narsingir Pratapgir
Sir Bhalchandra K. Pradhan
Dr. Sir Tehmuiji Nariman
P.M. Kanga
Sir Sultan Mohammad Shah, Aga Khan
Dr. Badruddin Tyabji
Sir Sayyad Ahmad Khan Dahlavi
Mohammadbhoy Currimbhoy Ebrahim,
Ebrahim Rahimtulla Currimbhoy
Dr. R.N. Cooper
Dr. P.V. Cherian
Maharaja Ganga Singh
Maharaja Duleep Singh
Maharaja Randheer Singh
Maharaja Digvijay Smghji
Maharaja Mahinder Bhupinder Singh
Maharaja Yadvinder Singh
Maharaja Sir Bhawani Singh
Maharaja N.N. Bhup
Maharaja J.N. Bhup
Maharaja R.J. Bhup
Maharaja Viziaram Raj
Maharaja Chhatarsinghji
Maharaja Mayurdhwaj Jaladhip
Thakursaheb Daulatsinhji
Sir Gangadharrrao Patwardhan
Shrimant Shankarrao Patwardhan
Balasaheb Pant
Pantbahadur Raghunathrao Shankarrao
Sir Syed Reza Ali Khan
Sir Syed Ahmed Ali Khan
Sahebzada Abu Samad Khan
Ibrahim Khan
Mirza Husain Yawar Khan
Maharajkumar Mohammad Amir Hyder Kha
Nawabzada Khan Mohammed Tolay
Nawabzada Syed Hussam Bilgrami
Nawab Jung Nawab Hyder
Nawab Sir Amin Jung Jung Bahadur
Chintamanrao Patwardhan
Sampatrao Gaikwad
Shrimant Bhau Ramrao Venkatrao
Diwan Suryashankar Mehta
Sheikh Abdul Khaliq
Sorab M. Bharucha
Sir. Samuel Runganadhan (first India's High Commissioner in London)
Sir David Devadoss, Judge, Madras High Court
Sardar Sir R.J. Vakil
David Abraham
S.V. Sista
Ayaz Peerbhoy
Rasesh Mafatlal
Justice D.P. Madon
Justice Prakash Narain.
J.B. Kanga
D.D. Davar
M.P. Kapadia
D.R. Pradhan
R.K. Saiyad
Parikshit Sahni
Ashok Kumar Ganguly.
Dr. Phiroze Sethna.
Nanik Rupani.
G. L. Raheja.
Narayan Varma.
Sir Reginald Spence.
Jamshed N Guzder
Dr. Shantilal J Mehta
Dr. Framroz Sethna
Dr. Homiyar Dastoor
Dr. Mohanlal Modi
Dr. Jamnadas Merchant
Rustomji A Wadia
David Shellim
Nariman S Patel
Damodar D. Meht
Maharaja Jaya Chamaraja Wadeyar
Justice P.N.Khanna
Justice G Ramanujam
Justice S.S.Ali
Justice R Bhattacharya
Justice V Ramaswamy
Justice S Natarajan
Justice A.B.Saharya
Dr Gaur Hari Singhania
Justice S Padmanabhan
Justice V Ratnam
Justice B.S.Sinha
Justice Devinder Gupta
H.H.Marthanda Varma
Justice U Sinha
Justice A.R.Lakshmanan
Justice S Jagadeesan
C.A.Ramakrishnan I.C.S.
Prof M.S.Thacker
Justice K Veeraswami
Justice T Ramprasad Rao
Cav.Dr.G.K Devarajulu
Justice N.S.Ramaswamy
Sitaram Jaipuria
G Ramaswamy
Srikanta Datta Narasimharaja Wadiyar
Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy
His Holiness Sir Sultan Mohamed Shah, Aga Khan
Dr. Badruddin Tyabji
The Nawab Of Pataudi Mansur Ali Khan
Lt.Gen.H.H.Maharaja Jivaji Rao Scindia ,Maharaja of Scindia
Mr Madhav Rao Scindia
Maharaja of Bobbili
Ardaseer Cursetji Wadia
Deshabandu Chittaran Das
Gaganendranath Tagore
Sir Rash Bihari Ghose
Kishab Chandra Sen
Romesh Chanra Dutt
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan
Sir Lakshmanaswami Mudaliar - Vice-Chancellor, Madras University
Dr. Malcolm Adiseshiah - Vice-Chancellor, Under Secretary General UNESCO
Mr. Zal Irani
Dr. M.G.K. Menon - Scientist
Mr. K.P.S. Menon, I.C.S.
Nawab Salar Jung
“Falsehood can buy you many supporters, truth has few friends.”
The Freemasons & Illuminati Secrets - Can you handle the truth?
1 comment:
Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh.
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