We used to call them psychopaths - these creatures that appear on our planet physically in human form, but are not human beings.
We noted they are amoral. That should have given us a clue.
We noted they do not FEEL feelings. That should have instructed us.
We noted they are heartless. That should have set off the alarm.
These creatures lack elements which distinguish the human being.
They exhibit no connection with, no understanding of what we call "morality," "honesty," "decency," "fair play," etc.
They lack the faculty we call empathy.
They lack the faculty we call introspection.
Mankind has spent centuries trying to make sense of these creatures as some form of human being. All in vain. Not only in vain, but at enormous on-going cost to our civilization. These creatures are not human beings gone wrong. They are a different species... dedicated to the murder of human values... as a prelude to the murder of human beings... e.g., the tactics used by Nazis, past and present.
They laugh at us.
They say:
"No one understands us. People can't put themselves in the minds of men who act without a conscience. They try to understand, but they can't."
These creatures do not THINK human. They do not SPEAK human. They do not know what it is to BE human.
We classify them as "humanoid."
Yes, they have human form. If we manage to resist their onslaught long enough, we will eventually develop technical scanning equipment which will measure how different they are from human beings, despite their similarity of form.
In the meantime, the quality of our lives... and often our very lives... depends on our recognizing these creatures for what they are, and taking steps to neutralize their attempts to destroy us.
Since they do not understand the reason for such laws, they argue they cannot be held accountable for their actions. Not so. While they take the position the law does not apply to them, they do know the law was enacted to apply to everyone.
Furthermore, if they try to claim they didn't know there was such a law, we respond with a firmly established principle:
"Ignorance of the law is no excuse."
When they use those arguments, they make it clear they will continue to operate in accordance with their structure.
We may look for remorse (a human capacity). We find none. They do not think of themselves as promulgating evil. They are simply doing what it is in their structure to do. The rattlesnake does not think of itself as evil when it injects poison. It is simply doing what it is in its structure to do.
Experience has shown humanoids continue to behave in the ways of their species... murdering human values as a prelude to murdering human beings. Nazis demonstrate this graphically.
The issue as to whether to hold them "accountable," in our human sense of the word, has to be divided into two parts. We do not hold them accountable for BEING what they are. We do hold them accountable for the damage they DO.
When a dog gets rabies, we don't hold the dog accountable for becoming rabid. What we do, as a matter of self-protection, is put the dog down BEFORE it bites us, BEFORE it infects us.
We do not hold the rattlesnake accountable for HAVING poison fangs. What we do, as a matter of self-protection, is kill the rattlesnake BEFORE it kills us. So with the humanoid.
We need to be on our guard at the first sign of a murder of human values.
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